June 2015
June 2015
June 2015
Tickets In the S
City Employees Club Store
120 W. 2nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Arlene Herrero
(213) 225-1792
4:30 PM
presented by
Benefiting your
Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.
2 June 2015
JUNE 2015
NO. 10
Sixth Annual Hook and Ladder
Follow us on Facebook
June 2015 3
owned and published by the
Dave Wagner Editor..........................................................editor@lafra.org
Eric Santiago Creative Editor.....................................esantiago@lafra.org
Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Coordinator................jcsanchez@lafra.org
DisplayAdvertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260
Ryan Babroff, David Blaire, Doc DeMulle, Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin,
Steve Gentry, Juan Guerra, Brian Haimer, Gavin Kaufman, Ryan Ling, Rick McClure,
Mike Meadows, Lloyd Payne, Jeff Zimmerman, Yvonne Griffin, Laura Lichter.
Juan Albarran........................................................President
Robert Steinbacher .......................................Vice-President
Andrew Kuljis ........................................................Secretary
Barry Hedberg
Chris Hart
Chris Stine
Craig White
David Lowe
David Ortiz
David Peters
Doak Smith
Frank Hernandez
Frank Aguirre
Gene Bednarchik
James E. Coburn
Jeff Cawdrey
Joe Vigil
Mark Akahoshi
Rick Godinez
Steve Berkery
Steve Ruda
Steven Domanski
Tim Larson
Tyler Tomich
To contact a chaplain,
Please call Senior Chaplain Rick Godinez at (213) 797-2404
or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920
Greg W. Gibson...................Chaplain
Danny Leon..........................Chaplain
George A. Negrete...............Chaplain
Aquil F. Basheer..................Chaplain
Tim Werle............................Chaplain
Hershy Z. Ten.......................Chaplain
Roger Fowble.....................Chaplain
Mark R. Woolf.....................Chaplain
Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Craig Poulson.....................Chaplain
Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ..............................................................(323) 259-5290
Todd Layfer Executive Director..............................(323) 259-5243
Becky Valverde Human Resources Administrator.....(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano Controller/Treasurer...................(323) 259-5225
Bob Dillon Operations Manager..............................(323) 259-5233
Marlene Casillas Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217
Ana Salazar Member Services Coordinator.............(323) 259-5223
HealthSCOPE Benefits
4 June 2015
Hello again
As this June issue of the Grapevine is reaching you,
LAFRA should be all moved into our new location. The address
of our new headquarters is 7470 N. Figueroa Street, between the
134 Freeway and Colorado Blvd. This new location is just a few
blocks from the site of our former offices on the fourth floor at
815 Colorado Blvd. (the Credit Union building) The move did
not happen without the diligent help of your LAFRA staff. Everyone did their share of work . . . and then some. There is one person
who was entrusted with the large and small details of this move.
This person is Kevin Thome, our Facilities/Operations Supervisor. Kevin and his staff were instrumental in coordinating the
prepacking, packing and eventually the move to our new home.
Thanks to all involved (you too, Bob Dillon).
At our last Board meeting the Harrington Group presented
the results of their annual audit. The audit confirmed that LAFRA
is on track with the accounting principles generally accepted in
United States of America. We did have a couple of housekeeping items regarding vacation and time off for LAFRA employees.
We have since implemented better tracking tools for the recommended audit items.
As I move closer to turning age 65, I have to remind myself of more and more things. One of the things I will need to
remember is to sign up for Medicare part B before my 65th
birthday. This will allow me to maintain supplemental coverage
under the LAFRA PPO plan. I will not be charged the higher
premium rate and the Pension Department will not suspend my
medical subsidy. I know it is very confusing with a Medicare
Part A,B, and D, but a good place to start is by calling our
member services for clarification and additional information. Just
remember to do this three months before you turn 65.
Late in 2014, LAFRA staff attended an orientation for 43
LAFD recruits at our Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center.
We were able to secure medical coverage for many of the newly
appointed recruits. This 8th of May we returned to Drill Tower 81
to offer the recruits full LAFRA membership. The class gradu-
ated on the 14th of May and is now working in the field at various
On April 25, 2015, I had the pleasure of attending the
Volunteer Recognition luncheon. Our volunteers were treated to
a great lunch and the comedy stylings of Bob Steinbacher. Our
volunteer of the year was Lydia Andrews. Lydia works on many
projects for us, but from what I have seen around the office, she is
most involved with our golf tournament. Our volunteers are one
of the keys to our success as an organization. Thanks volunteers,
and a special thank you to Lydia.
And finally, a reminder - look for a small Relief dues
increase effective July 1, 2015.
Juan Albarran
June 2015 5
As usual we had tons of help from
our volunteers. We want to thank everyone
that volunteered their time, donated gifts and
helped in the many ways that make this a successful event. We cannot name everyone individually, but each year I try to recognize one of
the groups that helped. Last year we recognized
Teters Trailer (who cooked 700 hot dogs this
year!) and this year I would like to recognize
the registration crew. First and foremost a big
thank you to my wife Debbie, the Incident
Commander, who made it all work. Roy Prince
is the head honcho at the sign in table, and he
was assisted by Bob Saurman, Steve Saurman
and Sonja Reitmayer. T-shirt sales are handled
by Joannie Prince, Krissy Raden, and Kathy
Runyon. Joanne Grossman and Pam Abbott
took your money lots of it! Thank you. They
are there all day Friday and most of Saturday.
