What's The Difference Between Biodiesel and Renewable (Green) Diesel

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Whats the Difference between Biodiesel and Renewable (Green) Diesel

by Jesse Jin Yoon for Advanced Biofuels

With the intensifying search for a sufficient
alternative to oil-based energy, the
development of alternative energy sources
becomes increasingly relevant. Fuels
derived from biomass or biological sources
have received much attention. Among the
various alternative fuel options, biodiesel
and renewable diesel have been gaining
traction in popularity.
Although both fuels can be derived from
biomass, they are two distinctly different
fuels. The purpose of this paper is to define
both fuels and provide a general comparison
between the two fuels.

Before addressing the comparison between

biodiesel and renewable diesel, it is
important to first define petrodiesel, more
commonly known as diesel fuel or simply
Diesel fuel is a petroleum distillate rich in
paraffinic hydrocarbons.
Petrodiesel is produced from fractional
distillation of crude oil between 200C
(392F) and 350C (662F) at atmospheric
pressure, resulting in a mixture of carbon
chains that typically contain between 8 and
21 carbon atoms per molecule. [1]
Petrodiesel falls under the specifications
outlined by ASTM D975 in the United
States and EN 590 in Europe.


Petroleum diesel (Petrodiesel)

The distillation process of crude oil into its

fractions, including diesel, is depicted below

Figure 1. Crude oil is separated into

fractions by fractional distillation.
The fractions at the top of
the fractionating column have
lower boiling points than the
fractions at the bottom. The heavy
bottom fractions are
often cracked into lighter, more
useful products. All of the fractions
are processed further in other
refining units. [2]

vegetable oils or animal fats catalytically
with a short-chained aliphatic alcohol
(typically methanol or ethanol). Glycerol is
a by-product of this transesterification
process. [3]

Biodiesel is defined under the standard of

ASTM D6751 as a fuel comprised of
mono-alkyl esters of long-chain fatty acids
derived from vegetable oils or animal fats.
Biodiesel is also referred to as FAME (fatty
acid methyl ester) or RME (rape seed
methyl ester) in Europe.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Transesterification of triglycerides from animal fats or plant oil (1) with methanol
(2) to yield biodiesel (3) and glycerol (4). [3]
Biodiesel is chemically different from
petrodiesel and renewable diesel because it
contains oxygen atoms (note the O in the
biodiesel (3) structure above). This leads to
different physical properties for biodiesel.
Biodiesel is created using a large variety of
feed stocks. [4]

and soybean oils are most commonly
used, soybean oil alone accounting for
about ninety percent of all fuel stocks in
the US. It also can be obtained
from field pennycress and jatropha and
as mustard, flax, sunflower, palm
oil, coconut, and hemp.
Waste vegetable oil (WVO);

Animal fats including tallow, lard, yello

w grease, chicken fat, and the byproducts of the production of Omega-3
fatty acids from fish oil.
Algae, which can be grown using waste
materials such as sewage and without
displacing land currently used for food
Oil from halophytes such as salicornia

Biodiesel can be used in its pure form, or

blended with petrodiesel as an additive.
Biodiesel in its pure form is designated
B100 where the 100 refers to 100%
Biodiesels blended with
petrodiesel follow a similar nomenclature.
For instance, a blended fuel comprised of
20% biodiesel and 80% petrodiesel is called

Renewable (Green) Diesel

Renewable Diesel, often called green
diesel or second generation diesel, refers
to petrodiesel-like fuels derived from
biological sources that are chemically not
esters and thus distinct from biodiesel.
Renewable diesel is chemically the same as
petrodiesel, but it is made of recently living
biomass. [5]
The definition of renewable diesel is not as
straight forward as that of biodiesel. The
term renewable diesel has been defined
separately by the Department of Energy
(DOE) with the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) and the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
The specifics of the
definitions can be found in the appendix.
In addition, the terms renewable diesel and
green diesel have been further distinguished
based on the processing method to create the
composition. A brief description of this can
be found in the appendix. [7]
For the purpose of this discussion, the term
renewable diesel will refer to all diesel
fuels derived from biomass that meet the
standards of ASTM D975 and are not monoalkyl esters.

