December 2014

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2 December 2014

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may

cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.
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20th Annual Mayo Surf Classic

Hundreds of firefighters, families and friends met in Dana

Point for the largest board meeting in the fire service, and
to have fun and raise bucks for the Widows, Orphans and
Disabled Firemens Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06

Annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial Ceremony

Firefighters gathered in Hollywood to pay tribute to the

264 members who have given their lives in the line of duty. . . . 08

Wounded Warrior Weekend

LAFD once again partnered with USC to bring Wounded Warriors

and military veterans to Los Angeles for a full day of camaraderie,
fun and football. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Fire Hogs to the Rescue

The Hogs head to Colorado to represent the LAFD at the Annual

IAFF International Memorial ceremonies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

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Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.

NO. 04

Presidents Message ................................................................................05
Battalion News ..........................................................................................12
Retired Guys
CA Boxing Hall of Fame inductee ..........................................................23
Department in Action ................................................................................24
LAFD Handball
Simple Green U.S. Open ........................................................................28
LAFD Golf Club
The Annual Partners Championship ........................................................30
Kitchen Table Wisdom
Proper hoselays and developing rated members .....................................34
Station Fridge ...........................................................................................39
Retirement Dinner Announcements ........................................................41
Dollars & Sense
WODFF and Fire Family Foundation work together ..............................43
How to Avoid a Prop 13 Reassessment ...................................................45
Mailbox .....................................................................................................47
Memorials .................................................................................................49
LAFD History
Helicopter heroes at the1963 Baldwin Hills flood ...................................50
Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................54
Classifieds ................................................................................................57
Tailboard ................................................................................................61

On the cover: Structure Fire - Venice

Photo by: Jeff Zimmerman


Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.

No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

December 2014 3

owned and published by the

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association

815 Colorado Blvd, 4th Floor, Los angeles CA 90041

Dave Wagner
Eric Santiago Creative
Juan-Carlos Snchez Project
David Vienna Web/Social Media
DisplayAdvertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260


Katherine Main, Brian Humphrey, Erik Scott


Mike Mastro, Frank Borden, David Vienna,

Jody Houser, Michael Stefano, Monte Egherman, Steve Ruda


Ryan Babroff, David Blaire, Doc DeMulle, Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin,
Steve Gentry, Juan Guerra, Brian Haimer, Gavin Kaufman, Ryan Ling, Rick McClure,
Mike Meadows, Lloyd Payne, Jeff Zimmerman, Yvonne Griffin, Laura Lichter.


Juan Albarran........................................................President
Robert Steinbacher .......................................Vice-President
Andrew Kuljis ........................................................Secretary
Barry Hedberg
Chris Hart
Chris Stine
Craig White
David Lowe
David Ortiz
David Peters

Doak Smith
Frank Hernandez
Gene Bednarchik
James E. Coburn
Jeff Cawdrey
Mark Akahoshi
Rick Godinez

Steve Berkery
Steve Ruda
Steve Tufts
Steven Domanski
Tim Larson
Tyler Tomich


To contact a chaplain,
Please call Senior Chaplain Rick Godinez at (661) 904-3050
or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920
Greg W. Gibson...................Chaplain
Danny Leon..........................Chaplain
George A. Negrete...............Chaplain
Aquil F. Basheer..................Chaplain
Tim Werle............................Chaplain

Hershy Z. Ten.......................Chaplain
Roger Fowble.....................Chaplain
Mark R. Woolf.....................Chaplain
Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Craig Poulson.....................Chaplain

Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ..............................................................(323) 259-5290
Todd Layfer Executive Director..............................(323) 259-5243
Becky Valverde Human Resources Administrator.....(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano Controller/Treasurer...................(323) 259-5225
Bob Dillon Operations Manager..............................(323) 259-5233
Marlene Casillas Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217
Ana Salazar Member Services Coordinator.............(323) 259-5223
HealthSCOPE Benefits

Claims & Benefit Information...................................(866) 99-LAFRA

THE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens
Relief Association, 815 Colorado Blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90041. Annual $24 Subscription
included with Association membership; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6
postpaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to: THE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los Angeles, CA 90041.
Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Classified and Display Advertising rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the
month of publication. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect
the official views of the Los Angeles City Fire Department or the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.

4 December 2014

The last month of 2014 is here! Your Relief Association
has a busy schedule that involves you. On the 6th of December is
our Open House at our offices here on Colorado Blvd. We want
to invite all our active and retired members and their families to
enjoy great food, catch up with old friends and honor the dedication and work of Ray Mayo.

Speaking of Ray Mayo . . . the Mayo surf classic was a
great success! That is if you measure success by families having
a great time, telling lies to old friends while eating some great
carne asada. We had some great weather down in Dana Point.
You could tell that the raffle items were very much sought after
as tickets sales were very brisk.

I am hoping that this event and its traditions are carried on
by the younger members who have assisted and attended previous Mayo classics.

The Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association is entrusted
to manage the organization through your trustees. This requires
that we keep our trustees educated and informed on the issues that
affect our association. These include current health plan changes,
investments and pension issues. Every year we seek out seminars
and training that would be beneficial to keep us in the know on
these issues. This year 10 trustees attended the IFEBP conference
in Boston. All of the items mentioned above
were covered in sessions at this conference.
The items are often covered in different degrees of complexity. This allows the rookie
trustees to start at the most basic of training.
Upon their return the trustees then present to
the Board a summary of what was learned
and what was covered that could improve the
governance and management of LAFRAs
varied responsibilities.

I recently had a chance to meet with
the Fire Family Foundation to discuss some
common concerns that we share. We spoke of
how we could assist one another in helping
our respective memberships. Currently we
have 5-6 people that we both are assisting in
one way or another (both agencies are helping many other people but these 5-6 are ones
we share). The F.F.F. has the capability to

receive monies specifically for a named person that can be used

for that person. Money donated to L.A.F.R.A./WODFF is used
across the board to the varied needs of our membership. F.F.F.
and L.A.F.R.A./WODFFs double pronged approach provides
immediate and long term help to our members. Our discussion
did underscore the need for all of our members to have a will
and trust in place. The ability to have your medical and financial
decisions made by someone you have entrusted with these duties
is just one of the reasons to seek out a trust. As a reminder you
are entitled to a $600.00 Relief Association benefit to have a trust
prepared. Look on the web ( or call the office for details.

Be on the lookout for a LAFRA beneficiary form in the
mail next year. This will be used to update your records with us.
Happy Holidays

Juan Albarran
(323) 259-5200

LAFRA staff (minus Juan) dressed in their Halloween costumes

December 2014 5

here were no suits or ties for this board

meeting . . . well, maybe thats not
exactly right . . . there were at least
plenty of swim suits. On Wednesday, October
22nd, hundreds of firefighters, families and
friends met for the largest board meeting in
the fire service, and to have fun and raise
bucks for the Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemens Fund.

6 December 2014

Back by popular demand, Ray Mayo
worked long and hard on this 20th go-round
of his Winter Longboard Classic. Ray, along
with his friend and fellow LAFD member, the
late Juan Ojeda, started the event just by doing
what they liked to do. Ray said, We used to go
surfing every day off.

So what began as a few guys, a few
sandwiches and a little beer has become a fullfledged, firefighters surf fest that raises thousands of dollars for the WODFF.

There was a change of venue this year,
with the event abandoning Old Mans beach
near San Clemente for new digs at Doheny
State Beach in Dana Point. And this was only
possible because prior to the event, Paul Reyes
(from FS 5) worked his magic with the Special
Events Permit Coordinators, Lori Coble and
Denise Estrada. And post event, the coordinators were glad to declare, We are happy to
have you all back again next year - just let us

Maybe the ladies were in such good
humor because they were treated to two fan-

tastic meals during the day. First there was a

hearty breakfast of chorizo, Spanish rice, beans
and chicken & pork tamales. Just a few hours
later that was followed by a colossal lunch of
BBQ chicken, carne asada, rice, beans and
more chicken & pork tamales! All this great
food was made possible by the cooks and their
prep team which included Mike Bowers, Jim
Tsarofski, Larry Hoerner, Steve Moniz, Brian
Hishinuma, Joe Kahapea, Barry Hedberg and
Vince Jenkins.

Lorraine, and her Aunt Rachel, ran the
raffle (along with taking care of many other
event details). One of the most sought-after
prizes was a custom orange and lime surfboard, created and donated by Hans Enyedi.
Hans put more than 30 hours of labor into that
board. There were many other donated items
available, with the days biggest sponsor being
Pelican flashlights.

T-shirt and check-in were handled by
Dave Zar (49s) and Bill James (64s). Additional organizers who provided indispensable assistance were Pete Xenios (49s), Keith
Kenoi (63s), Wes Schroeder (88s), Garret
Lew (15s), and Wild Bill James (64s).

This edition of the Ray Mayo Longboard Winter Classic may have been the last
ride. Ray is retiring and is not sure if he will be
able to continue the event. So come on over to
the LAFRA Open House this month and help
to honor Ray for his on-going service and
maybe you can convince him to carry-on the
surf tradition for years to come.


Norma Wayneright - Pelican
Tony Jones
Ports OCall Restaurant
FF/PM Hans Enyed - FS 79 - Flying Fish Custom Surfboards
Chris - Firemens Brew
Professor Johnny Ouano Surf Apparel
Engr. Jerry Jeffries FS 48 Hennesys Restaurant
Al Schroeck & Chris Woody Arballos - Toes on Nose Surfboards
Tom Sullivan - Fire Surfboards
Toby - Mahe Restaurant (thanks to Chris Hart)
Bill Wolfson - Acosta Marketing
FF Bobby Ward - FS 64 - Donated Custom Surfboard
Mark Carlisle - Hobie Stand Up Paddle Team
(thanks to Gage Oetgen - FS 88)
Lisa Correl - West Los Angeles Spectrum
December 2014 7

he LAFDs annual Fallen Firefighters

Memorial service was held on October
11th, 2014. Family, friends, and fellow
firefighters gathered to pay tribute to the 264
members who have given their lives serving
the community over the years. While many
from Los Angeles attended the Annual California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony held in
Sacramento the same day, there was still a significant crowd who gathered at the memorial
on Saturday morning in remembrance.

LAFD Chaplain Rick Godinez, the organizer of this years ceremony, has seen how
the annual tradition has grown over the years.
It originally started downtown at the cenotaph
right at City Hall. Since we developed and built
our own memorial, weve been having the annual service at Fire Station 27s museum. Over
the years, weve gained more support, both
from active members and retired. Its just our

8 December 2014

way to recognize our own people and our own

family members.

The keynote speaker for the ceremony
is usually a family member of a fallen firefighter, and this year was no exception. Nicole Pinel
lost her father, Benjamin Pinel of Fire Station
54, thirty years ago when she was still an infant. She gave a moving speech about what the
LAFD family has meant to her. From Cabbage
Patch dolls to scholarships to a college education, this department has always been there to
help this little girl realize that her dreams and
ambitions are always a reality. Theyve helped
me grow into a woman that I know my dad is
proud of.

LAFD Deputy Chief Mario Rueda also
spoke about the loss of Ben Pinel. It was really the first time, as a 23-year-old firefighter.
I loved the job but it was the first time I really
became aware of the heavy toll that firefighters

have to pay when they put on the badge. Each

morning, I honor Ben when I put on my uniform shirt and badge.

LAFD Chaplain Danny Leon gave the
memorial prayer and spoke about the important role that the memorial wall itself plays for
those who are coping with or remembering a
loss. Almost everybody in this audience is affected or touched by somebody on this wall. It
shows me that you guys have a place to come
to honor and to remember and to cherish your
loved one.

There was a reading of the names on the
memorial, as well as the names of those firefighters who have passed on since last years
memorial ceremony. Many family members
and friends went up when the name of their
loved one was called in order to place a single
red rose at the memorial wall. It was a very
moving moment.

After the conclusion of the ceremony,
many of those who had gathered stayed to chat
with friends or to join in the lunch that was held
upstairs in the museum. It was clear how important it was to many of the attendees to have
the chance to be among others who have faced
the same kind of loss. For many, the memorial
ceremony is an event they attend every year because of that important connection. As LAFD
Chaplain Craig Poulson said before he gave the
benediction, To the families that are grieving .
. . youre not going to close a hole in your heart,
but [I hope were] able to maybe help you get
through today, and just be around some people
that are also walking the same road.

December 2014 9

Paid Advertisement

10 December 2014

n a warm sunny Saturday afternoon, September 27th of this year

members from LAFD once again partnered with the University
of Southern California (USC) to bring Wounded Warriors and
military veterans to Los Angeles for a full day of camaraderie, fun and

Prior to the game, a tailgate BBQ feast was served up by Master
BBQ chefs Mark Curry (29-C), Greg Pascolla (80-C), and their trusted
partner Greg Malais (11-C). A couple hundred people filtered through the
tailgate BBQ where LAFD Wounded Warriors, Military Veterans, and
many other LAFD members shared some great food, drink, and stories
while honoring the sacrifices of our military heroes.

On Saturday evening, our hosted warriors headed into the Coliseum for the USC football game. During the game, LAFD members (including many of our own military veterans) and honored Purple Heart
recipients were brought out onto the field in front of the 90,000 spectators where each was awarded a Hero of the Game medal which was
placed around their neck. A highlight of the game was the standing ovation the Wounded Warriors and our LAFD firefighters received as they
were coming off the field. The USC Trojan victory over Oregon State by
a score of 35-10 made for an enjoyable end to the evening.

