The Logic of Conditionals: Q We Could Just Prove P Q
The Logic of Conditionals: Q We Could Just Prove P Q
The Logic of Conditionals: Q We Could Just Prove P Q
Section 8.1
Valid steps
The most common valid proof step involving goes by the Latin name modus
ponens, or by the English conditional elimination. The rule says that if you
Exercise 8.38 we ask you to construct proofs of (P Q) P and the equivalent
(P Q) P, so that you can see for yourself how much simpler the first is than the second.
1 In
modus ponens or
conditional elimination
have established both P Q and P, then you can infer Q. This rule is obviously valid, as a review of the truth table for shows, since if P Q and P
are both true, then so must be Q.
There is a similar proof step for the biconditional, since the biconditional
is logically equivalent to a conjunction of two conditionals. If you have established either P Q or Q P, then if you can establish P, you can infer Q.
This is called biconditional elimination.
In addition to these simple rules, there are a number of useful equivalences
involving our new symbols. One of the most important is known as the Law of
Contraposition. It states that P Q is logically equivalent to Q P. This
latter conditional is known as the contrapositive of the original conditional. It
is easy to see that the original conditional is equivalent to the contrapositive,
since the latter is false if and only if Q is true and P is false, which is
to say, when P is true and Q is false. Contraposition is a particularly useful
equivalence since it is often easier to prove the contrapositive of a conditional
than the conditional itself. Well see an example of this in a moment.
Here are some logical equivalences to bear in mind, beginning with contraposition. Make sure you understand them all and see why they are equivalent.
Use Boole to construct truth tables for any you dont immediately see.
(P Q)
(P Q) (Q P)
(P Q) (P Q)
Let P and Q be any sentences of fol.
1. Modus ponens: From P Q and P, infer Q.
2. Biconditional elimination: From P and either P Q or Q P, infer
3. Contraposition: P Q Q P
Chapter 8
conditional proof
(2m + 1)2
4m2 + 4m + 1
2(2m2 + 2m) + 1
Section 8.1
Did you get lost? This proof has a pretty complicated structure, since we
first assumed Even(n2 ) for the purpose of conditional proof, but then immediately assumed Even(n) to get an indirect proof of Even(n). The contradiction
that we arrived at was Even(n2 ), which contradicted our first assumption.
Proofs of this sort are fairly common, and this is why it is often easier to
prove the contrapositive of a conditional. The contrapositive of our original
claim is this:
Even(n) Even(n2 )
Lets look at the proof of this contrapositive.
Proof: To prove Even(n) Even(n2 ), we begin by assuming
Even(n), i.e., that n is odd. Then we can express n as 2m + 1,
for some m. But then we see that:
= (2m + 1)2
= 4m2 + 4m + 1
= 2(2m2 + 2m) + 1
But this shows that n2 is also odd, hence Even(n2 ). Thus, by conditional proof, we have established Even(n) Even(n2 ).
By proving the contrapositive, we avoided the need for an indirect proof
inside the conditional proof. This makes the proof easier to understand, and
since the contrapositive is logically equivalent to our original claim, our second
proof could serve as a proof of the original claim as well.
The method of conditional proof is used extensively in everyday reasoning. Some years ago Bill was trying to decide whether to take English 301,
Postmodernism. His friend Sarah claimed that if Bill takes Postmodernism,
he will not get into medical school. Sarahs argument, when challenged by Bill,
took the form of a conditional proof, combined with a proof by cases.
Suppose you take Postmodernism. Then either you will adopt the
postmodern disdain for rationality or you wont. If you dont, you will
fail the class, which will lower your GPA so much that you will not get
into medical school. But if you do adopt the postmodern contempt
toward rationality, you wont be able to pass organic chemistry, and
so will not get into medical school. So in either case, you will not get
into medical school. Hence, if you take Postmodernism, you wont
get into medical school.
Unfortunately for Bill, he had already succumbed to postmodernism, and
so rejected Sarahs argument. He went ahead and took the course, failed chemistry, and did not get into medical school. Hes now a wealthy lobbyist in
Washington. Sarah is an executive in the computer industry in California.
