Moving Through A Worksheet: Appendixes
Moving Through A Worksheet: Appendixes
Moving Through A Worksheet: Appendixes
What It Does Moves left, right, up, or down one cell Moves to the beginning of the row Moves to the upper-left cell displayed in the window Moves to the lower-left cell displayed in the window Scrolls left, right, up, or down one cell Moves up one screen Moves down one screen Moves to the previous sheet Moves to the next sheet Moves one screen to the left Moves one screen to the right Moves to the first cell in the worksheet (A1) Moves to the last nonempty cell of the worksheet Moves to the edge of a data block; if the cell is blank, moves to the first nonblank cell Scrolls to display the active cell Moves to the last nonempty cell on the worksheet Prompts for a cell address to go to Moves to the next pane of a window that has been split Moves to the previous pane of a window that has been split Moves to the next window Moves to the previous window Moves to the next window Moves to the previous window
Key(s) Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar* Shift+Home Ctrl+* F8 Shift+F8 F5 Ctrl+G Ctrl+A Ctrl+A* Shift+Backspace
What It Does Selects the table without the header row and totals row. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again selects the complete table. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again selects the entire worksheet Expands the selection to the beginning of the current row Selects the block of data surrounding the active cell Extends the selection as you use navigation keys. Press F8 again to return to normal selection mode Adds other nonadjacent cells or ranges to the selection; pressing Shift+F8 again ends Add mode Prompts for a range or range name to select Prompts for a range or range name to select Selects the entire worksheet Selects the table without the header row and totals row. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again selects the complete table. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again selects the entire worksheet. Cancels a range selection and selects only the active cell
Part VII
Key(s) End Ctrl+right arrow Ctrl+left arrow F3 Ctrl+A Del Ctrl+Del Backspace Esc
What It Does Moves the cursor to the end of the line Moves the cursor one word to the right Moves the cursor one word to the left Displays the Paste Name dialog box when youre creating a formula Displays the Function Arguments dialog box (after you type a function name in a formula) Deletes the character to the right of the cursor Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the line Deletes the character to the left of the cursor Cancels the editing
Formatting Keys
Key(s) Ctrl+1 Ctrl+B Ctrl+I Ctrl+U Ctrl+5 Ctrl+Shift+~ Ctrl+Shift+! Ctrl+Shift+# Ctrl+Shift+@ Ctrl+Shift+$ Ctrl+Shift+% Ctrl+Shift+& Ctrl+Shift+_ What It Does Displays the Format dialog box for the selected object Sets or removes boldface Sets or removes italic Sets or removes underlining Sets or removes strikethrough Applies the general number format Applies the comma format with two decimal places Applies the date format (day, month, year) Applies the time format (hour, minute, a.m./p.m.) Applies the currency format with two decimal places Applies the percent format with no decimal places Applies border to outline Removes all borders
Part VII
Function Keys
Key(s) F1 Alt+F1 Alt+Shift+ F1 F2 Shift+F2 Alt+F2 Alt+Shift+F2 F3 Shift+F3 Ctrl+F3 Ctrl+Shift+F3 F4 Shift+F4 Ctrl+F4 Alt+F4 F5 Shift+F5 Ctrl+F5 Alt+F5 F6 Shift+F6 Ctrl+F6 Ctrl+Shift+F6 F7 Ctrl+F7 F8 Shift+F8 Ctrl+F8 Alt+F8 F9 Shift+F9 Ctrl+Alt+F9 What It Does Displays Help Inserts default chart object that uses the selected range Inserts a new worksheet Edits the active cell Edits a cell comment Equivalent to Office Save As Equivalent to Office Save Pastes a name into a formula Pastes a function into a formula Equivalent to Formulas Defined Names Name Manager Equivalent to Formulas Defined Names@>Create From Selection Repeats the last action Repeats the last Find (Find Next) Closes the window Equivalent to Office Exit Excel Equivalent to Home Editing Find & Select Go To Equivalent to Home Editing Find & Select Find Restores a minimized or maximized workbook window Refreshes active query or pivot table Moves to the next pane Moves to the previous pane Activates to the next window Activates the previous workbook window Equivalent to Review Proofing Spelling Allows moving the window with the arrow keys Extends a selection (toggle) Adds to the selection (toggle) Allows resizing the window with the arrow keys Equivalent to Developer Code Macros Calculates all sheets in all open workbooks Calculates the active worksheet Global calculation
Key(s) Ctrl+F9 F10 Shift+F10 Ctrl+F10 F11 Shift+F11 Ctrl+F11 Alt+F11 F12 Shift+F12 Ctrl+F12 Ctrl+Shift+F12
What It Does Minimizes the workbook Displays keytips for the Ribbon Displays a shortcut menu for the selected object (equivalent to right-clicking) Maximizes or restores the workbook window Creates a chart in a chart sheet Inserts a new worksheet Inserts an Excel 4.0 macro sheet Equivalent to Developer Code Visual Basic Equivalent to Office Save Equivalent to Office Save Equivalent to Office Open Equivalent to Office Print