Our honored heroes (with their branch of service) this year included: Steven Dolan - US Army, Mike Franklin - US Army, Jim Dolan

- Marine Corps, Ray Ligutom - Marine Corps, Robert Rodriquez - US

Army, John Gardenas - Marine Corps, Jarod Behee - US Army, Anthony
Porter - US Army, Ernie Lopez - US Navy and Kevin Enoch - Marine

Thank you to Battalion Chief Tom Ottman for his selflessness in
making this event happen, to the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association for their sponsorship, to Fire Chief Ralph Terrazas for his support
and attendance, to Karen Wagener from the Fire Foundation for her continued support, and to Matt Ackels from USC for his outstanding dedication in setting up and supporting the event.

This event was certainly in keeping with the highest standards
and traditions of the LAFD. Our honored military veterans and the
Purple Heart recipients were truly
blown away by the
respect, dedication
and professionalism displayed by
our members during the tailgate and
the awards ceremony during the game.

December 2014 11

On 10/19/14 firefighters encountered heavy fire conditions at 1459 S. Lorena St in Boyle heights. Photos by Martin Nate Rawner

Truck 12 at the Franklin High homecoming ceremonies

12 December 2014

On 11/2/14, LAFD companies took care of a fire at 812 Kendall Ave in So Pasadena. Photos by Rick McClure, EPN

Recently Task Force 90 was having breakfast

at the firehouse, celebrating Ralph Hesters
promotion to Master Chief and his 20 year
anniversary on the job. As if Belgium waffles
werent enough, Captain Lathrop added a couple scoops of ice cream and syrup. Its breakfast Cap! Just wait til you hit your 30s!

FF Ernie Naranjo finally took the leap
and transferred up to FS 109-A. This photo of
him was recently snapped out front of the firehouse. Is he praying that RA 909 will sleep in
the night? Or did he fall asleep watching Fernando weed-whack up and down Mulholland

Two scoops for me please!

Task Force 39 was visited by LAFRA
President Juan Albarran last month with the
solemn task of flying a flag for a recently deceased retired member. The companies there
stood at attention while a flag was raised, and
then lowered to half-staff, in honor of Ken
Clore. Ken retired in 2006 and passed away in
October. He had 36 years on the job, many of
which were spent at the citys oldest firehouse.

TF 39 flies a flag for deceased member

Sleeping or praying?
December 2014 13


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14 December 2014

Visit our website for our Q3 2014 investment newsletter. | 562 - 433 - 1400 |

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On Fire Service Day earlier this year,
A.J. Brandenstein took his kids up to 99s to
see the fire engine. While there, he met LAFRA
volunteer Irma Delgado who coaxed him into
buying a few Golf Ball Drop tickets for the
LAFRA Golf Invitational. As it turns out, one
of Mr. Brandensteins golf balls was the first
to find the hole when dumped from the bag
hung off Truck 88s aerial. Fast forward to
Sunday, October 19th, and the Brandensteins
once again visited Fire Station 99. This time
they were there to graciously donate back to
the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens
fund the $2500 first prize they won in the Golf
Ball Drop.

Golf Ball Drop winners donate back winnings to WODFF

Companies handle a physical rescue on the 10 Fwy on 10/25/14. Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN

December 2014 15

Firefighters overhaul a commercial bldg. fire

on 10/12/14 at 1107 De Garmo St.
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN

Greetings from the Battalion that never sleeps!

I hope everybody had an enjoyable
Thanksgiving and was able to ingest more
than their fair share of food. This is definitely
the time of year when the waistlines take a hit
along with the turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pies.

Moving on . . . Congratulations to all
the recently promoted captains! Hopefully you
all remember your recent lessons obtained at
CORE, knowing to always do the right thing
and serve as Just, Firm, and Dignified leaders. Good luck out there and make the LAFD

Also, congrats to all the engineer candidates that recently entered the lottery to
promote. Thats what were doing now for all
ranks right? I heard that out of the 300 candidates given the lucky engineer lottery ticket,
only 200 showed up. Oh wait, no, thats only
what happened with the most recent group of
unproven firefighter candidates. Anyway, I hear
that the mechanics are glad that the practice period is over due to the amount of 96 Seagraves
that came in for clutch plates, clutch adjust-

16 December 2014

Firefighters overhaul a commercial bldg. fire on 10/12/14

at 1107 De Garmo St. Photos by Rick McClure, EPN
ments, or entirely new clutches. Good luck on
the next phase.

Recently Batt. 13 companies were invited to participate in the Great Wharf Fire of
2014. A giant pier the size of . . . well a giant
pier, which erupted into flames with a loom-up
that could be seen all the way from Batt 13.
The initial size up sounded something like,
yeah Metro, were going to need A LOT more
companies!! After a day-and-a-half of boat
fed master streams, engine fed master streams,
boat fed handlines, engine fed handlines, a
backhoe, a barge with a crane attached, a ton
of underfed firefighters, and a command staff
that almost sank the pier, a knock down was
finally called and peace was re-cast upon San
Pedro. Apparently the national average for a
wharf fire from companies on-scene to knock
down is around a full week. Thanks for all the
hard work from everybody that was down there
including with Long Beach FD for assisting
with their boats. Your efforts did not go unnoticed and were in fact applauded. Moreover, FS
49 is happy to finally be able to update all the
photos on the fire station walls! Sorry 1963, its
about time that 49s had another incident . . .
just sayin.

Over at 64s, a SOD engineer really
took the 2-Piece Engine Company to heart!
Assigned to drive E 264 for the day, his ears
really perked up when he heard the Light

Force get a run. As LF 64 is heading down the

street, Engine 64 became available and bought
the run for the LF. On the way to the incident
address, harmony was created when E 64 bisected LF 64 at a major intersection and Perfect Task Force Formation was again achieved
. . . at least for a few seconds. LF 64 noticed
that E 64 was attached and the LF discreetly
cleared the next intersection and peeled off to
become available for the next run and head
back to quarters. Engine 64 continued on and
when they arrived on-scene of the T/A on the
freeway, they appreciated looking behind them
and noticing that another engine had courteously blocked a lane of traffic for them. Upon
further investigation, it was actually E 264 that
had done them this favor. With no LF in sight,
they asked the engineer what he was doing,
and his simple reply was that he was responding to a call with the LF. At the risk of looking cartoonish, the engine company in unison
looked in front of them, then behind, then in
front again. Nope, no truck in sight. Sheepishly,
the engineer chuckled out loud, returned to his
rig, and drove the long drive of shame back to
quarters. Somehow he missed the part where
the GIGANTIC tillered truck turned off after
they were cancelled. Maybe next time Metro
should monitor the GPS on E 264 if hes working.

Its the shift before inspection and you
know what that means. Its really time to ramp
up the complaining about how the other shift
didnt do anything and we have to do everything, and why are we always picking up their
slack . . . and on and on and on. More importantly, the shift before inspection represents
the glorious day when the captains usually
cook. Captain Segovia was working SOD at
64s and since he is a Captain I, he was riding
the engine, which is generally the busier of the
heavy apparatus stationed at 64s. Well apparently the in-house Captain II, who rides on the
slower of the heavy apparatus at a Task Force
Station, tells the out-of-house Captain I that he
just cooked and asks the Captan I if he would
cook for his guys. Really? The simple answer
was an emphatic Sure . . . as long as you either
ride the engine or take our runs.The Captain
II took the cooking option with much hesitation and as it turns out, the engine had 20 runs
and the truck had . . . three. Exactly the kind of
leadership the LAFD is looking for in a Captain
II - doing the right thing from the get go. You
really nailed it again as usual!

Congratulations to FFPM Barry
Belknap (FS65) and his wife Amy who welcomed Olive Inez-Marie Belknap into the
world on September 27th. She was born at 6lbs
9oz and 19 long.

Finally, I hear theres a new game for
dishes over at 57s. Its called Frisbee Golf
and apparently the reigning world champion is

there and taking the station by storm. The story

I got was that he started his training in paramedic school and really honed his craft since
then . . . no not para-medicine, Frisbee Golf!
If youre up for a challenge, and probably also
a loss, contact Augie Wham-O Weideman,
AKA The Flying Falconer, at 57s.

OK, thats all Ive got! Keep taking
care of one another. Stay safe and remember
that 2+2 makes sense, play nice, know your audience, get a cool nickname, figure out which
formula to use before the media gets ahold of
it, you get out what you put in, FI-1, read
the label, if youre tired sleep in, when in need
of a driver call an already overworked 800 to
do your job, watch out for irony, dont fumble
Tradition, take 1st relief so you can go back
to sleep, never Stand
By, check boxes for
politics always beat
common sense, when
you have the opportunity to do the right
thing, take the EIT spot
instead!, a # makes everything seem much
nicer, if it rains and you
dont feel like doing
your job, just journalize it, when you need
to go to the DMV, wear
your uniform, when on-

scene of a traffic accident, wait 45 minutes to

ask if everybody is ok and see where that gets
you!, show up late to your own ceremony, a
bad idea is still a BAD idea, water drops for
all brush, call out an already overworked 800
to keep your shield available, answer only a
text instead of a phone call if what youre about
to do is the wrong thing, house dues gets what
house dues wants, cucumber and squash is the
newest trend in water, and finally, beware of
your Perception even if youre doing a good
thing. Glad to see that some of you are following my advice!

Keep sending your stories to

Olive Inez-Marie Belknap

33s takes a breather after knocking down a fire on 49th St.

Photo by Yvonne Griffin

TF 33 handles a T/A on 10/14/14. Photo by Adam Vangerpen

December 2014 17

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18 December 2014

E 86 firefighters suit up for an auto fire on Riverside

drive on 10/8/14. Photo by Rick McClure, EPN
FF/PM Beau Cherry (102-B) and wife Nicole welcomed son Jacob Taylor Cherry (9 lbs. 3
oz/22 in) on August 7, 2014, seen with big sisters Isabella (3 yrs) and Genevieve (18 mos).

On 10/16/14, Councilmember Mitch
Englander hosted the 2014 E Awards For Excellence in Public Safety Recognition Luncheon
for public safety personnel in the San Fernando
Valley. According to the councilmembers office, The E Awards is a tribute to our heroes of
public safety
for the incredLAFD members honored by city council
ible service
they provide
to our community, honoring our San Fernando
Valley tradition while embracing the new. We
recognized only a handful of the many law
enforcement and public safety personnel who
put their lives on the line each and every day to
protect our community.

December 2014 19

Haz Mat TF 87 practices decon procedures. Photos by Adam VanGerpen

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An auto in a parking garage is extinguished by TF 87 members on 10/23/14.

Photos by Adam VanGerpen

20 December 2014

Editors Note: Since there has not been a

news writer for Battalion 17 for many years,
I brought the Westside Kid out of retirement.
Here is one of his columns from 1998. If you
want new stuff instead someone needs to step
up and contact

Remember the lawnmower stories from
a couple of months ago? Apparently there are
more guys in this battalion that have difficulty
mastering gardening equipment than was previously known. Take, for example, Capt. Frank
Lucero at 100 C. Frank was in the pasture
on his country estate attempting to jump start
his tractor. He hooked up the battery, pushed
the start button and . . . oops. Seems as though
the tractor was in gear. Fortunately the soil was
soft so that when the tractor rolled over his leg
he only got some lumps and bumps. I know, I

know, a tractor isnt really a lawnmower but its

close enough.

Then there was Eng. Steve Ryder 93
A. I guess Steve never heard the story about
the Humvee at 47s that rolled backward down
a hill and tipped over. Steve was just riding
along, minding his own business, when his
riding mower decided to turn into a bucking
bronco. If you are in a rodeo you have to hang
on for eight seconds, at least that is the way the
joke goes, and then you can get off. Steve lasted maybe three seconds and then he was rolling
down the hill. Just as he thought he was home
free, the mower - with the blade still turning came rolling down on top of him. Fortunately,
Steve had some excess padding in the area that
the blade took a chunk out of. Other than not
being able to sit for a few days he is OK.

Both of these guys returned to work a
few days after these accidents and no animals
were injured during either one of these events.

We are still waiting for the Wolfe Jantz
lawnmower story. When it happens it should be
a beauty. Stay tuned.

Congratulations to Rick Cook, 93
A. He is the winner of the 1998 Callipygian
Cleavage Contest. There were a multitude of
contestants but Rick was never in danger of
losing. Congratulations again.

Although Batt. 17 is a little slice of
heaven there are some of us who are moving
on to greener pastures. Capt. Dennis Roberson 93 A is going to 80s. I sure hope the
guys there dont have any rubber snakes. Capt.
Brent Hogue 93 C is finishing up paramedic
school. Anyone who goes to paramedic school
in the future be sure to contact Capt. Hogue for
his gas saving tips. You can also ask him what
time it is. Probably by the time this is printed
FF/PM Rick McClure 105 C will have made
Captain. Ill bet Bicycle Dave already knows
where Rick will be assigned.

Send your juicy little tidbits to The
Westside Kid. If you are computer literate,
or know someone who is, send an e-mail to:


December 2014 21

ve just about had it up to here with reality

shows. Biker build-offs, Ice Road Bozos,
Crabby Fishermen, Tattoo All of Me, Idiot
Loggers in Alaska and at the top of my list, Naked and Afraid. I wonder what genius came up
with this idea?

