December 2014
December 2014
December 2014
Member Eligibility:
1. You must be an active member of the Club in good standings with at least 6 months of payroll deduction.
2. You must be an active or retired City or DWP employee.
3. You must be 18 years of age.
4. You must not have any outstanding balances on previous purchase programs.
PayCheck Direct is currently not available to LA County, State of CA, or LAUSD Club members.
2 December 2014
20th Annual Mayo Surf Classic
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Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.
NO. 04
Presidents Message ................................................................................05
Battalion News ..........................................................................................12
Retired Guys
CA Boxing Hall of Fame inductee ..........................................................23
Department in Action ................................................................................24
LAFD Handball
Simple Green U.S. Open ........................................................................28
LAFD Golf Club
The Annual Partners Championship ........................................................30
Kitchen Table Wisdom
Proper hoselays and developing rated members .....................................34
Station Fridge ...........................................................................................39
Retirement Dinner Announcements ........................................................41
Dollars & Sense
WODFF and Fire Family Foundation work together ..............................43
How to Avoid a Prop 13 Reassessment ...................................................45
Mailbox .....................................................................................................47
Memorials .................................................................................................49
LAFD History
Helicopter heroes at the1963 Baldwin Hills flood ...................................50
Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................54
Classifieds ................................................................................................57
Tailboard ................................................................................................61
December 2014 3
owned and published by the
Dave Wagner
Eric Santiago Creative
Juan-Carlos Snchez Project
David Vienna Web/Social Media
DisplayAdvertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260
Ryan Babroff, David Blaire, Doc DeMulle, Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin,
Steve Gentry, Juan Guerra, Brian Haimer, Gavin Kaufman, Ryan Ling, Rick McClure,
Mike Meadows, Lloyd Payne, Jeff Zimmerman, Yvonne Griffin, Laura Lichter.
Juan Albarran........................................................President
Robert Steinbacher .......................................Vice-President
Andrew Kuljis ........................................................Secretary
Barry Hedberg
Chris Hart
Chris Stine
Craig White
David Lowe
David Ortiz
David Peters
Doak Smith
Frank Hernandez
Gene Bednarchik
James E. Coburn
Jeff Cawdrey
Mark Akahoshi
Rick Godinez
Steve Berkery
Steve Ruda
Steve Tufts
Steven Domanski
Tim Larson
Tyler Tomich
To contact a chaplain,
Please call Senior Chaplain Rick Godinez at (661) 904-3050
or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920
Greg W. Gibson...................Chaplain
Danny Leon..........................Chaplain
George A. Negrete...............Chaplain
Aquil F. Basheer..................Chaplain
Tim Werle............................Chaplain
Hershy Z. Ten.......................Chaplain
Roger Fowble.....................Chaplain
Mark R. Woolf.....................Chaplain
Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Craig Poulson.....................Chaplain
Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ..............................................................(323) 259-5290
Todd Layfer Executive Director..............................(323) 259-5243
Becky Valverde Human Resources Administrator.....(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano Controller/Treasurer...................(323) 259-5225
Bob Dillon Operations Manager..............................(323) 259-5233
Marlene Casillas Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217
Ana Salazar Member Services Coordinator.............(323) 259-5223
HealthSCOPE Benefits
4 December 2014
The last month of 2014 is here! Your Relief Association
has a busy schedule that involves you. On the 6th of December is
our Open House at our offices here on Colorado Blvd. We want
to invite all our active and retired members and their families to
enjoy great food, catch up with old friends and honor the dedication and work of Ray Mayo.
Speaking of Ray Mayo . . . the Mayo surf classic was a
great success! That is if you measure success by families having
a great time, telling lies to old friends while eating some great
carne asada. We had some great weather down in Dana Point.
You could tell that the raffle items were very much sought after
as tickets sales were very brisk.
I am hoping that this event and its traditions are carried on
by the younger members who have assisted and attended previous Mayo classics.
The Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association is entrusted
to manage the organization through your trustees. This requires
that we keep our trustees educated and informed on the issues that
affect our association. These include current health plan changes,
investments and pension issues. Every year we seek out seminars
and training that would be beneficial to keep us in the know on
these issues. This year 10 trustees attended the IFEBP conference
in Boston. All of the items mentioned above
were covered in sessions at this conference.
The items are often covered in different degrees of complexity. This allows the rookie
trustees to start at the most basic of training.
Upon their return the trustees then present to
the Board a summary of what was learned
and what was covered that could improve the
governance and management of LAFRAs
varied responsibilities.
I recently had a chance to meet with
the Fire Family Foundation to discuss some
common concerns that we share. We spoke of
how we could assist one another in helping
our respective memberships. Currently we
have 5-6 people that we both are assisting in
one way or another (both agencies are helping many other people but these 5-6 are ones
we share). The F.F.F. has the capability to
Juan Albarran
(323) 259-5200
December 2014 5
6 December 2014
Back by popular demand, Ray Mayo
worked long and hard on this 20th go-round
of his Winter Longboard Classic. Ray, along
with his friend and fellow LAFD member, the
late Juan Ojeda, started the event just by doing
what they liked to do. Ray said, We used to go
surfing every day off.