Chapter 8
Proving biconditionals
Not surprisingly, we can also use conditional proof to prove biconditionals,
though we have to work twice as hard. To prove P Q by conditional proof,
you need to do two things: assume P and prove Q; then assume Q and prove
P. This gives us both P Q and Q P, whose conjunction is equivalent to
P Q.
There is another form of proof involving that is common in mathematics. Mathematicians are quite fond of finding results which show that
several different conditions are equivalent. Thus you will find theorems that
make claims like this: The following conditions are all equivalent: Q1 , Q2 , Q3 .
What they mean by this is that all of the following biconditionals hold:
Q1 Q2
Q2 Q3
Q1 Q3
To prove these three biconditionals in the standard way, you would have
to give six conditional proofs, two for each biconditional. But we can cut our
work in half by noting that it suffices to prove some cycle of results like the
proving a cycle of
Q1 Q2
Q2 Q3
Q3 Q1
These would be shown by three conditional proofs, rather than the six that
would otherwise be required. Once we have these, there is no need to prove the
reverse directions, since they follow from the transitivity of . For example,
we dont need to explicitly prove Q2 Q1 , the reverse of the first conditional,
since this follows from Q2 Q3 and Q3 Q1 , our other two conditionals.
When we apply this technique, we dont have to arrange the cycle in
exactly the order in which the conditions are given. But we do have to make
sure we have a genuine cycle, one that allows us to get from any one of our
conditions to any other.
Lets give a very simple example. We will prove that the following conditions on a natural number n are all equivalent:
1. n is even
2. n2 is even
3. n2 is divisible by 4.
Proof: Rather than prove all six biconditionals, we prove that (3)
(2) (1) (3). Assume (3). Now clearly, if n2 is divisible by 4, then
Section 8.1
In the following list we give a number of inference patterns, some of which are valid, some
invalid. For each pattern, decide whether you think it is valid and say so. Later, we will return
to these patterns and ask you to give formal proofs for the valid ones and counterexamples for
the invalid ones. But for now, just assess their validity.
1. Affirming the Consequent: From A B and B, infer A.
2. Modus Tollens: From A B and B, infer A.
3. Strengthening the Antecedent: From B C, infer (A B) C.
4. Weakening the Antecedent: From B C, infer (A B) C.
5. Strengthening the Consequent: From A B, infer A (B C).
6. Weakening the Consequent: From A B, infer A (B C).
7. Constructive Dilemma: From A B, A C, and B D, infer C D.
8. Transitivity of the Biconditional: From A B and B C, infer A C.
Open Conditional Sentences. Suppose that the sentences in this file are your premises. Now
consider the five sentences listed below. Some of these sentences are consequences of these
premises, some are not. For those that are consequences, give informal proofs and turn them
Chapter 8
in to your instructor. For those that are not consequences, submit counterexample worlds in
which the premises are true but the conclusion false. Name the counterexamples World 8.2.x,
where x is the number of the sentence.
1. Tet(e)
2. Tet(c) Tet(e)
3. Tet(c) Larger(f, e)
4. Tet(c) LeftOf(c, f)
5. Dodec(e) Smaller(e, f)
The following arguments are all valid. Turn in informal proofs of their validity. You may find it helpful
to translate the arguments into fol before trying to give proofs, though thats not required. Explicitly
note any inferences using modus ponens, biconditional elimination, or conditional proof.
Section 8.1
Open Between Sentences. Determine whether this set of sentences is satisfiable or not. If it
is, submit a world in which all the sentences are true. If not, give an informal proof that the
sentences are inconsistent. That is, assume all of them and derive a contradiction.
Analyze the structure of the informal proof in support of the following claim: If the U.S. does
not cut back on its use of oil soon, parts of California will be flooded within 50 years. Are there
weak points in the argument? What premises are implicitly assumed in the proof? Are they
Proof: Suppose the U.S. does not cut back on its oil use soon. Then it will be unable
to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions substantially in the next few years. But then
the countries of China, India and Brazil will refuse to join in efforts to curb carbon
dioxide emissions. As these countries develop without such efforts, the emission of
carbon dioxide will get much worse, and so the greenhouse effect will accelerate. As a
result the sea will get warmer, ice will melt, and the sea level will rise. In which case,
low lying coastal areas in California will be subject to flooding within 50 years. So if
we do not cut back on our oil use, parts of California will be flooded within 50 years.
