Assignment II
Assignment II
Assignment II
1. A small household-lighting system is powered from a nominally 8V (i.e. four cells at 2 V) storage
battery having a 30 Ah supply when charged. The lighting is used for 4.0 h each night at 3.0 A.
Design a suitable photovoltaic power system that will charge the battery from an arrangement
of Si solar cells.
a) How will you arrange the cells?
b) How will the circuit be connected?
c) How will you test the circuit and performance?
(10 Marks)
2. Calculate the approximate time for a single-crystalline PV module to generate electricity equal
in energy terms the primary energy used in its manufacture. Consider a typical Japanese climate
with 1450kWh (m2y)1 of insolation, modules of 15% efficiency and 1.0kWp peak power of
modules. The total direct manufacturing and processing energy (includes refining, etc.) is
1350kWh/kWp, plus a further 1350kWh/kWp of factory overhead energy, with 90% of
both from electricity (generated thermally at 55% efficiency from fuels in combined cycle
(10 Marks)
3. A number of designs of wind turbine pass the output wind from one set of blades immediately
on to a second identical set (e.g. two contrary rotating blades set on the same horizontal axis).
By considering two actuator disks in series, and using linear momentum theory, show that the
combined maximum power coefficient CP equals 0.64.
(10 Marks)
Note: This is only slightly larger than the maximum of 16/27 = 0.59 for a single pass of the wind through
one set of blades. Thus in a tandem horizontal axis machine of identical blade sets, and indeed in a
vertical axis turbine, little extra power is gained by the airstream passing a second set of blades at such
close proximity.
4. Battery Sizing for an Off-Grid Cabin. A cabin near Salt Lake City, Utah, has an ac demand of
3000 Wh/day in the winter months. A decision has been made to size the batteries such that a
95% system availability will be provided, and a back-up generator will be kept in reserve to
cover the other 5%. The batteries will be kept in a ventilated shed whose temperature may
reach as low as 10C. The system voltage is to be 24 V, and an inverter with overall efficiency
of 85% will be used.
Assume: we need about 4.6 days of storage.
(10 Marks)
5. A 40-m, three bladed wind turbine produces 600 kW at a windspeed of 14 m/s. Air density is the
standard 1.225 kg/m3. Under these conditions,
a. At what rpm does the rotor turn when it operates with a TSR of 4.0?
b. What is the tip speed of the rotor?
c. If the generator needs to turn at 1800 rpm, what gear ratio is needed to match the rotor
speed to the generator speed? d. What is the efficiency of the complete wind turbine
(blades, gear box, generator) under these conditions?
(10 Marks)
6. A Loan to Pay for a Small Wind Turbine. Suppose that a 900-W Whisper H900 wind turbine
with 7-ft diameter (2.13 m) blade costs $1600. By the time the system is installed and
operational, it costs a total of $2500, which is to be paid for with a 15-yr, 7 percent loan.
Assuming O&M costs of $100/yr, estimate the cost per kWhr over the 15-year period if average
wind speed at hub height is 15 mph (6.7 m/s).
(10 Marks)
7. For a 30 kWp SPV installation the following types of c-Si modules and Inverter have been used .
Modules: Pmax = 250 W, Voc=37 V, Vm=30 V, Isc=9.6 A, Im=8.33 A, (voltage temperature
coefficient)= -0.36% / C.
Inverter: MPPT tracking voltage= 350 V to 700 V, maximum voltage= 800 V.
Describe the possible string design options and determine the optimum solution.
Assume: Ambient temperature can vary between 0C (early morning) to 50C (Peak sun).
Assume the cell temperature is 20C more than ambient during peak sun
Find Voc at 0C
Find Vm at minimum temp. (module temp.)
Find Vm at maximum temp.
(10 Marks)
8. Design the rotor radius for a multi-blade wind turbine that operates at a wind speed of 20 kmph
to pump water at a rate of 4 m3 /h with a lift of 10 m. Also calculate the angular velocity of the
rotor in rad./sec..
