S S - A L: Tress AND Train Xial Oading
S S - A L: Tress AND Train Xial Oading
S S - A L: Tress AND Train Xial Oading
The purpose to study the mechanics of materials is to acquire analytical tools necessary for analysis and design of load taking members of practical utility structures. These members could be parts of some machine or members of a building. The role of a design engineer is to ensure strength and rigidity of a member considering its physical dimensions, mechanical properties of the used material and the economy so that the member and the structure as a whole should neither break nor deform excessively in the life span of the structure while in service. The analytical tools are developed based on the laws of physics and application of mathematical methods. The properties of materials are known from systematically carried out experiments on the materials in the laboratories. In the study of mechanics of materials, we determine the stresses, strains and displacements in structures and their components caused by different loads acting on them. Further, we may compute these quantities for different combination and magnitude of loads until the failure is caused. Such a study gives a complete picture of behaviour of these structures.
The first fundamental concept in mechanics of materials is stress. The strength against an axially loaded member of a structure is assessed on the magnitude of stress, the intensity of the axial force, i.e., the force per unit area and is denoted by the Greek letter (sigma). P = ...(1.1) A where, P = Axial load (a load that acts along the axis of the member) and A = Area of cross-section measured perpendicular to the load direction. The stress may be assumed to be uniform over the area when the cross-sectional area is small and load acts on the centroid of the geometry of the cross-section. The stress that acts in the direction perpendicular to the area, is called normal stress. Sign convention: A positive sign is assigned to indicate a tensile stress (the member is in tension) and a negative sign to indicate a compressive stress (the member is in compression). If a bar is pulled outward by the force P, the stress is tensile stress, if the force is inward (into the area) causing the bar to be compressed, the stress is called compressive
stress (Refer Fig. T-1.1). Elementary form of a member is a prismatic bar, a structural member having same cross-section throughout its length. In S.I. units, the force (P) is expressed in newton (N) and area (A) in square meter (m2), the stress in (N/m2), that is, pascals (Pa). A large value of stress is sometimes indicated as: 1 kPa (kilopascal) = 1 103 N/m2 1 MPa (megapascal) = 1 106 N/m2 1 GPa (gigapascal) = 1 109 N/m2
P(+) A P(+)
Fig. T-1.1
The bearing stress occurs at the surface of contact of two members experiencing external load. Consider two plates of thickness t each is joined together with a pin of diameter d. The two plates, when are pulled by force P, the outer surface of the pin comes in contact with the plate surface. The pin surface will tend to crush the plate, while in turn, the plate through its surface in contact with the pin would crush the pin. The intensity of stress thus produced would depend on the contact area which is rectangular and its value is t d. Thus, the stress called bearing stress is given by: b =
P P Plate P
P td
Fig. T-1.3
Shear stresses also arise in an indirect manner when members are subjected to tension, torsion, and bending.
Here the cylindrical surface of the metal piece bears the stress, the corresponding punching stress is given by:
P ...(1.4) dt where dt is the area of the curved surface of the metal piece that offers resistance to the punching load P.
y a
F b x F z
F a c
From safety consideration, that is avoiding material subjected to shear stress structural failure, a structural member or a machine part is loaded less than its strength. Here, the strength is meant as the maximum load that can be sustained by a member. The maximum load is termed as ultimate load as well. While a smaller load than this is termed as allowable load (also called the permissible load or the safe load). The stress corresponding to allowable load is called as working stress or allowable stress. Then we have,
Ultimate load Allowable load An alternative definition based on stress could be
Ultimate stress or Yield stress ...(1.7) Allowable stress Selection of magnitude of factor of safety depends on many factors, such as properties of a material, loading conditions, uncertainity factors related to manufacturing process, construction techniques, the perfectness in the analysis and computational techniques and importance of the structure under consideration. There are design codes (In India these are known as IS codes) available for use, these are prepared by experienced engineers. They recommend appropriate values of factor of safety which could be any thing more than 1.
