ME2208 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab Manual
ME2208 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab Manual
ME2208 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab Manual
Sir.C.V.Raman Nagar, Tirunelveli-12
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
To determine the coefficient of discharge of the venturimeter. APPARATUS REQUIRED: A venturimeter, Differential U-Tube manometer, collecting tank fitted with piezometer and control valve, stop watch and meter scale. THEORY: A venturimeter is one of the most important practical applications of Bernoullis theorem. It is an instrument used to measure the rate of discharge in a pipe line and is often fixed permanently at different sections of the pipe line to know the discharges there. A venturimeter has been named after the 18th century Italian ENGINEER VENTURI. FORMULA USED: 1. Coefficient of discharge C d = Qa Qt Where
in m3/sec
a1 = a2 =
(S m S l ) in m Sl
S m = specific gravity of the manometric liquid S l = specific gravity of the flowing liquid 3. Actual discharge Qa =
AH t
(m s )
A = area of the collecting tank (m) H = rise of water in the capillary tube (m) t = time taken for H meter rise of water in the capillary tube (s)
1. The diameter of the inlet and outlet are recorded and the dimensions of the collecting tank are measured 2. Priming is done 3. The inlet valve is opened slightly and the manometer heads on both the h1, h2 are noted. 4. The outlet valve of the collecting tank is closed tightly and the time taken for H m rise of water in the collecting tank is observed. 5. The above procedure is repeated by gradually increasing the flow and observing the required readings. 6. The observations are tabulated and the coefficient of discharge of the venturimeter was computed OBSERVATIONS:
Diameter of pipe = 40mm, 24mm Diameter of throat = 25mm, 15mm Area of the collecting tank= 0.5m0.5m
Actual discharge
Theoretical discharge
Coefficient of discharge
h1 cm
h2 cm
hm cm
h m
(m s )
(m s )
Actual discharge
Theoretical discharge
Coefficient of discharge
h1 cm
h2 cm
hm cm
h m
(m s )
(m s )
Answer the following: 1. What is peizometer? 2. Define the following terms. Fluid. Specific volume Specific gravity. Viscosity. Compressibility. Vapour pressure. Capillarity. Surface tension. 3. Differentiate the following terms. o Fluid and solid. o Newtonian and non Newtonian fluid. o Ideal and real fluid. 4. Derive continuity equation for compressible and incompressible fluid. 5. Differentiate between Absolute and gauge pressures
Orificemeter, Differential U-Tube manometer, collecting tank fitted with piezometer and control valve, stop watch and meter scale.
An orifice is an opening in the wall or base of a vessel through which the fluid flows. The top edge of the orifice is always below the free surface. Orifices are used to measure the discharge. An orifice is termed small when its dimensions are small compared to the head causing flow. The variation in the velocity from the top to the bottom edge is considerable. According to shape there are circular orifices, rectangular orifices, square orifices, Triangular orifices.
1. Coefficient of discharge C d =
a1 a 2 2 gh a a
2 1 2 2
in m3/sec
a1 = a2 =
S m = specific gravity of the manometric liquid S l = specific gravity of the flowing liquid
3. Actual discharge Qa =
AH t
(m s )
A = area of the collecting tank (m) H = rise of water in the piezometer tube (m) t = time taken for H meter rise of water in the piezometer tube (s)
7. The diameter of the inlet and outlet are recorded and the dimensions of the collecting tank are measured 8. Priming is done 9. The inlet valve is opened slightly and the manometer heads on both the h1, h2 are noted. 10. The outlet valve of the collecting tank is closed tightly and the time taken for H m rise of water in the collecting tank is observed. 11. The above procedure is repeated by gradually increasing the flow and observing the required readings. 12. The observations are tabulated and the coefficient of discharge of the venturimeter was computed
Coefficient of discharge
(m s )
(m s )
Actual discharge
Theoretical discharge
Coefficient of discharge
(m s )
(m s )
Kaplan turbine is one of the types of axial flow turbine. Usually, it has 4 to 6 blades having no outside rim. It is also known as variable pitch propeller turbine. The Kaplan turbine behaves as a propeller turbine at full load conditions. In Kaplan turbine runner blades are adjustable and can be rotated about pivots fixed to the boss of the runner. The blades are adjusted automatically by servo mechanism so that at all loads the flow enters them without shock. Thus, a high efficiency is maintained even at part load.