So what began as a few guys, a few
sandwiches and a little beer has become a fullfledged, firefighters surf fest that raises thousands of dollars for the WODFF.
There was a change of venue this year,
with the event abandoning Old Mans beach
near San Clemente for new digs at Doheny
State Beach in Dana Point. And this was only
possible because prior to the event, Paul Reyes
(from FS 5) worked his magic with the Special
Events Permit Coordinators, Lori Coble and
Denise Estrada. And post event, the coordinators were glad to declare, We are happy to
have you all back again next year - just let us
Maybe the ladies were in such good
humor because they were treated to two fan-
Lorraine, and her Aunt Rachel, ran the
raffle (along with taking care of many other
event details). One of the most sought-after
prizes was a custom orange and lime surfboard, created and donated by Hans Enyedi.
Hans put more than 30 hours of labor into that
board. There were many other donated items
available, with the days biggest sponsor being
Pelican flashlights.
T-shirt and check-in were handled by
Dave Zar (49s) and Bill James (64s). Additional organizers who provided indispensable assistance were Pete Xenios (49s), Keith
Kenoi (63s), Wes Schroeder (88s), Garret
Lew (15s), and Wild Bill James (64s).
This edition of the Ray Mayo Longboard Winter Classic may have been the last
ride. Ray is retiring and is not sure if he will be
able to continue the event. So come on over to
the LAFRA Open House this month and help
to honor Ray for his on-going service and
maybe you can convince him to carry-on the
surf tradition for years to come.
8 December 2014
After the conclusion of the ceremony,
many of those who had gathered stayed to chat
with friends or to join in the lunch that was held
upstairs in the museum. It was clear how important it was to many of the attendees to have
the chance to be among others who have faced
the same kind of loss. For many, the memorial
ceremony is an event they attend every year because of that important connection. As LAFD
Chaplain Craig Poulson said before he gave the
benediction, To the families that are grieving .
. . youre not going to close a hole in your heart,
but [I hope were] able to maybe help you get
through today, and just be around some people
that are also walking the same road.
December 2014 9
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10 December 2014
December 2014 11
On 10/19/14 firefighters encountered heavy fire conditions at 1459 S. Lorena St in Boyle heights. Photos by Martin Nate Rawner
On 11/2/14, LAFD companies took care of a fire at 812 Kendall Ave in So Pasadena. Photos by Rick McClure, EPN
Task Force 39 was visited by LAFRA
President Juan Albarran last month with the
solemn task of flying a flag for a recently deceased retired member. The companies there
stood at attention while a flag was raised, and
then lowered to half-staff, in honor of Ken
Clore. Ken retired in 2006 and passed away in
October. He had 36 years on the job, many of
which were spent at the citys oldest firehouse.
Sleeping or praying?
December 2014 13
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14 December 2014
On Fire Service Day earlier this year,
A.J. Brandenstein took his kids up to 99s to
see the fire engine. While there, he met LAFRA
volunteer Irma Delgado who coaxed him into
buying a few Golf Ball Drop tickets for the
LAFRA Golf Invitational. As it turns out, one
of Mr. Brandensteins golf balls was the first
to find the hole when dumped from the bag
hung off Truck 88s aerial. Fast forward to
Sunday, October 19th, and the Brandensteins
once again visited Fire Station 99. This time
they were there to graciously donate back to
the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens
fund the $2500 first prize they won in the Golf
Ball Drop.
Companies handle a physical rescue on the 10 Fwy on 10/25/14. Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN
December 2014 15
16 December 2014
Its the shift before inspection and you
know what that means. Its really time to ramp
up the complaining about how the other shift
didnt do anything and we have to do everything, and why are we always picking up their
slack . . . and on and on and on. More importantly, the shift before inspection represents
the glorious day when the captains usually
cook. Captain Segovia was working SOD at
64s and since he is a Captain I, he was riding
the engine, which is generally the busier of the
heavy apparatus stationed at 64s. Well apparently the in-house Captain II, who rides on the
slower of the heavy apparatus at a Task Force
Station, tells the out-of-house Captain I that he
just cooked and asks the Captan I if he would
cook for his guys. Really? The simple answer
was an emphatic Sure . . . as long as you either
ride the engine or take our runs.The Captain
II took the cooking option with much hesitation and as it turns out, the engine had 20 runs
and the truck had . . . three. Exactly the kind of
leadership the LAFD is looking for in a Captain
II - doing the right thing from the get go. You
really nailed it again as usual!