That does not include set up and tear down. It
gets a little hectic, particularly early on Saturday morning when everyone is trying to make it
to their class start time. That being said, please
try to come by registration on Friday afternoon
next year and avoid the rush.
6 June 2015
I heard of a trendy new cocktail being
served at Hook and Ladder this year. Its called
the Wrecked RZR. You need one of those
high powered two stroke motorized blenders
to make this concoction. You start with a 1000
cc motor, add four rubber tires, some plastic, a
couple of seats, and metal to taste. Throw that
in the blender with a ton of alcohol and there
you have the makings of a Wrecked RZR.
For the exact recipe you can talk to the guy
1. #743 Reitmayer family
2. #755 Maga family
3. #793 Tohill family
7470 N. Figueroa Street
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8 June 2015
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1-877-2 KHANNA
It is also important to know that even if
the hospital ER is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), the physician and other service
providers may not be.
If you do have a true medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.
Have you seen the billboards along the
freeway that read: Text ER to 23456 for Average Wait Times? This is very misleading. The
problem (besides texting while driving) is that
the ER will provide you with an average wait
time NOT how long you are going to wait at
that moment. And more importantly, it will cost
you more money to use an Emergency Room.
ER wait times tend to be noticeably
longand getting longer. In 2009, average
wait times reached 58 minutes, up from 47
minutes in 2003, according to a CDC report. In
addition, patients are triaged at arrival and are
then seen by a qualified medical professional in
priority order based on their presenting complaint and reason for visit.
The Urgent Care Association of Americas 2010 Urgent Care Benchmarking Report
surveyed nearly 1,700 urgent care centers and
found that about 65% of patients wait less than
20 minutes to see a provider. Overall, the report
noted a decrease in wait times and that wait
times shift throughout the daywith shorter
wait times during the mid-day hours, and longer wait times in the morning and evening
The following estimated costs are for nine of the most common
ailments treated at emergency rooms and urgent care centers:
June 2015 9
Alright men and women serving the
LAFD, looks like we have quite a few things
going on in the Battalion this past month.
From challenging structure fires, to physical
rescues, to grass fires, Battalion Inspection and
last but not least, the Shenanigans!
There has been a few challenging
structures fires on the East Side with all the
hills, long-narrow roads, and twists & turns in
the roads. But no worries, all was saved and
nobody was injured.
Lets start with the big house in the
battalion, Fire Station 12. On a hot afternoon,
after saving their favorite eatery My Taco
from burning to a crisp, a mutual aid dispatch
comes over the P.A. The boys at 12s are out
of the barn heading down the street to South
Pasadena. Upon arrival, there are SPFD
firefighters on scene donning their breathers
and smoke billowing out of a structure about
1/4 mile up about six acres of land. Truck 12
sets the maxis below, grabs ladders and tools,
while Engine 12 goes to the narrow street
above and attacks it from there. After the
engine company puts first water on the fire
and the truck takes a brisk hike up, then chop,
chop smoke, fire is out and overhaul is left for
the SPFD. Good job men.
Next we have another little challenging
fire in El Sereno. Lets just say dont underestimate the Brush Patrols, they put out structure
fires too! Old Los Angeles roads werent made
12 June 2015
Since last months issue of fantastic
stories it seems that people in Battalion 6 are
becoming hungry for more. Luckily, people
are starting to send them in.
Lately we have seen some interesting
and dynamic incidents, and all went considerably well. The rest of the Battalion and I
appreciate the hard work.
That being said, our first story comes
from good ole 48s. This story was written
so well that I am not even going to put it in
my own words. Once upon a time . . . Here
at the Task Force 48 we are either drilling on
Haz Mat stuff or getting ready for another big
Wharf Fire - LOL. That being said, we try to
keep our bodies in tip-top shape. So on the
C shift there are a lot of racket ball games
going on. Some of the main players are FF/
PM Shannon Saffo, FF Ruben Gonzalez, and
FF Robert Espinoza Jr.
One day, out on the engine, Captain
Frank Morales praised Saffo and Espinoza for
their commitment to lose weight and perfect
there FAT bodies into Spartan-like creatures.
He goes on to say he would give anything to
regain his youth and compete against those
young guys. Engineer Mike Monroy is listening to this conversation and makes the statement, Hey Cap, you were a great player back
in the day. I bet you could show these rubes a
trick or two. Why dont you challenge these
knuckle heads?
Now the bait is out. FF Saffo makes
a bet to old green eyes Gladiator Proximo
Captain Morales. Hey Cap, suit up anytime
you like.
Captain Morales is staying cool and
collected, sizing up this situation, using tools
of the trade he learned in the LAFD Leadership Class. Well here it comes, the proposition: I tell you guys I will suit up and play
you guys, but on several conditions.
I will play both of you guys by myself.
I get to serve first and if I ACE the first
serve I win the game.
Losers will have to cook my rotation
for the month of April and May.
Agree? Yes! How could we lose? He
is in the DROP, and has bad ankles. Youre on
Cap! So they return to the fire station and the
two racket ball experts suit up and are calling
Cap out to suit up. Captain Morales walks
into the court, uniform on, not even bothering
to change over. Okay boys, are you ready?
