October 2012

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Sign Up During Open Enrollment

October 1 - October 31, 2012

Look for enrollment details in the mail.
FOR MORE INFORMATION call (323) 259.5200 x259 or x223
Visit us at LAFRA.org
At the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association, we are committed
to bringing you health care and other benefits that you can count
on. We are dedicated to providing excellent service and design our
benefits by focusing on the needs of our members.
Coverage is available nationwide through our extensive PPO network
or use any service provider
Preventive care is covered at 100%
All co-pays are waived during the first 30 days following a covered
accident or injury
Long-Term Care Coverage for qualifying participants
Sign Up During Open Enrollment
October 1 - October 31, 2012
Look for enrollment details in the mail.
FOR MORE INFORMATION call (323) 259.5200 x259 or x223
Visit us at LAFRA.org
At the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association, we are committed
to bringing you health care and other benefits that you can count
on. We are dedicated to providing excellent service and design our
benefits by focusing on the needs of our members.
Coverage is available nationwide through our extensive PPO network
or use any service provider
Preventive care is covered at 100%
All co-pays are waived during the first 30 days following a covered
accident or injury
Long-Term Care Coverage for qualifying participants
2 October 2012
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may
cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.
October 2012 3
LAFD MeMbers serve in Two UniForMs
The department is recognized for its long and
extraordinaryhistory of supporting our members
serving in our nations military . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
Three sTories AnD A Green rooF
Community and frefghters gathered at New Fire
Station 82 on Hollywood Blvd for the formal dedication
and grand opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
A hUnk oF bUrninG Love
Fourteen of LAs bravest bachelors were auctioned off at
the Sunset Strip House of Blues to beneft the WODFF . . . . . . 39
Presidents Message ................................................................................05
Battalion News ..........................................................................................11
Retired Guys .............................................................................................23
Firefghter Olympics
Trap and Skeet team goes for the gold ..................................................24
Department In Action ................................................................................26
Election Information ..................................................................................30
LAFD Handball
John Libbys Great Year .........................................................................31
Cancer Awareness Bike Ride
Crew 3 cadet rides SF to LA .................................................................33
Mailbox .....................................................................................................34
Retirement Dinner Celebrations
Dave Soto .............................................................................................35
Retirement Dinner Announcements ..........................................................36
Joe Espinosa ........................................................................................37
Station Fridge ...........................................................................................38
Memorials .................................................................................................41
The LAFD Tractor Company
Brush Fire Operations ...........................................................................43
LAFD Golf Club
Info for perspective new members .........................................................46
Dollars & Sense ..........................................................................................47
LAFD-HS History
Courageously They Died, By Inspiration They Live .................................49
Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................53
Classifeds ................................................................................................57
Tailboard ...................................................................................................61
Vol. lXXXIX oCToBER 2012 No. 03
FeatureS contentS
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.
No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.
on the cover:
airplane crash - Pacoima
Photo submitted by Mike Meadows, ePn
4 October 2012
Paid Advertisements:
$34.75 per Shield
$8.27 UPS
owned and published by the
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association
815 Colorado Blvd, 4th Floor, los angeles Ca 90041
dave Wagner Editor..........................................................editor@lafra.org
Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Coordinator................jcsanchez@lafra.org
Eric Santiago Creative Editor.....................................esantiago@lafra.org
david Vienna Web/Social Media Editor...........................dvienna@lafra.org
display Advertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260
Matt Spence, Brian HuMpHrey, erik Scott
Mike MaStro, Frank Borden, Marc eckStein M.d.,
JoHn MittendorF, MicHael SteFano, Monte egHerMan, Jody HouSer
david Blaire, doc deMulle, keitH culloM, roB curtiS, Harry garvin,
Juan guerra, Brian HaiMer, gavin kauFMan, ryan ling, rick Mcclure,
Mike MeadowS, lloyd payne, JeFF ZiMMerMan, yvonne griFFin, laura licHter.
John JaCoBsen .........................................................preSident
Juan alBarran .................................................vice-preSident
andrew KulJis ........................................................Secretary
boARd oF tRuStEES
Barry HedBerg
cHriS Hart
cHriS Stine
craig wHite
david lowe
david ortiZ
david peterS
doak SMitH
Frank HernandeZ
gary MatSuBara
gene BednarcHik
JaMeS e. coBurn
JeFF cawdrey
kurt StaBel
Mark akaHoSHi
Mike overHolSer
rick godineZ
roBert SteinBacHer
Steve tuFtS
Steven doManSki
tiM larSon
greg w. giBson...............Sr. cHaplain
danny leon...........................cHaplain
george a. negrete...............cHaplain
aquil F. Basheer...................cHaplain
hershy Z. ten........................cHaplain
riCK a. godineZ.....................cHaplain
MarK r. woolF......................cHaplain
Jesus Pasos..........................cHaplain
Fire-relieF ................................................................(323) 259-5200
relieF assoCiation toll Free nuMBer ...........................(800) 244-3439
relieF MediCal Plan ..........................(866) 99laFra - (866) 995-2372
Fax nuMBer ................................................................(323) 259-5290
david ned sMith exeCutive direCtor............................(323) 259-5201
Marlene Casillas develoPMent & MarKeting direCtor(323) 259-5217
BeCKy valverde huMan resourCes adMinistrator.......(323) 259-5247
todd layFer Controller/treasurer.........................(323) 259-5243
BoB dillon oPerations Manager................................(323) 259-5233
ana salaZar MeMBer serviCes Coordinator...............(323) 259-5223
HealthSCoPE benefts
wayne sherMan MediCal ClaiMs Manager...................(323) 259-5211
tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens
Relief Association, 815 Colorado blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia 90041. Annual $24 Subscription
included with Association mem ber ship; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6
postpaid. Pe ri od i cals post age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing offce. POST MAS TER: Send
ad dress changes to: tHE FIREMENS GRAPE VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An ge les, CA 90041.
Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas si fed and Display Ad ver tis ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the
month of pub li ca tion. The opin ions ex pressed here in are those of the writ ers and do not nec es sar i ly refect
the offcial views of the Los An ge les City Fire De part ment or the Los An ge les Firemens Relief Association.
October 2012 5
By John Jacobsen
m sure most of you are aware that we have been routinely working
to keep the Relief Association moving along with modern times. I am
referring to the processes, technology and administrative needs that
allow us to do our best for the membership.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and its billing is one of
the recent undertakings that we had tackled earlier in the year. Previous
to March of this year, our DME billing was handled through our LAFRA
offces. Staff would gather the invoices sent from the provider, then
crosscheck all the particulars and issue payment. We now have our Third
Party Administrator (Healthscope Benefts) processing the payment por-
tion of this equipment for the PPO Medical Plan members. So as a result,
some of you may have noticed a billed charge on your Explanation of
Benefts (EOB). This might include a mileage/delivery charge, the equip-
ment itself or possibly a set-up fee. All of these charges are things that
weve been paying for all along; it just hasnt been as visible to you as it
is now on your EOB.
The mileage charge that we pay is something that has brought
up a great point that needs clarifcation. We pay a fee to a particular
vendor for their delivery of our DME. Most of you are well aware
that LAFRA owns a substantial amount of Durable Medical Equipment
(hospital beds, wheel chairs, walkers, commodes, etc.). This is due to
a combination of our purchased equipment and donated equipment for
our members (mostly donated by our membership). The vast majority of
this equipment is kept in a vendors warehouse where it is inventoried,
maintained, stored and then delivered for our use. The vendor providing
this service for us is compensated for their efforts through a combination
of fees, but primarily the delivery charges.
The equipment that we have in the LAFRA offce is somewhat
limited (mostly crutches, walkers and wheelchairs), mainly due to lim-
ited storage space. If you need equipment and are able to pick it up here
at the offce, we of course would not have to pay the delivery fee. If you
needed equipment like a walker and could wait for a couple of days, it
would certainly be more economical to ship it than have it delivered.
Each set of circumstances is different, so it helps to get the whole picture
when you call the LAFRA offce for DME. There are still many instances
that a wheelchair, crutches or a walker can be delivered by a Trustee or
another member. I just want to be clear that some items have to be de-
livered and set up by our professional companies, while for other items,
we can make more economical delivery arrangements. The efforts of our
members to help save money are more than commendable, however our
people deserve the best possible and for that reason alone we must utilize
outside help.
The mention of Workers Compensation seems to illicit a simi-
lar response from both the active and retired alike. A groan of discon-
tent stemming from diffculties dealing with this process has been heard
pretty consistently. Many of you have been awarded future medical care
(lifetime) and upon trying to utilize it have met with great resistance.
Some have waited a small eternity for the Utilization Review (UR)
process to fnalize in order to continue treatment. Plenty of you have
had issues that without a doubt would not take place with your regular
health insurance provider. I realize that the picture being painted might
be bleaker than everyones experience, but the majority of the calls we
receive are not complimentary to this system. Why am I telling you this?
The City has engaged a new company to administer the Work Comp
claims for the LAFD sworn. Tristar Risk Management will be replaced
by Acclamation Insurance Management Services (AIMS). This transi-
tion is tentatively scheduled for November 2012. Additionally, SB 863
is being pushed through the state legislature with some potentially dev-
astating changes to our current law. I wont bore you with the entirety of
a 106 page bill, but a few key points should be noted if this were signed
into law in its current form.
A new massive Independent Medical Review system would
be put into place on top of the current utilization review system. The
IMR decision is fnal and cannot be appealed by the injured worker to
the workers compensation appeals board. Workers would also lose their
right to a face-to-face medical exam as part of an appeal of treatment
denials. The basic overview is that the specifcs of the bill would make
treatment authorizations even greater, deny due process and additionally
would/could deny any reimbursement of W/C claims that were paid out
of a private Healthcare plan. While much of this was developed under
the guise of making the current system better, you can easily see that it
could quickly become worse.
The month of October is Open Enrollment for you to join the
LAFRA PPO Medical Plan. Now is the time for you to enroll for cover-
age or make changes such as adding or deleting dependents. Be on the
lookout for information coming your way in the mail. If you have any
questions you can always visit www.lafra.org or call us at (323) 259-
Most of us took at least a few moments this last month in re-
membering one of the most tragic events to have taken place on Ameri-
can soil. We will never forget the lives that were lost and those families
whose lives were changed on 9-11. Our freedom should never be taken
for granted, I know I wont.
John E. Jacobsen
323 259-5200
6 October 2012
he LAFD has a long and extraordinary
history of supporting our members serv-
ing in our nations military, both on ac-
tive duty and within our National Guard and
Reserves. This year marks the 11th year that
our members have responded to our nations
Call to Service since 9/11. On May 22, 2012,
the Employer Support of the Guard and Re-
serve (ESGR), a Department of Defense agen-
cy, announced Los Angeles Fire Department
as a fnalist for the 2012 Secretary of Defense
Employer Support Freedom Award. The Free-
dom Award is the DoDs highest recognition
given to employers for exceptional support of
Guard and Reserve employees. A review board
comprised of military and civilian leaders se-
lected 30 fnalists from the 3,236 nominations
received earlier this year from Guard and Re-
serve service members, or family members act-
ing on their behalf.
On July 19, 2012, the DoD an-
nounced the fnal 15 recipients. LAFD truly
had some solid competition, but unfortunately
was not this years recipient of the National
level award. The fact that LAFD made it so far
in the competition shows great merit.
ESGR National Chair James G Reb-
holz had this to say about LAFD - The 2012
Freedom Award fnalists demonstrate that out-
standing support of Guard and Reserve mem-
bers is not limited by an employers size, in-
dustry or region of the nation. These 30 fnalists
span the diversity of Americas workforce and
prove every employer can go above and be-
yond for our Citizen Warriors.
And the DoD ESGR website reported
in their press release the following - Only 160
employers have received the Freedom Award
since it was established in 1996. Employers
named as fnalists for the award distinguish
themselves not only for adhering to the em-
ployment and reemployment rights of Guard
and Reserve members, but for actively creating
opportunities to assist and support the service
of both Guard and Reserve employees and their
families. The Los Angeles Fire Department
(LAFD), nominated by an employee serving
in the Navy Reserve, has a proud history of
extraordinary military support dating back to
World War II. Today, the LAFD continues to
provide exceptional assistance by preparing
Guard and Reserve members with additional
training in trauma assessment, patient treat-
ment and patient care before deployments. The
department also established a Military Liaison
Offcer position to work directly with Guard
and Reserve employees and oversee supportive
initiatives during their deployments.
On August 31, 2012, the California
ESGR committee ensured recognition by pre-
senting the Department with the prestigious
state level Pro Patria award during a lun-
cheon held at the former Naval and Marine
Corps Reserve Center that now serves as the
Fire Departments Frank Hotchkin Memorial
Training Center.
October 2012 7
Editors Note: Currently, LAFDs own FF/
PM Scott Carter is serving in Afghanistan. He
is providing CMO (civil military operations)
support to conventional and special operations
forces, and advising and assisting Afghans
with building and improving civil infrastructure,
foreign internal defense, and local governance.
Yeah, its a mouth full! We salute you Scott and
look forward to you coming home next year.
If you want to write to Scott, please
send letters to:

