Information seeking and research data management

Student, here you'll find the library's learning materials and classes.

Library Courses for Students

Training on Reference manager Zotero

Zotero training and guides

Learn to use Zotero, a reference management software, that allows you to create a personal database of references and generate in-text citations and bibliographies in a variety of styles.

Instructions for Zotero are in the Library Tutorial.

Guidance and classes

Guidance for thesis writers

If you have trouble with information seeking, book a consultation with an information specialist in your field: 


Book a workshop

Teachers and supervisors: Book an information seeking workshop for your group

Information seeking in different disciplines

Contact persons for subjects

Contact an information specialist in your subject:

Johanna Kinnunen, personnel trainings, team leader

Nina Kivinen: language studies, art and culture studies

Katri Koskinen: history and ethnology, music studies

Tytti Leppänen: education and psychology

Henna-Riikka Pennanen: social sciences, philosophy, and social work

Tiia Puputti: business and economics, communication studies

Matti Rajahonka: information technology, mathematics and science

Marjo Vallittu: sport and health sciences, researcher studies, open educational resources