Yea Cap. Are you ready to take a beating?
Cap asks if he can take some warm up serves.
Go right ahead Cap, just dont hurt yourself.
So Captain Morales makes an attempt to
practice his serves, and with every ounce of
loom up at 112s
June 2015 13
Benefiting Your
- 10:30AM
June 2015
The guys (and their wives) at Fire Station 20 have had their hands full lately. Two
of the firefighters from 20-A had babies just
hours apart at the same hospital, St. Josephs
in Orange. Looking exhausted from the ordeal
are Jordan Purrington with Ruby Grace (6 lbs
14 oz. and 19 inches) delivered at 5:41pm on
4/12/2015, and Chad Miller with Aiden James
(7lbs. 6oz. and 20.5 long), popped out at
6:00pm on 4/11/2015.
Due to the staffing shortages caused by
the A/O written exam, Truck 11 was staffed
with an A/O, two Capt IIs and a Capt I. The
aggregate seniority on Truck 11 that shift was
126 years (Greg Malais with 34.5 years, Mark
Carcamo with 32, Carlos Caceres with 25, and
Dan Rodriquez with 34.5 years)
Paid Advertisement:
16 June 2015
The search is on for ten teenage boys and girls who would like
to travel to Berlin. Host families
in Germany will provide accommodations and food in their homes
for the participants. Transportation,
spending money and other expenses will be paid by the American
participants own families.
To qualify, teens must have
one parent on active LAFD duty.
Schedule of Events
The group will spend time
at such sites as the Berlin Gate,
Potsdamer Platz, Kurfurstendamm
Street (world class shopping) the
Berlin Tower at Alexander Platz,
the American Embassy, and other
cultural and historical spots worthy
of a visit by American teens. Host
families are encouraged to plan
their own unique activities for the
visitors as well.
Those interested in volunteering can contact Lisa Schechter or Isaac Burks (LAFD retired) in the office of
Councilman LaBonge for the application. They will be happy to answer any further questions you might have. The
applications deadline is June 12, 2015.
24s and 74s handled a grass fire at the 9900 block Foothill
Blvd on 5/2/15. Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN
June 2015 19
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20 June 2015
First Name:
Last Name:
Discover Credit Card No:
Exp. Date:
*CVV2 No:
22 June 2015
A fast moving grass/brush fire swept through about 50 acres in Granada Hills on 4/25/15.
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN, Mike Meadows and Adam VanGerpen
24 June 2015
Greetings from the Battalion that used
to sleep! Hope everyones summer is going
well so far! Im sure your family plans havent
been postponed or cancelled because of those
AH days. But dont worry, everyone department wide is feeling your pain!
Congrats to all those members who
took the A/O exam and passed. I heard it was
another appropriately written job specific
exam, which really spoke to the essence of the
duties and responsibilities of the A/Os job. To
all the A/Os out there, be on the lookout for
awnings with openings under drop ladders that
are larger or smaller than . . . well, you know
the appropriate size. No need for me to tell
This was written by one of our Battalion members. It was written so well I couldnt
change a thing.
Rumor has it that two of our rescue
heroes won the lottery and got assign hired
to the battalion that fights fire. Contrary to
popular belief, not everyone bangs in if they
are assign hired to RA 33. So our heroes
packed up their bags and a half a tank of gas
later they were greeted with overwhelming
Being a drill day, and never missing
the opportunity to objectively critique their
sister station in Battalion 11, the TF headed
out to 33s favorite above ground hose lay drill
site. A location amazingly found outside their
first-in. When they arrived, they were treated
to a sermon by the TFC on LAFD Religion
or what stations with more than single story
bungalows call a drop bag operation. The
drill was cut short when a supply line to an
improvised stand pipe ruptured. Luckily it
only tore bumpers off three parked cars. To
our heroes fortune, the drill did not end too
soon. As they learned that there is only one
way to drop bag from a six story parking
After filling their tool bag with the
Preferred Method to solving all above
ground challenges, our heroes got to witness the fruits of some real public education
efforts. Upon return from an EMS call, a wellinformed citizen welcomed our heroes back
to quarters. The citizen congratulated them on
the opportunity to work in Fire City. The
Valley Guys could finally see how The City
Guys fight a fire. Unfortunately our heroes
never gained that valuable experience. Even
though the engine and truck combined for
29 calls that day, none resulted in any orange
flame, light, medium or heavy smoke.
All that drilling and providing EMS
must have really wore the A/O out because
he chose to not cook a single meal in. Who
26 June 2015
A married
couple rushed to the
hospital because the
woman was in labor.
The doctor asked the
couple, I have invented a new machine
that you might want to try. It takes some of
the labor pains away from the mother and
gives it to the father.
So the married couple decided that
they would try it. The doctor hooked up the
machine and put it on 10% of pain switched
from the mother to the father. The husband
said, I feel okay, so go ahead and turn it up
The doctor turned it up to 50% and
the husband said, I dont feel a thing, go
ahead and turn it all the way up.
The doctor warned them, This
much pain could kill you if youre not prepared.
The husband replied, Im ready.
So the doctor turned the machine up
to 100% but the husband felt nothing. So
the young couple went home happy with a
pain free labor.
When they got home the mailman
was dead on the front porch.
