February 2013

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Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may

cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.

February 2013 3
On the cover:
Gas Main Break, Van Nuys
Photo by Juan Guerra, juanguerra.smugmug.com
Hang 10 For CHarity
Firefghters and their families hit the waves at San Onofre for
the annual Ray Mayo Longboard Classic and raise money for
the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. . . . . . . . . 07
Spreading Holiday CHeer
The LAFD Toy Program had a banner year this past holiday
season more than 125,000 toys were donated. The success of
the program each year can be attributed to the hard work from
all of the wonderful volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09
department in aCtion
LAFD members responded to a variety of incidents in December in-
cluding a structure fre in a large commercial occupancy, a swift water
rescue on the Los Angeles River, and the rescue of a despondent
youth threatening to jump from a freeway overpass. . . . . . . . . 31
Pres dents Message ................................................................................05
Batta on News ..........................................................................................11
Los Ange es Ret red F re and Po ce Assoc at on
JOIN THE HEALTH SUBSIDY LAWSUIT ................................................................24
Ret red Guys .............................................................................................25
Ret rement D nner Announcements ..........................................................27
Together Aga n
LAFD Handba
2012 FALL SINGLES TOURNAMENT ...............................................................35
Ma box .....................................................................................................36
F refghters for Chr st
MEMBERS ASSIST WITH RELIEF FROM HURRICANE SANDY .................................38
Memor a s .................................................................................................40
Team Search Methods by John Mttendorf ................................................41
Drop Dec s on Charts ................................................................................42
Stat on Fr dge ...........................................................................................45
Do ars & Sense
AVOIDING A FINANCIAL EMERGENCY .......................................................49
LAFD-HSH story
127 years of service ........................................................................51
Mnutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................54
C ass feds ................................................................................................57
Ta board ...................................................................................................61
Vol. lXXXIX FEBRUARY 2013 No. 07
FeatureS cONteNtS
Los Angeles iremen s Relie Association
No material may be reproduced without written permission o the publisher
Notice: Production o The Firemen s Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion o the magazine s costs, the bulk o unding comes rom advertisers
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine his does not mean that LA RA endorses these
advertisers Use o a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk o the member you are interested in any
o the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them
Follow us on Facebook
4 February 2013
Pa d Advert sements:
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owned and published by the
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association
815 Colorado Blvd, 4th Floor, los angeles Ca 90041
dave Wagner Editor..........................................................ed tor@afra.org
Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Coordinator................jcsanchez@afra.org
Eric Santiago Creative Editor.....................................esant ago@afra.org
david Vienna Web/Social Media Editor...........................dv enna@afra.org
display Advertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260
Matt Spence Brian HuMpHrey erik Scott
Mike MaStro Frank Borden Marc eckStein M d
JoHn MittendorF MicHael SteFano Monte egHerMan Jody HouSer
david Blaire doc deMulle keitH culloM roB curtiS Harry garvin
Juan guerra Brian HaiMer gavin kauFMan ryan ling rick Mcclure
Mike MeadowS lloyd payne JeFF ZiMMerMan yvonne griFFin laura licHter
John JaCoBsen .........................................................preS dent
Juan alBarran .................................................vce-preS dent
andrew KulJis ........................................................Secretary
boARd oF tRuStEES
Barry HedBerg
cHr S Hart
cHr S St ne
cra g wH te
dav d lowe
dav d ort Z
dav d peterS
doak SM tH
Frank HernandeZ
gene BednarcH k
JaMeS e. coBurn
JeFF cawdrey
kurt StaBel
Mark akaHoSH
Mke overHolSer
rck god neZ
roBert Ste nBacHer
Steve tuFtS
Steven doManSk
t M larSon
greg w. giBson...............Sr. cHapla n
danny leon...........................cHapla n
george a. negrete...............cHapla n
aquil F. Basheer...................cHapla n
hershy Z. ten........................cHapla n
riCK a. godineZ.....................cHapla n
MarK r. woolF......................cHapla n
Jesus Pasos..........................cHapla n
Fire-relieF ................................................................(323) 259-5200
relieF assoCiation toll Free nuMBer ...........................(800) 244-3439
relieF MediCal Plan ..........................(866) 99laFra - (866) 995-2372
Fax nuMBer ................................................................(323) 259-5290
david ned sMith exeCutive direCtor............................(323) 259-5201
Marlene Casillas develoPMent & MarKeting direCtor(323) 259-5217
BeCKy valverde huMan resourCes adMinistrator.......(323) 259-5247
todd layFer Controller/treasurer.........................(323) 259-5243
BoB dillon oPerations Manager................................(323) 259-5233
ana salaZar MeMBer serviCes Coordinator...............(323) 259-5223
HealthSCoPE benefts
wayne sherMan MediCal ClaiMs Manager...................(323) 259-5211
tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens
Relief Association, 815 Colorado blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia 90041. Annual $24 Subscription
included with Association mem ber ship Non-members $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6
postpaid. Pe ri od i cals post age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing offce. POST MAS TER Send
ad dress changes to tHE FIREMENS GRAPE VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An ge les, CA 90041.
Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas si fed and Display Ad ver tis ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the
month of pub li ca tion. The opin ions ex pressed here in are those of the writ ers and do not nec es sar i ly refect
the offcial views of the Los An ge les City Fire De part ment or the Los An ge les Firemens Relief Association.
February 2013 5
By John Jacobsen
he second month of the year has a unique feel to it, slightly dif-
ferent than the other eleven. Many of us are struck with the over-
whelming realization that the holidays probably were the cause
of our expanded waistlines, diminished checking accounts and a slap of
reality that another year has slipped by. Those New Years resolutions are
starting to slide a couple of notches down the priority list and pretty soon
a good sum of them will be forgotten. Those of you who are able to stay
committed, my hat is off to you. Those of us who have already caved . .
. theses always next year.
I wanted to take the time to thank our membership at large.
The concern for each other demonstrated routinely is something that is
not readily found outside of the fre service. Many of you have gone out
of your way to help one another. It might be that you attended a work
party or that you simply reached out with a phone call to see how a sick
or injured comrade was doing. Some of you have taken on the responsi-
bility of doing fundraising on our behalf. The Relief is run by our people
for our people and that certainly includes all of you who volunteer your
time and efforts. The Relief Association will always strive to do the best
we can for our members. While we cant necessarily be everything to
everyone, it is our intent to continue to provide for the long haul needs
of our people. Without your help and involvement we wouldnt be where
we are today.
We are putting together a LAFRA reunion coming up May
29th-June 2nd in Temecula. The save the date fyer is in this months
Grapevine with preliminary information - and we will be sure to update
and elaborate on it as it nears. We hope the location, activities and cama-
raderie will draw interest in both our retirees and our active frefghters.
We hope to have representatives from all the service organizations and
vendors to answer any questions you might have or would like to chat
about. I would like to recognize the Grass Valley group of our mem-
bers that tirelessly put on their event for so many years. Grass Valley was
the originator of a gathering of this type and is what inspires us to try and
produce a similar type of function. If you looked at the map in relation
to where our membership resides, it would more than likely give you a
headache. We are quite spread out geographically and that is in reference
only to those of us that reside in California, let alone the other remaining
states. So Temecula and the Pechanga Resort it is for 2013 and lets see
how it goes.
The Affordable Healthcare Act has been a gigantic source of
controversy and confusion since its appearance. One portion of the Act
provides for Health Exchanges to be developed at the state level. Health
Exchanges are not themselves insurers, but essentially determine the
insurance companies that are allowed to participate in them. Compa-
nies put in bids or requests to be included for the possibility of selling
insurance on these exchanges. California is one of the seven states to
have received conditional federal approval for its exchange plan. All the
way back in August 2011, HHS (Health and Human Services) awarded
California more than $38 million to begin work on its health insurance
exchange under the Affordable Care Act. Flash forward to 2013, and the
exchange already has cleared the sale of certain health plans and adopted
a new name: Covered California. It even has a logo.
I bring this up merely because the questions will continue to
arise around all aspects of this new program. Anything we can do to
keep ourselves educated about the Affordable Care Act is to our beneft.
Our LAFRA plans and those offered to our membership will continue to
operate as they have and are not a part of this exchange. The plans that
are offered to both active and retired employees that are eligible for an
employee subsidy (this is a key point) need to be approved. For those
of our friends or family that dont currently have insurance, or individu-
als with a pre-existing condition that couldnt be insured elsewhere, the
exchange may be helpful. As with any and all of this . . . we will have to
wait and see.
John E. Jacobsen
Scholarship applications available online February 1
Completed application deadline April 15
Application evaluation and testing Mid-May
Winners announced By July 1
The LAFRA Scholarship Schedule is as follows:

ese include:
Te Leo K. Najarian Memorial Scholarship of $5,000
Te Bill Goss Scholarship of $2,500
Relief Scholarship awards of $2,500
Memorial Scholarship of $5,000
Download application at
Each year your Relief Association awards college scholarships
to the children of deserving members.
e scholarship application must be lled out in
its entirety and is ONLY available from our
Deadline for submission must be in the LAFRA
oce by Monday, April 15, 2013.
No post-dated mail will be accepted.
Questions? Email: scholarship@lafra.org
February 2013 7
hen firefighters and their families hit the waves during the
Ray Mayo Longboard Classic, they hang 10 for charity. Or-
ganizer and LAFD Firefighter III Ray Mayo sees the event as
a fun, low-key way to raise money for the Widows, Orphans & Disabled
Firemens Fund.
The late Juan Ojeda, a friend of Rays and fellow LAFD mem-
ber, started the event just by doing what he liked to do. Ray said, We
used to go surfng every day off. Two decades later, the annual event
brings active frefghters and retirees to San Onofres Old Man beach,
south of San Clemente, California. (The location is a favorite of Ray and
the other organizers thanks to its perfect surfng conditions.)
Relief Trustee Barry Hedberg goes every year to enjoy the day
and man the grill. The relaxed vibe and camaraderie keep him coming
back. The whole thing is very well done, he said, and Ray and his
wife [Lorraine] are so genuine.
Retired LAFD Captain II Joe Teijeira has also attended every
year and he doesnt even hit the water. You dont have to surf, he said,
just come out to the barbecue. Its all about brotherhood and sisterhood.
Its turned out to be a huge gathering. Camaraderie isnt the only reason
to go, however. He said, They do so much for the Widows & Orphans.
There are no contests and no prizesjust food (prepared by
Fire Station 64), fun, music and surfng. Ray enlists the help of his LAFD
surfng buddies to put the event together: Paul Reyes, Dave Jaureguy,
Wes Schroeder, Garret Lew, Wild Bill James, Keith Kenoi, Dave Zar
and Jim Tsarofski. Sponsors kick in funds and raffe prizes, and people
simply pay an entry fee, part of which goes to Widows & Orphans. How
they then spend the time is up to each attendee. And the only rule seems
to be: Have a good time.
Every Mayo Classic we have about 15 guitar and ukulele
players, Ray said. This year, we had just a few, but they stayed until
the rangers kicked them out.
And thanks to the efforts of Ray and the rest of the people
who solicit sponsors for raffe items and other necessities, theres always
something new to experience. Though the event took a hiatus last year,
Rays ready to bring it to the next level with new sponsors and some
other crowd-pleasing tweaks. There might be a few surprises, Ray said
with a smile when discussing the 2013 classic.
Hes confdent the Ray Mayo Longboard Classic will only
continue to attract more surfers and beach addicts from the ranks of the
LAFD. With a wink, he said, The Classic is still the fre services largest
board meeting.

8 February 2013
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ow do you Stuff-A-Bus? Bring out one news reporter and dress
him as an elf, gather a couple dozen LAFD cadets, take over a
corner of the Topanga Plaza parking lot . . . and dont forget to
commandeer as many MTA buses as you can get your hands on. Thats
exactly what happened when Angelenos came out bright and early to
help ABC7s resident elf Garth Kemp Stuff-A-Bus(es) full of toys on
December 14, 2012. Last year the event saw five buses stuffed full of
toys, but this year a record 7 1/2 buses were filled.
In fact, the LAFD Toy Program as a whole had a banner year.
The previous record was 113,000 toys collected this past holiday sea-
son more than 125,000 toys were donated. And for the record, the most
toys collected at any frehouse was at 105s.
The Friday after Thanksgiving offcially marks the opening
of the LAFD Toy Program, which runs for six weeks. LA City is the
lead agency for all of Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, San Bernardino and
Riverside counties. Even toys donated through sites set up by ABC7 are
fltered through Toy Central, the drill foor at Frank Hotchkin Memo-
rial Training Center.
According to Program Coordinator Mike Marquez, The ca-
dets are the ones that make this thing work. Some of them are here for
hundreds of hours each. They come from Posts 27, 94, Crew 3, 12, and
64, just to name a few.
Every toy that comes through Toy Central must be counted,
sorted, allocated and distributed. Its a huge warehouse type operation
with very intricate logistics. After the cadets sort the toys, they are al-
located to more than 700 certifed charitable organizations. The toys are
transported to the closest fre station to the requesting organization for
distribution by the frefghters there.
Getting the toys from the fre stations to Toy Central always
proves to be a great challenge, but Marquez says that there is more sup-
port from the feld each year. This year we borrowed 13 vehicles,
plug buggies and vans, from stations and other units. We got them from
the CLOs offce on down to Fire Stations 43 and 5s.
The success of the program each year can be attributed to all of
the hard work from all of the wonderful volunteers, as well as the media
partnerships. KABC TVs Spark of Love campaign is an invaluable
resource for getting the word out to the community.
Lets hope everyone out there had as great a holiday season as
the LAFD Toy Program and is enjoying a very Happy New Year!
10 February 2013
Pa d Advert sement

the views expressed by the battalion News writers do Not necessarily refect those of the Firemens Relief Association
The Second Annual Battalion One
Christmas Party was held on the 32nd foor
penthouse of the AT&T building downtown.
All eight fre stations in the battalion were
represented. In total, there were 240 attendees,
quite a jump from last years attendance of
115. Retired frefghters and their spouses ac-
counted for about two dozen of the partygoers.
The swanky location is all thanks
to a long-standing relationship between Fire
Station 10 and the AT&T management. Sev-
eral decades ago, when the building was still
known as the Occidental Building, Fire Sta-
tion 10 put out a fre in a memorable incident
that some frefghters say led to the LAFD
developing its current standards for dealing
with high-rise fres.
Those who attended the party paid
a fat entrance fee which covered the cost of
the event, with the excess going to the Wid-
ows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund.
Considering that attendees received a catered
dinner, had access to an open bar for eight
hours, enjoyed a DJ and dancing, and had free
parking, it was a great value even before one
takes into consideration that they were raising
money for a worthwhile cause.
Instrumental in the success of the
event were Frank Cornejo (Fire Station 2),
Sean Kinkor (Fire Station 3), Todd Gravitt
(Fire Station 4), Chase Coleman (Fire Station
9), Billy Wenger (Fire Station 10), Jason
Shickle (Fire Station 14), Doug Weber (Fire
Station 17), Tom Valdespino (Fire Station 25),
Lisa Garcia & Lisa Willis (Decorations).
Greetings and Happy Groundhog
Day from the sinners and the saints of the
Second Battalion.
Let me start with the new additions
to our beloved battalion. Engineer Micah Mill-
man (try saying that fve times real fast) leaves
62s to call the Double Nickel home and A/O
Paul Gilbrook says goodbye to his chances
of stardom in Hollywood to drive Truck 50 on
the B.
Remember . . . we start off liking
you, youll have to do something to change
Speaking of reminders, if you dont
want any pictures of the apparatus wall you
touched up without telling anyone and the
diamond plate you used as a scraper to wind
up in the Grapevine youll stop studying
for captain long enough to buy cream for the
crew, which will also assure my silence. Ask
anyone . . . Im not a nice guy by nature. On
the other side of the coin a sincere thank
you to Chief Rudy Hill for buying lunch for
the Lincoln Heights Light Force for putting on
the Battalion Swift Water Drill. Unexpected
acts of kindness come from the heart
Before I tell this months story,
congratulations to all those who will be able to
check the retired box this month. There are
ffty one of you by my count, and among them
is Capt. Dave Wagner, illustrious editor of this
very publication. Dave, I hope you make good
on your threat to continue in your position on
the Grapevine and Ill try to avoid biting
remarks like the plague. Thanks for all of the
editing that you were forced to do to make
a lot of my stuff printable and still keep the
integrity of the article intact . . . more or less.
Live long and prosper.
This brings me to all the rest who
have earned the right to check retired on all
future employment questionnaires. Good luck
to the one A/C, four B/Cs, seven CIIs, FIF-
TEEN CIs, four Inspectors, fve Engineers,
three A/Os and twelve FFIIIs. With all of the
projected vacancies Im concerned about the
lack of a sense of urgency on the part of those
who make the staffng decisions.
This month I have a Christmas tale
to tell, from this past Christmas as a matter of
One week before December 25th,
an attic fre is quickly extinguished by the
Heroes of Highland Park. In spite of their best
efforts, the damage to the structure resulted in
a mother and her four children being displaced
Heroes of Highland Park save Christmas
12 February 2013
and all hopes of a Merry Christmas seemed
lost. As luck would have it though, Santa
had pressed Truck 12 into service the week
prior for the local Christmas parade. Two true
believers had seen Santa riding atop the hook
and ladder and decided to send their written
requests to the fre station instead of the North
Pole. The return address on the letter to Santa
seemed oddly familiar to Capt Tony Navarro.
A quick search of the front offce confrms his
suspicions that the return address is the same
as the structure fre address. The subject of the
letter is simple and heartfelt. The older brother
and sister ask only that their younger coun-
terparts have some gifts to open on Christmas
Armed with the request, Santa
springs into action. A call is made to FF Mike
Marquez at Toy Central and Mike has the
elves shift into high gear. As news travels up
the chain of command, Chief Gene Bednar-
chik, a Highland Park alumnus gets involved.
The Highland Park Chamber of Commerce
and the Northeast Division of the LAPD are
anxious to help. The CLO, Capt. Jamie Moore
brings the incident to the attention of Fire
Chief Brian Cummings who makes sure Santa
is not hindered by the wrong kind of red tape.
Im told everyone got what they
wanted for Christmas when the family came
to the station for a personal tour. It gives me
hope for the future.
the weakest link
Send your version of the truth to:
FF Johnathan Theodore, the rest of
light Force one, Engine 56 and Rescue
one perform rapid patient extrication .
Sometimes more than the door has
to go to provide proper c spine.

