Official monthly publication of the Los Angeles Fire Department, owned and operated by the Los Angeles Firemen's Relief Association including the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen's Fund.
Official monthly publication of the Los Angeles Fire Department, owned and operated by the Los Angeles Firemen's Relief Association including the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen's Fund.
Official monthly publication of the Los Angeles Fire Department, owned and operated by the Los Angeles Firemen's Relief Association including the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen's Fund.
Official monthly publication of the Los Angeles Fire Department, owned and operated by the Los Angeles Firemen's Relief Association including the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen's Fund.
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Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may
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Paid Advertisement: 2 June 2013 Paid Advertisement June 2013 3 30 On the cover: Structure Fire - Koreatown Photo by: Juan Guerra, 2013 WODFF BOWling BeneFit A true team effort produced another successful fundraiser for the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund. The Corbin Bowl crew took the lead and provided a night of fun, prizes and friendly competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 leaDers leaD FOllOWers FOllOW Steve Ruda, with a little help from Tommy Lasorda, explains what he believes makes for a good leader in the fre service and beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Files OF the arsOn squaD With the assistance of the Los Angeles House of Worship Task Force, the A-Unit arrested and successfully prosecuted an arsonist who set fre to a local church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Presidents Message ................................................................................05 Battalion News ..........................................................................................13 Retired Guys .............................................................................................27 Department in Action ................................................................................29 Fire Exploring Academy CADETS ATTEND WEEK-LONG TRAINING SESSION ...........................................35 Search and Rescue MORE VICTIM CARRY TECHNIQUES ..................................................................37 LAFD Golf Club MEMORIAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS ..............................................................39 Handball Update .......................................................................................40 Retirement Dinner Announcements ..........................................................40 Retirement Dinner JOHN WOLFENSTEIN ..................................................................................41 Mailbox .....................................................................................................42 Station Fridge ...........................................................................................45 Memorials .................................................................................................47 Dollars & Sense LIFECYCLE FINANCIAL PLANNING ..................................................................49 LAFD History HISTORY OF FIRE STATION 27 ....................................................................50 Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................54 Classifeds ................................................................................................57 Vol. lXXXIX JUNE 2013 No. 11 FeatureS cOntentS COPYRIGHT 2013 Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association. No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers. Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them. Follow us on Facebook 4 June 2013 Paid Advertisements: $38.75 per Shield Plus UPS FIREMENS GRAPEVINE owned and published by the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association 815 Colorado Blvd, 4th Floor, los angeles Ca 90041 EdItoRIAL StAFF dave Wagner Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Eric Santiago Creative david Vienna Web/Social Media display Advertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260 PSos Matt Spence, Brian HuMpHrey, erik Scott CoNtRIbutING WRItERS Mike MaStro, Frank Borden, Marc eckStein M.d., JoHn MittendorF, MicHael SteFano, Monte egHerMan, Jody HouSer PHotoGRAPHERS david Blaire, doc deMulle, keitH culloM, roB curtiS, Harry garvin, Juan guerra, Brian HaiMer, gavin kauFMan, ryan ling, rick Mcclure, Mike MeadowS, lloyd payne, JeFF ZiMMerMan, yvonne griFFin, laura licHter. LoS ANGELES FIREMENS RELIEF ASSoCIAtIoN John JaCoBsen .........................................................preSident Juan alBarran .................................................vice-preSident andrew KulJis ........................................................Secretary boARd oF tRuStEES Barry HedBerg cHriS Hart cHriS Stine craig wHite david lowe david ortiZ david peterS doak SMitH Frank HernandeZ gene BednarcHik JaMeS e. coBurn JeFF cawdrey Mark akaHoSHi Mike overHolSer rick godineZ roBert SteinBacHer Steve ruda Steve tuFtS Steven doManSki tiM larSon CHAPLAINS greg w. giBson...............Sr. cHaplain danny leon...........................cHaplain george a. negrete...............cHaplain aquil F. Basheer...................cHaplain hershy Z. ten........................cHaplain riCK a. godineZ.....................cHaplain MarK r. woolF......................cHaplain Jesus Pasos..........................cHaplain tELEPHoNES Fire-relieF ................................................................(323) 259-5200 relieF assoCiation toll Free nuMBer ...........................(800) 244-3439 relieF MediCal Plan ..........................(866) 99laFra - (866) 995-2372 Fax nuMBer ................................................................(323) 259-5290 david ned sMith exeCutive direCtor............................(323) 259-5201 Marlene Casillas develoPMent & MarKeting direCtor(323) 259-5217 BeCKy valverde huMan resourCes adMinistrator.......(323) 259-5247 todd layFer Controller/treasurer.........................(323) 259-5243 BoB dillon oPerations Manager................................(323) 259-5233 ana salaZar MeMBer serviCes Coordinator...............(323) 259-5223 LAFRA MANAGEMENt HealthSCoPE benefts wayne sherMan MediCal ClaiMs Manager...................(323) 259-5211 tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association, 815 Colorado blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia 90041. Annual $24 Subscription included with Association mem ber ship; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6 postpaid. Pe ri od i cals post age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing offce. POST MAS TER: Send ad dress changes to: tHE FIREMENS GRAPE VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An ge les, CA 90041. Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas si fed and Display Ad ver tis ing rates please call (323) 259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of pub li ca tion. The opin ions ex pressed here in are those of the writ ers and do not nec es sar i ly refect the offcial views of the Los An ge les City Fire De part ment or the Los An ge les Firemens Relief Association. June 2013 5 By John Jacobsen I t doesnt take long to be reminded of what a dangerous job we have. Close calls at an incident, injuries from routine duties and illnesses that are a result of our working environment materialize on a con- sistent basis. Almost daily there is notification that one of our members has been injured or has fallen ill. Although Im not telling you anything you arent already aware of, the natural inherent danger that firefight- ers are subjected to should be ever-present in our minds. Complacency gets to the best of us whether its on the taking care of business side or taking care of your health. Dont wait too long to get checked out for that something just doesnt feel right. We all have the ability to see a professional healthcare provider, so ask yourself, whats the hold up? In the not-so-distant future, LAFRA will be rolling out our new website. This has been a lengthy project, so we are excited about putting it forward. I know that everyone wont get really excited over this, but it is another tool that needs to be maintained for us to do our best for our members. It should be seamless for all of you that are regular visitors to our current site. Some of the highlights will include a different look, an easier to read and navigational layout, some enhanced calendar and sharing functions with the latest technology built in. Our hope is that it will continue to be a source of connection, information and assistance for our Relief members. Healthcare reform continues to be a thorn in the side with very few exceptions. Let me bring some good news that will fall into this small category. The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) is a Federal program that was establish under the Affordable Care Act. Under this program, the Federal government reimburses a health plan for some of the costs of health care benefts paid on behalf of, or by, early retirees and certain family members of retirees participating in the plan. 5 Bil- lion dollars was earmarked for this program and health plans would be considered for some of these monies after they completed the application process and were deemed approved. I can tell you that this process was less than ideal and substantial changes were made since its inception. With the amount of health plans across the nation we wanted to ensure our reimbursement before the money ran out. The ERRP guidelines de- termine the options that LAFRA has in selecting how the ERRP funds will be used. We have elected to use this to reimburse PPO offce visit copays to our LAFRA PPO medical plan members and felt this would provide the largest fnancial savings to the greatest number of members. Starting July 1, 2013, and until the funds run out, if you incur a PPO offce visit copay, it will be reimbursed shortly after the end of the month in which your claim was processed. The Explanation of Benefts (EOB) that accompanies the check, will reference the reimbursement for the PPO offce visit copay due to ERRP. Please contact Healthscope Benefts at (866) 995-2372 if you have any questions regarding the reimburse- ment. I am pleased to pass along that the LAFPP Pension Board has approved a 7% increase to the maximum non-Medicare retiree health subsidy for July 1st, 2013. As most of you know, or have at least heard, this continues to be a point of diffculty each year. The process seems to be very straight forward, yet it gets bogged down with politically subjec- tive delays every year. Retirees would like to know what their monthly out of pocket costs for medical will be and this was a guessing game until the health subsidy was approved. Respectfully, John E. Jacobsen (323) 259-5200 visit: mail: P.O. Box 41903 Los Angeles CA 90041 phone: (800) 244-3439 6 June 2013 A true team effort produced another successful Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund fundraiser on April 28th. Firefight- ers Keenan Porche and Dan Curry handled the logistics. Gary Montgomery, Rose Thomson and the Corbin Bowl crew provided the muscle. Task Force 93 showed up to lend their support. And the West Valley community and Corbin Bowl regulars turned out for the fun, priz- es and friendly competition. The incredible support from the Corbin Bowl and the public is fantastic, remarked Porche. Year after year we have an amazingly successful event. In 2002, the SoCal Firefghters bowling league held a two-day tournament at the Corbin bowl and had some money left over. LAFD members Bob Clark and Dan Martin thought the WODFF should have it. After the success of the 2002 tournament, remembers Dan Curry, Gary Montgomery wanted to get involved with hosting an annual char- ity event. Gary is a great fundraiser. Keenan is the ramrod. I just pick up the slack. Everyone at the bowling alley works hard getting ready weeks in advance. Managers Bryan and Alyse, along with Krista, Angel, Zoe, Mario, Vicky and Shane make it a team effort. There was even a pre- publicity plug on KTLAs morning show that ended up running again and again throughout the day. People are very generous in responding to out letters and phone calls, said Rose Thomson. Our league players help out in many ways. They always come through. If not Gary does the follow-up! In addition to the bowling and pizza, there was a silent auction with the winners grabbing Dodger and Kings tickets, rounds of golf at El Caballero, Braemar, Woodland Hills and Sherwood Country Clubs and VIP passes to Ray Romanos show at the Mirage. A plethora of raffe prizes included Universal Studios tickets and a host restaurant gift certif- icates from Brents Deli, Smokehouse, Stone Fire Grill, Outback Steak- house, Morts Deli, Bucca di Beppo and CPK. So it ended up a great night for the WODFF with almost $11,000 raised for the charity. According to Dan Curry, Theres always been a tradition of frefghters bowling and the Corbin Bowl was always the place. June 2013 7 Paid Advertisement: Corbin Angels 8 June 2013 C an a leader lead without followers? The obvious answer is no. But it is a fact that being a follower is a good thing. It is my belief that leaders are not born but formed. I believe that to be a good leader you must be a good follower. What constitutes a good follower? I believe that it is choice we make. A follower is one who can observe and listen. They watch, sometimes from a distance - sometimes from close up, and make judgments on what is hap- pening around them. They have the ability to keep their mouths closed and open their ears. It is a trait that should be acceptable in our pro- fession. I think our anatomy shows us that there is wisdom from on high - the Creator gave us two ears and one mouth. Recently, the Los Angeles Leader- ship Academy graduated its largest class of members from around the City. There was one Fire Department civilian member who took her time off to join the heroes, not only from the LAFD, but many frefghters from surrounding communities. We called it the Blue Shirters class. It was made up of members of all ranks that came once a week for four months to learn the principles of leadership. They began in the observation mode of a follower and each one emerged on the other side as accomplished readers, exercise performers, students with traits that will inspire them to move to the highest levels of involvement within their fre service careers. The reason for this article is to tell you of the great staff that has been assembled to provide a course that all members should be interested in taking. A course that takes you to a place you might have never thought you would ever be. As one graduate said, It changed my life. A pretty bold statement coming from one so moved by the experience. I attended the graduation as I have many times before. This time I was attracted by the rumor that the famous Dodger one man PR star was going to be the keynote speaker - Tommy Lasorda. B/C Gene Bednarchik, a loy- al Dodger fan, was able to stop the rumors and introduce the greatest ambassador the Dodgers have ever known. Tommy (Skipper) Lasorda is no doubt one of baseballs greatest legends - a Hall of Famer, a Big League manager, a man who understands leadership from the ground up. As he took to the stage it was obvious that he truly was glad to be in the midst of future leaders within the fre service. Tommy, I hope I can call him by his frst name as I respect him a great deal, greeted the assembled crowd, starting off telling a story about himself. Tommy said, When I got up this morning my wife said, Where are you off to now? Tommy said, I am going up to LA to speak to some frefghters. Mrs. Lasorda chimed back, You love everyone more than me. Tommy reassured his beloved wife of over 63 years and said, I love you more than football and basketball. The assembled audi- ence roared with laughter and they applauded for his marriage commitment of 63 years. Tommy said that leadership began for him as a Boy Scout. Without hesitation and with great verbal stride Tommy recited the Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my County and to obey the Scout Law. To help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. He continued, in rapid fre and with conviction, A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. If all of us in the fre service could recommit to these principles, our Department could put PSD out of service. Tommy chal- lenged the new leadership graduates to lead, but not to get so far ahead of your people that you cant hear their voices or hear their footsteps. He told the group that once he was called to the White House to speak before many infuential people. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was scheduled to speak just before him. Somehow he managed and gave a tremendous talk. In it he said that that as a team player you must play for the name that is on the front of the shirt not what is on the back. Sometimes that was hard to do when the men he was leading made mil- lions of dollars. Still he was able to lead. Tommy, in his truest humility, said he had many awards and accolades in his life - awards like the World Series Championship and Hall of Fame induction. But nothing compared June 2013 9 to his selection to lead his countrys Olympic baseball team. He led the top baseball players in America and took them to a gold medal. He was so proud and told his players that the med- al belonged to the American people, not anyone else - especially not the Cubans. He said, as a manager, he was not entitled to a medal but he was never so proud of his team wearing their gold medals and singing the National Anthem. Certainly the graduation started off with great motivation. If you would like to hear Tommy Lasordas complete speech you can go to YouTube and search for Tommy Lasorda speech at the Leadership Academy It is awe- some in its entirety. It is a tradition that the students choose a class spokesperson. There were many to choose from but the class chose Logan Fields. But something magical happened as Logan deferred to Ed Martin. Field produced an unselfsh gesture that was recognized by Ed. As Ed was introduced, he came to the podium and humorously remarked how his position that day behind Tommys great speech was just what Tommy had experienced when Presi- dent Reagan asked him to speak after Margaret Thatcher. But Ed went on to give a great key- note speech on behalf of his classmates. May I share with you Ed Martins speech at the Leadership Academys Gradua- tion? Good morning honored guest, chiefs, family and friends and welcome to the Los Angeles Fire Departments Leadership Academy Class of 13-1 graduation ceremonies. Today you will hear about the imparted theme of the last four months which is leadership. One of the purposes of this course is to teach a life long commitment to the study of leader- ship. You may be asking yourselves what the defnition of a leader is - traits such as courage, confdence, integrity, loyalty, honor and vari- ous other qualities. These are just some of the attributes that defne a leader. To say that this class has been im- pacting would underscore the very trademark of this program. I am here to tell you that this is a life changer. I wish that this training had been available ten years ago. I would have been a better husband, father and overall person today. I thought to tell you all the ways I have been personally affected but then I would be betray- ing the very essence that exemplifes a good leader. The very meaning of what distinguishes a leader - the simple act of unselfshness, put- ting others before yourself. Looking out for the needs of subordinates is the essence of leader- ship. Ed continued with an unbelievable sign of humility. There was never a more clas- sic example of unselfshness displayed when collectively we went to select a group spokes- person. Eight candidates were purposed and the top two were Logan Fields and me. Logan was selected, not me. To everyones surprise, he chose to defer his opportunity to me as a tribute to my seniority and wisdom. That just means Im old. (Ed Martin is a senior veteran frefght- er in Battalion 10). This was by far the greatest compliment that has ever been conveyed to me. I applaud you for your character. Ed then had Logan rise and a stand- ing ovation was given from his classmates. Ed continued, Logan, you deserve it, in so much as in that one single act . . . you defned leader- ship. There have been many guest speak- ers that have addressed this class, many of them leaders in their own right. All of them spoke of various qualities of leadership but almost all of them centered on one element or core, and that is unselfshness. Put your people frst and you will be an effective leader. So begs the question, what is lead- ership? Can it be acquired knowledge that you learn through instruction? Leadership is both a science and an art. Leadership is both rational and emotional. Therefore, as a science it can be studied, charted, compared, and as an art it can be appreciated. And then we rationalize leader- ship by saying people are different in their ap- proach to leadership in their thoughts and feel- ings, hopes and dreams, needs and fears, goals and ambitions, strengths and weaknesses, indi- cating that leadership is often complex and can not be a mere checklist. Good leadership involves reaching out and touching others feelings. Emotions play a big part of leadership, like the ability to inspire. Dr. Martin Luther King is a great ex- ample of this. He touched peoples hearts as well as their minds. But a good leader needs to look at both the rational and emotional out- come of their actions.