A/426 Civil Affairs bN (AbN)
Kandahar Air Field, KAF
APo AE 09355
Los Angeles City Councilmembers
Eric Garcetti and Dennis Zine, along with
many City Administration Leaders, joined Los
Angeles Fire Chief Brian Cummings in the pre-
sentation along with several Department of De-
fense representatives, local National Guard and
Reserve Military leadership, LAPD, LACoFD,
and CHP representatives.
The Pro Patria Award is presented
annually by each Employer Support of the
Guard & Reserve Committee to the one em-
ployer in their state or territory who has pro-
vided the most exceptional support of our na-
tional defense through leadership practices and
personnel policies that support their employees
who serve in the National Guard and Reserve.
More than 25 LAFD members both
sworn and civilian also received awards, such
as the Seven Seals Award, the Above and Be-
yond Award, and the Patriot Award at the well-
attended ceremony.
Through the active support of our
members who serve in two uniforms, and by
encouraging the continued employment of Vet-
eran, Guard and Reservists, LAFD capitalizes
on the skills and experience that we, as a na-
tion, have greatly invested. Together we serve
by honoring the sacrifces of those who serve to
protect our freedom.
Nominations for the 2013 ESGR
Secretary of Defense Freedom Award open in
November. If you want to know more, please
visit www.FreedomAward.mil.
settle family estates
moving or liquidating
Paid Advertisements:
8 October 2012
he formal dedication and public grand
opening of New Fire Station 82 in Hol-
lywood took place on Saturday, June
2, 2012. The new frehouse is located at 5769
Hollywood Blvd. The community was invited
to the dedication ceremony, which was fol-
lowed by food and entertainment, static dis-
plays of fre and rescue equipment, as well as
tours one of Southern Californias newest fre
Todays Fire sTaTion 82
New 82s serves a diverse and de-
manding district of nearly two square miles,
featuring high density residential and commer-
cial properties, a busy freeway and subway cor-
ridor, television studios, entertainment venues,
tourist sites and a portion of massive Griffth
Park, which contains the iconic Hollywood
sign. Were this not enough, the station crew
also bears primary responsibility for protecting
hundreds of homes constructed in rugged ter-
rain surrounded by volatile vegetation.
A safe, appealing and energy effcient
facility, new FS 82 features underground park-
ing, a green roof and three-story construc-
tion, making it unique among LA frehouses.
In a cost and space-saving measure beneft-
ting the community and Department, several
regional components of the new station - such
as a multipurpose room and areas designed for
effcient maintenance and rapid deployment of
reserve apparatus, are now being constructed
in a nearly 6,000 square-foot, two-story annex
under construction on the site of the former sta-
tion on Bronson Avenue.
a BrieF HisTory oF Former Fire
sTaTion 82
Established in the midst of World
War II and housed in the distant, overcrowded
quarters of LAFDs historic Fire Station 27 for
its frst seven years, Engine Company 82 came
to serve the rising population and in-
dustry in east Hollywood during the
Truman presidency, as residents and
City leaders scrambled to construct a
neighborhood station for the crew at
1800 North Bronson Avenue.
Opened on March 2, 1951
adjacent to the Cahuenga Parkway
that would become the well known
Hollywood (US 101)
Freeway in 1954, the
7,145 square-foot sin-
gle-bay fre station soon
became an
integral part
of a largely residential community that, like
the LAFD, evolved greatly in the more than six
decades to follow. Those assigned to the
61-year-old station became notably ham-
pered over time by electrical, mechanical, and
plumbing systems that limited effcient op-
erations. Equally foreboding for workers and
visitors alike were critical defciencies in seis-
mic safety, climate control, ADA compliance,
gender equity features and visitor parking.
October 2012 9
Paid Advertisement:
What will long be remembered about
the old station however, will be the perplexed
look of neighbors, as crews at the single-bay
station scrambled to move vehicles when an
emergency response called for only the engine
company or the paramedic ambulance - merely
to see the process reversed and repeated as the
crews returned and were again dispatched to
Because the property beneath former
Station 82 was too small to fully support a new
or revamped Fire Station, Proposition F of No-
vember 2000 has brought the community a new
and unique facility.
old Fs 82 wiTH crew circa 1964.
10 October 2012
Join us for the largest board meeting in the Fire Service! This annual fundraiser brings
nearly 300 firefighters and their families to Californias Premier Long Board Beach.
San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans San Onofre State Beach at Old Mans
All proceeds to benefit the
The day includes a delicious breakfast, sand, sun, a great BBQ lunch and our exciting Raffle!
19th Annual
to sign up contact: to sign up contact: to sign up contact: to sign up contact: to sign up contact: to sign up contact:
Ray Mayo - 310.782.4949 email: mokimayo2@aol.com
Dont forget to tell the Retired Guys!
Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS: Entry FeeS:
$40 = Tshi rt, Meal & Dri nk
$50 = Sweatshi rt, Meal & Dri nk
$65 = Tshi rt, Sweatshi rt, Meal & Dri nk
Extra Tshirt $15, Extra Sweatshirt $25
Paul Reyes - FS 106
Dave Jaureguy- FS 78
Wes Schroeder - FS 88
Garret Lew - FS 15
Wild Bill James - FS 64
Keith Kenoi - FS 63
Dave Zar - FS 49
Jim Tsarofski - FS 48
Back by popular demand!
October 2012 11
Join us for the largest board meeting in the Fire Service! This annual fundraiser brings
nearly 300 firefighters and their families to Californias Premier Long Board Beach.
All proceeds to benefit the
The day includes a delicious breakfast, sand, sun, a great BBQ lunch and our exciting Raffle!
19th Annual
Ray Mayo - 310.782.4949 email: mokimayo2@aol.com
Dont forget to tell the Retired Guys!
$40 = Tshi rt, Meal & Dri nk
$50 = Sweatshi rt, Meal & Dri nk
$65 = Tshi rt, Sweatshi rt, Meal & Dri nk
Extra Tshirt $15, Extra Sweatshirt $25
Paul Reyes - FS 106
Dave Jaureguy- FS 78
Wes Schroeder - FS 88
Garret Lew - FS 15
Wild Bill James - FS 64
Keith Kenoi - FS 63
Dave Zar - FS 49
Jim Tsarofski - FS 48
Back by popular demand!
the views expressed by the battalion News writers do Not necessarily refect those of the Firemens Relief Association
Greetings and Happy Halloween
from the sinners and the saints of the Second
Camaraderie is the best medicine. AO
Juan De La Torre, FFs Cory Jackson,
Tyrone Fong, Omar Serrano, FF/PMs
Jeff Van Gorder and Hiram Quahutle
checking up on their skipper Captain II
Leo Lopez.
Let me frst wish Capt. Leo Lopez a
speedy recovery. This is why I dont work out
cap . . . you only get so many heartbeats.
Only a few, but signifcant changes
in our beloved battalion this month, all involv-
ing the Second Oldest Fire Station in the City.
We frst bid a tearful goodbye to recently
promoted CII/PM Timothy Werle who dis-
covered after only two segments the true
meaning of the term temporary position. It
was fun while it lasted, and now you can work
your magic at 74s. Secondly, CII Anthony
Navarro leaves Lincoln Heights on the A and
moves down the street to lead the brave and
the explorers in Highland Park. To ease the
pain of our loss CII Mike Reitmayer leaves
the comforts of Sunland to fll Capt. Dave
Sotos retired shoes, and Capt. Gene Bednar-
chik makes his triumphant return to Ones
and waits patiently for news about a gold
badge. Cap, everyone at 12s appreciated your
catered departure dinner and your new crew in
Lincoln Heights enjoyed the meal Charlie pre-
pared in your stead as the three shift rule put
you quickly into the cooking rotation. Leading
by example . . . its just crazy enough to work.
The victory was sweet, and a
group effort.
improvement over the deep fried axe scabbard
drizzled in motor oil that was the initial start-
ing point. A Top Gun theme is chosen for
the themed event so two of Highland Parks
fnest turn down a male modeling gig on the
day of competition to dole out the delights.
You already know the result of
everyones tireless efforts.
Thats the story I heard, anyway.
the weakest link.
Send your version of the truth to:
Remember... we start off liking you,
youll have to do something to change that.
Last month I made reference to a
story about the heroes of Highland Park and
their domination of the dessert competition
in the Hope for Firefghters charity cook-
ing contest. As the story goes our epicurean
afcionados, whose resolve was only strength-
ened by a narrow defeat the previous year, go
on a deep frying expedition in search of the
perfect palate pleaser. All potential tasty . .
. and not so tasty treats make their way into
the magic batter and then the deep fryer. Each
is evaluated by a crack team of taste testers
as the A shift leads the charge into a battle
worthy of Cupcake Wars. After a relentless
and exhaustive search, it is determined that
Oreo cookies, when deep fried and faky, are
perfectly complimented by whipped cream
with a proud cherry sitting on top. A vast
The news wouldnt be complete with-
out a picture of FF/PM Chris Wan
standing in the snow . . . on Mt. Rainier
. . . in August.
A greater alarm assignment of Battalion 2 frefghters took
about 45 minutes to knock down a brush fre along the
Glendale Freeway. Photo by Mike Meadows, EPN
12 October 2012
The Stanley Cup made yet another stop on its whirlwind tour of Los Angeles after the Kings victory in June. In a prime example of
its not what you know but who you know FS 5s Mullen brothers cashed in a chit with their good friend Dana Bryson, the Kings
Equipment Manager, and the Cup just showed up at the frehouse for an unexpected photo op.
Truck 27 throws their aerial to an apartment house at 400
Larchmont Blvd on August 31, 2012. Photo by Dave Blare
October 2012 13
The crew from Engine 82-C poses for a shot somewhere in
Tinsel Town and then handles a T/A. Photos by Dave Blare
On August 16th, Fireboat Mate James Stine FS 110-A, Engineer Chris Stine FS 10-A, and Firefghter Paul Stine FS 29-C were able
to work together at Fire Station 49 on one of Jimmys last few days on the job. A ftting place to work as this is the very same station
that Mate Stine was at for 12 years as First Mate on Fireboat 4. This is also the very same station where Chris and Paul grew up visit-
ing and spending holidays. So, it was only ftting that all the Stine men spend one last shift together in the station where it all began.
14 October 2012
Paid Advertisement
October 2012 15
It has come it my attention that some
members do not care for seeing their name
in print. A couple things must have occurred
for you, or your name to end up in here.
First, you either did, did not, or continue to
do something that is so noteworthy/rare/odd/
funny that the rest of the Department would
be missing out on a much needed laugh at
your expense (THANKS CHIEFS!). Second,
I have to either be a witness to an occurrence
or somebody (OR AN ENTIRE SHIFT) ratted
you out. Moral of the story - if youre gonna
check your brain at the door, you need to have
better friends. Enjoy the north end of the
Last month a plane crashed in a resi-
dential area in 59s district, RA 859 witnessed
the crash and notifed Metro on channel 7.
Almost the entire battalion was enroute to 59s
at the time for some essential FRO train-
ing, so everyone heard the call go out on the
radio. Some companies acted immediately and
answered the call, some companies, not so
much. My spies tell me that an engineer on
one of the single engine companies somehow
couldnt get the (automatic) transmission out
of 1st gear and was being passed by old ladies,
a street sweeper, and a Yugo on the way to the
plane crash. Meanwhile, a captain on one of
the task force engines was waiting for a hand
written invitation from the Chief Engineer
to skip FRO training and commit to going to
the confrmed airplane crash with a GIANT
AWAY! Luckily some other companies heard
the size up, did the right thing and raced to
the confrmed airplane crash in a desperate at-
tempt to save some lives, property and salvage
the current public view of the Department and
our response times. Its a sad state of affairs
in our Department that our captains are more
fearful of a reprimand or days off, than doing
what is right.
Recently one of the paramedics at
59s decided to begin a captains study pro-
gram. Well, I heard after hitting the station so
many times, this medic got some much needed
advice from the Citys masonry department
that they should do something other than drive
RA 59 into the station. This new improvement
program, and the masons advice, have led
our medic to start talking like a captain. Every
good captain ends a radio transmission with
over right? After practicing at the station for
a bit (Can you pass the potatoes, Over Im
gonna go take a nap, Over I cant partici-
pate in housework, Im studying for captain,
Over), it was time to take it to Channel 4.
After the ffth Over, Metro informed our
hero that no one says Over and to please
stop. The reply - Copy that . . . Over!
Future captain?!?
Lets have a contest. Chief Logan
was kind enough to allow this photo of him
to be taken at a community event. Send your
best caption to ninewriter@yahoo.com and
maybe well share it with the Grapevine read-
ers. Names will be withheld, unless you really
want to own it.
Its not personal, Its just business!
The Ministry of Misinformation
Tradition still lives in the battalion,
especially over at Fire Station 81. The captains
there proudly take their turns in the cook-
ing rotation, and Captain David Cohen takes
this duty very seriously. Concerned about his
crews well-being, Dave makes sure he cooks
healthy meals and also controls the size of
the portions so the guys dont eat too much.
He recently barbequed salmon for dinner,
marinating a pound and a half of the red fsh
for the eight eaters. Some might think that 1
lbs. for eight eaters would be laying short, . .
. but, please, read on.
The dinner call goes out over the
P.A., and as the members fle into the kitchen,
they see Capt Cohen already sitting down
enjoying his share of the salmon. When they
see the pan of fsh on the counter, one of them
asks, Cap, is this blackened salmon? No,
replies Cohen, its barbequed. A few of the
members were brave enough to try a bite, but
most of them passed on the burnt and over-
salted main entre. Hope the maggot-messers
appreciated all the leftovers in the morning.
. . . But theres more! Cohens lunch
that day was a hearty pasta salad that included
broccoli forets. When it came time to prepare
dinner though, he realized he had forgotten
to buy any vegetables to round out the meal.
No problem he simply fshes the remains
of the broccoli from lunch out of the trash
can and serves up yummy broccoli STEMS
to accompany his dinner of not blackened
salmon. Did you know that broccoli stems are
low in Saturated Fat and also a good source of
Protein, Calcium, and Iron?
Battalion 10 companies battled an early morning
fre at Kittridge St and Woodman Ave in Van Nuys.
Photo by Mike Meadows, EPN
16 October 2012
More than 120 frefghters labored in rotating teams
for more than 11 hours on August 23, 2012, to
fully extinguish a stubborn recycling yard blaze in
Sun Valley that sent one frefghter to the hospital.
Photos by Doc DeMulle, The Foothills Paper
Battalion 12 members treat and
transport adult male after the
vehicle he was driving struck
the center divider on the E/B
118 Fwy on August 15, 2012.
Photo by Rick McClure, EPN
October 2012 17
Greetings from the Battalion that
never sleeps!
Let me start out with a huge wel-
come back to Captain Segovia! I know most
of the Battalion and surrounding companies
are glad hes made it back. For those that are
new to the Battalion, youre in for a real treat!
Another month has gone by, and
so has another inspection. It seems more
and more that these inspections are just
becoming formalities, and that some of the
inspecting offcers are treating them as such.
After a few extremely hot days of bi-monthly
inspection prep such as: cleaning, scrubbing,
diamond plating, polishing, and whining about
what the other shift did or didnt do, the day
of inspection fnally came. Now, most SOD
chiefs would probably jump at the opportunity
to give the crews a good inspection for all the
work they put in. Unfortunately, this one chose
not to. Instead he came up with the fantastic
idea of putting an acting chief in his spot so
that he could go to COCEP training. More-
over, he apparently called 64s that morning
and sent LF 64 down to FS 85s from 8:30-
12:30 to cover for all of 85s while they went
on a trip to OCD . . . ??? . . . Really? Oh yeah,
I almost forgot that FS 64 was on the inspec-
tion schedule for 11:30. He mustve forgotten
to bring his post-inspection speech that sounds
similar to (cue robotic voice):Thank you for
all your hard work; We really appreciate all
that you guys do; Im consistently amazed at
how great everything looks with how busy
you are; Keep up the good work, etc. Luckily,
Chief Calvillo stepped in later, went around to
all the stations, and actually crawled around
and under the rigs, and looked through quar-
ters. Thanks Chief, the guys appreciated you
doing the right thing. That was just the story I
heard . . .
Now I know that youre all wait-
ing for the story from 65s. Well, good news
because there are actually two stories this
month. The frst story is so outrageous, crazy,
and unbelievable that I had to confrm through
a few people that it actually happened. Most
of what I get are snippets or pieces of stories
or half-truths that need to be put together in
order to be put in an article. On the contrary,
this gem actually had TOO much information.
Ill give you the snippets and pieces of this
whole-truth and let you piece them together.
Apparently, one weekend E 65 was headed
out in the district to do some brush hose lays
and they wanted it to be as real as possible. An
alley was found, full of normal obstacles that
are usually found in alleys. This realistic drill
became more than that. Hose was deployed
and water was squirted in a defensive, realistic
drilling method. Hose lines were advanced
and the realistic drill was fanked with hose
lines and water, all the while keeping one foot
in the realistic drill and the other foot in things
that are found in alleys that should be left un-
stepped upon. If you have any other questions,
feel free to call FS 65. And if you happen to
see a loom-up in their district - before you go
charging over there, frst fnd out if they may
be just out drilling. Stay tuned for story #2 as
it will show up later in the article...
Just out of curiosity, why are we
sending 28 of the Battalions 34 resources
down to Battalion 6 - wasting fuel, cover-
age, etc. - at 1800 hrs for Haz-Mat training?
Now Im no chief, but it seems that it would
be easier on the Citys budget (fuel wise) to
send one Haz-Mat Squad or four guys in a
plug buggy with a few boxes of new meters
to a central training location, i.e. FS 64. (This
would be the same Regional Training Facility
that the whole battalion uses for ALL the rest
of their training) Also, dont we in Battalion
13 have a fully staffed Haz-Mat Squad actu-
ally in our battalion? Last time I checked, after
all the re-arranging, 21s was actually in our
battalion. Did I fail to mention that weve had
these meters for almost two years now? The
grant also says that we as a department have to
be trained on them before the two year dead-
line. Nothing like waiting til the last minute.
Maybe 21s couldnt do the updates
due to the engine being moved up. Evidently,
since 21s is a fully staffed Haz-Mat Task
Force, they were left out of the previous
brown-out rotation and are no longer allowed
to go on pre-deploys. Moreover, they arent
going on out-of-battalion move-ups for the
time being. So, if E 68 needs a move-up,
where E 21 was previously a good choice to
fll that spot, now its the beauty of a trickle
down. E 21 will move over to another station,
generally FS 46 or FS 57, and E 46 or E 57
will move up to 68s. You see how that works?
Pretty sweet deal! And now you know. . .
Congratulations to FS 64 for fnally
getting their Big Grand Opening!!!! Imagine
the scene: banners announcing the festive
event, crossed aerials shining as a beacon for
all to come and enjoy, bounce houses and face
painting for the kids (and Im sure some of
the adults too), apparatus on full display for
the community to climb all over, and some
20-30 locals milling around the yard like it
was any other day. And all this is taking place
where? Well lets see - the department printed
out 10,000 fyers to distribute to the com-
munity announcing this event - all with the
address of 118 W. 108th St. The only thing is
that the new address of their station is 10811
S. Main St. For those of you that have been