N = P cos , V = P sin The corresponding normal and shear stresses are obtained if dividing them by area A, of the inclined section. Thus, = where or, Writing, A = = cos2 =
V N , = A A A cos
P P . cos2 , = A sin cos A
1 + cos 2 , sin 2 = 2 sin cos , 2 x x we get = (1 + cos 2), = (sin 2) ...(1.9) 2 2 Sign convention: The subscript is used to indicate that the stresses act on a plane (section) inclined at an angle . Normal stresses are positive in tension and shear stresses are positive when they tend to rotate the part in counter-clockwise direction.
y + m Positive x-plane Centroid of area
P Negative x-plane
Area = A
Clockwise rotation P ()
N P Area =
A cos
From Equation (1.9), we may conclude: the maximum normal stress occurs at = 0 and is max = x
An inclined plane mn passes through the bar Fig. T-1.6, its inclination is angle , measured in counter-clockwise direction with respect to y-axis. The interest, here, is to investigate stress values on this plane. We consider the free body diagram and condition of static equilibrium for the cut-out part containing the plane mn of the bar (say the left part). On the inclined plane, a force P has to act in opposite direction to that it acts on the negative x-plane. Resolving this force P, into two components, a normal force N that is perpendicular to the inclined plane mn and a shear force V that is tangential to it. These are:
and maximum shear stress by magnitude x max = ...(1.11) 2 The largest positive shear stress is at = 45 and the largest negative value of shear stress is at = 45.
12 mm
The specimen is cylindrical in shape of diameter 12 mm and a gauge length of 50 mm between gauge marks, which are the points where the extensometer arms are attached to the specimen Fig. T-1.7. The test specimen is placed in a testing machine (tensile-test machine or universal-test machine) which is used to apply an axial load P. As the load P is increased the gauge length L is measured, and the elongation is determined for each
value of P. For each pair of readings P and , the stress is computed by dividing P by the original cross-sectional area of the specimen, and the strain by dividing the elongation by the original distance between the two gauge marks. The stress-strain diagram may then be obtained by plotting as an abscissa and as an ordinate. A stress-strain diagram is a characteristic of the particular material being tested and provides important informations about the mechanical properties and type of behaviour. Stress-strain diagram (Fig. T-1.8): We shall discuss results of the material known as structural steel (also known as mild steel or low carbon steel). Structural steel is one of the most commonly used materials in the construction of buildings, bridges, cranes, ships automobiles, locomotives and in many other constructions.
(a) Stress-strain diagram for a typical structural steel in tension (not to scale)
U= B
Cup Cone
Proportional limit
1.9.8 Necking
At loading condition corresponding to point D on the graph, the diameter of the test specimen gets progressively reduced (thinning or narrowing). The phenomenon is called
1.9.9 Ductility
This is a special property of the material. The ductility is a measure to the extent a material undergoes plastic deformation (a permanent strain) during increasing load. The material that undergoes greater deformation more ductile it is. Ductility is measured either by %age reduction in area or by the %age elongation of a known measured length of specimen. Ai Af 100 ...(1.13) Percent reduction in area = Ai Li L f 100 or, Percent elongation = ...(1.14) Li subscript i is for initial value and f for the final value at the point of fracture. Some of the known ductile materials are: structural steel, aluminium, copper, magnesium, lead, molybdenum, nickel, brass, bronze, monel metal, nylon. For structural steel the per cent reduction in area is of the order 60 to 70%. The property of ductility of the material enables to give some arbitrary shape to suit the construction requirement.
Brittle Property
There are materials which fail at low strain when subjected to a load to cause tension, at elongation little beyond its proportional limit, A. The reduction in area at point of failure is insignificant absence of any necking. Such materials are known as brittle. A typical stress-strain curve for a brittle material has been shown in the Fig. T-1.8. Highcarbon steels (high-strength steels) have high value of proportional limit about 550 MPa very high yield stresses about 700 MPa but they behave in a brittle manner. Ordinary glass is an ideal brittle material, because it exhibits almost no ductility. Its ultimate stress is about 70 MPa. Glass fibres have ultimate stress upto about 7 GPa. The prominent brittle materials are: concrete, stone, cast iron, glass, ceramics.
