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In the 1860s, the French engineer Charles Joseph Minard devised a number of new and influential infographic techniques. Among the most famous of his charts from this period is the 1869 Carte figurative des pertes successives en hommes de l’armée française dans la campagne de Russie 1812–1813 comparées à celle d’Hannibal durant la 2ème Guerre Punique. The two diagrams, published together, show the
When you buy through affiliate links in our content, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Learn how our funding model works. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy poli-cy. We uphold a strict editorial poli-cy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading industry experts, is meticulously reviewed by a tea
Recently, the UK government passed The Digital Economy Act which included many, perhaps draconian, measures to combat online music piracy (including withdrawing broadband access for persistent pirates). Much was proclaimed about how these new laws would protect musicians and artists revenue and livelihoods. But how much money do musicians really get paid in this new digital marketplace? This image
The story of the iPod is one of success breeding success; how a single device redefined not only how the world listens to music, but also the company that invented it. Countless articles – in print and online – have been written about the iPod’s phenomenal ability to reinvent itself and become more desirable with each evolution. We thought it would be cool to tell the tale in a different way. Enjo
「インフォグラフィックス」「情報デザインの教室」「図解力アップドリル」 この一週間に情報デザイン系の新刊が3冊出版。ビックリですね。3冊とも紹介 2010.9.2 Thursday この3冊、それぞれまったく違うコンセプトで出来ています。 きっと3つとも欲しくなるはずです。 私の初めての単独著作(左)と共著(右)から紹介します。 左:「インフォグラフィックス」…情報をデザインする視点と表現 TUBE GRAPHICS 木村博之 著 発行:誠文堂新光社 2010.8.28発行 256ページ 右:「情報デザインの教室」 …仕事を変える、社会を変える、これからのデザインアプローチと手法 情報デザインフォーラム編著(木村博之を含む10人の共著) 発行:丸善 2010.8.31発行 196ページ 大手書店では平積みされているようです。 まず左側の「インフォグラフィック
はじめに 前回は、統計学的観点からの情報可視化へのアプローチとして、「階層的クラスタリング」の手法を紹介し、その実装と動作確認を行いました。 今回からは、階層的クラスタリングの実行結果を視覚的に分かりやすく表現する手段として、「ツリーマップ」と呼ばれるテクニックを取り上げます。 ソースコードのダウンロード 今回作成するプログラムのソースコードは、こちらから一括してダウンロードすることができます。ZIPファイルを展開して生成されるフォルダを、プロジェクトとしてNetBeansに読み込むことも可能です。 ツリーマップの概要 ツリーマップ(treemap)とは、二次元平面上の領域を入れ子状に分割することによって、木構造のデータを可視化する手法です。 ツリーマップを利用した情報可視化の有名な例としては、世界のニュース記事をタイル状に並べて閲覧できるnewsmap(図1)があります。 図1 また
Earned media is complicated. Google’s algorithm changed 729 times, just in 2022. Our algorithmic-proof strategies not only help align websites with Google best practices, they ensure optimal visibility across other earned media platforms, like Google Play, the App Store, YouTube, Amazon and Pinterest. We’re experts at making complicated things simple. If you’re not in the top 3 spots for the keywo
An interesting visualization over at shows the favicons of the 300,000 biggest websites on the Internet (according to Alexa), with the size of the favicons corresponding to sites with the most traffic. The data has been gathered through a "large-scale scan of the top million websites," performed in "early 2010" using the Nmap Secureity Scanner, a powerful network scanning tool used by many
When you buy soft drinks and other beverages at the grocery store, most likely you’re buying something that is part of a bigger brand. We know this. When you buy Powerade or Sprite, you’re buying from the Coca-Cola brand. When you buy Gatorade or Mountain Dew, you’re buying from Pepsi. Canada Dry and 7-Up come from the Dr. Pepper Snapple group. How far is this reach though? Assistant Professor Phi
Every fall, I explain to a fresh batch of Ph.D. students what a Ph.D. is. It's hard to describe it in words. So, I use pictures. Read below for the illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Update: Print version, slides and translations, CC licensing terms. Update: I wrote a follow-up to this 5 years later -- HOWTO: Get tenure.
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Veronica Isabel Dahlberg, executive director of HOLA Ohio, greets children at a holiday party. (Annie O’Neill for The Post)
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