Congratulations to FFPM Barry
Belknap (FS65) and his wife Amy who welcomed Olive Inez-Marie Belknap into the
world on September 27th. She was born at 6lbs
9oz and 19 long.
Finally, I hear theres a new game for
dishes over at 57s. Its called Frisbee Golf
and apparently the reigning world champion is
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On 10/16/14, Councilmember Mitch
Englander hosted the 2014 E Awards For Excellence in Public Safety Recognition Luncheon
for public safety personnel in the San Fernando
Valley. According to the councilmembers office, The E Awards is a tribute to our heroes of
public safety
for the incredLAFD members honored by city council
ible service
they provide
to our community, honoring our San Fernando
Valley tradition while embracing the new. We
recognized only a handful of the many law
enforcement and public safety personnel who
put their lives on the line each and every day to
protect our community.
December 2014 19
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20 December 2014
Congratulations to Rick Cook, 93
A. He is the winner of the 1998 Callipygian
Cleavage Contest. There were a multitude of
contestants but Rick was never in danger of
losing. Congratulations again.
Although Batt. 17 is a little slice of
heaven there are some of us who are moving
on to greener pastures. Capt. Dennis Roberson 93 A is going to 80s. I sure hope the
guys there dont have any rubber snakes. Capt.
Brent Hogue 93 C is finishing up paramedic
school. Anyone who goes to paramedic school
in the future be sure to contact Capt. Hogue for
his gas saving tips. You can also ask him what
time it is. Probably by the time this is printed
FF/PM Rick McClure 105 C will have made
Captain. Ill bet Bicycle Dave already knows
where Rick will be assigned.
Send your juicy little tidbits to The
Westside Kid. If you are computer literate,
or know someone who is, send an e-mail to:
December 2014 21
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22 December 2014
nia Athletic Commission, WBC, IBF, WBO and the British Columbia
On October 25, 2014, after forty five years of competing in and
refereeing the sport of boxing, Jack received an honor that is reserved for
a select few. He was inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame.
This is very thin air indeed.
According to Bruce Young, also LAFD retired, Jack has and
is still having a stellar career as one of the premier men working inside
the ropes and has obviously commanded the attention and respect of his
peers in the professional world of boxing. And Bruce should know, as
he comes from a pro boxing family himself.
To give you an idea of how highly Jack is regarded, here are
just a few of the former inductees: Rocky Marciano, Joe Frazier, Floyd
Patterson, Kid Gavilan, Manny Pacquiao, Carlos Palomino, Oscar de la
Hoya and Shane Mosley.
To be sure, these are names that are instantly recognizable. There
are, however, many more members of this Hall of Fame that most people, who are not intimately involved with the sport of boxing, might not
recognize. This does not in any way diminish their contribution to their
particular sport. Just as there are many people in the MLB, NFL, and
NBA Halls of Fame that the average fan may have never heard of does
not lessen their contributions, so it is with boxing.
Jack will be remembered not only as a retired member of the
LAFD but also as a world renowned boxing referee. Congratulations to
you, Jack, for being inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame.
And this will not be the last honor to be bestowed on Jack far from it. On March 7th, 2015, he will be inducted into the National
Boxing Hall of Fame.
If any of you are wondering about which boxer you should be
watching in the next couple of years, I have a tip from a well-placed
source. The boxer is Gennady G. Golovkin, a middleweight fighter.
December 2014 23
24 December 2014
Firefighters fought a stubborn Major Emergency blaze at a large Venice storage facility that injured five firefighters. Just after 7:30 pm on
October 25, 2014, units responded to Extra Space Storage located at 658 Venice Blvd. They found a two-story 100 x 100 storage facility
with smoke in the second floor. Over 200 firefighters battled the fire through the night.
December 2014 25
26 December 2014
Companies battled a stubborn non-injury structure fire for nearly two hours at a vacant
2-story business in the 7000 block of Topanga Canyon Boulevard early October 4, 2014.
December 2014 27
ach year the Simple Green U.S. Open of Handball is held at Los
Caballeros in Fountain Valley. The tournament was televised on
ESPN3 this year, and nearly $200,000 in prize money was on
the line in all divisions of 1-Wall, 3-Wall, and 4-Wall handball. Players
hailed from four countries and 18 states, with the number one ranked
players in each discipline on hand to defend their titles.
LAFD Handball under the leadership of current LAFD A Singles Champ and Commissioner Chris Yokoyama competed in divisions
ranging from the B Division to 70 years and older. Chris Yokoyama,
Alex Garcia, Ryan Chance, David Diaz and Salvador Castillon competed
in the A Singles division. Yokoyama advanced to the finals, but lost to
David Walsh from Ireland in a two-hour match.
Two teams from the LAFD advanced to the semi-finals in A
Doubles, setting up a potential all LAFD final. Ryan Chance and Joe
Steiner played the top Irish team and Chris Yokoyama and Alex Garcia
played the number two Irish team. Both lost marathon games that took
all players involved to the limits of exhaustion.