Figure 3

There are three primary methods for creating

renewable diesel, hydrotreating, thermal
conversion, and Biomass-to-Liquid. [8]
Renewable diesel can be made from the
same feed stocks as biodiesel since both
require the tricylglycerol containing material
from biomass.
Renewable diesel blends follow the same
nomenclature as biodiesel.
diesel in its pure form is designated R100
while a blend comprised of 20% renewable
diesel and 80% petrodiesel is called R20.
Because renewable diesel is chemically the
same as petrodiesel, it can be mixed with
petrodiesel in any proportion but users may
need to add an additive to address lubricity
issue associated with compounds with no

Transesterification is a chemical process
where an ester is reacted with an alcohol to
form another ester and another alcohol. For
the creation of biodiesel, triglyceride oils
(esters) are reacted with methanol (alcohol)
to produce biodiesel (fatty acid alkyl esters)
and glycerin (alcohol). The process can be
seen below in figure 3 where R1, R2, and
R3 are long hydrocarbon chains, often called
fatty acid chains. [9]

As shown in the diagram above (Figure 3),

the triglyceride contains three separate ester
functional groups and can react with three
molecules of methanol to form three methyl
esters (fatty esters) and glycerol (glyceride).
The catalyst for this reaction is sodium
hydroxide or another strong base such as
potassium hydroxide. These hydroxides
cause the methanol to dissociate and
produce the methoxide ion, which is the
actual catalytic agent that drives the reaction
forward to create biodiesel.
Some feedstocks require a pretreatment
reaction before they can go through the

transesterification process. Feedstocks with

more than 4% free fatty acids, which include
inedible animal fats and recycled greases,
must be pretreated in an acid esterification
process. This process reacts the feedstock
with an alcohol such as methanol in the
presence of a strong acid catalyst such as
sulfuric acid in order to convert the free fatty
acids into biodiesel.
The remaining
trigylcerides are converted to biodiesel using
the transesterification process.
The overall biodiesel production process is
outlined in Figure 4 below. [10]

Biodiesel Production Process (Figure 4)

Acid Esterification. Oil feedstocks

containing more than 4% free fatty acids go
through an acid esterification process to
increase the yield of biodiesel. These
feedstocks are filtered and preprocessed to
remove water and contaminants, and then
fed to the acid esterification process. The
catalyst, sulfuric acid, is dissolved in
methanol and then mixed with the pretreated
oil. The mixture is heated and stirred, and
the free fatty acids are converted to
biodiesel. Once the reaction is complete, it is

dewatered and then fed to the

transesterification process.
Transesterification. Oil
containing less than 4% free fatty acids are
filtered and preprocessed to remove water
and contaminants and then fed directly to
the transesterification process along with
any products of the acid esterification
process. The catalyst, potassium hydroxide,
is dissolved in methanol and then mixed
with and the pretreated oil. If an acid
esterification process is used, then extra base
catalyst must be added to neutralize the acid
added in that step. Once the reaction is

complete, the major co-products, biodiesel

and glycerin, are separated into two layers.
Methanol recovery. The methanol is
typically removed after the biodiesel and
glycerin have been separated, to prevent the
reaction from reversing itself. The methanol
is cleaned and recycled back to the
beginning of the process.
Biodiesel refining. Once separated from
the glycerin, the biodiesel goes through a
clean-up or purification process to remove
excess alcohol, residual catalyst and soaps.
This consists of one or more washings with
clean water. It is then dried and sent to
storage. Sometimes the biodiesel goes
through an additional distillation step to
produce a colorless, odorless, zero-sulfur
Glycerin refining. The glycerin byproduct contains unreacted catalyst and
soaps that are neutralized with an acid.
Water and alcohol are removed to produce
50%-80% crude glycerin. The remaining
contaminants include unreacted fats and oils.
In large biodiesel plants, the glycerin can be
further purified, to 99% or higher purity, for
sale to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic
industries. [10]