Rated supply head = 8m Discharge = 2500 lpm Rated speed = 1200 Rpm Runner outside diameter= 140mm Hub diameter = 70mm Hub ratio = 0.5 No of runner blades = 4 No of guide vanes = 12 Brake drum diameter = 300mm Diameter of the pipe (d1) = 0.13m Diameter of the throat of venturimeter (d2) = 0.078 m FORMULAE:
1. Rate of flow of water (Q) = [(a1 a2) (2gh)] / [ (a12-a2 2) 0.9] in m3/sec
a1=area of inlet of the venturimeter= ( d12)/ 4 a2=area of throat of venturimeter= ( d22)/ 4 h=[(Sm/Sl)-1](h1-h2) in m Sm- Specific gravity of mercury=13.6 Sl - Specific gravity of water=1
Sub Code: ME 38 Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab 2. Output power = 2 NT/60 Watts
1. Open the gate valve slowly and make it as fully open. 2. Now at full open and at no load, note the reading of manometer, pressure Gauge. 3. Then, load the turbine by adjusting the screw rod connected to the belt which Is on the brake drum and tighten the lock and the speed get reduced. 4. Now, note the readings of manometer, pressure gauge and spring balance. 5. Thus, for various loads with gate valve fully opened note the above said Readings.
Manomete r readings
h1 Unit Kg/m2 m
h2 m rpm
T1 kg
T2 kg
Thus performance tests are conducted on the Kaplan turbine and characteristics curves are drawn.
Pipe friction apparatus Manometer Stop watch Collecting tank Sump tank THEORY:
When water is flowing in a pipe, it experiences some resistance to its motion. It effects in the reduction of the velocity and the head of the water available. There are many types of losses, but the major loss causes due to frictional resistance of the pipe only. The minor losses are so small as compared to friction losses. The minor losses are such as loss of head at entrance and loss of head due to velocity of water at outlet.
Length of the collecting tank (L) = 50cm Breadth of the collecting tank (B) = 50 cm Distance between the pressure tapping on the pipe line (l) = 2m Diameter of the I pipe (d1) = 15 mm Diameter of the II pipe (d2) = 20 mm Diameter of the III pipe (d3) = 25 mm
Distance between the pressure tapping on the pipe line (l) = 2m Loss of head due to friction (hf)= (h1-h2) [(Sm-S1)/S1] in mm Sm- Specific gravity of Mercury= 13.6 S1- Specific gravity of water=1
Area of the I pipe, II pipe, III pipe (a1, a2, a3) = ( d2)/4 in mm2
Sub Code: ME 38 Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab 3. Actual discharge (Qa) = (AH)/t in mm3/sec
A (area of the collecting tank) = L B in m2 H= Height of water in collecting tank t = time taken for collection for H rise in the collecting tank. (In sec). PROCEDURE:
The diameter of the pipe is measured and the initial plan dimensions of the collecting tank and the length of the pipe line between the two pressure tapping cocks are measured. Keeping the outlet valve fully closed the inlet valve is opened completely. The outlet valve is slightly opened and manometric heads in both the limbs (h1 and h2) are measured. The outlet valve of the collecting tank is tightly closed and the timet required for H rise of water in the collecting tank is observed by using a stop watch. The above procedure is repeated by gradually increasing the flow and observing the corresponding readings. The observations are tabulated and the friction factor computed. OBSERVATION TABULAR COLUMN:
Time taken for water collection for H rise in the collecting tank (t) (in sec)
Time taken for water collection for H rise in the collecting tank (t) (in sec)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Actual discharge Velocity of (Qa) = (AH)/t water in tube = Qa /a in mm3/sec in mm/s (V)
Mean Value of f=
Mean Value of f=
h Vs V2
Answer the following:
1. What do you mean by major energy loss? 2. List down the type of minor energy losses. 3. What is compound pipe? 4. What do you mean by equivalent pipe 5. Derive Darcy -weisback's equation.
Thus, the coefficient of friction of the two pipes 20mm and 15mm determined and the values are given below Coefficient of friction (f) for 15mm diameter pipe = Coefficient of friction (f) for 20mm diameter pipe =
The gear pump test rig consisting of a gear pump coupled to an induction motor through flexible coupling. The pump is mounted on an oil sump and a suction pipe with suction gauge, delivery pipe with delivery gauge, discharge control valve etc provided. This being a positive displacement pumps full closing of the delivery control valve should be avoided. A collecting tank with gauge glass and scale fittings with drain valve fittings provided to measure the pump discharge and to drain back the oil to the sump. A panel with switch, starter and energy meter provided to note the input power. The gear pump consists of two identical intermeshing spur wheels working with a fine clearance inside the casing. The wheels are so designed that they form a fluid tight joint at the point of contact. One o the wheels is keyed to the driving shaft and the other revolves as a driven wheel. The pump is first filled with the liquid before it is started, as the gear rotate; the liquid is trapped in between their teeth and is flown to the discharge end round the casing. The rotating gears build up sufficient pressure to force the liquid into the delivery pipe. Each tooth of gear acts like a piston of a reciprocating pump to force liquid into the discharge line.