June 2015 27
28 June 2015
Engine Co. No. 28, the restaurant, is
known for their bold innovations of firehouse
comfort food. They served up a choice of
grilled rosemary salmon, southern style pan
fried chicken and grilled vegetables rigatoni,
topped off with a chocolate layer-cake for dessert. After lunch LAFRA President Juan Albarran and V.P. Bob Steinbacher thanked all the
volunteers for their hard work and handed out
the awards.
Your Relief Association is always looking for a few good men and women to join the
Boot Brigade. For more info or to sign up to
volunteer, go to www.wodff.org/volunteer/
June 2015 29
Paid Advertisement:
Money Matters
It IS Different This Time
chapter of history.
30 June 2015
handball. The venue for handball will be at Los Caballeros Sports Village in Fountain Valley. The dates are July 13th and 14th, for both Singles and Doubles. The Divisions are Open, Contenders (B & C), Masters
(40-49) and Golden Masters (50+). Contact lafdhandball@yahoo.com or
www.firefighterolympics.org for information and registration.
Current LAFD singles champion Christopher Yokoyama, and
doubles champs Ryan Carlos and Joseph Steiner have been training hard
in anticipation of collecting Olympic Medals. San Francisco and San
Diego Fire Departments are rumored to have strong contenders in all
divisions. LAFD players who have not played in a two-day tournament
format should start to increase their cardio and flexibility, fatigue leads
to poor footwork and bad shot selection.
Paid Advertisements:
June 2015 31
32 June 2015
On April 26, 2015, companies first on scene in the 1200 block of Huntley Drive reported a one story vacant commercial building with smoke and fire
showing. The building was actually three stories, one story street level and two stories below ground on a hillside. The building on fire was located over
a homeless encampment. Shrubbery around the structure was also on fire. Firefighters initially attacked the fire with handlines, but as flames engulfed
the structure and the stability of the building was in question, they were ordered out. Firefighters then hit the flames with at least two ladder pipes and
lobbed water with hand-lines on the L shaped structure from outside. The main bulk of fire was knocked down in 40 minutes.
June 2015 33
CALL 866-213-8686
Paid Advertisement:
Angie Barajas
Business Development Center Director
34 June 2015
June 2015 35
Paid Advertisement:
For a FREE Consultation!
Download a Copy of The DROP Book at
The Drill Masters are Captain II Steven Skelly and Captain II Monica Hall. They
lead a highly motivated staff who spent months
building props, refinishing ladders, painting
classrooms and restoring apparatus to LAFD
standards. 56 recruits started Class 14-2 on
April 6, 2015, and the graduation is scheduled
for August 20, 2015.
Drill Tower 81, the Valley Recruit
Training Center, lead by Drill Masters Claudio
Fluxa and Sean Stilson graduated 29 of the 43
recruits who started on December 29, 2014, in
Class 14-1. The graduation was on May 14th,
which provided Fire Chief Terrazas with the
opportunity to promote one B/C, two Captain
IIs and 14 Captain Is in the field and six Inspector IIs and two Inspector Is in the FPB.
There are several programs provided
for firefighter candidates to assist them with
June 2015 37
Paid Advertisements:
38 June 2015
It might come as a shock to you that
those are the instructions from God to have a
healthy successful marriage. God tells the husband to love his wife as Christ loves the church
and for wives to respect her husband. You can
read Gods plan for marriage in Ephesians 5
and throughout the bible.
I know we all struggle in our marriages
because even those who withstand the test of
time will tell you, at times, it was hard work
and took a lot of trials and errors to get where
they are today - still married and in love with
each other and committed until the end.
I have been married to my amazing wife
Alma for 23 plus years and I am so in love with
her to this day. She is my best friend and we are
each others biggest fans, but it was not always
this way. My wife and I both came from parents
that were divorced and it was no surprise that
we had to seek counseling to help us figure out
why we were having so much difficulty in making our marriage work. Our counselor gave us
each a copy of a book called Love and Respect.
This book opened our eyes to what we
were doing wrong and changed our focus of
doing marriage Gods way and not ours. The
book explained how we as a couple could work
through difficult times and still be there for one
another. I have recommended this book to several couples over the years and have seen positive change in how those couples do marriage.
Here are some ideas that helped my
Never go to bed angry - work it out
before you go to sleep
Have each others back when conflict
Be quick to listen and slow to speak
Take a break if conflict gets heated
Agree to disagree
These are a few tips that helped my
marriage and many others. The bottom line for
me is that love is a decision and not an emotion. I choose to love my wife everyday I wake
up and it is my goal each day to let her know
that I do love her. I hope this helps or brings
some light to those marriages that are in the
dark. God wants your marriage to work. If that
is your desire, then make it work. Choose to
June 2015 39
n this edition of KTW Senior Firefighters Vidovich, Nicholson and Meiche will
discuss (1) how to address operational conflicts, and (2) resolving co-worker conflicts.
These topics and experienced-based opinions
should be points of discussion for all of us.
40 June 2015
situations. To avoid fireground confusion I prefer straightforward SOGs while taking the following into account: (1) Will it work, (2) Does
it make sense, and (3) What could go wrong.
To me #3 is the most critical If an operation
compromises safety or the incidents goal, then
its a No Go.