Tony Arnado, Richard Ramirez and Salvador Castillon competed
in B Singles, but were eliminated in early rounds. Sergio Guzman and
28 December 2014
Past and present members of Fire Station 9 got together once again for the annual Skid Row Handball
Tournament on Sunday, October 19, 2014. It was awesome to see so many retirees show up for the support
of the game. Many good people were in the house for some good food and some good fun.
December 2014 29
C Flight Winners
Rick G
Rex V
D Flight Winners
In the D flight new members Rex Vilaubi and Paul Croghan
just squeaked by Joe Vigil and Russ Barnes by a mere .2 stokes.
The second day of the tournament provides some real entertainment at
the Horse Race Derby. This format is made up of the six leading teams
in each flight. The remainder of the field, and the participants, then make
parimutuel bets on their picks of the best teams. This year the A and
B flight and the C and D flight played in four man teams. In the A
and B flight Allan Black, Jim Meacham, and Rick and Carlos Garcia
came out on top. In the C and D flight the team of Rex Vilaubi, Paul
Croghan, Buddy Pacheco, and Joe Luna were the winners. As you can
see in the final results below, Rex and Paul had quite a tournament.
This year we made a bit of a comeback with the number of players. I think we lost of few players due to the engineers promotional test,
but heres hoping that those that couldnt make it this year will make it
back next year. Also, if you younger ones had as good a time as I think
you did, then, I hope you spread the word and get more players next year.
I would like to thank the board members for all of their help during the tournament. And I would like to thank Dale Gant, Mike Monroy,
Brad Grossman, and Greg Gibson for their assistance with the Horse
Race Derby.
The club would like to thank Alan Sheer of Steele Canyon
Golf Course, Jason Schneider of Sycuan Resort and Kevin Wright of
Morgan Stanley for their generous donations for our raffle at the annual
membership meeting.
Lastly, a big thank you to Larry Whiting who, in the past has
made a number of donations, this year donated $500 in support of our
golf club. I look forward to seeing Larry back on the course again this
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to the members
for supporting this tournament that celebrated its 41st year. A good time
was had by all and I hope to see you again next year.
CD Flight Winners
32 December 2014
On August 12th, 2013, Captain/Paramedic Matthew G. McKnight suddenly collapsed and died while
on duty at MFC. He had faithfully served the citizens of Los Angeles for over 31 years and passed away at
the young age of 51 from a duty related condition.
Searching for a means to honor Captain McKnight for his dedication to the LAFD and specifically to
OCD and MFC, the members at MFC gained approval to dedicate the dispatch floor in his honor. At a dedication ceremony on February 13th, 2015, the dispatch floor will be officially renamed, a memorial plaque
will be unveiled and the new MFC logo will be proudly displayed.
December 2014 33
n this edition of KTW Captains Amberian, Jones and Tombrello will discuss (1)
the importance of developing a proper
hose-lay, and (2) the ongoing training and development of A/Os and engineers.
34 December 2014
Discourage the practice of everyone
grabbing a loop of hose as they enter the structure, and then dropping it randomly inside. Assign someone to tend the hose at doors and corners. This may be the captain early on. Nobody
wants this inglorious job, but it is critical to the
overall operation.
Drill your firefighters to not push excess hose into the structure. Spaghetti inside
operational competency. The ongoing professional growth of your rated members will in
large part determine the effectiveness of your
Ambarian: Just like the rest of us, A/Os and
engineers need to use their skills to stay sharp.
The first company operation on drill day should
be done with all personnel in their normal positions. This gives your rated people the opportunity to hone their skills and gives your actors
the opportunity to see operations done before
they have to do it.
Develop drills that are applicable to
your district. Reinforce their knowledge by
practicing truck, engine and pump operations
you will need in your district. To keep everyone
on their toes, go straight into the drill without
a pre-drill heads-up. A little uncertainty and
anxiety is good.
Talk to your drivers. You will get a
good feel for their strengths and weaknesses,
and you just might learn something along the
way. Let them select the drill site from time
to time. They know all the challenging aerial
throws, difficult hydrant spots, unusual construction and the areas you will lay-two. Remember to keep your drills practical; this is fire
science, not rocket science.
Jones: You must know the capabilities of your
rated members if youre going to develop and
challenge them. When I want to challenge them
I disrupt their normal routine - I create situations that force them to utilize a broader understanding of the task at hand.
Most often we train on how things are
supposed to go at a fire, but how about when
they go wrong? Are your rated members trained
and ready to make the right decisions when
problem arise? Can your engineer draft without using the priming pump? How will your
engineer let you know theyve lost water when
they cant get through on the radio? How will
your A/O react when a firefighter goes through
the roof? What will they say on the radio? Will
they continue to cut?