there, you know that the new fre station is on
the exact same property as the old fre station,
but someone will still probably get lost. Im
just curious who double-checked the address
information before giving the go ahead? Kind
of like the old Elvis album title,10,000 Cop-
ies and Theyre All Wrong. Im also told that
during the meetings for the planning of the
Big Grand Opening, there were a few different
representatives from a few different entities
involved. Apparently the representative from
the LAFD showed up with her barks at ev-
erything lap dog and had it sit on her lap and
bark at everything during the meetings.
The fnal story, our second story
from FS 65, really highlights the goodness
of one of FS 65s own. (When I say good-
ness, it should actually translate to unbeliev-
able buffoonery.) Apparently, this member
took off a P.M. so he could go home for the
night. His relief was coming from one of the
V-staffed 800s, so he wouldnt have been
able to get to 65s for P.M. relief until about 8
P.M. (Ill have to double check the books, but
I think that 8 P.M., aka 2000 hrs, is the real
time for P.M. relief.) This was unacceptable to
this member, so the out-of-house captain went
above and beyond to take care of business
and get him out of there at the previously
accepted as normal time for someone taking
the P.M. off. Now, this member is studying
for the upcoming captains test so he should
understand that what the out-of-house captain
did was a big deal. But how does this member
repay this same captain, you ask? Two shifts
later, the SAME out-of-house captain was
working, and more goodness was displayed
by this member. He came downstairs in the
morning for 7 AM relief, completely ready
to go home. Unfortunately, he found out that
he was not yet relieved and that his relief
was coming from another station. Now the
dilemma . . .
1) Do you stick around until your
relief gets there? Because when you got
hired as an employee of the LAFD, you told
this employer that you would do whatever
it took to serve the citizens of Los Angeles.
Furthermore, this displays good leadership
and sets a good example for other members
(especially since youre studying for captain).
Or 2) Do you do what this member did? And
18 October 2012
the fnal answer is . . . well, this member
decided to choose option 2. And this is where
the goodness of what this member actually
did becomes baffing. He walked in the front
offce and told this SAME captain (that just
got him out of a jam a few shifts ago), Put
me off FI-1. (No, he did not ask; he ordered.)
He then walked out and left. There you have
it - if things arent going your way, if you
dont feel like training, fre prevention, going
on a certain run, or doing your job, refer back
to answer #2 and FI-1. Mark my words,
youre going to see this as question #65 on the
upcoming test, so make sure you get it right!
Thats all Ive got for this month
and stay safe out there . . . and remember 2+2
makes sense, play nice, know your audience,
get a cool nickname, fgure out which formula
to use before the media gets a hold of it, you
get out what you put in, and FI-1. Take
care of each other! Keep sending your stories
to wattsfre@gmail.com
A tragic accident on the Hollywood Freeway resulted in
the death of a 17 year old teen when his car stalled in
the fast lane and was rear ended by an SUV, causing
the car to fip and burst into fames.
Firefghter Trinh from Engine 60 pulls and 1
1/2 hose line then attacks a well involved auto
fre on the 134 Fwy on September 3, 2012.
Companies handle a rollover on the
170 Fwy at Roscoe on August 30, 2012.
An adult female was extricated from the auto she was driving
after the vehicle went off the 134 Fwy near Forest Lawn Dr. and
overturned on September 5, 2012. A unifed extrication with
LAFD and Burbank Fire personnel were able to extricate her
in about 20 minutes.
October 2012 19
T/A Rinaldi and Zelzah just after midnight on August 10th.
Photo by Juan Guerra, EPN
Send all your news, stories and photos to: lafdbatt15@gmail.com
In the July 2012 issue of the Grapevine, Mark Khitikian told the story of WWII veteran Pete Howen-
steins relationship with the crews at Fire Station 87 in his Retired Guys column. Wanting to make
sure Pete knew he was welcome to visit the frehouse any time, the guys made a sign and dedicated
a parking spot just for him.
20 October 2012
On August 31, 2012, companies from Battalion 17 found an outdoor fre in bales of cardboard outside the San Fernando Val-
ley Aquatics Center in Canoga Park that extended into the 100 x 50 commercial building. At approximate 4:05 am, another
fre was reported at the same location in which frst arriving companies found the same occupancy fully involved with fre.
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN
Four fre companies and two rescue ambulances responded to 19425 Keswick Street on August 10, 2012.
Upon arrival they encountered a one story single family dwelling, fully involved. Photo by Rick McClure, EPN
October 2012 21
Hello everyone from the 18th hole.
Summer is just about gone but the stories
continue. Here we go . . .
Story outta Battalion headquarters.
You know when you work SOD its kinda tra-
dition that you give the guys and gals a little
something to say thanks for having me over or
thanks for putting up with me cause Im get-
ting time and a half. Well, it seems that some
people think they are above that tradition.
Now the money is for some type of dessert:
ice cream, cake, cookies or something. Well,
at 68s it seems some of the outta house
chiefs just aint feeling the love. Sets a bad
example for the young guys at 68s, and since
68s is so busy now, to show the guys a little
love would be nice. How much $$$$ do you
think is enough for dessert? $3, $4, $5? Well,
a few of the outta house visitors wont leave
a penny.
Heres another outta 68s. If youve
been to 68s lately you know that they dont
have much room for a workout area, and since
Battalion has moved in things are really tight.
Well, it seems that the folks in the Ivory
Tower were going to throw the
guys and gals at 68s a bone and
give them some $$$$$ so they
can get a bigger workout area,
something like a Tuff Shed. A
plan was developed and went up
for a station vote, and wouldnt
you know it got shot down. Now
remember nothing is coming out
of 68s pocket - NOTHING. So
wouldnt you think they guys and
gals who shot this down would
come up with something better?
Of course not, were frefghters -
we just want to complain.
Everybody in the Battalion is getting
ready for annual inspection which is coming
soon, and everybody is going hard to make
their station shine. But not all members seem
to be in agreement though, especially at 94s.
Now most stations have a guy or gal like this
- hes always hard to fnd when work needs to
be done. Well at 94s its easy to fnd this guy,
either in the TV chair or the bed!
Please keep the stories coming.
Be safe out there.
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22 October 2012
October 2012 23
over to FS 66 C and eventually promoted to
Captain I. On June 29, 1978 he retired from
FS 63 A.
Shortly after retirin, Ray and his
wife, Pat, moved to Grass Valley. They
found good company there as many
other retired LAFD members also mi-
grated to the lush Sierra foothills. Ray
and Pat were among the frst to host a
group of their new neighbors in a back-
yard campout. This annual outing soon
grew into the now celebrated Grass Val-
ley Reunion.
Its easy to focus in on all the negative
stuff around us and probably because there is so
much of it, we become a bit calloused and forget
about or dont realize all the positive things that
go on every day. And Im sure theres other Fire
Stations throughout the Department involved in
similar deeds as 87s. But its good to know that
theres still folks out there doin the little things
that make a big difference. It sort of renews our
faith that even though much has gone wrong,
there are still individuals and Fire Stations that
carry on the tradition that so many of us believe
I also think for Ray Rutter to feel
compelled to give FS 87 a $100 is extremely
gracious and is worthy of a comment. Thank
you Ray, your generosity is much appreciated.
Im pretty dang sure the guys at 87s
and Ray Rutter are also deservin of the much
maligned, often misunderstood, yet highly cov-
eted C.O.A.S.T.E.R Award. Im dustin off the
award as we speak.
A cannibal was
walkin through the jungle
and came upon a restau-
rant operated by a fellow
cannibal. Feelin some-
what hungry, he sat down
and looked over the menu:
Tourist $5.00
Broiled Missionary $10.00
Fried Explorer $15.00
Baked Democrat or Grilled Republican $100.00
The cannibal called the cook over and
asked, Why such a high price for the politi-
The cook replied, Have you ever
tried to clean one? Theyre so full of BS, it
takes all mornin.
ews travels fast. In a pre-
vious article, a story was
written about WWII vet-
eran Pete Howenstein and the gen-
erosity shown to him by the guys at
FS 87. After readin that story, re-
tired Fireman Ray Rutter sent the guys
at 87s $100 to buy themselves some
ice cream. Naturally, the guys at 87s
passed on the $100 to Pete Howenstein.
I think Paying it Forward is the appro-
priate term here.
I dont know Ray Rutter, so I called
Andy Kuljis at the Relief Association
to fnd out more about him. After talkin
with Andy, I felt like I had known Ray for-
ever. Im sure many of you know Ray and
probably even more that dont, but I thought
it would be apt to share with everyone a bit
of information about him.
Ray Rutter was born in New York
on June 11, 1930. At some point Ray moved to
California and joined the Los Angeles Fire De-
partment on April 2, 1957. In 1962, Ray was a
Fireman at FS 6B and then assigned to Truck
92 B and C in 1966.
In 1968 Ray promoted to Auto-Fire-
man and was assigned to FS 65 to drive the
high-pressure wagon. Then in 1972, Ray moved
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24 October 2012
his year the Firemans Olympics was
sponsored by the Palo Alto FD and they
deserve a big atta boy for doing a good
job and making things run smoothly.
The shotgun events took places in
Morgan Hill, which is about 30 miles south of
San Jose, at the Santa Clara County shooting
facility. Unfortunately, Los Angeles County
would never build a shooting facility due to
the PC of at least one of the current supervi-
sors . . . but I digress. As Julius Caesar, one of
the most famous Italian guys - not counting the
unknown person who frst put slices of pepper-
oni on a pizza, once said, Veni, vidi, vici. I
came, I saw, I conquered. We got the frst two
right. We wobbled a little on the vici part. Hey,
two out of three aint bad. That would usually
get you cream on the handball court, but this
wasnt for cream. This was for the gold.
The Garden Grove FD team got most
of the gold and they deserved it. They just fat
out beat us. Not by much, but they beat us fair
and square. Bradley, we will be coming back
for you next year. They were, however, pre-
sented with a genuine elder abuse report for
beating a bunch of guys on Social Security and
It wasnt all doom and gloom though
because we did win a few medals in several of
the events.
There are three separate events in the
shotgun competition: trap, skeet and sporting
clays. These are then broken down into several
different contests within the main categories.
In trap there are three different games: Singles
trap is shot at 16 yds, handicap was shot from
a distance of 24 yds, and doubles trap, which
is where you get two targets thrown simultane-
ously - in different directions, is also from 16
Skeet is broken down into singles -
one target, and doubles - two simultaneous tar-
gets. Unlike trap, the skeet targets are all shot
from the same distance.
Finally there is sporting clays. This
game is meant to mimic various hunting situ-
ations. You shoot from ten to ffteen different
locations, at varying distances, spread over
several hundred acres. In most instances you
only have a few seconds to hit your target. It is
an extremely challenging game.
This year the LAFD had two teams.
We put in many hours in meetings and confer-
ences and several votes were taken to decide
what the teams should be named. What we
came up with was very innovative and original
- LA 1 and LA 2. Pretty catchy monickers if
you ask me.
On LA 1 were Steve Man vs. Food
Dodge, Harry Pinky II Gradi, Art Old #7
Sorrentino and Larry Bickly. LA 2 had Steve
Pinky I Ryder, Rick Kay and Don Majors.
Both teams combined won a total of six silver,
and four bronze medals. John Hagerman shot
as an independent.
Individual medals were won by Rick
Kay from LA 2 who took the gold in singles
skeet and silver for the high overall score in
skeet. Rick also took the bronze in doubles
skeet. Larry Bickly from LA 1 took the gold
in the trap 24 yd handicap event and bronze in
16 yd trap. Steve Dodge from LA 2 got into a
shoot off, to break a tie, with John Fowler from
Garden Grove. John won the silver and Steve
Dodge won the bronze. John Hagerman took
the gold for the highest overall score in skeet,
and bronze in the sporting clays. Congratula-
tions to the winners of the individual medals.
We also have a very special award,
given to the very special team member, who
had the misfortune to shoot the lowest overall
score. This is an award you really dont want
to win, let alone win it two years in a row. The
award consists of a pink hat and a very nice
oak plaque. Affxed to the plaque is a brass
plate engraved with your name and the year of
your descent to the bottom of the pile. Im not,
for health reasons, going to say who the repeat
winner was because he has a couple of friends
with a boat and a cement mixer . . . if you get
my drift. The big question everyone is asking
is, will he threepeat? He hopes not.
However, if you were paying atten-
tion a few paragraphs back you will be able to
fgure it out. Unless you are, or were an A/O, in
which case you will need some help.
Years ago Larry Bickly was a mem-
ber of the original LAFD Trap & Skeet team.
He moved on to bigger and better things over
the years but a problem came up and he was the
guy to handle it.
The problem was Rick Kay. There
wasnt any one thing that Rick did but, like
the top 40 DJs say, the hits keep on coming.
Well Larry handled Rick the way King Kong
handled those pesky airplanes that kept fying
around him when he had the babe on top of the
Empire State building . . . but, once again, I di-
gress. It was a rare treat watching Larry dribble
Rick like a basketball.
There were two highlights of this
years trip that need to be mentioned. First, we
found two good restaurants. One was Mexican
and the other was Italian. Thanks go out to
Steve Man vs. Food Dodge for fnding these
eateries. Competitive Eating is the one sport
October 2012 25
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where every other team is going for the silver
medal. If I could remember the names of these
two places I would highly recommend them to
The second highlight was not having
to watch one of our more accomplished mem-
bers scrounging another shooters empty shells.
He was observed doing this last year but he ap-
parently sought professional help and seemed
to be cured. Actually, this is a time honored
tradition among shot gunners because some
empty shells are better for reloading than oth-
ers. However, common decency requires that
you wait for the person to fnish shooting be-
fore you start grabbing all of his empty shells.
You really dont want to try and catch them in
mid air as they are ejected from his gun. Due to
the stinking HIPPO laws, or whatever they are
called, his name cant be revealed, but heres a
hint - his name is the same as an army offcers
We are always looking for more peo-
ple to come and shoot with us, not only at the
Olympics but throughout the year. If you are
interested, or if you know someone who would
be, please know that we are at the Oak Tree gun
club in Santa Clarita every Friday morning at
about ten oclock, give or take a few minutes.
If you have never even picked up shotgun and
are not sure if this is something you would like
to do, rental guns are available at the range. We
can show you the basics of gun safety and what
you need to know to hit a moving target.
If you are female and dont think
shooting is a ladies sport, it certainly is. A
young lady named Kim Rhode won the gold
medal in womens double skeet in London. She
has also set a record for winning medals in fve
consecutive Olympics. No other American ath-
lete, male or female has ever accomplished this.
Ladies, if this is all thats holding you back, as
my Uncle Nunzio used to say, fuggedaboutit.
We know that there are at least a
handful of shot gunners out there because we
have talked to them on several occasions. Dont
make me put your names in print. Remember,
failure to appear is not protected by those pesky
HIPPO things. So, unless you have appeared
on the TV show COPS running through the
bushes dressed in your underwear and a tank
top while carrying a beer with your stylish mul-
let blowing in the wind, come on out and join
A professional shooting instructor is
also available at Oak Tree. We are not associ-
ated with him in any way and there is a charge
for his services.
If you have any questions call me
at (805) 551-8518. This is my cell phone and
its not surgically attached to my ear. If I dont
answer please leave a message. I will call you
back within a day or so. We hope to see you out
26 October 2012
aIrPLane craSH
Photos by Mike Meadows, EPN
A small airplane crash near Whiteman Airport on August 25, 2012, injured two persons aboard, one seriously. Companies responded to
10725 San Fernando Road in Pacoima, where they discovered a small, fxed wing, single-engine plane with signifcant front end damage nestled
between two businesses. The air crafts 65 horsepower engine was completely separated from the fuselage.
Civilians frst on scene helped remove one occupant from the plane, and LAFD personnel aided with removal of the second man,
believed to be the pilot.
October 2012 27
Firefghters responding to an automatic alarm at John H. Francis Polytechnic High School on August 19, 2012, encountered a fully involved mainte-
nance shed/garage on the school grounds. An aggressive attack on the fre prevented the spread to nearby bungalows.
Structure FIre
Sun Valley
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN
28 October 2012
traFFIc accIDent
Valley Village
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN
Two women who tried to help victims of an auto accident in Valley Village were electrocuted, and six others were injured, after a vehicle
struck a fre hydrant and a light standard.
An adult male, the single occupant and driver of a white SUV, sheared off a fre hydrant and light standard just before 8:30 p.m. in the 12000
block of Magnolia Boulevard. Firefghters arrived to fnd the SUV stopped on the lawn of a residence. A fre hydrant approximately 10 feet behind it
was shooting water into the sky and pooling below. Underneath the vehicle was an old fashioned concrete light standard, leaving behind electrical
wires sticking out of the ground. The wires were disguised by darkness, running water, and the commotion of a growing crowd.
October 2012 29
Neighbors came running out their homes to help. They were met by other concerned citizens who stopped their cars. Sadly, two of these
well intentioned people stepped into water that was unknowingly energized and were killed. Others followed suit, and were injured.
Fortunately, as frefghters rushed to help the motionless victims on the ground, their keen sense of safety along with warning of bystand-
ers, stopped them from stepping into the energized water. They utilized rubber gauntlet gloves and a long pike pole to safely remove the victims, then
rendered aggressive medical aid.
30 October 2012
Andrew Kuljis, Chairman, Election Committee, LAFRA
lection time again is bearing down upon us. Elections are a
very important aspect for the life and health of your Relief
Association. It is now time to nominate members of the
Association for the offces of six Active Trustees and one Pension
Trustee positions.
This is the frst year of use of the new Trustee election process that
was approved by the membership in December, 2011. From now on
there will be six (6) Active Trustees elected at-large by Active mem-
bers and one (1) Pension Trustee, elected by Pension members, for
three year terms. If more than six actives run, the six with the most
votes will elected.. If more than one pensioner runs, the one with
most votes will be elected.. If no more than six active members and
no more than one pension member runs, there will be a white ballot
declared by the Board and those running will be deemed elected.
As stated in the Bylaws, Article VII, Chapter I, Section 7136, The
Trustees shall attend all meetings of the Board, unless excused, visit
the sick and injured members in their respective districts, report