As you might have already fgured out there is a strong correlation between leaders and fol- lowers. A famous quote states, No man is an island unto himself, everyone is part of the continent, a part of the main. There is no simple line dividing them, they merge. Many people believe that you are born a leader or not, and others believe that life experiences shape you into a leader. Quite frankly it is both and nei- ther. To think that leadership is an innate or ac- quired quality is to ignore the fact that each one of us in some past, present or future moment has faced or will face a leadership opportunity and will be defned on how we choose to deal with that moment. Ed continued, Like the moment we came together as a class to come up with the motto. Our motto is Navigating the future for those inspired to follow. We speak of the fu- ture with a new found compass to get us there - put others before you. The future leaders of the class will be guided with behavioral techniques that will allow us to make sound decisions, im- partial judgments and will enable us to engage those we lead in an exemplary manner. In closing, on a personal level, I lost my best friend on February 17, the Sunday before the captains exam. Ive asked myself quite often since then, Was I the best friend I couldve been? And now using the leader- ship problem solving model to identify what was happening in the relationship, I could have used the Emotional Intelligence theory and the leader theory of Self Awareness, some of the techniques taught over the last four months, it would have helped me to be something else for my friend. I wish I had had them earlier. But I learned it is never too late to be a better fa- ther, a better friend and to be better at treating others with respect and dignity. Looking inside yourself is very humbling but a necessary com- ponent in leadership and I challenge all of you to ask yourselves, Am I putting others before me. If not, how is that working for you? And to all the offcers, supervisors, managers, and future leaders in attendance, I ask that you be a leader that people want to follow and not a leader you have to follow. As many prepare for the captains exam, consider the words of Dodger great Tommy Lasorda and Firefghter Ed Martin, the importance of what is needed in the leadership roles that lay ahead in promotions and even in your personal life. Please consider the Leadership Academy and honor the support that it receives from the LA Firemens Credit Union, Serto- ma, and the Fire Foundation. This course has been prepared for you by the likes of Captains Chuck Ruddell, Paul Nelson, John Paxton, and Battalion Chief Randy Beaty, and a squadron of keynote speakers and facilitors like Captains Matt Ott, Kristin Crowley and Administrative Staff, Kimberly Lopez. The Blue Shirters have dominated the classroom spaces but there is always room for more, especially captains and chiefs. As a new B/C I thought, what can learn from this course? After taking the Academy, I was ashamed that I had that arrogant attitude. So I encourage those of rank amongst the LAFD to realize that you are not done - in knowing your- self and seeking self-improvement. You too can consider the future knowledge that awaits you in the upper classrooms at FHMTC. And know that you can teach old dogs new tricks. Frank Hotchkins would be proud of you; those under your command will admire your efforts. And as Ed Martin so humbly ad- mitted, It was an experience that changed my life. 10 June 2013 O n August 11, 2010, at 1915 hours, the LAFD received a report of a struc- ture fire at Washington Boulevard and Trinity Street. Task Force 10, Engine 15, Task Force 14, RA 10, RA 810, Task Force 14, RA 814, Squad 4, EMS 1 and Battalion 1 were dis- patched to the incident. The first arriving com- panies encountered fire and heavy smoke emit- ting from a garage-type storage room located between a church and a two-story single-family dwelling. The fre was exposing the attached structures and had already spread to the eaves of both the church and the dwelling. Additional resources were immediately requested, result- ing in dispatch of Truck 9, Engine 17, Engine 17, Light Force 20, TF 27, RA 27, RA 827, Emergency Air 1, Battalion 3, Battalion 5, Di- vision 1, and A-Unit 1. The Greater Alarm assignment of approximately 80 frefghters took just 41 min- utes to knock-down the fre, which resulted in an estimated $1,000,000 in damage to the 100 year-old church and attached structures. Al- though the damage estimate was signifcant, the majority of the church and dwelling struc- tures were undamaged due to the quick work of the frefghters. Additionally, there were no fatalities or injuries reported, even though the church and dwelling were both occupied at the time of the fre. Due to the fact that the fre involved a house of worship, A-Unit 1 requested the response of the on-call arson team, which in- cludes an arson investigator and supervisor as- signed to the Special Investigations (Day) Unit. Additional notifcations were made to the Los Angeles House of Worship Arson Task Force agencies, which includes LAFD arson inves- tigators, LAPD Criminal Conspiracy Section (CCS) detectives, an ATF agent and an FBI agent. by Yvonne Griffn, EPN June 2013 11 As investigators from each of the Task Force agencies arrived, they were as- signed to either the fre origin and cause team or the investigative team. The fre origin and cause team consisted of an ATF agent, one in- vestigator assigned to A-Unit 1, the LAFD Ar- son K-9 handler with the accelerant detection K-9, the Arson Section forensic photographer and an Arson Section Captain. The investiga- tive team, which was assigned to identify and interview witnesses, was comprised of an ar- son investigator assigned to the LAFD Arson Special Investigations Unit, an investigator assigned to A-Unit 1, the Arson Section com- mander, two LAPD detectives and their Lieu- tenant, and an FBI agent. The origin and cause team conducted a thorough systematic search of the scene and determined that the fre had originated just in- side the double barn-style shed doors, where they found that a large amount of clothing had been stored. They determined that the fre was intentionally set and ruled the cause incendiary. The investigative team interviewed two female witnesses who gave similar ac- counts of a man (suspect) that had attempted to open the storage shed doors less than fve minutes prior the discovery of a fre just inside those doors. The frst witness, who was iden- tifed as the ministers wife, said she arrived at the church and saw the suspect attempting to remove something from between the shed doors. She said the suspect turned and looked in her direction, and then approached and yelled at her as she entered the church. The second witness was a resident of the fre damaged dwelling. She had seen the suspect through her window as he confronted the frst witness, then returned to the storage shed doors momentarily before quickly walk- ing away while looking back over his shoulder toward the shed doors. Based on the witness descriptions, LAPD made a radio crime broadcast and pro- vided the arson suspects description. Police patrol offcers searched the area, but were un- able to locate the suspect. The following morning, a few of the Task Force members returned to the church to conduct additional investigation. There were several church representatives and the dwell- ing occupant (second witness) at the location engaged in salvage activities and damage as- sessment. The investigators were outside with the church staff when the forensic photogra- pher observed a man standing on the sidewalk a short distance away. The man, who closely matched the physical description given for the suspect the previous night, was watching the activities and carrying items that appeared to have been removed from the church. The photographer alerted the arson investigator, who then approached the individ- ual and asked to speak with him. The man pro- vided his name, Ricardo Aguilar Martinez, and advised that he was not assisting with the clean up, but said he often came to the church to obtain free clothing and resources. Martinez then admitted that he had been at the church the previous day about 15 to 30 minutes before he became aware of the fre, which he claimed to frst see from the area of 23rd Street and San Pedro. At this same time, the forensic photographer went across the street and asked the witness whether she thought the man might be the same individual shed seen outside her window just prior to the fre. The witness said she thought Martinez looked a lot like him, but couldnt be sure. The arson investigator then con- tacted the LAPD CCS detectives that had assisted with the investigation the previous night, and requested that they bring the min- isters wife to the church for a feld show-up and possible suspect identifcation. The de- tectives arrived a short time later and con- ducted a feld show-up, at which time the witness stated she was 75 to 80% sure that Martinez was the same individual she had seen the previous night. The arson investigator transported Martinez to the LAPD Newton police sta- tion, where he and a CCS detective obtained a Miranda waiver and conducted a formal in- terview. Martinez made conficting statements and initially denied any involvement, but then admitted to being the individual the two wit- nesses had described. He denied intentionally starting the fre, but said that he might have ac- cidentally started it and not realized that hed done so. He also said that if he had started it intentionally he would have done so at night when no one could see him. After concluding the interview, in- vestigators, believing that probable cause existed that Martinez was responsible for in- tentionally starting the fre, placed him under arrest and booked him for 451(b) P.C., Arson of an Inhabited Structure. Arson investigators presented the case to the Los Angeles County District Attorneys Offce - Arson Unit, and ob- tained a felony complaint fling for one count of 451(b) P.C., Arson of an Inhabited Struc- ture, and one count of 451(c) P.C., Ar- son of a Structure. A pre- liminary hearing was held in Sep- tember of 2010 at the Criminal Courts Building in Down- town Los Angeles. The ATF agent pro- vided expert tes- timony to support his fre origin and cause determination, and the witnesses testifed regarding their observations. Martinez was held-to-answer and bound over for trial, but on March 17, 2011, prior to trial, he pleaded no-contest to a single arson charge and received a State Prison Sentence of three years. Note: The Los Angeles House of Worship Arson Task Force was formed in the mid-1990s in response to several church fres that had occurred in other regions of the coun- try. Battalion Chief Terry Manning, the Arson Section commander at that time, took a proac- tive approach and organized the Los Angeles Task Force. The successful outcome of this in- vestigation is one of several examples of the team work and value of this nearly 20-year-old partnership. Mike Rhodes Cell (805) 501-6044 Email: BRE License # 01177388 20 Years Serving Tousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Simi Valley, Moorpark & Camarillo LAFD Retired An independently owned and operated broker member of BRER Afliates Inc. Te Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are registered service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. Used under license with no other afliation of Prudential. Equal Housing Opportunity. Paid Advertisement: 12 June 2013 BenefitingYour THURSDAYJUNE6,2013-FROM11:30AMTO2:30PM CONTACT:JulietBrandolino(323) OnHopeStreetbetween 3rdandHopePlace ForTheSixteenthAnnual JOINUS! Deliciousfood,fun&prizes BRINGYOURFAMILY&FRIENDS Chancetowinround-tripticketsfrom Chancetowinround-tripticketsfrom June 2013 13 BenefitingYour THURSDAYJUNE6,2013-FROM11:30AMTO2:30PM CONTACT:JulietBrandolino(323) OnHopeStreetbetween 3rdandHopePlace ForTheSixteenthAnnual JOINUS! Deliciousfood,fun&prizes BRINGYOURFAMILY&FRIENDS Chancetowinround-tripticketsfrom Chancetowinround-tripticketsfrom Just last month RA 804 goes out on a sick person non-emergency in 2s frst in . . . its actually the parking lot of White Memo- rial Hospital. The EMTs fnd that the patient has a blood pressure of 60 systolic. They call for a paramedic rescue and are told by MFC that they will be getting RA 4 from quarters. So correct me if Im wrong - if the EMTs can be in the ER quicker than it takes a paramedic RA to get on scene, they can transport an ALS patient? They might not be able to make base contact, and Ill give them that. But they do have a cell phone and can give White a call with a basic report. And even if they dont or cant make the call, thats what it says in the PRG and in the LA County DHS poli- cies regarding patient transport. When asked why they just didnt transport the patient, the response was, Really? We can do that? With the fre chiefs new master plan, we lost the inside member at 10s to go to 74s as 874. 2s lost the inside member to 1s as 801. Now correct me if Im wrong, no 800 series ambulance on the east side, and they open it up at 1s? In the past three months, Fire Station 2 has had fve fatality fres. Not only do they need an 800, the inside- member would still be benefcial there. With still no word on the captains exam results, the rumor mill just keeps fy- ing. Good to see that certain members of the department, (members already possessing collar ornaments) putting on classes to aid the test takers in the next process. When will there be a time when these captains, chiefs, etc step up and provide those services free of charge, to mold the future leaders of this department? Outside agencies providing this service is understandable, but the leaders within . . . really!! The new recruit test was a week later, and they have already received results, and are anxiously waiting for interview dates but only if you were lucky enough to be one of the frst 600 to turn in a CPAT verifcation. The options to submit were by e-mail, fax, or hand deliver. Seems like there might be a little delay in the candidates who chose option number 3. As the summer draws near, so does that threat of assign hires. The department is thinning out and running low on bodies to work the vacant positions. Lets continue to take care of one another. In the month of April, companies are already being shut down NAV staffng, and it will only get worse. Make sure to check your sign-ups, its gonna be hard to get out of days once hired for. Keep those stories coming in. Some stories need to be told. downtown companies extinguished a fre in a Metro bus on Figueroa at 4th Street on April 17th. Photos by Yvonne Griffn, EPN 14 June 2013 Greetings once again from the sinners and the saints of the Second Battalion. Lots of the comings and goings throughout the City this month. There is some lateral movement as Capt. Paul Ybarra leaves Lincoln Heights to bump Capt. Anthony Hardaway out of the temp spot at 50s on the C-shift, so to keep things fair, Capt. Hardaway takes over command in Lincoln Heights. Also, hopefully only for a short while, the lose the 10th man and open BLS rescues plan has FF Joe Rodriguez going from 12-A to 50-A, FF Tyrone Fong 12-B to 50-B, FF Christian Riley 12-C to 50-C, FF Daniel Cortinas 2-A to 1-A, FF Chad Corona 2-B to 1-B and FF Juan Marez from 2-C to 1-C. We also bid a tearful goodbye to Capt. Percy Jones who leaves the Second Oldest Station in the City for Recruit Services. FF/PM Chris Stellern will take the serenity of El Sereno with him to the beach and ride RA 63 . . . and FF/PM Kelly Corcoran eliminates the pool paramedic conundrum on 1-B for a permanent home on RA 95. To ease the pain of our loss(s), FF Robert Barna leaves PTI to jump into the pool at 1-C. Remember . . . we start off liking you, youll have to do something to change that. While no stories made their way to me this month, it doesnt mean there is nothing newsworthy to report. The Fire Chief himself went around our beloved battalion and addressed the troops being affected by his new reallocation of resources. Id be lying if I didnt admit to being surprised and impressed by his willingness to go into the trenches to explain things to the rank and fle. Im sorry I missed it, I would have come in from home had I known. That being said, Id be remiss in my duties if I didnt take a moment to point out some of the possible problems with the plan I would have brought up had I been there. From what I gather, the theory is that by opening more BLS ambulances, response times will be improved. To acquire the personnel, one member from each of 22 truck companies will be reassigned. This doesnt sound like all that much until you realize its the loss of 1/3 of the frefghters on the truck. It also means that we no longer conform to the National Standard according to NFPA 1710 establishing the minimums for the safe staffng of a truck company. And for some reason the Fire Chief is hell bent on implementing this plan, in spite of the opposition of our union, the chiefs union and anyone else who cares about our safety. For those of you on the outside looking in, this means 22 truck companies, which are emergency responders, (and all personnel are also trained EMTs) will be undermanned so that 11 BLS ambulances can be staffed in order to transport non-emergency patients. Now, I understand that about 85% of our present call load is EMS and the bulk of that is BLS. I also dont argue the importance of being able to transport non-critical patients to the hospital in a timely fashion. I have a problem with the cost in safety, when all who need transport are currently getting it. Im sure the issue is the budget, since thats all weve heard about for the last few years, but how about fghting for some of the revenue we generate through the improved ePCR billing? A big part of the ePCR sales pitch to those doing the actual day to day of public service was how this new source of revenue would help the Fire Departments budget woes. If the object of the plan is to improve response times . . . as soon as any resource arrives on scene the clock stops ticking. The extra BLS rescues wont improve response times and frst care gets administered as soon as the frst company arrives. Getting non-emergency patients to the hospital faster by degrading emergency services just seems like a poor exchange. Ive also heard the plan hopes to stave off attacks by private ambulance companies trying to take over our BLS transportation service, as they claim to be able to do the job cheaper. While I have a lot of respect for private EMTs, they are able to bring only one skill set to the party which makes them about as fexible as frozen taffy. Personally, I have a hard time believing the Fire Chief has no regard for our safety, but I have no problem believing that a politician with his term at an end and an eye to the future would want a gold star on his resume. Doing the right thing had to be a lot easier when there was Civil Service Protec- tion. Send your version of the truth, or threats of reprisal to A/o Nathan bordofsky from 12-A gets a Fathers day hug a few weeks early from 2 year old son Sage at a cadet muster at FHMtC. battalion 2 companies worked a fre along the 60 Freeway that burned 12 palm trees on April 19, 2013. Photo Jeff Zimmerman, EPN June 2013 15 On April 24, 2013, a scenario de- picting a crashed Boeing 777-300 aircraft with a simulated debris feld of aircraft parts and a medical triage area with a number of fatalities and injured people was conducted at LAX. The two-hour exercise included nearly 300 participants, representing more than 30 organizations. About 100 of the participants were volunteers wearing makeup to simulate injuries and played the roles of victims. The drill, an exercise required by the FAA was dubbed LAX AIREX 2013. LAFd Photos by Erik Scott, PSo battalion 5 companies work a physical rescue on the 101 fwy. Photo by david blaire 16 June 2013 Hello again from Battalion 10. Things have been fairly quiet over the past couple of months, but dont worry because this month we have a lot to talk about. First of all, we have some farewells to wish. Cap- tain Onesto and Engineer Jeremy Chitwood leave39 B for greener pastures over to 81s on the C shift. Rumor has it that the two of them, along with Seth Springer, are all getting along like a house on fre. Some other members at 81s have described these three good looking guys hanging around together as a scene straight out of Zoolander. Next we say adios to FF/PM Shawn Rudolph who leaves 83s for Pacoimas fnest at 98s. FF/PM Mark Miller leaves 81s to go to 84s. Captain Jeff Birg saddles his horse and leaves the rough and tumble South Van Nuys and heads to the quieter, more serene pastures of North Van Nuys fre station 81. Also leaving the A shift at 39s is FF/PM Ed Tumbleson who steps into his extra small level B suit over at 87s. Well miss you Ed, there arent very many Captain IIIs like you out there. Another member who is leaving the battalion is Captain II Jesse Cisneros who was promoted to Battalion Chief on May 1st. Captain Cisneros put on a prime rib dinner for his crew on his last day as a captain. It was an excellent dinner and a good time was had by all. The next day, all but one member of Captain Cisneros crew suited up in their dress uniforms and went downtown to City Hall to be there for his badge pinning ceremony and show their support. Chief Cisneros was fashionably late to the ceremony due to a minor fender bender while on his way to the event. Everyone was okay, and he received his hard earned badge from Chief Cummings and gave one of the best speeches his crew had ever heard. Congratulations Chief on your promotion, were proud of you and we will miss you at 39s. Fortunately you promoted into Battalion 1 where you will have someone to drive for you. Moving on to Battalion 10 news, we have a story that comes out of . . .you guessed it, 39s. Recently we had battalion inspection and true to tradition, Captain Ruiz was cooking that day so that his hard work- ing crew could spend the day, nose to the grindstone, cleaning and preparing the oldest station in the city for inspection. Dinner time rolls around and Captain Ruiz calls everyone to the kitchen for a delicious, hard earned chicken dinner. The hungry and tired crew all sit down together to reap the days rewards of all their hard work, and as soon as the guys start cutting into their chicken, it begins to look like a murder scene on all of their plates. Some of the guys were seen chasing down their chicken, forks and knives in hand after it bolted off