Seriously, I would pay to be on the interview panel that selects these people for the
show. My personal criteria would be: #1 - Contestants bodies must have a minimum of 20
tattoos, 10 which must be of Chinese origin.
#2 - Contestants hair must be matted, smelly
and not have been washed in 30 days prior to
the interview. #3 - Contestants IQ must be no
higher than 20. #4 - Contestants must have a
firm dislike for toothpaste and tooth brushes.
Thats it. As far as Im concerned, if you met
these minimal standards, Id personally escort
you to your plane, put a lei around your neck
and wave good bye as you jetted off to a deserted island.

Of course the title, Naked and Afraid
is false. First of all, these barefooted, loinclothed adventurers aint really naked. Ive
only watched the show for 30 seconds because the network inserts a blurred view of the
womans body. Come on, Im only watchin
the show to get a glimpse of a lady runnin
around naked in the bushes. My vision is already blurred, I dont need the network to make
it worse. Second, theres a film crew followin
these knot-heads around. How afraid can they
be? And Im sure the film crew aint goin to
be satisfied with eatin bugs and berries, so
theyve got containers or coolers with ham,
chicken and turkey sandwiches to snack on.
So what happens when the two wanderin fools
run out of protein and carbohydrates? Youre

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22 December 2014

dang right, the film crew breaks out their picnic

basket and BINGO, our bug eatin clowns get a
stomach full of real food. Yeah, and what takes
place when our Lewis & Clark team stub their
toes or step on a thorn? Sure, they go to a commercial break, a doctor is rushed in from the
other side of the ridge and their boo-boos are
kissed, cleaned and bandaged.

And what woman in her right mind
would strip down to her birthday suit and run
around on an island lookin to eat berries and
bugs with a dude she barely knows? Look, the
day after I was born I got married and I still
havent been able to convince my wife to take
her clothes off when she takes a shower.

Ive had it with these shows. I just recovered from the biker show that pitted father
against son and now theres another reality
show that replaced it. A custom car/bike builder
in Vegas that features a dude that thinks hes
Count Dracula.
A young cowboy sittin in
a saloon recognized an elderly man standin at the
bar who, in his day, had
been the fastest gun in the
The cowboy took a seat
next to the old-timer,
bought him a drink and told
him of his great ambition to be a great shot.

Could you give me some tips? he

The old man said, Well, for one thing,
youre wearin your gun too high. Tie your hol-

ster a little lower down on your leg.

Will that make me a better gunfighter?

Sure will, answered the old timer.

The young cowboy did as he was told,
stood up, whipped out his .44 and shot the bow
tie off the piano player.

Thats terrific! said the cowboy. Got
any more tips old timer?

Yep said the old man. Cut a notch
out of your holster where the hammer hits it.
Thatll give you a smoother draw.

Will that make me a better gunfighter? asked the young cowboy.

You bet it will, said the old timer.

The young man took out his knife, cut
the notch, stood up, drew his gun in a blur and
shot a cufflink off the piano players shirt.

Wow! exclaimed the cowboy. Im
learnin somethin here. Got any more tips?

The old man pointed to a large can in
the corner of the saloon. See that axle grease
over there? Coat your gun with it.

The young cowboy smeared some of
the grease on the barrel of gun.

No, said the old timer, I mean smear
it all over the gun, handle and all.

Will that make me a better gunfighter? asked the young man.

No, said the old guy, but when Wyatt Earp gets done playin the piano, hes gonna
grab you and put that gun where the sun dont
shine. The grease makes it less painful.

bout forty-five years ago, a teenager living in Brooklyn picked

up a pair of boxing gloves and began a journey that has not yet
come to an end.

It was in the late 1960s that Jack Reiss began boxing in backyard matches and then went on to compete in amateur fights known as
smokers. The race was on. He continued his boxing education by
participating in full contact kickboxing, and then there were many more

By 1980 Jack had come west to become a member of the LAFD.
He started a family, marrying Josephine, and together they have two children, Riley and Joseph. Twelve years later he promoted to captain, a rank
he held until he retired in 2011. He also sells real estate with ReMax in
Ventura County, helping fire families find and sell homes.

Jack added to his boxing skills by playing organized hockey for
a variety of teams, including the LAFD hockey team. There is a joke in
there but it would just be too easy.

In 1986 Jack competed in a Fire-Police charity boxing tournament for the LAFD as a middleweight. A middleweight is limited to 160
pounds. In that competition he won the Gold Medal by defeating a member of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Dept.

Jack left boxing for a few years, and then in 1998 he decided to
become a referee for the sport instead of an active participant.

It takes about three years to qualify as a referee, including one
year in the class room. At the end of the first year Jack had to pass a written and a practical exam. The next hurdle was being selected as a probationary referee. For a few more years, he would participate in professional boxing matches as a referee while being observed by an instructor
who would grade his performances.

After years of being an apprentice referee, he received his credentials and became a licensed referee. With these credentials he was
able to travel the world from California, to Asia, Europe and Australia,
and referee matches without an instructor to guide him.

Although Jack is retired from the LAFD, he is still very active in
the boxing world as a referee. Jack is also an instructor for the Califor-

nia Athletic Commission, WBC, IBF, WBO and the British Columbia

On October 25, 2014, after forty five years of competing in and
refereeing the sport of boxing, Jack received an honor that is reserved for
a select few. He was inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame.
This is very thin air indeed.

According to Bruce Young, also LAFD retired, Jack has and
is still having a stellar career as one of the premier men working inside
the ropes and has obviously commanded the attention and respect of his
peers in the professional world of boxing. And Bruce should know, as
he comes from a pro boxing family himself.

To give you an idea of how highly Jack is regarded, here are
just a few of the former inductees: Rocky Marciano, Joe Frazier, Floyd
Patterson, Kid Gavilan, Manny Pacquiao, Carlos Palomino, Oscar de la
Hoya and Shane Mosley.

To be sure, these are names that are instantly recognizable. There
are, however, many more members of this Hall of Fame that most people, who are not intimately involved with the sport of boxing, might not
recognize. This does not in any way diminish their contribution to their
particular sport. Just as there are many people in the MLB, NFL, and
NBA Halls of Fame that the average fan may have never heard of does
not lessen their contributions, so it is with boxing.

Jack will be remembered not only as a retired member of the
LAFD but also as a world renowned boxing referee. Congratulations to
you, Jack, for being inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame.

And this will not be the last honor to be bestowed on Jack far from it. On March 7th, 2015, he will be inducted into the National
Boxing Hall of Fame.

If any of you are wondering about which boxer you should be
watching in the next couple of years, I have a tip from a well-placed
source. The boxer is Gennady G. Golovkin, a middleweight fighter.

December 2014 23



Info by Erik Scott, PSO

Photos by Chris Conkle, Rick McClure, Jeff Zimmerman, EPN

24 December 2014

Firefighters fought a stubborn Major Emergency blaze at a large Venice storage facility that injured five firefighters. Just after 7:30 pm on
October 25, 2014, units responded to Extra Space Storage located at 658 Venice Blvd. They found a two-story 100 x 100 storage facility
with smoke in the second floor. Over 200 firefighters battled the fire through the night.

December 2014 25


Canoga Park

Photos by Rick McClure, EPN

26 December 2014

Companies battled a stubborn non-injury structure fire for nearly two hours at a vacant
2-story business in the 7000 block of Topanga Canyon Boulevard early October 4, 2014.

December 2014 27

ach year the Simple Green U.S. Open of Handball is held at Los
Caballeros in Fountain Valley. The tournament was televised on
ESPN3 this year, and nearly $200,000 in prize money was on
the line in all divisions of 1-Wall, 3-Wall, and 4-Wall handball. Players
hailed from four countries and 18 states, with the number one ranked
players in each discipline on hand to defend their titles.

LAFD Handball under the leadership of current LAFD A Singles Champ and Commissioner Chris Yokoyama competed in divisions
ranging from the B Division to 70 years and older. Chris Yokoyama,
Alex Garcia, Ryan Chance, David Diaz and Salvador Castillon competed
in the A Singles division. Yokoyama advanced to the finals, but lost to
David Walsh from Ireland in a two-hour match.

Two teams from the LAFD advanced to the semi-finals in A
Doubles, setting up a potential all LAFD final. Ryan Chance and Joe
Steiner played the top Irish team and Chris Yokoyama and Alex Garcia
played the number two Irish team. Both lost marathon games that took
all players involved to the limits of exhaustion.

Tony Arnado, Richard Ramirez and Salvador Castillon competed
in B Singles, but were eliminated in early rounds. Sergio Guzman and

28 December 2014

Tony Arnado advanced to the finals of the B Doubles before falling to

a team from Escondido, CA in the finals.

Chiefs Mario Rueda and Joe Castro teamed up in the 50 and
over Division and played well before loosing to the eventual winners
of their division. Paul Cajiao also played in the 50-Doubles with a
civilian partner. Joe Castro and Joe Holguin played in the 50-Singles

Retired Firefighter/Paramedic Bobby Raya played in the
60-Doubles with a civilian partner and retired B/C Mike Bowers
played in the 70-Doubles with a civilian partner.

The camaraderie of the handball community is tremendous, and
this four-day tournament is always an opportunity to test skills against
the best in the world. LAFD shirts are among the most popular in the
handball community, and players from all over the world could be seen
wearing the LAFD handball logo merchandise.

The 4-Wall Nationals will be held at Los Caballeros in June
2015. Who will be the next National Champion from the LAFD?

Past and present members of Fire Station 9 got together once again for the annual Skid Row Handball
Tournament on Sunday, October 19, 2014. It was awesome to see so many retirees show up for the support
of the game. Many good people were in the house for some good food and some good fun.

December 2014 29

e had 90 of the LAFDs finest active and retired golfers at the

Sycuan Resort in El Cajon for the LAFD Golf Club Annual
Partners Championship. As per the usual we had our LAFD
Golf Club annual membership meeting following the first day of golf at
Steele Canyon that included a great barbeque lunch.

This year we were treated to some extremely high temperatures
and humidity. On Tuesday we woke up to temps that would eventually
reach 104 degrees accompanied by a terrific storm that blew through
with about have of the field still on the course. These was rain, hail,
winds up to 30 plus miles per hour, and some incredible thunder and
lightning. Play had to stop with the electrical storm, but our players were
able to get back on the course once it stopped. Luckily there was only
one minor mishap during the downpour. One twosome was blinded by
the rain and bumped into a tree, with the tree winning handily. No injuries were reported, but an accident report was made by the former engineer that was driving.

We play two-man teams in three different formats, on three different courses, in four handicapped flights. The three formats played
were: scramble played at Steele Canyon Country Club, best-ball played
at Sycuan Resorts Oak Glen course and Pinehurst (modified alternate
shot) played at Sycuan Resorts Willow Glen course. It is a true team
format in that you are really relying on the good play of your partner.
For those of you that are prospective members, this is considered by the
membership as our best tournament of the year.

In the A flight the team of Paul Schori and Rick Shortle made
their first appearance at the championship in a couple of years. They
apparently werent very rusty as they won by four strokes over the 2nd
place team of Ladd Stilson and Randy Yslas.

In the B flight the team of the brothers Garcia, Rick and Carlos,
started with an opening round of 55 and ran away with the win.

In the C flight the team of Joe Luna and Buddy Pacheco edged
their closest competitors of Mickey Diaz and Tom Teora when Buddy
made an eagle on their final hole of the day to win by .8 strokes. Mickey
and Tom won this flight last year.
AB Flight Winners

A & B Flight Horse Race Derby Champs

Garcia, Allan Black, & Jim Meacham
30 Garcia,

A & B Flight Horse Race Derby

A Flight Winners

C Flight Winners

A Flight Net Champions

Rick Shortle & Paul Schori

Rick G

C Flight Net Champions

Joe Luna & Buddy Pacheco

Rex V

C & D Flight Horse Race Derby

B Flight Winners


B Flight Net Champions

Rick Garcia & Carlos Garcia


D Flight Net Champions

Rex Vilaubi & Paul Croghan

D Flight Winners

In the D flight new members Rex Vilaubi and Paul Croghan
just squeaked by Joe Vigil and Russ Barnes by a mere .2 stokes.
The second day of the tournament provides some real entertainment at
the Horse Race Derby. This format is made up of the six leading teams
in each flight. The remainder of the field, and the participants, then make
parimutuel bets on their picks of the best teams. This year the A and
B flight and the C and D flight played in four man teams. In the A
and B flight Allan Black, Jim Meacham, and Rick and Carlos Garcia
came out on top. In the C and D flight the team of Rex Vilaubi, Paul
Croghan, Buddy Pacheco, and Joe Luna were the winners. As you can
see in the final results below, Rex and Paul had quite a tournament.

This year we made a bit of a comeback with the number of players. I think we lost of few players due to the engineers promotional test,
but heres hoping that those that couldnt make it this year will make it
back next year. Also, if you younger ones had as good a time as I think
you did, then, I hope you spread the word and get more players next year.

I would like to thank the board members for all of their help during the tournament. And I would like to thank Dale Gant, Mike Monroy,
Brad Grossman, and Greg Gibson for their assistance with the Horse
Race Derby.
The club would like to thank Alan Sheer of Steele Canyon
Golf Course, Jason Schneider of Sycuan Resort and Kevin Wright of
Morgan Stanley for their generous donations for our raffle at the annual
membership meeting.

Lastly, a big thank you to Larry Whiting who, in the past has
made a number of donations, this year donated $500 in support of our
golf club. I look forward to seeing Larry back on the course again this

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to the members
for supporting this tournament that celebrated its 41st year. A good time
was had by all and I hope to see you again next year.