1. Area of the collecting tank (A) = l b l =40 cm b= 40 cm Energy meter constant (Ne) = 100 rev/Kw-hr Datum level difference (x) = 0.3m 2. Actual discharge (Qa) = Ah/t Page 26 of 53 Einstein College of Engineering
h- 10cm rise of oil level t- time taken for 10cm rise of oil level in collecting tank in seconds
3. Total head (H) = Hs+Hd+x 4. Input power (Pi) = [(3600 Nr) / ( Ne t)] 1000 watt
Nr No. of revolutions of energy meter disc= 10 t- Time taken for 10 revolutions of energy meter disc.
oil g
Qa H)/ 1000 Kw
850 Kg/ m3
1. Prime the pump if necessary, open the delivery valve and switch on the unit. 2. Close the delivery valve and maintain required delivery head. Note the reading. 3. Note the corresponding suction head. 4. Measure the area of the collecting tank. 5. Close the drain valve and note the time for 10 cm rise of oil level in the collecting tank. 6. For different delivery head repeat the experiment. 7. For every set of reading note the time taken for 10 Rev. energy meter.
Time Time Delivery taken for taken for head 10 cm rise 10 Hd revolutions In sec in energy meter
Suction head Hs
Correction head X
Total head
Actual Discharge Qa
Efficiency %
1. 2. 3. 4.
Plot graphs for Discharge Vs Total Head Output Power Vs Total Head Efficiency Vs Total Head
Answer the following:
1. Briefly explain Gear pump. 2. Differentiate between internal gear pump and external gear pump. 3. Briefly explain vane pump. 4. What is rotary pump? 5. How performance characteristic curves are drawn for pump
A rotometer having 0 30LPM range, single phase 0.5 HP 1440 rpm monoblock pump, reservoir tank arrangement, piping system, stopwatch and meter scale.
When the rate of flow increases the float rises in the tube and consequently there is an increase in the annular area between the float and the tube. Thus, the float rides higher or lower dephending on the rate of flow.
1.Actual discharge Qa =
H = rise of water in the capillary tube (m) t = time taken for H meter rise of water in the capillary tube (s) 2. Coefficient of discharge C d =
1. Priming is done first for venting air from the pipes. 2. The inlet valve is opened slightly such that the discharge on the rotometer is noted. 3. The outlet valve of the collecting tank is closed tightly and the time taken for H meter rise of water in the collecting tank is observed. 4. The above procedure is repeated by gradually increasing the flow and observing the required readings. 5. The observations are tabulated and the coefficient of discharge of rotometer is compared.
Sl. No.
1. Mention few discharge measuring devices 2. Derive an expression for discharge in venturimeter 3. Derive an expression for discharge in orifice meter Write down Eulers equation of motion. 4. Write down Bernoullis equation of motion for ideal and real fluid
The radial flow type pumps are commonly called as Centrifugal pumps. It has flow in relative direction through the impeller. The flow takes place from the low pressure towards the high pressure. The head of the centrifugal pump may be expressed in the following ways as static head, Manometric head and total or effective head. When a centrifugal pump operates the various losses such as hydraulic losses, Mechanical losses and leakage loss occurs.
1. =
2. Output power P0 =
3. Qact =
s s
A area of the tank in m H level of rise of water in meter in the collecting tank (10 cm) t time for 10 cm rise of water
4. Input Power Pi =
n No. of revolution of energy meter m - Pre determined efficiency (0.55) N Energy meter constant T Time taken for N revolution
Open the outlet valve until it is fully open. Priming of the centrifugal pump Switch on the centrifugal pump By closing the outlet value the delivery pipe, the required pressure in the pressure gauge reading was set. 5. Pressure gauge reading was noted. 6. Vacuum gauge reading was noted 7. Time taken for 5 revolution of disc in the energy meter was observed and noted. 8. Energy meter constant from energy meter was noted 9. Time taken for the 10cm rise of water in the collecting tank was noted down. 10. Repeat the steps 4 to 9 for the required number of times. 11. Area of the collecting tank and datum head was measured.