of their plates. Fortunately the side dishes were enough to hold back the hunger pangs of the overworked crew. At the end of the dinner, there was more seared chicken spotted still twitching in the trash can, than in the left over containers. By the time you are reading this, the Fire Chiefs new deployment plan has gone into effect, and there are now several nine- man task forces and fve-man truck companies in the city. Lets consider this new plan along with what we know. In the same week that there is one of the most signifcant terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11, as well as a massive explosion in Texas that took the lives of nine frefghters as well as many other citizens, our Chief comes to the conclusion that we are all stocked up on frefghter and public safety and that we can afford to pull valuable frefghters from truck companies and use them to staff non-emergency ambulances. These frefghters are being used to staff non- emergency ambulances to fx the departments infamous response time problem. If you re- member, the Fire Chief had proposed a plan to City Council, that we could afford to brown out or close many of our resources in order to save money, and response time would remain the same. Nearly everyone openly opposes this plan, UFLAC and the COA both come together in rare form to openly speak out against this plan. The only person other than the Chief that publicly defends the plan is former LAPD Chief Bernard Parks. Ask any LAPD offcer if they liked Bernard Parks as Police Chief and you will likely lose count of the four letter words in the frst few minutes of their answer. But the Fire Chief proposes this new plan to City Council and it is allowed to go through. Why not, its not like he has steered us wrong in the past, or based vital department decisions on misinformation? But most importantly, lets fast forward to the very day before this plan is to go into effect. A hillside fre broke out in 99s district that trapped three frefghters and burned two of them, one of which was found inside the fre unconscious and out of air. We are extremely lucky that we did not lose any- body, and our hearts go out to San Francisco battalion 10 companies, along with Crew 3, work a brush fre at the 101/405 interchange in April. Photo by greg holly Photo by ryAn ling June 2013 17 Fire who tragically lost two of their own in a similar type of fre. It would be a slam dunk to argue the value of every member on-scene of that fre and how they contributed to the suc- cess of that fre and how we are so fortunate to only escape with some minor burns. But that argument would be in vain, because no matter what may happen, those members that we used to depend on to be there for our safety and ensure that we make it home to our families are now a mere luxury. Those members are best served on a non-emergency ambulance to ensure that the LAFD makes it to the scene of an unknown medical in fve minutes or less. Lets make sure we all take care of each other out there and keep in mind risk vs. gain. Lets serve with courage, integrity, and pride no matter who isnt. Stay posted for next months article, we are in the midst of fun and dynamic times so Im sure there is good stuff to follow. Or this might be the last article that I ever write and will be banished for life from the Grapevine. Send all your stories and photos to On April 15, 2013, frefghters arrived at 3390 West San Marino Street in 29s frst-in to fnd fre coming from the attic of a three story apartment building. Photos by Juan Guerra Photo by ryAn ling Photo by greg holly 18 June 2013 in store with our Fireghter Loyalty Program shop online or visit our stores SAVE 10% Huge Savings on Health, Endurance & Training Supplements HOLLYWOOD 6252 Romaine St. near Golds Gym HOURS: M-F 9am8pm; Sat 9am6pm; Sun 10am6pm (323) 467-6123 WEST HOLLYWOOD 8730 Santa Monica Blvd. at Huntley HOURS: M-F 8am9pm; Sat 8am8pm; Sun 10am6pm (424) 288-4785 Paid Advertisement: June 2013 19 24s, 74s and 77s handled a brush fre in the Rowley debris basin in tujunga. Photo by doc deMulle, the Foothills Paper battalion 12 companies handle a house fre on Woodward Ave in Sunland on April 19, 2013. Photo by doc deMulle, the Foothills Paper A Metrolink train struck a truck at branford and San Fernando Rd in Pacoima on April 6, 2013. Eight RAs transported more than a doz- en Metrolink passengers to local hospitals. Photo by Mike Meadows 20 June 2013 Presented by Monday,September24,2012 Monday,September23,2013 Completeformandmail inwithpaymentto: L.A.FiremensRelief Association Development&Marketing Attn:M.Casillas POBox41903 LosAngeles,CA90041 Phone:(323)259-5217 HaveACompanySponsorYOU$500 BringInOneOfTheseSponsors: $2,000-FirstAlarmSponsorTwosome $3,000-GreaterAlarmSponsorFoursome $7,000-MajorEmergencySponsorTwoFoursomes Collect$1,000worthof auctionitems (Valuemustbeconfir medbytheRelief) OTHERWAYSTOPLAY: SpecialFirefighterRate$125 Li mi ted Spots! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED MOUNTAINGATECOUNTRYCLUB 1 2 4 4 5 Mo u n t a i n G a t e Dr i v e - L o s An g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 9 BenefitingYour 8am-9:30amRegistration/PuttingContest-10amShotgunStart-Reception&AwardsDinnerFollowingGolf June 2013 21 Presented by Monday,September24,2012 Monday,September23,2013 Completeformandmail inwithpaymentto: L.A.FiremensRelief Association Development&Marketing Attn:M.Casillas POBox41903 LosAngeles,CA90041 Phone:(323)259-5217 HaveACompanySponsorYOU$500 BringInOneOfTheseSponsors: $2,000-FirstAlarmSponsorTwosome $3,000-GreaterAlarmSponsorFoursome $7,000-MajorEmergencySponsorTwoFoursomes Collect$1,000worthof auctionitems (Valuemustbeconfir medbytheRelief) OTHERWAYSTOPLAY: SpecialFirefighterRate$125 Li mi ted Spots! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED MOUNTAINGATECOUNTRYCLUB 1 2 4 4 5 Mo u n t a i n G a t e Dr i v e - L o s An g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 4 9 BenefitingYour 8am-9:30amRegistration/PuttingContest-10amShotgunStart-Reception&AwardsDinnerFollowingGolf Greetings from the Battalion that never sleeps! Welcome back to another month, and I cant believe that its June already! Let me start by giving a huge shout out to one of Battalion 13s own, FF Jose Perez. After a recent fre, a homeless occupant of the fre building was left with nothing but literally the clothes on his back, and apparently it was questionable if they could actually be called clothes. RA 33 members took the patient into the back of the rescue, evaluated him, and after he was deemed OK, he emerged from the back of the rescue with a new blue t-shirt and a pair of LAFD mesh shorts. From what I hear he looked like a new man and was very appreciative. Thank you FF Perez for giving the shirt off your back to the man, and once again leaving it better than you found it. Also this month was the Annual Dads and Kids Camp-out at Lake Cachuma. Once again, everybody had a great time, with perfect weather, flthy kids, and full bellies.Yes dear, of course the kids are bathed, ate all their food, and brushed their teeth! Thanks to all the folks that make this a great event and looking forward to next year! Our frst story comes out of FS 21, where the fully staffed Haz-Mat Task Force is stationed. Recently our heroes were dis- patched to their bread and butter, the Haz- ardous Material call. Since most of us are only basic Haz-Mat FRO trained, we usually leave all the technical stuff to the experts. We try and handle the identify, isolate, and deny en- try part, and they do the work that earns them the bonus and all that goes with it. As 21s arrived on-scene with all their apparatus and equipment in-tow, they started setting up for the big one. Meters were warming up, Class X suits were being donned, and comput- ers in the squad were working to identify the problem. Everyone was fnally properly suited up and ready to get to work . . . except for one. The Haz-Mat TFC decided to enter the hot- zone in only a simple all-protecting turnout coat, with no helmet or 32 gas meter, and proceeded to walk from shut-and-secure-door to shut-and-secure-door, open it, and stick his own personally issued olfactory meter right in to identify the Haz-Mat product. Appar- ently their SOGs are to send him down the hallway . . . and if he comes back unscathed, then its a safe atmosphere; but if he falls ill, then its called IDLH and all the proper and expensive monitoring equipment theyre issued comes into play. Now I know that all the team members have specifc functions and duties, and along with those responsibilities comes a proper title while on-scene. I think his was changed from TFC to Canary . . . just what I heard. With some of the promotions lately, theres bound to be some stories out there. One such story comes out of FS 64. A newly pro- moted TFC arrived just in time for Bi-Monthly inspection. His 2nd shift is the shift before inspection, so as TRADITION would have it, the captains cook so the crew can fnish the house . . . right? Uhhh, not so much in this case. Turns out that making a good impres- sion and leading by example arent quite as important as getting your feet wet in the front offce. Did I forget to mention that there are a few studiers that have already taken care of ALL the paperwork and front offce duties? Anyway, tradition did hold, and the captain did cook . . . yes, the out-of-house captain as- signed to the engine for that day did cook. On a side note, at least the new TFC took some of the runs for the busy engine captain . . . wait, this just in . . . nope, he didnt take any runs or even offer. Oh well, at least the guys worked hard all day and were rewarded with a fan- tastic dinner that may have taken a bit longer than normal to prepare due to the call volume. As an addendum, the newly pro- moted TFC did end up cooking the shift of inspection, AKA 3rd shift rule and also a tradition . . . well I shouldnt say that HE actu- ally cooked. His wife cooked and packaged the food and delivered both lunch and dinner to the station. Now the question is, Who gets the C? My vote goes to Mrs. Wade. Sorry Capt., looks like youre up again next seg- ment. Prior to the promotion, comes the studying. And along with the studying, comes the acting. And fnally with the acting, also come the acting. Recently at 65s one of the FFs was Acting Captain, and the captain was kind enough to sit backward and be an Acting Firefghter. Arriving on-scene of a two-story apartment with fre showing from the frst foor, the acting captain gave his comprehensive size-up and the acting FF went to work throwing his breather, selecting the appropriate line and rushing towards the front door. Thats when our acting FF disap- peared between two cars and all that could be seen was an explosion of yellow with PPEs fying in all directions. As the engineer went to investigate, he stepped over the obvious curb and found the acting FF face down with life status questionable. Once he was rolled over, there was a loud audible gasp heard as A fre in a church at 4909 Crenshaw bl was extinguished by battalion 13 companies on April 27, 2013. Photos by Yvonne Griffn, EPN 22 June 2013 air re-entered his lungs. With some assistance, he was helped to his feet and pointed in the direction of the fre. Reassembling his PPEs, he made it to the front door and learned that neither the Y-block nor the radio mic will connect to the facepiece. In the end, after some bruised ribs and egos, the fre went out, was overhauled and everybody went home safely. Remember, if you dont use it, you lose it. Dont worry Capt. this will only refect on your DOR and it might be your next drill. The other day, a former Battalion 13 employee worked the P.M. on RA 864. After a normal busy night, this member was in the kitchen the next morning catching up with old acquaintances and waiting for the 800 to get back in order to make relief. He was overheard talking to some of the guys about some of the issues that hes having with members of his own station. Issues like other members not pulling their own weight, not fulflling their duties, and leaving things for other members to clean up. In fact, this seasoned, salty, smoke-eater of eight years and multiple stations (not all because he wanted to) actually told one of his inferior FFs with more time on, Im tired of going home every morning with a sore back from having to carry your weight all day! A second later his relief walked in the kitchen and after his huge diatribe about how much work he does, he stepped down from his soapbox and continued to tell his relief that he didnt put fuel in the rig because he was tired and that it needs to be restocked with gloves and ice packs. Now if that isnt ironic, Im not sure what is! Thank you Dude, for continuing to be you . . . just sayin Our last story goes to our Fire Chief. Im sure everybody has read and heard about the new deployment plan taking one FF off certain Light Forces and reassigning them to 800 series ambulances assigned to stand-alone Light Force houses. While this is obviously another plan for disaster, and further taxing the LAFD members to once again do more with less, the real thing that stymied me was reading his letter on the portal as to why he was doing it. All I kept reading was the word . . . or actually, letter I. As the Fire Chief, I . . . , I am, I will, I continue, and I am responsible for. Seems as if hes already forgot the WE. As we all know, nothing is ever accomplished by I. We are a strong Fire Department working together as a team to accomplish all of the daily duties and responsibilities to the public and each other. Apparently he forgot about the day- in-and-day-out work of all the resources and bureaus trying to move forward and keep us successful. I wont even go into the LA Times article where the most out-of-touch LAFD member gets quoted bringing clarity to the Fire Chiefs plan. Thank you MD1 for your words of wisdom and unique ability to try and make yourself relevant . . . keep trying . . . and Chief, once you realize that its all of us, you may have a bit more success. Re- member those four large posters mounted on the wall of every LAFD station? You may want to take a look next time . . . Just sayin. Congratulations to all of the young men and women that passed the en- try level test and are currently visiting fre stations by the boatful to gain insight into the LAFD. Remember, this is our frst op- portunity to mold and shape the future of our department, so think back to when you were doing the same thing and treat them how you wouldve wanted to be treated. Well, thats all Ive got for this month. Stay safe and remember that 2+2 makes sense, play nice, know your audience, get a cool nickname, fgure out which formula to use before the media gets ahold of it, you get out what you put in, FI-1, read the label, if youre tired- sleep in, when in need of a driver, call an already overworked 800 to do your job, and watch out for irony! Keep sending your stories to on April 16, three people died in a fery crash when their vehicle struck a light standard on Manchester blvd. Firefghters from En- gine 57 battled the fames. Photo by Rick McClure, EPN E 57, tF 33 & E 65 encounter a fre in a row of bungalows on April 18, 2013. Photos Jeff Zimmerman, EPN June 2013 23 On March 31, 2013, Easter Sunday, actor Jack McGee and his wife, Stephanie, held their second annual college fundraiser for Glenn Allens grandson, Nathaniel. They have combined this fundraiser with their celebra- tion called the March Music Madness where musicians and friends play music based on a theme. This years music theme was Mo- town and the music and food was fantastic. 300 people feasted on hamburgers and hot dogs cooked by the members of Fire Station 97. Some notable people in attendance were anchor person Christine Devine of Channel 11 News, actor Ed Begley, Jr., Steely Dan band member David Palmer, Maria Riggs of UFLAC and her husband Dick, Melanie Allen, Rebecca, Brandon & Nathaniel McPhie. This event all came about after Jack and Stephanie heard about Glenns tragic death at the Viewsite Fire in February 2011. They had met Glenn when Stephanie fell while on a hike in Fryman Canyon requir- ing the services of the LAFDs fnest, RA 97. Jack, a retired FDNY member, became the IC when RA 97 arrived. When Glenn had fnally had enough of his directions, he asked Jack if he would like to run the incident or would he like RA 97 to take care of Stephanie. An instant friendship had been made! Soon after Stephanie got out of the hospital, Jack was nominated for an Oscar for the movie, The Fighter. Instead of talking about himself on his special night on the Red Carpet, Jack, wearing his FDNY badge with memorial band, talked about Glenn and how the fre depart- ment family had truly suffered a tragic loss. The members of 97s were so impressed, they invited Jack and Stephanie up for lunch and a friendship had begun. Gathered in the kitchen of FS 97, Jack and Stephanie decided to add Nathaniels college fundraiser to their event. Jack and Stephanie, as well as the members of FS 97, would like to thank many people that made this fundraiser such a success: UFLAC for their generous donation which allowed us to rent VIP porta-potties for the party, Tony Watson of Andy Gump, who provided the porta-potties at his cost, and Craig Sanford, for delivering and picking up the mini-Moab so that 97s could cook the food in a timely manner. Wed also like to thank Light Force 78 and Task Force 60 for March Music Madness Fundraiser 60s extricates the victim of a t/A Photo by Shawn Kaye stopping by and being static displays for all the families in attendance. Send news to: 24 June 2013 Benetting MountainGate Country Club September 23, 2013 FIRST IN OR CLOSEST TO THE HOLE COURTESY OF GRAND PRIZE 2ND PRIZE 3RD PRIZE 4TH PRIZE COURTESY OF Apple iPad PAYMENT INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: TOTAL AMOUNT: Card Holders Address: City: State: Zip: Card Holders Phone: Email: Visa MC AMEX Discover Credit Card No: Exp. Date: *CVV2 No: Check Enclosed (Payable to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund) Signature: MAIL TO: Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund Development & Marketng Department. ATTN: M. Casillas PO Box 41903 - Los Angeles CA 90041 ( 323) 259- 5215 Winner Need Not be Present to Win. participants will receive Ticket stubs by mail prior to event. (*Required) Entries must be received by Wednesday, September 16, 2013. $10 per ball $20 for 3 balls $50 for 7 balls $100 for 20 balls Home Cell Work Home Work June 2013 25 Benetting MountainGate Country Club September 23, 2013 FIRST IN OR CLOSEST TO THE HOLE COURTESY OF GRAND PRIZE 2ND PRIZE 3RD PRIZE 4TH PRIZE COURTESY OF Apple iPad PAYMENT INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: TOTAL AMOUNT: Card Holders Address: City: State: Zip: Card Holders Phone: Email: Visa MC AMEX Discover Credit Card No: Exp. Date: *CVV2 No: Check Enclosed (Payable to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund) Signature: MAIL TO: Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund Development & Marketng Department. ATTN: M. Casillas PO Box 41903 - Los Angeles CA 90041 ( 323) 259- 5215 Winner Need Not be Present to Win. participants will receive Ticket stubs by mail prior to event. (*Required) Entries must be received by Wednesday, September 16, 2013. $10 per ball $20 for 3 balls $50 for 7 balls $100 for 20 balls Home Cell Work Home Work on April 5th a pick-up truck overturned and landed on the Lankershim bl offramp from the N/b 101 Freeway. A full Physical Rescue assignment took over a half an hour to extricate the victim. Photo by Mike Meadows on April 1st a man was killed when his car struck a parked scrap metal truck on San Fernando Rd. Photo by Mike Meadows battalion 15 companies assisted Ventura County Fire after a car drove off the E/b 118 Freeway and burst into fames. Firefghters rescued the driver and carried her up the hill to a waiting ambulance. Photos by Juan Guerra, 26 June 2013 Meanwhile in Battalion 17 . . . This story will need audience par- ticipation and knowledge. Once upon a time on a morning of battalion inspection, with the looming arrival of B/C 17 and EMS 17, a certain individual took it upon himself to do a little extra. What do you think he did? A: Help his crew to do morning of in- spection duties. B: Take a hot lap around his rig to ensure it gleamed like a jewel. C: Ask the captain if there were any other special tasks that needed to be performed. D: Get towels, soap and bucket and begin to detail his personal vehicle. Forward your answers and opinions to Fire Station 104-B battalion 17 companies knocked down a fre that destroyed a garage in the 8400 block of Keokuk Ave on April 11, 2013 Photos by Juan Guerra, Send your stories and photos directly to you battalion News writer or to the editor at June 2013 27 I bought my Grandson a small RC (remote control) helicopter, which is only for indoor use and is basically intended to distract him from watchin too much TV. Hes only 5 years old but he quickly mastered the controls and movements. It wasnt long before he was fyin it all over our house and buzzin the thing around my head. I was impressed with his skill level and could see he was havin way too much fun. Naturally, I decided to dive in and see if I could peg my fun meter! So far the only thing Ive pegged is the balance in my bank account. This RC heli- copter thing is expensive. Especially when you crash or a wind comes up and blows the dang thing into the next county. I started off with a fairly small one, learnin the basic maneuvers and then tryin to land it within walkin dis- tance from my house. After feelin as though I had made some progress, I decided I was ready for the next step. I was informed by my local hobby store that as you go bigger in size the more stable and controllable they become. I was also promised that I would never fear the wind and that I would fnd it easier to maintain level and steady fight. They were right, except they didnt tell me they crash as easily as a small one. The only difference is the money thats needed to put them back together. And its really not so much the cost of rebuildin thats the problem. Its all the dang accessories. An ordinary transmitter, used to control the beast, isnt nearly acceptable. I had to buy some $250 Special Edition model that can be programmed to control up to 20 models. Then there are the batteries. My BIG helicop- ter uses two 25 volt batteries! I did the math and that adds up to 50 volts! And each of these batteries cost $230. COWBOY WISDOM You can tell the size of a man by the size of the thing that makes him mad.