Well, I hope everyone had a Happy
New Year! I hear that some guys or girls might
not be too happy with whats being written
here, so if thats the case, send me the stuff
you want to read about so I dont have to
make stuff up!
How about that Curt Forrest
Gump Leddy over at 56s? Just doing his
job as the engineer, he takes the rig over to
the shops to have the front bumper replaced.
They take the old bumper off but cant seem
to make the new bumper ft without drilling
some new holes. Of course they dont have
time to fnish it that day, so Curt is told hell
have to leave the rig and change over. Maybe
not! Before Curt is done with them, the old
bumper is back on and he is invited to never
return to the shops. Lets hope the next guy
that takes the engine down has better luck than
Starting this month I would like to
give kudos to the guys and girls that serve our
great country! This month it goes out to Fire-
fghter Richard Perron from Fire Station 56-B.
Richard told me, I appreciate the thought
but I am only one of many military members.
If this becomes an article I hope some if not
most of the article should be focused on the
members currently serving our country today.
Active military members are the true heroes,
they leave their families and friends behind
for months at times, travel around the world
to serve our nation. It was my honor to serve
alongside them for so many years. The biggest
thing you can do for any service member is to
stop them when you see them at airport, bus
station, etc. and thank them for their service.
Richard joined the Marine Corps in
December 1987. Upon completion of Recruit
Training at Paris Island, he reported to the
Infantry Training School at Camp Lejeune
for training as a rifeman. Next he attended
Security Force School and was assigned to
the Naval Air Station at Adak, AK. During the
tour he held the billets of sentry and corporal
of the guard as a lance corporal. Later, with
the 2nd Battalion 9th Marines, he was selected
Marine of the Quarter and meritoriously
promoted to corporal and selected for meri-
torious promotion to sergeant. While with the
2/9, he participated in Operation Restore Hope
in Somalia and Operation Desert Storm, hold-
ing the billets of rifeman to platoon sergeant.
In 1994 he was transferred to San Diego
and held the billets of Drill Instructor, Water
Survival Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor.
On completion of a successful tour
he was reassigned to 2nd Battalion,
4th Marines where he was selected
Noncommissioned Offcer of the
Year for 1997 and received the
Sergeant Major Molinar Leadership
Award. There he participated in
Operation Southern Watch, Sud-
den Storm, Desert Fox and Anvil
I & II and held the billets of squad
leader, platoon sergeant, platoon
commander, and assistant operations
chief. He was promoted to Staff
Sergeant and later received orders to
the Staff Noncommissioned Offcers Acad-
emy, Camp Pendleton, to assume the duties as
Instructor/Advisor with the Sergeants Course,
where he was selected Instructor of the Year.
Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant, he reported
to Amphibious Raid Branch, Expeditionary
Warfare Training Group Pacifc and assumed
the duties of the Staff NCO in Charge of the
Amphibious Raid Branch. He then promoted
to Master Sergeant and reported to I Marine
Expeditionary Force Command Element. Dur-
ing this tour he assumed the duties of Current
Operation Chief in support of Operation Iraq
Freedom, and Future Operations Chief at
Camp Pendleton, CA.
His personal awards include the
Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service
Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine
Corps Commendation Medal with two stars,
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal
with two stars, Combat Action Ribbon, and
the Good Conduct Medal with fve stars.
Richard retired from the Corps in
2008 and joined the LAFD later that year. And
what a great asset he has been to this depart-
On that note, keep your eyes and
ears open and send me some stuff.
Richard and Sandy
Richard walks softly and carries a big sword
Engine 76 members treat three people
injured when their car was struck
head-on on December 8, 2012.
Photo by Rick McClure, EPN
14 February 2013
lAFD boats and helicopters responded to a man
who jumped from the Vincent Thomas Bridge
into the main channel on August 19, 2012.
Photos by Chris Conkle

For your Getting Started Kit contact
Marlene Casillas, Development & Marketing Director, at
(323) 259-5217 or email C A or
Five Key Steps:
Pic a p anner Word-of-mouth references are a good place to start, but you
should always take time to research credentials, experience, on-going education
levels and select the Estate Planning professional that best suits your needs. When
comparing costs make sure you know all the documents included and services
provided so you compare apples to apples. Each planner may break it down
2 A s mble a am. Your estate planning professional can advise you about
contacting a tax expert, an accountant and someone who can give you advice about
charitable giving.
Comp le documents Ask your attorney or other Estate Planning professional
what you'll need to bring to the rst meeting. Its usually just a few simple
documents and could include the deed(s) to your property, insurance policies,
retirement accounts and a proper I.D.
As fo g idance. When you meet with members of your team, describe your
goals and ask about the best way to reach them.
Cove a l he bases Understand the options when considering a will or trust,
durable power of attorney, a living will, a health care power of attorney, trusts for
your children, your charity and even yourself.
Frank and Laura thought they had plenty of time to get an
Estate Plan. But when Frank passed away unexpectedly, Laura
realized they were not prepared.
So the story goes like this - Truck
37 was recently out drilling, with the self-
proclaimed worlds toughest truckie, when a
taco truck pulls up nearby. The scent of grease
and salt was strong enough to make it through
the thick and bristled manly truckie-stache.
The A/O and the captain - and his man-stache
- look at each other, look at the taco truck,
look at each other, back to the truck. Are
you thinking what Im thinking? If youre
thinking taco eating contest, then game on!
The only obstacle between the worlds tough-
est truckies and taco greatness was a little
three foot railing and 15 feet of wet grass. The
A/O hurtled over the railing like an Olympic
athlete dreaming of gold and carnitas. The
TFC and his stache (not ever to be out-done)
went to hurdle the same three foot railing,
slipped, and came crashing down on his up-
per inner thigh. After catching his breath and
looking around as though he had done it on
purpose, making sure he was still super tough,
he gathered his composure, brushed the stache
and limped over to taco heaven - where he
lost the contest! Should have looked at who
he was eating against. The next morning, TFC
Tom comes limping down the stairs to a very
sympathetic crew. Cap, are you okay? Youre
not looking so hot. Maybe you should go to
the hospital After the guys forced him to go,
he was admitted to the hospital for massive
internal bleeding and spent the next few days
in intensive care, receiving numerous blood
transfusions from god knows who. All this
happening days before Christmas, unfortu-
nately missing a family cruise to Mexico and
causing the other TFCs to be assign hired
and to miss Christmas with their loved ones.
Thankfully, Captain Tom and his stache are
STILL resting well at home recovering from
his trauma. At this time Captain Tom and his
stache are taking all calls, get well soon cards,
visitors and well wishers. So drop him a line
and remind him (and his stache) of their
This next story comes from 59s.
Their Christmas gift this year was a reprieve
from lawn duty. Seems that someone in the
area needed their lawn equipment more than
they did. If you see a lawnmower at the swap
meet with a city ID tag on it, please keep your
mouth shut. 59s is in no hurry to get it back.
Could have happened anytime within the past
6-8 months depending on the growth in certain
areas. Do the City and the residents that lost
their home to imminent domain for the yard
and classroom a favor and pay an extra buck a
day for some professionals to come and lend a
Ministry of Misinformation
16 February 2013
on November 24, 2012, Battalion 9 companies
assisted Santa Monica Fire with a fre in a three
story hillside dwelling at 933 Centinela Ave.
Photos by Chris Conkle
A politician is a person who can make waves,
and then make you think that hes the only one
who can save the ship. - Ivern Ball
Happy New Year from Battalion 10.
This month starts off with another
farewell as Chief Hayden leaves the C shift
for special duty. Well miss you chief, and
thanks again for all the help and hard work.
Coming into the C shift at 39s is Kevin
Booth from 77s. Welcome Kevin, I hope
you like loud country music and NASCAR.
Finally we bid our last farewell to Captain Bill
Sanchez who leaves the serenity of 83s for
the action packed 98s. Good luck cap, well
miss you.
It has been brought to my atten-
tion that there is a growing list of deadbeats
foating around the battalion who still owe
their crews a traditional dinner, be it a career
milestone or promotional dinner. I have been
getting a lot of requests to start calling these
deadbeats by name, which I am very tempted
to do. But the nice guy in me wins this month.
I fgure Ill give these guys and/or gals another
month or two to get their dinners together -
then the list will come out. Until then, you
know who you are, and you cant hide. Save
yourselves the embarrassment and do the right
Has the dubious looking fellow
shown in the photo above been visiting your
station selling LAFD memorabilia and claim-
ing 100% of the proceeds go to the Widows,
Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund? Well
that is 100% true! 109s Fernando De Los
Cobos didnt spend the weeks before Christ-
mas out shopping like everyone else. Instead,
he loaded up his old Camry with Fireman
Cap Pieces and Centennial Belt Buckles that
had been gathering dust deep in the bowels
of the Relief Association storage rooms for
decades. He visited frehouses throughout
the city spreading cheer, and trading the cap
pieces and belt buckles for donations. At
last accounting Fernandos expeditions had
brought in something just a few bucks shy of
$10,000.00 for the WODFF.
The old(er) guys up on the hill have
thrown down the gauntlet. For the past few
months they have been running stairs in the
high rises down on the boulevard and hik-
ing the hills surrounding the frehouse. Sure
theyll be in great shape come brush season
but this winter they think they can beat a team
of young(er) members in a climb-to-the top
challenge. Think your team from Downtown/
Hollywood/Southside are up to it? Give FS
109-C a call to accept the challenge!
Would you buy a used car from this man?
Training hard for any situation

Pa d Advert sements:
Cohens Corner, Episode 2. On a
sunny day in Van Nuys, not so long ago, E239
was sent over to 81s to cover for E81 while
it went down to the shops. While going about
their daily business, Captain Cohen decides
that this would be a great time to undertake a
very complex project on the apparatus foor.
Captain Cohen soon fnds out that in order
to complete this project he is going to need
some screw drivers and wrenches, so he goes
to the only logical place in the station to get
screw driver and wrenches from - E239. And
of course there is no need to tell the engineer
on E239 that he took all the screw drivers off
of his rig, right? Needless to say, he fnally
fnishes his project hours later, well after E81
has returned home. Later that night, Captain
Cohen sees RA39 on an EMS run and gives
them the tools to give to the engineer along
with promises of ice cream. Theyre still
waiting for their ice cream!
Keep the stories coming in, and feel
free to send in any deadbeats. Stay tuned for
more good stuff in next months article.
Firefghters spray water on a nearby structure and trees
after a gas line was severed by construction workers at
4400 Hayvenhurst Ave on December 11, 2012.
Photo by Rick McClure
18 February 2013
Assisted by Battalion 11 members, the lAFD Underwater
Search and Rescue Team located a drowning victim in the
lake at MacArthur Park.

The members of Task Force 74 are happy it was
only food-on-the-stove on Christmas Eve.
Photo by Doc Demulle, The Foothills Paper
one young adult male was killed when the
vehicle he was a passenger in went out
of control on rain soaked la Tuna Canyon
Rd on December 1, 2012
Photo by Rick McClure, EPN
Firefghters used the Jaws of life to extricate an adult female driver who was pinned in her
vehicle after it was involved in a head-on collision on Arleta Avenue on December 6, 2012.
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN
Before he was hired to play the role of
fre captain on the lAFD, Mike Taylor
of 24-B played Conan the Barbarian
on the Universal Studios Tour.
Cartoon by Joe Magana, FS 83-A
20 February 2013
A man drove his car into a wall in the 8500 block
of laurel Canyon Bl on December 9, 2012.
Photos by Mike Meadows
Greetings from the Battalion that
never sleeps!
Welcome to a New Year and hope-
fully new resolutions that havent gone by the
wayside already! For a year that was spent
fnding out about Honey Boo-Boo, and for-
tunately discovering that the Mayan calendar
was as accurate as the data from our dispatch
and on-scene times, I think Im looking for-
ward to 2013.
I know there were some memorable
things about 2012: Facebook went public,
there was an Olympics held in
London, a Euro Cup held in Poland,
and a guy named PSY doing a
dance called Gangham Style that
somehow became popular and went
viral. We had Carmageddon II and
a Space Shuttle driving through
the streets of Los Angeles at 2 mph
with seemingly every resource in
the city assigned and standing by
in case anything happened (spoiler
alert: nothing happened). There
was a man dressed in a space suit
who sat in a metal box attached
to a bunch of balloons that foated
into space and then he jumped out
of the metal box, free-falling back to planet
Earth at speeds faster than resources respond-
ing to a reported smoke when someone says
loom up over the radio and it turns out to be
a couch, mattress and some tires in an alley .
. . and FS64 had a Grand Opening after being
open for over 3 years . . . and fnally, congrats
to Battalion 13s Carl Weideman for getting
the dubious honor of Paramedic of the Year
from Harbor-UCLA Hospital. Way to go Carl!
Thank you for all your hard work and thank
you for representing the LAFD, Battalion 13,
and FS64 in a good light.
Seems as if lately, the crazy
Christmas theme is sweeping the southland.
Theres the Ugly Christmas Sweater. You
know, the decorated, ornamental beauties
that your Mom, Grandma, Dad(????) wore/
wears that are ridiculously funny and some-
how amazing. This has developed into Ugly
Sweater parties, and I hear FS33 even had
some members visit Disneylands exclusive
Club 33 wearing some. FS57 took it a step
further and sent out a Christmas card. No not
just the normal one with a drawing or image of
Santa or an Angel, but an actual picture of one
of the shifts dressed in full attire, and Santa
looking ever so jolly sitting atop the medical
sleigh . . . although now Im concerned about
the GVW rating of that sleigh. Nice work 57s
and way to throw down the gauntlet. Game on
and until next year!
Well thats all Ive got. Seems as
since it was just Christmas, everyone was on
their best behavior so they wouldnt get on the
naughty list . . . although I thinks its too late
for some of you. Also, Christmas
Tree/Rubbish season is now open,
so get your wet water and garden
hoses ready. Stay safe out there
and remember: 2+2 makes sense,
play nice, know your audience, get
a cool nickname, fgure out which
formula to use before the media
gets ahold of it, you get out what
you put in, FI-1, read the label, and
if youre tired-sleep in! Take care of
each other and lets have a GREAT
Keep sending your stories
to: wattsfre@gmail.com

The guys from Fire Station 78 lend a
hand loading up donated toys for trans-
port to Toy Central.
A fag ceremony at FS 108 for
Ronald Robey, an engineer who
retired out of 108s in 1986.
Firefghters from Battalion
14 handled a fre on Morella
Ave when fames erupted in
a Christmas tree.
Photo by Juan Guerra,
22 February 2013
A 73-year-old woman and an 83-year-old man were cut out of their wrecked
car following a crash in West Hills. The traffc collision was reported at
22437 Victory Blvd. at 7:31 p.m. on December 24, 2012
Photo by Juan Guerra, juanguerra.smugmug.com
February 2013 23
Well, hello form the 18th hole. I
just hope everybody is off to a great start
to the New Year. Oh wait, the world didnt
end in December. Remember the Mayan
calendar said the world was going to end on
12/21/12.?Well it didnt and Im signed up
across the board!
Here in the 18th we just had bat-
talion inspection on the C (we just had an-
nual in October) and lets just say it was very
strange. We stood inspection in full Brush
Gear. Yep, thats right - full brush gear. Now
what happens if you get a structure response
and you gotta take all this stuff off and then
get turnouts on? Delayed response? Wasnt the
Fire Chief on TV defending the Department
about delayed response? (He actually did a
good job) Well it did happen. 34s is standing
inspection in full brush gear with the B/C.
How come Battalion didnt wear their brush
gear? STRUCTURE . . . with that one word
it set into motion a strange chain of events.
First they (34s) had to get out of the brush
gear and then into turnouts - clock is ticking.
Battalion takes off. They have no water and
hose - and no brush gear on. 34s gets geared
up and heads to the reported fre, but as they
leave, Battalion is coming back lights and
siren. Did they get canceled? Did they forget
something? Yes they did! An iPad was last
seen doing a Frisbee imitation fying across
the street because it was left on the bumper of
the Engine 34. The happy ending is that 94s
handled the fre out and the iPad was found.
A little ice cream might have saved this from
ending up in the Grapevine.
There may be a lot of SOD in the
battalion, but the guys and gals still have
time to make babies. At 61s they welcomed
a new arrival - Danny Gonzalez (61-A) and
wife Bernadette brought their 2nd son into
the world. Ezekiel Rey Gonzalez was born on
12/20/12, weighed 7lbs and was 21 inches.
Both baby and mom are doing fne.
More baby news outta 58-B. Shan-
non Lombard and his wife Stephanie Michelle
are proud 1st time parents to baby girl Nina
Sophia Lombard born on August 3, 2012,
weighing 6lbs, 12oz.
At Fire Station 43-A, Engineer
Nitin Kumar, with wife Arti, and kids Dev and
Anjali welcome a new addition to their family,
Krish Akshay Kumar, born November 10,
2012, weighing in at 8 lbs. 6oz, and 23inches.
Well, its been an exciting month
and we thank you for your stories and pictures.
Please be safe out there . . .
Battalion 18 companies helped to extinguish a structure
fre at 2256 Bagley Ave on December 20, 2012.
Photo by Yvonne Griffn, EPN