Describe an everyday example of reasoning that uses the method of conditional proof.
Prove that the following conditions on the natural number n are all equivalent. Use as few
conditional proofs as possible.
1. n is divisible by 3
2. n2 is divisible by 3
3. n2 is divisible by 9
4. n3 is divisible by 3
5. n3 is divisible by 9
6. n3 is divisible by 27
Give an informal proof that if R is a tautological consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn and Q, then Q R
is a tautological consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn .
Chapter 8
Section 8.2
Section 8.2
working backwards
You try it
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congratulations
Once we have conditional introduction at our disposal, we can convert
any proof with premises into the proof, without premises, of a corresponding
conditional. For example, we showed in Chapter 6 (page 158) how to give a
formal proof of A from premise A. We can can now use the earlier proof to
build a proof of the logically true sentence A A.
Chapter 8
1. A
2. A
Intro: 1, 2
4. A
Intro: 23
5. A A
Intro: 14
Notice that the subproof here is identical to the original proof given on
page 158. We simply embedded that proof in our new proof and applied conditional introduction to derive A A.
Default and generous uses of the rules
The rule Elim does not care in which order you cite the support sentences.
The rule Intro does not insist that the consequent be at the last step of
the cited subproof, though it usually is. Also, the assumption step might be
the only step in the subproof, as in a proof of a sentence of the form P P.
The default applications of the conditional rules work exactly as you would
expect. If you cite supports of the form indicated in the rule statements, Fitch
will fill in the appropriate conclusion for you.
default uses of
conditional rules
You try it
1. Open the file Conditional 2. Look at the goal to see what sentence we are
trying to prove. Then focus on each step in succession and check the step.
On the empty steps, try to predict what default Fitch will supply.
2. When you are finished, make sure you understand the proof. Save the
checked proof as Proof Conditional 2.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congratulations
You can use the Add Support Steps command when you are using the
Intro rule, and have an implication at the focus step. Fitch will insert a
subproof as support. The antecedant of the implication will be the assumption
of the subproof, and the consequent will appear at the last line of the subproof.
You cannot use Add Support Steps with Elim.
Section 8.2
This means that you can conclude Q if you can establish P and either of the
biconditionals indicated.
The introduction rule for the biconditional P Q requires that you give
two subproofs, one showing that Q follows from P, and one showing that P
follows from Q:
Chapter 8
1. P
2. P
Intro: 1, 2
4. P
Intro: 23
5. P
Elim: 5
6. P
7. P P
Intro: 14, 56
You try it
1. Open the file Conditional 3. In this file, you are asked to prove, without
premises, the law of contraposition:
(P Q) (Q P)
2. Start your proof by sketching in the two subproofs that you know youll
have to prove, plus the desired conclusion. Your partial proof will look like
1. P Q
2. Q P
3. Q P
4. P Q
5. (P Q) (Q P)
Intro: 12, 34
Section 8.2
3. Now that you have the overall structure, start filling in the first subproof.
Since the goal of that subproof is a conditional claim, sketch in a conditional proof that would give you that claim:
1. P Q
2. Q
3. P
4. Q P
Intro: 23
5. Q P
6. P Q
7. (P Q) (Q P)
Intro: 14, 56
1. P Q
2. Q
3. P
4. Q
6. P
7. Q P
Elim: 1, 3
Intro: 4, 2
Intro: 35
Intro: 26
8. Q P
9. P Q
10. (P Q) (Q P)
Chapter 8
Intro: 17, 89
5. This completes the first subproof. Luckily, you sketched in the second
subproof so you know what you want to do next. You should be able to
finish the second subproof on your own, since it is almost identical to the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congratulations
The default and generous uses of the biconditional rules are exactly like those
for the conditional connective, and Add Support Steps works exactly as
you would expect.
If you skipped any of the You try it sections, go back and do them now. Submit the files
Proof Conditional 1, Proof Conditional 2, and Proof Conditional 3.