Renewable Diesel
The hydrotreating process is a process
utilized by petroleum refineries today to
remove contaminants such as sulfur,
nitrogen, condensed ring aromatics, or
metals. In this process, feedstock is reacted
with hydrogen under elevated temperature
and pressure to change the chemical
composition of the feedstock. In the case of
renewable diesel, hydrogen is introduced to
the feedstock in the presence of a catalyst to
remove other atoms such as sulfur, oxygen
and nitrogen to convert the triglyceride
molecules into paraffinic hydrocarbons. In
addition to creating a fuel that is very similar
to petrodiesel, this process creates propane
as a byproduct.
Because this process
requires fossil fuel-derived hydrogen, this
process is not 100% renewable and this must
be considered when calculating the energy
return, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and
carbon life cycle. [11]

Hydrotreating Process (Figure 5) [12]

Many companies are utilizing this

hydrotreating process as the basis for their
renewable diesel projects. For instance,
ConocoPhillips and Dynamic Fuels are
working with Tyson Foods to convert waste
animal fat into renewable diesel. Other
companies utilizing this technique include
Neste Oil Corporation in Finland, Eni in
Italy, and Petrobas in Brazil. [13]
Since this process is currently used by many
petroleum refineries, renewable diesel
blends can be produced with existing
refineries by co-processing the feedstock
with petrodiesel. The advantages of this
option when compared to constructing a
stand alone operation are still under debate.

Changing World Technologies are currently

slaughterhouse waste and other carboncontaining solid waste to create a fuel that
can meet the standards of both ASTM D396
and ASTM D975.

Biomass-to-Liquid (BTL) and FischerTropsche

Thermal Depolymerization (hydrothermal

processing, thermal conversion, cracking,
pyrolysis, rapid thermal processing)
Renewable Diesel Process

Yet another process for making renewable

diesel fuel is to convert biomass
(predominately cellulosic material) through
high-temperature gasification into synthetic
gas or syngas, a gaseous mixture rich in
hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
Fischer-Tropsche process is then used to
catalytically convert the syngas to liquid
fuel. This technology has been applied to
coal (coal-to-liquids fuel or CTL), and
natural gas (gas-to-liquids fuel or GTL) in
addition to BTL. [11]

Thermal depolymerization is another

process that can convert biomass or other
carbon-containing material into a bio-oil
that is then refined into a petrodiesel-like
fuel. Conversion temperatures are typically
570-660 degrees Fahrenheit with a pressure
range of 100-170 atmospheres. The process
converts the large polymers (cellulose,
hemi-cellulose, lignin, and proteins) of
biomass into smaller molecules. As a result
of this process, organic vapors, pyrolysis
gases, and charcoal are produced. The
vapors are condensed to produce pyrolysis
oil or bio-oil. [11]

When an organic material is burned, it can

be completely oxidized or gasified to carbon
dioxide and water, or it can be partially
oxidized to carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
The partially oxidized gasification reaction
is accomplished by restricting the amount of
oxygen during the combustion process. The
resulting carbon monoxide and hydrogen
mixture is the syngas which is the starting
material for the Fischer-Tropsche process.
The Fischer-Tropsche process is a set of
chemical reactions that converts the syngas
to into liquid hydrocarbons. The overall
process can be seen below. [13]

BTL & Fischer Tropsche Process (Figure 6) [14]

Renewable diesel produced from BTL can

be created using any source of biomass
while other processes are limited to mainly
lipids, oils obtained from recently living
biomass. [13]
BTL technology is mainly still in the
research and development stages. Currently,
Choren in Germany is working with Shell
and VW on a BTL fuel it calls SunDiesel.
Choren has built a plant in Freiberg,
Germany with an estimated annual capacity
of 18 million liters of SunDiesel.

Use in Combustion Diesel Engines

All the fuels above can be used to power a

commonly referred to as a diesel engine. A
diesel engine is an internal combustion
engine that uses the heat of compression to
initiate ignition to burn the fuel, which is
injected into the combustion chamber during
the final stage of compression. This is
different than gas engines or spark ignition
engines which use a spark plug to ignite an
air-fuel mixture. The diesel engine is
modeled on the Diesel cycle, a
thermodynamic cycle both developed by
Rudolf Diesel in 1897. The figures below
describe the stages of the diesel engine
cycle. [15]

Stages of the Diesel Engine Cycle (Figure 7) [16]

Biodiesel is chemically different than
petroleum diesel and renewable diesel and
as a result, has different chemical and

physical properties. Below is a list of some

of the properties most commonly used to
describe a diesel fuel. See appendix for

Diesel Fuel Properties [12] [17]