24 February 2013
he Los Angeles Retired Fire and Police
Association is made up of nearly 9900
active and retired members of the LAFD
and LAPD. Retirees and active members with
20 or more years of service are eligible to join.
Dues are just $5.00 per month. If you are in-
terested in joining or wish to know more, go
to www.larfpa.org or call (888) 288-5073. Your
participation allows this organization to defend
its members from attacks, like the example be-
On July 12, 2012, the LARFPA fled
a claim against the City of Los Angeles for
changes made to the retiree health insurance
beneft. Specifcally, our claim stated that the
City adopted two ordinances which had the
unconstitutional effect of eliminating the retir-
ee medical premium subsidy, a vested contrac-
tual retirement beneft promised to Claimants
by the City under the terms of the retirement
plan that existed prior to the passage of the Or-
Now some of you may ask, Why
should retirees care or get involved with chang-
es made for current employees? It isnt their
Unfortunately, the fact is it is our
problem. Current events reveal that the Citys
attack on the retiree health subsidy beneft will
affect retirees as much as it will affect active
members. To back up this point, let me refer
you to a letter dated October 22, 2012 from
Mayor Villaraigosa to the City Council and
forwarded to the CAO. The letter, entitled
ABILITY, concludes on page 5 with a list of
STRUCTURAL DEFICIT. The sixth item on
this list is, Retiree Pensions Consider chang-
es to automatic increases in post-employment
benefts for existing retirees. The CAO has al-
ready begun preparing a report and action plan
to push forward on this and twelve other items
included on the Mayors list.
For many months the issue over the
vesting of retiree health subsidy benefts has
been stewing. The Mayors letter now makes
it abundantly clear what the Citys long range
game plan was and is. Step one was to go af-
ter the retiree health subsidy beneft for those
who are currently on active duty by FORC-
ING those members to either pay an extra two
percent into the Pension System or see their
beneft permanently frozen at the July 1, 2011
level. Step two is to mount an attack on those
of us who were retired or in DROP as of July
14, 2011 by denying that we have a vested right
to the retiree health subsidy beneft and either
reduce or freeze the health subsidy amount.
Let me add to this the fact that the
CAO has publicly taken the position that it is
legal for the City to make changes in pension
benefts unless and until someone takes the
City to court and wins. In other words, to the
CAO, the provisions of the City Charter and
State Law are meaningless if the City chooses
to ignore them.
So to the question of why should the
LARFPA get involved with this issue and pur-
sue a legal claim, the answer is clear - Because
we have to if we want any hope of preserving
the pension benefts that we worked for and
have been promised. There is no Santa Claus,
Easter Bunny or Mighty Mouse who is on the
way to save the day. If we have any hope of
keeping our pension benefts as we know them,
then we are going to have to take the City on by
Now that the Why question has
been answered, let me bring you up to date with
what has happened since July 12.
Under the rules for fling claims
against the City, the City Attorneys Offce had
forty-fve (45) days to respond. As was to be
expected, the City Attorney waited until the last
day and denied our claim on August 27. Once
the City denied our claim our administrative
remedy was exhausted, and we had six months
to bring a legal action against the City.
On November1, 2012, our attorney
fled suit against the City in the Superior Court
of the State of California, County of Los Ange-
les. The fling is a petition for writ of mandate
and complaint for promissory estoppel, restitu-
tion, violations of the Los Angeles City Char-
ter, injunctive relief, and declaratory relief.
Let me point out for claritys sake
that ours is one of three lawsuits you may hear
or read about that has been fled against the
City concerning retiree health insurance sub-
sidy benefts. The Assistant City Attorneys
Association has fled a suit somewhat similar
to ours. However this suit involves a different
pension system (LACERS, the civilian sys-
tem), different ordinances and a different set of
The third suit was fled by the Los
Angeles Police Protective League against the
City. (UFLAC has since joined in this suit)
This suit differs signifcantly from our suit.
The League contends that a letter of agree-
ment was reached between the League and the
City that mandated that any police offcer who
opted to pay the additional two percent in pen-
sion contributions was guaranteed an annual
increase in the retiree medical subsidy amount.
The Leagues suit contends that this annual
increase must be equal to either the assumed
medical trend rate (medical infation rate) or
seven percent, whichever is less. The City is on
record as saying that the agreement does not
mandate any such increase. The Citys position
is that the maximum increase (without specifc
City Council approval) can never exceed seven
percent, but can be anything less, including no
increase. (There also a dispute as to whether
the retiree health subsidy amount could be re-
The Leagues position is nobody
would have agreed to a two percent increase in
their pension contribution rate unless they were
frst guaranteed an annual increase as a quid
pro quo.
Among the biggest differences be-
tween our suit and the Leagues is we claim the
Citys action in its entirety is illegal, whereas
the Leagues suit does not challenge the Citys
action in passing the above mentioned ordi-
nances. Instead, the Leagues suit only chal-
lenges the interpretation of what those who
opted to pay the additional two percent are en-
titled to in exchange for the added contribution.
It does not deal with those who chose not to pay
the additional two percent.
As of the date of this article (January
8, 2013) we are waiting for the Court to give us
a hearing date.
9 1928
February 2013 25
I use to look forward to the
required attendance at Department
leadership classes because it was a
great opportunity for me to catch up
on my sleep, as were EMT classes. It
especially made no sense for me to pay
any attention to these leadership classes
and their teachins because I knew I had
a fle cabinet back at the station full of
F-1104 Notices to Improve and Repri-
mands. Why would I want to solve the
problem at my level when I could simply
hand out a piece of paper and move the
problem up the chain of command? Show
me an effcient, no nonsense captain and
Ill show you a captain that can generate
reams of reprimands. Let me tell you AN-
OTHER true story to prove my point:
While in charge of an engine company,
I had the misfortune of havin an engineer that
was uncooperative, grumpy and who consis-
tently failed to follow my simplest instructions.
Whether at an emergency incident or at the fre
station, this member did what he wanted and
ignored my wishes and commands. Naturally I
gained the upper hand when he reported to me
that he had completely redecorated the interior
of his Department locker with past F1104s. Per-
sonally, I believe the unpleasant station
atmosphere started to improve
because he was fearful of
not knowin where to
paste future repri-
Well, so much for peace and hap-
piness. One day the friendly facade crumbled
and this uncooperative member returned to
the wild, so I had to once again slap him
with a reprimand. However, this time he
bowed his back and demanded an au-
dience with the on-duty battalion com-
mander. I told him in my best command
voice, No way Jose, but after returnin
from an incident, this sneaky engineer
drove me and the entire engine com-
pany to the battalion offce. Needless
to say, I was hoppin mad but I kept my
composure. Fortunately I remembered
there was a police station directly across the
street from the fre station, so upon our return
to quarters, I simply walked across the street.
Guess what I did? (Am I a genius or
what?) I fled a kidnappin report against this
Im still in shock that the Department
has never asked me to teach my controversial
leadership skills to current Department mem-
bers. Heck, I promised them Id stay awake for
the entire lecture.
A guy is drivin
around the backwoods
of Montana and sees
a sign in front of a
broken down shanty-
style house: Talkin
dog for sale.
He rang the bell
and the owner ap-
peared and directed
him to his backyard.
So the guy went around back and
saw a nice lookin Labrador Retriever.
You talk? he asked.
Yep, replied the Lab.
After the guy recovered from the
shock of hearin a dog talk, he said, So, whats
your story?
The Lab looked up and said, Well, I
discovered I could talk when I was very young.
I wanted to help the government, so I contacted
the CIA. In no time at all they had me jettin
from country to country, sittin in rooms with
spies and world leaders because no one fgured
a dog would be eavesdroppin. I was one of
their most valuable spies, eight years runnin.
But the jettin around really tired me out and I
knew I wasnt gettin any younger so I decided
to settle down. I signed up for a job at the air-
port to do some undercover security, wanderin
near suspicious characters and listenin in. I un-
covered some incredible information and was
awarded a batch of medals. But fnally I got
married, had a mess of puppies and now Im
The guy was amazed. He went back
in and asked the owner how much he wanted
for the dog.
Ten dollars, the guy said.
Ten dollars? This dog is amazin.
Why on earth are you sellin him so cheap?
Because hes a liar. Hes never been
out of the yard.

Check out LAFRA.ORG for more details on the above.
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PHIllIP WEIRETER, Firefghter III / Staff Assistant
North Division A-Platoon
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2013
The odyssey Restaurant
15600 Odyssey Drive, Granada Hills CA 91344
Social Hour: 6 00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
Dinner Buffet - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift
Call North Division - (818) 756-8638
MIKE BREHM, A/O, Fire Station 12
Ports oCall
Berth 76
San Pedro CA
Social Hour: 4:30 Dinner: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Chicken or Steak - $50 per person, including tax & gift
Call Fire Station 12 Grapevine - (323) 256-9563
HENRY J. AMPARAN, Captain II, Fire Station 49
Fire Station 49
400 Yacht Street Berth 194
Wilmington CA 90744
Appe izers: 4:00 PM Dinner: 6 00 PM
No cost
Call Fire Station 49 - (310) 548-7549 or email: slaussie@juno.com
RoGER DUKE, Captain I, Fire Station 98-A
The odyssey Restaurant
15600 Odyssey Drive
Granada Hills CA 91344
Social Hour: 6 00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
Dinner Buffet - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift
Email: steven.marquez@lacity.org or Call FS 98 - (818) 756-8698
RoGER CAMUNAS, Engineer, Fire Station 50-A
FRIDAY, APRIl 26, 2013
Quiet Cannon - 901 N Via San Clemente, Montebello CA
Social Hour (Appetizers): 6:30PM - Dinner: 7:30 PM
Chicken Breast or NY Strip - $45 per person, includes tax, tip & gift
Call FS 50-A for attendance and choice of entree - (213) 485-6250
Spouses are welcome!
DAVE WAGNER, Captain I, Fire Station 109-C
old 27s Hollywood Museum
1355 N. Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood CA 90028
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Taco Bar/Beer/Wine - No cost
Contact Info: Firemens Grapevine - (323) 259-5260
or email: jc@lafra.org or FS 109 - (310) 476-0272.
RSVP by February 18th. All are invited!
RoBERT BoB BARoCAS, Lead Paramedic, Rescue 60-B
The odyssey Restaurant
15600 Odyssey Drive
Granada Hills CA 91344
Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
Buffet Style - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift
Call FS 60 - (818) 756-8660
pleaSe note tHat date HaS been updated

JoHN l. PECEl, Captain II, Fire Station 15-B
Sportsmens lodge
12833 Ventura Blvd
Sherman Oaks CA
Social Hour: 6 00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
$50 per person - including food, tax, tip & gift
Call Fire Station 15 Grapevine - (213) 745-8841 or (213) 485-6215
RICH HERNANDEZ, A/O, Fire Station 27-B
FRIDAY, MARCH 08, 2013
lAFD Hollywood Museum
old 27s - 1355 N Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood CA 90028
Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
BBQ Dinner - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift
Call FS 27 - (213) 485-6227
THoMAS A. REYES, Captain I, Fire Station 70-C
Porter Valley Country Club
19216 Singing Hills Drive, Northridge CA 91326
Social Hour: 5:30 PM Dinner: 6:30 PM
Tri-Tip or Chicken Marsala - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift
Call FS 70 - (818) 756-7670 or email: lawrence jackson@lacity.org
Dress code: Informal
DEAN STIVASoN, Captain I, Fire Station 40-B
SATURDAY, APRIl 13, 2013
San Pedro Elks lodge, #966
1748 Cumbre Drive, San Pedro CA 90732
Lunch: 12:00 Noon - 4 00 PM
Buffet (Prime Rib & Salmon) - $35 per person, includes tax, tip & gift
Call Fire Station 40 - (310) 548-7540 or Rachel at Harbor FPB (310) 732-4593
AlAN l. SCHATZ, Apparatus Operator,
Rescue Maintenance C Platoon
Saddle Ranch Chop House - 100 Universal City Plaza, LA CA
Social Hour: 6:00PM Dinner: 7:00 PM
Buffet (Marinated Grilled Chicken or BBQ Baby Back Ribs)
$50 per person, includes tax, tip & gift
Call Rescue Maintenance - (213) 485-6121 or 6122. Attire: Hawaiian
28 February 2013
y Grandfather, Allan A. Nelson, was
the subject of an article that appeared
in the April 2012 Grapevine entitled
Lessons from my Grandfather. The article
touched many of you and I received numerous
phone calls and emails. The most important
call I got, though, was from Grandpa himself.
He told me, 27 years on the LAFD and I was
never in the Grapevine. Today, I opened it up
and I nearly fell out of my chair! I was so
grateful that he got to see it. Grandpa read the
article just one month before he passed away.
On May 10, 2012 the Nelson and
Curry family collectively celebrated the pass-
ing of our Great Grandfather, Grandfather, and
Father, Allan A. Nelson. It may seem strange to
use the word celebrated but when you look at
his remarkably long life, marriage, and retire-
ment, celebrate is the only word that comes
to mind. It gives us great peace knowing that
Grandpa is once again together with his be-
loved wife of 74 years, Zella Nelson.
97 years old: 74 years of marriage,
27 years working for the LAFD, 45 years re-
tired . . . not too bad.
In the article, I shared with you some
lessons that I had learned from my Grandfather,
but I failed to tell you about Grandpas life or
how he had come to join the LAFD:
Allan A. Nelson was born on Decem-
ber 5, 1914 and raised in Denver. His father,
my Great-Grandfather, Arthur C. Nelson, was
a frefghter for the Denver Fire Department.
Fireman Art Nelson was a stocky, tough man
and by all accounts, he was one hell of a fre-
fghter. Art worked at Fire Station 12, which
housed Engine Company #12 and Truck Com-
pany #5. (Grandpa would want you to know
that both apparatus were 1923 Seagraves)
Grandpa was extremely proud of his
father and he was fascinated with the profes-
sion of frefghting. He loved to hear stories of
life in the frehouse and of his former job with
the Denver and Salt Lake Railroad. Grandpas
close relationship with his father inspired a
life-long love affair for anything involving
railroads or the fre department. He dreamed of
following in his fathers footsteps by becoming
a frefghter in Denver.
Following relief on a cold and icy
morning in February 1931, Fireman Art Nel-
son and a couple of his fellow frefghters were
heading home when they were involved in a ter-
rible car accident. A milk truck had lost control
at the top of a steep, icy hill
and it slammed into the side
of their car. The others suf-
fered only minor injuries, but
Art was thrown from the car
and gravely injured. Being as
tough as he was, Art hung on
for a few days but eventually
he succumbed to his injuries.
My Great-Grandfather died at
the age of 39.
In those days, frefghters
were considered on-duty until
they arrived back at home, so
Fireman Art Nelson was given
a funeral for an on-duty death with full hon-
ors. It was a huge funeral; it seemed that the
entire City had come out to pay their respects
for this brave, fallen frefghter. But amidst all
of the pomp and circumstance, hidden in the
crowds, stood his devastated 16-year-old son
and his broken-hearted widow. Grandpa and
his mother were on their own.
In the months that followed, my
Grandpa and his mother tried to make it on their
own in Denver. But everywhere she looked she
was reminded of the accident that had taken
everything from her. She decided that the only
solution was to leave Denver, leave Colorado,
leave all of her grief behind and start anew in
February 2013 29
A portion of fre-related
jewelry profts donated to
the Widows, Or phans and
Disabled Firemens Fund.