CD Flight Winners

C & D Flight Horse Race Derby Champs

Rex Vilaubi, Buddy Pacheco, Joe
Luna, & Paul

...for your eyes only



32 December 2014

On August 12th, 2013, Captain/Paramedic Matthew G. McKnight suddenly collapsed and died while
on duty at MFC. He had faithfully served the citizens of Los Angeles for over 31 years and passed away at
the young age of 51 from a duty related condition.
Searching for a means to honor Captain McKnight for his dedication to the LAFD and specifically to
OCD and MFC, the members at MFC gained approval to dedicate the dispatch floor in his honor. At a dedication ceremony on February 13th, 2015, the dispatch floor will be officially renamed, a memorial plaque
will be unveiled and the new MFC logo will be proudly displayed.

December 2014 33

the structure is dangerous during emergency


n this edition of KTW Captains Amberian, Jones and Tombrello will discuss (1)
the importance of developing a proper
hose-lay, and (2) the ongoing training and development of A/Os and engineers.

Operational Question: Excess hose piled-up at a

doorway makes a handline difficult to advance
and even more difficult to follow out. As an officer, how do you train to ensure this does not
CI Mike Tombrello, FS 21-C: To begin with,
its essential that all members be very familiar
with their first-in and greater alarm districts.
This allows for a high level of familiarity with
respect to structure and occupancy type, construction trends, access issues, attack points, lot
size, etc. This knowledge, along with a detailed
personal size-up, allows for more effective deployment of handlines.

When drilling, Ill have my firefighters advance an ill-prepared hoselay to instill in
them the effort it takes to advance a poorly prepared handline. Ill also have them exit a structure utilizing the same sloppy hose-lay to again
reinforce the difficulties in trying to negotiate
their exit with excess hose. I remind them that
the deployment of excess hose was a contributing factor in the death of Captain Joe Dupee.

Calculating the amount of hose to pull
for a SFD or an older pre-33 commercial is very
easy, but you must have a plan. Finally, I instill
in my members the same adages pounded into
my skull as a young firefighter . . . Slow down
and take a good look at what you have - youll
move a lot faster and with greater safety.

34 December 2014

CI Jeff Ambarian, FS 87-C: Regarding excess

hose outside the structure - either we pulled too
much or another company pulled their hose to
the same portal.

Drill your firefighters on personal sizeups and how to determine the right amount
of hose. Coming up short is inexcusable; too
much creates a nuisance but is better than not
enough. For long lays, practice dressing your
hose so folds dont end up on top of each other.
For lays in tight spaces, practice dressing and
stacking your folds so they will feed from the
top of the pile, making it easier to advance.
Never develop your lay on top of another companys lay.

Discourage the practice of everyone
grabbing a loop of hose as they enter the structure, and then dropping it randomly inside. Assign someone to tend the hose at doors and corners. This may be the captain early on. Nobody
wants this inglorious job, but it is critical to the
overall operation.
Drill your firefighters to not push excess hose into the structure. Spaghetti inside

CI Denise Jones, FS 28-C: If my company

is placing excess hose at the front door then
were not doing a good enough job sizingup the building. I would start by defining our
personal size-ups. I would then find structures
that require challenging hose-lays and train my
crew on the amount of hose it takes to reach a
particular objective. Physically pulling a hoseline creates a baseline in their heads for those
times when it really counts.

When pulling hose to your objective
you must not only be effective, but efficient.
Its no good to hurry through a hose-lay if you
cant advance it into the structure and affect a
knockdown. We often spend more time fighting the hose-lay and calling for people to pull
hose when we could have taken a little more
time in the beginning and laid it right from the

Do not be careless - SLOW down and
have the discipline to put couplings where they
belong and lay your folds dressed. Lastly, make
sure youre asking for help pulling hose around
the corners. We have done it that way for 100+
years . . . it really does work.

Leadership Question: How do you ensure your

A/Os and engineers are being tactically challenged and continuing to develop.
Tombrello: I often try and take these members
out of their comfort zone. How many times can
you walk the same roof, lay two supply-lines or
flow a ladderpipe? Im not saying these tasks
arent important, but once theyve demonstrated competence in these areas its time to move

Officers should challenge these members with a variety of scenarios in order to better stimulate them. Not only should rated members be considered your BEST firefighters,
but their job performance should also reflect a
high-degree of competence.

To me, theres nothing better than to
witness an A/O raise an aerial to a center-hall
on a crowded street in 11s district, or an engineer calculating how many hard suctions it
takes to draft from a dock in 49s district.
Rated members are also your lockerroom leaders and must capture the trust of their
co-workers - which is accomplished through

operational competency. The ongoing professional growth of your rated members will in
large part determine the effectiveness of your
Ambarian: Just like the rest of us, A/Os and
engineers need to use their skills to stay sharp.
The first company operation on drill day should
be done with all personnel in their normal positions. This gives your rated people the opportunity to hone their skills and gives your actors
the opportunity to see operations done before
they have to do it.

Develop drills that are applicable to
your district. Reinforce their knowledge by
practicing truck, engine and pump operations
you will need in your district. To keep everyone
on their toes, go straight into the drill without
a pre-drill heads-up. A little uncertainty and
anxiety is good.

Talk to your drivers. You will get a
good feel for their strengths and weaknesses,
and you just might learn something along the
way. Let them select the drill site from time
to time. They know all the challenging aerial
throws, difficult hydrant spots, unusual construction and the areas you will lay-two. Remember to keep your drills practical; this is fire
science, not rocket science.
Jones: You must know the capabilities of your
rated members if youre going to develop and
challenge them. When I want to challenge them
I disrupt their normal routine - I create situations that force them to utilize a broader understanding of the task at hand.

Most often we train on how things are
supposed to go at a fire, but how about when
they go wrong? Are your rated members trained
and ready to make the right decisions when
problem arise? Can your engineer draft without using the priming pump? How will your
engineer let you know theyve lost water when
they cant get through on the radio? How will
your A/O react when a firefighter goes through
the roof? What will they say on the radio? Will
they continue to cut?

In thinking about what to drill on when
developing your rated members, keep in mind
that smooth seas make not for skillful sailors.
Teach them the art of problem solving and recovering. That is what truly defines a quality
rated member.

Next months Kitchen Table Wisdom
article will feature three of the LAFDs finest
rated members: Engineers Steve Canchola and
Oscar Gutierrez, and A/O Steve Hall. These
members will opine on locker room leadership,
and provide sound advice for newly promoted
A/Os and engineers.
The views expressed here do not necessarily
reflect those of LAFRA or the LAFD.

Protect Those
with Special Needs
Firefighter Justin Mendence set up a special needs trust to ensure his
son and entire family is taken care of in the best manner possible.
You want to think everybodys going to take care of your kid because

If I handwrite a will,
A Special
Needs Trust
Helps You:
everybody loves him, but unless you have a plan in placeyoure planning
to fail. Leaving it to chance is not in me and my wifes vocabulary.

Set up long-term funding for living expenses & care

Determine who will be the primary caregiver
Create an advisory group of experts to help caregivers make
sound decisions
Ensure your childs assets are protected & well-managed
Ensure your child maintains eligibility for special services
I sleep a little bit easier at night knowing that my son is set up for his
entire life, Justin said.

Whether you care for a child or adult with special needs or not, everyone
should consider setting up an estate plan. Ask for a Getting Started Kit today by
emailing Relief Association Development & Marketing Director Marlene Casillas
at or calling (323) 259-5217. December 2014 35

n our last article youll learned that the Fire

Hogs held their Annual Hogs Breath BBQ
that went well into the wee hours. What you
didnt know was that many of these same Fire
Hogs saddled up on their iron horses the next
day to head to Colorado to represent the LAFD
for the Annual IAFF International Memorial

In the early morning of September 15,
2014, 8 Hogs met in Acton at Crazy Ottos for
the beginning of many memorable days. I was
not only amazed at the portions served by Crazy Otto but also the ability of Rudy Santiago to
wolf the whole plate down. After our truckers
meal it was off to Victorville Harley for our
rendezvous with a couple more Fire Hogs. Hitting Victorville at 0900 it was already hot. As
you can imagine, by the time this motley crew
got to Mesquite, all we were looking for was
the pool and a cold drink.

They next morning it was off for a
beautiful ride through Zion and onto Colorado. I can tell you that the weather Gods were
much more favorable to those that left on Monday then those that left later in the week, but
as our Road Captain said this time of year be
prepared for anything and those late birds got
Everything!! The bottom line was all 14 riders
met up in Colorado in one piece, with lots of

In Denver was a meet up with the IAFF
and Wind & Fire Riders. After a meet and greet
party that night, the next morning was a guided
ride through some of the mountains and favorite local watering holes around Denver.

A day and a half was just not enough
time in Denver but it was off to Colorado
Springs to meet up with the rest of our group.
Having the best riding in the nation before us,
we decided to take the back roads into Colorado Springs. What a great day for a ride through
the backwoods of Colorado.

About halfway along a 49 mile twolane country road we come upon an old motorhome stopped in the roadway and an old
couple flagging us down. It turned out that a

36 December 2014

inexperienced rider was trying to keep up with

some road rockets and ended up laying his bike
down as he came around a corner too fast. This
poor sole got tangled up in the guard rail, and
he and his bike ended up across both lanes of
traffic. His riding partners sped off without realizing he was even down.

The Fire Hogs immediately sprang into
action, ensuring the EMS was activated, blocking traffic, securing the scene, and providing
initial treatment for his compound fracture on
one leg and broken ankle on the other - with
some road rash thrown in. We made the patient
comfortable while waiting for the local vol-

unteer BLS ambulance. It was quite a sight to

see the look on the solo EMTs face when he
showed up and saw us biker-types treating his
patient! It didnt take long before he realized
who we were and said Heres all the equipment, you guys know what your doing, how
can I help you.

Now we were able to C Spine him
properly and get him on some oxygen. Another
20 minutes and the professional ALS R/A was
onscene where we were greeted by the same
looks as earlier. We then assisted with getting
the patient into the waiting RA, securing the
Landing Zone for the Air Ambulance, and con-

trolling the traffic. I just want to know if we get

EMT CE for this! Yes even the Captain II and
the Chief got their hands dirty on this one.

After this three hour delay we were
back on the road and into the Springs where we
met up with the rest of the group at the hotel.

That evening it was off to the downtown area where all the streets were blocked
off to allow the thousand firefighters from all
over to join together in celebration.

On Saturday morning we headed out
early to meet up with widow Jan Graf and her
family at the staging location. Her granddaughter even hopped on one of our bikes to lead the
hundreds of motorcycles at the start of the procession into the IAFF Memorial Park.

It is one of those events that is hard to
put into words and must be experienced firsthand. The honor of representing our agency as
the names of those fallen is inspiring but the
sight of the flags representing each of the fallen, as they march in coupled with the numerous
pipe and drum marching bands is a firefighters
Mecca if there ever was.

After the somber service we all headed
out to the downtown area for more libations
and entertainment including those same pipe
and drum bands playing together in the streets
to the cheers of the crowd. This was followed
by a private concert at the Cowboy Bar by

Orange Countys Scallywag Mutiny with the

Fire Hogs providing security. The Cowboy Bar
rocked on into the wee hours of the night with
many a Fire Hog doing their best impression of
country-dance steps.

The ride home provided to be interesting as those that caught rain most of the way
to Denver took another route home and, yes
indeed, caught rain most of the way home as
well. This ride would not have been complete
without paying homage to fallen Fire Hog
Danny Cypert as we traveled through AZ. RIP

Thanks to UFLAC for their support and
to all that enjoyed the ride to and from the Memorial.

There are many more rides coming up!
You dont have to be a Fire Hog to participate.
All you need is a willingness to have fun! Come
on out to see what this is all about. Events are
posted on and you can receive e-mails of upcoming rides. Contact any
board member if you wish to join.

Join us on Facebook @Fire Hogs M/C,
Like our Facebook page @ L.A.F.D. Fire Hogs.

Remember, its not about the destination, its about the journey to the destination that
brings us together!

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38 December 2014

December 2014 39

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40 December 2014

RAYMOND MAYO, Engineer, Metro Fire

JIM JURE, Inspector I, FPB Environmental Unit



Ports OCall
1200 Nagoya Way, Berth 76, San Pedro CA
Social Hour: 5:30 PM

Dinner: 7:00 PM

Dinner Buffet & Prime Rib

$65 per person includes tax, tip & gift

San Antonio Winery, Vintage Room

737 Lamar Street, Los Angeles CA
Place orders: 10:30 AM

Luncheon: 11:00 AM

Assorted Lunch Menu (Self pay at resto / cafeteria style)

$10 per person includes tip & gift

Call FS 49 - (310) 548-7549 Business or (310) 513-8900 Grapevine


Call Environmental Unit - (213) 978-3710 or (213) 978-3692





Dukes Malibu - Ocean Room

21150 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu CA

Dalmatian American Club of San Pedro

1639 South Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro CA

Social Hour: 11:30 AM

Luncheon: 12:30 PM

Social Hour: 5:00 PM

Dinner: 6:00 PM

Buffet Style
$40 per person includes food, parking, tax, tip & gift

Family Style Chicken or Beef

$60 per person includes tax, tip & gift

Call FS 69 - (310) 575-8569 or email Brandi Ketaily at: - RSVP by January 28th

Call FS 48 - (310) 548-7548 or Robbie Trevino - (949) 370-4703

RSVP by April 9th

Paid Advertisements:


December 2014 41

Los Angeles City Firefighters Golf Club

2015 Golf Club Membership

This information notice is directed to prospective new members, active or retired L.
A. City firefighters, who would like to join our golf club. Applications for membership will
be accepted from September 1st through December 1st, 2014. The dues for the membership are $75.00 per year. This will entitle the member to participate in all LAFD Golf Club
functions, which includes 2 to 3 one-day tournaments per month, 2 major tournaments (the
Memorial Club Championship in April and the Partners Championship at the Singing
Hills at Sycuan Resort in September, and 4 Southern California Firefighters Golf Association major tournaments (Palm Springs in March, Primm Resort (Nevada) in May, Lake
Tahoe in August, and Pebble Beach in November). It will also establish a handicap index
with the Southern California Golf Association.