In the following exercises we return to the patterns of inference discussed in Exercise 8.1. Some of
these are valid, some invalid. For each valid pattern, construct a formal proof in Fitch. For each invalid
pattern, give a counterexample using Tarskis World. To give a counterexample in these cases, you will
have to come up with sentences of the blocks language that fit the pattern, and a world that makes
those specific premises true and the conclusion false. Submit both the world and the sentence file. In the
sentence file, list the premises first and the conclusion last.
Constructive Dilemma:
From A B, A C, and B D,
infer C D.
Modus Tollens:
From A B and B, infer A.
Weakening the Antecedent:
From B C, infer (A B) C.
Weakening the Consequent:
From A B, infer A (B C).
Transitivity of the Biconditional:
From A B and B C,
infer A C.
Use Fitch to construct formal proofs for the following arguments. In two cases, you may find yourself
re-proving an instance of the law of Excluded Middle, P P, in order to complete your proof. If youve
forgotten how to do that, look back at your solution to Exercise 6.33. Alternatively, with the permission
of your instructor, you may use Taut Con to justify an instance of Excluded Middle.
P (Q P)
(P (Q R)) ((P Q) R)
Section 8.2
(P Q) (P Q)
(P Q) (P Q)
The following arguments are translations of those given in Exercises 8.38.9. (For simplicity we have
assumed the unicorn refers to a specific unicorn named Charlie. This is less than ideal, but the best we
can do without quantifiers.) Use Fitch to formalize the proofs you gave of their validity. You will need
to use Ana Con to introduce in two of your proofs.
(Mythical(c) Mammal(c))
(Mythical(c) Mortal(c))
(Mortal(c) Mammal(c)) Horned(c)
Horned(c) Magical(c)
Horned(c) Mammal(c)
Horned(c) (Elusive(c)
(Elusive(c) Mythical(c)) Rare(c)
Mammal(c) Rare(c)
Cube(b) Small(b)
Small(c) (Small(d) Small(e))
Small(d) Small(c)
Cube(b) Small(e)
Small(c) Small(b)
Chapter 8
SameRow(d, a) SameRow(d, b)
SameRow(d, c)
SameRow(d, b) (SameRow(d, a)
SameRow(d, c))
SameRow(d, a) SameRow(d, c)
SameRow(d, a) SameRow(d, b)
Use Fitch to give formal proofs of both (P Q) P and the equivalent sentence (P Q) P.
(You will find the exercise files in Exercise 8.38.1 and Exercise 8.38.2.) Do you see why it is
convenient to include in fol, rather than define it in terms of the Boolean connectives?
Section 8.3
We intend our formal system F to be a correct system of deduction in the
sense that any argument that can be proven valid in F should be genuinely
valid. The first question that we will ask, then, is whether we have succeeded
in this goal. Does the system F allow us to construct proofs only of genuinely
valid arguments? This is known as the soundness question for the deductive
system F.
The answer to this question may seem obvious, but it deserves a closer look.
After all, consider the rule of inference suggested in Exercise 7.32 on page 198.
Probably, when you first looked at this rule, it seemed pretty reasonable, even
though on closer inspection you realized it was not (or maybe you got the
problem wrong). How can we be sure that something similar might not be the
case for one of our official rules? Maybe there is a flaw in one of them but we
just havent thought long enough or hard enough to discover it.
Or maybe there are problems that go beyond the individual rules, something about the way the rules interact. Consider for example the following
soundness of a
deductive system
Section 8.3
(Happy(carl) Happy(scruffy))
Soundness of FT
We know this argument isnt valid since it is clearly possible for the premise to
be true and the conclusion false. But how do we know that the rules of proof
weve introduced do not allow some very complicated and ingenious proof
of the conclusion from the premise? After all, there is no way to examine all
possible proofs and make sure there isnt one with this premise and conclusion:
there are infinitely many proofs.
To answer our question, we need to make it more precise. We have seen that
there is a certain vagueness in the notion of logical consequence. The concept
of tautological consequence was introduced as a precise approximation of the
informal notion. One way to make our question more precise is to ask whether
the rules for the truth-functional connectives allow us to prove only arguments
that are tautologically valid. This question leaves out the issue of whether the
identity rules are legitimate, but we will address that question later.