At 16, Grandpa had
become the man of the house.
He had to leave his childhood
friends, pack up all their be-
longings, and drive to Califor-
nia. Grandpa had to enroll in
high school in Denver and in
Los Angeles just to complete
his education. He had to work
several jobs to help his moth-
er pay the bills. He installed
ovens, drove trucks for the
CCC, worked for the Den-
ver and Salt Lake Railroad
(just like his father); he even spent
a brief period of time working in a slaughter-
In May 1936, Grandpa was set up on
a blind date by some of the neighborhood la-
dies and he met the love of his life: Zella Marie
Lowis. Zella had heard such good things about
this young man that she broke a date with an-
other boy so she could go out with Grandpa.
Grandpa didnt have a lot of money for court-
ing Zella, so they spent their nights free load-
ing on the Casino Boats that were anchored
off of Long Beach. For a nickel, you could
catch a ride out to the boats and then you could
eat, drink, and dance for free (if you pretended
to gamble every now and then).
After a short courtship, Grandma and
Grandpa became husband and wife; a marriage
that lasted 74 years. The last year and a half
following the passing of Grandma represented
the only time that they were apart. Grandma
and Grandpa had three children; my uncle Art
(Grandpa named him after his father), and the
twins Karen and Ken.
Grandpa never forgot his dream of
following his fathers footsteps, and on Sep-
tember 24, 1940, he joined the LAFD. He
worked all over the City and spent many years
working at 27s after promoting to engineer.
Many of his stories involved 27s and fres he
had fought in Hollywood. Right to the end,
Grandpa still remembered his many mnemon-
ics for the streets of Hollywood. Grandpa was
the last surviving member of his rookie class.
Grandpa was winding down his ca-
reer by the time my father, Roger H. Curry
Jr., joined the LAFD in 1963. Grandpa was
assigned to Fire Station 103-A, which just so
97 years old: 74 years
of marriage, 27 years
working for the LAFD,
45 years retired . . .
not too bad.
happened to be my fathers
frst house on probation. He
took an instant liking to my
father, thinking Roger might
be a good match for his
daughter, Karen L. Nelson,
who was the reigning Miss
Northridge. He told Roger
that he had set up a BBQ at
his home for all of the crew at
103-A. When Roger arrived he
realized that he was the only
one invited. That BBQ/Blind
Date led to the marriage of my
parents and to the birth of my
brother Dan Curry, my sister
Kathy Curry, and me.
I look back at the tragedy of the death
of my Great-Grandfather, Arthur C. Nelson.
Had that terrible accident not occurred, had
that milk truck not lost control on that icy hill,
my Grandfather would have never left Denver,
never met Zella, never joined the LAFD, nev-
er introduced my parents, and my family line
wouldnt exist. Isnt life amazing?
On the weekend of October 6th,
2012 the Curry and Nelson families met in
Mammoth Lakes to celebrate the lives of Al
and Zella Nelson. We mixed their ashes togeth-
er and spread them at their favorite fshing spot.
Grandma and Grandpa will truly be together
Thank you for all of the positive re-
sponses to my original article. You honor my
Grandfathers life every day you show up for
work and leave your apparatus, your station,
your district, and your Department better than
you found it. You honor his life by loving your
family and by remaining faithful to them.
30 February 2013

SWIFt Water reScue
Los AngeLes RiveR
Photos by Mike Meadows
on december 23, 2012, people heard cries for help from
the area of the LA River. the Glendale Fd responded
and requested the LAFd Swift Water Rescue team. A
full swift water assignment was assigned and it took
close to an hour by both agencies to rescue a homeless
man from a small island in the middle of the river.

Photos by Mike Meadows
noRth hoLLywood
on december 28, 2012, task Force 89, EMS 14 and batt
14 responded to a jumper on Whitsett Ave over the
170 Freeway. they found a 16 year old, girl being held
against the fence (the girl was on the freeway side and
a passerby and the LAPd were on Whitsett) with arms
wrapped around her, holding her from jumping.
the CHP shut down the S/b lanes of the busy freeway
and truck 89 spotted just to the north of the bridge. A
frefghter was harnessed up and, hanging under the
aerial, was lifted to a position just behind the fright-
ened girl. talking softly to her, the frefghter gently har-
nessed her to him and in about 40 minutes they were
lifted to clear the fence and then lowered into the wait-
ing arms of fellow frefghters.

Photos by Rick McClure-EPN,
cOMMercIaL Structure FIre
noRth hoLLywood
It took 120 frefghters 1 hr and 20 minutes to control a
blaze at 10817 Sherman Way in a one story commercial
occupancy. the fre was caused by an electrical short
to the breaker panel after a vehicle struck and sheared
a power pole nearby then fed the scene.
34 February 2013
Pa d Advert sements:
Direct diamond importer manufacturer of fine jewelry. Since 1983
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Member of the Jewelers Board of Trade Better Business Bureau G A & Calif
Jewelers Association Present this ad and recieve a free gift.

he finals of the 2012 Fall Singles Handball Tournament was held
on December 6, 2012, at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. There
were 134 entries in the tournament with awards in seven divi-
sions. The C Masters Division was a new addition, and proved to be
popular and very competitive.
All participants in the tournament received a hinder blue
dry-ft shirt and white shorts, and lunch was provided for participants
and spectators at the fnals.
John Libby (FS-3-B) continued his reign as the top player on
the LAFD by defeating Chris The Giant Yokoyama (FS-92-B) in the
A Division fnal. After a 10 minute break, he defeated Paul Croghan
(FS-49-A) in the Masters Division fnal.
Fire Station 66 was well represented in the B fnal, with Alex
Garcia (FS-66-B) defeating Trevor Insley (FS-66-C). Both players were
promoted to the A Division, based on their quality of play.
Brett Klemme (FS-64-B) defeated Ryan Chance (FS-82-C) in
the C Division, and Jim Como (FS-90-B) defeated Abraham Carretto
(FS-2-A) in the C-Masters Division.
The D Division was also an all Fire Station 66 fnal, with
Travis Follmer (FS-66-A) defeating Nestor Rodriguez (FS-66-C).
Even in retirement, Jesus Pasos continues to dominate the
Golden Masters Division, by defeating Gary Maga (FS-69-C) in the f-
nal. All champions and fnalists were awarded letterman jacket styled
The Royal Flush Doubles Handball Tournament in Las Vegas
is scheduled for March 1-3. LAFD Handball normally has a strong turn-
out for this tournament. Contact Roy Harvey at lafdhandball@yahoo.

LAFD Singles
Handball Ladder:
Name Assignment
1. John Libby (3-B)
2. Chris Yokoyama (92-B)
3. Tati Silveyra (69-C)
4. Eddie Marez (2-C)
5. Joe Castro (Batt. 5-C)
6. Ryan Carlos (92-A)
7. Frank Lima (UFLAC)
8. Bernie Ventura (9-C)
9. Paul Croghan (49-A)
10. Jeff Ambarian (87-C)
11. Gary Maga (69-C)
12. Jerry Puga (26-A)
13. Pete Xenios (49-B)
14. Mario Rueda (BES)
15. Chris Hart (26-C)
16. Johnathan Stevens (66-C)
17. Eric Mattson (3-B)
18. Juan Marez (2-C)
19. Jared Cooper (92-C)
20. Branden Silverman (71-B)
36 February 2013
Dear LAFRA Widows, Orphans and
Disabled Firemens Fund.
Please accept this donation in memory of
Gilbert L. Maga and Charles W. Porter, who
both passed away on November 16th of this
Charlie Porter was my frst captain as a
rookie freman in the feld at Fire Station 14. I
can remember watching a memorial parade for
Martin Luther King Jr. (through the blinds of
the front offce) and going to many small and
some large fres during my few months rotation
Gil Maga, I was never assigned with, but as
I remember, he was an engineer at 15s when I
was a young freman at 22s. I probably worked
a trade or SOD day or two with him. If memory
serves me, I went on a dirt bike ride with Gil and
Bud Zink and some others up in the National
Forest near Gorman. I was riding a Yamaha 250
and as we climbed up a steep Jeep trail my
bike began suffering from the altitude. When
we reached the top I knew that I needed to
adjust the carburetor by dropping the needle a
notch. Gil, ably assisted by Bud, attempted to
help me. When I got the carburetor opened up
and the tiny E clip off the needle, Bud faked
dropping it in the pine duff which was probably
8 to 12 inches deep. Luckily Bud was faking it,
but they all had a good laugh before continuing
the ride.
Another time I went on a water ski trip to
Lake Mojave with my girlfriend (now my wife
of 43 years). The others included Gil Maga,
Bud Zink, Don Anthony and Glen Dinger. I had
no idea at the time that I was with some of the
true legends of the Department.
I also worked a short time with Gils son
Gary at Fire Station 10.
I believe the last time I saw Gil was at the
desert during a dirt bike ride and Gil was sitting
around the campfre, probably suffering from
cancer already, but still enjoying life and his
Richard Watters, LAFD retired
Agoura Hills, CA
Send your letters & comments to the editor at: editor@lafra.org
LA Firemens Relief Assn.
Enclosed is a donation to the Widows and
Orphans Fund in memory of my husband John
Kemper and my son Lane Kemper. Thank you
for all the good work you do.
Beryl Kemper
Deer Park, WA
Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens
In loving memory of our dear cousin Gil
Maga. You are our hero and we will truly miss
you! Rest in peace dear one.
Larry and Mary Rovarino
Arcadia, CA
Dear John:
Please put this into the Widows and Orphans
fund in memory of Gil Maga, a friend that was
fun to be around, be with at fres, and watch
play handball.
Gil and I worked around and with each other
in many different assignments and he made
working a pleasure.
John Adams
Camarillo, CA
Hello John,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The
breakfast gang got together again and a good
time was had by all. Collected $20 bucks from
the guys to give to you. I want to thank you for
placing the ad in the Grapevine about our get-
together. Thanks for all you do.
Happy motoring,
Jim Gillum
Newbury Park, CA
My Friend Bill Apperson
He was once a dedicated person. A lifetime
of dedication to others who he more than
likely was a stranger. It cost him his life, loss
of the use of his lungs, his back, his heart.
His mental heart was true to those he loved
and did not change with time. Make a special
place, Lord, for he gave of himself without any

doubt whatsoever. Keep him safe and waiting
for the time to come when we all meet again
in a place thou has chosen for us all. He was a
special person to all those who took the time to
make friends and departed this earth without a
whimper as he prepared himself for the end he
knew was coming. Accept him, Lord, care for
him, he is a very special man to those he left
MK. Sid Sidman

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38 bruar 0 3
everal west coast members of Firefighters For Christ traveled to
Ocean Grove, New Jersey to assist with relief efforts following the
aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Among them were three members
of the LAFD: John White, Luis Carlos, and myself. Most of the team
flew out, but a of couple guys drove the FFC tool trailer from Los Ange-
les, and Pete Wright towed his John Deer tractor all the way from Ore-
gon. His tractor and the FFC tool cache were put to good use on this trip.
We spent our frst few nights camped out at St. Pauls Method-
ist church where our sleeping bags came in handy. Each morning started
off with a devotion led by different team members, a quick breakfast,
and then it was off to work. Our frst few days were spent working in the
Union Beach area of New Jersey. This was one of the hardest hit areas of
Hurricane Sandy. Our work projects consisted of general debris removal,
pumping out basements, removing hardwood foors, cleaning yards, and
cutting down trees. Although the physical labor was a challenge at times,
serving those with such need brought joy at the end of each long day.
After a few days, we relocated to the United Methodist Church,
Grove Hall. This was a larger facility normally used for church retreats.
We and other volunteer organizations housed there greatly appreciated
the hospitality of the United Methodist Church staff. From this base of
operation we were sent to work in Point Pleasant /Bay Head, New Jersey
(approximately 14 miles from Ocean Grove). We teamed up with other
volunteer relief workers from a Calvary Chapel who had come all the
way from the state of Washington.
Although it was sad to see such devastation and destruction,
there were also moments of humor. On one occasion, our team was given
an address to assist in removing a hardwood foor. Well, we somehow
ended up at the wrong address. We should have gone to 116 on this par-
ticular street, but ended up going to 216. It was sort of like going to
a hands-on ventilation drill and cutting up a building you thought was
scheduled for demolition, but showing up (and cutting up) the wrong
building. Fortunately, there was a contractor on scene doing similar
work, and he wasnt about to turn away all this extra help. We had no
idea this was the wrong address until later on when our team leader ar-
rived to check on our progress. We actually ended up staying a bit longer,
giving this contractor some much needed help, before moving on to do
work at the correct address.
The next day we took our tool trailer and tractor and headed
for Staten Island, New York. We met with our contact there, Tony, who
was in charge of coordinating teams for relief work in the community.
Our team was split up and sent off to different work locations. At the end
of the day we ended up at the same residence, removing storm damaged
drywall and fooring.
February 2013 39
We returned back to New Jersey after a rewarding day in New
York with plans to relocate our base closer to this area of need.
The following morning we packed our gear, said our fare-
wells, and headed back to New York. This excursion would take us to
Amityville, Long Island, where we met Pastor Claude Stauffer and were
housed at Calvary Chapel of Hope, in Amityville. The pastor knew of
a family in the area that could use some help removing a couple large
trees on their property, one leaning against their neighbors house and the
other in their rear yard. We were introduced to Bob and Sandy Ferrara,
whose hospitality and kindness toward us was quite overwhelming. As
we were working on tree removal, Sandy was busy in the kitchen baking
a turkey, which was absolutely delicious! It is amazing how a simple
work project and a fne meal can create such a close bond between other-
wise strangers. We ended our day with prayer and invited them to church
on Sunday. When they arrived at church that Sunday, they heard the gos-
pel, simple and true, and each made a decision for Christ.
Each FFC trip we try to assist other frefghters in need. Pastor
Claude was able to connect us with a fellow frefghter named Duke. He
works for the Long Beach Volunteer Fire Department in Island Park, and
his house had signifcant water damage. Like most frefghters, he was
a bit apprehensive to receive help at frst, but after a minute or two, he
realized that our team could accomplish in a day what would take him
weeks. We enjoyed our time working with Duke and he was so pleased
with the results that at the end of the day he presented John White an old
street corner fre alarm pull box.
We spent additional days working with other volunteers doing
tree removal, but eventually needed to pack up and return home. I would
like to say thank you to all of the members who participated. When God
puts a plan together and chooses people with integrity, character, and a
few special gifts, nothing but fruition will prevail.
Pa d Advert sement:

William W. KirKendall, Captain. Appointed november 01, 1948.
retired on A service pension november 01, 1970 from fs 108. Passed away december 13, 2012.
Willard C. KneCht Jr., FireFighter. Appointed April 20, 1963.
retired on A disAbility pension July 13, 1981 from fs 107. Passed away december 15, 2012.
duane n. thaCKeray, FireFighter. Appointed october 22, 1946.
retired on A service pension April 01, 1977 from fs 80-c. Passed away december 19, 2012.
William d. SimS, engineer. Appointed JAnuAry 12, 1944.
retired on A service pension June 01, 1974 from fs 10-c. Passed away december 29, 2012.
robert l. Wheeler, FireFighter ii. Appointed JAnuAry 29, 1959.
retired on A disAbility pension July 08, 1981 from fs 19-c. Passed away January 01, 2013.
JameS l. muShaney, FireFighter. Appointed JAnuAry 29, 1959.
retired on A service pension July 03, 1991 from fs 46. Passed away January 02, 2013.
hoWard l. Kelley, engineer. Appointed June 16, 1952.
retired on A service pension July 01, 1977 from fs 102-c. Passed away January 05, 2013.
GeWynn m. taylor, spouse of GeorGe l. tAylor, Passed away december 11, 2012.
betty buGbee, survivinG spouse of WillArd r. buGbee, Passed away december 19, 2012.
Valerie C. iSozaKi, spouse of Kevin d. isozAKi, Passed away december 26, 2012.
Catherine betWorth, spouse of donAld betsWorth, Passed away January 03, 2013.
Viola m. hammerStrom, spouse of John e. hAmmerstrom, Passed away January 07, 2013.
February 2013 41
team search is based on the principle
that the search team stays together and
uses a search line as a reference point
for safety. Although this configuration can be
used in various types of occupancies, the focus
is that the search team stays together as a team.
This method is more advantageous in larger
occupancies, particularly commercial occupan-
cies where the floor plan can be challenging
and numerous obstacles such as machinery,
desks, and shelving can be encountered. The
advantages of this type of search are that the
team stays together, it conforms to the two-in/
two-out rule, works well in larger occupancies
by allowing searchers to tag to the main line
to search additional areas and maintain contact
with the main line, and the search line provides
a reference to the exit opening. The disadvan-
tages are all members may be searching, in-
cluding the team leader, and the only reference
to the exterior is the search line which can be-
come accidentally separated (although this has
never been personally observed).
To conduct a team search, lets as-
sume a search team of two will enter the com-
mercial structure in Figure 1. There is a door to
the offce in the front of the building and a load-
ing dock door in the rear. The fre is in the front
portion of the building and it is known there is
a person who is unaccounted for who was last
seen in proximity to the area of the fre. A frst
consideration is which door to use as an entry-
exit point. Remember that when given a choice
larger openings provide more light, better ven-
tilation, and a larger portal for access-egress.
Therefore the loading dock door is the better
choice for the search team to enter the building.
As illustrated, the search team would
frst secure the search line to the exterior of the
building/doorway (X), then enter the building
and turn right to traverse along the rear wall. If
obstacles are encountered, which is likely in a
commercial building, two options are generally
used - (1) search personnel traverse around the
obstacles, allowing the search line to pay out
behind them while moving towards the gen-
eral direction of the target area, or (2) search
personnel traverse around the obstacles, but at
every change of direction, the search line is se-
cured (Xs). If the search line is not secured as
illustrated, it would be easy for the search team
to pull the line taut while exiting which would
take the search team along a different route
which could hamper their exit. Although it will
take additional time to secure the search line
at each change of direction, a
secure line will lead to the ex-
terior of the building. To best
use the search line, the last per-
son on a search team secures
the line to the exterior and is
responsible to maintain contact
with the lead searcher. The lead
searcher is responsible for de-
termining the direction of the
An additional signif-
cant consideration is the effort,
time, and resources necessary
to search commercial buildings
that consist of a noteworthy
size, foor plan, and/or confguration. In these
cases, would it be accurate to admit that the
search operation would in reality be a recov-
ery operation as opposed to a search operation?
As an example of the potential diffculty of this
type of search in larger buildings, see Large-
Area Search by retired chief, John Skip Cole-
man in his new book Searching Smarter.
42 February 2013
Drop Decision Charts
1. You are age 59 or over when you exit the DROP, or
you are age 59 or over when you are taking retirement
distributions, or you have exited DROP prior to the age
59 and you are currently age 59 or over
Chart 01
2. You exit the DROP anytime during the year you turn
age 55 or over and you are currently under the age 59
Chart 02
3. You have exited the DROP anytime during the ages of
55 and 59 and you are currently age 59 or over
Chart 01
4. You exit the DROP at any time during the year you
turned age 50 or over and are under the age 55 on Decem-
ber 31
of the year of separation
Chart 03
5. You exited the DROP anytime during the year you
turned age 50 or over and were under the age 55 on De-
cember 31st in the year of separation and you are now age
59 or over
Chart 01
6. You have exited the DROP and you are under the age of 50 on
December 31
in the year of separation and are currently
under the age 59
Chart 04
7. You have exited the DROP and you were under the age 50 on
December 31st in the year of separation and you are cur-
rently age 59 or over
Chart 01
You will need to answer the following questions in order to properly
use the DROP decision charts below:
1. Your age as of December 31st in the year of separation of
service (year of exiting DROP): ________________
2. Your age as of today: ________________
3. The age you will be when taking distributions from DROP
assets: ________________
4. Where the DROP assets are now: ________________
If any DROP or deferred compensation plan assets are
already in an IRA or if you are planning on using an IRA
to hold DROP or deferred compensation plan assets, refer
to Appendix B for exceptions to the age-related tax penalty
if you are under the age of 59; refer to Chapter Five for
more information on Individual Retirement Accounts in
all situations.
Warning: IRAs have different rules from other retirement
plans. If you are under the age of 59, you may lose
certain tax distribution benefts by utilizing IRAs. It is
recommended you consider all options prior to utilizing
IRAs as you may be subject to an age-related tax penalty
for distributions for federal and state unless an exception
is met. Some IRAs have lengthy surrender charges, com
missions, and high annual expenses; refer to Chapter Five
for more information.2 Which DROP decision chart do
I use?
Must be age 55 or over at any time during the year of separation. You do not have to be age 55 at the time of separation or
distribution, only in the year of separation IRC section 72(t) (2) (A) (v) and IRS notice 87-13. See Chapter Seven for examples.
Before using an IRA(regardless of your age), consider all tax and fnancial planning considerations. IRAs have different tax
rules and some IRAproducts may cost more annually than other retirement plans.
DROP Decision - Chart 01
DROP participant exits the DROP on or after
attaining the age 59, or is age 59 or over
when taking distributions, or participant is cur-
rently age 59 or over
Option A
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
Rollover IRA
No age-related
tax penalties
apply for distri-
No mandatory
required until
age 70 unless
account is
an inherited
retirement ac-
count (then the
inheritance rules
ries may be a
specialized IRA
No investment
No mandatory
federal tax with-
holding upon
withdrawal of
Full or partial
annuitization is
Roth IRA
conversion is
Taxes for
federal and
state apply for
Option B
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
457(b), 401(k),
403(b) Plan
No age-related
tax penalties
apply for distri-
No mandatory
required until
age 70 unless
account is an
retirement ac-
count (then the
inheritance rules
Taxes for fed-
eral and state
apply with a
possible twenty
percent federal
tax withholding
for distributions
designation may
be restrictive
choices may be
restrictive in
Plan is con-
trolled by plan
that employer
Full or partial
may be available
if permitted by
Roth IRA
conversion is
Option C
Take a full or
partial distribu-
tion DIReCtLy
from DROP
No age-related
tax penalties
apply for distri-
Taxes for
federal and state
apply with a
twenty percent
federal tax with-
No further tax
deferral is gener-
ally available on
withdrawn assets
is not available
Roth IRA
conversion is
May deposit
distributions to
an IRA or quali-
fed retirement
plan within sixty
days to avoid
For participants over 59 years of age, a Rollover IRA is recommended due to
fexibility of benefciary planning, advanced IRAtrust planning, avoiding the manda-
tory twenty percent federal tax withholding rules, and more fexibility in investment
choices may also apply. Refer to Chapter Five for more information.
Retirement plans have certain types of restrictionssee Chapter Five.
The twenty percent federal tax withholding may also be redeposited, but you
will have to use outside funds if you choose this option. An Individual Retirement
Account is recommended if you are age 59 or over.
Note: If you elected distributions as part of a series of substantially
equal periodic payments (SEPP) under IRC 72(t)(2)(a)(iv), DO NOT
USE any of these decision charts and consult a tax professional who is
familiar with retirement distribution planning.
If you are born before January 2nd 1936 and still have assets
in DROP, you may qualify for special tax treatment; consult a Tax Advi-
sor for assistance.