Energy Density, MJ/kg
Density, g/ml
Energy Content, BTU/gal
NOx Emission
Cloud Point, C
Oxidative Stability
Cold Flow Properties

129 K
<10 ppm

Use in Diesel Engines

Renewable Diesel
As you can see from the table above,
renewable diesel possesses properties

118 K
<5 ppm

Renewable Diesel
123 K
<10 ppm
-10 to 0

similar to petrodiesel and thus can be used to

displace petrodiesel in any quantity. This is
because renewable diesel is chemically
similar to petrodiesel.
Again, for the

purpose of this paper, the term renewable

diesel refers to all diesel fuels derived from
biomass that meet the standards of ASTM
D975 and are not mono-alkyl esters. As
result of their similarities, renewable diesel
users must be aware that lubricity may be an
issue and may need to use additives to
address this issue. Users must make sure to
utilize an additive that is compatible with
renewable diesel in order to avoid engine
Although renewable diesel fuel meeting
ASTM D975 standards should operate fine
in your vehicle, it would still be wise to
consult with your engine manufacturer
before making the switch to R100 or any
level blend.
Biodiesel on the other hand, possesses
properties that are dissimilar to petrodiesel.
Biodiesel users must be aware of these
differences for they may affect the operation
of their diesel engine.
Some of biodiesels properties can present
benefits over traditional petrodiesel. The
use of biodiesel can include a reduced net
CO2 emissions, reduced HC and CO
emissions, and lower visible smoke.
Biodiesel also has a higher cetane number,
contains no aromatics, and is non toxic and
biodegradable. Lastly, biodiesel has low
sulfur content and improves lubricity.
On the other hand, some properties of
biodiesel present concerns. Biodiesel may
not be compatible with certain metals
causing corrosion. These metals include
zinc, copper-based alloys, tin, and lead.
Biodiesel can also cause certain elastomers
and seals to swell or harden.
There is also concern with the increase of
NOx emissions, especially at higher blend
levels. This is especially critical to consider
when using biodiesel in newer vehicles

equipped with certified emission control

technologies for the more stringent 2007
NOx emission standards.
Biodiesel can also negatively impact lowtemperature operability due to its higher
cloud point and pour point properties.
Biodiesel compatible additives may need to
be utilized to address these low-temperature
issues. Other additives may need to be
utilized to address the poorer thermal and
oxidative stability of biodiesel. Again,
additives used must be compatible with
biodiesel fuel.
Lastly, biodiesel has lower energy content
than petrodiesel. Although this lower value
may not be noticeable at blend levels of B2
or B5, users of high blend levels or B100
may notice a drop in power output as well as
fuel efficiency. [18]

Biodiesel and Manufacturers

Over the past few years, manufacturers have
been working to support the use of biodiesel
in their engines and equipment. However, it
is important to recognize that manufacturers
have limited field experience with biodiesel
from which to base their recommendations
for biodiesel use. Never-the-less, many
manufacturers permit the use of biodiesel at
blends of B2, B5 and even B20 in their
engines. As a biodiesel user, it is important
to check with the vehicle manufacturer
before using biodiesel in any engine.
For instance, John Deere has been a known
supporter of biodiesel and committed to
environmentally friendly engine solutions.
They were one of the first off-highway
engine manufacturers to factory fill
biodiesel in North America. John Deere
prefers the use of B5 but will allow
concentrations up to B20 in their engineers
through Tier 3/Stage IIIA models, including
all non-emissions-certified engines. Note
that blends up to B20 can only be used if the

biodiesel (B100) meets ASTM D6751, EN

14214 or equivalent specification. For this
reason, biodiesel users are strongly
encouraged to purchase biodiesel blends
from a BQ-9000 Certified Marketer and to
source from a BQ-9000 Accredited
Producer, as certified by the National
Biodiesel Board.
Although John Deere takes the above stance
on their engines, users must realize that John
Deere does not manufacture all engines used
in their equipment.
As a result, the

equipment you purchased from John Deere

may have an engine from a different
recommendations for the use of biodiesel.
Biodiesel use is still relatively new and still
growing. Manufacturers continue to test,
study, and research the effect of biodiesel in
their engines and equipment. As a result, a
manufacturers stance on biodiesel is
continuously changing as they release new
vehicles and gain more field experience.
For this reason, it is critical to check with
your engine manufacturer before using
biodiesel, at any blend level, in your engine.