upon all matters coming within their scope of assignments and
responsibilities, and perform such other duties as may be assigned
to them by the Board.
The Trustees are the elected representatives of the membership of
the Association, who are responsible to their constituency and to
the Association as a whole. A conscientious effort must be made
by each Trustee to be knowledgeable of the Associations By-Laws
and their responsibilities to the members of the Association. The
Association is governed, and its business conducted by the Board
of Trustees. Dissemination of information relative to the Associa-
tion and to its membership is conducted primarily by the Trustees.
Conversely, opinions, requests and suggestions are channeled to the
Board, through the Trustees. A close liaison with the membership is
paramount to the performance of the duties of a Trustee.
Nominations are open September 1 through October 15, and will
close at the end of the business day on October 15, 2012.
Only members of the Association in good standing may serve as
an Offcer or Trustee. The commitment of a Trustee position is for
three years.
Please Mail, FAX or Email a letter in the following format, with
a recent picture of yourself and a short statement/bio, by close of
business on October 15, 2012.
I ___________________________________, do here by submit my name as a candidate
for the position of (select Active or Pension) _________________________________ on
the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.
This letter is valid only for the General Election of 2012. Mail or FAX to:
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association
815 Colorado Bl., 4th foor, Los Angeles, CA. 90041 FAX (323) 259-5204 AKULJIS@LAFRA.ORG
October 2012 31
ddie Marez defeated John Libby in the fnal of the 2010 LAFD
Singles Championship. He fat out beat me! I dont like to loose
at anything in life! was Libbys comment about the match. So
John intensifed his training and has not lost a singles match in a tourna-
ment since. John Libby has fat out been the best singles handball player
on the LAFD for the past year.
Libby Jr. as he is known outside the LAFD became a mem-
ber of the Department in 1995. He promoted to engineer, his current rank
in 2001. He is presently assigned to FS 3-B. He started playing handball
when he was 12 years old. His frst tournament win was the C Division
of the Hollywood YMCA Thanksgiving Tournament in 1988.
Early in his playing career, his Dad sent him to handball
camp to learn from Pete Tyson and John Bike in Colorado Springs.
He played on the Pro Tour prior to joining the LAFD and early in his
frefghting career, making it as high as #9 in the rankings. He has won
the 4-Wall Nationals four times in his career: the Open, 35, 40 and
45 Division this year. He also won the Simple Green Tournament in
2012, which is the U.S. Open of Handball, the No. Cal/So. Cal Challenge
45 Division, and the 2011 LAFD Singles last December.
His biggest win ever was against John Bike Jr. (2012 Handball
Hall of Fame Inductee) at Venice Beach in a 3-Wall Pro Stop). His tough-
est opponents were Pro Randy Marones and LAFD Tati Silveyra. His
best doubles partner was Tony Gamboa. His handball role model is Jesus
Pasos, who he still trains with. His best shot is a punch fst ceiling ball
and his best serve is a hard drive down the right wall, even though he is
best known for the lob serve. He likes playing 3-Wall best - because he
can play legally with his shirt off.
His training routine consists of riding the lifecycle, running,
weight training and playing off duty. When he is training for big tourna-
ments, he adds running uphill on fre roads and playing at least three
times per week. His standard advice for young players is shoot for
show, pass for dough. He also recommends playing in tournaments out-
side the LAFD.
Over the years, Libby has been known for his fashion state-
ments. He was one of the last holdouts when Dolphin shorts went
out of style! He is always color coordinated,
and has been known to wear as many as four
different outfts in one day. The most famous
fashion statement was to Manscape his
chest hair with Rex and unveiled the tribute
to his opponent Rex Villaubi before the match,
which he won - possibly because his opponent
was distracted. His philosophy is look good,
play good! which is a quote that he picked up
from Jerry Rice.
When asked about his many games
against Tati Silveyra, he said that he only beat
Tati one time. Silveyra was just off probation,
the Task Force drilled him all day to tire him
out, he hadnt played in a year, the game was
after midnight, and Libby barely won. Consid-
ering the fact that Tati was the World Cham-
pion the year before getting on the LAFD,
there is a chance that he cut Libby some slack.
Just sayin!
Libby stated that Trevor Insley, Ty-
ler Tomish, Chris Yokoyama, Ryan Carlos and
Joe Steiner in doubles are players to watch. He
says to call him at Fire Station 3-B and he will come play you (any skill
level.) at your station in the morning.
When asked for some little known facts, he stated that his Dad
is his best friend, he is from Kentucky, and he never met a mirror that
he didnt like! Hey John, we didnt know about the mirrors! Finally,
when asked about his most prestigious title, he answered, Hopefully a
World Championship! He is headed to Ireland in October to play in the
32 October 2012
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FILENAME: 7045394 CohenPotter Ad r2 LAST MODIFIED: February 3, 2012 10:09 AM
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October 2012 33
AFD Crew 3 Cadet Byron Collins is a
dedicated young man with strong as-
pirations to become a frefghter. He is
a committed member of Crew 3 as well as a
dedicated student attending Cal State Domin-
guez Hills. With an Associates Degree in Fire
Science, he is currently completing a Bachelors
Degree in Communications with an emphasis
in Public Relations. An avid bicyclist, Collins
recently joined Fire Velo, a fre department
based cycling club that helps provide fnancial
assistance to fre department based groups and
Cadet Collins was shocked to learn
of the devastating effects that cancer has on the
frefghting community. Researchers found fre-
fghters have a 100-percent higher risk of de-
veloping testicular cancer, a 50-percent higher
risk for multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkins
lymphoma, and a 28-percent increased risk for
prostate cancer compared with non-frefghters.
Upon his discovery of these staggering statis-
tics, he was moved to become involved in ef-
forts to fght this horrifc disease.
On August 19, 2012, Collins started
Fire Velos annual San Francisco to Los An-
geles Cancer Awareness Bicycle Ride - a
distance of 540 miles. This event focused on
providing cancer awareness to both fre service
personnel and to the public we serve. Byron
rode with approximately 30 other riders with
Fire Velo Cycling Club. LAFD Firefghter Ja-
son Teter (Fire Station 38-A) joined the group
and rode two days to show his support for the
group. Cadet Collins is extremely proud to
have represented the Los Angeles Fire Depart-
ment in this extraordinary journey.
On Sunday, August 25, 2012, LAFD
Crew 3 met up with the cycling group on Pa-
cifc Coast Highway at the LA County/LA City
line in Fire Station 23s district to show their
support and welcome them home. Crew 3 fol-
lowed the group of riders to the fnish point at
the Santa Monica Pier. Both Fire Stations 23
and 69 gladly joined the procession and proud-
ly followed, showing support for the riders
through their respective districts. Los Angeles
County Fire Department opened their doors
and hosted a fnish line celebration at their life-
guard facility located at the Santa Monica Pier.
Cadet Collins, a resident of Harbor
City, was recognized and presented a Certif-
cate of Recognition from Los Angeles Council-
man Joe Buscaino, Council District 15. Byron
has been an extremely motivated member of
Crew 3 for approximately 3 years. He has dedi-
cated himself to learning as much as possible
to achieve his goal of becoming a frefghter.
Collins proudly represented the Los Angeles
Fire Department and Crew 3 in taking on and
completing this 540 mile challenge. Crew 3 is
extremely proud of one of their own, Los An-
geles Fire Department Cadet Byron Collins!
34 October 2012
dear John Jacobsen:
In case there is any problem my middle
name is Joy. It is what Ive always been called
except when my frst name is needed.
At age 86 a monthly donation may not
amount to much so Im sending a check
Between a dad and husband, the LAFD has
been good to me all my life.
Bless you all!
Joy Weakman
Manteca, CA
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association,
Please accept this donation and the thanks
that go with it for the wonderful work that
is done by the Board and all the employees
in assisting members on a daily basis. This
organization has assisted me and my family
for 50 years (9-1-1962). Thank you for
always being there when I was in need of you.
And thank you Wayne Sherman for all you
did. Thank you to the entire Board, we truly
appreciate all you did for us.
John and Leigh Patchett
Oxnard, CA
The family of Stephanie A. Glas, LAFD
Firefghter III, would like to extend their
heartfelt gratitude to the Los Angeles Fire
Department for the wonderful and personal
concern extended to all of us during this time
of mourning for our beloved daughter.
Our special thank you to Chaplain Greg W.
Stephen S. Glas (Stephanies Father)
San Pedro, CA
dear Widows, Orphans and disabled
Firemens Fund Manager,
Please accept my donation to the widows
and Orphans fund in memory of the Big
Banana, John Pollock, LAFD retired.
This nickname was lovingly given to John by
the crew of Fire Station 90 for his outstanding
stand-up comedy routine.
Your truly,
Pat Quinn, LAFD retired
Ventura, CA
Send your letters & comments to
the editor at: editor@lafra.org
dear LAFRA
This donation is in memory of Loren
(Whizzer) White. In 1948 he was part of
the group that opened New Fire Station on
Robertson Blvd. We had a foursome that went
to Lake Crowley several years for the opening
of Trout Season. Capt McRibben (Mr. Neat)
packed the food for each meal, every day.
Whiz and I would take care of breakfast and
lunch. Bill Wooster, who was a cook and baker
in WWII, fxed the dinner meals. What eating,
what drinking, what campfre stories, what
Bob Lutz, retired 1972
Palm Desert, CA
Please accept this donation to the Widows,
Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in
memory of Jerry Baird, a good freman,
handball player and a fun guy to be around. I
worked with Jerry at old 61s for a number of
years. We enjoyed every shift to the max and
Jerry was all part of one of my best memories I
have of my years on the department.
Norman Stephens
Lake Havasu City, AZ
dear LAFRA,
Please accept this WODFF donation in
memory of a wonderful friend, Dona Dempsey,
wife of Leo Dempsey. This lady was always an
upbeat person and a joy to be
around. My wife and I have
known Leo and Dona for
many years starting at Engine
1 in the ffties. We shall miss
her warm greetings and
laughter. Thanks to all at the
Relief Association.
Hank Huizinga
Star Huizinga
Reedley, CA
Thank you for all your help during the
passing of my sister. Your assistance was of
great comfort to the family.
Thank you and the Association.
Walt (Wilmington)
Valencia, CA
dear Andy,
This donation is in memory of my brother
Heinz for the Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemens Fund. Thanks also for the bagpiper
and that Engine 48s was able to be on location.
And thanks to Jim Dolan also. And thanks for
the equipment to make his remaining days
more tolerable. Hit the line for Pedro.
Werner and Marilynn Wahlers
Oxnard, CA
The enclosed check is for the Widows,
Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in
loving memory of Arnold Osburn, a disabled
Thank you,
Lois Osburn
Bellfower, CA
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association:
Thanks for putting up the spline on the Go
For Broke monument. Now we can fy the
fag 24/7. Thanks for all you do always. You all
Go For Broke National Education Center
Torrance, CA
October 2012 35
have to admit to being a reluctant attendee.
Like a grass fre, if youve been to one re-
tirement dinner youve been to them all,
and the certainty of being stuck in downtown
traffc enroute to San Pedro and the Ports o
Call restaurant all but cemented my willing-
ness to pay the ffty bucks and enjoy my eve-
ning doing something else, like deep fossing.
But, you work with a guy for the bet-
ter part of ten years, share good times and bad
. . . he goes to great lengths to make coming to
work fun, willingly stands in front of every bit
of crap coming down from above . . . what the
heck, traffc and dental hygiene be damned.
I get there just early enough to shake
a few familiar hands and feld the surprised
comments at my unexpected attendance. Navi-
gating my way through the sea of bodies I f-
nally make it to the man of the hour, Dave Soto.
He and the lovely Virginia invite me to sit at
their table, which brings a lone tear to my one
good eye.
Master of Ceremonies Phil Domin-
guez had been spending time herding cats days
prior to the event, which is perfect practice
for trying to get a room full of fremen under
control so the festivities can begin. With micro-
phone in hand he goes around the room fring
shots at myself and other attendees, apparently
forgetting we all have Phil stories to use in
retaliation. But, its all in good fun so nobody
reminds him of the time he burnt up the elec-
trical system on the truck by hooking the big
black cable to the big + on the battery, launch-
ing the wagon battery into orbit trying to fnd
its pressure limit, running over the hydrant in
the upper lot at Franks Place during Division
Evaluation or the myriad of other tales . . . no,
this night is about Dave and his thirty fve years
of service to the City. Phil puts down the mike
as we all pick up eating utensils and before you
know it the food is gone and the festivities are
Phil swiftly and masterfully takes
us all on a trip down memory lane with Dave,
whose career began soon after high school.
Being a Pedro boy, his whole life explained
why Boat 4 was outside the large plate glass
window earlier putting on an impressive water
display. After our brief journey, our Master of
Ceremonies reaches down behind the podium
and produces what is purported to be the re-
tired heros long lost brush bag. His brightly
colored, polka dot, long lost brush bag. For the
beneft of the younger, non-retired members,
the contents are shared so they may see what
a seasoned veteran brings along when being
called away to a brush fre in anticipation of an
extended stay. Years of experience dictate the
need for a spare helmet, the kind handed out on
Fire Service Day. A parasol to protect delicate
skin from the harms of UV radiation, large yel-
low rimmed sunglasses serve as eye protection,
and hemorrhoid cream complete the package.
Some soiled underwear were discovered at the
bottom of the bag, apparently the casualty of a
tense moment in an earlier campaign.
And then there were the certifcates
of acknowledgement and appreciation. Oh yes,
LOTS of certifcates. We even had Mr. Michael
Fong from the mayors offce kindly in atten-
dance with a certifcate. You could tell our hon-
oree was visibly moved. After being awarded
enough wallpaper for his new garage/work-
shop/RV storage building in Sedona, retirement
badges were awarded by his old relief, Gene
Bednarchik, on behalf of the Relief Associa-
tion. A silver one for Dave and a gold one for
Virginia. Virginias came with a nice bouquet,
as most chiefs badges do.
The I remember when portion
starts as members of the audience take their
turn at the microphone. Daves friend Angel
tells us of a friendly football wager that made
the loser asymmetrical for 24 hours as only half
of the moustache would be shaved. Proving
himself to be a good winner, Angel awarded
his friend an LAFD helmet . . . painted as a
perfect replica of a Rams helmet, the team that
cost Dave his moustache years ago. We had
the pleasure of Dave Soto Sr. tell the story of
a young Dave being found on the roof when a
ladder he was using was unattended for just a
minute. The proud father knew then what his
sons career calling would be.
As we approach the end of the eve-
ning Phil announces that the honoree will now
have an opportunity to address everyone in at-
tendance. The microphone passes in front of
Daves outstretched hand just out of reach as
Psuedo-Soto now has the crowds undivided at-
tention. Tim Aguayo has donned his Soto suit
and proceeds to hold one last line up. I, for one,
found it eerily familiar. After a job well done
Tim hands the mike over to the real thing.
After acknowledging his family and
giving them special keepsakes Dave reminded
us about what a great career this is and how
fortunate we all are to have the opportunity to
do it. That the challenging times we are in will
pass as they always do. The years . . . and how
fast they fy when youre having fun. The great
relationships that are formed with people who
willingly put your safety ahead of their own.
I think Dave referred to this as a job. I feel
that comes from being hired so soon after high
school. I was given my opportunity at the age
of 27 and was a lot of things before I became
a professional hero. Ive had lots of jobs, this
aint one of em.
Id have to rate the evening a huge
success, due in no small part to the efforts of
Paul Ponce, Frank Espinosa and Johnathon
Theodore. And many thanks to Tony Senior
and his expensive camera for capturing the mo-
ment. The pictures I took look like the kind of
pictures I always take.
36 October 2012
RAY HIME, Captain II, FS 75-C
SATuRdAY, oCToBER 20, 2012
The Hime Home
990 Nonchalant Drive
Simi Valley CA
Dinner: 3:00 PM - ??
No Cost! Families welcome!
Call Kit or Ray - (805) 520-9658 or raynkit@yahoo.com
TuESdAY, oCToBER 2, 2012
15600 Odyssey Drive - Granada Hills CA 91344
Social Hour - 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
Menu: Buffet Dinner
$50, includes tax, tip & gift
Call FS 114 - (818) 756-8635 or Bill Hertz - (805) 358-4299
Spouses are cordially invited
MICHAEl CAMEllo, Arson Investigator,
Arson/Counter Terrorism Section
FRIdAY, JANuARY 25, 2013
Brookside Golf Club
1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena CA 91103
Social Hour: 6 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
$50 per person, includes tax, tip & gift Checks payable: Arson House Dues
Call FHMTC Arson Offce - (213) 893-9850 or
In person or by mail: FHMTC Arson offce,
1700 Stadium Way, Suite 109, Los Angeles CA 90012
If interested in golf before dinner call Tim Crass - (213) 893-9827
MIKE BREHM, A/O, Fire Station 12
SATuRdAY, FEBRuARY 23, 2013
Ports oCall
Berth 76
San Pedro CA
Social Hour: 4:30 Dinner: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Chicken or Steak - $50 per person, including tax & gift
Call Fire Station 12 Grapevine - (323) 256-9563
JAMES STINE, Super Mate, FS 110-A
SATuRdAY, oCToBER 20, 2012
Victoria Country Club
2521 Arroyo Drive, Riverside CA 92506
Social Hour - 4:30 PM Dinner: 5:30 PM
Menu: Mediterranean Buffet
$40, includes tax, tip & gift
Call Chris Stine - (714) 342-7959 or Paul Stine - (951) 323-5908
Tropical Attire - Collared shirts and NO denim please - Club Code
RSVP by October 12th
Celebration will continue at the Stine residence.
Maps will be provided at venue
BRIAN l. RuBINo, Captain II, FS 89-B
TuESdAY, NoVEMBER 13, 2012
Knollwood Country Club
12040 Balboa Blvd, Granada Hills CA 91344
Social Hour - 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
Menu: Steak, Chicken or Vegetarian Pasta
Cost: $50 dress Attire: Informal
Call FS 89 - (818) 756-868 or email: jeruedy@gmail.com
Spouses are cordially invited
PAul Paulie oRTEGA, Engineer, FS 42-B
FRIdAY, NoVEMBER 16, 2012
Brookside Golf Club
1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena CA 91103
Golf: 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM (optional) - Cost: $50
Social Hour - 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Luncheon: 1:30 PM
Menu: BBQ Buffet
$50, includes tax, tip & gift
Call FS 42 - (323) 924-5159 or Ruben Terrazas - (626) 705-5846
Spouses are cordially invited
doN PAoNE, Captain I, FS 26-B
SATuRdAY, NoVEMBER 3, 2012
Chevron Employee Park
324 West El Segundo Blvd (El Segundo X Illinois St)
Los Angeles CA 90061
Social Hour - 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Luncheon: 1:00 PM
Menu: Tri Tip / Chicken $40, includes everything
Call FS 26 - (323) 737-9010 or (213) 485-6226
All are welcome! Dress casual.
JoE PoRRAS, Firefghter/EIT, Batt 10-C
SATuRdAY, NoVEMBER 17, 2012
Knollwood Country Club
12040 Balboa Blvd, Granada Hills CA 91344
Social Hour - 5:00 PM Dinner: 6:00 PM
Menu: BBQ Buffet $50, includes tax, tip & gift
Call FS 39 - (818) 756-8639
Spouses are cordially invited
October 2012 37
on tWItter!
Go to twitter.com