DROP Decision - Chart 02
DROP participant exits the DROP anytime
during the year the participant is between the
age of 55 and 59
and is currently under the
age of 59
Option A
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
Rollover IRA
This option is
generally not
recommended if
you need any
DROP assets
prior to age
Age-related tax
penalties will
apply until you
turn age 59 for
IRA distribu-
tions unless an
exception is
met (refer to
Appendix B for
Age 55 separat-
ed from service
rules do not
apply for IRA
No manda-
tory distribu-
tions required
until age 70
unless account
is an inherited
retirement ac-
count (then the
inheritance rules
may be a spe-
cialized trust
No investment
No mandatory
federal tax
upon withdrawal
of assets
Full or partial
annuitization is
Roth IRA
conversion is
Taxes for
federal and
state apply on
Option B
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
457(b), 401(k),
403(b) Plan
This option is
very benefcial if
any DROP
rollover assets
may be distrib-
uted prior to age
No age-related
tax penalties
apply when dis-
tributions are
taken from
DROP assets
No manda-
tory distribu-
tions required
until age 70
unless account
is an inherited
retirement ac-
count (then the
inheritance rules
Taxes for fed-
eral and state
apply with a
possible twenty
percent federal
tax withholding
for distributions
may be restric-
choices may be
restrictive by
Plan is con-
trolled by plan
that employer
Full or partial
may be available
if permitted by
Roth IRA
conversion is
Option C
Take a full or
partial distribu-
tion DIReCtLy
from DROP
This option may
be benefcial if
some DROP as-
sets are needed
No age-related
tax penalties
apply if taken
directly from
Taxes for fed-
eral and state
apply with a
twenty percent
federal tax
No further tax
deferral is gener-
ally available on
withdrawn assets
is not available
Roth IRA
conversion is
not generally
May deposit
distributions to
an IRA or quali-
fed retirement
plan within sixty
days to avoid
Must be age 55 or over at any time during the year of separation. You do not have
to be age 55 at time of separation or distribution, only in the year of separation IRC
section 72(t) (2) (A) (v) and IRS notice 87-13. See Chapter Seven for examples.
The twenty percent federal tax withholding may also be redeposited, but you will
have to use outside funds if you choose this option you must follow the distribution
rules of the plan you choose to hold your DROP assets. See Appendix Aand B.
By transferring or rolling over any DROP assets to an IRA, you will lose your op-
tion of using the age 55 separated from service rules for that IRA. You may transfer
the DROP traced assets from the Rollover IRA to your deferred compensation plan,
and then take a distribution from the deferred compensation plan and use the age 55
separated from service rules.
DROP Decision - Chart 03
DROP participant exits the DROP anytime
during the year the participant is between the
age of 50 and 54 in the year of separation and is
currently under the age of 59
Option A
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
Rollover IRA
This option can
be benefcial due
to fexibility,
no mandatory
federal tax
ing and more
exceptions to the
age-related tax
Age-related tax
penalties apply
for distributions
until you turn
age 59 unless
an exception is
met (refer to
Appendix B)
IRA has more
age-related tax
penalty excep-
No manda-
tory distribu-
tions required
until age 70
unless account
is an inherited
retirement ac-
count (then the
inheritance rules
tax does apply
upon distribution
No mandatory
federal tax
rules apply
may be a spe-
cialized trust
No investment
Roth IRA
conversion is
Full or partial
annuitization is
Option B
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
457(b), 401(k),
403(b) Plan
This option may
not be benefcial
due to possible
federal tax
withholding and
less exceptions
to the age-
related tax
Age-related tax
penalties on
DROP assets
will apply for
distributions un-
til you turn age
59 unless an
exception is
met (refer to
Appendix A)
No manda-
tory distribu-
tions required
until age 70
unless account
is an inherited
retirement ac-
count (then the
inheritance rules
Twenty percent
federal tax
rules may apply
for distributions
designation may
be restrictive
choices may be
restrictive by
Plan is con-
trolled by plan
document that
Full or partial
may be available
if permitted by
Roth IRA
conversion is
tax does apply
upon distribution
Option C
Take a full or
partial distribu-
tion DIReCtLy
from DROP
This option can
be benefcial if
some DROP as-
sets are needed
prior to age
59 however
taxes are due
with possible
age-related pen-
alty unless an
exception is
tax penalties ap-
unless an
exception is
met (refer to
Appendix A)
tax does apply
twenty percent
federal tax with-
holding does
is not available
No further tax
deferral is gener-
ally available on
withdrawn assets
Roth IRA on-
version is gener-
ally unavailable
May deposit
distributions to
an IRA or quali-
fed retirement
plan within sixty
days to avoid
If you are a qualifed public safety employee, distributions made DIRECTLY from
a governmental defned beneft pension plan are not subject to the additional tax on
early distributions. You are a qualifed public safety employee if you provided police
protection, frefghting services, or emergency medical services for a state or mu-
nicipality, and you separated from service in or after the year you attained age 50.
The twenty percent federal tax withholding may also be redeposited, but you will
have to use outside funds if you choose this option you must follow the distribution
rules of the plan you choose to hold your DROP assets. See Appendix Aand B.
Age 50 separated from service rules for a qualifed public safety employee CAN-
NOT BE USED for DROP assets that are transferred or rolled into to a 457(b) de-
ferred compensation plan, 403(b) plan, 401(k) plan, IRA, or Roth IRA.
DROP Decision - Chart 04
DROP participant exits DROP, is under the age
of 50 on or before December 31st of the separa-
tion year and is currently under the age of 59
Option A
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
Rollover IRA
This option can
be benefcial due
to fexibility,
more investment
choices, no
federal tax
ing, and more
exceptions to the
age-related tax
tax penalties
will apply for
until you turn
age 59 unless
an exception is
met (refer to
Appendix B)
IRA has more
agerelated tax
penalty excep-
tax does apply
on distributions
No mandatory
federal tax with-
holding upon
withdrawal of
may be a spe-
cialized trust
No investment
Roth IRA
conversion is
Full or partial
annuitization is
Option B
Transfer DROP
Assets to --->
457(b), 401(k),
403(b) Plan
This option may
not be benefcial
due to possible
federal tax
rules and less
exceptions to the
age-related tax
Age-related tax
penalties on
DROP assets
will apply for
until you turn
age 59 unless
an exception is
met (refer to
Appendix A)
tax does apply
on distributions
Twenty percent
federal tax with-
holding rules
may apply for
designation may
be restrictive
choices may be
restrictive by
Plan is
controlled by
plan document
that employer
Roth IRA
conversion is
Full or partial
may be available
if permitted by
Option C
Take a full or
partial distribu-
tion DIReCtLy
from DROP
This option may
not be benefcial
As tax and age-
related penalties
may apply un-
less an exception
is met Con-
sider transferring
DROP assets
to a Rollover
IRA for more
age-related tax
penalty excep-
Age-related tax
penalties apply
unless an excep-
tion is met (refer
to Appendix A)
tax does apply
upon distribution
twenty percent
federal tax with-
holding does
is not available
No further tax
deferral is gener-
ally available on
withdrawn assets
Roth IRA
conversion is
May deposit
distributions to
an IRA or quali-
fed retirement
plan within sixty
days to avoid
Participant exits DROP, is under the age of 50 as of December 31 in the year of
separation, and is currently under the age of 59. Example Participant is age 49 on
July 1st of 2010 and exits the DROP at any time during 2010 or before.

The twenty percent federal tax withholding may also be redeposited, but you will
have to use outside funds if you choose this option you must follow the distribution
rules of the plan you choose to hold your DROP assets. See Appendix Aand B.
Individual Retirement Accounts have more exceptions to the age-related tax pen-
alty (prior to age 59). See Appendix B for exceptions.
44 February 2013
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February 2013 47