Renewable Diesel and Biodiesel for Tax
Credits and Engine Acceptance [6]

is the common definition of biodiesel as a

mono-alkyl ester. The other part is for Nonester renewable diesel.

For tax credit purposes, the Department of

Defense (DOE) and the IRS broadly define
renewable diesel. A definition of and tax
credit for renewable diesel were included in
Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005.

EPA defines renewable fuel broadly to

include potential future fuels.

The term renewable diesel means fuel

derived from biomass (as defined in section
45K(c)(3)) using a thermal depolymerization
process which meets(A) the registration requirements for
fuels and fuel additives established
by the Environmental Protection
Agency under section 211 of the
Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545), and
(B) the requirements of the American
Society of Testing and Materials
D975 or D396.
The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) issued its rule on the federal
renewable fuel standard (RS).21. EPA
includes renewable diesel as one of two
parts of the definition of biodiesel. One part

EPA made a distinction between biodiesel

and renewable diesel using equivalence
values. The equivalence values determine
how to add volumes of different fuels
together for the purpose of RFS (Renewable
Fuel Standard) tracking. Biodiesel (monoalkyl esters) has an equivalence of 1.5.
Non-ester renewable diesel has an
equivalence value of 1.7. This reflects that
EPA views renewable diesel as higher
energy content than traditional biodiesel.
EPA elaborates on its definition of biodiesel
in section III.B.2. (p. 23917) of its rule.
renewable diesel in this section states that
the term refers to a motor vehicle fuel or
fuel additive that:

1) meets the registration requirements

for fuels and fuel additives
established by the Environmental
Protection Agency under section
7545 of this title (Clean Air Act
Section 211);
2) is not a mono-alkyl ester;
3) is intended for use in engines that are
designed to run on conventional,
petroleum-derived diesel fuel, and
4) is derived from non-petroleum
renewable resources.
examples of a non-ester renewable
diesel include: renewable diesel
produced by the Neste or UOP
process, or diesel fuel produced by
processing fats and oils through a
refinery hydro-treating process.

Defining the Alternatives [7]

Renewable Diesel has been defined as the
product of using thermal depolymerization
to create fuel. The IRSs ruling refers to any
biomass process using heat as thermal
depolymerization and the processed fuel is
eligible for the $1-per-gallon blenders tax
To many, especially chemical engineers, the
term thermal depolymerization means
something more specific. According to
NRELs Robert McCormick, thermal
depolymerization means a chemical
process driven exclusively by heat and
pressure without the use of a catalyst. This
process is considered identical or at least
very similar to pyrolysis and can be in the
presence of steam, which could be called
hydrothermal processing-still a form of
thermal depolymerization.
Thermal depolymerization, the feedstock is
heated to temperatures between 570 and 660
degrees Fahrenheit, under pressure between

100 to 170 atmospheres. The reaction time

is between 15-30 minutes.
Hydrotreating or hydroprocessing does not
fall under the chemical engineers definition
of thermal depolymerization. The term
green diesel has been used for
hydrotreated fuels, which is hydrogenation
conducted on molybdenum-or tungstensulfide-based catalysts supported on alumina
and promoted with cobalt or nickel. In
hydrotreating, the goal is to catalyze
reactions that use hydrogen to primarily
remove sulfur but also to remove nitrogen
and oxygen.
Typically, hydrotreating
requires temperatures between 600 to 700
degrees Fahrenheit with a lower pressure
depolymerization, 40 to 100 atmospheres.
Reaction times vary from 10 to 60 minutes.
To clarify, the IRS includes the following in
its definition of Renewable Diesel
(2) Thermal depolymerization is a process
for the reduction of complex organic
materials through the use of pressure and
heat to decompose long-chain polymers or
hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon into shortchain hydrocarbons with a maximum length
of around 18 carbon atoms. A process may
qualify as thermal depolymerization even if
catalysts are used in the process. [21]
Biodiesel Terms and Definitions:
Ash Ash is a measure of the amount of
metals contained in the fuel. Ash forming
materials may be present in three forms: (i)
abrasive solids, (ii) soluble metallic soaps,
and (iii) residual biodiesel catalyst. Abrasive
solids and biodiesel catalyst materials result
in wear of fuel system and internal engine
components exposed to fuel after injection.
Metallic soaps can contribute to deposits in
the fuel system. All ash forming compounds
can contribute to the accumulation of
materials on diesel particulate filters,
requiring filter maintenance. The levels

