Faculty of Information Technology

Information technology is needed everywhere. It's part of almost every significant phenomenon in the modern world – from climate change to human well-being, technology is needed to solve the challenges facing humanity.

One of the two largest university-level providers of IT education in Finland

Technology in the world around us is constantly developing and diversifying. At the same time, the need to understand and research information technology is growing ever greater.

Through our multifaceted education and interdisciplinary research, the Faculty of Information Technology strengthens society’s ability to adapt to the changes brought about by technological development. Our faculty prepares versatile IT experts for the needs of today and tomorrow.

Current news from the Faculty of Information Technology

IT is everywhere – Apply to study International Master’s Degree Programmes

Effective use of information technology demands academically trained IT experts. The international master’s degree programmes of the IT faculty are fully delivered in English and students come from all corners of the world! We have three programmes: M.Sc (Econ) Information Systems, M.Sc High-Performance Computing and M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence.

Doctoral School in the Faculty of IT

The doctoral degrees awarded are Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science (Economics and Business Administration). Doctoral studies can be completed in one of the following areas: Information Systems (PhD or DSc), Computational Science (PhD), Software and Communications Engineering (PhD), Cognitive Science (PhD) or Learning Science (PhD).

More information about the Doctoral School

Research at the Faculty of Information Technology

Our faculty’s mission is to shape the future digital society through research. We integrate technological, informational, organizational and business perspectives alongside a human approach into our research and education as well as the cooperation with stakeholders. Long-term research is the cornerstone of our close collaboration with businesses and social actors.


Read more about our research

Research groups

Events and Dissertations