Learning environments and evaluation of learning outcomes

Learning environments and evaluation of learning outcomes research area examines questions of learning, teaching, learning environments and evaluation of learning results from a multidisciplinary and methodical perspective.

A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the Evaluation of Learning Environments and Outcomes

Learning is examined at the level of the individual, group and communities and as an interaction between them

International comparative evaluation studies of learning outcomes and education produce reliable information on how the goals set for education (e.g. the basics of the basic education curriculum ) have been achieved. 

The subjects of interest in the research are the results of school systems in different countries, the competence of children, young people and adults, and factors related to teaching, studying, home and the school environment. In addition, they provide information on the realization of equality in education and what kind of changes are taking place in competence (reliable trends) and the factors influencing the results. 

Learning is examined at the level of the individual, group and communities and as an interaction between them, increasing understanding especially of the individual and social variation of learning processes. The research produces new information on how technology is used in a pedagogically appropriate manner in teaching and as a support for learning. Examples of research themes are technology-supported community learning and problem solving, as well as adaptive solutions for the school of the future that utilize artificial intelligence and learning analytics.

The research area also examines the connections between learning processes and results, especially in technology-supported and physical learning environments.



Research projects