In thinking about what to drill on when
developing your rated members, keep in mind
that smooth seas make not for skillful sailors.
Teach them the art of problem solving and recovering. That is what truly defines a quality
rated member.
Next months Kitchen Table Wisdom
article will feature three of the LAFDs finest
rated members: Engineers Steve Canchola and
Oscar Gutierrez, and A/O Steve Hall. These
members will opine on locker room leadership,
and provide sound advice for newly promoted
A/Os and engineers.
The views expressed here do not necessarily
reflect those of LAFRA or the LAFD.
Protect Those
with Special Needs
Firefighter Justin Mendence set up a special needs trust to ensure his
son and entire family is taken care of in the best manner possible.
You want to think everybodys going to take care of your kid because
If I handwrite a will,
A Special
Needs Trust
Helps You:
everybody loves him, but unless you have a plan in placeyoure planning
to fail. Leaving it to chance is not in me and my wifes vocabulary.
Whether you care for a child or adult with special needs or not, everyone
should consider setting up an estate plan. Ask for a Getting Started Kit today by
emailing Relief Association Development & Marketing Director Marlene Casillas
at or calling (323) 259-5217. December 2014 35
36 December 2014
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December 2014 37
38 December 2014
December 2014 39
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40 December 2014
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December 2014 41
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42 December 2014
Since the establishment of Fire Family
Foundation in 2008, I have been often asked how
the Foundation differs from the Widows, Orphans &
Disabled Firemans Fund managed by the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association. Both are non-profit
501 (c) (3) charitable organizations. All contributions
are tax-deductible. Both organizations support firefighter families. For this months article, Id like to
highlight how this firefighter support system bands
together during times of financial difficulties and
The origin of the Relief Association dates
back to around 1888 when LAFD firefighters battled
a dangerous oil refinery fire. Firefighters saved many
of the buildings and the nearby railroad yards. As a
token of appreciation, the Southern Pacific Railroad
donated $1,000 to the department. An enormous sum
at the time, the Chief Engineer thought the funds
could be set aside as a fund to support widows and
orphans of LAFD members killed in the line of duty.
The Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association would later become a reality in December 1906.
As an umbrella organization dedicated to
firefighters and their families of LAFD, the Relief administers funds and programs including: the LAFRA
Fire Medical Plan, Relief Fund, Life & Accident
Fund, Emergency Advancements, and the Widows,
Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund.
The Relief Fund makes up the pay for LAFD
members who become sick or injured in situations
not connected with normal duty (IOD) and death
benefits to named beneficiaries. Other services include assistance to members and families during
times of bereavement, such as counseling and guidance to assist with funeral arrangements.
The Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund is the heart of the Relief Association. Its
existence gives many firefighters peace of mind
knowing that if the worst should happen, Widows
& Orphans will help care for their families. In times
of emergency and distress, in sickness, accident and
death, LAFRA and Widows & Orphans will step up
to provide aid and support for its members.
The Fund is supported through the generosity of others. Many members make donations in memory of fellow firefighters or directly through payroll
deduction. Other methods of support are generated
through special events and community fundraisers.
Key events include: LAFD Invitational,
Hook and Ladder Enduro, Hope for Firefighters,
Lane Kemper Softball Classic, LAFD Bowling Benefit, and others.
The drive to create the Foundation emanated
from the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Over
3,000 people were killed during the attacks in New
York City and Pennsylvania, including more than
300 New York City firefighters. The impact of 9/11
and the loss of these courageous heroes profoundly
impacted their families, the firefighter community,
and the community-at-large.
Firefighters First Credit Union had always
been the go to location for the Fire Family to donate on behalf of fire personnel who were injured or
died related to their service; 9/11 was different.
Within hours after the 9/11 attacks, the
Credit Union created a fund to support the firefighters families. The outpouring from members, the fire
community, and the community-at-large was enormous. Millions of dollars were donated. Funds were
given to the New York Fire Department Widows and
Orphans fund, knowing that a lasting impact was
This effort resulted in the vision to establish
a non-profit charitable organization focused on serving the firefighting community and the community as
a whole.
No one ever plans to be sick or disabled. Yet,
planning ahead can make a difference in an emergency. The Relief and Fire Family Foundation encourage
firefighters to get their personal, legal, and financial
affairs in order before an emergency. Placing trust
in someone to take care of your affairs will make it
easier for tough decisions to be made on your behalf.
As each situation is unique, both the Relief
and Foundation considers all requests with compassion and does collaborate with each other. Due
diligence is required to ensure funds arent being
misused and there is adequate funding for future
generations. Sometimes out-of-the-box thinking is
needed so assistance can be provided to help firefighters and their families make ends meet. Through
these ways, its how the firefighter support system
bands together during times of financial difficulties
and hardships.
To learn more about and to make a donation
to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemans Fund and
Fire Family Foundation, visit and
Happy Holidays!