The LAFD Golf Club welcomes players of all levels. From scratch to 36 handicappers we want you to come out and play.

To apply, please send a check for $75.00 made out to the LAFD Golf Club. Or
register at our website at:

Click on the new member link and fill out the application. The information will
be forwarded to me for processing. If you decide to use regular mail please include a
short note with your present assignment, home address, phone number, email address, your
member number and club name (if a member of another club), and any scorecards from the
last six months to establish a starting handicap. Mail this information to:

Paid Advertisements:

Noel Murchet
16301 Gentry Lane, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647
Cell: (714) 330-3477 Email:

42 December 2014

by Mike Mastro, President/CEO

Firefighters First Credit Union
Supporting firefighters and their families:
LAFRA and Fire Family Foundation

Since the establishment of Fire Family
Foundation in 2008, I have been often asked how
the Foundation differs from the Widows, Orphans &
Disabled Firemans Fund managed by the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association. Both are non-profit
501 (c) (3) charitable organizations. All contributions
are tax-deductible. Both organizations support firefighter families. For this months article, Id like to
highlight how this firefighter support system bands
together during times of financial difficulties and

About LAFRA and Widows, Orphans &

Disabled Firemens Fund

The origin of the Relief Association dates
back to around 1888 when LAFD firefighters battled
a dangerous oil refinery fire. Firefighters saved many
of the buildings and the nearby railroad yards. As a
token of appreciation, the Southern Pacific Railroad
donated $1,000 to the department. An enormous sum
at the time, the Chief Engineer thought the funds
could be set aside as a fund to support widows and
orphans of LAFD members killed in the line of duty.

The Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association would later become a reality in December 1906.

How can LAFRA and Widows & Orphans


As an umbrella organization dedicated to
firefighters and their families of LAFD, the Relief administers funds and programs including: the LAFRA
Fire Medical Plan, Relief Fund, Life & Accident
Fund, Emergency Advancements, and the Widows,
Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund.

The Relief Fund makes up the pay for LAFD
members who become sick or injured in situations
not connected with normal duty (IOD) and death
benefits to named beneficiaries. Other services include assistance to members and families during
times of bereavement, such as counseling and guidance to assist with funeral arrangements.

The Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund is the heart of the Relief Association. Its
existence gives many firefighters peace of mind
knowing that if the worst should happen, Widows
& Orphans will help care for their families. In times
of emergency and distress, in sickness, accident and
death, LAFRA and Widows & Orphans will step up
to provide aid and support for its members.

The Fund is supported through the generosity of others. Many members make donations in memory of fellow firefighters or directly through payroll
deduction. Other methods of support are generated
through special events and community fundraisers.

Key events include: LAFD Invitational,
Hook and Ladder Enduro, Hope for Firefighters,
Lane Kemper Softball Classic, LAFD Bowling Benefit, and others.

About Fire Family Foundation

The drive to create the Foundation emanated
from the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Over
3,000 people were killed during the attacks in New
York City and Pennsylvania, including more than
300 New York City firefighters. The impact of 9/11
and the loss of these courageous heroes profoundly
impacted their families, the firefighter community,
and the community-at-large.

Firefighters First Credit Union had always
been the go to location for the Fire Family to donate on behalf of fire personnel who were injured or
died related to their service; 9/11 was different.

Within hours after the 9/11 attacks, the
Credit Union created a fund to support the firefighters families. The outpouring from members, the fire
community, and the community-at-large was enormous. Millions of dollars were donated. Funds were
given to the New York Fire Department Widows and
Orphans fund, knowing that a lasting impact was

This effort resulted in the vision to establish
a non-profit charitable organization focused on serving the firefighting community and the community as
a whole.

Getting your affairs in order

No one ever plans to be sick or disabled. Yet,
planning ahead can make a difference in an emergency. The Relief and Fire Family Foundation encourage
firefighters to get their personal, legal, and financial
affairs in order before an emergency. Placing trust
in someone to take care of your affairs will make it
easier for tough decisions to be made on your behalf.

As each situation is unique, both the Relief
and Foundation considers all requests with compassion and does collaborate with each other. Due
diligence is required to ensure funds arent being
misused and there is adequate funding for future
generations. Sometimes out-of-the-box thinking is
needed so assistance can be provided to help firefighters and their families make ends meet. Through
these ways, its how the firefighter support system
bands together during times of financial difficulties
and hardships.

To learn more about and to make a donation
to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemans Fund and
Fire Family Foundation, visit and
Happy Holidays!

How can the Foundation help?

Today, Fire Family Foundation, the charitable hand of Firefighters First Credit Union, provides
direct and immediate assistance to firefighters and
their families. In addition to the support for LAFD
members, Fire Family Foundation reaches across the
state into other fire departments.

The Foundation offers financial help for
needs such as: temporary shelter, basic living expenses, funeral expenses, medical costs, and other
miscellaneous expenses for both firefighters and their
family members.

In recent months, the Foundation has helped
an LA County firefighter whose 3-year old little girl is
fighting cancer. The unexpectedly high cost of medication to combat the effects of chemo was something
the family could not bear. The Foundation helped the
family cover 4 months of alternative medication. And
a bit closer to home, Fire Family Foundation recently
helped one of LAFDs dedicated firefighters who is
facing a rough time with daily expenses, while he
battles a form of cancer. The donation of a simple
food card put some extra food on his table for a few
days. Finally, when the family of a young injured
firefighter couldnt make their mortgage payment,
the Foundation again stepped in with a helping hand.

Distributed funds are largely received
through voluntary donations and the Foundations
annual appeal campaigns. Earlier this year, the Foundation hosted its first poker and bingo tournament,
the Fire Boot Classic. Held at Santa Anita racetrack,
the successful event was emceed by Tim Conway, Jr.
and featured a variety of celebrity bingo callers. This
annual event will again happen in spring 2015.

Mike Mastro
Material provided is for your information and convenience only.

December 2014 43

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44 December 2014

ou may have been hearing about Proposition 13 in the news lately. When
voters overwhelmingly approved Prop
13 in 1978, they were responding to a populist
outcry over steeply rising property taxes. Today the tax initiative seems to be untouchable
by politicians.
Under Prop 13, real property (your
house) is taxed at a rate of 1 percent of its assessed value, plus any local taxes and other
assessments, such as bond measures to fund
schools. A propertys assessed value is equal to
the fair market value of the property on the date
there is a change in ownership, plus an annual
inflation adjustment that may not exceed 2 percent of the prior years assessed value.
The effect of Proposition 13 has been
dramatic. Take your parents for example, who
may have purchased their home in 1972 for
$35,000. Because of Proposition 13, they currently pay less than $900 a year in property
taxes. Today, if you wanted to purchase the
home next door to your parents it might cost
$400,000 - and you would pay $4,000 a year
in property taxes. Why? Because a change in
ownership would trigger a reassessment. Fair
or not, those are the rules, and the rules are
complex and full of gotchas. A familys ability to hold on to real property so that it passes
down through successive generations often
hinges on whether a reassessment of property
taxes can be avoided.
Whenever a change of ownership occurs, meaning a deed is recorded at the county recorders office, a Preliminary Change of
Ownership Report (PCOR) must be filed. A
filed PCOR puts the county tax assessor machine into motion, and depending on the boxes

checked, you may or may not qualify for a tax

reassessment exclusion. If you do qualify, your
assessed tax base doesnt change. If you dont
qualify, your assessed tax base adjusts up or
down to match the propertys current fair market value.
So what are these exclusions? Well, if a
change in ownership occurred due to the addition or removal of a spouse, death of a spouse,
or divorce settlement, your assessed tax base
wont change. The same is true between domestic partners registered with the California
Secretary of State. Other exclusions include
transfers between parents and children, or between grandparents and grandchildren, but
only if the grandchilds parent is deceased. A
transfer into or out of a revocable living trust
is also excluded. However, to qualify for these
exclusions you must complete and file an ad-

ditional claim form, and submit supporting information, such as death certificates, marriage
certificates, copies of trusts, etc. Further, if you
dont file in a timely manner your claim could
be denied.
During the 34 years since Proposition
13 was enacted, property values have increased
by far more than the 2 percent maximum annual
increase permitted. As a result, the disparity between fair market value and the assessed value
of property has widened and the consequences
of triggering a property tax reassessment has
increased significantly. When contemplating
any change in ownership of real property, be
sure to seek professional advice. If you fail to
comply with the assessors rules, it could cost
you plenty.


Your monthly payroll donations helped provide:

Basic Living Expenses for Families in Need
Healthcare Coverage for Families in Need
Durable Medical Equipment to Disabled Firefighters
Memorial College Scholarships

December 2014 45

With Colon Cancer early

detection is key
The Relief PPO Medical Plan
covers your colonoscopy starting
at age 50, every 5 Years at 100%
when you use in-network providers.
Consult your personal physician about
scheduling your appointment today
*Plan coverage as of 7-1-14; all benefits subject to change.

Paid Advertisements:

46 December 2014

Even though we dont live in Los Angeles city,

we would like to express our appreciation for the
job you do.
Thank you,

Send your letters & comments to the editor at:


Dinko Klarin
Huntington Beach, CA

assistance in the future I will receive the same

excellent response.
Special thanks go to Jim Dolan and his staff.
Our son Bill, who is currently an engineer at
FS 102, would make a call and the next Day
whatever we needed appeared at our front door.
They work like a well-oiled machine, but one
with a very big heart.
Please accept this donation in memory of
Edward M. Holland husband, father and

L.A. Firemens Relief Assoc.

The Holland family

Connie, Bill, Debbie, Brianne, and Ashley

Please accept the enclosed donation in

memory of Jerry Johns. We worked together
at 14s. He was a great locker room leader. He
inspired me to do a good job.
God Bless,

This donation is to say thank you for the

use of the walker that my husband uses to help
him get around. Your care and concern for our
firefighters and their families is a wonderful
support and greatly appreciated.
Anna McAdam
Avila Beach, CA
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Assn.
Besides his family, there were two things my
husband, Ed Holland, was proud of his service
in the Navy and being a member of the LAFD.
Upon his death I realized why. The military
gave him a fitting memorial and on call to the
Relief Assn. took care of many of the needs we
had during his illness, followed by instant help
when he passed. Likewise, as an LAFD widow,
I feel a great deal of comfort knowing if I need

Dear LA Firemens Relief Assn:

Having received numerous out of town
appeals for donations, we asked our local LAFD
for advice. We were directed to offer a donation
to you this made good sense to us! Please
use the enclosed check as you find appropriate.
Thank you for your diligence.
Bill & Karla Richards
North Hollywood, CA
To whom it may concern,
Enclosed you will find a check for a donation
to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens
Fund in honor of Jerry Johns, retired Los Angeles
Firefighter, who passed away September 26,
2014, after battling a long series of illnesses.

Rick and Vivian Gillette

Simi Valley, CA
Dear Relief Association
The enclosed donation is in honor of Gene
Farrington and Tom Laski, whom I worked with
in the Fire Prevention Bureau. Their work ethic
and dedication to the job was exemplary. I owe
them a debt of gratitude for their kindness and
support; they were a credit to the Department.
Bill Wakeland
Cedar Glen, CA
To whom it may concern,
This donation comes to you as it was dear to
my aunts DeDe Walser heart. My cousin
Ted Nonini will also be pleased. She was a great
person that could always make a crowd laugh.
And she will be missed.
Jenny Walser
Valencia, CA
I am sending this in the memory of Jerry
Johns. He was a determined competitor in all
he did and was the same in his battle with his
health. I enjoyed his friendship on and off the
job. Mary and I wish the family and especially
his devoted wife Jill lots of peace.
Gary Klasse
San Clemente, CA

December 2014 47

Saturday, december 6 th , 2014

12pm - 4pm

This year we honor the work

and dedication of

LA Firemens Relief Association

815 Colorado Blvd. - 4th floor

Los Angeles CA 90041

contact: -- 323.259.5215
48 December 2014

Claude A. Griggs, Fireman.
Appointed June 16, 1952.
Retired on a service pension August 31, 1972 from FS 53-B. Passed away October 1, 2014.
Gilbert E. Nash, Fire Inspector.
Appointed August 26, 1946.
Retired on a service pension June 1, 1975 from FPB. Passed away October 17, 2014.
Richard A. Arlt, Fireman.
Appointed June 27, 1959.
Retired on a disability pension December 31, 1962 from FPB HYDRANTS. Passed away October 17, 2014.
Antoni Kwapinski, Apparatus Operator.
Appointed December 2, 1947.
Retired on a service pension January 1, 1973 from FS 105-B. Passed away October 24, 2014.
KeNNeth J. CloRe Jr., FireFighter iii.
Appointed octoBeR 17, 1970.
RetiRed on A seRvice pension June 30, 2006 fRom fs 39. Passed away OctOber 26, 2014.
Frederick K. Yager, Engineer.
Appointed December 2, 1947.
Retired on a service pension July 1, 1973 from FS 27-C. Passed away October 29, 2014.
Arnett L. Hartsfield, Fireman.
Appointed November 18, 1940.
Retired on a service pension January 23, 1961 from FS 45. Passed away October 31, 2014.