Given : water density = 1000 kg/ m3 ,g= 9.8 m s2, water pump efficiency = 60 %, efficiency of
rotor to pump = 75 %, Cp=0.3, =2.0, air density = 1.2 kg/m3
(10 Marks)
1. Gilbert_M._Masters , Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, 2004, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
2. John Twidell, Tony Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, 2nd Edition, 2006, Taylor & Francis.
PSCAD Assignments
1. Create a Scott connection between two transformers to obtain a balanced two phase
voltage from a balanced three phase source.
The main transformer rating is 100/115/115 kV, 5 MVA, 50 Hz, XLeakage=0.0001 pu per
The teaser transformer rating is 200/100 kV, 5 MVA, 50Hz, XLeakage=0.00510 pu per
Plot the voltages of main and teaser transformer and also show the phase difference
between two voltages.
(10 Marks)
2. Simulate a line to ground fault at the end of a line shown in following diagram. Plot the
fault current for
Fault Instant Fault Duration
(10 Marks)
3. Simulate a switching operation of a single phase transformer and plot the voltage across
the breaker and current through the breaker.
(10 Marks)
4. Simulate the switching operation of a single phase shunt capacitor and plot the voltage
across the breaker and current through the breaker.
(10 Marks)
Power World
Q.1) Consider the network shown in Fig. 1. The system parameters are given in Table-I.
Swing Bus PV bus
G1 G2
20 MW,
P=? 10 MVAR P = 50MW,
Q=? Q=?
Base PQ bus =?
MVA: 100 3
Voltage: 220kV 100 MW,
Fig. 1.
Bus Data: (BaseMVA: 100; Base kV=220)
Bus. Type Voltage Angle Rated PG QG PL QL
No. kV (MW) (MVar) (MW) (MVar)
1 Swing 1.02 0.0 220 - - - -
2 PV 1.00 - 220 50 - 20 10
3 PQ - - 220 - - 100 50
Generator Data:
Bus. Voltage Base PG QG Pmax Pmin Qmax Qmin
No. (p.u) MVA (MW) (MVar) (MW) (MW) (MVar) (MVar)
1 1 1.02 100 0.0 999 0 999 -999
2 1 1.00 100 50 999 0 999 -999
Line Data:
From Bus To Bus R (p.u) X(p.u) Full B (p.u) Rate A, B &C
1 2 0.0085 0.072 0.149 200
1 3 0.010 0.100 0.200 200
2 3 0.012 0.100 0.210 200
Find all the voltage magnitudes in p.u. and the angles in degrees at the unspecified buses and
also find the generators unspecified active and reactive powers using polar form of N-R method.
(10 Marks)
Q.2) For the given data in Table-II, run the power flowusing NR method and
a) Find the Ybusdiagonal elements corresponding to bus 4.
b) Find the bus with lowest voltage magnitude and mention its magnitude in puand angle in
c) Find active and reactive powers supplied by the generator at slack bus in MW&Mvar.
d) Find the active and reactive power flows from bus 1 to bus 5 in MW &Mvar.
e) Find the highest MVA loaded line.
(10 Marks)
Bus Data: (BaseMVA: 100; Base kV=220)
Bus. Type Voltage Angle Rated PG QG PL QL
No. kV (MW) (MVar) (MW) (MVar)
1 Slack 1.00 0.0 220 - - - -
2 PV 1.00 - 220 50 - 15 10
3 PQ - - 220 - - 45 20
4 PQ - - 220 - - 40 15
5 PQ - - 220 - - 50 25
Generator Data:
Bus. Voltage Base PG QG Pmax Pmin Qmax Qmin
No. (p.u) MVA (MW) (MVar) (MW) (MW) (MVar) (MVar)
1 1.00 100 - - 999 0 999 -999
2 1.00 100 50 - 999 0 999 -999
Line Data:
From Bus To Bus R (p.u) X(p.u) Full B (p.u) Rate A, B &C
1 2 0.02 0.04 0.04 100
2 3 0.04 0.2 0.04 100
3 5 0.15 0.4 0.05 100
3 4 0.02 0.06 0.02 100
4 5 0.02 0.04 0.02 100
1 5 0.08 0.2 0.04 100
Q.3) By disconnectingthe load at bus 2as well as the line between buses 4-5simultaneously, run
the power flow and repeat (Q.2).
