Title: Modelling Transmission Line For Travelling Wave Analysis
Title: Modelling Transmission Line For Travelling Wave Analysis
Title: Modelling Transmission Line For Travelling Wave Analysis
The objective of this work is to model a simple transmission line and analyze a concept
of travelling wave in Figure 1 when there is the lightning surge strike on transmission
line somewhere away from the substation (represented by a transformer). The system is
modeled using the PSCAD software. The study considers the following cases:
Simulation Tasks:
1) The simulation is set to run for a total of 100us, time step: 0.01us and I 1 of
50kA.the initial impedance is set to1MΩ (case 2).
2) A graph of incoming surge (both for voltage and current) is plotted.
3) The terminal voltage Vd versus time for each case is plotted. The value of
terminal voltage for each case is determined.
Figure 11: Incoming surge voltage for case 1, case 2 and case 3
Figure 12: Terminal voltage for case 3