username: fremensrelief
Paid Advertisements:
ey Babe! Captain II Joe Espinosa has retired after 35 years of
service to the citizens of Los Angeles and the LAFD. An entire
day of holiday routine was declared for Joes last day at Fire
Station 26. Family, friends and co-workers all joined him for a full day
of handball, stories, meals and camaraderie just like every other day at
26s! Congratulations Joe well see you any time, any place!
38 October 2012
October 2012 39
he House of Blues, Sunset Strip was the site for the 2nd Annual
Firemans Brew Bachelor Auction on Thursday night, August
30th. Fourteen of LAs bravest, including a half dozen of our own
LAFD members, were auctioned live to beneft two great charitable or-
ganizations the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Associations Widows,
Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund, and the Los Angeles County
Firefghter Memorial Committee Widows and Orphans Fund.
The night was emceed by KIIS-FM radio personality Sisanie
who was joined on-stage by a professional auctioneer. Throughout the
night local 80s cover band Flashback Heart Attack hammered out the
background music and played songs like Cowboy by Kid Rock and
Fireman by Lil Wayne while the frefghters enticed the bidders. In ad-
dition to the bachelor auction taking center stage, event-goers were able
to bid on a wide variety of high-ticket raffe prizes, the proceeds also
beneftting the frefghter charities.
40 October 2012
October 2012 41
HEINz W. WAHLERS, Firefghter. Appointed September 23, 1947.
Retired on a service pension June 01, 1978 from FS 40.
Passed away August 02, 2012.
GEORGE d. dOERFLER, Captain. Appointed July 25, 1970.
Retired on a disability pension December 01, 1991 from FS 105-C.
Passed away August 16, 2012.
RAYMONd P. MARTIN, Battalion Chief. Appointed January 02, 1962.
Retired on a disability pension January 13, 1983 from BATTALION 13-A.
Passed away August 21, 2012.
IRvING M. ANEAR, Engineer. Appointed April 15, 1947.
Retired on a service pension July 01, 1967 from FS 31-A.
Passed away August 23, 2012.