If you have any comments or stories, please contact me. My email address is below. Thanks. KEEP SMILIN! AC Then there are the upgrades. These helicopter manufactures are constantly chan- gin and improvin everything from the rotor blades to the receivers. Receivers are the giz- mos that the transmitter talks to. And you cant just have one receiver. No, you need a mini- mum of two, which by the way actually link up with a satellite orbitin the earth. And Lord forgive you if youre caught usin some off- the-shelf cheapo receiver. These fyin clubs are like the Arson Unit. Its a very Clickish group thats hard to break into, but once youre in, youd better have all the right equipment. What a crock! Anyway, if there was ever a time when I truly wished I had promoted to Assis- tant Chief, its now. Even a Captain IIs pen- sion wouldnt help me. I was never any good in math and its ac- tually a good thing because I cant count past 100, but my wife knows exactly how much Ive wasted. However, I cant get a fx on the exact amount Ive spent because she stopped talkin to me six months ago. I promised her a new diamond ring, but she hasnt answered back. Paid Advertisements: 28 June 2013 INFORMATION: BILL BRINGAS (805) 660-7473 SIGN UP & PURCHASE TSHIRTS AT: LAFRA.ORG/EVENTS $25 per player 3 to 5 players per team Santa Monica Beach, 1200 PCH, Lot 3 North Proceeds benefit 30 TEAMS MAX. CHECK IN - 8AM GAME STARTS - 9AM Best Costume! Best Team Name! tournament SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 wednesday June 2013 29 Structure FIre Sherman OakS Photos by Rick McClure, EPN and Juan Guerra, Two frefghters suffered burns battling a Greater Alarm Structure Fire at a three-story hillside home at 4008 Sumac Drive on May 4, 2013. First arriving frefghters attacked the ground level fames and quickly realized intense fames were burning beneath them. Conditions in- side the structure rapidly deteriorated. All three foors quickly became unstable due to extensive fre load. One veteran fre captain, low on air, was forced to call Emergency Traffc due to diffculty exiting the massive structure. One hundred frefghters took over one hour to fully extinguish the blaze. The estimated dollar loss is $260,000 ($180,000 structure & $80,000 contents). INFORMATION: BILL BRINGAS (805) 660-7473 SIGN UP & PURCHASE TSHIRTS AT: LAFRA.ORG/EVENTS $25 per player 3 to 5 players per team Santa Monica Beach, 1200 PCH, Lot 3 North Proceeds benefit 30 TEAMS MAX. CHECK IN - 8AM GAME STARTS - 9AM Best Costume! Best Team Name! tournament SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 wednesday 30 June 2013 Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN, Ryan Ling, Mike Meadows, Juan Guerra & Keith Cullom SPrInGS WIldFIre CamarillO, Ca Pursuant to a Mutual Aid request, the LAFD assigned two strike teams to assist the Ventura County Fire Department and allied agencies in their battle against a brush fre between Camarillo and Newbury Park, approximately 17 miles west of our City. June 2013 31 32 June 2013 Photos by David Blaire and Mike Meadows Greater alarm Structure FIre nOrth hOllywOOd June 2013 33 Firefghters rescued several residents and halted a fre that ripped through a two-story apartment building at 5158 Riverton Ave on April 22, 2013, leaving one man dead and another hospitalized. Just after 10:00 AM frefghters arrived on scene to fnd fre blowing out of a second foor unit of a two-story apartment building over parking. As frefghters ran in the main entrance and half way up the stairs they were met by intense heat and fames billowing overhead. Truck Companies promptly extended ladders to second story balconies and rescued at least two occupants. Additional frefghters climbed to the roof to perform strategic vertical ventilation with chainsaws. Sixty four frefghters fully extinguished the inferno in just 25 minutes. 34 June 2013 L AFD Air Operations (Fire Station 114) was the venue for the LAFD Foundations Fahren- heit 2013. The cocktail reception featured fire department exhibits and demonstrations including search and rescue dogs, vehicle extrication and our fleet of helicopters. Fire department friend and NHL Hall-of-Famer Luc Robitaille was honored for his (and the Kings) long-time dedication to the LAFD. P a i d
A d v e r t i s e m e n t : June 2013 35 Y our LAFD cadets had a busy two weeks while attending the weeklong California Fire Exploring Academy (C.F.E.A.) followed by a weekend at the Dave Russon Memorial Fire Explorer Emergency Exercise. C.F.E.A.s president, LAFD Fire Captain Eric Verwey, stressed the importance of safety, teamwork, and discipline to the 160+ cadets from 25+ agencies in California and Ne- vada as they spent a week in Chula Vista and Coronado Naval Base. Participating in events such as auto extrication, wildland firefighting, US&R, ventilation, and fire control, the cadets earned a well-rounded idea of what it takes to become a firefighter. Also of note is that the 39th Annual Fire Academy chief this year was LAFD Cadet Post 89s Michael Rucker, and he led the cadets all week long with LAFD Posts 47, 63, 87, 89 in attendance. The weeklong training culminated with a graduation where Captain Verwey handed out certificates to the proud cadets in front of family and friends. The following weekend some of the same cadets attended the Dave Russon Memo- rial Fire Explorer Emergency Exercise at L.A. County Fires Del Valle Training Center. These cadets were also exposed to various aspects of the fre department such as auto extrication, wildland, US&R, hazmat, helicopter ops, heavy rescue, and fre control. Cadets were placed into companies and responded emergency to each incident inside fre apparatus. Cadets from LAFD Posts 87, 89, 94, and 106 gained valu- able experience from the drill. Thanks to Task Force 60 for helping with the auto extrication and making the event a success. 36 June 2013 ...And mark you calendars for the August outing August 2nd - 9th Come join the us at beautiful Lake McClure in Snelling, California June 14th - 21st For some great family fun! For Information Contact Gary Maga (FS 69C) (661) 755-6072 Dale Shrode (FS 60C) (661) 713-7664 June 2013 37 over the shoulder (fg. 1): To initiate this method, the rescuer stands at the feet of the victim and pulls the victim up to shoulder height in one continuous motion. Although this method can be effec- tively used by one frefghter, caution must be exercised to ensure the victims face does not strike the rescuers breathing apparatus bottle. Additionally, it can be easily seen that the size of the victim and rescuer is an important con- sideration. Firefghter Victim (fg.2): Position the victim on their back (breathing apparatus down). Check the waist strap on the victim for tightness. Grip the victims shoulder straps near the breathing apparatus frame. Lift the victim and back out of structure using your strongest muscles (quadriceps) to slide the victim on the lower portion of breathing apparatus bottle. If the victim is moved by pulling the feet, the position of the victims head can restrict or close the airway. There are several variations of this method that can work satisfactorily, such as sliding a tool through the breathing apparatus shoulder straps to allow a frefghter on either side to hold the tool to back out of a structure to remove a victim. The methods in this and previous articles are not the only techniques to remove civilians and/ or frefghters from a structure or challenging location. The focus of various methods is to not only stimulate interest and discussion but to also challenge you to have preplanned meth- ods that you are familiar with and can safely use when the need arises. Remember that search and rescue operations are some of the most diffcult fre- ground operations due to their infrequent use and challenging conditions during structural incidents. Therefore, the primary focus is to be prepared even though this subject is usually out of sight and out of mind until the need suddenly arises. 38 June 2013 Paid Advertisements: Direct diamond importer manufacturer of fine jewelry. Since 1983 Below retail price. Save 30% to 70% Showroom open to the public bridal Rings Co. 550 South Hill St. Suite 620. International Jewelry Center Los Angeles, CA 90013. 213-627-7620. (outside L.A. area 1-800-5-bRIdAL) Member of the Jewelers Board of Trade, Better Business Bureau, GIA & Calif. Jewelers Association. Present this ad and recieve a free gift. LIVING TRUSTS June 2013 39 The 2013 LAFD Memorial Club Cham- pionship was held at the PGA West in La Quinta on April 16-18, 2013. The 2013 Club Champion is Steve Schulz at 247. A Flight results 1st gross - Steve Schulz at 247 1st net - Noel Murchet at 236 2nd gross - Graham Everett at 248 2nd net - Mark Zizi at 238 3rd gross - Andy Zar at 252 3rd net - Kelly Faulkner at 239* 4th gross - Gary Klasse at 260 4th net - Rod Brewster at 239 b Flight results 1st gross - Bruce Bickly at 264 1st net - Gordon Wilson at 231 2nd gross - Gary Mannan at 272 2nd net - Steve Sutliff at 236 3rd gross - Micky Diaz at 282 3rd net - Jim Horimoto at 246 4th gross - Ray Peralta at 282 4th net - Jose Camunas at 248 C Flight results 1st gross - Jim Sanchez at 281 1st net - Ed Strange at 224 2nd gross - Joe Szabados at 282 2nd net - Mike Sauber at 234 3rd gross - Doug Moore at 285 3rd net - Dennis Harada at 238 4th gross - Mike Monroy at 287 4th net - Randy Brass at 246 D Flight results 1st gross - Will Nevins at 284 1st net - Raul Cabrera at 231 2nd gross - Don Carter at 301 2nd net - Alan Schroeder at 235 3rd gross - Eric Anderson at 307 3rd net - Steve Stigall at 244 4th gross - Ron Lem at 320 4th net - Andy Vidovich at 240 guest Flight results 1st net - Ross Lawson at 232 2nd net - James Mahone at 242 3rd net - Jack Monroe at 252 4th net - Robert Austin at 258 5th net - Eddie Diaz at 260 40 June 2013 BoBBY MooSE MIHlHAUSER, Captain II Fire Station 73-A FRIdAY, JUlY 19, 2013 Marriott Warner Center 21850 Oxnard Street, Woodland Hills CA Social: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Chicken or Tri-Tip - $50 includes dinner & gift Call Fire Station 73 - (818) 756-8673. RSVP by July 17, 2013 WIllIAM E. THoST JR., Firefghter/Investigator FRIdAY, JUNE 28, 2013 Quiet Cannon 901 N. Via San Clemente, Montebello CA Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Chicken Marsala, Braised Beef or Pacifc Snapper $50 including dinner & gift Call Arson Offce - (213) 893-9850 JAMES F. CAIRNS, Battalion Chief, Batt. 9-A SATURdAY, JUNE 15, 2013 Mountain Gate Country Club 12445 Mountaingate Drive, Los Angeles CA 90049 Social Hour: 5:30 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Mountaingate Buffet - $40 all included Call FS 37 - (310) 575-8537 or Battalion 9 - (310) 575-8509. RSVP by June 9, 2013 Spouses are cordially invited. JAMES l. Stiggy STIlGlICH, Firefghter III Fire Station 100-C WEdNESdAY, JUNE 12, 2013 odyssey Restaurant 15600 Odyssey Drive, Granada Hills CA 91344 Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Buffet dinner - $55 includes tax & tip Call Fire Station 100 - (818) 756-8600. BRAdlEY GRoSSMAN, Apparatus Operator, Fire Station 48-C WEdNESdAY, AUGUST 21, 2013 Ports oCall Restaurant 1199 Nagoya Way, Berth 76, San Pedro CA Social: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Buffet - $55 includes tax, tip & gift Call Fire Station 48 - Bus: (310) 548-7548 or Grapevine: (310) 832-4768 RSVP by August 19, 2013 T he LAFD Handball Team, lead by Chris Yokoyama and Joe Castro, won the Winter League Champion- ship, competing against 11 other clubs from as far away as San Diego and Santa Barbara. Each team provided two doubles teams and one singles player every league weekend. Chris Hart, Ryan Chance, Ryan Carlos, Brett Kl- emme and Jared Cooper anchored the team with outstand- ing play in singles. Joe Castro and Chris Yokoyama played with a rotation of partners including Joe Steiner, Mario Rueda, Sergio Guzman, and Roy Harvey to dominate in doubles. Team LAFD won 13 of 18 matches, and 3 of the 5 losses were by one or two points. Team member Ryan Chance has been sharpening his skills while practicing against top LAFD players John Libby, Joe Castro and Chris Yokoyama and he most recent- ly displayed his rapid improvement by defeating Branden Silverman and moving into the #20 position on the Depart- ment Handball Ladder. June 2013 41 C ongratulations to John Wolfenstein on his retirement after a 33 year career with the Los Angeles Fire Department. Johns retire- ment dinner was held at the Antelope Valley Country Club on April 20, 2013 which marked his 33 year anniversary on the job. The day started with golf at the country club. The hackers included I cant make a putt Don Wible and Im tired of carrying Don for eighteen holes retired member Dave Lilly versus John and I. Im not going to say who won the hard fought battle, but thanks for the beers Don and Dave. Now for the dinner! John and his wife Jamie, along with their kids and their wives, husbands and fancs all arrived at the country club in a stretch limo. Class 1 all the way but thats the way the Wolfensteins roll! The social hour and dinner was attended by many long time friends, family members and retired and active members assigned to Fire Sta- tion 97 as well as members of the LAFD. A great flet mignon steak or chicken and chocolate dessert was enjoyed by all. Now for the presentations for Johns Years of Service to the citizens of Los Angeles. John was presented his retirement badge by Den- nis Benkovsky, who also presented him with his captains dress uniform coat (see picture) that he had accidentally thrown out. Johns long time Engineer, Bob Turner, gave John his service pin. FF/PM Jeff Gonzalez, who built the helmet plaques for all fve retiring members at Fire Station 97, gifted the plaque to John. Gary Johnson, from CSFA presented John with their plaque and also artwork depicting a 97s frefghter fghting fre. Then Mike Toby, from UFLAC, gave John the UFLAC axe plaque. Now it was time for the members of Fire Station 97 to give their gifts to John. Johns #1 draft choice, Don Wible, who was solely put in charge of this gift by the other members of the station, miscued and misplaced Johns gift. If you ever visited FS-97, the B shift was in some kind of time warp where they could not get rid of anything, even a dirty kitchen trash can. House dues man, Rick Larson even bought a brand new stainless steel trash can with soft closing lid to replace this old, beaten, smelly receptacle only to come back after a B shift to fnd the ol trash can back in its place. So, since Don has a big, macho truck, he was supposed to run the trash can over so it could be put to rest and then presented to John, but somehow the trash can was misplaced. Oh well, way to go Don. It was then En- gineer Ron Maga bestowed an underwater camera case that even Lloyd Bridges from Sea Hunt and Jacques Cousteau would envy. John and Ja- mie, along with a group of friends, are going to Jamaica where theyll be doing some scuba diving and video taping with this new camera case. In between the gifts, Johns kids, Brad and Amanda (who also spoke for Becky), got up and told stories about their dad growing up. They expressed heart felt memories of their dad growing up and how he was always there for them. Brad also spoke of a special vein that would pop out of Johns forehead when he got upset and only came to life just for him. He felt so very special. Jamie then got up and talked about John and their marriage and family life together. It was a truly touching moment for everyone present. After the gifts and stories were presented, it was time to turn the microphone over to John. He told ev- eryone present how the LAFD had provided for him and his family over the years. It also gave him many opportunities to coach his kids and attend all their school events. He said he was looking forward to this new chapter in his life with Jamie, his bride of 31 years, and to spend countless hours with the grandkids, and enjoying their new home in Lake Havasu. I was honored to be the emcee for the event, but had to rush to the fnish of the ceremonies because Jamie, along with the Wolfenstein daughters, Becky & Amanda, were all ready for dancing to their favorite band brought in all the way from Las Vegas, the Celtic Rockers. It was brought up that Jamie has been seen dancing on table tops in Vegas to this band and for everyone to clear their table before the band started to play. They played great sets of Irish medleys and great rock & roll music until midnight and everyone enjoyed the dancing. The members of Fire Station 97 wish John & Jamie a happy and healthy retirement. 