specified are May 31, 2006 considered

however, more stringent requirements may
be necessary for optimal particulate filter
maintenance intervals.
Cetane Number Cetane number is a
measure of the fuels ignition and
combustion quality characteristics. Biodiesel
blend stock typically has a higher minimum
cetane level than that of petroleum diesel.
Fuels with low cetane numbers will cause
hard starting, rough operation, noise and
increased smoke opacity. The level specified
is consistent with EMAs requested increase
in the minimum cetane number for
petroleum diesel fuel.
Cloud Point Cloud point is a test used to
characterize the low temperature operability
of diesel fuel. It defines the temperature at
which a cloud or haze appears in the fuel
under prescribed test conditions. The cloud
point for biodiesel blends is generally higher
than it is for petroleum diesel fuel. To avoid
component precipitation in vehicle fuel
tanks and blockage of fuel filters, the
traditional blending practices for D1 and D2
for a given ambient temperature should be
modified prior to blending with biodiesel.
Alternative low temperature operability test
methods such as Cold Filter Plugging Point
(CFPP) and Low Temperature Flow Test
may be agreed to between the supplier and
the purchaser of the fuel.
Copper Strip Corrosion The copper strip
compatibility problems with fuel system
components made of copper alloys such as
brass and bronze. The limit specified is the
same as that for petroleum diesel fuel.
Flash Point The flash point temperature is
the minimum temperature at which the fuel
will ignite (flash) on application of an
ignition source under specified conditions.
Flash point varies inversely with the fuels

temperatures are required for proper safety
and handling of fuels. Note that the biodiesel
component must meet a flash point criteria,
prior to blending, for the purpose of assuring
that the biodiesel component does not
contain methanol. It is not possible,
however, to rely on the flash point of the
blend for the same purpose inasmuch as the
flash point of the petroleum component is
much lower.
Kinematics Viscosity Kinematics viscosity
affects injector lubrication and fuel
atomization. Biodiesel fuel blends generally
have improved lubricity; however, their
higher viscosity levels tend to form larger
droplets on injection that cause poor
combustion and increased exhaust smoke.
The limits established provide an acceptable
level of fuel system performance for D1 and
D2 fuel blends.
Lubricity Lubricity is a measure of the
fuels ability to provide adequate lubrication
of the components of the fuel system,
including fuel pumps and injectors. The
precision required in the manufacturing of
these components and the significant
influence of abnormal wear require that they
be adequately protected from scuffing,
scratching, wearing, etc. that may affect
their fuel delivery characteristics. The level
recommended by suppliers of fuel injection
equipment for modern diesel engines.
Physical Distillation Distillation provides
a measure of the temperature range over
which a fuel volatizes or turns to a vapor.
D1 typically has a greater volatility than D2;
however, the inclusion of biodiesel at B20
blend levels results in comparable T90
directly affects the engines ability to
operate as intended. Biodiesel does not have
characteristic; however, the addition of

biodiesel to petroleum diesel in a blend can

result in an increase in T90 distillation
represented by a lower T90 temperature,
generally provides better fuel economy. The
T90 temperature specified has been
evaluated for engine performance with
biodiesel blends, up to B20, where the
petroleum diesel fuel utilized in the blend
met the requirements of ASTM D975.
Rams bottom Carbon Residue The Rams
bottom Carbon residue test is intended to
provide some indication of the extent of
carbon residue that results from the
combustion of a fuel. The limit specified is
the same as that for petroleum diesel fuel.
Sulfur Sulfur levels in fuel are regulated
by various governmental agencies to assure

compatibility with emission standard

requirements. In the United States there are
currently three sulfur grades: S5000, S500,
and S15, for both D1 and D2 petroleum
diesel fuel. Biodiesel blends may not exceed
the applicable maximum sulfur levels as
defined for petroleum diesel.
Water and Sediment Fuel should be clear
in appearance and free of water and
sediment. The presence of these materials
generally indicates poor fuel handling
practices. Water and sediment can shorten
filter life or plug fuel filters, which can lead
to engine fuel starvation. In addition, water
can promote fuel corrosion and microbial
growth. The level of water specified is
within the solubility level of water in fuel
and, as such, does not represent free water.
Limits are established to allow measured
results to be compared to a maximum level
acceptable for proper engine operation.