MILdREd KENT, surviving spouse of Ray C. Kent,
passed away August 08, 2012.
ANNAdEE MALCOLM, surviving spouse of Robert E. Malcolm,
passed away August 10, 2012.
A portion of fre-related
jewelry profts donated to
the Widows, Or phans and
Disabled Firemens Fund.

42 October 2012
October 2012 43
ne of the main duties of the Wildland Fuel Management Unit
is brush fre operations. During wildland fres, bulldozers are
mainly used for direct fre line construction. However, they are
also used to construct indirect and contingency fre lines, improve or
construct escape routes and safety zones, open access roads, pull and
retrieve hose lines, retrieve stuck apparatus, and rehabilitate dozer lines.
Although bulldozers are one of the most effective tools in removing fuel
along a fre line, several factors infuence the performance of the bull-
1. The skill and experience of the bulldozer operator is one
factor that affects the production rate and quality of the
operation. All of the Heavy Equipment Operators on our
department have passed practical tests demonstrating their
skill in operating heavy equipment. They are under
supervision for two years before working independently. In
addition, they must complete a nine week course at Cal Fire at
the HFEO state academy in Ione, California. This level of
expertise helps to minimize any soil damage done by the
2. Fire intensity also effects bulldozer effectiveness. Low fre
intensity allows the bulldozer to work directly on the fre line.
Higher intensity fres cause bulldozers to work farther away
from the fre.
3. Operations are also effected by the steepness of the slope,
whether the line is uphill or down, the type of soil, and the
number of rocks.
4. The fuel type and density can affect the speed in which the
line is cut.
5. The age, size, and condition of the bulldozer can also affect
its performance. The larger, newer bulldozers produce more
fre line per hour. The LAFD has one newer D-8R series II
with an enclosed cab, and two older D-7s.
During brushfres, our Unit reports to predetermined staging
areas that are different from where the engine companies might report.
For example, Battalion 10 has several drop off points that allow us ac-
cess to east Sepulveda fre road, Mt. St. Mary fre road, upper and lower
east Mandeville Canyon, west Mandeville Canyon, and the Encino Res-
ervoir. Battalion 12 has a drop off point at Chandler fre road, La Tuna
Canyon, Hostetter, Conover, Hansen Dam, Lopez Canyon, and Olive
View. Battalion 15s drop off points are OMelveny Park, and Browns
Canyon. Battalion 17 uses the south end of Reseda Blvd.
Despite the obvious benefts of bulldozer operations during
brush fres, it is important to realize that bulldozers can be dangerous to
be around, especially in steep terrain. Be aware of bulldozers working
above you. They may inadvertently dislodge rocks or other debris from
above. When working around bulldozers, realize the area within 50 feet
is a danger zone. Never approach a bulldozer when it is moving. If you
need to speak to the operator make sure you are seen before approaching
the machine.
The Wildland Fuel Management Unit is fully operational and
ready to assist engine companies in any grass, brush or wildland fres that
may occur during the 2012 fre season. Keep in mind if you need the Unit
for any reason, call as soon as possible as it takes time to load and deliver
equipment. Remember that we are there to help you. You call, we haul!
44 October 2012

Arson Shoot-Out Golf Tournament
at the Braemar Country Club
4001 Reseda Boulevard, Tarzana
Monday, October 22, 2012, 6:30 AM Check-in & 7:30 AM Shotgun Start
Partners (Two-Person) Scramble Format ($100 per Player)
Includes: Continental Breakfast, Range Balls, Complimentary Beer & Water, Raffle Prizes, Tri-Tip or
Chicken Lunch, Cash Prizes, Trophy Plaques for Flight Winners & Hole-in-One Prize Provided by

Entry is due no later than October 10, 2012. Your payment confirms your spot! Tournament is limited
to first 144 players. Contact Mike Camello or Tim Crass at (213) 893-9850 for additional information
and /or donations and special contributions. Proceeds will be donated to the Los Angeles Firemens
Relief Association Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firefighters Fund.
Make check(s) payable and mail to: LAFD Arson Investigators Golf
1700 Stadium Way, Room 109
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Name:__________________________________________________ Index:________ SCGA No.__________________
Name:__________________________________________________ Index:________ SCGA No.__________________
Provide the SCGA number and current index for both players if applicable. An estimated handicap may be used only when player does not
have an official index. Indicate meal preference for both players. Chicken: ____ Tri-Tip: ____
October 2012 45
n November 28, 2012, the Los Angeles City Firefghters
Association will vote on this years 2012 Firefghter of the
Year. This honor of distinction and recognition is given to
a member of any rank, who, not by any single act, has distinguished
him/herself as one of outstanding character, dedication, and loyalty
to the Department, the Fire Service, and to the citizens of the com-
To be eligible for consideration, nominees must have been an ac-
tive LAFD member for at least one day during the nominating year,
and a member of the California State Firefghters Association/Los
Angeles City Firefghters Association.

Candidates will be judged on an overall career and life that exem-
plifes the best qualities of those who are honored to be part of the
fre service.

If you know of such a person, and would like to nominate him/
her for this prestigious award, submit your application NO LATER
than November 26, 2012, to any one of the nominating committee
members listed below. The nomination must include the nominees
name, rank, assignment and a statement of why the member should
receive the award. Photos and other documentation may also be
Please attend the Los Angeles City Firefghters Association meet-
ing on November 28, 2012 at 0830 Hours, Fire Station 59 Training
classroom, 11505 Olympic Blvd. and present your nomination IN
PERSON. All Los Angeles City Firefghters Association members
are welcome, and encouraged to attend the meeting and presenta-
tions, and to show support for the individuals being nominated.

Presentations may be subject to time limits depending on the num-
ber of nominations received in order to provide fairness to all nomi-
nees. These time limits will be announced prior to the start of the
November 28, 2012 membership meeting and will be strictly en-
forced. The nominee cannot be present during the meeting.

The election will be held in closed executive session following the
nominations, and only members of the Los Angeles City Firefght-
ers Association Board will vote.

Reminder, applications must be submitted no later than
November 26, 2012.
Following personal notifcation of the winner by the Vice President, public announcement will be made by Department teletype.
George James, (661) 433-4679
James S. Dolan, (562) 400-1298
Adam VanGerpen, (818) 486-9939
NOMINEES NAME: _______________________________________________
ASSIGNMENT:_____________________________ Phone#___________________________ RANK:____________________
Community, Church, etc. work)
Nominators name ____________________________Phone:___________________________ Attachments are encouraged.
46 October 2012
his information notice is directed to prospective new
members, active or retired L. A. City Firefghters, who would
like to join our golf club. Applications for membership will
be accepted from September 1st through December 1st, 2010. The
dues for the membership are $75.00 per year. This will entitle the
member to participate in all LAFD Golf Club functions, which
includes 2 to 3 one day tournaments per month, 2 major tournaments
(the Memorial Club Championship in May and the Partners
Championship at the Singing Hills at Sycuan Resort in Septem-
ber, and 4 Southern California Firefghters Golf Association major
tournaments (Palm Springs in March, Primm Resort (Nevada) in
May, Lake Tahoe in August, and Pebble Beach in November). It
will also establish a handicap index with the Southern California
Golf Association.
To apply, please send a check for $75.00 made out to the LAFD
Golf Club. Or go to our website at: http://lafdgc.com
Visit our website, follow the link and fll out the applica-
tion. The information will be forwarded to me for processing. If
you decide to use regular mail please include a short note with your
present assignment, home address, phone number, email address,
your member number and club name (if a member of another club),
and any scorecards from the last six months to establish a starting
handicap. Mail this information to:
Noel Murchet
16301 Gentry Lane
Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647
Cell Phone #714-330-3477
October 2012 47
by Mike Mastro, President/CEO
Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union
The Making Home Affordable Program
(HARP) has been getting a lot of media attention with the
introduction of HARP 2.0 this past spring. HARP 1.0
was introduced late last year. There has been some
confusion regarding HARP. I have compiled some
frequently asked questions and answers regarding the
details of this government refnance program.
What is HARP?
The government calls it HARP, as in
Home Affordable Refnance Program. The program
is also known as the Making Home Affordable plan,
the Obama plan, DU Ref Plus, and Relief Refnance.
HARP is geared to homeowners that are underwa-
ter on their conforming, conventional mortgage and
have not been able to refnance to a lower rate due to
declining property values.
In order to be eligible for the HARP program:
Your loan must be backed/owned by Fannie
Mae or Freddie Mac
Your current mortgage must have been settled
prior to May 31, 2009
If you meet those two criteria, you may be
HARP-eligible. If your mortgage is FHA, or a jumbo
mortgage, you are not eligible.
How do I know if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac has
my mortgage?
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have look-
up forms on their respective websites. Go to www.
fanniemae.com. If no match is found, then check
www.freddiemac.com. Your loan must appear on one
of these sites to be eligible.
If my mortgage is held by Fannie or Freddie, am I
instantly eligible for HARP?
There is a series of criteria to be eligible
for HARP. Having your mortgage held by Fannie or
Freddie is just a pre-qualifer.
What if my mortgage is with another bank like
Wells Fargo or Chase?
Its possible that your mortgage is backed
by one of these banks, but its more likely that they
are just your mortgage servicer; the bank that col-
lects your monthly mortgage payments. Most loans
are backed by either Fannie or Freddie.
What if neither Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac has
a record of my mortgage?
If neither has a record of your mortgage,
your loan is not HARP-eligible. However, if your
mortgage is insured by FHA, you may be able to ref-
nance with the FHA Short Refnance program. If Los
Angeles Firemens Credit Union has your loan, call
to see if you are eligible for the Refnance Assistance
Program (RAP) which mirrors the federal HARP 1.0
I have a jumbo mortgage loan. Can I use HARP?
HARP is not meant for jumbo mortga-
ges. Its for mortgages backed by Fannie or Freddie.
There is talk of a HARP 3.0 program. There is no
expectation for when, or if, it will be passed.
does HARP work the same with Fannie as with
Yes, with a few small differences, the pro-
gram is the same.
Am I eligible for the HARP program if Im behind
on my mortgage?
Your mortgage must be current and have
had no mortgage late payments in the past six months
and no more than one in the last twelve months.
Will the HARP program help me avoid foreclo-
The HARP is not designed to delay or
stop foreclosures. Its meant to give homeowners
who are current on their mortgages, who have lost
home equity, a chance to refnance at todays low
mortgage rates.
My mortgage was settled shortly after the HARP
deadline of May 31, 2009. Can I get a waiver or
There are no exceptions for HARP.
My mortgage closed in May 2009 but wasnt
settled until after June 1. Can I get a waiver?
There are no exceptions.
Is there a loan-to-value restriction for HARP?
There is no loan-to-value restriction
under HARP 2.0 as long as your new mortgage is
a fxed rate loan with a term of 30 years or less. If
you use HARP to refnance into a hybrid-fxed (5/1 or
7/1) rate loan, your loan-to-value is capped at 105%.
I put down 20% when I bought my home. My
home is now underwater. If I refnance with
HARP will I have to pay mortgage insurance?
You wont need to pay mortgage insur-
ance (MI) if your current loan doesnt have MI,
your new loan wont require, either.
Can I do a cash-out refnance with HARP?
The HARP program doesnt allow for
cash-out only rate and term refnances.
I rent out my old home. Is it HARP-eligible even
though its an investment property now?
You can use HARP for your former
residence even if its rented now.
Can I combine my First and Second liens into one
loan with HARP?
HARP is meant for frst liens only. The
second lien would be subordinated. Youll get to re-
place your frst mortgage and the second mortgage
would remain as-is.
Can I roll-up my closing costs with a HARP re-
Yes, mortgage balances can be increased
to cover closing costs in addition to other monies due
at closing such as escrow reserves, daily interest, etc.
In no cases can the loan size exceed the local con-
forming loan limits.
Is HARP the same thing as HAMP?
HARP is the Home Affordable Refnance
program. HAMP stands for Home Affordable Modi-
fcation Program. Both programs are supported by
the Making Home Affordable initiative, but thats
where the similarities end.
I used HAMP with my current lender. Can I use
HARP now?
If you have used the HAMP program with
your current lender to modify your mortgage, you
may not be HARP-eligible. It depends on the terms
of your modifcation. Ask your lender.
I am divorced and I want to remove my ex-spouse
from the mortgage. Can I do that with a HARP?
Yes. With HARP, a borrower on a mort-
gage can be removed via a refnance as long as that
person is also removed from the deed and has no
ownership interest in the property.
Is there a minimum credit score to use the HARP
There is not a minimum credit score re-
quirement with HARP. However, you must qualify
for the mortgage based on traditional underwriting
For additional information on HARP, go
to www.makinghomeaffordable.gov.
Lastly, dont forget! The Home Afford-
able Refnance Program is not meant to save a home
from foreclosure. Its meant to give underwater ho-
meowners a chance to refnance to the current lower
rate without paying mortgage insurance. If you need
foreclosure help, call your current loan servicer im-
mediately. Should you have any questions about your
LAFCU mortgage, we are here to help. Contact a
Real Estate Loan Specialist at (800) 231-1626.
The more business we do together as a Fire Family,
the greater the fnancial reward will be
for all members!
Have a great month!
48 October 2012
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October 2012 49
Courageously They DieD, By inspiraTion They live
The Los Angeles Fire Department Fallen Firefghters Memorial
Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS
LFDHistorical Society
he Los Angeles Fire Department Me-
morial, 1355 N. Cahuenga Blvd in Hol-
lywood is located in front of restored
Old Fire Station 27, now the home to the
LAFD Historical Society Museum and Wil-
liam Roland Firefghter Educational Institute.
The eleven year journey to restore the fre sta-
tion, built in 1930, and to dedicate a Memorial
for Fallen Firefghters has been developed and
sponsored by the LAFDHS and a dedicated
group of volunteers.
The design for the Memorial began
with a sketch of fve life-size fgures present-
ed by active duty LAFD Captain H. Dwayne
Golden. The sculpting and production of the
bronze statues was undertaken by Honors For
Excellence, Ltd. a Minnesota based company
specializing in police and fre commissions.
The next step in securing the unique location
of the Memorial was to outline an architectural
plan for the entire area surrounding old 27s -
the Museum - culminating in a Memorial Plaza
on Cahuenga Blvd. Architect Michael Rotondi
of RoTo Architects, an L.A. frm, was invited
to submit a design. Stone sculptor Yoshikawa
joined the team with a design of limestone and
granite including water features for the central
Memorial wall on which to inscribe the names
of the more than two hundred sixty Fallen Fire-
fghters since 1882.
With the help and commitment from
John Rotondi as General Contractor, Council-
man Tom LaBonge and the City of Los An-
geles, B. S. Hand, Dan Leon and Son, Valley
Crest Nursery, California Landscape Contrac-
tors Assoc., Neil Sherman of Industrial Metal
Supply, Castaic Brick Company, all the fnan-
cial supporters and our dedicated team of vol-
unteers, a Memorial is now a reality for the Los
Angeles Fire Department.
Included in the Memorial plaza de-
sign is a concrete map of the City of Los An-
geles depicting the location of City fre stations
from the San Fernando Valley to the harbor
area. The map is surrounded by an overall
street plan for the local area of Hollywood with
a bronze marker illustrating the location of old
Fire Station 27 in the community. The LAFD
frefghter badge etched in glass is a feature
above the granite slab of names on the memo-
rial wall of honor.
Financial donors to the entire project
are able to read their names and those of loved
ones on the brick pavers throughout the plaza
- an opportunity for a frefghter, family mem-
ber or friend to be part of this unique tribute to
those who gave the ultimate sacrifce.
This unique Memorial in the heart of
Hollywood is a place where family and visitors
can come to remember and appreciate the sac-
rifce made by the members of the Los Angeles
Fire Department for the people of the City.
The LAFD Historical Society has
received over $2 million in donations to con-
struct the Memorial.
JusT a reminder oF wHere we were a Few years
ago consTrucTing THe laFd memorial. THe
conTracT workers are preparing THe plaza For
THe insTallaTion oF THe Brick pavers.
councilman laBonge speaking aT THe 2011
laFd memorial.
October is a month that we will be
remembering our fallen frefghters during the
LAFD Annual Memorial ceremony held at the
LAFD Fallen Firefghters Memorial on Octo-
ber 13th. The following is the story of the loss
of one of our fnest Fireman James Hassan
assigned to Engine Company 27, A Platoon.
On December 11, 1958, Los Angeles
City and County fre departments were battling
a fre in a rug company at 7518 Santa Monica
Blvd. when the roof collapsed. Nine fremen
were injured, one fatally. James Hassan and
Gerald Baird from Engine 27 were entering
the building when the structure failed, trapping
the men under heavy beams. Seven County
fremen were injured in the ensuing rescue
attempt that saved Baird. Jim Hassan suffered
fatal injuries. Jim was 35 years old and had been
on the LAFD fourteen years. He left his wife
Elizabeth and their daughter Lyn Christine,
age 7.
Deputy Chief Chuck Bahme wrote a
poem about his close friend Jim. The following
is an excerpt from My Friend Jim:
Tireless, and always thoughtful he
often volunteered to work for other members,
and to be acting captain. And so it was, that
fatal night, responding to his last alarm as En-
gine Company Captain, Engine Company 27,
he was sent outside the city. When Jim arrived
upon the scene, no county crews were there.
He helped his men lay hose lines to the blaz-
ing carpet warehouse. Into the smoke, choking
furnace, with heat intense, and rafters burning,
Jims nozzle spewed its hissing spray on fam-
ing tongues around him. Unquenched by spray
or scalding steam, the snakes of fre hissed
louder, consuming foor joists overhead, sup-
porting mezzanine. Heavy carpets soaked with
water warped the wooden timbers, with creaky,
cracking, crunching noise, the balcony crashed
under. Jim yelled Get out! to men behind,
shutting down his nozzle, they dropped the
hose and scurried back, escaping just in time.
But not Jim! Vulnerable to bashing beam - No
way could he survive. As his broken helmet
told it all Dead at thirty fve.
I wasnt there, but I was called, and
of this fact Im certain, Jim bravely fought the
fnal fre til Fate brought down the curtain.
Devastated and despairing, his death was such
a blow, I dreaded going to his home to let his
family know. Mournful messenger of sorrow, I
slowly drove to see a stunned grieving wife and
50 October 2012
child, whod heard it on TV. (News reporters, I
hear tell, had seen Jims name spelled out upon
his crushed and broken helmet, retrieved from
where it fell) A roaring, food broke loose with-
in my bursting heart. Blending with their fow-
ing tears, I let my rivers start. In the frequency
hereafter - in this lifes afterglow - Ill bet Jim
is teasing devils, helping Peter run the show!
For in this new dimension, Jims not fghting
fre, but making dates with angels, and singing
in the choir.
Jimmys daughter Lyn Callison at-
tends the October ceremony every year with
her husband Terry to remember her father and
meet with members of the LAFD family. The
Annual LAFD Memorial Ceremony will be
held this year on Saturday, October 13th.
lyn callison nexT To Her FaTHers Holly-
wood sTar in FronT oF THe museum. Fireman
Hassan and capTain micHael carTer BoTH
worked aT old Fs 27 wHen THey were killed in
THe line oF duTy and Have THese special remem-
Brances provided By THe laTe JoHnny granT
and THe Hollywood cHamBer oF commerce.
Jimmy Hassan was once depuTy cHieF cHarlie
BaHmes aide. THey are sTanding in FronT oF
THe cHieFs Buick circa 1947.
don dodd is in THe kiTcHen polisHing one oF
THe laFd TropHies For display assisTed By our
youngesT volunTeer Frank armando Borden
aT 4 monTHs old. liTTle Frankie is THe son oF
Frank and raquel Borden .
We have many new items on display
at both the Hollywood Museum and the Harbor
Museum. When I say new, they are really old
historic items that have undergone major resto-
ration by some of our volunteer members. At
the Hollywood Museum we not only have new
items like vintage LAFD badges, but whole
new displays such as the Arson, Mountain Pa-
trol and Demolition Squad display on the appa-
ratus foor, the Fire Chief Ralph J. Scott display
in the Captains offce and the LAFD trophy
display in the dorm. If you have not been to the
museum in the last six months, come back for
another visit to see the new things we have.
we Have a new volunTeer aT THe Hollywood
museum wHo Has done some awesome resTora-
Tions For display. Tim mcHenry is a reTired
la counTy Fire deparTmenT Heavy equipmenT
operaTor. He also does volunTeer work on
apparaTus resToraTion aT THe la counTy Fire
museum. we are lucky To Have Him wiTH us.
picTured are a wHeeled Fire exTinguisHer THaT
He resTored and a greaT Fire/police alarm Box
THaT used To sTand aT THe corner oF 6TH and
los angeles sTreeT in downTown la. i Have
THe BeFore picTures To sHow wHaT an ouTsTand-
ing JoB He did wiTH BoTH iTems.
WANTEd: We are still only hearing from
about 1% of the active and retired LAFD mem-
bers. We still need volunteers with a variety of
skills and a desire to help. We have a job for ev-
eryone. We need docents, mechanics, restorers,
painters, polishers and sweepers, etc. We will
be calling those members who have said just
give us a call. We appreciate the donations of
LAFD memorabilia that have been coming in.
We would like more LAFD photos and items
from the Ralph J. Scott for its future museum in
San Pedro. Please check your closets, attics and
storage areas and give us a call. You may even
fnd some LAFD item on E-Bay that you would
want to buy for display at the Museum. I have
found a few that are on display now. If we dont
get the LAFD items they will be lost for others
to enjoy, so please help us retain our history.
Our ability to stay open each week
and maintain our special event schedule now
at both museums is dependent on the number
of volunteer staff we have to be tour guides,
run the gift shop, and coordinate activities. We
would like to expand the days we are open at
both museums, which means that we need more
volunteers. Please give us a call and sign up for
a rewarding day at one of our Museums. JUST
GIVE US A DAY! is our request. Our work to
repair and restore old 27s continues. Just last
month Jim Finn and Don Dodd put new light
fxtures in the old Captain and R/A Offce in the
Hollywood Museum and Bill Dahlquist has fn-
ished construction of the props for the educa-
tional room. Much more work to be done here.
The Museum is defnitely A work in progress
and a challenge to all who are involved to make
it a world-class location. We are sure it will
give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.
This is your Museum and Memorial. A place to
learn about our heritage and remember those
who made the supreme sacrifce. Be a part of
it, and watch it grow as a Hollywood and San
Pedro, Los Angeles, United States, and world-
wide attraction.
October 2012 51
October & November 2012
November 2012
The LAFD Historical Society is a
non-proft organization, with a Board of Di-
rectors elected by the LAFDHS membership
to set the course and guide the organization
toward completing its goals. The Museum at
Old Fire Station 27 is leased from the City by
the Society and the Board controls its use in
every way. The Museum may be rented out by
the LAFDHS for special events and meetings.
The William Rolland Firefghters Educational
Foundation is a partner with the Historical So-
ciety focused on fre and life safety, emergency
preparedness and response education as part of
our mission. The Historical Society operates
the Museum at Old FS 36 with the permission
from the City of L.A. and Council District 15.
dec - HS Annual Holiday Party, Sat. 12/15
October 2012
The Hollywood Museum is located in Old Fire Station 27 at 1355 No.
Cahuenga, Hollywood, CA 90028. The Harbor Museum is located in San Pedro City
Hall at 638 S. Beacon St., San Pedro CA 90731.
Anyone interested in joining our great cause by becoming a member, or vol-
unteering to work, or make a donation of money or an LAFD item may contact us by
LAFDHS Museum & Memorial
1355 No. Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: 323 464 2727
But remember we are currently staffed part time, so leave a message and we will
return your call. The fax number is 323-464-7401. Our E-mail is: LAFDHS27@aol.
com. Web site at www.lafdmuseum.org. If you want to look at some great LAFD
history check www.lafre.com. and check the LAFD web site for information and
events at www.LAFD.org. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at
the Museum.
The Los Angeles Fire Department Historical Society is a non-proft 501 (C)
(3) organization.
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October 2012 53
August 1, 2012
Vice President Juan Albarran
called the meeting of the Board
of Trustees of the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Association to
order at 10:20a.m.
Juan Albarran, Vice President
Andrew Kuljis, Secretary
Trustee Jeff Cawdrey
Trustee Gene Bednarchik
Trustee Michael Overholser
Trustee James Coburn
Trustee Gary Matsubara
Trustee Chris Stine
Trustee Doak Smith
Trustee Francisco Hernandez
Trustee Craig White
Trustee Mark Akahoshi
Trustee Robert Steinbacher
Trustee David Peters
Trustee David Ortiz
Trustee Kurt Stabel
Trustee David Lowe Pension
Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension
Trustee Tim Larson Pension
David Ned Smith - Exec. Director
Controller Todd Layfer
John Jacobsen, President
Trustee Rick Godinez (Excused)
Trustee Chris Hart (Excused)
Trustee Steven Domanski
Trustee Steve Tufts (Excused)
Dennis Mendenhall, Retired
Bob Olsen, L.A. Retired Fire &
Lee Kebler, L.A. Retired Fire &
Jim Dolan, Asst. Secretary
Garth Flint, Beacon Pointe
Mike Breller, Beacon Pointe