42 June 2013 Dear Andy: Please accept this donation to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory of my husband Ronald P. Marano. He loved the years spent with his buddies on the LAFD. He will be greatly missed by me and his children. Your kindness was appreciated and the assistance provided was a big help at a very sad time. Sincerely, Althea E. Marano Canyon Lake, CA Dear John: I was saddened to see the passing of John Mathers. John was my staff assistant while I was assigned to Battalion 15 in 1975. He was a true, fne gentleman and a good man to know. He helped me in many ways and I will remember him always. It is sad indeed to hear of his death, and I wish to put this contribution in his memory into the Widows and Orphans Fund. Sincerely, John Adams Camarillo, CA Dear Andy, On behalf of my three daughters - Terry, Donna and Debbie I want to say thank you for all you did from Terrys frst phone call to making the fag presentation at the Celebration of Life event for my husband Boney Bonesteel. The fag that was fown over Bones last duty station, 15s, and so beautifully encased will be treasured for generations to come. We all were so touched by the fremen, friends and extended family who came to share stories and remember Boney on February 17th. Send your letters & comments to the editor at: My daughters and I sincerely appreciate how effciently the relief Association responded to our needs and brought closure to a career Bone loved and enjoyed. Please accept our check to be donated in memory of Clarence W. Bonesteel, Captain II retired, to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund. His legacy will continue through a third generation, my grandson Drew Fortier, Engineer, and our hearts will always be flled with love for a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Sincerely, Margaret Bonesteel Anaheim Hills, CA Dear LAFRA, WODFF. Please accept this donation in memory of Neil E. Bullock and Dana R. Laine, who both passed away recently. Although I never worked with either Neil or Dana, I knew both, but with very different circumstances. Starting around mid-1975 for about a year, I drove Danas father, Ray Laine, on Truck 4. Sometime after that I worked at Old 29s about the same time Dana was at 11s, so we knew each other somewhat. One thing about Dana that I will always remember was his tremendous sense of humor. Unfortunately he was forced to retire early with back problems. Neil I remember from several motorcycle road trips with a group of couples including Johnny Sampson, Ralph Whitney, Dick Zeimer, John Jacobsen and several others. These were at least fve day multi-state trips with camping in tents and sleeping bags. At least most of us had sleeping bags. Neil and Joyce however, thought that a quilt would be adequate. Did I mention that we went North? They did survive, but left the rest of us with some lasting memories. Sincerely, Richard Watters, Agoura Hills, CA Paid Advertisement: June 2013 43 Mr. Kuljis I want to thank you and the Relief Association for sending the fag in honor of my husband, Charles Johnson. I know he would have been very pleased for us to receive it. It means a lot to me and my family for his service to be appreciated. He was always proud to be a freman at 90s. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Marcia Johnson Blue Jay, CA LA Firemens Relief Assn, My father, John Lewandowski, had passed away this past December. He had been a captain at 18s until he medically retired from a heart attack back in July of 1990. And spent another 22 years in a nursing home near CSUN, where he continued to get the best care possible, thanks to the LAFD. We have recently received a gift from the LA Firemens Relief Association. It was a fag, attached with a letter that the fag had been fown at a ceremony at Fire Station 18, held for John. So on behalf of our family, we wanted to thank everybody at Fire Station 18 and the LA Firemens Relief Association for the kind gesture. In our time of grief it was a pleasant surprise and something we will hold dearly. I have since given it to my brother Guy, the oldest in our family. And I know he will display it proudly. It may seem like a small gesture on the part of the LAFD but it speaks volumnes for our family. Stay safe! Sincerely, The Lewandowski Family Simi Valley, CA Paid Advertisements: B Deluxe Winchester 1873 Sold For: $19,725 Lock Stock & Barrel Investments 1520 Los Angeles Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93065 M-F, 8-5 & Sat. By Appointment (805) 285-0715 We Turn Your GUNS Into Cash well come to you & we make it easy on you - Auction Sales - Outright Purchases - Estate Liquidation - Appraisals L S FIREFAMILYESTATESALES RebeccaMartin FirefighterWife 818.216.3637 settle family estates downsizing moving or liquidating FOllOW uS On tWItter! Go to: username: fremensrelief 44 June 2013 MORE INFO: A valid employee ID, business card or current pay stub is required as proof of eligibility. Dues must be paid by pre-authorized payment (EFT). No other discounts with this offer. Must be at least 18 years old (19 in NE), or 12 with parent. Only one add-on over the age 18. Incentives may be offered for enrolling in other memberships. Personal Training, Kids Club and class reservations available for an additional fee. Facilities and amenities vary per location. Not all clubs open 24 hours. Offer not valid in NJ, NY and MD. See club for details. 2012 24 Hour Fitness USA, Inc. TO JOIN Bring a current pay stub, photo ID and discount code to any 24 Hour Fitness location. Call 800.224.0240 or visit to fnd club near you. Or activate online 1. Visit 2. Enter discount code: With convenient club locations, customizable personal training services, innovative group exercise classes, and a variety of strength, cardio, and functional training equipment, 24 Hour Fitness offers ftness solutions for everyone. EACH FAMILY ADD-ON EMPLOYEE CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP RATES
Pay frst and last months dues at time of enrollment. Offer expires A FITNESS BENEFIT TO ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Los Angeles Fireman's Relief Association One Club Active/Sport $26.99 $26.99 All Club Sport $29.99 $26.99 All Club Super Sport $44.99 $39.99 All Club Ultra Sport $59.99 $59.99 June 2013 45 46 June 2013 Deal direct with authorized Factory Dealers Offering members of the Los Angeles Fire Department Courteous, Ethical, and Special Consideration in the purchase of your new car. GALPIN FoRd #1 Volume Ford Dealer in the world for 20 consecutive years! Lincoln / Mercury / Honda / Mazda / Volvo / Ford Jaguar / Lotus / Aston Martin / Spyker / Galpin Auto Sports For special pricing contact terry MillerFleet Sales & Leasing 15505 Roscoe Blvd, North Hills CA 91343 818-797-3800 l 1.800.GO.GALPIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GoudY HoNdA Auto Leasing & Fleet Sales Since 1989 Fastest Growing Dealer in the Nation 1400 W Main St, Alhambra CA 91801 Eddie WangFleet & Lease Manager 626-300-4222 l 800-423-1114 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HAMER toYotA, INC. Camry / Celica / Corolla / Tundra Tacoma / Sienna / Supra / Solara 11041 Sepulveda Blvd, Mission Hills CA Ask for Steve densonFleet Manager 818-365-9621 Specializing in hassle-free car buying - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HoNdA oF HoLLYWood Honda - Sales and Leasing Large Selection of Used Vehicles 6511 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood CA Ask for dave Erickson 323-466-3251 l Fax: 323-462-0187 MARK CHRIStoPHER Auto CENtER Chevrolet / GMC / Commercial Trucks / Cadillac / Buick #1 Chevrolet Truck Dealer No Hassle Environment 2131 Convention Center W ay, Ontario CA 91764 Christina StrangioFleet & Lease Manager Please Call for Appointment l 909-975-3976 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WESt CoVINA toYotA SCIoN There is simply no limits to satisfying our customers 1800 E. Garvey Ave, West Covina, Ca 91791 Huge used car selection Please Call Our Fleet Department for Appointment Charlie tunaFleet director (626) 859-7400 x151 l Israel WinkelmannFleet Sales & Leasing Manager (909) 282-9566 l June 2013 47 MEMBERS John K. MAthers, FireFighter ii. Appointed June 17, 1952. RetiRed on A seRvice pension JAnuARy 01, 1978 fRom fs 104-A. Passed away March 28, 2013. ChArles s. PArKer, Captain. Appointed mARch 10, 1962. RetiRed on A disAbility pension June 27, 1982 fRom fs 34-b. Passed away March 30, 2013.
FrAnK s. brADy, FireFighter ii. Appointed novembeR 01, 1956. RetiRed on A seRvice pension June 03, 1982 fRom fs 12-A. Passed away aPril 06, 2013.
ClArenCe J. Altree, engineer. Appointed mAy 13, 1947. RetiRed on A seRvice pension octobeR 01, 1967 fRom fs 27-A. Passed away aPril 08, 2013. george J. leebolt, FireFighter. Appointed ApRil 18, 1959. RetiRed on A seRvice pension July 07, 1981 fRom fs 79. Passed away aPril 12, 2013. leo DeMPsey, engineer. Appointed ApRil 18, 1959. RetiRed on A disAbility pension mARch 09, 1989 fRom fs 49-A. Passed away aPril 15, 2013. DAniel J. slAgh, FireFighter ii. Appointed febRuARy 20, 1971. RetiRed on A seRvice pension JAnuARy 31, 2008 fRom fs 16-b. Passed away aPril 19, 2013. John W. MC intosh, FireFighter. Appointed mAy 19, 1958. RetiRed on A disAbility pension mARch 23, 1979 fRom fs 33. Passed away aPril 19, 2013. stAnley r. DAiley, FireFighter ii. Appointed novembeR 24, 1962. RetiRed on A seRvice pension July 18, 1991 fRom fs 108-A. Passed away aPril 19, 2013. FAMILY Dorothy i. hAArMAn, spouse of fRed G. hAARmAn, Passed away aPril 07, 2013. CArol J. VillAViCenCio, spouse of edwARd R. villAvicencio, Passed away aPril 08, 2013. A portion of fre-related jewelry profts donated to the Widows, Or phans and Disabled Firemens Fund. Paid Advertisement: 48 June 2013 June 2013 49 by Mike Mastro, President/CEO Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union At each stage of life, your priorities and interests change. The things that matter most to you starting out are not the same as those you strive for later. For this months article, I have provided you with a wealth of information to show how a lifecycle ap- proach to fnancial planning makes sense. StARtING out: At this stage, its important to develop sound money management habits and a good credit rating. Create an emergency fund equal to six months living expenses. In a two-income family, try to save one persons paychecks. Open a checking account with overdraft protection and obtain an ATM/Check card for access to cash 24 hours a day. Establish a solid credit rating by paying off any student loans and opening a credit card ac- count. Pay the outstanding balance on your credit card each month. Maximize your company benefts. Take advantage of group insurance plans, employee dis- counts, and, if possible, stock purchase plans, and retirement plans. MoVING AHEAd: As your obligations grow, and the pace of life quick- ens, count on the convenience of online banking, mobile banking, direct deposit, and a personal line of credit for major purchases. Invest in a home. Interest paid on your mortgage may be tax deductible and there is the po- tential for appreciation in home value. Make a major purchase such as a new car or childrens braces with credit, if necessary. Increase your emergency fund from six to twelve months income using CDs or money market accounts that offer liquidity and safety of principal. Update your insurance protection. If both spouses work, avoid duplicate coverage in your ben- eft plans. Dont overlook your most valuable asset - your earning power. Protect it with individual dis- ability coverage. SECuRING YouR FutuRE: Plan ahead for major expenses such as college, a wedding, home improvement/larger home, and your retirement. Start a college fund for each child, pos- sibly using automatic savings or savings bonds. Invest for the long term. The money you invest should come from discretionary funds, money you can afford to risk. Diversify your investments by spreading your risk across several classes of assets (for example, stocks and bonds), and across several industrial sectors. Consider using Dollar Cost Aver- aging* to invest a set amount at regular intervals, re- gardless of the share price. This disciplined approach avoids the risk of trying to outguess the markets short-term fuctuations. MAKING tHE MoSt oF YouR MoNEY: With children in college, and an aging home, you may need extra cash on-hand. But its also time to think more seriously about retirement. Take advantage of your home equity and consider borrowing at attractive rates to pay college bills or remodel your home. Then, deduct the inter- est on your tax return. (Consult your tax advisor for details.) Maximize contributions to tax-advan- taged savings plans. Contribute to an IRA, or to your Deferred Comp program. Consider fxed annuities and rate sensitive cash value life insurance in which interest is tax-deferred. Adjust your investment portfolio. Consid- er shifting part of your portfolio to more conservative investments with a proven record of interest and div- idends such as utility stocks, tax exempt municipal bonds, and Treasury bills. LooKING toWARd REtIREMENt: These are typically peak earning years when you may have greater savings and fewer tax exemptions for children and deductions for mortgage interest and educational expenses. Tax planning is critical at this juncture. To add luster to your golden years, review your estate plan now. Maintain a balanced portfolio. Consider investments in tax-exempt bonds and T-bills, plus CDs and money market accounts for current income, stocks for future appreciation and income growth po- tential. By staggering maturity dates on fxed income investments, you can cushion against interest rate fuctuations. Review ownership of assets to make cer- tain you and your spouse both take advantage of your estate tax exemptions. Talk to an attorney about your will, a let- ter of instruction, a living will, a power of attorney and, possibly, a trust. REtIRING IN StYLE: Your emphasis should now be on preservation of capital, liquidity and the effect of infation on your purchasing power. Update your will and estate plan as your circumstances change. Take advantage of annual gift tax exclu- sions by giving gifts of cash to your children. Reduce your risks by shifting your funds primarily to insured and guaranteed investments such as certain types of bonds, fxed annuities, CDs, and money market accounts. But consider keeping some funds in stocks as a cushion against infation. Tap into your retirement account. Decide whether to take the money in a lump sum or in in- stallments, and whether to use income-averaging to reduce the income tax bite. If you annuitize pension payouts, consider the possibility of spousal benefts and annual adjustments in your life expectancy cal- culations. Update your insurance. Consider buying a supplemental insurance policy and a long-term care policy for your Medicare plans.