Today, Fire Family Foundation, the charitable hand of Firefighters First Credit Union, provides
direct and immediate assistance to firefighters and
their families. In addition to the support for LAFD
members, Fire Family Foundation reaches across the
state into other fire departments.
The Foundation offers financial help for
needs such as: temporary shelter, basic living expenses, funeral expenses, medical costs, and other
miscellaneous expenses for both firefighters and their
family members.
In recent months, the Foundation has helped
an LA County firefighter whose 3-year old little girl is
fighting cancer. The unexpectedly high cost of medication to combat the effects of chemo was something
the family could not bear. The Foundation helped the
family cover 4 months of alternative medication. And
a bit closer to home, Fire Family Foundation recently
helped one of LAFDs dedicated firefighters who is
facing a rough time with daily expenses, while he
battles a form of cancer. The donation of a simple
food card put some extra food on his table for a few
days. Finally, when the family of a young injured
firefighter couldnt make their mortgage payment,
the Foundation again stepped in with a helping hand.
Distributed funds are largely received
through voluntary donations and the Foundations
annual appeal campaigns. Earlier this year, the Foundation hosted its first poker and bingo tournament,
the Fire Boot Classic. Held at Santa Anita racetrack,
the successful event was emceed by Tim Conway, Jr.
and featured a variety of celebrity bingo callers. This
annual event will again happen in spring 2015.
Mike Mastro
Material provided is for your information and convenience only.
December 2014 43
Paid Advertisements: 818.344.0440
44 December 2014
ou may have been hearing about Proposition 13 in the news lately. When
voters overwhelmingly approved Prop
13 in 1978, they were responding to a populist
outcry over steeply rising property taxes. Today the tax initiative seems to be untouchable
by politicians.
Under Prop 13, real property (your
house) is taxed at a rate of 1 percent of its assessed value, plus any local taxes and other
assessments, such as bond measures to fund
schools. A propertys assessed value is equal to
the fair market value of the property on the date
there is a change in ownership, plus an annual
inflation adjustment that may not exceed 2 percent of the prior years assessed value.
The effect of Proposition 13 has been
dramatic. Take your parents for example, who
may have purchased their home in 1972 for
$35,000. Because of Proposition 13, they currently pay less than $900 a year in property
taxes. Today, if you wanted to purchase the
home next door to your parents it might cost
$400,000 - and you would pay $4,000 a year
in property taxes. Why? Because a change in
ownership would trigger a reassessment. Fair
or not, those are the rules, and the rules are
complex and full of gotchas. A familys ability to hold on to real property so that it passes
down through successive generations often
hinges on whether a reassessment of property
taxes can be avoided.
Whenever a change of ownership occurs, meaning a deed is recorded at the county recorders office, a Preliminary Change of
Ownership Report (PCOR) must be filed. A
filed PCOR puts the county tax assessor machine into motion, and depending on the boxes
ditional claim form, and submit supporting information, such as death certificates, marriage
certificates, copies of trusts, etc. Further, if you
dont file in a timely manner your claim could
be denied.
During the 34 years since Proposition
13 was enacted, property values have increased
by far more than the 2 percent maximum annual
increase permitted. As a result, the disparity between fair market value and the assessed value
of property has widened and the consequences
of triggering a property tax reassessment has
increased significantly. When contemplating
any change in ownership of real property, be
sure to seek professional advice. If you fail to
comply with the assessors rules, it could cost
you plenty.
December 2014 45
Paid Advertisements:
46 December 2014
Dinko Klarin
Huntington Beach, CA
December 2014 47
contact: -- 323.259.5215
48 December 2014
Claude A. Griggs, Fireman.
Appointed June 16, 1952.
Retired on a service pension August 31, 1972 from FS 53-B. Passed away October 1, 2014.
Gilbert E. Nash, Fire Inspector.
Appointed August 26, 1946.
Retired on a service pension June 1, 1975 from FPB. Passed away October 17, 2014.
Richard A. Arlt, Fireman.
Appointed June 27, 1959.
Retired on a disability pension December 31, 1962 from FPB HYDRANTS. Passed away October 17, 2014.
Antoni Kwapinski, Apparatus Operator.
Appointed December 2, 1947.
Retired on a service pension January 1, 1973 from FS 105-B. Passed away October 24, 2014.
KeNNeth J. CloRe Jr., FireFighter iii.
Appointed octoBeR 17, 1970.
RetiRed on A seRvice pension June 30, 2006 fRom fs 39. Passed away OctOber 26, 2014.
Frederick K. Yager, Engineer.
Appointed December 2, 1947.
Retired on a service pension July 1, 1973 from FS 27-C. Passed away October 29, 2014.
Arnett L. Hartsfield, Fireman.
Appointed November 18, 1940.
Retired on a service pension January 23, 1961 from FS 45. Passed away October 31, 2014.