Anytime we train I feel its important to
discuss and evaluate what weve practiced. If it
makes sense, works, and is safe, then lets roll
with it. The key for me in avoiding operational
conflict on the fireground is training, pre-incident communication and ensuring everyone
understands their role.
FF Jim Nicholson, FS 114-B:
I make it personal by taking a
one-on-one approach when
first discussing fireground
operations. If disagreements
arise theyre discussed civilly
and without placing anyone
on the defensive. This should
prevent harsh feelings, which
messages in the locker room or on the fireground. Remember, communication and clarity
is paramount to any successful fire company.
Ive found that with this approach, if Im compelled to intervene during an operation, I can
do so more effectively.
FF Andy Vidovich, FS 5-C: Throughout my
thirty-four years on the LAFD Ive been very
fortune to work alongside some outstanding
officers and rated members. Because of this
Ive seen firsthand how quality officers manage
their operational and personnel matters, and
how well-respected rated members effectively
communicate their SOGs.
In my current assignment as an EIT
Im able to travel throughout the City interacting with a diverse group of officers and rated
members. These relationships have further reinforced that developing trust in one another
should be of the highest priority. Ive long
realized that effectively communicating operational differences and concerns is greatly dependent on this mutual trust.
Discussing a rated members SOGs or
an officers tactical consideration and actions is
much more effective in the engine house than
on the fireground. Over the years Ive learned
to avoid operational conflict through pre-incident communication and steady training. That
said, whenever an immediate safety concern
arises I will immediately voice my intentions
regardless of working relationships.
June 2015 41
Paid Advertisements:
Daughter of Retired
L.A.F.D. Captain
42 June 2015
P.O. Box 41903
Los Angeles CA
(800) 244-3439
him tell you his scores, to run away with the gross win and new member
Jimmy Hill did the same in the net.
This year was the year of the injury. In the A Flight, on day
one, both Gary Klasse and Randy Sousa came up lame is pulled muscles
in various parts of their bodies and had to withdraw. We also lost a couple
of guests players to injury. Lets hope they mend quickly, Im playing
with Gary in a partners tournament in May. It cant have anything to do
with age, Im positive.
The LAFD Golf Club would like to thank all of our players and
guests for attending and look forward to seeing you come back to our
Memorial Club Championship.
If any Los Angeles City firefighter, active or retired, is interested
in joining our club please visit our website lafdgc.com.
The following is the final scores in all four Memorial Club
Championship member flights, the names on the left are for gross scores
and the names on the right are for net scores:
B Flight
INDEXES 10.6 THRU 12.8
D Flight
INDEXES 21.5 THRU 32.6
* - Playoff on scorecard
June 2015 43
What Is The...
Extinguisher Fund?
Dinner: 7:00 PM
Chicken & Prime Rib - $55 per person includes tax, tip & gift
Call FS 77 - (818) 756-8677 or Carlos Limon - (818) 416-4330
Lunch: 2:00 PM
44 June 2015
n a clear evening in May, with a glorious view of the Valley, friends and
family gathered at the Odyssey to
honor Darrayle Prosser upon his retirement. It
was obvious by 6:05 pm that the room was too
small for the flood of firemen who came to help
Darrayle kick off the next chapter in his life. By
the time the restaurant staff had opened the partition and added another half-dozen tables, MC
John Nowell was calling the group to order. If
you miss a meal, he said, Its gone forever!
See you during dessert.
When the cheesecake finally arrived,
Nowell introduced Darrayles family of overachievers. Son Neal graduated from Berkeley
and is working on his Masters at Pepperdine.
Son Ryan is a Lehigh grad and is a project
manager for Brighton Engineering. Daughter
Marla is a freshman at UCSD. Sister Debbie
is an LAPD detective. And Karen, married to
Darryle for almost 30 years, has her MBA.
Nowell explained that Darrayle, with
his modest G.E.D., met Karen at the Howard
Johnsons in T.O. where she was doing a little
under-age drinking with a fake I.D. Somehow
he persuaded (blackmailed?!?) her into going
out with him and eventually marrying him.
Darrayle started Drill Tower 89 in
March of 1983. He spent his formative years
in Battalions 14 and 13 before transferring
to OCD. He became a staff assistant in 1989
and his partners over the years included Dave
Badget, Bob MacMillan, Louis Chatin and
Bill Cody. He was able to share his skills as
an instructor for rookie staff assistants and as
a command post trainer. Darrayle promoted
to captain in 2003, working at 64s and 81s.
He transferred to the Tactical Training Section
in 2006 where he excelled under the tutelage
of Nowell, Joe Castro, and a cadre of talented
captains. He went to FS 77 in 2008 and retired
seven years later, just short of 32 years on the
Former Fire Chief Jim Featherstone
started off the presentations with the LAFD
Certificate. Joe Castro offered the City Service
Pin and Darralyes captain at 98s, Mike Sauber, awarded the CSFA plaque. Representing
the Relief Association, Craig White handed
over the Retirement Badge and Adam Van Gerpen from UFLAC presented the Axe plaque.
