adalah simbol perlawanan Aceh terhadap kolonialisme Belanda. Beliau adalah seorang uleebalang Blangpidie yang gagah berani. Perjuangannya menginspirasi generasi penerus untuk terus melawan penindasan. Mari kita telusuri jejak perjuangannya.
Presentasi ini akan mengupas profil Rozal Nawafil, seorang profesional muda yang aktif dalam pemerintahan dan organisasi kemahasiswaan di Aceh Barat Daya. Mari kita telusuri perjalanan hidup dan kontribusinya bagi masyarakat.
Luitenant-generaal Karel van der Heijden (1826 1892),'Ko ning Eénoo9i ook bekend als'Kareltle Eénooql Olieverfschil deÍ, l-1. Ha(ong, 1898.
Meunjo geutanjoë tangiëng droëteuh lagèë saboh bansa njang hina, njang leumoh, njang kon rnulia, njang djeuët gob peu-ngeut, njang djeuët gob peurintah wie-uneun, njang tém. Seumah bansa laén, njang tém teurimong peurintah nibak gob njang... more
Background: Smoking control policies' effectiveness requires all parties' active role. In Aceh, as a region that implements Islamic law, religious leaders and ulama are an important part of the success of a policy, including the... more
This article draws attention to the case of Aceh to analyse the mechanisms through which ideologically driven geographic imaginings obscured the role of place and class in colonial and anti-colonial violence in Indonesia. Its main... more
Oleh : Laila Yurin Nabila Hari ini harus kita akui bahwa umat muslim sedang dalam keadaan yang sangat terpuruk. Dari aspek apapun bahkan. Aspek pendidikan? Militer? Lingkungan? Politik? Ekonomi? Teknologi? Saya akan bahas satu dari... more
Islamic law of inheritance has extensively explained the entitlement and shares of different legal heirs in the estate of the deceased person. The shares of heirs are fixed and Allah Almighty knows its wisdom. Humans cannot meticulously... more
Method of Islamic studies has been a perpetually contested issue among scholars of Islam in both Western universities and Muslim academia as well. Taking the long-standing experience of Indonesian Islamic higher institution as a case... more
Electoral democracy has provided opportunities for candidates from individual path. Therefore, political parties do not become the single way to win the political election. This paper explores the victory of individual candidates in... more
Travel has a multidimensional value in Islam, encompassing spiritual, intellectual and social aspects. This concept is widely discussed in the Qur'an and hadith, which directs mankind to contemplate the signs of Allah's greatness through... more
Honoured for their historical symbolism and unique beauty, 'birds of paradise' , the native birds of the eastern islands of the Indonesian archipelago, Papua and eastern Australia were the object of fabulous imagination of outsiders,... more
In this study, according to the author it is important to do in order to see the understanding and practice of politics MPU on the settlement of the conflict. The practice is meant is the participation of scholars in an effort to drown... more
: Artikel ditulis oleh. : Fatimah Fauzia Milda Artikel ini membahas tentang stratifikasi sosial pada artikel perlindungan Perempuan lanjut usia korban bencana gempa bumi melalui tradisi sumbayng 40 di Sumatra Barat, Stratifikasi sosial... more
: Dionaldi Rahman Artikel tentang perlindungan perempuan lanjut usia korban bencana gempa bumi melalui tradisi sumbayang 40 di Sumatra Barat mengangkat pentingnya peran tradisi lokal dalam mendukung pemulihan psikologis dan sosial bagi... more
Kesamaan dan perbedaan adalah bagian integral dari interaksi manusia dalam berbagai konteks, termasuk di lingkungan sekolah. Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Telaga merupakan salah satu institusi pendidikan yang memiliki keberagaman latar belakang... more
Artikel ini membahas tentang dampak bencana gempa bumi tahun 2009 di Sumatera Barat terhadap perempuan lanjut usia dan peran tradisi lokal dalam memberikan perlindungan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Penulis menjelaskan bagaimana... more
The author raised this title because he wanted to know the meaning Of the Marraruk Tondok Tradition which is used as a tradition of inaugurating an area into a village, this is done as a tradition that has been passed down from generation... more
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Keberhasilan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Terminal Bus Tipe A di Kota Lhokseumawe. Selanjutnya, metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, dan dalam pengumpulan... more
The adhol guardian case often becomes a debate between traditional values and the application of modern law in Indonesia. This phenomenon reflects the complexity of the relationship between social norms, culture and the formal legal... more
This research investigates the conflict dynamics between former Free Aceh Movement (GAM) elites in the context of post-MoU Helsinki local elections in Aceh. The focus is to provide a comprehensive view of Aceh's post-peace political... more
Penjelasan ini mengungkap realita yang sebenarnya mengenai konsep tuhan.
