NRL Monterey Research Projects
A sampling of research projects from the Marine Meteorology Division:
Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS)
COAMPS is a complete prediction system that includes a quality control and data assimilation scheme, options for modelinitialization, a non-hydrostatic nested mesoscale model with explicit moist physics and embedded aerosol, and an ocean data assimilation component. COAMPS software is available for more
COAMPS-OS provides the same capabilities as COAMPS, but packaged for workstation execution, with a user-freindly GUI and a local database management system to provide a flexible, on-demand, on-scene data assimilation and model forecast more
NOWCAST is a data fusion system that combines model and through-the-sensor data sources (satellite, radar, UAV) to provide a continuously updated depiction of the battlespace environment, with products tailored for specific warfighting requirements and delivered directly to the tactical decision more
Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting System
The ATCF system is a computer-based graphical display application designed to automate and optimize the forecasting process at operational tropical cyclone warning more
Adaptive Observations
This project site contains links to targeted observation and error sensitivity information derived from the adjoint of the Navy global forecast model (NOGAPS) and the adjoint of the NRL 3DVAR data assimilation procedure (NAVDAS). We also use these adjoint tools to diagnose the value provided by all observations (globally) more
A comprehensive collection of aerosol data, satellite imagery, NRL-developed aerosol model forecasts, and other related information reflects the broad range of aerosol research currently being conducted at NRL more
Fleet Applications and Handbook Publications
Links are provided to a variety of NRL publications of use to ship drivers, forecasters, mariners, and emergency planners around the more
Topographically Forced Flows
Modeling studies are used to gain a more complete understanding of topographically-forced flows, particularly in the coastal zone. Specific mesoscale flows of interest include: gravity waves, gravity wave breaking, wake phenomena, undular bores, and orographically-forced more
COAMPS Refractivity and EM Propagation Analysis and Prediction
Numerical weather prediction systems are utilized to analyze and forecast microwave refractive effects on Naval systems and more