As Darrayles relief at 77s, Tim Traurig, read
through his P.R.B., he kept pausing, staring
over at Darrayle and exclaiming I didnt know
June 2015 45
n April 11, 2015, 170 friends and family gathered at the Dalmatia American
Club of San Pedro to celebrate Captain II Greg Newlands 40 years of service to
the LAFD. He retired from FS 48-A, so it was
only fitting to hold the dinner at the local hangout. The social hour was packed with plenty of
faces from the past, reminiscing of the good ol
After lots of prodding, everyone finally
made their way into the dining hall. Mark Khitikian had the honor of serving as MC, dressed
to the hilt with his stylish Kazakhstan-imported
Pendleton shirt, looking as dapper as ever. The
invocation was led by Matt Monroy which was
followed by the flag salute by Chris Baker.
As the crowd settled in, a slideshow
played showing Gregs life and 40-yr.career.
There were some hippie pics with long hair
from Gregs high school days at San Pedro
High School, where he earned his P.H.D. (Pedro High Diploma). Must have been the long
hair that attracted the love of his life whom he
met in high school, Debbie Comstead.
There were several chief officers in the
crowd, old and new, making a rare appearances, but then again, it was Greg Newland. Most
of them were either Gregs old carpool buddies
or study partners from this fireman days. Someone accidentally blurted, How come they promoted and you didnt? The quick witted MC
explained that Greg didnt want to go to the
dark side.
The guest table included Gregs lovely
wife Debbie, daughter Britt and husband Chris
Meyers, mother-in-law Kathy Comstead, niece
Jennifer, Debbies sister Shelly and husband
Rick Rosales, Gregs brother Randy, sister Carroll and friend Mary.
After a traditional Croatian dinner, the
party got started. Chief John Vidovich presented the Mayors Resolution. John worked
with Greg at 11s as his Captain I and recalled a
SOD day when they both worked down on RA
846 - Greg was the attendant. By the end of
the shift, Vido saw Gregs frustration with the
902-Ms and credited him with coming up with
the idea of ePCRs! He also recalled when Greg
had a SOD at Boat 2 and Greg answered the
doorbell, coming face to face with the Mayor
Garcetti, who asked for a boat ride. Greg politely responded, Ok, no problem, but who
are you? No wonder you couldnt promote to
46 June 2015
Fire Chief Ralph Terrazas, representing San Pedro, dressed in a stylish sport jacket,
presented the Retirement Certificate and apologized to the MC for not getting the memo, but
explained his Pendleton shirt was in the cleaners! Ralph, John, Mark and Greg were all inspectors together. He also credited Greg for
teaching them all about roof ops and thanked
Greg for his dedication. He stated that whenever Greg was running a roof operation, he always had full confidence in Gregs experience
and taking care of his people.
Past Fire Chief William Bammatre (another carpool partner) presented the service pin
and commented how Gregs work ethic always
reflected commitment and dedication. He also
credited MC Khitikian (Broken Arrow) for
heading up the Departments Sensitivity/EEO
training, since Marco could not get along with
any chiefs!
The famous godfather of San Pedro,
retired Captain Andy Kuljis, who is related to
everyone there, thanked Greg for his unselfish
service to his men through out his career and
presented Greg his retirement badge. CSFA
rep Dennis Frazier tried to present the CSFA
plaque, but it seems that the plaque was being
Kelly Toman, on behalf of FS 48,
presented Greg with an old style helmet on a
plaque. As Gregs attention was distracted, FS
48-A, rolled out a fully restored 1972 CZ-400
dirt bike that Gregs adopted son, Rob Trevino,
removed from Gregs storage shed. It was fully
restored by Tim Parrish of Century Motorcycles of San Pedro.
As Greg finally took the mic, he thanked
all for attending and stated how his father-inlaw, Captain II Walter Comstead, influenced
him into becoming a fireman. He appreciated
working with a great group of men through-
Paid Advertisements:
June 2015 47
Dear Andy,
Our family cannot thank the
L.A.F.R.A. enough for your service
and kindness in honoring our uncle
Lars Nelson at his funeral the 2nd of
May. Lars was a good fireman and
a great uncle. My Uncle Lars was a
man one would want to emulate. I
wanted to be a fireman just like him.
God answered my prayers and allowed me to serve the citizens of San
Diego for over 30 years as a firefighter and engineer. I will be eternally
grateful to the men and women of the
L.A.F.D. and your Firemens Relief
Association for honoring my Uncle
Lars. Blessings to you all.
How can I possibly thank you
enough for your kindness and compassion following the death of my
husband, Dudley. He assured me over
and over that, when the time came, I
had only to turn to you for help and
everything would be resolved. How
true that has turned out to be.
I also thank you for the flag and
beautiful box, complete with inscription, that yu sent me. It hangs proudly
on the wall next to his helmet. Please
compliment the person who makes
the boxes because they are so attractive. Dudley would have felt honored
to receive it and grateful to you too.
Please accept the enclosed
check in memory of my dear Dudley
for the Widows, Orphans & Disabled
Firemens Fund. Dudley was always
a firm supporter of the fund and the
good work it does.
I hope the Relief Association
will have the benefit of your presence
for a very long time in the future (no
retirement for you!) so that wives like
me who lose their husbnads will know
that whatever the problem, Andy will
find the solution.
William F. Nelson
LAFRABud [Creath] was a Fireman at 9s
when I came on the job in 1974. He
was promoted to Engineer shortly
thereafter and went to 11s. He earned
my respect early on as I heard many
stories of his driving and pumping
abilities. His house, next to Woodland
Hills Country Club, was a beauty. An
excellent Fireman, Engineer, golfer
and man.