INvOCATION & Flag Salute
Tim Larson led the invocation.
Dennis Mendenhall led the fag
Juan Albarran entertained a
motion to ratify and dispense with
the reading of the minutes of the
Special Board of Trustees meeting
held July 10, 2012 and the Board
of Trustees meeting held July 11,
2012. David Peters so moved.
Gary Matsubara seconded the
motion. There was no further
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to ratify and
dispense with the reading of the
minutes of the Special Board
Meeting and the Board of
Trustees meeting held July 10,
2012 and July 11, 2012.
1) Juan Albarran referred to the
upcoming memorials and stated
that there will be four names
going on the memorial wall in
Colorado. He asked the Trustees
to think about the schedule and
consider attending if they have
not already attended the Colorado
event. He also mentioned the
memorials in Emmetsburg, MD
and Sacramento and their dates.
He indicated that the costs for
family member attendance at
these memorials are to be split
with the UFLAC.
2) Juan Albarran referred to the
nominations for President and
Vice President for the year 2013
and stated that he is declaring a
Special Circumstance as defned
in the by-laws. He stated that
he is asking for an extension in
Jacobsens eligibility as President
for one more year because there is
not a qualifed candidate willing
to be President.
Juan Albarran motioned to declare
a Special Circumstance and to
nominate Jacobsen for President
for another year. David Peters
seconded. Juan Albarran indicated
that he had spoken with Jacobsen
regarding the extension of his
position as President. He stated
that he felt that it would be wise
and an asset to the Association
to keep Jacobsen as President
for one more year. Steinbacher
also stated that there were no
other qualifed volunteers to be a
candidate for the position.
There was a vote of the Board to
extend Jacobsens Presidency for
one more year. All 16 members of
the Board present, not including
Albarran who was acting
president, voted unanimously
to extend Jacobsens position as
President for the year 2013.
Motion carried to declare a
Special Circumstance and
nominate John Jacobsen for
President for 2013.
David Lowe nominated Juan
Albarran for Vice President for
the year 2013. Barry Hedberg
seconded. There was no
discussion or objections.
Steinbacher stated that since
there was a special circumstance
similar to the position of
President, they have nominated
Juan Albarran as Vice president
for one more year. There were no
Motion carried to nominate Juan
Albarran for Vice President for
the year 2013.
Nominations for President and
Vice-President will remain
open until the September Board
Meeting at which time the fnal
election will take place.
3) Juan Albarran informed the Board
that Group 1 Trustees were up for
election. Andy Kuljis provided
nomination forms to run for Trustee
to those in Group 1. He asked that
they complete the forms and return
to him by the end of the day. It was
stated that members interested in
running for these Trustee positions
would have until October 15th to
submit their nomination form.
Juan Albarran stated and asked
By-law Chairman David Lowe
to address any By-law changes
or revisions. Albarran noted that
there was a potential for a Trustee
white ballot election.
David Lowe stated that the
committee reviewed the submitted
changes for the By-laws and
indicated that if there was a white
ballot election, it would not be
prudent to send these changes to a
vote by the membership and incur
unnecessary costs. He indicated
that the changes submitted
were basically terminology. He
presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and
I so move that the proposed by-
law changes be submitted to the
membership for their approval
unless there is a white ballot for
the Trustee election. If a white
ballot is declared, the proposed
by-law changes will be put
forward on a future ballot. There
was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to place the
submitted By-law changes
on the ballot for a vote by the
membership unless there is a
white ballot Trustee election. If
a white ballot is declared, the
proposed by-law changes will be
put forward on a future ballot.
1) David Smith stated that Beacon
Pointes investment report ending
June 30th will not show the $4
million of cash recently moved to
2) David Smith mentioned that
there was some confusion with
the Death Notices being sent and
indicated that they have gone
back to the old system and are
working to resolve any issues.
54 October 2012
3) David Smith referred to the
Golf Tournament status and
reported that to-date, they have
$86K in sponsorships and $2,500
sold in the Golf Ball Drop
tickets. He stated that they are
still soliciting auction items and
Trustee volunteers for the day of
the event.
4) Todd Layfer provided a brief
update on the recently approved
additional Member Services
position. He stated that they have
distributed the notice internally
to the LAFRA offce and then
placed an ad on careerbuilder.
com. He indicated that they have
received a number of resumes and
are currently going through the
fltering process to determine the
best candidates to bring in for a
formal interview.
Robert Steinbacher presented the
following motions.
The committee recommends and
I so move to pay the usual and
customary bills in the amount
of $857,290.44. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the usual
and customary bills in the
amount of $857,290.44.
The committee recommends and
I so move to pay the professional
fees in the amount of $93,921.78.
There was no discussion or
Motion carried to pay the
professional fees in the amount
of $93,921.78.
He informed that the committee
approved up to $20K in travel
expenses for the Colorado
Springs Memorial. Expenses will
be shared with UFLAC.
David Peters presented the
following motion.
The committee recommends and I
so move to accept the applications
to the Medical Plan. There was no
discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to accept all
applications to the Medical Plan.
David Peters informed the Board
that the City of Hope Hospital and
Anthem Blue Cross have agreed
on contract terms and there will
continue to be no interruption
in availability for members.
He indicated that although
they had not yet made a public
announcement, they have reached
an agreement.
Davis Peters reported that they
we reached an agreement with
Express Scripts for a two-year
extension of the existing contract.
We are awaiting the fnalized
amendments for signature.
James Coburn presented the
following motion.
The committee recommends and I
so move to pay:
The Sick & Injury benefts in the
amount of $14,682.17
The Estate Planning beneft in the
amount of $4,200,
The Life & Accident Withdrawals
in the amount of $2,355
The Relief Death Benefts in the
amount of $31,500
The Life & Accident Death
Benefts in the amount of
There was no discussion or
Motion carried to pay the above
Relief benefts.
James Coburn read the names of
members who recently passed
and asked for a moment of silence
from the Board.
Gwynne W. Bristol
Henry E. Niska
Reno A. Zuliani
Tony Grimes
Gerald G. Simon
James V. Patten
Lyndall A. Bowers
James Coburn presented the
following motions.
The committee recommends and
I so move to accept the donations
in the amount of $6,032.90 to the
Widows, Orphans & Disabled
Firemens Fund. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to accept the
donations in the amount of
$6,032.90 to the Widows,
Orphans & Disabled Firemens
The committee recommends
and I so move to approve the
fnancial assistance applications
for surviving spouses, active and
retired members. James Coburn
reported that there was a denial
in the list and also asked that the
Board approve the denial. There
was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve the
fnancial assistance applications
for surviving spouses, active and
retired members.
James Coburn presented the
following motion.
The committee recommends
and I so move to approve
the emergency advancement
applications for active and
retired members. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve
the emergency advancement
applications for active and
retired members.
Andy Kuljis reported that the Venita
Picinich home project has almost been
completed. He mentioned that the
committee had approved the amount
necessary to complete the job.
Andy mentioned that he has
the election declarations signed
by the Trustee candidates and
stated that he is aware that they
will place the By-law changes in
abeyance if there is a white ballot
Trustee election.
Doak Smith indicated that he and
Kurt Stabel were still working
on the charter for the Audit
Committee. He stated that they
will have something drawn up in
the next month or so.
1) Over the Line Tournament
September 12th
2) LAFD Invitational Golf
Tournament September 24th
3) IFEBP Annual Employee
Benefts Conf. November
11th 14th
4) LAFRA Open House
December 1st

1) Alan Bush August 11th
Scarlett Belle, Oxnard (Doak/
2) Dave Soto August 24th Ports
OCall Restaurant (Bednarchik)
3) Tom Lambert September 8th
Ports OCall Restaurant (Hart)
4) Michael Whitehouse October
2nd Odyssey Restaurant (Peters)
1) David Lowe commented on
a recent memorial printed in the
Garth Flint presented the
investment performance for the
period ending June 30, 2012.
He provided some insight on
the market outlook and how
it performed last quarter. He
referred to the massive debt super
cycle and indicated that we will
see low returns and austerity
for some period of time and
low to no growth for a number
of years. He mentioned that the
housing market was getting a
October 2012 55
little better and indicated that
home builders were buying
land which is a positive. He
also reported that some U.S.
and foreign manufactures were
moving out of China and coming
back to America. Mike Breller
reviewed Executive Summary
Allocation and Performance by
each fund manager relative to the
benchmarks. Our investments
YTD are slightly ahead of the
Juan Albarran entertained
a motion to adjourn. Gary
Matsubara so moved. Craig
White seconded. There was no
discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to adjourn.
The Board of Trustees meeting
adjourned at 11:30am.