Your Credit Union provides a complete line of fnan- cial products and services tailored for frefghters and their families. Financial planning services are avail- able to LAFCU members through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (CFS) at FIREHOUSE Financial. I en- courage you to schedule a no-obligation, consultation with a CFS Representative to review your situation. For additional information, please visit our web site or contact us at (800) 231-1626. The more business we do together as a Fire Family, the greater the fnancial reward will be for all of us. Have a safe month! Mike Mastro LIFECYCLE FINANCIAL PLANNING *Dollar Cost Averaging, a systematic investment plan, does not assure a proft and does not protect against loss in declining markets. Such a plan involves continuous investment. Investors should consider their fnancial ability to continue purchase through periods of low price levels. Individual situations vary. This article is for informa- tional purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or so- licitation to buy or sell specifc investments. Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing. Non-deposit investment products and services offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (CFS), a registered-broker dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Ad- visor. Products offered through CFS: are not insured by American Share Insurance (ASI) or otherwise federally insured, are not guaran- tees or obligations of the Credit Union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and ser- vices available to its members. CFS and its Registered Representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. For such advice, please consult with a qualifed professional. 50 June 2013 laFd history history oF Fire station 27 Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS LFDHistorical Society O ld Fire Station 27 is 83 years old this year, and of course, is the location of our museum and memorial. It is the largest fire museum in a fire station in the country and is full of LAFD and fire service memorabilia. This is a station rich in history and stories of the members who worked there. My earliest memory of the station is when my dad, Stan Borden, worked there as a captain in the mid 1950s. Later when I was in Division 1, I would make sure I visited the station and the members there to watch handball, have mealsr, listen to the stories or sometimes on offcial business to meet with the B/Cs. Two great ones I worked with were Joe Webber and Jim ONeil. The old station was badly damaged by the Northridge earthquake in 1994, but with FEMA funds and LA City funds the building was reinforced, repaired and made beautiful again by a special group of City workers who do restoration work. - Frank Borden HISTORY OF FIRE STATION 27 by Willis M. Martin This article appeared in the May, 1981 issue of THE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE. As a result of the February, 1910 election, the residents of the City of Hollywood voted to be annexed to the City of Los Ange- les. Prior to the annexation, all fre fghting had been performed by volunteer fremen who drove and operated horse-drawn fre equip- ment. Shortly after the annexation, the City es- tablished a frehouse known as Hose Company No. 7 at Cahuenga and Selma Avenues. Under the command of Chief Jack Atwell, the small station housed the frst motorized piece of fre fghting apparatus in the City. Of the many fres recorded during that period, one was journalized as follows: Satur- day, January 7, 1911. Fire at 324 So. Wilcox. Outside closet and fence. Loss $50.00; cause: unknown. Extended to 318 S. Wilcox, one- story, frame barn. Loss $250.00. Extended to 100 Sunset Blvd., one story frame livery stable. Loss $50.00. Extended to 319 Townsend Ave., dry cleaning works. Loss $200 structure, $100 contents. Extended to 329 Townsend Ave., one-story frame barn. Loss $35.00 structure, $20.00 contents. Used 800 ft. of hose. Worked 2 hours, 50 minutes. Four call men received $3.00 each. Another interesting journal entry appeared on February 20, 1911: While rain- ing this a.m., the men tried to push Hose 4s wagon into Hose 7s house--in doing so they lost control of the pole. The rear wheels struck the corner of the house, knocking out three panes of glass. (Approximately a month later it was noted that Hose 7 received three panes of glass). The following day the company re- sponded to a telephone alarm on Gower St., one block north of Franklin. They used 150 ft. of hose and worked 15 minutes to extinguish a brush fre! It seems that 27s has always had a brush problem On Monday, November 20, 1911, a local resident, Mrs. T. A. Livingston, 559 Es- telle Ave., was severely burned about the hands, face, and neck trying to save her chickens and rabbits from a fre involving her chicken corral and rabbit house. The fre was started by a fre in a barn at 562 Estelle Ave. Loss $5.00 struc- ture and $20.00 contents. Laid 600 ft. of hose. During Prohibition when the fre- men and policemen were working from 1625- 29 No. Cahuenga, several of the members of both Departments jointly rented a residence in Laurel Canyon. This fraternal lodging was appropriately named the Boars Nest by the members of both Departments. Occasionally the Police Department would raid a speak-easy, confscate the booze and bring it back to the station, holding it there for evidence. It should be pointed out that the P.D. only needed one bottle of the stuff for evi- dence and the major portion of the cache would mysteriously disappear. Of course none of the police or fremen could tell you whatever happened to the excess evidence. However, it was reported that on more than one occasion when the members of F.S. 27 could roll on a In 1913, a structure was built at 1625-29 No. Cahuenga Ave., next to the old Police department bunga- low and served both as the Fire and Police department. Hose Co. No. 7 moved there and its designation was changed to Engine Co. No. 27 Written on the photo: before the two platoon the boys of Engine Co. 27 and truck 9 L.A. starting out on a midnight call Hollywood June 2013 51 fre and see a loom up in the direction of Laurel Canyon, some of the members could be heard to exclaim good God fellows, its the Boars Nest--lets get going! Written on the photo: After dinner the family gathering in the parlor for rest and recreation, Engine Co. 27 and truck 9. In 1927 the City was given property located at Vine and Lexington. Chief Engi- neer R. J. Scott took the opportunity to recom- mend a new fre station be built at that location. However, the community leaders sounded a loud protest complaining they didnt want a fre station on Vine Street. In fact, they went so far as to get a court injunction against the Fire Department to prohibit construction of a fre station there. Subsequently, the property at 6428 DeLongpre was acquired by degree of condemnation on October 24, 1929 for a total cost of $24,321. Three additional lots were purchased for a grand total of $52,415. On Jan- uary 16, 1930, the Fire Commission requested the establishment of a fre station at Wilcox and DeLongpre. Los Angeles City Architect P. K. Schabarum, uncle of County Supervisor Pete Schabarum, designed a two-story, brown, brick building, with natural wood trim, tile roof, and creative masonry work. The new building in- corporated 18,227 square feet and for many years was the largest fre station west of the Mississippi River. The total expenditure to the City including land and construction was ap- proximately $178,000. On Tuesday, July 1, 1930, Engine Co. No. 27, Hose Co. No. 2, Truck Co. No. 9, Rescue Co. No. 2, and Salvage Co. No. 4 moved into the unfnished building. Although the building was not entirely completed at the time of occupancy, a substantial savings was made in the termination of rental fees on the old fre house. As testimony to the urgency of moving into the new building, on Satur- day, June 28, 1930--Captain Roth and 3 men (went) to the new house to spread cement on temporary paving. Recd. 10 sks cement from storeroom. Apparently the original address of new Fire Station 27 was not 1355 Cahuenga Blvd. due to the fact that it was journalized as 1355 Cole Ave. by Battalion 5 in July of 1930. The frst emergency response from Fire Station 27 came on the frst day of occu- pancy at 3:14 p.m. to a two-story brick hotel at 6724 Hollywood Blvd. The occupants of apartment 149 extinguished a fre caused by a cigarette with buckets of water. An entry in Engine 27s journal of Monday, December 8, 1941 reads: 7:55 p.m. Recall of B Platoon. And on December 10, 1941: 8:07 p.m. Black Out Signal--9:16 p.m. All Clear Signal. On Wednesday, December 24, 1941: 8:30 p.m. All members assigned to night watches and given Xmas gifts from Broadway, Hollywood. In the 57th Annual Report to the Board of Fire Commissioners for the fscal year ending 6-30-43, Chief Engineer John H. Alderson reported that recovery from an exist- ing manpower shortage had just seemed on the point of realization when Pearl Harbor changed the entire aspect. Factors reducing effective personnel employment included the voluntary retirement of a group of offcers which con- sisted of the Chief Engineer, the Deputy Chief, Assistant Chiefs, seven Battalion Chiefs and 24 Captains. In addition to this, no source of re- placement seemed available because of quali- fed men being vulnerable to Selective Service. In 1943, the Department was down to 1480 men working two platoons averaging 84 hours per week. In 1928 the Department had 1800 frefghters Considerable effort was exerted to obtain military deferments for the existing personnel. However, many of the men enlisted into the armed services. As a result, a civil- ian auxiliary fre force was established. Hav- ing been trained by Fire Department offcers, the auxiliary force proved to be quite effective during 14 emergency incidents that year. Dur- ing that same year Fire Station 27 received a Utility Truck to provide lighting equipment and a continuous supply of food and coffee at the scene of major fres. The major problem faced by the Department following WW II was the absorption and training of men returning to the Department from military service. During the twelve months preced- ing June 30, 1945, E-27 had responded to 349 alarms and Truck 27 had responded to 402 alarms. As a comparison, in the twelve months preceding June 30, 1979, E-27 responded to 2,234 alarms and Truck 27 responded to 1,185 alarms. No one had ever heard of a Heavy Duty Task Force in 1947 but thats essentially what was created at Fire Station 27 when Engine 82 moved in there and replaced Hose Co. 2. Bat- talion Chief Leonard Eggleston decided he was going to develop the two best engine compa- nies in the City at F.S. 27. Chief Egglestons enterprising pursuit left several other chief of- fcers wondering why their best men were be- ing transferred to F.S. 27. Engine Co. 82 re- sponded from F.S. 27 until Fire Station 82 was built on North Bronson in 1961. On February 25, 1948, at 3:25 a.m. the members of Fire Station 27 responded to 6641 Santa Monica Blvd., the Lounsberry and Harris Lumber Co. The fre, which occurred there that morning, is said to have been one of the largest fres involving a single occupancy in the history of the Department. It was reported that every available engine company in the City was committed to the fre and rumor has it that when one particular Battalion Commander was advised there were no more engine com- panies available he exclaimed then give me a truck company and well beat the damn fre out with ladders! The following entry was made in E-27s journal on June 22, 1951: SPECIAL NOTICE--At approximately 11:30 a.m. today, the frst Citywide Circuit Test of the Air Raid Sirens will be conducted. Offcers in stations were sirens are installed or where sirens are installed in close proximity to the station will make a journal entry recording the time the test was heard. If the siren is not heard by 11:40 a.m. in the station affected, an immediate tele- phone report will be made direct to the Captain on duty at Westlake. (Dispatch Offce) Regular during the late 1940s, E-27 was assigned a 1937 American La France 3,000 GPM duplex triple combination pumper. this rig was affectionately referred to as Gargantua. 1957 dinner at the big House as Chief Forrest Moore used to call it. My dad, Stan borden, is sitting at the frst table facing the camera sec- ond in from battalion Chief douglass and next to Fireman Jimmy Hassan. 52 June 2013 daily tests as outlined in Weekly Bulletin 25 will begin 6-25-51. The responsible offcer in each station will acknowledge the receipt of these instructions by the operation of the an- swer back button. In stations not so equipped, by telephone to the dispatcher. If you have ever played handball on F.S. 27s court, youre playing on beach- wood that was installed by the frefghters who worked there in 1952-1953. Those men decid- ed they wanted a handball court and talked the City out of $5,000 worth of materials then went ahead and built their own court. The 25 x 50 court actually ended up costing approximately $8,000. An extremely low fgure considering the enjoyment it has provided over the years. If anyone thinks the existing residency require- ment is something, well it isnt. As a matter of fact, F.S. 27s journal indicated that a tele- type message, signed by Chief Alderson, was received on May 21, 1955 advising members to ignore a rumor contrary to the residency requirement. He also made it quite clear who was running the Department. Perhaps the fuzzy thinking of some members was brought on by the series of smog alerts the City was having in those days. For example: Oct. 3, 1955--9:42 a.m. SPECIAL NOTICE. Air Pollution Con- trol declared a smog red day. Red? Maybe the color has faded since 1955. One of the most interesting accidents E-27 was involved in occurred on August 31, 1959 while responding to a box alarm at Sunset and Orange Drive. While enroute to the above alarm, Shop No. 1079 hit a traffc sign in the center of Highland and Sunset with the right front fender. According to the Captain who journalized the accident, the spot on the fender was identical to the spot damaged 24 hours previous. No further damage was inficted. Now thats incredible! On June 10, 1965, the members of F.S. 27 were wondering who the new Chief Engineer was going to be. Chief Miller had just advised the Fire Commission he was go- ing to take his pension on July 16 of that year. On July 1, F.S. 27 learned the Fire Commis- sion had made Deputy Chief Don T. Hibbard Chief Engineer on an emergency appointment. This was the same day the mystery of all mys- teries was solved. How many holes could be punched out on F.S. 27s tape register with one complete winding? The results were to be re- ported to the Westlake Signal Offce at exactly 6:30 a.m. The total? 527. Im glad I didnt have to count those little buggers. Remember the Watts riots? F.S. 27 was notifed of a Phase I recall of the A Platoon on August 13, 1965 at 3:30 p.m. Many compa- nies were kept extremely busy for several days. However, being busy was not something new to E-27. On October 1, 1965 through October 2, 1965, pages 122 and 123 of the journal were completely flled with red entries except for two lines. On July 1, 1970, F.S. 27 became the home of R.A. 27 along with Bob Sjoberg. Bob came directly from the Receiving Hospital around the corner from 27s. There is nothing extraordinary about that except Bob Sjoberg had been an Ambulance Attendant with the Citys ambulance service since February of 1942 and he was 70 years old. How would you like to have 30 nurs- es in quarters for R.A. instructions? F.S. 27 did on June 2, 1971. And on May 8, 1978, R.A. 27 was assigned one of the frst female paramedics in the City. In the meantime, the R.A. personnel were having a hard time logging in their journal entries at night. There was no light for them to see by, thus requiring some ingenuity in the use of a fashlight. Several frefghters offered suggestions as to how the R.A. personnel could best accomplish this feat. However, the prob- lem was resolved in October of 1974 when a lamp was installed in an appropriate area of the station. By November of 1975, F.S. 27 was in need of a new paint job. According to Captain Barney Nipp, the City painters apparently real- ized this was just no ordinary building. Conse- quently, they did a premier job on redecorating the inside and outside of the building. It only seems appropriate that the painters would ex- tend themselves to antique the large lanterns on the front of the station. Over the years F.S. 27 had been the location for a variety of feld tests due to its ac- tive history. During a six month period of 1975, the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration tested a 4,500 psi aluminum, fber glass wrapped, air cylinder for breathing appa- ratus. NASAs 30 minute cyl- inder weighed 8 lbs. less than the model 27s was presently using. NASAs 60 minute cylinder weighed only 2 lbs. more than the Departments 30 minute model. The NASA breathing apparatus also incorporated a positive pressure regulator. The breathing ap- paratus that E-27 is currently evaluating is a direct result of several Department-made sug- gestions regarding the NASA model. As a tribute beftting this grand old building, which has seen some of Hollywoods best times and some of its worse, on October 20, 1976, the Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Board declared, by Ordinance No. 121,971 Fire Station 27 to be Historical-Cultural Monument No. 165. BI G EVENTS IN JUNE We hope you will come to two of our big events in June. First is our Annual Fallen Firefghters Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, June 17th at the Porter Valley Coun- try Club in Northridge. This is our fund raiser for the Memorial and is a great event with golf, food and a silent auction. Even if you dont play, come out for the fun in the clubhouse in the afternoon. We will again host the Retired LAFD Member Luncheon at the Hollywood Museum (Old 27s) on Thursday June 20th. Come join old and new friends with your spouse or signif- cant other and enjoy the museum, food, raffe and the camaraderie of the LAFD family. LAFD History on the Internet LAFD Engineer and LAFDHS board member Don Nash (Fire Station 51) has been working on archiving our photos and put many on his Flicker webpage. Take a look at some of these great photos at lafdhs The Ralph J. Scott Fireboat Restoration Project The Port of LA is working very hard to beautify the waterfront as a part of the huge Waterfront restoration project. They have been working on the water cut back south of FS 112 and now they are working on a landscape and paver project around the Ralph J. Scott. They have ordered the canopy that will cover the boat while we work on it, until the boat is moved into its own building. Heavy duty task Force 27 and Squad 27 and battalion 5. Captain Harry Peters is with his crew on the truck Company. Harry, in his 90s, is a regular volunteer at the Museum every Saturday. A new beautifcation area is being constructed next to the Ralph J. Scott and the battleship Iowa. June 2013 53 July 2013 Calendar for June & July 2013 June 2013 If I handwrite a will, isnt that good enough? Learn about creating an estate plan that protects you and your family. Ask for a Getting Started Kit and information about free estate planning seminars, email or call (323) 259-5217 Marlene Casillas, Relief Association Development & Marketing Director Anyone can write out a will, but it may still go through probate court, usually a lengthy process it may be contested, anyone can attack it if assets are more than $150,000 your benefactors face greater nancial fees it does not include your medical directive or your nancial directive PLANNED EVENTS FOR 2013 August -Harbor Museum Tour, Fri. 8/16 September -Annual 9-11 Memorial at LAFD Memorial, Wed. 9/11 October -LAFD Memorial at LAFD Fallen Firefghters Memorial, Sat. 10/12 -Fireboat 2 Ralph J. Scott 88th Birthday at San Pedro -Harbor Museum Group Tour, Fri. 10/11 November -Marine Corps Anniversary at Museum 27, Sun. 11/10 -Hollywood Christmas Parade- Sun. 11/24 December -HS Annual Holiday Party at Museum 27, Sat. 12/14 Recently retired Fireboat Engineer Sergio Perez stands next to the Ralph J. Scott freboat deck monitor valves that he sandblasted. 54 June 2013 LOS ANGELES FIREMENS RELIEF ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 03, 2013 CALL TO ORDER President John Jacobsen called the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association to order at 9:45 a.m. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Jacobsen, President Juan Albarran, Vice President Andrew Kuljis, Secretary Trustee James Coburn Trustee Chris Stine Trustee Doak Smith Trustee Francisco Hernandez Trustee Robert Steinbacher Trustee Mark Akahoshi Trustee Steven Domanski Trustee Steve Tufts Trustee Jeff Cawdrey Trustee Craig White Trustee Kurt Stabel Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension Trustee David Lowe Pension David Ned Smith - Executive Director Controller Todd Layfer MEMBERS ABSENT: Trustee Michael Overholser (Excused) Trustee Rick Godinez (Excused) Trustee Gene Bednarchik (Excused) Trustee Chris Hart (Excused) Trustee David Peters (Excused) Trustee David Ortiz (Excused) Trustee Tim Larson Pension (Excused) GUESTS: Dennis Mendenhall, Retired David Wagner, Grapevine Editor Robert Olsen, L.A. Retired Fire & Police INVOCATION & Flag Salute Andy Kuljis led the invocation. David Lowe led the fag salute. RATIFICATION OF MINUTES John Jacobsen entertained a motion to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held March 6, 2013. Craig White so moved. David Lowe seconded. There was no further discussion or objections. Motion carried to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees held March 6, 2013. PRESIDENT REPORT 1) Jacobsen referred to the Pensions Boards selection of a new General Manager and indicated that there has been some inconsistency. The Mayor has vetoed the Boards candidate selection twice. He indicated that the Pensions Board is currently deliberating the amount of the non-Medicare healthcare subsidy increase. He stated that Pension staff had put together a recommendation that they follow the Ad Code by approving 7% or the medical trend rate. He indicated that no decision has been made and stated that they sent the Pension staff to get recommendations from the CAOs offce. He indicated that this presents a delay for members knowing how much of a subsidy increase they will get as well as knowing what their out of pocket will be for healthcare starting July 1, 2013. 2) Jacobsen referred to the Medicare population and mentioned that they have experienced several routine discrepancies with lack of payments and/or changes in eligibility. He indicated that they have begun using a Capario report which takes information from CMS and compares it to the data in FRITS. He stated that it notifes us of discrepancies which enables them to be resolved. VICE PRESIDENT REPORT 1) Juan Albarran referred to the LAFRA Reunion and stated that they have information placed on the website and Grapevine. He mentioned that they will have a meet and greet on Wednesday, Thursday will be golf with a potluck in the afternoon, and Friday will have a wine tour with potluck and social hour. He mentioned that there will be the communitys Balloon and Wine Festival on Saturday as well as a buffet at the Casino on Saturday. He mentioned that they will have eight reps scheduled to attend the event including: Express-scripts, Pensions, Unum, L.A. Retired Fire & Police, the Credit Union and others. BY-LAW COMMITTEE REPORT David Lowe stated that they were in the process of reviewing the by-laws for any desired changes. He asked that Trustees review the by-laws and let him know if they have changes. INVESTMENT REPORT Robert Steinbacher stated that they have spoken with Garth Flint and indicated that he will give them a date to come to the offce to discuss asset allocations. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT 1) David Smith reported that they had their frst employee safety training meeting and indicated that hopefully it will have a positive result with employee accidents and working to reduce the workers comp experience modifer. He mentioned that they also have a second training meeting scheduled for April 15. 2) David Smith referred to the Credit Union lease option and stated that their broker indicated that they agreed to keep their offer open. He stated that he also told the broker that their offer was not aggressive and asked him to make a better offer. 3) David Smith referred to the purchase and sales agreement for the potential building purchase and stated that they are waiting to hear back from the seller today. He indicated that they have come up with a project plan of all the tasks needed to be completed in order to close escrow. He stated that they have spoken with several different building inspectors for the due diligence period.
ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT Robert Steinbacher presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $916,390.33. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $916,390.33. June 2013 55 The committee recommends and I so move to pay the professional fees in the amount of $99,534.41. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the professional fees in the amount of $99,534.41. The committee recommends and I so move to approve expenditures of $20K for due diligence for the purchase of a building. Motion carried to approve expenditures of $20K for due diligence for the purchase of a building. The committee recommends and I so move to approve the revisions to the Vehicle Policy. There was no further discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the revisions to the Vehicle Policy. The committee recommends and I so move to approve up to $700 to purchase a foursome of golf and tee sign for the LAFD Sertoma Club Golf Tournament. Motion carried to approve up to $700 to purchase a foursome of golf and tee sign for the LAFD Sertoma Club Golf Tournament. MEDICAL COMMITTEE REPORT Barry Hedberg presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the applications to the Medical Plan. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to accept all applications to the Medical Plan. RELIEF COMMITTEE REPORT James Coburn presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to pay: The Sick & Injury benefts in the amount of $31,297.23 The Estate Planning beneft in the amount of $6,600, The Life & Accident withdrawals in the amount of $11,828 The Life & Accident Death benefts in the amount of $24,000 The Relief Death Benefts in the amount of $22,500. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the above Relief benefts. James Coburn read the names of members who recently passed and asked for a moment of silence from the Board. MEMORIALS Clarence W. Bonesteel Warren J. McAndrews Douglas B. Evans Williams B. Kearns Neil E. Bullock ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE James Coburn presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the donations in the amount of $228,787.21 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to accept the donations in the amount of $228,787.21 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. The committee recommends and I so move to approve the fnancial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the fnancial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members. EMERGENCY ADVANCEMENTS James Coburn presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to approve the emergency advancement applications for active and retired members. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the emergency advancement applications for active and retired members. GRAPEVINE/WESBITE REPORT David Smith reported on the site and indicated that they have received ten sample designs and indicated that they will receive three new ones this week. He stated that once they choose the design, the site should be up in about 45 days. David Wagner stated that they are lacking in the Battalion News section for the Grapevine. He asked the Trustees to spread the word asking for members to write stories and submit them. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Doak Smith indicated that they have a meeting on April 16th with the Audit Committee and stated that they will come up with a working draft for the committee on how to review and format a policy on audits for the policy manual. SETTING OF DATES 1) Corbin Bowl April 28th 2) LAFRA Reunion May 29th through June 2nd 3) Hope for Firefghters June 6th RETIREMENT DINNERS
1) John P. Miller April 12th The Odyssey Restaurant 2) Dean Stivason April 13th San Pedro Elks Lodge #996 3) John Wolfenstein April 20th Antelope Valley Country Club 4) Roger Camunas April 26th Quiet Cannon 5) Kenny Myers & Ernie Navarro May 11th Newport Beach Vineyards 6) Richard Martinez May 31st The Castaway Restaurant 7) James F. Cairns June 15th Mountain Gate Country Club 8) William E. Thost Jr. June 28th Quiet Cannon 9) Bobby Mihlhauser July 19th Marriott Warner Center ADJOURNMENT John Jacobsen entertained a motion to adjourn. Craig White so moved. Chris Stine seconded. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to adjourn. The Board of Trustees meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.
John Jacobsen, President 56 June 2013 donations to Widows, orphans & disabled Firemens Fund April 2013 MELANIE K ALLEN MARY TIDWELL C/O John Blair RICHARD L. WATTERS in memory of neil e. Bullock and dana r. laine MARGARET E. BONESTEEL in memory of husband and father clarence w. Bonesteel ALTHEA E. MARANO in memory of my husband ronald P. Marano HELEN SCHULZ MARGARET FARNHAM in gratitude for Fs 5 luncheon STEVEN C. POPHOFF in memory of dana lane JOHN J. ADAMS in memory of John Mathers MAURICE WEAVER RICHARD C. PEARSON C/O united way inc. DOROTHEA C. AVERY in memory of carol l. Van eaton MRS. OTTO HERMAN in memory clarence w. Bonesteel PRISCILLA GILLOTT in gratitude to Fs 5 luncheon CHRISTY J. DUNBAR in gratitude to Fs 5 luncheon FRANCIS G. CLINITE in memory of doug eVans JOHN ZIOLA in memory of dana laine MRS. TED WOLFE STEVEN SMITH C/O at&t eMPloyee giVing caMPaign ANTHONY & LINDA WILLIAMS in memory of roBert lowe ARTHUR LEAL in memory of gil Maga ARTHUR LEAL in memory of neal Bullock CHRIS COOLEY in memory of neil Bullock JOANNE THRASHER in memory of neil Bullock JODY SHERMAN c/o aaa t.l.c health care inc. in memory of Neil Bullock RICK THRASHER in memory of neil Bullock BRUCE GALIEN PEGGY QUINN PEGGY STAPEL KESTON ABE KEITH HOFFMAN (from the Hammers and the Hoffmans) in memory of John woltMann CRAIG HURST in memory of BoB and noreen henderson MICHAEL MACHER in memory of John woltMann. As a life member of Middlesex NJ Fire Dept, it is a privilege to support this organization ROBERT MEER RUDY RENKA in memory of dana r. laine. Dana was a kind hearted man and will be missed by Rudys garage family JOHN SCHERREI in memory of leo deMPsey. Leo was wise, inspirational, humorous and a true friend. It was a treasure to work alongside him. June 2013 57 MERCHANdISE FoR SAlE 2000 HARlEY-dAVIdSoN RoAd KING. Beautiful Bike! 95-inch mo- tor, includes seat back and chrome rack (10K in chrome), 16,000 miles. Asking $9,500. Also for sale, 2004 Honda XR650R, good condi- tion. HR hop up kit, runs excellent. Asking $2,500. (909) 838-5929. LACO Captain, John Mark FS 135-C. 2008 PRoVIdENCE dIESEl Cummings 8.3 L, 40X 360HP 5 speed Allison Transmission, 35000 miles with 3 slide outs, 5 TVs. Many upgrades, Vacuum, exterior entertainment Center w/TV and BBQ, Cameras, Spot light w/ remote Control, VSD Compass & Temp monitor System, Custom Cover, Tow Bar. $145K Mike White FS 108-B, 661-904- 2234 cell. FoR SAlE: Full slate pool table with subway return. Original cost $5000. Asking $1500 with all ac- cesories (wall mounted rack for balls, cue sticks, etc.) including over table billiard light. New felt table top plus new padded cover. Price includes a Sears incline ad- justable Proform Crosswalk 400e treadmill. Call: (310)738-3465. REAl ESTATE FoR RENT FoR RENT. NEW lAKE PoWEll VIEW HoME.Two separate living areas, each with own kitchen. 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath upstairs, 1 bedroom 1 1/2 bath downstairs. Take one or both foors. 1500 sq. ft. view deck. Two Seados and ski boat available. Call 310.283.8975 HoRSE PRoPERTY, lAKE VIEW TERRACE - Near FS24. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Formal living room, plus family room. 3 pipe corrals, arena, 2 barns, trail access. Motor home and horse trailer parking. Gar- dener included. Available October. $2800/month. Eng. Ames (818) 257-4549. loVElY 110 YR. old HISToRIC HoUSE to share in San Pedros historic waterfront dist. Private bedroom with private full bath- room, kitchen, laundry, air condi- tioning, spacious back yard, sorry, no private parking, $700 month. Cindy 310 831-0926. THIS CHARMING SPACIoUS 2 BEdRooM HoME is centrally located in the heart of Encino. Features hardwood fooring throughout with a large master suite, bath, cathedral ceilings and walk-in closets. The upstairs can be separate with its own entrance. Downstairs is a bedroom, full bath and powder room. Big backyard, garage and additional parking for RV. $2500 for the above, or rent just the master suite, $1000, downstairs for $1500 a month. Call Tracy (818) 704-9592. REAl ESTATE FoR SAlE BEAUTIFUl BoISE IdAHo HoUSE. 4000 Sq Ft., 4 bedroom, 3 bath, prime view with Foothills Nature Reserve (BLM) trails over back fence, 15 minutes from air- port, 40 minutes from ski slopes, overlook downtown. $569, 900 online. MLS# 98505356. Contact agent at (208) 870-8292. BEAUTIFUl, SINGlE lEVEl HoME available in Mill City, Oregon. Single owner, retired L.A. Fireman, now deceased. Quiet neighborhood on dead end street. Built among trees, gorgeous meadow behind, unequaled view of the Cascades. 3 Bdrm, 2 1/2 baths. Natural landscape with 150 yr. old Maple in the side yard. Plenty of room for RV, boat, trailer etc. Contact Judy Quillin, 503 559-8643; email: MLS#640292 BEAUTIFUl SUN lAKES CoUNTRY ClUB HoME in Banning/Riverside County. Quiet-Friendly-Secure Retirement Paradise! Lovely single-story, 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, family room, offce and more, with 2,219sq.ft. of living area. Open foor plan, with attached 2.5 car and golf cart ga- rage parking. Located in a gated, senior community, with two-18 hole golf courses. One champion- ship. One executive. Three Club Houses, one with a Restaurant- Bar-Library-Craft Room. Six Tennis courts, Three Pools (1 inside), Spas, Gym and more! Close to shopping and freeways. $299,000. Contact Reginald, LAFD retired at (424) 800-2193. CUSToM loG HoME- Kings Canyon Sequoia Area. 4200 sq ft, 2 story, 3 bedroom/2.5 baths. Master bed has walk in closet w/ French doors and deck. Large game room w/bar and wood burn- ing stove. Huge gourmet kitchen w/six burner professional Garland range, Sub-Zero freezer and re- frigerator. Hard rock maple coun- ters and maple cabinets. Large loft with library and offce overlooking great room with vaulted ceilings and riverrock freplace. Pella win- dows and doors. Hardwood foors throughout, tile in kitchen, laundry and baths. Central vac. Deck on three sides. 15 acres fenced. Tennis court, pool, 2 car garages, 40X60 metal bldg. Septic and 40 gpm well. $650,000. Contact Ray Oster (559) 338-2220 or email for more info and photos. FoR SAlE. 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo fully furnished in Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Short walk to small fshing village, beach, restaurants, etc. LAFD retired. (909) 392-8941. loVElY 2800 SQ FT 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Marrowstone Island near Port Townsend, Washington. Sits on 4 plus partical wooded acres with Puget Sound. 230 foot waterfront view. Has barn for RV storage. City water, oil heat in foor. Past home of LAFD get together. Call Vonnie Rogers (360) 385-7544. oREGoN RIVER PRoPERTY Chiloquin, Rustic homestead on 73 wooded acres, bordered by turquoise, clear Spring Creek river. Artesian well produces 200 gpm. Block built 1926 sq.ft. home, 2BD 2BA, large garage, shops, barn on private, level land. Boat house w/boat. Near Williamson and Sprague Rivers; world famous trout streams. $625,000 www. RIVER PARCElS. Three 20 acre Klammath River frontage parcels in beautiful Northern California- 30 miles from Oregon. Electricity and telephone available. Rarely used County-maintained road runs through. Very private. 6 miles from Happy Camp. Each parcel has more than 700 front feet of river. $195,000 - $295,000. Contact Troy Bonar, LAFD retired. PO Box 466, Happy Camp, CA 96039 or call (530) 493-2453 or fax (530) 493- 2589 or email: SKI THE SUMMIT! BIG BEAR, 4+2, 5 minutes from snow sum- mit, downtown and the lake. Locat- ed in the desirable Fox Farm area. 2 story-upstairs 2+1, downstairs 2+1 turn key condition, ready to enjoy. Fully furnished. Investment Vacation or Retirement. $359,000 Call Therese (818) 216-4628 or THE lAST BEST PlACE. Own a piece of Montana. Panoramic views of Flathead Lake. 3 acres with a great building site. Adjacent to forested public land. Access to fshing , summer water sports and winter skiing. Owned by retired LAFD. Listed with Riverbend Re- alty. Keith at 406-837-1501. TRUST SAlE, VAlYERMo, CA 2/3 completed home located on 20 acres. The house is 2 bedroom, 3 bath, approximately 2000 Sq. Ft. It is completely framed (metal stud construction) and enclosed. Rough electrical and rough plumbing completed. Solar power and well with 10,000 storage tank in place. Large 24 X 30 storage building adjacent to the house. In addi- tion there are approximately 150 acres connected to this property. $240,000 takes all. For information contact; Jim Duzick @ Prudential Troth Realitors. (661) 547-9750 or Bill Stires (661) 252-2299 or Tom Stires (818) 240-7153
SERVICES BoAT & PWC SToRAGE Firemens discount. 10% off frst months rent & no deposit re- quired. Winter rates available. Lo- cated on the Colorado River, close to launch ramps. All Seasons Storage 800 North K St., Needles, CA 92363. (760) 326-2001. BoB SoUTHWood o.C CoN- CRETE Specializing in all concrete needs: Slabwork foundations, Patios, Driveways, Private Road- ways, Retaining Walls and Built in BBQs.Proudly serving Police and FIre with service and quality for over 40 Years. We will work with you! CALL FOR AN ESTIMATE ! CALL BOB @ (949) 697-4864 BUIldING PlANS. Residential: patios, decks, additions/remodel- ing, repairs, new construction, design. Commercial: tennant im- provement, ADA compliances and more. George Lavallee (805) 532- 1905 offce. cre8iveanswers@ CHooSE YoUR dREAM CRUISE - Princess Cruises, Royal Caribean, Holland American, Carnival and more... 3 to 21 day getaways to Alaska, Hawaii, The Bahamas and many other exciting destinations. Call Patricia at (661) 265-9440 or toll free at (877) 7HI- SEAS, or email pliefeld@qnet. com wife of LAFD Mechanic, sister of LAFD Captain. claSSIFIedS 58 June 2013 CRAIG SANFoRd HEATING & AIR - Free estimates, residen- tial, commercial. Great rates for LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877) 891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX (661) 298-3069. State License No. 527114 CRANE SERVICE All kinds of lifts - A/C Units, Spas, Construc- tion, Beams, Poles, Appliances, Man Baskets available. Insured and bonded. Leonard Campbell Owner/Operator (818) 340-8907 dJ FoR All oCCASIoNS - You name it, I play it!! Call Frank (818) 554-7273. Serving San Fernando Valley over 20 years! Firefght- ers are my family. doES ANYTHING BoTHER YoU? Anything at all? Mental, emotional or physical? Dr. Bob Price, psychotherapist. LAFD retired, has developed a model that puts the fre out fast. It allows you to overcome almost anything that bothers you rather quickly. My book, Speed Healing, & DVD is available at www.priceparts- Telephone sessions granted quickly. Call for telephone appointment. (619) 461-9527 dRYWAll SERVICE, new construction, remodel, repair, acoustic ceilings removed. All types of textures. Licensed, bond- ed and insured. Gregg Avery, F.S. 66 A residence (805) 494-9037. FIREFIGHTERS TAXES - Are you getting the most from your tax returns? I am a wife of a frefghter and specialize in their returns, with 60% of my clients being frefghter families. Taxes done at you con- venience; my offce or by phone. Available year-round. TaxPro, Barbara Ravitz, 661-257-7606. FIREFIGHTER dISCoUNTS. At Farmers Insurance Group, I can assist you in deciding what options best meet your insurance needs. Free competitive quotes available for homeowners, auto, life, RVs, boats motorcycles and more. As a former LAFD and LAPD Commis- sioner, and coming from a family of frefghters (3 brothers and 1 nephew), I understand your need for an agent that can make your life a little easier. For a free quote, please call the Corina Alarcon Insurance Agency at (818) 263- 1723. FIREMAN dESIGN & lANd- SCAPE. Free design and estimate. Landscape/irrigation/sod/stamped concrete/concrete foundations/patio covers/turf/rockscape. I will beat all written estimates. Serving all areas. LAFD 96-B Eric Mendoza. (760) 221-1912 cell. (661) 480-2202 of- fce. Lic#857078. Insured and bonded. GARAGE dooR INSTAllATIoN & SERVICE. Garage doors and openers. Need to replace your broken springs? or does your door need repair, even replaced? We do it all from new product to repairing old. Call (661) 860-4563 Grassroots Garage Doors, Inc. Lic# 950020. Son of 35 year vet- eran freman. PAINTING IN MAMMoTH lAKES. Need your Condo or Home painted in Mammoth? I have been painting in Mammoth for 30 years. Neat, clean, and reasonable. Fireman references. Please call Mark Eddy Painting. (760) 935-4963 or email: Lic# 468886. REAl ESTATE FINANCING. Interest rates are at All-Time-Lows. Refnance & Purchase Loans, Investment/Second Home Loans/ Equity Lines/2nd Trust Deeds, No Points/No Fees Loans, VA, FHA, Conventional Loans, Lending in