Los Angeles Fire Department
Cash Grants Up to $20,000
($5,000 per year each year in College)
Who is Eligible?
An applicant must be a dependent child or step-child of an active or fallen LAFD sworn employee and
currently a high school senior or college freshman who will be enrolled next fall as a full-time student in
an accredited college or university.
The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit. The single most important factor is academic
achievement, but the all-civilian Selection Committee will also consider other relevant criteria, including
personal character and extracurricular accomplishments.
For more information on this years awards, go to the departmental website www.lafd.org/scholarship
contact June Andrade at the LAFD Scholarship Fund by phone at (213) 435-6095 or
by email at june.andrade@lacity.org.
The application deadline is March 29, 2013
Get an application today!
FYI, there are two other scholarship opportunities for your consideration.
For more information, please access Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association www.lafra.org/scholarship-application
and Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union www.lafrecu.org
February 2013 49
by Mike Mastro, President/CEO
Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union
An unforeseen emergency expense can seriously set you
back fnancially. Unless you have the ability to predict the future, the best
way to handle the unforeseen is to be prepared. Medical, automotive,
and housing are the three major contributors to surprise expenditures,
but you can deter the headaches by setting aside funds regularly. For
this months article, Ill provide tips on how you can help plan for these
unexpected expenses.
New or pre-owned, all cars need maintenance. Regular main-
tenance or substantial repairs can be costly. Instead of just waiting for
your next scheduled maintenance or major breakdown, consider setting
aside funds for vehicle maintenance.
How much should you save for your vehicle emergencies? If
your car is less than fve years old, the True Cost to Own calculator on
Edmunds.com calculates the additional costs you may not have included
when you purchased your car. Such costs include: depreciation, interest
on your loan, taxes and fees, insurance premiums, fuel costs, mainte-
nance, and repairs.
Use the calculator to estimate your cars annual expense by
combining the maintenance and repair costs. Divide the combined total
by 12 to determine how much to save monthly. If the amount seems
more than what youll need, the excess funds can be used for your insur-
ance premiums or deductibles. If you have an older vehicle, collect your
maintenance and repair records from recent years and determine a yearly
average and include an additional 10 percent for infation.
Save for these vehicle expenses by setting up automatic trans-
fers (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) to your savings account or by mak-
ing manual or automatic online transfers. Treat your emergency funds
like a monthly bill. If youre using one account to house all your emer-
gency funds, keep in mind it takes more self-control to avoid dipping
into the growing balance. Maintain separate accounts for your medical,
car, housing, or vacation funds.
Compared to vehicles, housing maintenance and repairs are
typically less frequent, but the overhead is signifcantly higher. The ma-
jority of housing expenses can cost you thousands of dollars, therefore
its important to start saving early so youre not scrambling to fnd the
necessary funds.
Many homeowners became accustom to tapping into the eq-
uity of their home or using alternate credit options. However, with the
recent mortgage crisis, many homes have decreased in value and credit
availability has been tightened, therefore saving for your home expenses
are crucial, even if you have equity.
A simple saving guideline for housing maintenance and repairs
is setting aside one percent of your homes purchase price each year.
If you paid $500,000 for your home, you should be saving $5,000 per
year, or about $417 per month. If you havent used up all the funds each
year and a large unexpected maintenance arises, youll be fnancially
Saving for housing costs are not limited to owners. If youre a
renter, you may not have to pay for repairs or maintenance, but its wise
to save for moving expenses and a security deposit for your next loca-
tion. That way youll be prepared with other alternatives if your living
situation changes, the rent increases, or the building is sold.
For medical expenses, how much to save depends on your
insurance coverage. Review your benefts to see how much you pay
out-of-pocket for co-payments, deductibles, and other insurance details.
Medical policies have a wide range of coverage - you may be required
to pay a high deductible before your policy starts, amount limitations on
co-payments, or you may pay a percentage of the total medical bill.
Even if you dont have an out-of-pocket maximum, the best
practice is to save enough to cover what you spent last year and include
a few hundred dollars for unexpected expenses. Dont forget to include
your dental and vision coverage as part of your medical expenses.
If you have access to a fexible spending account, you should
take advantage of it. With this type of account, you can deduct pre-tax
money from your paycheck. However, you should contribute only what
youre likely to spend that year because unused funds for that year can-
not be returned to you.
Emergencies are impossible to prevent and predict, but prepar-
ing for the bumps in the road can ease the stress both mentally and fnan-
cially. So, when life throws you a curve ball, youll be ready to swing.
If you need assistance with your saving options, contact
a Credit Union Representative at (800) 231-1626, or visit us at www.
The more business we do together as a Fire Family, the greater
the fnancial reward will be for all members!
Have a safe month!
Mike Mastro
50 February 2013
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February 2013 51
127 years of service -
The beginning of The Los angeLes fire deParTmenT 1886
Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS
LFDHistorical Society
This month the LAFD celebrates
127 years of service and sacrifce to the people
of Los Angeles. Countless numbers of lives
and properties have been saved, some at the
cost of a frefghter\s life. Active and retired
members should be proud of our heritage.
Our history is being preserved by the LAFD
Historical Society for everyone and future
generations to come.The following is the story
of how the LAFD started.
In 1886, Los Angeles 30 square
miles roughly encompassed an area of struc-
tural density only as far north as Ord Street
and south to 7th street. The easternmost area
of building concentration did not extend much
past Los Angeles Street and Olive Street on
the west. Six years before the start of the
LAFD, the citys population was 11,183. Four
years after the LAFD went into service, popu-
lation soared to more than 50,000. The Old
Plaza Fire Station 1, which is a museum today
in downtown Los Angeles and operated by the
Box 15 Club of Los Angeles volunteers, went
from a volunteer station with eight members
to one of the frst LAFD stations. Los Angeles
was growing rapidly in population and the
number of new structures was increasing. A
limited water supply and antiquated alarm
system made it diffcult for the fre department
to keep up with the growth. There were major
fears of catastrophic fres that could devastate
the city. Cognizant of the growth and escalat-
ing fre problems, the LAFD fortunately had
strong friends in the City Council, notably
Jacob Kuhrts, who lobbied hard to prioritize
fre protection improvements.
the old PlaZa Fire station in 1887. today it
is a MuseuM Just north oF City hall.
The Los Angeles City Fire Depart-
ment went into service on February 1, 1886,
after many years as a group of volunteer
departments. It started with L.A. Mayor
Spence signing Ordinance No. 205 into law
and created the Los Angeles Fire Department.
First came the appointment of three Fire Com-
missioners with the responsibility to perform
all acts necessary to prepare and manage the
fre department. The City Council was to
decide on who would be the Chief Engineer.
The ordinance brought four of the citys six
volunteer companies into the LAFD, changed
their names to numbers and
absorbed all the stations equip-
ment into the paid department.
At the time the department be-
came paid all the stations were
rented. That situation was to
continue for some time. Engine
rosters for Original 38s and
Confdence 2 were set at one
engineer, one engine driver,
one cart driver and four hose-
men for each of the two steam
fre engines. Hook & Ladder
Vigilance Company No. 1
was to be manned by a driver,
don dodd oBtained two very rare Badges FroM
our volunteer CoMPanies the original 38s
and ConFidenCe 2. they are Both on disPlay at
the hollywood MuseuM.
Augmenting the permanent force
were 24 reserve fremen. They were most
likely former volunteers who were to be
paid a small honorarium. These callmen,
apportioned among the fre companies, were
required to answer all alarms in their stations
district, large fres anywhere in the City and
drill with their respective outfts at least twice
monthly. Walter S. Moore was appointed to be
the frst Chief Engineer of the newly created
LAFD. Chief Moores monthly salary was
$125. He too was a volunteer freman and
Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, and
like many of our early volunteers came from
San Francisco to join the LAFD. In January
1886 the Fire Commission came up with the
frst set of 32 Rules and Regulations. Among
them were: Rule 18 - Cautioned engine, hose
and hook and ladder truck drivers not to drive
out of a trot in going to or returning from fres
and alarms and further, racing was strictly
prohibited. Rule 19 - The engine and hook and
ladder houses shall be closed on Sundays. No
ChieF walter Moore on the right and his driver in his new Buggy, 1887.
a tillerman, a foreman and four laddermen.
Hose Company Park Hose No.1s crew was
held to a driver, a foreman and four hosemen.
Prospective LAFD members had to apply to
the Fire Commission for consideration of their
qualifcations. They had to be at least 21 years
of age, a U.S citizen, a permanent resident of
the city of L.A. and able to converse under-
standably in English.
52 February 2013
loud or boisterous talking, profane or obscene
language shall be permitted in or about the
houses of the department. Intoxicating liquors
must not be kept or allowed to be drunk in any
of the houses of the department and gambling
is strictly prohibited. Rule 23 - Stipulated that
destruction of property by water at fres was
ineffcient fremanship.
To enable the chief engineer to get
to fres faster, the commission on April 12,
1886, authorized the purchase of a horse and
buggy to be kept at night in a barn behind
Chief Moores house. Chief Moore lived on
the outskirts of the city at Figueroa and Pico.
The barn was outftted with a swinging drop
harness for the quick hitch of the horse by a
callman who slept in the barn and drove Chief
Moore to fres. It would become traditional to
name horses according to their temperament.
Chief Moores horse, Cyclone, had a stormy
disposition and was soon replaced by a more
well-mannered animal.
On Monday, February 1, 1886, the
Los Angeles Fire Department offcially went
into service with four stations, two steam
powered 750 gpm pumpers (steamers), each
housed with a two wheeled hose reel, a hook
and ladder truck, a hose wagon and 11 horses.
On that day the City began to pay 31 fremen,
including a Chief Engineer and an Assistant
Chief, for a service, which for 15 years, had
been provided virtually without pay by 380
members of the Los Angeles Volunteer Fire
Department. Most of the paid, or permanent
men as they were offcially designated, were
former volunteers who took over the existing
stations and equipment.
Prior to 1886, when the LAFD
became a fre department, the volunteer fre
departments protecting the city had a few
steam fre engines. On October 18, 1886,
the LAFD ordered its frst fre engine, an
Amoskeag steam pumper which was named
Jacob Kuhrts Engine Company No. 3. Kuhrts
was a former volunteer fre chief and at this
time a city councilman who pushed hard to
improve fre protection in the growing city.
Although the 700 gallon per minute pumper
was similar to the earlier engines, it had the
latest pumping and maneuverability features.
The engine, which arrived in early 1887, stood
nearly 8 1/2-feet tall, was 23 feet 7 inches
in overall length, six feet wide and weighed
7,800 pounds. More than 1000 people in-
cluding Mayor Workman, Kuhrts and other
councilmen watched the acceptance tests at
the Beaudry Water Works. Steam was raised
in four minutes and fve seconds. Drafting
through 20 feet of suction hose, the engine
los angeles volunteer Fire ChieF JaCoB
Kuhrts was instruMental in starting and
suPPorting a Paid Fire dePartMent.
delivered a vertical stream at least 300 feet
through 150 feet of two and one half inch
hose. The crowd cheered that feat as well as
Driver Si Lyons demonstration of how the
horses, from a standing start, could turn the rig
around completely in only 20 feet. The new
engine was assigned to the Plaza Fire House
and its Amoskeag was moved to a newly
rented frehouse at 114 West 3rd Street.
The J. Kuhrts Engine remained in
LAFD after it was retired from service and
was restored and made to pump again by a
volunteer group of LAFD members in 1986
for the LAFDs Centennial celebration. The
members included Tony Zar, Lane Kemper,
Larry Horner and Mort Schuman. The LAFD
Historical Society is very fortunate to have
this treasure on display in the Hollywood
Museum at Old 27s.
Soon after the LAFD offcially
started the Fire Commission voted to have in-
spections of all stations, personnel, equipment
and horses. The frst inspection was scheduled
for 9:00 a.m. on July 5, 1886. Early inspection
parties consisted of the Mayor, the Council
President, a Councilmember, the Chief Engi-
neer and Assistant Chief Engi-
neer, newspaper reporters and
interested citizens. The frst
stop was Engine 1s Old Plaza
Fire Station. After a thorough
inspection of the station,
Chief Moore ordered Foreman
Henry Scherer to hook up the
horses. Warning the inspec-
the Kuhrts steaMer, engine Co. 3 in the
hollywood MuseuM was the First aPParatus
PurChased For the laFd in 1886 thanKs to
then CounCilMan Kuhrts.
the horses at old engine
CoMPany 23 are out oF their
stalls and in the harness as
the FireFighters get ready to
February 2013 53
February 2013
March 2013
tion party to stand clear he pulled the gong
rope. The clang caused the engine horses Tom
and Joe to bolt from their stalls and dash to
their positions under the harnesses suspended
from the ceiling. Ned, a large sorrel, simi-
larly hurried to the front of the hose reel. The
horses stood quietly waiting for the drivers to
tug on the ropes that dropped their harnesses
down. Other fremen quickly fastened the
harnesses and the rigs were ready for response
all in under one minute. Foreman Scherer
lightened the formality of the occasion by
ordering Ned to show them a trick. The horse
fetched a bucket and, with his teeth, turned on
a spigot. When the bucket was flled, he drank.
The inspection party commended the fremen
for their effciency and station maintenance
and Im sure they were impressed with Ned.
1886 was certainly a year of a
new start, growth and a pride by the LAFD
members that would endure through time.127
years of service to the people of Los Angeles
with continuous improvements and progress
to become a true Class 1 Fire Department
in the United States. From a small city of 30
square miles and a few thousand people to
a metropolis of 470 square miles and over
4 million people, the LAFD has served and
sacrifced for generations. The LAFD motto of
Serving with Courage, Integrity and Pride
will continue for many years to come.
laFdhS VolunteerS oF the year 2012
In January, the LAFDHS held a
special annual event to honor our volunteers.
The volunteers nominated by their peers
were Dave Cox from Museum 27 for his
work on compiling four books on the history
of the LAFD and his work on our apparatus
inventory. From the Harbor Museum was
second time honoree Frank Vidovich, whose
consistency and work at a variety of tasks was
very much appreciated. The volunteer selected
for his years of work, dedication, planning and
leadership for the Ralph J. Scott freboat
restoration project was the obvious choice of
Bill Dahlquist. Each volunteer of the year will
have their name placed on a perpetual plaque
that is displayed in the museums.
Other volunteers were acknowl-
edged with certifcates of appreciation for
going above and beyond the call of duty to
accomplish our mission. They were Jim Finn,
Don Dodd and Tom Moran.
Many people have asked the ques-
tion what is the most important or valuable
asset you have in the museum? The real
answer is our volunteers!!!
dave Cox, leFt, with walt Jaeger CoMPiling inForMa-
tion For one oF Four BooKs on laFd history. their
latest BooK horses to horsePower is For sale now
and they are worKing on a new BooK on FireBoats.
FranK vidoviCh taKing a rare oPPortunity to
relax with a CuP oF CoFFee at the harBor Mu-
seuM (old 36s). those airPlane Chairs were
donated and Bring BaCK MeMories oF Flight in
the reC. rooM.
Bill dahlquist started worKing on the Pres-
ervation oF FireBoat 2 long BeFore it CaMe out
oF the water and was destined to Be PlaCed in
its own MuseuM.
Celebrate LAFDs 127th Year
Anniversary in February, Satur-
days at the Hollywood and San
Pedro Museums.
Fridays from 0800 to 1200 are
work days on the Ralph J. Scott
LAFD Annual Breakfast & Car
Show @ Museum 36 Saturday____
Event to be Determined
HS Annual Pancake Breakfast at
Museum 27, Sat. 5/11
LAFD Retired Member Luncheon
Museum 27, Thur. 6/20
LAFDHS Annual Memorial Golf
Tournament, Mon. 6/17
Cars and Stripes Event Port of LA
- TBD San Pedro
Event to be Determined
Annual 9-11 Memorial at LAFD
Memorial, Wed. 9/11
LAFD Memorial at LAFD Fallen
Firefghters Memorial,
Sat. 10/12
Fireboat 2 Ralph J. Scott 88th
Birthday at San Pedro
Marine Corps Anniversary at
Museum 27, Sun. 11/10
Hollywood Christmas Parade-
Sun. 11/24
HS Annual Holiday Party at
Museum 27, Sat. 12/14
54 February 2013
December 05, 2012
President John Jacobsen called the meeting of the
Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Firemens
Relief Association to order at 9:42 a.m.
John Jacobsen, President
Juan Albarran, Vice President
Andrew Kuljis, Secretary
Trustee Jeff Cawdrey
Trustee Gene Bednarchik
Trustee James Coburn
Trustee Gary Matsubara
Trustee Rick Godinez
Trustee Doak Smith
Trustee Francisco Hernandez
Trustee Michael Overholser
Trustee Mark Akahoshi
Trustee Craig White
Trustee Robert Steinbacher
Trustee Steven Domanski
Trustee David Peters
Trustee Steve Tufts
Trustee David Ortiz
Trustee David Lowe Pension
Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension
Trustee Tim Larson Pension
David Ned Smith - Executive Director
Controller Todd Layfer
Trustee Chris Hart (Excused)
Trustee Chris Stine (Excused)
Trustee Kurt Stabel (Excused)
Jim Dolan, Asst. Secretary
INVOCATION & Flag Salute
Rick Godinez led the invocation. David Lowe led
the fag salute.
John Jacobsen entertained a motion to ratify and
dispense with the reading of the minutes of the
Board of Trustees meeting held November 8,
2012. David Lowe so moved. Robert Steinbacher
seconded. There was no further discussion or
Motion carried to ratify and dispense with the
reading of the minutes of the Board of trustees
held November 8, 2012.
1) Jacobsen mentioned that the Investment
Committee will conduct a meeting at Beacon Pointe
on February 11th. He indicated that he will give let
the committee know the time and agenda within the
next couple of weeks. Any Trustee is welcome to
2) Liz Denison addressed the Board on the
latest developments with the FRITS system. She
mentioned that they began working on issues that
they had at the beginning of the year with the Citys
conversion of their payroll system as well as issues
with Death Notices. She indicated that they had also
created a tracking screen to record policy changes
which will include who made those changes and the
date they were made. She also stated that the policy
tracking will give us the ability to look back on why
changes were made. Jacobsen stated that anything
given for Liz Denison to work on should frst go
through Bob Dillon because he will know what she
is working on and what are the priorities.
Liz Denison mentioned that she has been
working with Wil Hensen who works with Fox
Pro and performs conversions. She stated that he
documented every screen in the FRITS system
and came up with a 516 page document that is
very detailed. She stated that she reviewed all his
questions and provided him with the program.
Jacobsen mentioned that they are at the point
that they have the write up of the FRITS system
and have the ability to rebuild it if necessary. He
indicated that they will continue to update FRITS
and will need additional funds to do so which will
be discussed in the Administrative Committee
3) Jacobsen referred to member monthly Relief
Association dues and stated that they need to
bring the dues structure to match the cost of living
increases active fremen received effective July 1,
2012 and January 1, 2013. He stated that the active
dues will be increased by $2 and retirees should see
a $.21 increase. He indicated that he will place the
notice in the next months Grapevine Presidents
4) Jacobsen thanked everyone who came to the
Open House event. He indicated that they estimate
an attendance of around 275 people which was an
increase from the year before.
5) Jacobsen referred to the Strategic Planning
session and mentioned that we will schedule the
meeting for March 2013.
6) Jacobsen mentioned that the medical plan review
meeting will be scheduled for January 22nd at 2p.m.
He stated that he will send a reminder email to the
committee. He stated that they will review the rate
categories including for those with Medicare. Also
potential changes to medical plan benefts will be
discussed. Both of these items will be effective July
1, 2013.
7) Jacobsen mentioned that they held a meeting
with Bill Peterson, Bob Sherwin, Bob Macaulay
and Dawna about the new workers comp law
becoming effective in January 2013. He stated
that they discussed potential ways be able to
continue to obtain reimbursement of monies paid
for workers comp claims. He stated that in January,
the process for a medical review will be changed
to be one review that will be fnal and binding. He
stated that they are working to put together a plan
recommended by the experts that will beneft the
members and the medical plan.
Robert Steinbacher presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move to enter
into agreement to invest with Southwest Value
Partners for $2 million. He mentioned that they will
be LAFRAs private REIT manager. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to enter into agreement to invest
with Southwest Value Partners for $2 million.
The committee recommends and I so move to
move additional $1 million each from the Money
Market investment to investment managers, FPA,
IVA and Titan. Jacobsen stated that this will bring
the Alternative investments close to the target
allocations. There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to move additional $1 million to
each investment manager as stated.
Robert Steinbacher informed that they will have an
Investment Committee meeting at Beacon Point on
February 11th.
February 2013 55
1) Todd Layfer presented the expenditures compared
to the budget through September 2012. He stated
that they anticipate more dividend income than
budgeted due to companies declaring special
dividends because of new tax laws. He reported
that the benefts paid to members are running
below what was anticipated. He indicated that
contributions were on target for the frst nine months
and reported that the operating expenses were just
below what had been budgeted. He reported that the
Grapevine loss was running lower than expected and
stated that the professional fees paid were on target.
Overall expenditures and income are running very
close to the budget. He stated that the investment
balances as of October are showing that they are
performing well.
Robert Steinbacher presented the following motions.
The committee recommends and I so move to pay
the usual and customary bills in the amount of
$888,882.01. There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the usual and customary
bills in the amount of $888,882.01.
The committee recommends and I so move to pay
the professional fees in the amount of $117,793.74.
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the professional fees in the
amount of $117,793.74.
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve $28K for the consultant to perform the
frst phase of 10% of the Frits platform conversion.
David Smith stated that they have informed the
consultant that they will go out to bid with an RFP
for the work and to get input from other individuals
to determine what they will charge to complete the
entire conversion.
Motion carried to approve $28K for the consultant
to perform the frst phase of the Frits platform
The committee recommends and I so moved
to approve up to $500 for the Grossman Burn
Foundation Holiday Reunion. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve up to $500 for the
Grossman Burn Foundation Holiday Reunion.
David Peters presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move to accept
the applications to the Medical Plan. There was no
discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to accept all applications to the
Medical Plan.
James Coburn presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move to pay:
The Sick & Injury benefts in the amount of
The Estate Planning beneft in the amount of
The Relief Death Benefts in the amount of $13,500.
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the above Relief benefts.
James Coburn read the names of members who
recently passed and asked for a moment of silence
from the Board.
Leon R. Rauh
Richard H. Downey
Rodney G. Cobb
James Coburn presented the following motions.
The committee recommends and I so move to accept
the donations in the amount of $10,856.16 to the
Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund.
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to accept the donations in the
amount of $10,856.16 to the Widows, Orphans &
Disabled Firemens Fund.
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve the fnancial assistance applications for
surviving spouses, active and retired members.
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve the fnancial assistance
applications for surviving spouses, active and
retired members.
James Coburn presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve the emergency advancement applications
for active and retired members. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve the emergency
advancement applications for active and retired
Juan Albarran referred to the Grass Valley Reunion
and mentioned that he received a quote from
the Nevada Fairgrounds to rent a portion of the
campground instead of the past practice of renting
the whole campground. He stated that the quote
he got was around $7K instead of the $9,200 from
the year before. He indicated that they discussed
considering moving the reunion further south
to such places like Temecula, Paso Robles and
other places where members could bring their
motorhomes as well as be more convenient for
actives to participate. He stated that they would
entertain other ideas and places.
1) L.A. Retired Fire & Police Holiday Party
December 9th
2) Buzzard Bait Family Fun Ride January 18 21
3) Hook & Ladder Enduro March 23rd
1) Michael Camello January 25th Brookside Golf
Club (Kuljis)
2) John Pecel February 20th Sportsmens Lodge
3) Mike Brehm February 23rd Ports OCall
Restaurant (Bednarchik)
4) Roger Duke March 5th The Odyssey Restaurant
John Jacobsen entertained a motion to adjourn. Gary
Matsubara so moved. Tim Larson seconded. There
was no discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to adjourn. the Board of trustees
meeting adjourned at 10:51 am.