Bette J. Thompson, spouse of Bruce N. Thompson, passed away October 13, 2014.
Amanda C. Peak, spouse of John F. Romero, passed away October 15, 2014.
Mary V. Dudley, surviving spouse of Darrell R. Dudley, passed away October 15, 2014.
Careth (Cathy) Lilly, spouse of Leroy M. Lilly, passed away October 17, 2014.
Lucille V. Ruh, spouse of Joseph P. Ruh, passed away October 18, 2014.
Dolores Mc Guinness, spouse of Patrick T. Mc Guinness, passed away October 19, 2014.
Vivian M. Dunham, surviving spouse of Mervel J. Dunham, passed away October 28, 2014.
Allie D. Alexander, surviving spouse of James B. Alexander, passed away October 30, 2014.

December 2014 49

Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS

LAFD History - Firemen Save 18 Lives in Baldwin Hills Flood

n the afternoon of December 14th,

1963, improbable tragedy struck the
Baldwin Hills section of Los Angeles.
Lost homes, ruined property and even death
flooded downward on a broad river of rushing water from the broken dam at the head of
Cloverdale Road. Automobiles, fragments of
houses, and chunks of concrete were rolled and
jammed like logs down the flume of the floods
path and deposited in incongruous heaps on
the ruins of Village Green, which minutes before had been a quiet, relaxed apartment community.

In the rushing disaster unwary residents were trapped. On roofs, in second floor
rooms, on small insecure islands of debris, they
signaled desperately for help.

And help was swift to come. Distinguished among the rescuers were Fire Department members who reported to the scene. Their
training, courage and knowledge of how to act
in emergency situations made their help more
significant than that of any other agency.

Unique in the rescue effort was the
work of the three helicopter pilots dispatched
to the scene: Fireman Theodore M. Bud Nelson - Crash 90-C, Fireman Ross H. Reynolds
- Crash 90-B and Fireman Howard L. Payne
- Crash 90-C.

The story is best introduced by excerpts
from the official report of Battalion Chief Lynn
W. Nelson.

Eighteen persons were rescued and
flown out to a safe location . . . at least six of
these, and quite possibly more, could not have
been rescued in any other way and would have
been lost except for the fire dept. helicopter.

Mr. Don Sides, KTLA-TV helicopter pilot and broadcaster, was flying over the flood
area during almost all of the rescue operations.
He personally saw and reported on much of the
activity of the fire dept. helicopter. Mr. Sides is
a helicopter pilot of long standing and fully appreciated the hazards and flying problems involved. In conversation with him he stated that
he saw the fire dept. helicopter go into places
and makes rescues under conditions that required not only a very high degree of skill and
flying efficiency but a great deal of courage to
even attempt. He felt that no other pilot present, and certainly not himself, had the training

50 December 2014

and the ability to make the rescues performed

by our pilots.

From Firemen Ross H. Reynolds report: Two elderly women were spotted in the
Baldwin Hills Village area clinging to the top
of a six foot fence. The helicopter landed on
a garage roof approximately seventy five feet
from the women. Fireman Nelson remained in
the helicopter while I proceeded with a lifeline
toward the victims. The water at this point was
five feet deep and flowing very swiftly . . . .

Describing another incident the report
reads: There was no problem in finding people who needed assistance, only in determining where the need was the greatest. A woman
was observed on a front porch waving frantically. It was possible to land the helicopter
about two hundred feet north of her location
on what remained of a front yard. The streets
and sidewalks no longer existed, only rushing
water. Upon reaching the woman, she
informed me that she was a nurse and
had a heart patient who needed immediate attention . . .I carried the patient
to the landing site . . .

From another portion of Reynolds report: With Firemen Payne
riding as observer, we returned to the
stranded people and made a landing
on the roof of a two story apartment
building. Fireman Payne left the helicopter and leaned over the edge of
the roof to reach two infants who were
handed to him . . .

And another . . . At 5:10 p.m. a man
was observed at a second floor window unable
to get out because of debris piled against the
door. The building was crumbling and
only three walls remained. A landing
was made on a sandbar, surrounded
by swift flood waters, in a courtyard
adjacent to the building . . . Fireman
Payne left the helicopter to assist the

Most dramatic of all is the report of Fireman Bud Nelson. In a few
short paragraphs the rescue drama
unfolds. Bud had sighted people in
distress, and returned from a mission
to rescue them: When I arrived over
the garage, his report states, the part where

I originally thought I might be able to land had

collapsed and was under water . . . The part of
the garage that still looked strong enough to
land on had trees on the north and east sides
and the limbs hung over the garage just enough
so that there was not enough room for the rotor
blades to clear. I decided to gamble a little as
the water was still getting deeper (about 8 or
9 feet deep by now). I hovered in very slowly
from the southwest corner of the garage with
my skids about 1 to 2 feet above the roof and
started to clip the smaller lower branches from
the trees with the rotor blades. I was finally
able to move in far enough to get a solid place
for the skids...

Two older women were up to their
shoulders in mud and water and hanging on to
a patio wall by the apartment next to the garage. The patio partially protected them from
the very swift current, but they were in serious

The break in the Baldwin Hills dam rapidly grew,

discharging water down the hill into the area below
including flooding Fire Station 94.

Water flowing through the dwellings located just

below the dam.

trouble and needed help soon to survive. I left

a man on the garage roof and returned for him

Nelson flew two of the victims to the top
of the dam site, and then his report continues:
Fireman Pilot Ross Reynolds (with whom I
had made previous arrangements before leaving Van Nuys Airport) met me at this time and
I told him about the two old ladies in the water. He quickly obtained a rope and although
attired in expensive civilian slacks, shoes and
white shirt volunteered to make the rescue attempt. When we reached the garage again
Reynolds helped the man into the helicopter
and immediately went to the rescue of the two
older women...

As soon as I dropped off the man I
returned to the garage roof and clipped a few
more branches while trying to find a good solid
spot to land because this time I could see that I
would have to get out of the helicopter to help
Reynolds. By the time I had landed, Reynolds
had the older of the two women inside of the
patio and was lifting the other one into the
patio. The water was still up to their arm pits,
but the current was not bothering them inside
the patio. I dont know just how Reynolds got
over to them in the first place because all I remember seeing was a torrent of water racing
between the garage and the back of the patio
fence when he got out of the helicopter. When
I got out of the helicopter to help a lot of floating rubble had lodged between the garage and
the apartment against a tree and the patio wall.
I worked my way across this to where I could
reach the older of the two women, and then we
started back to the garage.

There is more - much more - that tells of
resourcefulness and devotion to the saving of
lives. To sum up, Chief Nelsons report says it

May I call to your attention, he says,
that these rescues involved not only the flying hazards but, in many cases, the problem of
rescuing the victims from the water before getting them to the helicopter. Our men, with ropes
tied to them, actually allowed themselves to be
swept out by the swift current to a position for
rescue of victims. I do not differentiate between
the men on specific rescues because each man
risked his life several times during the day . . .

It is my opinion that these men - Reynolds, Nelson, and Payne - not only proved beyond doubt the value and efficiency of our helicopter program and the training that has gone
into it, but that they displayed a dedication to
their profession and a courage that was beyond
the normal call of duty. They each placed their
lives on the line time and time again, without
regard to their own safety to save the lives of
citizens of this city, and were successful in so

Water Tower and the 1938 American LaFrance

Engine and now after many years they all run.
The 1938 American LaFrance Engine is in the
process of restoration. In November our 1910
Seagrave Anderson returned to the Museum
after months of work to restore it. A complete
story will be in the January article.


The cover of the 1968 Firemens Grapevine shows

LAFD Pilot Ross Reynolds explaining the use of the
Stokes litter basket on the Bell 47 helicopter.

Thanks to two of our great HS volunteers almost all of the apparatus in the Hollywood Museum are in running condition (including the horse drawn rigs). Tim McHenry
and Johnny Garcia have been working hard on
the 1917 Model T, the1964 Crown Manifold
(Wagon 17), the 1977 Pontiac, the 1905 Gorter

Our National Historic Landmark Fireboat The Ralph J. Scott turned 89 years old
on October 20th. We had a party for it in the
tent with cake and refreshments hosted by
the LAFD Historical Society and our fireboat
volunteers. We received a beautiful birthday
proclamation certificate from Councilman Buscaiano and another from Elise Swanson, CEO
of the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. Also
thanks to the members of Fire Station 112 for
their support.

The fireboat is an icon of the Harbor
and each year we should remember its beginning in San Pedro and its retirement after 78
years of continuous service. It is a privilege for
those of us who are working on the restoration
project to bring it back to what it was in 2003
to get it ready for its future re-location into its
own museum. This major restoration project is
funded through donations to the LAFD Historical Society with the work done by volunteers.

With the end of World War I and the
Panama Canal open to shipping the Los Angeles harbor, the fire department embarked on a
period of extensive expansion and prosperity.
The Chief Engineer was Ralph J. Scott, a man

A proud moment for Johnny Garcia on the

left and Tim McHenry having just started
the 1938 American LaFrance Engine.

Engine 31 with a 1938 American LaFrance. Ours is a rare apparatus with the
LAFD having only four of this type.

This article appeared in the February, 1964

issue of the Firemans Grapevine.

December 2014 51

who was soon to become one of the most progressive fire chiefs in the nation for his ability
to take advantage of every trend and opportunity to upgrade the department. With Chief
Scotts support, a $2.5 million bond issue was
passed in 1922 providing for 14 new fire stations including three more in the harbor area
and a new fireboat. This was in an era of large
capacity fireboats. Every port worth its salt
wanted a fireboat capable of dealing with the
kind of disaster potential encountered in an active harbor.

Construction of a new large fireboat for
Los Angeles began and on October 20, 1925,
L.A. Fireboat Number 2 was launched at Los
Angeles Shipbuilding and Dry dock (later
known as Todd Ship yard) in San Pedro at a
cost of $214,000. Mrs. Scott christened the
vessel L.A. City No. 2 by breaking a bottle
of fire-fighting foam across its bow. At 99 feet
and a pumping capacity of 10,200 gallons per

minute, Boat 2 was a beautifully engineered

riveted wrought steel, gasoline powered vessel. With five large turrets and up to a 6-inch
nozzle tip, she had six pumps, three propellers,
nine engines and a 44 foot high elevating turret, the first of its kind in the nation. She had a
top speed of 17 knots and a crew of 14 LAFD
members. The large 8-inch monitor known as
Big Bertha could throw more than 10,000
gallons per minute in a 6-inch stream of water
hundreds of feet with devastating force.

Coincidently during the month of October, new Fireboat 2 The Warner Lawrence
was involved in a major emergency wooden
wharf fire with all five of the LAFD boats operating at this 36 hour battle at Berth 177. The
first really Big One for the Lawrence and
a historic LAFD event. The Scott had a few
historic wharf fires during its tour of duty in the

Our Fireboat volunteers received an 89th

Birthday Certificate from Councilman Buscaianos Office.

Five years after its launch, Fireboat No. 2 patrols the LA harbor. The boat was modernized
through the years prolonging its service life to
78 years.

Calendar for December 2014

* Fridays from 0800 to 1200 are work days on the Ralph J. Scott Fireboat
52 December 2014

Current LAFDHS Planned Events 2015

Annual LAFDHS Volunteer of the Year
LAFD 129th Year Anniversary
St. Patricks Day Event
San Pedro Chamber of Commerce Mixer at
the Ralph J. Scott
HS Annual Pancake Breakfast
L.A. Wood Car Show, San Pedro
LAFD Retired Member Luncheon
Museum 27
Port of LA Cars & Stripes Forever
Ralph J. Scott Fundraiser Party
Annual 9-11 Memorial at LAFD Fallen Firefighters Memorial, 9/11
LAFD Memorial at LAFD Fallen Firefighters Memorial,
Fireboat 2 Ralph J. Scott 90th Birthday
Marine Corps Birthday at Museum 27,
Mon. 11/10
HS Annual Holiday Party at Museum 27

The Hollywood Museum is located in Old
Fire Station 27 at 1355 No. Cahuenga, Hollywood,
CA 90028. The Harbor Museum is located in San
Pedro City Hall at 638 S. Beacon St., San Pedro CA

Anyone interested in joining our great cause
by becoming a member, or volunteering to work, or
make a donation of money or an LAFD item may contact us by mail:
LAFDHS Museum & Memorial
1355 No. Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: 323 464 2727. But remember we are currently
staffed part time, so leave a message and we will return your call. The fax number is 323-464-7401. Our
E-mail is: Web site at www. If you want to look at some great
LAFD history check and check the
LAFD web site for information and events at www. We look forward to hearing from you and
seeing you at the Museum.
The Los Angeles Fire Department Historical Society
is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) organization.

Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund

November 2014


Ralph C. Rook

EDWARD & ANNA MC ADAM for the use of



LEGION in remembrance of 9-11

DEBRA D. ROBINSON in memory of Ed Holland

Gene Fairington & Tom Laski
JAMES D. ENGEL in memory of Ed Holland from
his Nebraska relatives - Leacock & Stice Families

STEVEN & SUSAN BRAY in memory of

Ed Holland
Barbara Nelson
MELANIE ALLEN in memory of Glen Allen
CRAIG FUJIMOTO in memory of
Capt. II Joseph A. Everett
BUZZ GUNNARSON in memory of Dennis Thorn
JAMES HORIMOTO in memory of Joseph Everett


Ed Holland


of Irene Auntie Englund

FIRE STATION NO. 114 from the

Fire Extinguisher Fund


Dennis Thorn

BETTY L. EARLEY in memory of

Patricia J. Baker

KATHLEEN WARK in memory of

Capt. II Joseph A. Everett


Ed Holland
RUTH R. PETTY in memory of Keith Wilson
Ted Noninis mom
Jerry Johns
BREAKFAST CLUB from the Simi Valley
Breakfast Club
Dennis D. Thorn

P.O. Box 41903
Los Angeles CA

FIRE STATION NO. 61 from the

Fire Extinguisher Fund
BRUCE N. TANNER in memory of Edward
Holland from the Tanner, Reick & Ortiz Families
FIRE STATION NO. 56 from the
Fire Extinguisher Fund

(800) 244-3439


December 2014 53


October 1, 2014
President Juan Albarran called the meeting
of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Association to order at 10:32

seconded. There was no further discussion or


materials and asked Trustees to encourage

members to read their packets.

Motion carried to ratify and dispense with

the reading of the minutes of the Board of
Trustees held September 3, 2014.

3) Todd Layfer reported on the FRITS 2.0

conversion and stated that we are making good
progress and some areas are running and fully



Juan Albarran, President
Robert Steinbacher, Vice President
Andrew Kuljis, Secretary
Trustee James Coburn
Trustee Jeff Cawdrey
Trustee David Peters
Trustee Chris Hart
Trustee Rick Godinez
Trustee Steve Tufts
Trustee Craig White
Trustee Steve Berkery
Trustee Doak Smith
Trustee Mark Akahoshi
Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension
Trustee Tim Larson Pension
Trustee David Lowe Pension
Todd Layfer - Executive Director
Liberty Unciano Controller-Treasurer

Juan Albarran provided an update on the 7470

Figueroa building and reported that the plans
have been approved and are now out for bid. He
stated that we should receive the final bids by
October 21st for review and will get approval
for the construction budget on October 23rd.
He mentioned that the remaining tenant has
not responded to our offers so we will begin
working around their area. He indicated that we
have requested a lease extension of two months
to the Credit Union.

Trustee Gene Bednarchik (Excused)
Trustee Tyler Tomich (Excused)
Trustee Francisco Hernandez (Excused)
Trustee Chris Stine (Excused)
Trustee Steven Domanski (Excused)
Trustee David Ortiz (Excused)
Trustee Steve Ruda (Excused)
Dave Wagner, Grapevine Editor
Bob Olsen, L.A. Retired Fire & Police
Tom Stires, Retired
Jim Dolan, Asst. Secretary

INVOCATION & Flag Salute
Rick Godinez led the invocation. Steve Ruda
led the flag salute.
Juan Albarran entertained a motion to ratify
and dispense with the reading of the minutes of
the Board of Trustees meeting held September
3, 2014. David Peters so moved. Tim Larson

54 December 2014


4) Todd Layfer presented the Financial

Expenditure Review compared to the budget
for the six months ending in June. He stated
that the main revenue sources are running on
target. He stated both Hope for Firefighters and
Golf were very successful. He indicated that the
medical benefits paid to members are running
below budget however, the pharmaceuticals are
running ahead of budget. He reported that the
Operating Expenses are running on target. He
reviewed the investment balances as of August
and it shows that they are performing well.
Overall, expenditures and income are pacing
close to the budget.

1) Bob Steinbacher reported on the L.A. Kings

Fest and stated that it was a successful event.
He indicated that the L.A. Kings have sent a
check for the WODFF in the amount of $2,400.


2) Bob Steinbacher asked if anyone wanted to

attend the Sacramento Memorial on October

The committee recommends and I so move to

terminate Stralem & Co., EII Global Property
Fund., London Co. and fund Silvercrest SCV,
Neumeier Poma and Fiduciary. He stated that
London Co. funds will go to Silvercrest and
Neumeier Poma; Stralem funds will go to
Fiduciary, St. James and Symons; EII funds
will be split to Titan, FPA, Southwest Partners
and maybe RCP Fund 10. There was no further
discussion or objections.

3) Bob Steinbacher referred to the IFEBP

conference in Boston and discussed the agenda
for the conference including meetings with
some of our vendors.
1) Todd Layfer reported on the Golf Tournament
and indicated that we had the most successful
day of revenue since 2008 and raised $34,100,
which is a 48% increase from last year. He
reported that the silent auction brought in $21K.
He indicated that we had more golfers this year
as well as more attractive merchandise for the
silent auction.
2) Todd Layfer informed the Board that Open
Enrollment will begin on October 13th and go
through November 7th. He indicated that the
open enrollment materials are currently being
printed and will be mailed out by October 6th.
He reported that there will be many changes
and detailed information in the open enrollment

Bob Steinbacher presented the following


Motion carried to terminate Stralem & Co.,

EII Global Property Fund and London Co.
and move funds to Silvercrest, Neumeier
Poma and Fiduciary, St. James and Symons
as stated.
The committee recommends and I so move that
after October 23rd, they move 33% of PIMCO
assets to another fund manager. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to move 33% of PIMCO assets
to another fund manager after October 23rd.

Jeff Cawdrey presented the following motions.

The committee recommends and I so move to
pay the usual and customary bills in the amount
of $887,565.32. There was no discussion or

Motion carried to accept all applications to

the Medical Plan.
James Coburn presented the following motion.

Motion carried to pay the usual and customary

bills in the amount of $887,565.32.

The committee recommends and I so move to


The committee recommends and I so move

to pay the professional fees in the amount
of $58,389.72. There was no discussion or

The Sick & Injury benefits in the amount of

The Estate Planning benefit in the amount of
The Life & Accident Death Benefit in the
amount of $12,000
The Relief Death Benefits in the amount of

Motion carried to pay the professional fees in

the amount of $58,389.72.
The committee recommends and I so move
to approve $500 for the USC pre-game for
refreshments for the Wounded Warrior Group.
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve $500 for the USC
pre-game refreshments for the Wounded
Warrior Group.
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve $500 for the LAFD Historical Society
Fallen Firefighter Memorial. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve $500 for the
LAFD Historical Society Fallen Firefighter
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve $250 for the Metro Fire Center Station
Grand Opening. There was no discussion or
Motion carried to approve $250 for the MFC
station Grand Opening.
Todd Layfer informed the Board that they will
be searching for new disaster recovery space.
He indicated that currently, the disaster space
is with one of our vendors. He stated that they
will report back to the Board once they find
suitable space.
David Peters presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move to
accept the applications to the Medical Plan.
There was no discussion and no objections.

The committee recommends and I so move

to approve the emergency advancement
applications for active and retired members.
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve the emergency
advancement applications for active and
retired members.
Andy Kuljis indicated that the Group 3 Trustees
would be up for this election. He reported that
California Elections is ready to print the Bylaw
changes and those candidate names running
for Trustee positions. He indicated that all
announcements will be placed in the Grapevine
and website.

There was no discussion or objections.


Motion carried to pay the above Relief


David Lowe indicated that the Bylaw changes

has been approved by the Board and will be
sent out to the membership during the election
for ratification.

James Coburn read the names of members who

recently passed and asked for a moment of
silence from the Board.
Daryl D. Rohloff
Robert D. Patterson
Robert W. Karger
Richard W. Matthes
James Coburn presented the following motions.
The committee recommends and I so move to
accept the donations in the amount of $3,433.13
to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens
Fund. There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to accept the donations in the
amount of $3,433.13 to the Widows, Orphans
& Disabled Firemens Fund.
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve the financial assistance applications for
surviving spouses, active and retired members.
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to approve the financial
assistance applications for surviving spouses,
active and retired members.
James Coburn presented the following motion.

1) SIIA Conference Arizona October 5 7
2) LAFRA Committee Meeting Thursday
October 23rd
3) LAFD Fallen Firefighter Memorial
October 11th
4) IFEBP Annual Conference (Boston)
October 12th 15th
5) Mayo Classic October 22nd
6) LAFRA Open House December 6th

1) Jorge Ostrovsky October 4th Jorges House
2) Raul Miranda October 18th The Odyssey
3) Daniel Mattera November 16th Old FS
27s Fire Museum
Juan Albarran entertained a motion to adjourn
in memory of Jerry Johns. David Peters so
moved. Chris Hart seconded. There was no
discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to adjourn in memory of
Jerry Johns. The Board of Trustees meeting
adjourned at 11:28 a.m.

Juan Albarran, President

December 2014 55

56 December 2014

For advertising information, please contact:
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 -
Dave Wagner -


wife Sue Fries - Termite Lady.

(818) 652-7171.

FIAT COLLECTORS. Check this out.

1977 Fiat X19 Bertone convertible
stored for years. New tires less than
80,000 miles looks and runs good.
Needs smog, pump and bracket for
California driving. $4500 OBO. (760)
878-2269 (Independence CA). Leave
message. Sorry no agents.

BUSY BEAVER TREE AND LANDSCAPE. Tree trimming and removal,

stumpgrinding, and firewood sales.
Mixed firewood, eucalyptus and oak.
Delivery available or pick up. Licensed and insured. Dwayne Kastor,
FS 63-B - (818) 535-6368.

PROJECT CARS. 1940 Ford 2-door

and 4-door sedans. 1939 deluxe
2-door sedan. 1941 Ford 123 inch
wheelbase railway express agency
truck. 1954 mercury hardtop, 1957
Ford hardtop. 1961 T-Bird convertible. Miscellaneous parts and sheet
metal. Contact Jim McPherson LAFD
retired (805) 501-8102 or email

DEALER - DOJRS background
checks, FFL transfers, handgun
safety certificate, consignment sales,
gun registration and personal transfers. Personal firearms instructor,
tactical casualty management and
gunsmithing. All handguns and long
guns must be listed on the California
DOJ for sale roster. Call Bill Evans active LAFD (714) 330-9825 email:

GREAT HOME in gated neighborhood on Lake Hartwell, South
Carolina. Located in a gated
neighborhood, has a dock in place
on deep water. Home features five
bedrooms and five bathrooms with
master on main. Kitchen has granite
countertops and stainless steel
appliances. There are two decks on
that is screened in. There is an additional 2300 square feet in basement
partially finished. Easy walk to lake.
$649,900. 105 Chapelwood Drive,
Anderson, South Carolina. www.

WILLAHAN (LAFD wife) for any real
estate needs. Donation to fire-related
organizations and/or help with some
escrow fees with every closed sale!
Specializing in Orange County, parts
of Los Angeles/Riverside Counties. Lender information available.
Century 21 Award, BRE #00966984.
(949) 293-2401
Termite & Pest Control - ECOLA
Ecological Solutions. Smart choices,
simple solutions. Problem solved.
Call for FREE termite estimate or
pest quotes over the phone - escrow
and inspections excluded. Fireman


New construction and remodel.
Acoustic ceiling removal. Spray texture and hand textures. Greg Avery
(805) 320-8311 or Mark Avery (805)
Licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr.
Susan Purrington specializes in anxiety, depression, relational difficulties,
eating disorders, spiritual or personal
growth, marital conflict, family of
origin issues. Find a supportive
and confidential place for healing
and growth. Located in Old Towne
Orange. Questions or consultation:
AIR - Free estimates, residential,
commercial. Great rates for LAFD
and LAPD. Toll free (877) 891-1414,
(661) 298-3070, FAX (661) 2983069. State License No. 527114
Call us when a loved one passes,
moves to a nursing facility or
downsizes. Our professional staff
can handle every aspect of estate
liquidation. We have worked with
many fire families and are here to
help. Rebecca Martin, LAFD wife
(818) 216-3637
INC. A complete landscape service

A-Z. Sod irrigation / stamped

concrete / driveways / patio cover /
low voltage lighting / artificial turf /
rockscapes / walls. FREE landscape
design. Free estimates. Serving all
Southern CA. Eric Mendoza 96-B
(760) 221-1912. Call or text. CA Lic
# 807078.
Bonded & insured
& ROCK YARD. All your landscape
materials @ wholesale prices. Trees
/ plants / decorative rock / boulders /
firewood / sod / artificial turf. Delivery
available. Located in Victorville CA.
(760) 243-9500
com Your 1 stop shop!
ITS TAX TIME AGAIN! Specializing in Firefighter and Paramedic
Returns, Electronic Filing available,
year round bookkeeping and accounting, business and partnership
returns, payroll. All computerized
processing with over 30 years experience. Call early for an appointment around your schedule. Robert
Sanchez LAFD-OCD retired (818)
367-7017, cell (818) 216-1040.
Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park,
Moorpark, Simi Valley, Camarillo,
Ventura and the San Fernando
Valley. Homes, lots, commercial and
investment properties. Over 20 years
experience. Please call me with
your real estate questions and also
request your activity reports for your
area. Mike Rhodes - Prudential California Realty. Realtor - BRE License
0177388. LAFD retired. Cell (805)
501-6044. Email:
Dont lose thousands of dollars during your professional career to taxes!
prepare your tax return. We specialize in tax preparation and financial
planning for firefighters. We offer a
FREE REVIEW of your last three
years of tax returns. Call us today at
(800) 573-4829 or visit us at
replacement windows & Patio doors.
I also carry aluminum, wood and
entry door systems. Rick Brandelli,
Capt. LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 6676676.

