Astrodynamics - Orbital Mechanics
Astrodynamics - Orbital Mechanics
Astrodynamics - Orbital Mechanics
Orbital mechanics
Orbital mechanics or astrodynamics is the study of the motion of rockets
and other spacecraft. The motion of these objects is usually calculated from
Newton's laws of motion and Newton's law of universal gravitation,
collectively known as classical mechanics.
Rules of thumb-
•Orbits are either circular, with the planet at the center of the
circle, or form an ellipse, with the planet at one focus.
•A line drawn from the planet to the satellite sweeps out equal
areas in equal times no matter which portion of the orbit is
•A satellite in a low orbit (or low part of an elliptical orbit) moves more
quickly with respect to the surface of the planet than a satellite in a
higher orbit (or a high part of an elliptical orbit), due to the stronger
gravitational attraction closer to the planet.
•If a brief rocket firing is made at only one point in the satellite's orbit, it
will return to that same point on each subsequent orbit, though the
rest of its path will change. Thus to move from one circular orbit to
another, at least two brief firings are needed.
To the degree that the assumptions do not hold, actual trajectories will vary
from those calculated. Atmospheric drag is one major complicating factor for
objects in Earth orbit. The differences between classical mechanics and
general relativity can become important for large objects like planets. These
rules of thumb are decidedly inaccurate when describing two or more bodies
of similar mass, such as a binary star system.
•Laws of astrodynamics
•Historical approaches
•Practical techniques