John Jacobsen, President
56 February 2013
donations to Widows, orphans & disabled Firemens Fund
December 2012
todd J. SANdS
GARy N. HokI
RobERt d. SHRodE
February 2013 57
KING. Beautiful Bike! 95-inch mo-
tor, includes seat back and chrome
rack (10K in chrome), 16,000
miles. Asking $9,500. Also for sale,
2004 Honda XR650R, good condi-
tion. HR hop up kit, runs excellent.
Asking $2,500. (909) 838-5929.
LACO Captain, John Mark FS
33R. This RV is 33 feet long
and has 19,000 miles. Single
owner and all service records. Two
slideouts, dual heat and air, extra
vehicle tow package, plus many
extras. Will email pictures and
more information. $50K or OBO.
Call Kurt at (818) 353-0075.
2008 FlEETWooD PRoVI-
DENCE. 40X 360HP Diesel
Cummings 8.3 L, 5 speed Allison
Transmission, 35000 miles with 3
slide outs, 5 TVs. Many upgrades,
Vacuum, exterior entertainment
Center w/TV and BBQ, Cameras,
Spot light w/remote Control, VSD
Compass & Temp monitor System,
Custom Cover, Tow Bar. $145K
Mike White FS 108-B, 661-904-
2234 cell.
Fighters,Friends & Family receive
50% OFF EKS Brand Motorcycle
Goggles and Accessories(www.
eksbrand.com). Also Receive
50% OFFall Kal-Gard Oils and
Lubricants (www.Kalgard.com).
Fire Fighter must placeorder to
receive discount. Please contact
Steve Goldberg Email: steve-o1@
verizon.net PH: 661-492-4097
bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled
kitchen with granite countertops
and stainless steel appliances.
Formal living room, plus family
room. 3 pipe corrals, arena, 2
barns, trail access. Motor home
and horse trailer parking. Gar-
dener included. Available October.
$2800/month. Eng. Ames (818)
loVElY 110 YR. olD HISToRIC
HoUSE to share in San Pedros
historic waterfront dist. Private
bedroom with private full bath-
room, kitchen, laundry, air condi-
tioning, spacious back yard, sorry,
no private parking, $700 month.
Cindy 310 831-0926.
BEDRooM HoME is centrally
located in the heart of Encino.
Features hardwood fooring
throughout with a large master
suite, bath, cathedral ceilings and
walk-in closets. The upstairs can
be separate with its own entrance.
Downstairs is a bedroom, full bath
and powder room. Big backyard,
garage and additional parking
for RV. $2500 for the above, or
rent just the master suite, $1000,
downstairs for $1500 a month. Call
Tracy (818) 704-9592.
oR PolICE oFFICERS: Are you
thinking about retiring soon?
Think about Klammath
Falls, Oregon. Think about quiet,
peaceful surroundings. Beautiful
100 foot tall pine trees, deer and
fox roaming on your one (1) acre
property. No graffti on the build-
ings and very little traffc. And then
think about a lovely 6 bedroom
home with two (2) dining rooms,
two (2) very large family rooms, an
exercise room, an offce and an
oversized kitchen, ft for a gourmet
chef. All this plus more (2 lofts
a wet bar, a hot tub, 136 feet of
decking around the house, leading
to a large patio off the master bed-
room. The home has an attached
2 car garage, a detached 1 car ga-
rage and a 24 by 40 RV parking
garage completely enclosed. Now
add the unsurpassed view of the
largest lake in Oregon, (Klamath
Lake) which is directly beneath the
Pacifc fyway, and your retirement
is complete.
However, if you want
something to do, we are currently
an operating Bed and Breakfast,
the only one in Klamath Falls.
$495,000. Jerry Klippness, LAPD
7649 and Helen Hall, mother of
the Hall Boys, LAFD (805) 985-
HoME available in Mill City,
Oregon. Single owner, retired L.A.
Fireman, now deceased. Quiet
neighborhood on dead end street.
Built among trees, gorgeous
meadow behind, unequaled view
of the Cascades. 3 Bdrm, 2 1/2
baths. Natural landscape with
150 yr. old Maple in the side yard.
Plenty of room for RV, boat, trailer
etc. Contact Judy Quillin, 503
559-8643; email: JudyQ@equity-
group.com MLS#640292
CUSToM loG HoME- Kings
Canyon Sequoia Area. 4200 sq
ft, 2 story, 3 bedroom/2.5 baths.
Master bed has walk in closet w/
French doors and deck. Large
game room w/bar and wood burn-
ing stove. Huge gourmet kitchen
w/six burner professional Garland
range, Sub-Zero freezer and re-
frigerator. Hard rock maple coun-
ters and maple cabinets. Large loft
with library and offce overlooking
great room with vaulted ceilings
and riverrock freplace. Pella win-
dows and doors. Hardwood foors
throughout, tile in kitchen, laundry
and baths. Central vac. Deck on
three sides. 15 acres fenced.
Tennis court, pool, 2 car garages,
40X60 metal bldg. Septic and 40
gpm well. $650,000. Contact Ray
Oster (559) 338-2220 or email
rsoster1@dishmail.net for more
info and photos.
FoR SAlE. 2 bedroom, 2 bath
condo fully furnished in Barra de
Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Short
walk to small fshing village,
beach, restaurants, etc. LAFD
retired. (909) 392-8941.
loRETo, BAJA. 2200 sq. ft.
house. 3 levels. Attached small
apartment. 1/2 block from marina
& seafront. Buyer would hold title
through 50 yr bank trust. $250K
OBO. May consider trade for So
Cal property. Rita Galvin 760-945-
loVElY 2800 SQ FT 3 bedroom,
2 bath home on Marrowstone
Island near Port Townsend,
Washington. Sits on 4 plus partical
wooded acres with Puget Sound.
230 foot waterfront view. Has barn
for RV storage. City water, oil heat
in foor. Past home of LAFD get
together. Call Vonnie Rogers (360)
MAMMoTH CoNDo - Cozy 2
bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished,
WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis, walk
to shuttle. Old Mammoth area. Win-
ter $115, Summer $90, plus maid
$126. Includes linens. No pets, no
smoking. Call (310) 540-4648.
RIVER PARCElS. Three 20 acre
Klammath River frontage parcels
in beautiful Northern California- 30
miles from Oregon. Electricity and
telephone available. Rarely used
County-maintained road runs
through. Very private. 6 miles from
Happy Camp. Each parcel has
more than 700 front feet of river.
$195,000 - $295,000. Contact Troy
Bonar, LAFD retired. PO Box 466,
Happy Camp, CA 96039 or call
(530) 493-2453 or fax (530) 493-
2589 or email: troy@sisqtel.net
4+2, 5 minutes from snow sum-
mit, downtown and the lake. Locat-
ed in the desirable Fox Farm area.
2 story-upstairs 2+1, downstairs
2+1 turn key condition, ready to
enjoy. Fully furnished. Investment
Vacation or Retirement. $359,000
Call Therese (818) 216-4628 or
a piece of Montana. Panoramic
views of Flathead Lake. 3 acres
with a great building site. Adjacent
to forested public land. Access to
fshing , summer water sports and
winter skiing. Owned by retired
LAFD. Listed with Riverbend Re-
alty. Keith at 406-837-1501. www.
2/3 completed home located on 20
acres. The house is 2 bedroom, 3
bath, approximately 2000 Sq. Ft.
It is completely framed (metal stud
construction) and enclosed. Rough
electrical and rough plumbing
completed. Solar power and well
with 10,000 storage tank in place.
Large 24 X 30 storage building
adjacent to the house. In addi-
tion there are approximately 150
acres connected to this property.
$240,000 takes all. For information
contact; Jim Duzick @ Prudential
Troth Realitors. (661) 547-9750 or
Bill Stires (661) 252-2299 or Tom
Stires (818) 240-7153
HoME near Mutiny Bay on
Whidbey Island, Washington
State. Custom 4 bedroom/2.75
bath home w/daylight basement
on 7+ acres. Views of Mutiny Bay,
shipping lanes, Olympic Mountains
and sunsets. Turn-key opportunity
w/new exterior paint; hardwood
Pergo foors; Corian countertops
and full landscaping. Two car
attached garage PLUS a 3-bay
detached garage and shop. Con-
venient access to sany Mutiny Bay
Beach. $552,000. Seller is retired
fre inspector. Tom Jensen, agent
(425) 359-8598.
clearance, clean ups, grad-
ing, rototill, new lawns, tree and
shrub shaping, stump removals,
concrete, asphalt and dirt removal,
trench footings, auger holes and
more! Full line of equipment.
Thanks! Larry (818) 489-5126
58 February 2013
Firemens discount. 10% off frst
months rent & no deposit re-
quired. Winter rates available. Lo-
cated on the Colorado River, close
to launch ramps. All Seasons
Storage 800 North K St., Needles,
CA 92363. (760) 326-2001.
BUIlDING PlANS. Residential:
patios, decks, additions/remodel-
ing, repairs, new construction,
design. Commercial: tennant im-
provement, ADA compliances and
more. George Lavallee (805) 532-
1905 offce. cre8iveanswers@
CRUISE - Princess Cruises, Royal
Car bean, Holland American,
Carnival and more... 3 to 21 day
getaways to Alaska, Hawaii, The
Bahamas and many other exciting
destinations. Call Patricia at (661)
265-9440 or toll free at (877) 7HI-
SEAS, or email pliefeld@qnet.
com wife of LAFD Mechanic,
sister of LAFD Captain.
AIR - Free estimates, residen-
tial, commercial. Great rates for
LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877)
891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX
(661) 298-3069. State License No.
CRANE SERVICE All kinds of
lifts - A/C Units, Spas, Construc-
tion, Beams, Poles, Appliances,
Man Baskets available. Insured
and bonded. Leonard Campbell
Owner/Operator (818) 340-8907
DJ FoR All oCCASIoNS - You
name it, I play it!! Call Frank (818)
554-7273. Serving San Fernando
Valley over 20 years! Firefght-
ers are my family.
YoU? Anything at all? Mental,
emotional or physical? Dr. Bob
Price, psychotherapist. LAFD
retired, has developed a model
that puts the fre out fast. It allows
you to overcome almost anything
that bothers you rather quickly.
My book, Speed Healing, & DVD
is available at www.priceparts-
model.com. Telephone sessions
granted quickly. Call for telephone
appointment. (619) 461-9527
construction, remodel, repair,
acoustic ceilings removed. All
types of textures. Licensed, bond-
ed and insured. Gregg Avery, F.S.
66 A residence (805) 494-9037.
you getting the most from your tax
returns? I am a wife of a frefghter
and specialize in their returns, with
60% of my clients being frefghter
families. Taxes done at you con-
venience; my offce or by phone.
Available year-round. TaxPro,
Barbara Ravitz, 661-257-7606.
Farmers Insurance Group, I can
assist you in deciding what options
best meet your insurance needs.
Free competitive quotes available
for homeowners, auto, life, RVs,
boats motorcycles and more. As a
former LAFD and LAPD Commis-
sioner, and coming from a family
of frefghters (3 brothers and 1
nephew), I understand your need
for an agent that can make your
life a little easier. For a free quote,
please call the Corina Alarcon
Insurance Agency at (818) 263-
SCAPE. Free design and
estimate. Landscape/irrigation/
sod/stamped concrete/concrete
foundations/patio covers/turf/
rockscape. I will beat all written
estimates. Serving all areas. LAFD
96-B Eric Mendoza. (760) 221-
1912 cell. (661) 480-2202 offce.
Lic#857078. Insured and bonded.
& SERVICE. Garage doors and
openers. Need to replace your
broken springs? or does your
door need repair, even replaced?
We do it all from new product to
repairing old. Call (661) 860-4563
Grassroots Garage Doors, Inc.
Lic# 950020. Son of 35 year vet-
eran freman.
izingin fre, police and paramedic
returns. Also preparing partner-
ship returns, payroll and sales tax
reports. With 30 years experience
in taxes and accounting. Call early
for your appointment around your
schedule. Robert Sanchez- LAFD
retired. (818) 367-7017. Cell (818)
Interest rates are at All-Time-Lows.
Refnance & Purchase Loans,
Investment/Second Home Loans/
Equity Lines/2nd Trust Deeds, No
Points/No Fees Loans, VA, FHA,
Conventional Loans, Lending
in many other states. Mortgage
lending with exceptional customer
service, integrity, strength and ex-
perience. For your Free Mortgage
Analysis, call (714) 469-8900. Jay
Trementozzi, Mortgage Banker.
DRE# 01113819, NMLS# 241591.
a new life in the gorgeous commu-
nities of Temecula and Murrieta.
Top rated schools, world renowned
wineries, numerous golf courses,
lakes, shopping and a great family
atmosphere. Located 78 miles
from HQ between Los Angeles
and San Diego. Call Mke Utley at
(951) 775-8491 (LAFD Retired).
SCAPE. Architectural landscape
design and installation. A full ser-
vice design/build landscape frm
that creates unique custom exte-
rior environments that will increase
the value of your home and bring
you years of outdoor enjoyment.
Rebecca Martin, LAFD wife. (818)
216-3637. Lic# 936577. rebecca-
Dont lose thousands of dollars
during your professional career to
GROUP, the specialists in fre-
fghter tax services, prepare your
tax return and review your prior
years tax returns. We specialize
in tax planning and preparation for
frefghters. We also offer FREE
REVIEW of your last four years of
tax returns. Call us today at (800)
573-4829 or visit our website at
- vinyl replacement windows &
Patio doors. I also carry aluminum,
wood and entry door systems.
Rick Brandelli, Capt. LACoFD,
FS 8-C (800) 667-6676. www.
4 BEDRooMS, 4 BATHS, Game
Room, 3000 sq. ft. upscale BIG
BEAR lAKE CABIN. Pool table,
foosball, darts, ping-pong, gas
BBQ. Private road close to lake,
Village. Walk to Snow Sum-
mit, great for summer. Accom-
modates 13. Until November:
Midweek-$250; Weekends: $295.
For summer specials or holiday/
winter rates call (949) 683-3028.
TIoN? We have $49-$79 Cruises
a Monthly! $149 and up ALL
INCLUSIVE! Join our Travel Club!
Go to: www.WvMovie.com or
YouTube JoeTraveler and Cabo
Dreamtrip (661) 993-9476 call/
text fremedic311@gmail.com
FF/PM Peter Mills 100-A
BIG BEAR CABIN - All season,
restful views from decks. Two
story, sleeps 6, half mile to lake,
two plus miles to slopes. Fire-
place/Wood, cable TV/DVD/VCR.
Full kitchen, completely furnished
except linens. Pets ok. $95/$105
(two day minimum). $550/$600
a week, Beep or Donna Schaffer
1+(760) 723-1475.
BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom, 2
bath, 2 story. Sleeps 8. Near ski
slopes & lake. Fireplace/wood,
cable TV, DVD,VCR, full kitchen.
Completely furnished. $85/$95 per
night. Minimum 2 nights. Holidays
extra. Weekly available. All Sea-
son. Sheri (909) 851-1094 cell or
(760) 948-2844 home.
Deluxe lakeside townhouse, 2
bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs,
HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning
freplaces, laundry room, tennis
court, indoor pool, sauna, spa,
boat dock. Fully equipped, includ-
ing all linens. Sleeps 6. 310-541-
8311 or email cindy14@cox.net
minute walk to village. 5 minute
drive to both slopes. Lake view.
2 bed, 1 bath, sleeps 6. Contact:
Owned by LAFD member.
new Custom 3 bedroom/2 bath
home 4 minutes from the casinos
and close to Katherines Landing.
Quiet cul-de-sac. All amenities.
Everything is new. 60 TV in living
room. TVs in all bedrooms. Large
formal dining room. BBQ and large
patio overlooking the mountains.
35 ft X 3-1/2 car garage w/ gym
equipment. Wireless internet w/
on site computer. $150 per night
+ $75 cleaning fee. No smoking
or pets please. Scott at 805-208-
1598 or h2oratscott@aol.com.
- 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block
to beach, view, fully equipped
housekeeping unit. Marci (818)
347-6783 or Clarence (310) 510-
HoME. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2
freplaces, washer, dryer, gas
barbeque. Indoor pool, sauna,
Jacuzzi, locker room with shower.
Tennis court, boat dock, cable TV,
HBO. Fully furnished including
linens. 3 miles from Snow Summit.
Sleeps 6 max. (310) 541-8311
DESERT CoNDo Rancho Mirage
(near Palm Springs), 2 bedrooms,
2 bath, fully furnished condo &
WiFi Internet. Also 2 bedroom
and den, 2 bath, TV and VCR,
pools, spas, tennis courts, gated