Pure iron e e
(b) (a) (a) Comparative stress-strain diagrams for different materials (b) Stress-strain diagrams for iron and different grades of steel
Fig. T-1.9
necking. Thereafter the material breaks into two parts. The shape of two parts have special appearance, one is of cup shape and the other is of a cone. The cup-shaped surface forms an angle of approximately 45 with the original surface of the specimen.
The structural steel has about 0.2% carbon. With increasing carbon content, steel becomes less ductile but possesses higher yield stress and higher ultimate stress. That is, some of the physical properties of structural metals, such as strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance, can be greatly affected by alloying (adding other metals), heat treatment (tempering), and the manufacturing process (rolling, forging) used. We may find from the Fig. T-1.9 (b) that the pure iron and three different grades of steel have large variations in the yield strength, ultimate strength and final strain (ductility).
Proof Stress
Aluminium and many other ductile materials do not exhibit a distinct yield point on stress-strain diagram, instead the stress keep increasing-not linearly-until the ultimate strength is reached and eventually rupture takes place. The yield strength is determined by the offset method. A straight line is drawn on the stress-strain diagram parallel to the initial part of the curve but offset by some standard strain, such as = 0.002 on -axis. The intersection of the offset line and the stress-strain curve, the point A defines the yield stress. This value is distinguished from a true yield stress by referring to it as the proof stress.
0.002 offset
Compression Test
For compression tests, the specimens of the metals are in the shape of cubes50 mm a side or circular cylinders-diameter 25 mm and 25 mm to 300 mm. Both the load applied by the machine and the shortening of the specimen are measured. In order to eliminate end effects, the gauge length is selected to be smaller than the total length of the specimen. Concrete is tested in compression on every important construction project to ensure that required strength has been achieved. The test specimen could be a cube of 150 mm a side or a cylinder 150 mm dia. and 30 cm long and is subjected to curing for 28 days. Smaller specimens are used when performing compression test on stones. A concrete of M20 grade has compressive strength of 20 N/mm2 and that of sand stone is 2 65 N/mm . Stress-strain curves for materials, in general, in compression differ from those in tension. Ductile metals-steel, aluminum, and copper have proportional limits nearly same to those in tension and the stress-strain diagrams are also same. Beyond yield point, the behaviour is quite different when in compression. With compressive loading, the specimen bulges outward (Fig. T-1.11). O Brittle materials loaded in compression, iniFig. T-1.11 Stress-strain diagram tially have - relationshipa straight line, furfor a ductile material in compression ther the shortening increases at a higher rate. The stress-strain curves for compression and tension often have similar shapes. The ultimate stresses are higher than those in tension.
The elasticity and plasticity are the properties exhibited by a material during loading, unloading and then loading in a sequence and in an extended manner. The entire behaviour of the material is best understood on the - diagram developed through experimental results of a specimen.
(a )
D Elastic recovery
Residual strain
Fig. T-1.12
Consider a specimen subjected to tensile load (increasing). The stress and strain go from the origin O to point A on the stress-strain curve of Fig. T-1.12(a). On removal of load at this point, the material traces back to the origin O. This property of a material, by which it returns to its original dimensions/shape during unloading, is called elasticity. The material is known as elastic. The largest value of the stress at point E for which the material behaves elastically is called the elastic limit of the material. Suppose the load is increased from point E and taken to point B on the curve and the unloading takes place, the stress and strain decrease along a straight line BC parallel to the initial portion of the loading process. The point C represents on the curve where the load is no more on the specimen and is not zero-Fig. T-1.12(b). The magnitude of OC indicates a residual strain, or permanent strain or plastic deformation of the material. When the material is subjected to loads beyond elastic limit the strain values are inelastic the strain is known as plasticity. Suppose the specimen is loaded again with tensile load from the point C on the graph, the new curve is along the old line CB and further, it follows the stress-strain curve of the original curve toward point F. For reloading, B is proportional limit, which is at a higher stress than the original elastic limit, E. The point of rupture, F remains same. The ductility is reducedit is measured as BF which is smaller than that of originalone way loading measured as EF.