Bette J. Thompson, spouse of Bruce N. Thompson, passed away October 13, 2014.
Amanda C. Peak, spouse of John F. Romero, passed away October 15, 2014.
Mary V. Dudley, surviving spouse of Darrell R. Dudley, passed away October 15, 2014.
Careth (Cathy) Lilly, spouse of Leroy M. Lilly, passed away October 17, 2014.
Lucille V. Ruh, spouse of Joseph P. Ruh, passed away October 18, 2014.
Dolores Mc Guinness, spouse of Patrick T. Mc Guinness, passed away October 19, 2014.
Vivian M. Dunham, surviving spouse of Mervel J. Dunham, passed away October 28, 2014.
Allie D. Alexander, surviving spouse of James B. Alexander, passed away October 30, 2014.
December 2014 49
50 December 2014
Thanks to two of our great HS volunteers almost all of the apparatus in the Hollywood Museum are in running condition (including the horse drawn rigs). Tim McHenry
and Johnny Garcia have been working hard on
the 1917 Model T, the1964 Crown Manifold
(Wagon 17), the 1977 Pontiac, the 1905 Gorter
Our National Historic Landmark Fireboat The Ralph J. Scott turned 89 years old
on October 20th. We had a party for it in the
tent with cake and refreshments hosted by
the LAFD Historical Society and our fireboat
volunteers. We received a beautiful birthday
proclamation certificate from Councilman Buscaiano and another from Elise Swanson, CEO
of the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. Also
thanks to the members of Fire Station 112 for
their support.
The fireboat is an icon of the Harbor
and each year we should remember its beginning in San Pedro and its retirement after 78
years of continuous service. It is a privilege for
those of us who are working on the restoration
project to bring it back to what it was in 2003
to get it ready for its future re-location into its
own museum. This major restoration project is
funded through donations to the LAFD Historical Society with the work done by volunteers.
With the end of World War I and the
Panama Canal open to shipping the Los Angeles harbor, the fire department embarked on a
period of extensive expansion and prosperity.
The Chief Engineer was Ralph J. Scott, a man
Engine 31 with a 1938 American LaFrance. Ours is a rare apparatus with the
LAFD having only four of this type.
December 2014 51
who was soon to become one of the most progressive fire chiefs in the nation for his ability
to take advantage of every trend and opportunity to upgrade the department. With Chief
Scotts support, a $2.5 million bond issue was
passed in 1922 providing for 14 new fire stations including three more in the harbor area
and a new fireboat. This was in an era of large
capacity fireboats. Every port worth its salt
wanted a fireboat capable of dealing with the
kind of disaster potential encountered in an active harbor.
Construction of a new large fireboat for
Los Angeles began and on October 20, 1925,
L.A. Fireboat Number 2 was launched at Los
Angeles Shipbuilding and Dry dock (later
known as Todd Ship yard) in San Pedro at a
cost of $214,000. Mrs. Scott christened the
vessel L.A. City No. 2 by breaking a bottle
of fire-fighting foam across its bow. At 99 feet
and a pumping capacity of 10,200 gallons per
Five years after its launch, Fireboat No. 2 patrols the LA harbor. The boat was modernized
through the years prolonging its service life to
78 years.
* Fridays from 0800 to 1200 are work days on the Ralph J. Scott Fireboat
52 December 2014
The Hollywood Museum is located in Old
Fire Station 27 at 1355 No. Cahuenga, Hollywood,
CA 90028. The Harbor Museum is located in San
Pedro City Hall at 638 S. Beacon St., San Pedro CA
Anyone interested in joining our great cause
by becoming a member, or volunteering to work, or
make a donation of money or an LAFD item may contact us by mail:
LAFDHS Museum & Memorial
1355 No. Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: 323 464 2727. But remember we are currently
staffed part time, so leave a message and we will return your call. The fax number is 323-464-7401. Our
E-mail is: Web site at www. If you want to look at some great
LAFD history check and check the
LAFD web site for information and events at www. We look forward to hearing from you and
seeing you at the Museum.
The Los Angeles Fire Department Historical Society
is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) organization.
Gene Fairington & Tom Laski
JAMES D. ENGEL in memory of Ed Holland from
his Nebraska relatives - Leacock & Stice Families
P.O. Box 41903
Los Angeles CA
(800) 244-3439
December 2014 53
Juan Albarran, President
Robert Steinbacher, Vice President
Andrew Kuljis, Secretary
Trustee James Coburn
Trustee Jeff Cawdrey
Trustee David Peters
Trustee Chris Hart
Trustee Rick Godinez
Trustee Steve Tufts
Trustee Craig White
Trustee Steve Berkery
Trustee Doak Smith
Trustee Mark Akahoshi
Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension
Trustee Tim Larson Pension
Trustee David Lowe Pension
Todd Layfer - Executive Director
Liberty Unciano Controller-Treasurer
Trustee Gene Bednarchik (Excused)
Trustee Tyler Tomich (Excused)
Trustee Francisco Hernandez (Excused)
Trustee Chris Stine (Excused)
Trustee Steven Domanski (Excused)
Trustee David Ortiz (Excused)
Trustee Steve Ruda (Excused)
Dave Wagner, Grapevine Editor
Bob Olsen, L.A. Retired Fire & Police
Tom Stires, Retired
Jim Dolan, Asst. Secretary
INVOCATION & Flag Salute
Rick Godinez led the invocation. Steve Ruda
led the flag salute.