Lets introduce some new symbols to make it easier to express the claim
we want to investigate. We will use FT to refer to the portion of our deductive
system that contains the introduction and elimination rules for , , , , ,
and . You can think of the subscript t as standing for either tautology or
truth-functional. We will also write P1 , . . . , Pn T S to indicate that there
is a formal proof in FT of S from premises P1 , . . . , Pn . (The symbol is
commonly used in logic to indicate the provability of whats on the right from
whats on the left. If you have trouble remembering what this symbol means,
just think of it as a tiny Fitch bar.) We can now state our claim as follows.
Theorem (Soundness of FT ) If P1 , . . . , Pn T S then S is a tautological consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn .
Proof: Suppose that p is a proof constructed in the system FT . We
will show that any sentence that occurs at any step in proof p is
a tautological consequence of the assumptions in force at that step.
This claim applies not just to sentences at the main level of p, but also
to sentences appearing in subproofs, no matter how deeply nested.
The assumptions in force at a step always include the main premises
of the proof, but if we are dealing with a step inside some nested
subproofs, they also include all the assumptions of these subproofs.
The soundness theorem follows from our claim because if S appears
Chapter 8
at the main level of p, then the only assumptions in force are the
premises P1 , . . . , Pn . So S is a tautological consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn .
To prove this claim we will use proof by contradiction. Suppose that
there is a step in p containing a sentence that is not a tautological
consequence of the assumptions in force at that step. Call this an
invalid step. The idea of our proof is to look at the first invalid step
in p and show that none of the twelve rules of FT could have justified
that step. In other words, we will apply proof by cases to show that,
no matter which rule of FT was applied at the invalid step, we get a
contradiction. (Actually, we will only look at three of the cases and
leave the remaining rules as exercises.) This allows us to conclude
that there can be no invalid steps in proofs in FT .
Intro: Suppose the first invalid step derives the sentence Q R
from an application of Intro to an earlier subproof with assumption Q and conclusion R.
Again let A1 , . . . , Ak be the assumptions in force at Q R. Note
that the assumptions in force at R are A1 , . . . , Ak and Q. Since step
R is earlier than the first invalid step, R must be a tautological consequence of A1 , . . . , Ak and Q.
Imagine constructing a joint truth table for the sentences A1 , . . . , Ak ,
Q, Q R, and R. There must be a row h of this table in which
A1 , . . . , Ak all come out true, but Q R comes out false, by the
assumption that this step is invalid. Since Q R is false in this
row, Q must be true and R must be false. But this contradicts our
observation that R is a tautological consequence of A1 , . . . , Ak and
Section 8.3
Chapter 8
Section 8.3
a=a b=b
a) Tet
Provable in FT
Logical truths
Figure 8.1: The soundness theorem for FT tells us that only tautologies are
provable (without premises) in FT .
completeness of a
deductive system
Chapter 8
a=a b=b
t(a) Tet(a
Provable in FT
Logical truths
Figure 8.2: Completeness and soundness of FT tells us that all and only tautologies are provable (without premises) in FT .
deductive system FT ? The next theorem assures us that this cannot happen.
Theorem (Completeness of FT ) If a sentence S is a tautological consequence
of P1 , . . . , Pn , then P1 , . . . , Pn T S.
The proof of this result is quite a bit more complicated than the proof of
the Soundness Theorem, and requires material we have not yet introduced.
Consequently, we will not be able to give the proof here, but will prove it in
Chapter 17.
This result is called the Completeness Theorem because it tells us that
the introduction and elimination rules are complete for the logic of the truthfunctional connectives: anything that is a logical consequence simply in virtue
of the meanings of the truth-functional connectives can be proven in FT . As
illustrated in Figure 8.2, it assures us that all tautologies (and tautologically
valid arguments) are provable in FT .