May he rest peacefully,
Dave Murray
Newbury Park, CA
48 June 2015
Warmest regards,
Lee Sorenson
Westlake Village, CA
LA Firemens Relief Assn,
Burt [Hosterman] was my relief for
the nine years I worked at 11s. A
EP Grapevine Ad 5.pdf
8:18 AM
To Everyone at LAFRA.
Thank you so much for the
beautiful flowers you sent me for
Burdette (Bud) Creath. That was so
thoughtful. Jim Dolan was so helpful. I will be sending a donation when
things are settled. You are truly a
great organization.
Mary Lynne Creath
Woodland Hills, CA
Relief Association:
Please accept these funds from our
extinguisher at Fire Station 111, Boat
#1. If you could also please acknowledge Ted Bailey for his efforts in
providing all the great extinguishers
we would appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
FS 111
Terminal Island
Dear Mr. Saavedra (FS 12-A):
How can I thank you enough
for saving my life when you dislodged a piece of meat from my
throat in my daughters house in
Eagle Rock two months ago? I am
extremely grateful to you and your
fellow co-workers. Please accept this
contribution to the Widows, Orphans
& Disabled Firemens Fund of L.A. in
honor of your fine work.
Tamara Casriel
Deal, NJ
Burdette Creath, Engineer. Appointed June 10, 1961.
Retired on a service pension June 11, 1996 from FS 102. Passed away April 8, 2015.
Justin H. Schuler, Engineer. Appointed May 1, 1950.
Retired on a service pension February 1, 1973 from FS 33. Passed away April 9, 2015.
Harold Myers, Jr., Captain. Appointed June 21, 1954.
Retired on a service pension July 1, 1977 from FS 73-A. Passed away April 10, 2015.
Donald L. Miller, Captain. Appointed January 20, 1941.
Retired on a service pension September 19, 1971 from FS 92-A. Passed away April 14, 2015.
Charles H. Harvey, Captain. Appointed December 1, 1947.
Retired on a service pension February 1, 1969 from ARSON UNIT. Passed away April 16, 2015.
Robert C. Wing, Fireman. Appointed November 18, 1946.
Retired on a service pension April 1, 1977 from FS 69. Passed away April 16, 2015.
Frank P. Wells, Fire Inspector II. Appointed February 10, 1948.
Retired on a service pension July 1, 1977 from FPB Engineering. Passed away April 9, 2015.
Duane V. White, Captain I. Appointed April 1, 1973.
Retired on a service pension July 26, 2003 from FS 79. Passed away April 22, 2015.
Roland V. Schneider, Captain. Appointed July 24, 1965.
Retired on a disability pension June 29, 1982 from FS 38. Passed away April 23, 2015.
Eldon W. Pearcy, Engineer. Appointed December 19, 1955.
Retired on a service pension May 16, 1982 from FS 107. Passed away April 24, 2015.
Lars H. Nelson, Fireman. Appointed April 19, 1948.
Retired on a service pension April 28, 1974 from FS 29. Passed away April 24, 2015.
Herbert H. Heath, Engineer. Appointed July 3, 1951.
Retired on a service pension March 1, 1977 from FS 86. Passed away April 25, 2015.
Willard G. Merritt, Fireman. Appointed April 18, 1959.
Retired on a service pension September 23, 1979 from FS 38. Passed away April 25, 2015.
Vernon C. Samworth, Captain. Appointed December 1, 1947.
Retired on a service pension January 1, 1978 from FS 18. Passed away April 27, 2015.
Geraldine Forler, surviving spouse of Conrad J. Forler, passed away March 29, 2015.
Barbara J. Doyle, surviving spouse of George C. Doyle, passed away April 3, 2015.
Marie R. Wells, surviving spouse of Guy G. Wells, passed away April 5, 2015.
Helen Sheppard, surviving spouse of William H. Sheppard, passed away April 7, 2015.
Joan R. McRae, surviving spouse of David B. McRae, passed away April 22, 2015.
Carmela Johnson, surviving spouse of Maurice A. Johnson, passed away May 3, 2015.
Charmaine Chovil, spouse of Fred R. Chovil, passed away May 3, 2015.
50 June 2015
Mike Mastro
Material provided is for your information and convenience only. For
specific legal advice, consult with a qualified professional. Your credit
card issuer can also provide you with disclosure information for any
included benefits.
June 2015 51
52 June 2015
Water Tower 1 was officially commissioned July 1, 1905 and moved into the former
quarters of Truck A at Engine Co. 4, 227
Aliso Street. Truck A had been de-commissioned earlier in 1905 and it is thought that it
was placed in service with the members from
the closed Truck. Water Tower 1 remained at
Engine Co.4 until Truck A (now known as
Truck 1 with a new horse-drawn Anderson
City Service Truck) was reinstated. On August
16, 1910 Engine Co.24 was opened at 2nd and
Hewitt Street and Water Tower 1 moved in. In
mid 1914, shop numbers were beginning to
show up and the Gorter Tower officially became Shop No.79.
Shop No.79 was still located with Engine 24 when it was taken out of service on
July 19, 1921 and sent to the Municipal Shops
where the 1918 American La-France Type 31
2-wheeled tractor was removed from Shop No
22, Engine 3s Ex 1st Size Metropolitan steamer and attached to the tower motorizing the last
horse-drawn apparatus in service on the LAFD.