1. Wikipedia Diesel Fuel
a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_fuel
2. Fuel-Saver.org
a. http://www.fuel-saver.org/Thread-Hydrocarbon-cracking-System?page=27
3. Wikipedia Biodiesel Production
a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiesel_production
4. Wikipedia Biodiesel
a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiesel
5. Wikipedia Green Diesel
a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_diesel
6. Lane, Jim. Bioenergy PROFITS Princicples: How the Government Defines Renewable
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7. Kotrba, Ron. Defining the Alternatives. Biodiesel Magazine 11 Feb. 2008. Web-page.
a. http://www.biodieselmagazine.com/articles/2121/defining-the-alternatives
8. Biodiesel and Other Renewable Diesel Fuels. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
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a. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy07osti/40419.pdf

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a. https://engineering.purdue.edu/~dbuckmas/teaching/ASM345/Engines/Fuel/Biodi
10. US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
a. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/biomass/abcs_biofuels.html
11. Renewable Diesel Technology. Renewable Diesel Subcommittee of the WSDA
Technical Work Group
a. http://agr.wa.gov/bioenergy/docs/RenewableDieselWhitePaperFINAL.pdf
12. Kalnes, Tom. Marker, Terry. Shonnard, Dr. David. Koers, Kenneth. Green Diesel and
Biodiesel, A Technoeconomic and Life Cycle Comparions. 1st Alternative Fuels
Technology Conference 18 Feb. 2008. Web-page.
a. http://www.uop.com/renewables/Presentations/Green_Diesel_AFTC_Kalnes%20r
13. Rapier, Robert. Renewable Diesel Primer. R-Squared Energy Blog 17 Jan. 2009. Webpage.
a. http://www.energystocksblog.com/2009/01/19/renewable-diesel-primer/
14. Schubert, Paul. Leviness, Steve. Acuri, Kym. Stranges, Anthony. Development of the
modern Fischer-Tropsch process (1958-1999). Syntroleum 29 Aug. 2001. Web-page.
a. http://www.fischertropsch.org/primary_documents/presentations/acs2001_chicago/chic_slide03.htm
15. Wikipedia Diesel Engine
a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_engine
16. http://www.myrctoys.com/faqs/engine-diagrams-and-animations
17. Properties of Fuel
a. http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/pdfs/fueltable.pdf
18. Changes in Diesel Fuel: The Service Technicians Guide to Compression Ignition Fuel
Quality. 2007. Web-page.
a. http://www.biodieselautomotive.org/technical-resources/biodieselspecifications/changes-diesel-fuel-manual
19. John Deere Clarifies Position on Use of Biodiesel. John Deere Press Release 12 Nov.
2007. Web-page.
a. http://www.deere.com/en_US/rg/infocenter/infoevents/pr/2007/biodiesel.html
20. Biodiesel Terms and Definitions
a. http://www.thecoreiv.com/images/stories/biodiesel_terms_and_definitions.pdf
21. Internal Revenue Bulletin April 23, 2007 Notice 2007 37. Internal Revenue
Service 23 Apr. 2007. Web-page
a. http://www.irs.gov/irb/2007-17_IRB/ar13.html
Advanced Biofuels USA, an educational nonprofit organization,
advocates for the adoption of advanced biofuels as an energy
security, economic development, military flexibility, climate change
mitigation/pollution control solution. The key tool to accomplish this
mission is their web site, www.AdvancedBiofuelsUSA.org, a onestop-shop library for industry professionals and the general public;
from teachers and students to journalists, legislators, policy-makers,
Contact us at 301-644-1395 or info@AdvancedBiofuelsUSA.org

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