BIG BEAR CABIN - All season,
restful views from decks. Two story,
sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus
miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood,
cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen,
completely furnished except linens.

Pets ok. $100/$110 (two day minimum). $550/$650 a week, Beep or

Donna Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475.
BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom,
2 bath, 2 story. Sleeps 6-8. About
6 miles from ski slopes & lake.
Fireplace/wood, cable, full kitchen
- furnished. $100 per night M - Th.
$110 per night F-Sun. Weekly available. Sheri (909) 851-1094 or (760)
lakeside townhouse, 2 bedrooms,
3 baths, 2 cable TVs, HBO, DVD,
WiFi, 2 wood burning fireplaces,
laundry room, tennis court, indoor
pool, sauna, spa, boat dock. Fully
equipped, including all linens. Sleeps
6. 310-541-8311 or email:
BIG BEAR CABIN - Sugarloaf Cozy upgraded 2 bedroom cabin.
Sleeps 8. Fireplace, deck, Wifi internet and cable TV. On a large lot
with sled hill. Fully furnished except
linens. $125 Winter $100 summer.
Details and availability, Call/text/
email Jessica (949) 874-5294
2 bedroom, 2 bath. Three blocks
to beach, five blocks to downtown.
Sleeps 8 - Monthly rentals only completely furnished - cable + WiFi.
( - 603800 - search). Jill
Johns (805) 490-8196.
COTTAGE - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath,
one block to beach, view, fully
equipped housekeeping unit. Marci
(818) 347-6783 or Clarence (310)
MIRAGE (near Palm Springs). 2 bed,
2 bath. Fully furnished condo, TV,
internet, pools and spas. Gated community from $115/night. 3 bed from
$125/night. No smoking. Barbara
(626) 798-2484.
BEACH CONDO. 180-degree ocean
front view, 1 bedroom, 1 1/4 bath,
living room, sofa bed, outdoor patio
ocean front view. Morro Bay/ Hearst
Castle, Central California Area.
Steps to beach and fishing pier.
Nearby public golf & tennis. Weekly
or monthly. Contact Sondra (818)
cabin with Carson Peak view. Close
to fishing & skiing. Furnished, wood
deck, equipped kitchen, wood burning stove, tree swing, cable /DVD/
phone. Garage/ample parking. $95/
night plus cleaning fee. Email for
pictures. Jeff Easton 93-A (805) 2175602.

December 2014 57


CABIN. Charming 2-story with creek,
large deck, two baths, complete
kitchen, TV/VCR/DVD, fireplace,
washer & dryer. Walk to Blue Jay
Village. Sleeps 8. $90/night. NO
PETS! Bruce or Sue Froude, (805)
LAKE HAVASU LANDING-Waterfront, steps to the water. Boat mooring out front, off-road desert behind
house. 3 bed/3 bath, fully furnished
w/linens. Direct TV/DVR, BBQ, Casino, Grocery/Meat Market, Launch
Ramp, Marina with Boat House,
Gated Community. No pets/smoking.
$350 Dan Cook 310 418 1577.
RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft.
Fully furnished with all amenitiesLaundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3
car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from
launch ramp. Close to downtown
shops & restaurants. View of the
lake. Quiet street in good neighborhood. No pets. No smoking. Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) 510-6246
gated community. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2
bath, large loft. 3minute drive to main
marina in Oak Shores. Large flat
driveway. Fully equipped kitchen,
BBQ, washer/dryer, TV/DVD. No
cable. No pets/smoking. $185/night.
3 night minimum. Call Ben (805)
MAMMOTH - 1 bedroom Summit
condo, sleeps 6. Convenient underground garage parking. Jacuzzis,
gym (pool/tennis in summertime),
shuttle right outside! Across from
Eagle Lodge, Winter $110 per night,
Summer $80 per night plus $65
cleaning fee and 13% tax. All linens
included. Drew or Nancy Oliphant
(661) 513-2000 or email:
MAMMOTH CONDO. 1 Bed/ 1.25
Bath sierra manors condo. In town,
on shuttle route. Sleeps 4 easily.
Pets OK. Fully furnished with new
furniture/HDTV/WIFI Woodburning
fireplace. Hot Tub, sauna, W/D in
complex. Reduced rates for FFs
starting @100/nt
Ryan (310) 717 8483 for more info/
MAMMOTH CONDO. 2 bedroom, 2
bath, sleeps 6. Near Canyon Lodge.
Newly remodeled recreation room
with pool and spa. Laundy facilities,
condo has been beautifully remodeled. Photos available on website.
Winter - $300 per night, Summer
- $150 per night. $150 cleaning fee.
Call for holiday terms and pricing.
Joseph Angiuli (626) 497-5083.

58 December 2014


2 bedroom & large loft, 3 full baths,
sleeps 8. 5 minute walk to Canyon
Lodge. Fully furnished, TVs, VCR/
DVD, pool, spa, rec room, sauna,
linens included. Winter $175 weekdays, $195-weekends/holidays;
summer $125, plus cleaning. No
smoking; no pets. Craig Yoder (909)
MAMMOTH CONDO Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI,
3 TVs, pool, spa, walk to shuttle,
Old Mammoth area. Winter $115,
Summer $90, plus cleaning fee $139
and 14% city tax. Includes linens.
No pets, no smoking. Call (310)
MAMMOTH CONDO - 2 bdrm, 2
bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool,
jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept linens.
Near shuttle/chair 15. Winter $125/
night. Weekends and Holidays $110
midweek. Summer $95/night. $495/
week. No smoking. No pets. Jim
Johnson (818) 992-7564, FS 80C.
ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, sleeps 10,
fully furnished, 2 TVs, DVDs, WiFi,
towels/linens, fireplace. Full kitchen.
Walk to Gondola Village and shuttle.
Complex has pool, spa, sauna,
laundry. Winter $335/night, Summer
$215/night, plus cleaning. Includes
city bed tax. No pets, no smoking.
Dory Jones (310) 918-0631 or Kelly
Corcoran (310) 619-5355
MAMMOTH CONDO rental. Large
2bed/2bath winterset condo. Fully
furnished, across from Vons, on
shuttle route, easily sleeps 8. Hot
tub, heated pool, sauna, full size in
unit W/D HDTV/WiFi throughout,
woodburning fireplace, pets OK
from $150/night
Ryan @ (310) 717-8483
MAMMOTH CONDO - Sierra Manors
Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath.
Fully furnished except linens. 2 TVs/
VCR/DVD, stereo/CD. Dishwasher,
microwave, sauna, jacuzzi, pool. No
smoking/No Pets. Shuttle at door.
Winter $155/night, Summer $100/
night, Plus $80 cleaning fee and City
Bed Tax. Brian & Karen Salvage
LAFD Retired (805) 499-7752.
MAMMOTH LAKES - One bedroom,
extremely charming wildflower condo. Full amenities, close to shuttle.
Antiques, art, satellite TV, fireplace.
Sleeps 4. Winter $110, Summer $85
plus cleaning fees. Call Bill Clark
(818) 371-6722
MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET: Studio/loft, 2 bath, king bed, sleeps 4.
Full kitchen, TV, VCR, DVD. Garage
parking. Walk to Canyon Lodge. Ski

back wall. 2 night minimum. Winter

$100/nite, $126 Fri, Sat & Holidays.
Summer $50/nite. Plus $95 cleaning
& linens. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD Air
Ops (661) 254-5788.
to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft sleeps
4. Queen beds, full kitchen, 2 baths,
garage parking, TV, VCR, DVD.
Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite; Fri &
Sat $115/nite plus cleaning fee $100.
Non smoking complex. Joel Parker,
LAFD retired.
email: or
(213) 399-6534.
NAPILI BAY - 50 from water. Studios and 1 bedroom. Luxury furnishings + full kitchen. All the amenities!
Mauis best snorkeling/beach. All
island activities & Kapalua within 4
minutes. 5-day minimum, from $150
per night (regularly $310/night). Call
Sherrie or Bill for info/reservations
(805) 530-0007 or email: pmimaui@ or visit:
GONDOLA VILLAGE Fully furnished, three bedroom, two bath with
towels and linens, newly remodeled
kitchen, internet and cable TV, pool
and Jacuzzi. Walk to the gondola,
shops, restaurants and ski in on
the new comeback trail. Parking at
the front door. Winter: $250/night.
Summer $150/night. Holidays $300/
night. Cleaning is included. Call Mike
Whitehouse, Retired, 805-987-6122,
or Bruce Galien, Retired, 661-6457448, email:
MAUI CONDO 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS. Centrally located on beautiful Maalaea Bay. Excellent swimming
and snorkeling; white sandy beach.
Minutes from golf, tennis, fishing,
shopping, airport and resort areas.
Marsha Smith or Jeanne McJannet. Toll free (800) 367-6084. www.
- Napili Bay. Beautiful furnished
condo that sleeps 4. Lanai/balcony,
full kitchen, king bed, flat screen
TVs/DVD, ACs free WiFi (internet), complimentary maid service,
complimentary coffee every morning
and breakfast on Fridays. Special
firefighters discount - Best value in
West Maui! Nice pool & BBQ area
- Close to beach! (800) 336-2185
Don Sprenger - retired LAFD (949)
GETAWAY - 80 miles south of
Glacier Natl Park, in the foothills of
the Rockies, mountain and canyon
views. 1,000s of miles of trailheads,
fishing, etc. 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath,
dining, living, kitchen & washer/dryer.

SatTV, wireless internet. $125.00

night + cleaning. Call Dan (805) 2798143 or (#494959)
Mujeres, Cozumel - Exclusive member service and treatment. Visit to view various resorts
and amenities. Price is for one week,
two persons, any day travel and
includes airport transportation, massages and two tours. Price varies by
season. John @ (626) 757-5341 or
PALM DESERT-3 bed/2bath, one
level. New re-model, fully furnished
w/linens. Cable TV/DVR, Private
Patio, BBQ, Laundry, Garage, Gated
Community, two (Pools, Jacuzzis,
Tennis Courts). Near College of the
Desert. $175 Dan Cook 310 418
Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2 bath
plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable TV,
washer/dryer, microwave, woodburning stove. 7 minutes to casinos and
Heavenly. Located in Tahoe Paradise. $105 per night plus cleaning.
Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at (661)
250-9907 or (661) 476-6288.

Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor
Homes, with Double Slide Outs,
Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping
Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices
Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per
night. Serving family & friends of
LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs ask for
our 25% off weekly rental rates. Visit
us at or call 661714-7689 or 661-297-2398. ALSO
bedroom 2 bath with pool tables &

WANTED. License plate frame from
1986 Centennial Fire Department.
Call Blacky Blackwell (661) 268-0040

For advertising information, please contact:

Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 -
or visit our website at

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December 2014 59

We are privileged to have received gifts from these individuals and families. Other dedicated
members preferred to remain anonymous. Each has chosen to leave their legacy with the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Associations Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund.

Albert A. Spohler & Family

Frank Leavitt & the Leavitt Family

Alice Keillor

Gary & Mary Klasse

Alvin S. Weaver

Harold & Isabella Schargitz

Bernard Subkoski & Celeste Dickinson

James & Dorothy Loughran

Billie & Donna Strickland

Jerry & Nina Sullivan

Callahan Estate

Kurt Stabel

Carl & Janet Rasmusson

Leroy Estate

Claiborne Estate

Margaret Sharon McGuire

Denny & Donna Strong

Mary Anne Palmer

Don Cate

May C. Parks

Ernest C. Bilsland

Robert & Jean Board

Evalyn Mae Phillips

Ruth M. Miller

Frank C. Geyer

Ruthford Christensen Crandall

A non-profit 501(c)(3). Tax ID #95-6205446

60 December 2014

According to Jim Mills, who submitted the photo, That sixty
years surely went by fast! This is from June, 1954. Most of these guys
are gone, of course, but you may still know a few. This bunch had
among them future captains, chiefs and at least one Fireman of the
Year, the late Sam Ortega. Some of them even have had sons follow
them, finish serving their careers and retire. A few of those were Bill
Thost, Bob Howell and Al Sandusky.
Top row, left to right
Donald W. Weston, Charles T. Peterson, Jr., James G. Mills, Clifton G. Collins, Arthur D. Bowman, Edward E. Humphrey, William E.
Thost, Marvin E. Thomas.

Next to top row

Delbert C. Thompson, Robert V. Howell, James J. Dougherty, John
P. Pajchak, Jr., Douglas R. OBrien, Richard M. Lambine, Ronald C.
Robey, Servando (Sam) Ortega, Robert P. (Pat) Armstrong.
Second row from bottom
George A. (Al) Sandusky, Robert E. Wooden, then the five captains
- Ken Edwards, Henry Sawyer, James A. Brewer, George Adams, William L. Ingram, and then Edwin W. Tapert, William H. Dierck, Leo F.
Bottom row
Richard C. Kimball, Charles F. Fetterhoff, Jr., Richard B. Testa, Douglas
A. Morton, Charles; J. Nagel, William R. Switzer.

December 2014 61

CD Campaign_Grapevine Ad.pdf 1 11/5/2014 2:00:03 PM

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association

815 Colorado Blvd FL 4
Los Angeles CA 90041-1745

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