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3D Reconstruction Research Papers -
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Upon visiting the megalithic site of Ħaġar Qim in Malta, one is immediately struck by the fine workmanship of the remaining façade. However, studies on remains of a model discovered in another local megalithic site which represents a... more
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      CommunicationCultural HeritageSimulation (Computer Science)3D Reconstruction
The will to recreate a graphic reconstruction of a lost architecture (as well as a transformed, or damaged, or never built one) asks to make logic investigations, putt ing together all the possible evidences. This process needs an... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureModeling3D Reconstruction
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      3D ReconstructionIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)3D Modelling (Architecture)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
Underwater photogrammetry in archaeology in Egypt is a completely new experience applied for the first time on the submerged archaeological site of the lighthouse of Alexandria situated on the eastern extremity of the ancient island of... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime Archaeology3D ReconstructionDigital Photogrammetry applied to Archaeology
Il disegno ha dato il suo contributo nell’analisi della città: con esso l’uomo ha cercato nei secoli e per differenti scopi, di studiare e rappresentare la morfologia della città. La ricerca spazia dall’analisi della rappresentazione... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Urban PlanningSurvey Research3D Reconstruction
3-D microstructure of polycrystalline aluminium microstructure has been reconstructed on the basis of microscopic analysis results of actual α-Al2O3 microstructure by using Laguerre tessellation. SEM images of sintered bodies were used to... more
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      Microstructure3D ReconstructionCeramicsAlumina
The study covers the geomorphological transformations of the area in which the city of Urbino rises, starting from the first Roman settlement, until reaching the nineteenth-­‐century nucleus and the current situation. The design of the... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban Studies3D ReconstructionVirtual Reconstruction
The advent of the smartphones brought with them higher processing capabilities and improved camera specifications which boosted the applications of mobile-based imagery in a range of domains. One of them is the 3-D reconstruction of... more
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      EducationPhotogrammetryScience Education3D Reconstruction
Most 3D reconstruction approaches passively optimise over all data, exhaustively matching pairs, rather than actively selecting data to process. This is costly both in terms of time and computer resources, and quickly becomes intractable... more
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      RoboticsComputer VisionRobot Vision3D Reconstruction
Lo studio di Arquata del Tronto, finalizzato alla ricostruzione virtuale dello stato antecedente gli eventi sismici, è stato sviluppato grazie al contributo di un gruppo interdisciplinare1 e secondo un processo che è partito... more
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      3D ReconstructionSeismic analysis and design
The work presented below is part of the results of a research project at UPM. The objective of the research consisted in the reconstruction of a selection of architectural projects chosen for both, its importance in the historical... more
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      Structural EngineeringArchitectureComputational GeometryArchitectural Geometry
The optical methods for 3D modelling of objects can be classified into two categories including image-based and range-based methods. Structure from Motion is one of the image-based methods implemented in commercial software. In this... more
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      3D Reconstruction3d Modeling
We focus on generating consistent reconstructions of indoor spaces from a freely moving handheld RGB-D sensor, with the aim of creating virtual models that can be used for measuring and remodeling. We propose a novel 6D RGBD odometry... more
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      3D Reconstruction3D Modelling (Architecture)KinectKinect Sensor
Ce papier présente une méthode de mise en correspondance de scènes urbainesà partir de paires d'images stéréoscopiques satellitaires très haute résolution. Nous proposons une méthode se basant sur une coopération de deux techniques... more
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    • 3D Reconstruction
Since 30 technology appeared, a bunch of its possible applications in various fields of knowledge was opened. This book presents some of the most significant projects developed in Brazil, derived from the work of professionals of very... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Archaeology3D Reconstruction3d Modeling
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsRobotics (Computer Science)
This book provides a visual reconstruction of Palmyra, a World Heritage Site situated in Syria, which flourished in Greco-Roman times. Palmyra is situated in a desert oasis and served as a vibrant caravan station on the Silk Road... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationCultural World Heritage Sites3D Reconstruction
In this research effort, we propose a novel mesh smoothing algorithm using Cubic B-Splines. The basic fact that the coordinates of neighboring vertices of a mesh vary insignificantly is the underly-ing idea of this paper. The mesh... more