Notice, however, that the Soundness Theorem implies a kind of incompleteness, since it shows that the rules of FT allow us to prove only tautological
consequences of our premises. They do not allow us to prove any logical
consequence of the premises that is not a tautological consequence of those
premises. For example, it shows that there is no way to prove Dodec(c) from
Dodec(b) b = c in FT , since the former is not a tautological consequence
of the latter. To prove something like this, we will need the identity rules in
addition to the rules for the truth-functional connectives. Similarly, to prove
completeness of FT
soundness and
Section 8.3
Larger(c, b) from Larger(b, c), we would need rules having to do with the
predicate Larger. We will return to these issues in Chapter 19.
The Soundness and Completeness Theorems have practical uses that are
worth keeping in mind. The Completeness Theorem gives us a method for
showing that an argument has a proof without actually having to find a
such proof: just show that the conclusion is a tautological consequence of
the premises. For example, it is obvious that A (B A) is a tautology so
by the Completeness Theorem we know it must have a proof. Similarly, the
sentence B D is a tautological consequence of ((A B) (C D)) so we
know it must be possible to find a proof of the former from the latter.
The Soundness Theorem, on the other hand, gives us a method for telling
that an argument does not have a proof in FT : show that the conclusion is not
a tautological consequence of the premises. For example, A (A B) is not
a tautology, so it is impossible to construct a proof of it in FT , no matter how
hard you try. Similarly, the sentence B D is a not tautological consequence
of ((A B) (C D)), so we know there is no proof of this in FT .
Recall our earlier discussion of the Taut Con routine in Fitch. This procedure checks to see whether a sentence is a tautological consequence of whatever
sentences you cite in support. You can use the observations in the preceding
paragraphs, along with Taut Con, to decide whether it is possible to give
a proof using the rules of FT . If Taut Con says a particular sentence is a
tautological consequence of the cited sentences, then you know it is possible
to give a full proof of the sentence, even though you may not see exactly how
the proof goes. On the other hand, if Taut Con says it is a not tautological
consequence of the cited sentences, then there is no point in trying to find a
proof in FT , for the simple reason that no such proof is possible.
Given an argument with premises P1 , . . . , Pn and conclusion S:
1. (Completeness of FT ) If S is a tautological consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn ,
then there is a proof of S from premises P1 , . . . , Pn using only the
introduction and elimination rules for , , , , , and .
2. (Soundness of FT ) If S is not a tautological consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn ,
then there is no proof of S from premises P1 , . . . , Pn using only the
rules for , , , , , and .
3. Which of these alternatives holds can be determined with the Taut
Con procedure of Fitch.
Chapter 8
Decide whether the following two arguments are provable in FT without actually trying to find proofs.
Do this by constructing a truth table in Boole to assess their tautological validity. Submit the table. Then
explain clearly how you know the argument is or is not provable by applying the Soundness and Completeness results. Turn in your explanations to your instructor. (The explanations are more important
than the tables, so dont forget the second part!)
A (B A (C D))
E (D (A (B D)))
A (B A (C D)) (A D)
(E (D (A (B D))))
In the proof of the Soundness Theorem, we only treated three of the twelve rules of FT . The next three
problems ask you to treat some of the other rules.
Section 8.4
Section 8.4
middle or to apply a DeMorgan equivalence. But you should still use rules like
Elim, Intro, and Intro when your informal proof would use proof by
cases, proof by contradiction, or conditional proof. Any one-step proofs that
consist of a single application of Taut Con will be counted as wrong!
Before doing these problems, go back and read the material in the Remember boxes, paying special attention to the strategy for evaluating arguments on page 173.
From this point on in the book, you may use Taut Con in formal proofs,
but only to skip simple steps that would go unmentioned in an informal
In the following exercises, you are given arguments in the blocks language. Evaluate each arguments
validity. If it is valid, construct a formal proof to show this. If you need to use Ana Con, use it only to
derive from atomic sentences. If the argument is invalid, you should use Tarskis World to construct
a counterexample world.
Adjoins(a, b) Adjoins(b, c)
SameRow(a, c)
a = c
Cube(a) Small(b)
(Cube(b) b = c) Cube(c)
(Dodec(a) Dodec(b))
(SameCol(a, c) Small(a))
(SameCol(b, c) Small(b))
(Dodec(b) Small(a))
SameCol(a, c) SameCol(b, c)
Dodec(a) Small(b)
Chapter 8
Section 8.4