1. 2. 3. 4.
S. No
Actual Discharge
Qact = m3 AH t
Input power
Output power
P0 / Pi Pi
4. 5.
Input power Vs Qact Efficiency Vs Qact Total head Vs Qact Output power Vs Qact
Thus, the efficiency of the centrifugal pump has been determined by conducting the performance test.
i) Francis turbine setup ii) Tachometer THEORY: The modern Francis Turbine is an inward mixed flow reaction turbine. Here the water pressure enters the runner from the guide vanes towards the centre in radial direction and discharges out of the runner axially. The Francis Turbine operates under medium heads and requires medium quantity of water. Francis turbine has been installed in Bhakra nangal project, Punjab across the river Sutlej River.
Rated supply head = 1.2m Discharge = 2000 lpm Rated speed = 1250 Rpm Runner diameter = 180mm Power output = 3HP No of guide vanes = 8 Brake drum diameter = 300mm Diameter of the pipe (d1) = 0.13m Diameter of the throat of venturimeter (d2) = 0.078m FORMULAE USED FOR CALCULATION: 1. Rate of flow of water (Q) = [(a1 a2) (2gh)] / [ (a12-a2 2) 0.9] in m3/sec. a1=area of inlet of venturimeter= ( d12)/ 4 a2=area of throat of venturimeter = ( d22)/ 4 2. h= [(Sm / Sl)-1)] (h1-h2) in m Sm- Specific gravity of mercury=13.6 Sl - Specific gravity of water=1 3. Output power (P0) = 2 NT/60 Watts N is speed in rpm T is torque in Nm = radius of drum x (T1-T2)x g 4. Input power (Pi) = ( w x Q x g x h)/1000 kw 5. Efficiency = (Output power (P0)/Input power (Pi)) x100
1. Open the gate valve slowly so that the turbine at 1200 Rpm (at no load). 2. Apply the load adjusting the screw rod connected to the belt for loading the Brakes drum and tighten the locknut and the speed gets reduced. 3. Now note the readings of manometer, pressure gauge and spring balance. 4. Open the gate valve to an extent such that the speed is 1200 rpm. 5. Now note the manometer, pressure gauge readings and spring balance Readings. 6. For various loads note the above said readings.
Manometer readings
Speed Of rotation
h1 Unit Kg/cm2 cm
h2 cm
(N) rpm
T1 kg
T2 kg
Speed Vs Efficiency Speed Vs Output power Speed Vs Discharge Answer the following:
1. What is the difference between Francis turbine and Modern Francis turbine? 2. What is the difference between outward and inward flow turbine? 3. What is mixed flow reaction turbine? Give an example. 4. Why draft tube is not required in impulse turbine? 5. How turbines are classified based on head. Give example.
Thus performance tests are conducted on the Francis turbine and characteristic curves are drawn.
To study the performance of the given Pelton wheel turbine to draw the characteristic
Pelton wheel turbine is named after American Engineer Lester Allen Pelton. It is an impulse turbine. The pressure energy of the water is converted in to kinetic energy when passed through the nozzle and forms the high velocity jet of water. The formed water jet is used for driving the wheel. The pelton wheel turbine is a tangential flow impulse turbine.
Rated supply head = 1.2m Discharge = 660 lpm Rated speed = 800 Rpm Runner outside diameter = 300mm No of pelton cups = 20 nos. Brake drum diameter = 300 mm Size of the venturimeter = 65 mm Diameter of the throat of venturimeter = 39 mm FORMULAE: 1.Rate of flow of water (Q) = [[(a1 a2) Where a1=area of input pipe a2=area of throat of venturimeter h= [(Sm/Sl) -1] (h1-h2) in m Sm- Specific gravity of mercury=13.6 Sl - Specific gravity of water=1 2. Output power (P0) = 2 NT/60 Watts N is speed in rpm T is torque in Nm = radius of drum x (T1-T2)x g 3. Input power (Pi) = ( w x Q x g x h)/1000 kw 4. Efficiency = (Output power (P0)/Input power (Pi)) x100 (2gh)] / (a12-a2 2) 0.9] in m3/sec
Nozzle opening
Manometer readings
Speed Of rotation
1. Gradually, open the delivery valve of the pump. 2. Adjust the nozzle for half open by operating the needle valve by hand wheel. 3. The head should be maintained by operating the delivery valve and at Constant value. 4. Observe the speed of wheel using tachometer. 5. Observe the reading h1 &h2 in the two manometer limbs which are connected to the venturimeter.