Indonesia negara merupakan negara yang menganut sistem demokrasi. Politik menjadi sarana untuk mengambil dan menyampaikan keputusan bersama dalam kebajikan. Aceh menjadi wilayah yang diberikan kekhususan untuk mengatur wilayahnya sendiri.... more
The language of letters: Southeast Asian understandings of Ottoman diplomatics, by Annabel Teh Gallop, A. C. S. Peacock, and Ismail Hakki Kadi. In: Ottoman-Southeast Asian relations: sources from the Ottoman archives, ed. Ismail Hakki... more
Transportation needs of the crossing to the island of Ambon, Seram Island in path-Hunimua Waipirit since 2005 shows an increasing trend. Based on data from PT. Ferry Indonesia (Persero) Branch Ambon, since 2005 the flow of cargo through... more
Transportation of connective crossing of Ceram Island and Island Ambon during the time only reliing on one line in Waipirit-Hunimua. Though, since 2003, Ceram Island as part of Central Moluccas region have been bloomed to become 3... more
Ketidakstabilan politik akibat kemangkatan Sultan Mahmud Syah pada tahun 1812 telah diambil kesempatan oleh British untuk meraih pengaruhnya di selatan Tanah Melayu terutama bagi mendapatkan kuasa perdagangan di Singapura. Kelicikan... more
The poems in Arakundoe reveal how literature can become a bridge between history, trauma, and the future. By intertwining personal and collective memories, Pilo Poly’s work offers a space for reflection and emotional processing. The poems... more
The diplomatic relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the Sultanate of Aceh began with a common threat to Western influence and also ideological similarities. The success of the Ottoman Empire in conquering the city of Constantinople... more
The debate on the dating of the Acehnese-Chamic subgrouping has been inactive for nearly twenty years. However, new data on the Acehnese sub-lects and the interior mainland Chamic languages, and the historical studies of the Champa... more
uji syukur kepada Allah Swt atas segala limpahan rahmat, nikmat, serta taufik-Nya, sehingga penulisan buku dengan judul "Moderasi Beragama di Tengah Isu Kontemporer" dapat terselesaikan dengan baik dan berhasil diterbitkan dalam bentuk... more
In January 2008 at the bottom of the sand in Bogak Beach in front of Fisherman"s Housing Estate (Perumnel) in Hamlet XII, Bogak Village, Tanjung Tiram Sub-district, Batubara Regency, North Sumatera Province, a ship was found. After... more
Proyek Penelitian Pusat) beserta staf, tim peneliti, serta semua pihak yang memungkinkan terbitnya buku ini, kami ucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga. Mudah-mudahan buku ini bermanfaat bagi pembinaan dan pengembangan bahasa dan sastra... more
Artikel ini merupakan book chapter dalam Transformasi Feminisme Indonesia (LSPR, 2024). dalam artikel ini, penulis tertarik memahami dan mengobservasi dinamika sejarah masyarakat (historical anthropology) di balik perbedaan pandangan dan... more
Minimnya pengetahuan, kesadaran dan sikap merupakan indikator melemahnya multikulturalisme.Bila dibiarkan berlarut dapat menjadi pemicu konflik baik bersifat vertikal maupun horisontal di indonesia. Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Ambon... more
Dari hasil pengamatan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam ditemukan gejala-gejala atau fenomena-fenomena sebagai berikut: 1) Masih ada sebagian siswa yang mengantuk ketika berlangsungnya proses... more
This research examines the integration of customary law in the resolution of marital disputes in Indonesian Religious Courts using a normative legal approach and secondary data sources. Indonesia, with its rich cultural heritage and... more
Monument Juang 45 Kota Malang_Tugas sejarah_Karya siswa siswa SMAN 1 Kepanjen