Juan Albarran entertained a motion to ratify
and dispense with the reading of the minutes of
the Board of Trustees meeting held September
3, 2014. David Peters so moved. Tim Larson
54 December 2014
1) SIIA Conference Arizona October 5 7
2) LAFRA Committee Meeting Thursday
October 23rd
3) LAFD Fallen Firefighter Memorial
October 11th
4) IFEBP Annual Conference (Boston)
October 12th 15th
5) Mayo Classic October 22nd
6) LAFRA Open House December 6th
1) Jorge Ostrovsky October 4th Jorges House
2) Raul Miranda October 18th The Odyssey
3) Daniel Mattera November 16th Old FS
27s Fire Museum
Juan Albarran entertained a motion to adjourn
in memory of Jerry Johns. David Peters so
moved. Chris Hart seconded. There was no
discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to adjourn in memory of
Jerry Johns. The Board of Trustees meeting
adjourned at 11:28 a.m.
Juan Albarran, President
December 2014 55
56 December 2014
For advertising information, please contact:
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 -
Dave Wagner -
DEALER - DOJRS background
checks, FFL transfers, handgun
safety certificate, consignment sales,
gun registration and personal transfers. Personal firearms instructor,
tactical casualty management and
gunsmithing. All handguns and long
guns must be listed on the California
DOJ for sale roster. Call Bill Evans active LAFD (714) 330-9825 email:
GREAT HOME in gated neighborhood on Lake Hartwell, South
Carolina. Located in a gated
neighborhood, has a dock in place
on deep water. Home features five
bedrooms and five bathrooms with
master on main. Kitchen has granite
countertops and stainless steel
appliances. There are two decks on
that is screened in. There is an additional 2300 square feet in basement
partially finished. Easy walk to lake.
$649,900. 105 Chapelwood Drive,
Anderson, South Carolina. www.
WILLAHAN (LAFD wife) for any real
estate needs. Donation to fire-related
organizations and/or help with some
escrow fees with every closed sale!
Specializing in Orange County, parts
of Los Angeles/Riverside Counties. Lender information available.
Century 21 Award, BRE #00966984.
(949) 293-2401
Termite & Pest Control - ECOLA
Ecological Solutions. Smart choices,
simple solutions. Problem solved.
Call for FREE termite estimate or
pest quotes over the phone - escrow
and inspections excluded. Fireman
BIG BEAR CABIN - All season,
restful views from decks. Two story,
sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus
miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood,
cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen,
completely furnished except linens.
December 2014 57
58 December 2014
Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor
Homes, with Double Slide Outs,
Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping
Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices
Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per
night. Serving family & friends of
LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs ask for
our 25% off weekly rental rates. Visit
us at or call 661714-7689 or 661-297-2398. ALSO
bedroom 2 bath with pool tables &
WANTED. License plate frame from
1986 Centennial Fire Department.
Call Blacky Blackwell (661) 268-0040
Honda - Sales and Leasing
Large Selection of Used Vehicles
6511 Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood CA
Ask for Dave Erickson
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Auto Leasing & Fleet Sales Since 1989
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1400 W Main St, Alhambra CA 91801
Eddie WangFleet & Lease Mgr
626-300-4222 l 800-423-1114
December 2014 59
We are privileged to have received gifts from these individuals and families. Other dedicated
members preferred to remain anonymous. Each has chosen to leave their legacy with the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Associations Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund.
Alice Keillor
Alvin S. Weaver
Callahan Estate
Kurt Stabel
Leroy Estate
Claiborne Estate
Don Cate
May C. Parks
Ernest C. Bilsland
Ruth M. Miller
Frank C. Geyer
60 December 2014
According to Jim Mills, who submitted the photo, That sixty
years surely went by fast! This is from June, 1954. Most of these guys
are gone, of course, but you may still know a few. This bunch had
among them future captains, chiefs and at least one Fireman of the
Year, the late Sam Ortega. Some of them even have had sons follow
them, finish serving their careers and retire. A few of those were Bill
Thost, Bob Howell and Al Sandusky.
Top row, left to right
Donald W. Weston, Charles T. Peterson, Jr., James G. Mills, Clifton G. Collins, Arthur D. Bowman, Edward E. Humphrey, William E.
Thost, Marvin E. Thomas.
December 2014 61