Juan Albarran, Vice President
1. Register online at www.ralphs.com. (A) Sign in or follow the steps to create for a free account
(Youll need a Ralphs Rewards card if you dont have one, you can also register for a card once logged in)
2. Click My Account
3. Click Edit Community Contribution Program Information (B)
4. In the Find Your Organization eld, enter 84853 and select
Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund from the list (C)

5. Click Save
6. Buy groceries and use your Ralphs Rewards card at checkout
7. Ralphs Donates
8. We Thank You!
Important Information About Your Sign-Ups!!
If you have trouble signing up, you can either download a form
or call Angelica Patino at (323) 259-5235 for a copy of the form
that you can take to the store.
Check your account occasionally you may be required to
re-enter your Community Rewards information once a year.
And remember to re-register every September.
56 October 2012
donations to Widows, orphans & disabled Firemens Fund
August 2012
December 1st, 2012
12pm - 4pm (c shift)
LA Firemens Relief Association
815 Colorado Blvd. - 4th floor
Los Angeles CA 90041
October 2012 57
1930 ModEl AA 1.5 ToN FlAT
BEd total rebuild all Ford 302
engine automatic transmission.
Nine bolt rear en, all new interior.
Tiltwheel tinted glass. Much more
custom soup oak bed and sides.
Green black paint. Trophy winner.
A fun ride. LAFD retired. Jim Miller.
Asking $16,750. (406) 822-0087.
2000 HARlEY-dAVIdSoN RoAd
KING. Beautiful Bike! 95-inch mo-
tor, includes seat back and chrome
rack (10K in chrome), 16,000
miles. Asking $9,500. Also for sale,
2004 Honda XR650R, good condi-
tion. HR hop up kit, runs excellent.
Asking $2,500. (909) 838-5929.
LACO Captain, John Mark FS
oIlS & luBRICANTS - ALL Fire
Fighters,Friends & Family receive
50% OFF EKS Brand Motorcycle
Goggles and Accessories(www.
eksbrand.com). Also Receive
50% OFFall Kal-Gard Oils and
Lubricants (www.Kalgard.com).
Fire Fighter must placeorder to
receive discount. Please contact
Steve Goldberg Email: steve-o1@
verizon.net PH: 661-492-4097
3 BEdRooM, 2 BATHRooM,
SINGlE SToRY HouSE for lease
or lease/option in Thousand Oaks.
1770 square feet, newly remod-
eled. Air conditioning, pool/spa.
Indoor laundry room. Great neigh-
borhood with outstanding schools
& includes pool service. $2275.00/
month plus security deposit. Jeff
Easton - Fire Station 105-A (805)
2 bd, 2 ba, over 1100 sq ft., lots
of closet space, security building,
gated 2-car tandem parking, locked
storage in garage area, pool, new
kitchen appliances, refrigerator not
included, freshly painted. All new
carpet and fooring, $1750/mo, plus
security deposit. Call FF/PM Bob
Fogelman, Fire Station 70-B. (661)
FoR RENT oR lEASE. Town-
house in Valencia. 2 BDRM & 2
BTHRM with garage and carport
in gated complex with pool & spa.
Located next to city park and
YMCA. $1750 with all appliances.
Available in Jan 2012. Call Jesse
(310) 350-8481.
bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled
kitchen with granite countertops
and stainless steel appliances. For-
mal living room, plus family room.
3 pipe corrals, arena, 2 barns, trail
access. Motor home and horse
trailer parking. Gardener included.
Available October. $2800/month.
Eng. Ames (818) 257-4549.
loVElY 110 YR. old HISToRIC
HouSE to share in San Pedros
historic waterfront dist. Private
bedroom with private full bathroom,
kitchen, laundry, air conditioning,
spacious back yard, sorry, no pri-
vate parking, $700 month. Cindy
310 831-0926.
2 BEdRooM HoME is centrally
located in the heart of Encino. Fea-
tures hardwood fooring throughout
with a large master suite, bath,
cathedral ceilings and walk-in clos-
ets. The upstairs can be separate
with its own entrance. Downstairs
is a bedroom, full bath and powder
room. Big backyard, garage and
additional parking for RV. $2500
for the above, or rent just the
master suite, $1000, downstairs for
$1500 a month. Call Tracy (818)
PolICE oFFICERS: Are you think-
ing about retiring soon?
Think about Klammath
Falls, Oregon. Think about quiet,
peaceful surroundings. Beautiful
100 foot tall pine trees, deer and
fox roaming on your one (1) acre
property. No graffti on the buildings
and very little traffc. And then think
about a lovely 6 bedroom home
with two (2) dining rooms, two (2)
very large family rooms, an exercise
room, an offce and an oversized
kitchen, ft for a gourmet chef. All
this plus more (2 lofts a wet bar, a
hot tub, 136 feet of decking around
the house, leading to a large patio
off the master bedroom. The home
has an attached 2 car garage, a
detached 1 car garage and a 24 by
40 RV parking garage completely
enclosed. Now add the unsur-
passed view of the largest lake in
Oregon, (Klamath Lake) which is
directly beneath the Pacifc fyway,
and your retirement is complete.
However, if you want
something to do, we are currently
an operating Bed and Breakfast, the
only one in Klamath Falls. $495,000.
Jerry Klippness, LAPD 7649 and
Helen Hall, mother of the Hall Boys,
LAFD (805) 985-2982. klippnessb-
HoME available in Mill City, Oregon.
Single owner, retired L.A. Fireman,
now deceased. Quiet neighborhood
on dead end street. Built among
trees, gorgeous meadow behind,
unequaled view of the Cascades.
3 Bdrm, 2 1/2 baths. Natural land-
scape with 150 yr. old Maple in the
side yard. Plenty of room for RV,
boat, trailer etc. Contact Judy Quil-
lin, 503 559-8643; email: JudyQ@
equitygroup.com MLS#640292
on beautiful San Juan Island in
Washington State. 10 acres with
views of water, neighboring islands
and Mt. Baker. $550,000. Retired
Capt II LAFD (360) 378-2190. Ask
for Wendy.
CoNdo FoR SAlE. Boca Raton,
Florida. 2 BD, 1.5 BA. Lakeview.
End unit. Furnished. Clean pool.
Close to Lyons Road. $29,000
CuSToM loG HoME- Kings
Canyon Sequoia Area. 4200 sq ft, 2
story, 3 bedroom/2.5 baths. Master
bed has walk in closet w/French
doors and deck. Large game room
w/bar and wood burning stove.
Huge gourmet kitchen w/six burner
professional Garland range, Sub-
Zero freezer and refrigerator. Hard
rock maple counters and maple
cabinets. Large loft with library
and offce overlooking great room
with vaulted ceilings and riverrock
freplace. Pella windows and doors.
Hardwood foors throughout, tile in
kitchen, laundry and baths. Central
vac. Deck on three sides. 15 acres
fenced. Tennis court, pool, 2 car
garages, 40X60 metal bldg. Septic
and 40 gpm well. $650,000. Contact
Ray Oster (559) 338-2220 or email
rsoster1@dishmail.net for more
info and photos.
HEAd HoME. Located in a seclud-
ed private community just steps
from the lake, this 4 bdrm 3&1/2
bath spacious custom home has
all the amenities to compliment the
4 season mountain living of Lake
Arrowhead! Family living centered
around the inviting quality-plus
kitchen & great room with warm &
cozy freplace, to the large master
suite featuring its own freplace & 3
more beautifully decorated bdrms.
for family & guests. A fremans
dream garage with room for all the
toys & an adjoining RV covered
port that must be seen to appre-
ciate. The landscaping & views
from the decks surrounding this
magnifcent one of a kind home are
an entertainers delight! Call Dick
Alder at 909 553-2757, <r_alder@
yahoo.com> or Mt. Co. Realty at
909 337-2414 to view this special
home. Offered at $695,000, visit
our web-site at www.MCR.com
FoR SAlE. 2 bedroom, 2 bath
condo fully furnished in Barra de
Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Short
walk to small fshing village, beach,
restaurants, etc. LAFD retired.
(909) 392-8941.
loRETo, BAJA. 2200 sq. ft.
house. 3 levels. Attached small
apartment. 1/2 block from marina
& seafront. Buyer would hold title
through 50 yr bank trust. $250K
OBO. May consider trade for So
Cal property. Rita Galvin 760-945-
loVElY 2800 SQ FT 3 bedroom,
2 bath home on Marrowstone
Island near Port Townsend,
Washington. Sits on 4 plus partical
wooded acres with Puget Sound.
230 foot waterfront view. Has barn
for RV storage. City water, oil heat
in foor. Past home of LAFD get
together. Call Vonnie Rogers (360)
MAMMoTH CoNdo - Cozy 2
bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished,
WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis,
walk to shuttle. Old Mammoth
area. Winter $115, Summer $90,
plus maid $126. Includes linens.
No pets, no smoking. Call (310)
RIVER PARCElS. Three 20 acre
Klammath River frontage parcels
in beautiful Northern California- 30
miles from Oregon. Electricity and
telephone available. Rarely used
County-maintained road runs
through. Very private. 6 miles from
Happy Camp. Each parcel has
more than 700 front feet of river.
$195,000 - $295,000. Contact Troy
Bonar, LAFD retired. PO Box 466,
Happy Camp, CA 96039 or call
(530) 493-2453 or fax (530) 493-
2589 or email: troy@sisqtel.net
4+2, 5 minutes from snow summit,
downtown and the lake. Located
in the desirable Fox Farm area.
2 story-upstairs 2+1, downstairs
2+1 turn key condition, ready to
enjoy. Fully furnished. Investment
Vacation or Retirement. $359,000
Call Therese (818) 216-4628 or
a piece of Montana. Panoramic
views of Flathead Lake. 3 acres
with a great building site. Adjacent
to forested public land. Access to
fshing , summer water sports and
58 October 2012
winter skiing. Owned by retired
LAFD. Listed with Riverbend Re-
alty. Keith at 406-837-1501. www.
VIEW HoME near Mutiny Bay
on Whidbey Island, Washington
State. Custom 4 bedroom/2.75
bath home w/daylight basement
on 7+ acres. Views of Mutiny Bay,
shipping lanes, Olympic Mountains
and sunsets. Turn-key opportunity
w/new exterior paint; hardwood
Pergo foors; Corian countertops
and full landscaping. Two car
attached garage PLUS a 3-bay
detached garage and shop. Con-
venient access to sany Mutiny Bay
Beach. $552,000. Seller is retired
fre inspector. Tom Jensen, agent
(425) 359-8598.
clearance, clean ups, grad-
ing, rototill, new lawns, tree and
shrub shaping, stump removals,
concrete, asphalt and dirt removal,
trench footings, auger holes and
more! Full line of equipment.
Thanks! Larry (818) 489-5126
Firemens discount. 10% off frst
months rent & no deposit required.
Winter rates available. Located on
the Colorado River, close to launch
ramps. All Seasons Storage 800
North K St., Needles, CA 92363.
(760) 326-2001.
BuIldING PlANS. Residential:
patios, decks, additions/remodel-
ing, repairs, new construction,
design. Commercial: tennant im-
provement, ADA compliances and
more. George Lavallee (805) 532-
1905 offce. cre8iveanswers@
CRuISE - Princess Cruises,
Royal Caribean, Holland American,
Carnival and more... 3 to 21 day
getaways to Alaska, Hawaii, The
Bahamas and many other exciting
destinations. Call Patricia at (661)
265-9440 or toll free at (877) 7HI-
SEAS, or email pliefeld@qnet.
com wife of LAFD Mechanic,
sister of LAFD Captain.
AIR - Free estimates, residen-
tial, commercial. Great rates for
LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877)
891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX
(661) 298-3069. State License No.
CRANE SERVICE All kinds of
lifts - A/C Units, Spas, Construc-
tion, Beams, Poles, Appliances,
Man Baskets available. Insured
and bonded. Leonard Campbell
Owner/Operator (818) 340-8907
dJ FoR All oCCASIoNS - You
name it, I play it!! Call Frank (818)
554-7273. Serving San Fernando
Valley over 20 years! Firefghters
are my family.
You? Anything at all? Mental,
emotional or physical? Dr. Bob
Price, psychotherapist. LAFD
retired, has developed a model
that puts the fre out fast. It allows
you to overcome almost anything
that bothers you rather quickly. My
book, Speed Healing, & DVD is
available at www.pricepartsmodel.
com. Telephone sessions granted
quickly. Call for telephone appoint-
ment. (619) 461-9527
construction, remodel, repair,
acoustic ceilings removed. All
types of textures. Licensed, bond-
ed and insured. Gregg Avery, F.S.
66 A residence (805) 494-9037.
you getting the most from your tax
returns? I am a wife of a frefghter
and specialize in their returns, with
60% of my clients being frefghter
families. Taxes done at you conve-
nience; my offce or by phone. Avail-
able year-round. TaxPro, Barbara
Ravitz, 661-257-7606.
At Farmers Insurance Group, I can
assist you in deciding what options
best meet your insurance needs.
Free competitive quotes available for
homeowners, auto, life, RVs, boats
motorcycles and more. As a former
LAFD and LAPD Commissioner, and
coming from a family of frefghters (3
brothers and 1 nephew), I understand
your need for an agent that can make
your life a little easier. For a free
quote, please call the Corina Alarcon
Insurance Agency at (818) 263-1723.
SCAPE. Free design and estimate.
concrete/concrete foundations/
patio covers/turf/rockscape. I will
beat all written estimates. Serving
all areas. LAFD 96-B Eric Men-
doza. (760) 221-1912 cell. (661)
480-2202 offce. www.fremanland-
scape.com Lic#857078. Insured
and bonded.
izingin fre, police and paramedic
returns. Also preparing partner-
ship returns, payroll and sales tax
reports. With 30 years experience
in taxes and accounting. Call early
for your appointment around your
schedule. Robert Sanchez- LAFD
retired. (818) 367-7017. Cell (818)
Interest rates are at All-Time-Lows.
Refnance & Purchase Loans,
Investment/Second Home Loans/
Equity Lines/2nd Trust Deeds, No
Points/No Fees Loans, VA, FHA,
Conventional Loans, Lending
in many other states. Mortgage
lending with exceptional customer
service, integrity, strength and ex-
perience. For your Free Mortgage
Analysis, call (714) 469-8900. Jay
Trementozzi, Mortgage Banker.
DRE# 01113819, NMLS# 241591.
a new life in the gorgeous com-
munities of Temecula and Murrieta.
Top rated schools, world renowned
wineries, numerous golf courses,
lakes, shopping and a great family
atmosphere. Located 78 miles from
HQ between Los Angeles and San
Diego. Call Mike Utley at (951)
775-8491 (LAFD Retired).
SCAPE. Architectural landscape
design and installation. A full
service design/build landscape frm
that creates unique custom exterior
environments that will increase
the value of your home and bring
you years of outdoor enjoyment.
Rebecca Martin, LAFD wife. (818)
216-3637. Lic# 936577. rebecca-
Dont lose thousands of dollars
during your professional career to
GROUP, the specialists in fre-
fghter tax services, prepare your
tax return and review your prior
years tax returns. We specialize
in tax planning and preparation for
frefghters. We also offer FREE
REVIEW of your last four years of
tax returns. Call us today at (800)
573-4829 or visit our website at
- vinyl replacement windows &
Patio doors. I also carry aluminum,
wood and entry door systems. Rick
Brandelli, Capt. LACoFD, FS 8-C
(800) 667-6676. www.GeeWin-
TIoN? We have $49-$79 Cruises
a Monthly! $149 and up ALL
INCLUSIVE! Join our Travel Club!
Go to: www.WvMovie.com or
YouTube JoeTraveler and Cabo
Dreamtrip (661) 993-9476 call/
text fremedic311@gmail.com
FF/PM Peter Mills 100-A
4 BEdRooMS, 4 BATHS, Game
Room, 3000 sq. ft. upscale Big
Bear Lake cabin. Pool table, foos-
ball, darts, ping-pong, gas BBQ.
Private road close to lake, Village.
Walk to Snow Summit, great for
summer. Accommodates 13. Until
November: Midweek-$250; Week-
ends: $295. For summer specials
or holiday/winter rates call (949)
683-3028. steps2summit.com
oAHu, HAWAII - North Shore
at Sunset Beach. Two separate
homes 2+ den, 2ba, sleeps 8. $225
per day and 2br + 1ba, sleeps 6.
$200 per day! Both share large
tropical yard. View 7 surf breaks
from backyards to pipeline. Contact
Betty at (808) 372-7558 or Barker
LAFD retired (805) 985-4001.
BIG BEAR CABIN - All season,
restful views from decks. Two story,
sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus
miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood,
cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen,
completely furnished except linens.
Pets ok. $95/$105 (two day mini-
mum). $550/$600 a week, Beep or
Donna Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475.
BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom, 2
bath, 2 story. Sleeps 8. Near ski
slopes & lake. Fireplace/wood,
cable TV, DVD,VCR, full kitchen.
Completely furnished. $85/$95 per
night. Minimum 2 nights. Holidays
extra. Weekly available. All Sea-
son. Sheri (909) 851-1094 cell or
(760) 948-2844 home.
Deluxe lakeside townhouse, 2
bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs,
HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning
freplaces, laundry room, tennis
court, indoor pool, sauna, spa, boat
dock. Fully equipped, including all
linens. Sleeps 6. 310-541-8311 or
email cindy14@cox.net
minute walk to village. 5 minute
drive to both slopes. Lake view.
2 bed, 1 bath, sleeps 6. Contact:
Owned by LAFD member.
BullHEAd/lAuGHlIN. Large new
Custom 3 bedroom/2 bath home 4
minutes from the casinos and close
to Katherines Landing. Quiet cul-
de-sac. All amenities. Everything is
new. 60 TV in living room. TVs in all
bedrooms. Large formal dining room.
BBQ and large patio overlooking the
mountains. 35 ft X 3-1/2 car garage
w/ gym equipment. Wireless internet
w/ on site computer. $150 per night
+ $75 cleaning fee. No smoking or
pets please. Scott at 805-208-1598
or h2oratscott@aol.com.
bedrooms, 1 bath, one block to
beach, view, fully equipped house-
keeping unit. Marci (818) 347-6783
or Clarence (310) 510-2721.
HoME. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths,
2 freplaces, washer, dryer, gas
barbeque. Indoor pool, sauna,
October 2012 59
Jacuzzi, locker room with shower.
Tennis court, boat dock, cable TV,
HBO. Fully furnished including
linens. 3 miles from Snow Summit.
Sleeps 6 max. (310) 541-8311
dESERT CoNdo Rancho Mirage
(near Palm Springs), 2 bedrooms,
2 bath, fully furnished condo & WiFi
Internet. Also 2 bedroom and den,
2 bath, TV and VCR, pools, spas,
tennis courts, gated community.
From $110 per night. No pets or
smoking. Barbara (626) 798-2484.
and Family offering gorgeous Baja
Mexico Property for rent. Coast-
side Gated Community with pool/
spa, surfng, and loads of fun. 4
Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms. Fully
Equipped Kitchen. Call Kathy at
510-468-5003 for more information.
Go to:
htm for pictures, availability calen-
dar, and information on the area.
Luxury condo rental - Direct from
Owner. One bedroom two bath
luxury condo located in Mexican
resort area of Nuevo Vallarta, just
15 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta
Intl Airport. Unit is part of Grand
Marina Villas, part of the Paradise
Village Hotel complex, and includes
use of 18 hole El Tigre Golf Course.
Weekly or monthly rates. For info:
Web site: homepage.mac.com/edynichols
e-mails: edynichols@mac.com or
(310) 395-7804.
HAVASu lANdING - Waterfront
on Lake Havasu. 3 bedroom, 3
bath. Boat mooring out front. Fully
furnished. Direct TV, WiFi, BBQ,
Casino, new grocery/meat market.
No pets/smoking (310) 418-1577.
JuNE lAKE CABIN - Scenic
2br/2ba cozy, cabin with views.
5 minutes from Fishing and Ski-
ing. Fully furnished. Wood Deck,
Sleeps 8, wood burning stove,
full kitchen, cable Tv/Dvd, stereo,
phone. Detached garage/room
for boat. Call for summer/winter
rates. Cleaning fee applies. Jeff
Easton 105-A, (805)-217-5602 -
KAPAluA, MAuI. Luxurious
ocean view Kapalua Ridge 1 and 2
bedroom villas from $145/$250, 7th
night FREE. Fully equipped with
washer/dryer, Hi speed internet,
Wi-Fi, cable TV, free resort shuttle,
minutes from ocean. Features
3 white sand beaches includ-
ing BEST BEACH in the world,
Kapalua Bay Beach, 100 miles of
hiking trails, 2 golf courses with
great discounts, 10 tennis courts,
zip lines, 2 spas, golf academy,
horseback riding, snorkeling, swim-
ming, surfng, kayaking, shops,
restaurants. Contact Terry or Diane
@ 800-326-MAUI (6284). www.
asp or email info@kapaluavaca-
cabin charming two-story with
creek, large deck, two baths,
complete kitchen, TV,VCR/DVD,
freplace, washer and dryer, walk
to Blue Jay Village. Sleeps 6. $90/
night. NO PETS! Bruce or Sue
Froude, (805) 498-8542.
RESORT a gated community on
the California side of Lake Havasu.
Swim, Ski or fsh from the front
yard. Buoys in front of home for
overnight boat(s) tie-ups. No need
to launch boat each day. Walking
distance to a CASINO, restaurants
and grocery store. Adjacent to
miles of off-road desert trails, great
for ATVs, 4 wheelers and Motor-
cycles. Beautiful landscaping with
a lawn from the home to the lake.
Covered patio with furniture and
a gas BBQ. Four bedrooms with
beds for 10.Two full bathrooms.
Check Craigslist for pic. $350. Per
night 10% discount for a week.
For Reservations call Bud @ 818
RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft.
Fully furnished with all amenities-
Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3
car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from
launch ramp. Close to downtown
shops & restaurants. View of the
lake. Quiet street in good neigh-
borhood. No pets. No smoking.
Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661)
tom 3 bedroom/2 bath home on
lake side of Hwy 95 north side of
town. Quiet street. All the amenti-
ties. 60 TV in living room. TVs in
all bedrooms. Wireless internet with
on site computer. BBQ on large pa-
tio. Swimming pool. Near marinas
and restaurants. $150 per night.
$85 cleaning fee. No smoking or
pets please. Scott at 805-208-1598
or h2oratscott@aol.com.
lAKE HAVASu HoME for rent.
Built in 2004. 1800 square feet,
3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly/fully
furnished w/all amenities of home.
Large garage 20x32 with tall doors.
Large area for guest parking.
Located less than a mile from lake
on a quiet cul-de-sac! RV hookups.
Ask for FF discount. Call Ryan
Penrod (310) 804-1801 or Nicole
(909) 263-8177.
lAKE HAVASu HoME - Beautiful
3 bed, 2 bath home that sleeps
8. Lake view, RV access, boat
parking, everything is new. Quiet
street in great neighborhood, just
minutes from London Bridge. Call
John for pricing at (323) 449-4473.
Snow-bird rates and fremen dis-
count available.
lAKE HAVASu Landing California.
3 bedroom, 2 bath, wif, DirecTV,
BBQ, full laundry, slip-in marina
included, just steps away. 180 de-
gree view of lake and your boat in
slip. Huge covered patio. No pets.
No smoking. Larry Mc Andress
ret 112A (714) 963-9344 or (714)
HoMES for rent. Each fully fur-
nished with all amenities of home.
Every home has a lake view, pool,
RV access, boat parking, ample
guest parking and sleep up to 8
people. Check out our website @
werenthavasu.com or call (928)
855-5848 or (661) 212-3191.
gated community. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2
bath, large loft. 3 minute drive to
main marina in Oak Shores. Large
driveway. Fully equipped kitchen,
BBQ, washer/dryer, TV/DVD. No
cable. No pets/smoking. $165.00/
night. Call Ben (805) 444-2264.
room, 2 bath home with all of the
amenities complete kitchen, wash-
er/ dryer, TV/ VCR. Quiet neighbor-
hood near the lake, casinos and ski
slopes. Call for rates. Call Cal or
Linda @ (805) 584-2718.
lAKE PoWEll HouSEBoAT. 68
Sumerset. 2 staterooms, 2 cuddy
cabins, 2 baths. Will sleep 10 to 12.
2 ref. fully equipped kitchen, BBQ,
TV, DVD, Twin A/C. Party top, fy-
bridge, V8 drives, 12 KW ge., 100
gal. aux. fuel tank with pump. Dan
Coyle (805) 494-8854.
lA QuINTA - Gated community,
fully furnished deluxe home, three
bedrooms, three baths on the 10th
fairway of the Dunes Golf Course
in La Quinta Country Club. Two car
garage, large patio with barbecue.
No pets, no smoking. $200/night - 2
week minimum, plus refundable se-
curity deposit. Call (323) 254-3874
MAMMoTH CoNdo Cozy 2
bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished,
WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis,
walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth
area. Winter $115, Summer $90,
plus maid $126. Includes linens.
No pets, no smoking. Call (310)
MAMMoTH CoNdo Fully furnished,
2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6. Close to
Canyon Lodge, pool, spa, recreation
room, laundry facilities, condo has
been beautifully remodeled, photos
available, $200 a night winter - $125
a night summer + $150 cleaning fee.
Call for holiday pricing. Joe Angiuli,
South Division (626) 497-5083.
MAMMoTH CoNdo - Fully
furnished, 1 bdrm, loft, 1 1/2 baths,
sleeps 4. On shuttle route. All
amenities: Sauna, Pool, laundry on
premises. Fall/Winter prices. $100/
night. Spring/Summer $85/night.
One time $70 cleaning fee. No
smoking, no pets, contact: Julian
Edwards (909) 573-3815
MAMMoTH - 1 bedroom Sum-
mit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient
underground garage parking,
jacuzzis, gym (pool, tennis in
summertime), shuttle right outside!
Across from chair 15. Winter $110
per night, Summer $80 per night
plus $65 cleaning fee per stay. All
linens included. Drew or Nancy
Oliphant (661) 513-2000.
MoTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, fully
furnished, linens, full kitchen, TV/
DVD, stereo, freplace, pool ,
jacuzzi, sauna. 2 blocks from
gondola village. 1 block to ski
shuttle. Winter $330/night, Summer
$215/night, plus cleaning. Includes
city bed tax. No pets, no smok-
ing, sleeps 8. Dory Jones (310)
918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran (310)
MAMMoTH CoNdo - 2 bdrm, 2
bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool,
jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept
linens. Near shuttle/chair 15.
Winter $125/night. Weekends and
Holidays $110 midweek. Summer
$95/night. $495/week. No smoking.
No pets. Jim Johnson (818) 992-
7564, FS 80C.
MAMMoTH CoNdo - Clean 1
bedroom, 2 bath. Sleeps 6. Walk
to Village and Gondola. Shuttle
out front. Close to Canyon Lodge.
Fully furnished, spa, ski locker,
underground parking and wireless.
Midweek special. No pets. No
smoking. $120 winter, $90 summer.
$65 cleaning fee, includes linens.
Jeff or Tonya Clemens (805) 499-
MAMMoTH CoNdo - Sierra Man-
ors Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath.
Fully furnished except linens. 2 TVs/
VCR/DVD, stereo/CD. Dishwasher,
microwave, sauna, jacuzzi, pool. No
smoking/No Pets. Shuttle at door.
Winter $155/night, Summer $100/
night, Plus $80 cleaning fee and
City Bed Tax. Brian & Karen Sal-
vage LAFD Retired (805) 499-7752.
bedroom, extremely charming
wildfower condo. Full amenities,
close to shuttle. Antiques, art, satel-
lite TV, freplace. Sleeps 4. Winter
$110, Summer $85 plus cleaning
fees. Call (818) 371-6722
Email: shakesong@aol.com
- Studios 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom
rentals, budget to luxury rates,
60 October 2012
fully furnished, stocked kitchens,
bedding, towels, all locations,
some pet friendly, complimetary
WiFi. Mammoth Rental by Owner
affliated with Mammoth Lodging
Association, high standard clean-
ing, maintenance, 24/7 emergency
contact. Visit www.Mammoth-
RentalByOwner.com mention
fre8. Contact us info@mammoth-
rentalbyowner.com or call (818)
883-2488 or (888) 472-5777.
Southwestern decor. Sleeps 4.
King bed. Full Kitchen, TV, VCR,
DVD. Garage parking. 5 min walk
to Canyon Lodge. Winter $155/nite,
$175 Fri, Sat, & Holidays; Summer
$100/nite. 2 nite min. addl nites
less. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD Air
Ops (661) 254-5788
MAMMoTH CoNdo Wildfower,
1 bedroom sleeps 4, king bed and
queen sofa bed. Fully furnished,
freplace, dishwasher, stereo, TV/
DVD, phone, spa, sauna, pool and
tennis court. Linens and cleaning
fee. On shuttle route. Winter rate
$100/night, summer rate $70/night.
Mike Greenup (805) 583-8239 or
cell (805) 338-9955.
Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft
sleeps 4. Queen beds, full kitchen,
2 baths, garage parking, TV, VCR,
DVD. Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite;
Fri & Sat $115/nite plus cleaning
fee $100. Non smoking complex.
Joel Parker, LAFD retired. email:
cat25sailor@juno.com or (213)
lift 15, 2 bedroom including master
suite, 2 bath condo. TV/DVD in
living room. Good sound system.
Gym, spa, freplace, very roomy,
underground parking, tennis courts,
pools, and outside BBQ area. (310)
476-4784. Email: barbarawin-
ters@yahoo.com or visit website:
oN NAPIlI BAY - 50 from water.
Studios and 1 bdrm. Luxury
furnishings + full kitchen. All the
amenities! Mauis best snorkel-
ing/beach. All island activities &
Kapalua within 4 minutes. 5-day
minimum, from $135 per night
(regularly $310 night). Call Sherrie
or Bill for info/reservations (805)
530-0007 or (800) 889-8641 toll-
free or email: pmimaui@aol.com
or visit: www.napilibaymaui.com
MAuI CoNdo 1 ANd 2 BEd-
RooMS. Centrally located on
beautiful Maalaea Bay. Excellent
swimming and snorkeling; white
sandy beach. Minutes from golf,
tennis, fshing, shopping, airport
and resort areas. Marsha Smith or
Jeanne McJannet. Toll free (800)
367-6084. www.maalaeabay.com
BEACH - Napili Bay. Beautiful fur-
nished condo with kitchen and daily
maid service. 15% discount off
already lowest prices in the area.
Don Sprenger (949) 548-5659 or
(800) 336-2185.
Enjoy UNREAL surf in a FRIENDLY
SAFE COUNTRY. Golf a new
course and hang out by the pool.
Walking distance to beach. 3
bedroom 2 bath. See for yourself
at: nicasurfnturf.com. Contact Chris
Hart (714) 742-3325 or email:
at Sunset Beach. Two ocean front
houses on large tropical yard. 2
bedroom and den, two baths and 2
bedroom, 1 bath. Each looking at the
sunset break. Completely furnished.
Contact Betty Suratt regarding
Barker Houses (805) 985-4001 or
(808) 372-7558.
BEACH - Beach house vaca-
tion rental. 3 story, fully furnished
3br/2ba main house+1br/1ba guest
house, sleeps 8-12. Linens in-
cluded, wireless internet, cable tv/
dvd, washer/dryer, bbq, ping-pong,
bikes, boogie boards, beach chairs,
large decks, and views. 1 small
block to beach. (805) 241-7221
PAlM dESERT. 3 bedroom, 2
bath. Fully furnished. All new.
Direct TV and WiFi all bedrooms.
Private patio with BBQ. Private
60 unit complex with 2 pools, 2
jaccuzzis, 2 tennis courts. Near
College of the Desert. One level.
(310) 418-1577.
CoNdo. Luxurious 3+2 lake front
condo on the 11th green of the
world famous Stadium Course.
Gated, community pool & spa,
4 TVs/cable/dvd, washer/dryer,
BBQ, garage, no smoking or pets
please. $150/night w/6 night min. +
cleaning. Seasonal/extended stay
discounts. Buzz - LAFD (949) 322-
7979 PGAWestVacation.com
RANCHo MIRAGE 2-2, gated com-
plex, double garage, tennis, pools,
spa, bikes, cable tv/vcr, microwave,
bbq, washer/dryer, decorator fur-
nished. Close to golf, restaurants, and
shops. $90/night. Margo Idol (805)
498-1513 or Ruth (805) 498-4616.
Charming 2 br./2 ba beach cottage
(not a condo) located in the Quinta
Del Mar project approximately 25
miles south of San Diego. 24-hour
security, lg. patio w/ocean view,
bbq, freplace, cable TV, micro-
wave, 3 pools, jacuzzi, tennis, hors-
es, 2 rest. (music and dancing),
ride the waves, off-track betting,
golf nearby. 2-day min, $95 day.
Midweek/weekly rates available.
Photos and info @ Lockhart (619)
429-4060. choice1.com/rosarito-
- Two bedroom fully furnished
private home. Sleeps 6 laundry,
wireless internet, tv/dvd, movie
channels. Enough off street park-
ing for 4 SUVs, large enclosed
backyard, 3 minute walk to pier.
5 minute walk to downtown, pet
friendly. David Laub, LACOFD
(949) 306-5532 or dlaub@aol.com
or vrbo.com/93330
stylish 1 bedroom/1bath rental is
only 200 yards from the beach
and a 10-minute walk to the pier or
downtown. The unit is beautifully
decorated and has all the comforts
of home. Includes large plasma
in living room and smaller TV in
bedroom. See more info and pho-
tos @ VRBO.com/344173. Rates:
Oct - Apr $150/night (2 night min.)
weekly $850. May - Sept $200/
night (2 night min.) weekly $1150.
Non refundable cleaning fee $100.
Call Ron or Kathy (949) 831-7693
or email klm318@cox.net
SKI-IN/ouT 2 bEDROOM, 2 bath
across from Eagle express chairlift
(CHAIR 15). Has TV in Living room
and Bedroom, very spacious unit,
freplace, dining area, Gym, spa
includes jacuzzi & sauna. Exterior
of complex totally refurbished.
Underground parking. www.mam-
mothrental.com. (310) 476-4784.
EARTH In Park City, Utah and
avoid the 5 hour grueling drive
to Mammoth. 2 bedroom/2 bath.
Tri-level townhome. Located a
short drive to three world-class ski
resorts. (Deer Valley, PC Mountain
Resort, The Canyons) $1100/week
- $1600/ Holiday. Call Ron (310)
SouTH lAKE TAHoE Romantic
Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2
bath plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable
TV, washer/dryer, microwave,
woodburning stove. 7 minutes to
casinos and Heavenly. Located
in Tahoe Paradise. Call Shawn or
Rose Agnew at (661) 250-9907 or
(661) 476-6288.
Tahoe, 3 Bd 2 Ba home with
all amenities. Close to Lake,
Casinos and Ski Slopes $650 wk
or $130 nt $100 Cleaning. www.
SLTgetaway.com. Call Cal or
Linda @ 805 584-2718 or email
BY WINNEBAGo. 2 slides, 8.1
Vortec Banks powered 9+ MPG.
37,000 miles. New tires, upgrades,
& many extras. Garage stored -
like new. Qualifes as a 2nd home.
$52,000. Norm (928) 855-1074.
AlS - We rent motor homes and
travel trailers. Special discount
for Fire and Police. Check out our
sales department. (661) 273-7479.
Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Mo-
tor Homes, with Double Slide Outs,
Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping
Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices
Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per
night. Serving family & friends of
Fire, LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs
ask for our 25% off weekly rental
rates. Visit us at www.so-calrv.
com or call 661-714-7689 or 661-
BEAR CABINS, 3 bedroom 2 bath
with pool tables & spas. PLEASE
ANTEE XMAS 12/25/2012 for VC
24 at beautiful Fire Station 8 in Por-
ter Ranch. Contact Brian Bacarella
Fire Station 8-B. (818) 756-8668
Station or (805) 390-2058 cell.
eMAiL yoUr AD To:
or FAx yoUr AD ForM To:
For AD inFo, conTAcT:
eric sAnTiAGo @
323.259.5231 or emai:
October 2012 61
Womens RecRuitment seminaR
FiRe station 3 - June 23, 1990
Photo by DaviD blaRe
Chili Cookoff_Grapevine Ad.pdf 1 8/29/12 11:47 PM

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