community. From $110 per night.
No pets or smoking. Barbara (626)
and Family offering gorgeous Baja
Mexico Property for rent. Coast-
side Gated Community with pool/
spa, surfng, and loads of fun. 4
Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms. Fully
Equipped Kitchen. Call Kathy at
510-468-5003 for more informa-
tion. Go to: lasgaviotas.com/
Hse_toscana.htm for pictures,
availability calendar, and informa-
tion on the area.
February 2013 59
Luxury condo rental - Direct from
Owner. One bedroom two bath
luxury condo located in Mexican
resort area of Nuevo Vallarta, just
15 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta
Intl Airport. Unit is part of Grand
Marina Villas, part of the Para-
dise Village Hotel complex, and
includes use of 18 hole El Tigre
Golf Course. Weekly or monthly
rates. For info: Web site: homepage.
e-mails: edynichols@mac.com or
(310) 395-7804.
HAVASU lANDING - Waterfront
on Lake Havasu. 3 bedroom, 3
bath. Boat mooring out front. Fully
furnished. Direct TV, WiFi, BBQ,
Casino, new grocery/meat market.
No pets/smoking (310) 418-1577.
2br/2ba cozy, cabin with views.
5 minutes from Fishing and Ski-
ing. Fully furnished. Wood Deck,
Sleeps 8, wood burning stove,
full kitchen, cable Tv/Dvd, stereo,
phone. Detached garage/room
for boat. Call for summer/winter
rates. Cleaning fee applies. Jeff
Easton 105-A, (805)-217-5602 -
KAPAlUA, MAUI. Luxurious
ocean view Kapalua Ridge 1 and
2 bedroom villas from $145/$250,
7th night FREE. Fully equipped
with washer/dryer, Hi speed inter-
net, Wi-Fi, cable TV, free resort
shuttle, minutes from ocean. Fea-
tures 3 white sand beaches includ-
ing BEST BEACH in the world,
Kapalua Bay Beach, 100 miles of
hiking trails, 2 golf courses with
great discounts, 10 tennis courts,
zip lines, 2 spas, golf academy,
horseback riding, snorkeling,
swimming, surfng, kayaking,
shops, restaurants. Contact Terry
or Diane @ 800-326-MAUI (6284).
the_ridge.asp or email info@
cabin charming two-story with
creek, large deck, two baths,
complete kitchen, TV,VCR/DVD,
freplace, washer and dryer, walk
to Blue Jay Village. Sleeps 6. $90/
night. NO PETS! Bruce or Sue
Froude, (805) 498-8542.
FRoNT. Located at HAVASU
LANDING RESORT a gated com-
munity on the California side of
Lake Havasu. Swim, Ski or fsh
from the front yard. Buoys in front
of home for overnight boat(s) tie-
ups. No need to launch boat each
day. Walking distance to a CASI-
NO, restaurants and grocery store.
Adjacent to miles of off-road desert
trails, great for ATVs, 4 wheel-
ers and Motorcycles. Beautiful
landscaping with a lawn from the
home to the lake. Covered patio
with furniture and a gas BBQ. Four
bedrooms with beds for 10.Two full
bathrooms. Check Craigslist for
pic. $350. Per night 10% discount
for a week. For Reservations call
Bud @ 818 352-4422
RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft.
Fully furnished with all ameni-
ties- Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft.
lot. 3 car boat-deep garage. 3
miles from launch ramp. Close to
downtown shops & restaurants.
View of the lake. Quiet street in
good neighborhood. No pets. No
smoking. Snowbird rates. Call
Mike (661) 510-6246
tom 3 bedroom/2 bath home on
lake side of Hwy 95 north side of
town. Quiet street. All the amenti-
ties. 60 TV in living room. TVs
in all bedrooms. Wireless internet
with on site computer. BBQ on
large patio. Swimming pool. Near
marinas and restaurants. $150
per night. $85 cleaning fee. No
smoking or pets please. Scott at
805-208-1598 or h2oratscott@
lAKE HAVASU HoME for rent.
Built in 2004. 1800 square feet,
3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly/
fully furnished w/all amenities of
home. Large garage 20x32 with
tall doors. Large area for guest
parking. Located less than a mile
from lake on a quiet cul-de-sac!
RV hookups. Ask for FF discount.
Call Ryan Penrod (310) 804-1801
or Nicole (909) 263-8177.
lAKE HAVASU HoME - Beautiful
3 bed, 2 bath home that sleeps
8. Lake view, RV access, boat
parking, everything is new. Quiet
street in great neighborhood, just
minutes from London Bridge. Call
John for pricing at (323) 449-4473.
Snow-bird rates and fremen dis-
count available.
lAKE HAVASU Landing Cali-
fornia. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wif,
DirecTV, BBQ, full laundry, slip-in
marina included, just steps away.
180 degree view of lake and your
boat in slip. Huge covered patio.
No pets. No smoking. Larry Mc
Andress ret 112A (714) 963-9344
or (714) 393-1464.
HoMES for rent. Each fully fur-
nished with all amenities of home.
Every home has a lake view, pool,
RV access, boat parking, ample
guest parking and sleep up to 8
people. Check out our website @
werenthavasu.com or call (928)
855-5848 or (661) 212-3191.
gated community. 3 bedroom, 2
1/2 bath, large loft. 3 minute drive
to main marina in Oak Shores.
Large driveway. Fully equipped
kitchen, BBQ, washer/dryer, TV/
DVD. No cable. No pets/smok-
ing. $165.00/night. Call Ben (805)
bedroom, 2 bath home with
all of the amenities complete
kitchen, washer/ dryer, TV/ VCR.
Quiet neighborhood near the lake,
casinos and ski slopes. Call for
rates. Call Cal or Linda @ (805)
68 Sumerset. 2 staterooms, 2
cuddy cabins, 2 baths. Will sleep
10 to 12. 2 ref. fully equipped
kitchen, BBQ, TV, DVD, Twin A/C.
Party top, fybridge, V8 drives, 12
KW ge., 100 gal. aux. fuel tank
with pump. Dan Coyle (805) 494-
lA QUINTA - Gated community,
fully furnished deluxe home, three
bedrooms, three baths on the
10th fairway of the Dunes Golf
Course in La Quinta Country Club.
Two car garage, large patio with
barbecue. No pets, no smoking.
$200/night - 2 week minimum, plus
refundable security deposit. Call
(323) 254-3874
2 bedroom & large loft, 3 full
baths, sleeps 8. 5 minute wa k to
Canyon Lodge. Fully furnished,
TVs, VCR/DVD, pool, spa, rec
room, sauna, linens included.
Winter $175, $195-weekdays/holi-
days; summer $125, plus cleaning.
No smoking; no pets. Craig Yoder
(909) 948-3659.
MAMMoTH CoNDo Cozy 2
bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished,
WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis,
walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth
area. Winter $115, Summer $90,
plus maid $126. Includes linens.
No pets, no smoking. Call (310)
furnished, three bedroom, two
bath with towels and linens, fully
stocked kitchen, internet and cable
TV, pool and Jacuzzi. Walk to the
gondola, shops, restaurants and
ski in on the new comeback trail.
Parking at the front door. Winter:
$225/night. Summer $150/night.
Holidays $275/night. Cleaning is
included. Call Mike Whitehouse,
Retired, 805-987-6122, email:
btkwhitey@yahoo.com or Bruce
Galien, Retired, 661-645-7448,
email: luvbaja2@aol.com
MAMMoTH CoNDo Fully fur-
nished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps
6. Close to Canyon Lodge, pool,
spa, recreation room, laundry fa-
cilities, condo has been beautifully
remodeled, photos available, $225
a night winter - $125 a night sum-
mer + $150 cleaning fee. 3 night
minimum. Call for holiday pricing.
Joe Angiuli, North Division (626)
MAMMoTH CoNDo - Fully
furnished, 1 bdrm, loft, 1 1/2 baths,
sleeps 4. On shuttle route. All
amenities: Sauna, Pool, laundry
on premises. Fall/Winter prices.
$100/night. Spring/Summer $85/
night. One time $70 cleaning fee.
No smoking, no pets, contact:
Julian Edwards (909) 573-3815
MAMMoTH - 1 bedroom Sum-
mit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient
underground garage parking,
jacuzzis, gym (pool, tennis in
summertime), shuttle right outside!
Across from chair 15. Winter $110
per night, Summer $80 per night
plus $65 cleaning fee per stay. All
linens included. Drew or Nancy
Oliphant (661) 513-2000.
MoTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, fully
furnished, linens, full kitchen, TV/
DVD, stereo, freplace, pool ,
jacuzzi, sauna. 2 blocks from gon-
dola village. 1 block to ski shuttle.
Winter $330/night, Summer $215/
night, plus cleaning. Includes
city bed tax. No pets, no smok-
ing, sleeps 8. Dory Jones (310)
918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran (310)
MAMMoTH CoNDo - 2 bdrm, 2
bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool,
jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept
linens. Near shuttle/chair 15.
Winter $125/night. Weekends and
Holidays $110 midweek. Summer
$95/night. $495/week. No smok-
ing. No pets. Jim Johnson (818)
992-7564, FS 80C.
MAMMoTH CoNDo - Sierra
Manors Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2
bath. Fully furnished except linens.
2 TVs/VCR/DVD, stereo/CD.
Dishwasher, microwave, sauna,
jacuzzi, pool. No smoking/No
Pets. Shuttle at door. Winter $155/
night, Summer $100/night, Plus
$80 cleaning fee and City Bed
Tax. Brian & Karen Salvage LAFD
Retired (805) 499-7752.
MAMMoTH lAKES - One bed-
room, extremely charming wild-
fower condo. Full amenities, close
to shuttle. Antiques, art, satellite
TV, freplace. Sleeps 4. Winter
$110, Summer $85 plus cleaning
fees. Call (818) 371-6722
Email: shakesong@aol.com
Southwestern decor. Sleeps 4.
King bed. Full Kitchen, TV, VCR,
DVD. Garage parking. 5 min walk
60 February 2013
to Canyon Lodge. Winter $155/
nite, $175 Fri, Sat, & Holidays;
Summer $100/nite. 2 nite min.
addl nites less. Jeff & Lisa Moir.
LAFD Air Ops (661) 254-5788
MAMMoTH CoNDo Wildfower,
1 bedroom sleeps 4, king bed and
queen sofa bed. Fully furnished,
freplace, dishwasher, stereo, TV/
DVD, phone, spa, sauna, pool and
tennis court. Linens and clean-
ing fee. On shuttle route. Winter
rate $100/night, summer rate $70/
night. Mike Greenup (805) 583-
8239 or cell (805) 338-9955.
Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft
sleeps 4. Queen beds, full kitchen,
2 baths, garage parking, TV, VCR,
DVD. Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite;
Fri & Sat $115/nite plus cleaning
fee $100. Non smoking complex.
Joel Parker, LAFD retired. email:
cat25sailor@juno.com or (213)
at lift 15, 2 bedroom including
master suite, 2 bath condo. TV/
DVD in living room. Good sound
system. Gym, spa, freplace, very
roomy, underground parking,
tennis courts, pools, and outside
BBQ area. (310) 476-4784. Email:
barbarawinters@yahoo.com or
visit website:
oN NAPIlI BAY - 50 from water.
Studios and 1 bdrm. Luxury
furnishings + full kitchen. All the
amenities! Mauis best snorkel-
ing/beach. All island activities &
Kapalua within 4 minutes. 5-day
minimum, from $135 per night
(regularly $310 night). Call Sherrie
or Bill for info/reservations (805)
530-0007 or (800) 889-8641 toll-
free or email: pmimaui@aol.com
or visit: www.napilibaymaui.com
RooMS. Centrally located on
beautiful Maalaea Bay. Excellent
swimming and snorkeling; white
sandy beach. Minutes from golf,
tennis, fshing, shopping, airport
and resort areas. Marsha Smith or
Jeanne McJannet. Toll free (800)
367-6084. www.maalaeabay.com
BEACH - Napili Bay. Beautiful
furnished condo with kitchen and
daily maid service. 15% discount
off already lowest prices in the
area. Don Sprenger (949) 548-
5659 or (800) 336-2185.
Enjoy UNREAL surf in a FRIEND-
course and hang out by the pool.
Walking distance to beach. 3 bed-
room 2 bath. See for yourself at:
nicasurfnturf.com. Contact Chris
Hart (714) 742-3325 or email:
BEACH - Beach house vaca-
tion rental. 3 story, fully furnished
3br/2ba main house+1br/1ba
guest house, sleeps 8-12. Linens
included, wireless internet, cable
tv/dvd, washer/dryer, bbq, ping-
pong, bikes, boogie boards, beach
chairs, large decks, and views. 1
small block to beach. (805) 241-
PAlM DESERT. 3 bedroom, 2
bath. Fully furnished. All new.
Direct TV and WiFi all bedrooms.
Private patio with BBQ. Private
60 unit complex with 2 pools, 2
jaccuzzis, 2 tennis courts. Near
College of the Desert. One level.
(310) 418-1577.
CoNDo. Luxurious 3+2 lake front
condo on the 11th green of the
world famous Stadium Course.
Gated, community pool & spa,
4 TVs/cable/dvd, washer/dryer,
BBQ, garage, no smoking or pets
please. $150/night w/6 night min. +
cleaning. Seasonal/extended stay
discounts. Buzz - LAFD (949) 322-
7979 PGAWestVacation.com
RANCHo MIRAGE 2-2, gated
complex, double garage, tennis,
pools, spa, bikes, cable tv/vcr,
microwave, bbq, washer/dryer,
decorator furnished. Close to golf,
restaurants, and shops. $90/night.
Margo Idol (805) 498-1513 or Ruth
(805) 498-4616.
Charming 2 br./2 ba beach cottage
(not a condo) located in the Quinta
Del Mar project approximately 25
miles south of San Diego. 24-hour
security, lg. patio w/ocean view,
bbq, freplace, cable TV, micro-
wave, 3 pools, jacuzzi, tennis,
horses, 2 rest. (music and danc-
ing), ride the waves, off-track bet-
ting, golf nearby. 2-day min, $95
day. Midweek/weekly rates avail-
able. Photos and info @ Lockhart
(619) 429-4060. choice1.com/
HoUSE - Two bedroom fully
furnished private home. Sleeps 6
laundry, wireless internet, tv/dvd,
movie channels. Enough off street
parking for 4 SUVs, large en-
closed backyard, 3 minute walk to
pier. 5 minute walk to downtown,
pet friendly. David Laub, LACOFD
(949) 306-5532 or dlaub@aol.
com or vrbo.com/93330
stylish 1 bedroom/1bath rental is
only 200 yards from the beach
and a 10-minute wa k to the pier or
downtown. The unit is beautifully
decorated and has all the comforts
of home. Includes large plasma
in living room and smaller TV in
bedroom. See more info and pho-
tos @ VRBO.com/344173. Rates:
Oct - Apr $150/night (2 night min.)
weekly $850. May - Sept $200/
night (2 night min.) weekly $1150.
Non refundable cleaning fee $100.
Call Ron or Kathy (949) 831-7693
or email klm318@cox.net
bath across from Eagle express
chairlift (CHAIR 15). Has TV in
Living room and Bedroom, very
spacious unit, freplace, dining
area, Gym, spa includes jacuzzi &
sauna. Exterior of complex totally
refurbished. Underground parking.
www.mammothrental.com. (310)
EARTH In Park City, Utah and
avoid the 5 hour grueling drive
to Mammoth. 2 bedroom/2 bath.
Tri-level townhome. Located a
short drive to three world-class ski
resorts. (Deer Valley, PC Mountain
Resort, The Canyons) $1100/week
- $1600/ Holiday. Call Ron (310)
SoUTH lAKE TAHoE Romantic
Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2
bath plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable
TV, washer/dryer, microwave,
woodburning stove. 7 minutes to
casinos and Heavenly. Located
in Tahoe Paradise. Call Shawn or
Rose Agnew at (661) 250-9907 or
(661) 476-6288.
Tahoe, 3 Bd 2 Ba home with
all amenities. Close to Lake,
Casinos and Ski Slopes $650 wk
or $130 nt $100 Cleaning. www.
SLTgetaway.com. Call Cal or
Linda @ 805 584-2718 or email
BY WINNEBAGo. 2 slides, 8.1
Vortec Banks powered 9+ MPG.
37,000 miles. New tires, upgrades,
& many extras. Garage stored -
like new. Qualifes as a 2nd home.
$52,000. Norm (928) 855-1074.
AlS - We rent motor homes and
travel trailers. Special discount
for Fire and Police. Check out our
sales department. (661) 273-7479.
Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot
Motor Homes, with Double Slide
Outs, Fully Loaded, Free House-
keeping Kit, Camping Kit, Discount
Prices Starting at $150.00 to
$180.00 per night. Serving family
& friends of LAPD , LASD, IPD,
OXPD, OX Fire, LA CO., LA City,
Ski Clubs ask for our 25% off
weekly rental rates. Visit us at
www.so-calrv.com or call 661-
714-7689 or 661-297-2398. ALSO
bedroom 2 bath with pool tables &
email your ad to:
or Fax your ad Form to:
For ad inFo, ContaCt:
eriC Santiago @
323.259.5231 or emai:

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