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      3D Reconstruction3d ModelingB-spline
Digital erstellte und somit virtuelle 3D-Modelle finden in den historischen Wissenschaften mittlerweile in vielerlei Art Verwendung. Während die Digitalisierung existierender historischer Objekte vor allem technische und logistische... more
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      3D Reconstruction3D Modelling (Architecture)3d Modeling
Resumen La investigación llevada a cabo para plasmar de la forma más fiable los contenidos históricos representados en objetos tridimensionales dentro de un juego interactivo, se ha obtenido como resultado el desarrollo del proceso de... more
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      3D ReconstructionGamificationDidattica musealeAutodesk maya
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      3D ReconstructionClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya Art
The aim of this study is the creation of a multimedia totem with the use of video mapping techniques, representing a particular form of augmented reality, in order to provide new means - different from the existing ones- for museum... more
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      Augmented RealityMultimedia CommunicationsMuseums and Exhibition DesignEdutainment
Новый импульс развитию исторической урбанистики дало появление 3D-технологий, на основе которых стало возможным создавать виртуальные реконструкции исторической городской застройки в ее эволюции. Главная задача данного исследования –... more
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      Digital HumanitiesUrban HistoryDigital HistoryHumanities Visualization
In my dissertation I describe the building history of the church of the Saviour in Utrecht, Holland. The church was founded in the remains of a Roman castellum that merovingian 'maiordomus' Pippin had transferred to the Anglo-Saxon... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyDiplomatics (Medieval)3D Reconstruction
Forward Collision Avoidance (FCA) systems in automobiles is an essential part of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles. These devices currently use, radars as the main sensor. The increasing resolution of camera... more
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      Information SystemsEmbedded SystemsRadarEmbedded Software
first of a series of recreations in SketchUp in which we imagine the Via dell'Abbondanza of Pompeii 2000 years ago ===// primera de una serie de recreaciones en SketchUp en las que queremos imaginar la Via dell'Abbondanza de Pompeya... more
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      Urbanism (Archaeology)Digital ArchaeologyPompeii (Archaeology)3D Reconstruction
Uno degli eventi artistici più importanti ed emozionanti della storia dell'architettura rinascimentale fu sicuramente il concorso del 1518 per la costruzione di San Giovanni dei Fiorentini in Roma, indetto da Papa Leone X. Tale... more
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      ArchitectureRenaissance HumanismRenaissance ArtArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
We introduce a technique that allows 3D information to be captured from a conventional flatbed scanner. The technique requires no hardware modification and allows untrained users to easily capture 3D datasets. Once captured, these... more
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      3D ReconstructionColour Photometric Stereo
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      Augmented Reality3D ReconstructionMaya ArtHCI
Nell’ambito della collana “Hierapolis di Frigia”, diretta da Francesco D’Andria, è stato ora pubblicato il volume VIII, in due tomi, F. D’Andria, M.P. Caggia, T. Ismaelli (a cura di), Hierapolis Di Frigia VIII. 1-2 Le Attività delle... more
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      Archaeology3D Reconstruction3D Modelling (Architecture)Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
artículo saliera adelante al profesor Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo, catedrático de arqueología de la misma universidad. Esta aportación ha contado con la ayuda de las becas de colaboración e investigación del ICAC. Finalmente, dar las gracias a... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryByzantine ArchitectureByzantine Archaeology
Building information models (BIMs) are maturing as a new paradigm for storing and exchanging knowledge about a facility. BIMs constructed from a CAD model do not generally capture details of a facility as it was actually built. Laser... more
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      Building Information Modeling3D Laser scanning (Architecture)3D Reconstruction
1. Introduction The 3D information of an object to be surveyed can be basically acquired in two ways: using stereo image acquisitions or optical distance measurement techniques. The stereo image acquisition is already known and used for... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeomaticsPhotogrammetryCultural Heritage
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      Mesolithic Archaeology3D ReconstructionArchaeological TheoryPrehistory
Uaxactún y las reconstrucciones tridimensionales de sitos mayas del Peten. Contributo del Arq. Juan Antonio Valdes
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      3D ReconstructionClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya Art
l'affascinante e misteriosa avventura di un orfano che vive da solo nei meandri di una stazione ferroviaria parigina agli inizi del secolo scorso. Proprio quando comincia la magica storia del cinema...