It was returned to service at Engine Co. 24 on
October 13, 1921.
Water Tower 1s last horse-drawn run
was with Archie (No.152), Tom (No.158)
and Pinky (No.192) pulling the Gorter out of
Engine Co. No. 24 on February 8, 1921; . . .2-2
Box 272, 1240 E. 6th Street. Engine 24 worked
1 hr. and 19 minutes . . . no work for tower.
Shop No.79 remained at Engine Co. 24
until 1926 when it was relocated to Engine Co.
5 at 4th and Towne Street. There it remained
until taken out of service on November 30,
1949 and stored at Engine Co. 7
Contrary to one claim that the Gorter
Water Tower and Water Tower-Truck Co.24
both operated at the Grey Building fire on November 6, 1939, it did not happen. Only Water
Tower-Truck Co.24, Shop No.1085, the 1938
American La-France operated at this fire.
Henry H. Gorters most notable accomplishment was the three water towers he
designed and built, however his Gorter Monitor and Wagon Battery nozzles and worm-type
nozzle shut-offs were widely used in many
Western fire departments. Gorters shut-offs
were designed to give hosemen the ability of
turning off and on high pressure streams and to
prevent hosemen from slamming nozzles shut
which ran the risk of bursting hose, or stalling rotary type pumping engines, and on rare
occasion, breaking the crank shaft on rotary
type engines. S. F. & W. W. Hirsch, Seagrave
agents in Los Angeles sold a worm-type shutoff called the Metropolitan made by L. F. Katona. It was adopted as standard on the LAFD.
When they were no longer available, the LAFD
purchased the patterns and made them in their
own well equipped shops. They can still be
found on LAFD apparatus.
Bordens Note: The Metropolitan shut
off butts can now be found in our museums.
A major fire occurred downtown at 529 S. Main St. on January 23, 1913. The greater alarm
response to the fire included the Gorter Water Tower applying water to the upper floor. Note the 50
foot Bangor ladder up to the same floor on the left side.
June 2015 53
June 18th is the day for our Annual LAFD Retired Member Luncheon. Retired LAFD members, family and friends are invited for good
food, a raffle, stories and comraderie.
The is the famous Hall Scott engine that powered so many of our LAFD fire apparatus from
the 1940s 1960s. A powerful 6 cylinder
gasoline engine that will be restored by our
Museum volunteers for display. They say they
may get it running too.
the Museum.
54 June 2015
June 2015 55
Andy Kuljis reported that they have added
56 June 2015
memory of Chief
Robert Aaron
ELECTRIC for the Hook &
Ladder Enduro
June 2015 57
memory of Bill Czernek
F E HARRIS in memory of
Bill Czernek
honor of Mr. & Mrs. G. Hall
memory of Harold Myers
BRUMBAUGH in memory of
Mike Brumbaugh
Hook & Ladder Enduro
ROSE M. WELLS in memory of
my husband Frank P. Wells
DONNA CRAFT in memory of
my father Frank P. Wells
the Hook & Ladder Enduro
the Hook & Ladder Enduro
LYLE R. TAYLOR for the Hook
& Ladder Enduro
Hook & Ladder Enduro
Hook & Ladder Enduro
Hook & Ladder Enduro
Hook & Ladder Enduro
ROY E. PRINCE for the
Hook & Ladder Enduro
ROY E. PRINCE for the
Hook & Ladder Enduro
the Hook & Ladder Enduro
the Hook & Ladder Enduro
58 June 2015
For advertising information, please contact:
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 - eric@lafra.org
Dave Wagner - editor@lafra.org
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June 2015 59
60 June 2015
Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor Homes, with Double Slide Outs,
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June 2015 61
*Offer valid 4/1/15 6/30/15 and is only valid for new memberships. Offer not eligible for previously opened memberships. Requirements to receive incentives: New membership with a minimum deposit of $80 into a Firefighters First savings account. Piggy bank or stylus pens will be distributed while supplies last at account opening. Account
closing: If the new membership is closed within 6 months of opening, the $20 bonus received will be deducted at closing. Bonuses are considered taxable income and will be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT. Bonus will be posted to member savings accounts by 7/31/15. This offer cannot be combined with any other promotions. Who qualifies as a
new member: Eligible firefighters include full-time, paid, active and retired professional firefighters within the State of California, plus family members (mom/dad; grandma/grandpa; kids,
adult kids; adult grandkids). For a complete eligibility list, visit us at www.firefightersfirstcu.org. 1 An Extraordinary Dividend Bonus or an Interest Refund may be declared at the discretion
of the Firefighters First Board of Directors at year-end. 2 ATM rebate program details: with a Firefighters First checking account, we will reimburse you for ATM surcharge fees incurred when
making a withdrawal using your Firefighters First ATM/Check card. Fees will be reimbursed for your first three (3) ATM transactions that incur a surcharge fee per calendar month. Fees will
be reimbursed the same day unless your ATM withdrawal is after 3:00 pm (PT). Withdrawals after this time or on a non-business day will post on the next business day along with the fee
reimbursement. To qualify for this program, you must have a combined direct deposit total of at least $500 per month and you must make your ATM withdrawal from your Firefighters First
personal or business checking membership.