many other states. Mortgage lending with exceptional customer service, integrity, strength and ex- perience. For your Free Mortgage Analysis, call (714) 469-8900. Jay Trementozzi, Mortgage Banker. DRE# 01113819, NMLS# 241591. REAl ESTATE SERVICES - Start a new life in the gorgeous commu- nities of Temecula and Murrieta. Top rated schools, world renowned wineries, numerous golf courses, lakes, shopping and a great family atmosphere. Located 78 miles from HQ between Los Angeles and San Diego. Call Mike Utley at (951) 775-8491 (LAFD Retired). REAl ESTATE SERVICES - Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Camarillo, and Ventura. Representing Sellers and Buyers for over 20 years. Please call or email with your real estate questions and also request your real estate activity reports your neighborhood or areas of interest. Mike Rhodes Prudential California Realty. LAFD Retired. Realtor - BRE License 0177388. Cell: (805) 501-6044 Email: REBECCA MARTIN lANd- SCAPE. Architectural landscape design and installation. A full ser- vice design/build landscape frm that creates unique custom exte- rior environments that will increase the value of your home and bring you years of outdoor enjoyment. Rebecca Martin, LAFD wife. (818) 216-3637. Lic# 936577. rebecca- TAX AlERT FoR FIREFIGHTERS Dont lose thousands of dollars during your professional career to the IRS! Let HEWITT FINANCIAL GROUP, the specialists in fre- fghter tax services, prepare your tax return and review your prior years tax returns. We specialize in tax planning and preparation for frefghters. We also offer FREE REVIEW of your last four years of tax returns. Call us today at (800) 573-4829 or visit our website at WINdoWS & PATIo dooRS - vinyl replacement windows & Patio doors. I also carry aluminum, wood and entry door systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt. LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-6676. www. VACATIoN RENTAlS BIG BEAR CABIN - All season, restful views from decks. Two story, sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus miles to slopes. Fire- place/Wood, cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen, completely furnished except linens. Pets ok. $95/$105 (two day minimum). $550/$600 a week, Beep or Donna Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475. BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story. Sleeps 8. Near ski slopes & lake. Fireplace/wood, cable TV, DVD,VCR, full kitchen. Completely furnished. $85/$95 per night. Minimum 2 nights. Holidays extra. Weekly available. All Sea- son. Sheri (909) 851-1094 cell or (760) 948-2844 home. BIG BEAR lAKES FINEST- Deluxe lakeside townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs, HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning freplaces, laundry room, tennis court, indoor pool, sauna, spa, boat dock. Fully equipped, includ- ing all linens. Sleeps 6. 310-541- 8311 or email BIG BEAR VINTAGE CABIN. 2 minute walk to village. 5 minute drive to both slopes. Lake view. 2 bed, 1 bath, sleeps 6. Contact: place Owned by LAFD member. CATAlINA BEACH CoTTAGE - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block to beach, view, fully equipped housekeeping unit. Marci (818) 347-6783 or Clarence (310) 510- 2721. dElUXE lAKESIdE ToWN HoME. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 freplaces, washer, dryer, gas barbeque. Indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, locker room with shower. Tennis court, boat dock, cable TV, HBO. Fully furnished including linens. 3 miles from Snow Summit. Sleeps 6 max. (310) 541-8311 FoR SAlE 5 SHARES 18x70 2008 houseboat on Lake Powell. 1 master suite & 3 staterooms 2 full bathrooms and 1 1/2 bath. 2 large residential refrigerators in the kitchen/salon and 1 refrigera- tor & freezer on the topdeck. Top deck has 36 of hard cover and full bar, BBQ and lounge seating. 2 LCD televisions with Direct TV and VCRs. Pictures on request. Weeks available are week 1 (Fri after Memorial Day), Week 12 (Aug 17-24), Weeks 14-16 (late Aug into Sept). These dates vary from year to year. We are an LLC corporation incorporated in AZ. $25,000 annual dues are also ap- plicable. Call (661) 547-4205. lAKE HAVASU lANdING-Wa- terfront, steps to the water. Boat mooring out front, off-road desert behind house. 3 bed/3 bath, fully furnished w/linens. Direct TV/DVR, BBQ, Casino, Grocery/Meat Mar- ket, Launch Ramp, Marina with Boat House, Gated Community. No pets/smoking. $350 Dan Cook 310 418 1577. JUNE lAKE CABIN - Scenic 2br/2ba cozy, cabin with views. 5 minutes from Fishing and Ski- ing. Fully furnished. Wood Deck, Sleeps 8, wood burning stove, full kitchen, cable Tv/Dvd, stereo, phone. Detached garage/room for boat. Call for summer/winter rates. Cleaning fee applies. Jeff Easton 105-A, (805)-217-5602 - KAPAlUA, MAUI. Luxurious ocean view Kapalua Ridge 1 and 2 bedroom villas from $145/$250, 7th night FREE. Fully equipped with washer/dryer, Hi speed inter- net, Wi-Fi, cable TV, free resort shuttle, minutes from ocean. Fea- tures 3 white sand beaches includ- ing BEST BEACH in the world, Kapalua Bay Beach, 100 miles of hiking trails, 2 golf courses with great discounts, 10 tennis courts, zip lines, 2 spas, golf academy, horseback riding, snorkeling, swimming, surfng, kayaking, shops, restaurants. Contact Terry or Diane @ 800-326-MAUI (6284). the_ridge.asp or email info@ lAKE ARRoWHEAd Blue Jay cabin charming two-story with creek, large deck, two baths, complete kitchen, TV,VCR/DVD, freplace, washer and dryer, walk to Blue Jay Village. Sleeps 6. $90/ night. NO PETS! Bruce or Sue Froude, (805) 498-8542. lAKE HAVASU BEACH FRoNT. Located at HAVASU LANDING RESORT a gated com- June 2013 59 munity on the California side of Lake Havasu. Swim, Ski or fsh from the front yard. Buoys in front of home for overnight boat(s) tie- ups. No need to launch boat each day. Walking distance to a CASI- NO, restaurants and grocery store. Adjacent to miles of off-road desert trails, great for ATVs, 4 wheel- ers and Motorcycles. Beautiful landscaping with a lawn from the home to the lake. Covered patio with furniture and a gas BBQ. Four bedrooms with beds for 10.Two full bathrooms. Check Craigslist for pic. $350. Per night 10% discount for a week. For Reservations call Bud @ 818 352-4422 lAKE HAVASU BEAUTY FoR RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft. Fully furnished with all ameni- ties- Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3 car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from launch ramp. Close to downtown shops & restaurants. View of the lake. Quiet street in good neighborhood. No pets. No smoking. Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) 510-6246 lAKE HAVASU CITY. New Cus- tom 3 bedroom/2 bath home on lake side of Hwy 95 north side of town. Quiet street. All the amenti- ties. 60 TV in living room. TVs in all bedrooms. Wireless internet with on site computer. BBQ on large patio. Swimming pool. Near marinas and restaurants. $150 per night. $85 cleaning fee. No smoking or pets please. Scott at 805-208-1598 or h2oratscott@ lAKE HAVASU HoME for rent. Built in 2004. 1800 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly/ fully furnished w/all amenities of home. Large garage 20x32 with tall doors. Large area for guest parking. Located less than a mile from lake on a quiet cul-de-sac! RV hookups. Ask for FF discount. Call Ryan Penrod (310) 804-1801 or Nicole (909) 263-8177. lAKE HAVASU HoME - Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath home that sleeps 8. Lake view, RV access, boat parking, everything is new. Quiet street in great neighborhood, just minutes from London Bridge. Call John for pricing at (323) 449-4473. Snow-bird rates and fremen dis- count available. lAKE HAVASU Landing Cali- fornia. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wif, DirecTV, BBQ, full laundry, slip-in marina included, just steps away. 180 degree view of lake and your boat in slip. Huge covered patio. No pets. No smoking. Larry Mc Andress ret 112A (714) 963-9344 or (714) 393-1464. lAKE HAVASU VACATIoN HoMES for rent. Each fully fur- nished with all amenities of home. Every home has a lake view, pool, RV access, boat parking, ample guest parking and sleep up to 8 people. Check out our website @ or call (928) 855-5848 or (661) 212-3191. lAKE NACIMIENTo. Oak Shores gated community. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large loft. 3 minute drive to main marina in Oak Shores. Large driveway. Fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, washer/dryer, TV/ DVD. No cable. No pets/smok- ing. $165.00/night. Call Ben (805) 444-2264. lAKE TAHoE GETAWAY 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with all of the amenities complete kitchen, washer/ dryer, TV/ VCR. Quiet neighborhood near the lake, casi- nos and ski slopes. Call for rates. Call Cal or Linda @ (805) 584- 2718. lAKE PoWEll HoUSEBoAT. 68 Sumerset. 2 staterooms, 2 cuddy cabins, 2 baths. Will sleep 10 to 12. 2 ref. fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, TV, DVD, Twin A/C. Party top, fybridge, V8 drives, 12 KW ge., 100 gal. aux. fuel tank with pump. Dan Coyle (805) 494- 8854. lA QUINTA - Gated community, fully furnished deluxe home, three bedrooms, three baths on the 10th fairway of the Dunes Golf Course in La Quinta Country Club. Two car garage, large patio with barbecue. No pets, no smoking. $200/night - 2 week minimum, plus refundable security deposit. Call (323) 254-3874 MAMMoTH CoNdo 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Sleeps 5. Beautifully remod- eled. No pets, no smoking. 150.00 weekdays, 175.00 weekends. Contact Scott at 310-562-1366 or at MAMMoTH CoNdo-CHAMoNIX. 2 bedroom & large loft, 3 full baths, sleeps 8. 5 minute walk to Canyon Lodge. Fully furnished, TVs, VCR/DVD, pool, spa, rec room, sauna, linens included. Winter $175, $195-weekdays/holi- days; summer $125, plus cleaning. No smoking; no pets. Craig Yoder (909) 948-3659. MAMMoTH CoNdo Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth area. Win- ter $115, Summer $90, plus maid $126. Includes linens. No pets, no smoking. Call (310) 540-4648. MAMMoTH CoNdo NEXT To THE GoNdolA VIllAGE Fully furnished, three bedroom, two bath with towels and linens, fully stocked kitchen, internet and cable TV, pool and Jacuzzi. Walk to the gondola, shops, restaurants and ski in on the new comeback trail. Parking at the front door. Winter: $225/night. Summer $150/night. Holidays $275/night. Cleaning is included. Call Mike Whitehouse, Retired, 805-987-6122, email: or Bruce Galien, Retired, 661-645-7448, email: MAMMoTH CoNdo Fully fur- nished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6. Close to Canyon Lodge, pool, spa, recreation room, laundry facilities, condo has been beautifully remod- eled, photos available, $225 a night winter - $125 a night summer + $150 cleaning fee. 3 night minimum. Call for holiday pricing. Joe Angiuli, North Division (626) 497-5083. MAMMoTH CoNdo - Fully furnished, 1 bdrm, loft, 1 1/2 baths, sleeps 4. On shuttle route. All amenities: Sauna, Pool, laundry on premises. Fall/Winter prices. $100/night. Spring/Summer $85/ night. One time $135 cleaning fee. No smoking, no pets, contact: Julian Edwards (909) 573-3815 MAMMoTH - 1 bedroom Sum- mit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient underground garage parking, jacuzzis, gym (pool, tennis in summertime), shuttle right outside! Across from chair 15. Winter $110 per night, Summer $80 per night plus $65 cleaning fee per stay. All linens included. Drew or Nancy Oliphant (661) 513-2000. MAMMoTH CoNdo - MAM- MoTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, fully furnished, linens, full kitchen, TV/ DVD, stereo, freplace, pool , jacuzzi, sauna. 2 blocks from gon- dola village. 1 block to ski shuttle. Winter $330/night, Summer $215/ night, plus cleaning. Includes city bed tax. No pets, no smok- ing, sleeps 8. Dory Jones (310) 918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran (310) 619-5355. MAMMoTH CoNdo - 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool, jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept linens. Near shuttle/chair 15. Winter $125/night. Weekends and Holidays $110 midweek. Summer $95/night. $495/week. No smok- ing. No pets. Jim Johnson (818) 992-7564, FS 80C. MAMMoTH CoNdo - Sierra Manors Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. Fully furnished except linens. 2 TVs/VCR/DVD, stereo/CD. Dishwasher, microwave, sauna, jacuzzi, pool. No smoking/No Pets. Shuttle at door. Winter $155/ night, Summer $100/night, Plus $80 cleaning fee and City Bed Tax. Brian & Karen Salvage LAFD Retired (805) 499-7752. MAMMoTH lAKES - One bed- room, extremely charming wild- fower condo. Full amenities, close to shuttle. Antiques, art, satellite TV, freplace. Sleeps 4. Winter $110, Summer $85 plus cleaning fees. Call (818) 371-6722 Email: MAMMoTH SKI & RACQUET: Studio/loft, 2 bath, king bed, sleeps 4. Full kitchen, TV, VCR, DVD. Garage parking. Walk to Canyon Lodge. Ski back wall. 2 night minimum. Winter $100/nite, $126 Fri, Sat & Holidays. Summer $50/nite. Plus $95 cleaning & linens. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD Air Ops (661) 254-5788. MAMMoTH CoNdo Wildfower, 1 bedroom sleeps 4, king bed and queen sofa bed. Fully furnished, freplace, dishwasher, stereo, TV/ DVD, phone, spa, sauna, pool and tennis court. Linens and clean- ing fee. On shuttle route. Winter rate $100/night, summer rate $70/ night. Mike Greenup (805) 583- 8239 or cell (805) 338-9955. MAMMoTH SKI & RACQUET: Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft sleeps 4. Queen beds, full kitchen, 2 baths, garage parking, TV, VCR, DVD. Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat $115/nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non smoking complex. Joel Parker, LAFD retired. email: or (213) 399-6534. MAMMoTH. SKI IN - SKI oUT at lift 15, 2 bedroom including master suite, 2 bath condo. TV/ DVD in living room. Good sound system. Gym, spa, freplace, very roomy, underground parking, tennis courts, pools, and outside BBQ area. (310) 476-4784. Email: or visit website: MAUI BEACH FRoNT CoNdo oN NAPIlI BAY - 50 from water. Studios and 1 bdrm. Luxury furnishings + full kitchen. All the amenities! Mauis best snorkel- ing/beach. All island activities & Kapalua within 4 minutes. 5-day minimum, from $150 per night (regularly $310 night). Call Sherrie or Bill for info/reservations (805) 530-0007 or email: pmimaui@ or visit: MAUI CoNdo 1 ANd 2 BEd- RooMS. Centrally located on beautiful Maalaea Bay. Excellent swimming and snorkeling; white sandy beach. Minutes from golf, tennis, fshing, shopping, airport and resort areas. Marsha Smith or Jeanne McJannet. Toll free (800) 367-6084. 60 June 2013 MAUIS MoST BEAUTIFUl BEACH - Napili Bay. Beautiful furnished condo with kitchen and daily maid service. 15% discount off already lowest prices in the area. Don Sprenger (949) 548- 5659 or (800) 336-2185. NICARAGUA SURF CoNdo - Enjoy UNREAL surf in a FRIEND- LY SAFE COUNTRY. Golf a new course and hang out by the pool. Walking distance to beach. 3 bed- room 2 bath. See for yourself at: Contact Chris Hart (714) 742-3325 or email: PAlM dESERT-3 bed/2bath, one level. New re-model, fully furnished w/linens. Cable TV/DVR, Private Patio, BBQ, Laundry, Ga- rage, Gated Community, 2(Pools, Jacuzzis, Tennis Courts). Near College of the Desert. $175 Dan Cook 310 418 1577. PGA WEST (lA QUINTA) TPC STAdIUM GolF CoURSE CoNdo. Luxurious 3+2 lake front condo on the 11th green of the world famous Stadium Course. Gated, community pool & spa, 4 TVs/cable/dvd, washer/dryer, BBQ, garage, no smoking or pets please. $150/night w/6 night min. + cleaning. Seasonal/extended stay discounts. Buzz - LAFD (949) 322- 7979 VACATIoN RENTAl - So Lake Tahoe, 3 Bd 2 Ba home with all amenities. Close to Lake, Casinos and Ski Slopes $650 wk or $130 nt $100 Cleaning. www. Call Cal or Linda @ 805 584-2718 or email VACATIoN VEHIClES MoToR HoMES FoR RENT: Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor Homes, with Double Slide Outs, Fully Loaded, Free House- keeping Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per night. Serving family & friends of LAPD , LASD, IPD, OXPD, OX Fire, LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs ask for our 25% off weekly rental rates. Visit us at or call 661- 714-7689 or 661-297-2398. ALSO AVAILABLE BIG BEAR CABINS, 3 bedroom 2 bath with pool tables & spas. PLEASE CALL FOR MORE DETAILS. 2006 GMC truck with diesel engine and 63,000 miles in excellent condi- tion. A/C, radio in cab and dual rear wheels. Custom box has multiple lockable outside compartments and large interior lockable bay with lights and cooling. $18,900 OBO. Contact Todd Layfer at L.A. Firemens Relief Association (323) 259-5243 for more info. For Ad Information, Call Eric at (323) 259-5231 or email: or Call our editor at (323) 259-5232 or email: June 2013 61 Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association 815 Colorado Blvd FL 4 Los Angeles CA 90041-1745
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