(h) in m
Speed Vs Efficiency Speed Vs Output power Speed Vs Discharge Answer the following: 1. What are the main parameters in designing a Pelton wheel turbine? 2. What is breaking jet in Pelton wheel turbine? 3. What is the function of casing in Pelton turbine 4. Draw a simple sketch of Pelton wheel bucket. 5. What is the function of surge tank fixed to penstock in Pelton turbine?
Thus performance tests are conducted on the Pelton wheel turbine and characteristic curves are drawn. Page 46 of 53 Einstein College of Engineering
Reciprocating test rig Stop watch Meter scale Pump THEORY: Reciprocating pumps are also classified as positive displacement pumps. Here definite volume of liquid is trapped in a chamber which is alternatively filled from the inlet and emptied at a higher pressure through the discharge. Most piston pumps are acting with liquid admitted alternatively on each side of the piston so that one part of the cylinder is being filled where as the other being emptied to minimize fluctuations in the discharge.
Energy meter constant (Ne) = 100 rev/ KW-hr Stroke length of the pump (L) = 0.045m Bore (d) = 0.04m Area of the collecting tank (a) = 0.25 m2
1. 2. 3. 4.
Piston area (A) = ( /4) L2 in m2 Percentage of slip= [(Qt - Qa)/ Qt] 100 in% Theoretical discharge (Qt) = (2 L A N)/ 60 m3/sec Actual discharge (Qa) = [(AH)/ t] (in m3/sec) t- Time taken for 10cm rise in water level. H= suction head (hs) + Delivery head (hd) in meters of water.
5. Over all Efficiency ( O) = (P0/Pi) 100 in % 6. Output power (P0) = (3600/ Ne) (10/te) in Kw 7. Input power (Pi) = ( g Qa H ) / 1000 in Kw - Density of water = 1000 Kg/ m3
a) Keep the delivery valve open and switch on the pump. Slowly close the delivery valve and maintain a constant head. b) Note the delivery and suction gauge reading. c) Note the time for 10 rev of energy meter. d) Note the time for 10cm rise in water level in the collecting tank. e) Note the speed of the pump (N) Rpm. f) Repeat the procedure for various openings of the delivery valve.
Time taken for 10cm rise in water level (t) (in sec)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Theoretical Total Head S.No. (H) (in m) Actual discharge (Qa) (in m /sec)
Overall efficiency
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Total head (H) Vs Actual Discharge (Qa) Total head (H) Vs Output power (P0) Total head (H) Vs Over all Efficiency ( O) Answer the following: 1. What is separation in reciprocating pump? 2. How separation occurs in reciprocating pump? 3. Write down the equation for loss of head due to acceleration in reciprocating pump. 4. Write down the equation for loss of head due to friction in reciprocating pump. 5. Differentiate single acting and double acting reciprocating pump.
Thus, the performance test in a reciprocating pump has been conducted successfully with the following values 1. Maximum efficiency of the pump = 2. Maximum head of the pump = Page 50 of 53 Einstein College of Engineering
SUBMERSIBLE PUMP test rig Stop watch Meter scale Plump bob
1. Discharge, Q = a1 a2
(g h) /
a1= inlet area of venturimeter a2= throat area of venturimeter h = (h1-h2) [(sm/sw) -1] in m g is the acceleration due to gravity m/sec2
a1 = a2 =
S m = specific gravity of the manometric liquid = 13.6 S l = specific gravity of the flowing liquid = 1
2. Output power, Po = ( g Q Hd)/ 1000 Kw The total efficiency head H in meters of water column = Hd (The delivery pressure is in Kg/ cm2; the total head developed in the pump has to be converted in metres of water column). 3. Input power, Pi = (3600 10)/ (Ne t) Kw 4. Efficiency of the pump = Po / Pi in %
1. The following observations have to be made before starting the experiment. Size of the collecting tank Energy meter constant 2. Delivery valve is kept full open 3. The pump is operated by switching on the motor. 4. The following observations are made Pressure gauge reading (Kg/cm2). Vacuum gauge reading (mm of Hg). Time taken for 10 revolutions of energy meter disc (t) seconds. Time taken for 10cm rise of water level in collecting tank. 5. The procedure is repeated for various pressure heads by adjusting the pressure valve. 6. It is very important that the pressure valve should not be closed fully.
In m h2 h
Discharge Q In mm3/sec
Output in Kw
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Thus, the performance test in a submersible pump has been conducted successfully with the following values Maximum efficiency of the pump =