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      3D ReconstructionCinemaMartin Scorsese
Группой дизайнеров под руководством авторов статьи была проведена графическая рекон- струкция двух военных укреплений, возведенных в XIX в. российскими войсками на территории Южного Казахстана – форта Раим и форта Верный. Данная... more
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      Military HistoryGraphic DesignCentral Asian Studies3D Reconstruction
The Civil War shipwreck H.L. Hunley has been the focus of intensive research from its discovery in 1995. Since its recovery in 2000 and subsequent excavation, archaeologists have employed advanced 3D measurement techniques to document the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPhotogrammetryAmerican Civil War3D Reconstruction
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      Art History3D ReconstructionArt and technologyBaroque art and architecture
Yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin hız kesmeden gelişip dönüştüğü günümüz dünyasında, Web henüz tamamlanmamış bir proje olarak sürekli yeni boyutlar kazanmakta ve farklı tartışmalara sebebiyet vermektedir. Başlangıç aşamasında "Web 1.0"... more
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      Web 2.0Facebook3D ReconstructionMetaverse
The report focuses on two main calibration tools, i.e., single camera and setreo vision system calibration. The goal of the report is to show how one of the most known techniques for camera calibration can be used to calibrate any given... more
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      3D ReconstructionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Camera Calibration3D Computer Vision
The water supply system of Pune during the Peshwa Period is a testament to exemplary engineering, administration and city planning. System of cisterns, reservoirs, dipping wells (Ooswas), and underground artificial aqueducts (Nal/ Nahar)... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyWater resourcesUrban Planning
Archaeologists started to use 3D visualization and virtual reality in the ’80s. A discussion about the scientific value of such technology for archaeology commenced and has never stopped since. Many of the key points of this discussion... more
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      3D ReconstructionVirtual Archaeology3D visualisationTechnology and 3D Visualisation for Scientific Research in Archaeology
La crosse de Saint-Germain, par Nathalie Ginoux, Christophe Moulherat et Nathalie Fleury, in Les temps mérovingiens, Dossier d'Archéologie Hors-série n° 31, octobre 2015-p. 50-57. L’imagerie numérique 3D au service de l’orfèvrerie... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
La Realtà aumentata in spazi pubblici Il presente manuale è rivolto ad appassionati e sperimentatori in campo visivo che inten- dano acquisire le competenze per la realizzazione di performance di video mapping. Lo si è fatto rientrare... more
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      Augmented RealityVideo ArtAugmented Reality Art3D Laser scanning (Architecture)
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      3D Reconstruction3d Modeling
Lecture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, november 14, 2010). Updated english version of: SUÁREZ OTERO, J. (1999), La Tumba de Santiago, entre la Fe y la Arqueología, in VV.AA., Compostela na Historia. Redescubrimento-... more
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      ReligionHistoryArchaeologyComputer Science
The concept of a visualscape was introduced less than a decade ago as a generic term with the aim of unifying and extending within a GIS the ideas and scope of current analyses of ‘human’ visual space, independently of their scale or... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital Humanities3D GIS
In recent years various methods of visibility analysis have been applied to investigate human engagement, experience and socialisation within historic and prehistoric ’natural’ and built environments. On many occasions these approaches... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital Humanities3D GIS


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