(10 Marks)
Q.4) Consider the network shown in Fig. 2. The system parameters are given below.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
The system ratings are
Generator G1 : 250 MVA, 11 kV, X" = 20%, X0 = 10%
Generator G2 : 300 MVA, 33 kV, X" = 20%, X0 = 10%
Generator G3 : 250 MVA, 22 kV, X " = 25%, X0 = 15%
Transformer T1 : 300 MVA, 220Y/11 kV, X = 10%
Transformer T2 :300 MVA, 220/33 kV, X = 10%
Transformer T3 : 300 MVA, 220/22 kV, X = 10%
Line B-C : X1 = X2 = 75 , X0 = 100
Line C-D : X1 = X2 = 75 , X0 = 100
Line C-F : X1 = X2 = 50 , X0 = 75
Pre fault bus voltage is 1.0pu and pre-fault currents are neglected. Consider the base MVA for
the circuit is 300 and base voltage of the transmission system is 220kV.
Find the fault current in p.u. when a single line to ground (LG) fault occurs at bus-C.
Fig. 4.
Bus Data: (BaseMVA: 100; Base kV=220)
Bus. Type Voltage Angle Rated PG QG PL QL
No. kV (MW) (MVar) (MW) (MVar)
1 Slack 1.04 0.0 16.5 - - - -
2 PV 1.025 - 18 163 - - -
3 PV 1.025 - 13.8 85 - - -
4 PQ - - 230 - - - -
5 PQ - - 230 - - 125 50
6 PQ - - 230 - - 90 30
7 PQ - - 230 - - - -
8 PQ - - 230 - - 100 35
9 PQ - - 230 - - - -
Generator Data:
Bus. Voltage Base Xd PG QG Pmax Pmin Qmax Qmin
No. (p.u) MVA (pu) MW MVar (MW) (MW) (MVar) (MVar)
1 1.04 100 0.0608 - - 999 0 999 -999
2 1.025 100 0.1198 163 - 999 0 999 -999
3 1.025 100 0.1813 85 - 999 0 999 -999
Transformer Data:
From Bus To Bus R (p.u) X(p.u) Off-nominal turns ratio
1 4 0.0 0.0576 1:1
2 7 0.0 0.0625 1:1
3 9 0.0 0.0586 1:1
Line Data:
From Bus To Bus R (p.u) X(p.u) Full B (p.u) Rate A, B &C
4 5 0.01 0.085 0.088 100
4 6 0.017 0.092 0.079 100
7 5 0.032 0.161 0.153 100
7 8 0.0085 0.072 0.0745 100
9 6 0.039 0.17 0.179 100
9 8 0.0119 0.1008 0.1045 100
Find all the voltage magnitudes in p.u. and the angles in degrees at the unspecified buses
using polar form of N-R method.
(10 Marks)
Q.7) For the system considered in (Q.6), enter the sequence impedance parameters of the
components and find the fault current in p.u. when a single line to ground (LG)bus fault
occurs at bus-8. (Consider the zero sequence reactance of the transmission line is 2.5 times
of its positive sequence reactance, and the positive, negative and zero sequence reactances
of the generators are equal to Xd).
Q.8) The additional data required for runningtransient stability of the system considered in (Q.6)
is given in Table-IV.
Bus. No. Gen. Type Xd (pu) H D
1 GENCLS 0.0608 23.64 0.0
2 GENCLS 0.1198 6.40 0.0
3 GENCLS 0.1813 3.01 0.0
(a) Find the critical clearing time for a balanced 3-ph fault at bus-5 and isolating the fault
without opening the line (self-clearing fault).
(b) Find the critical clearing time for a balanced 3-ph fault at bus-5 and isolating the fault
by opening the line5-7 (line-clearing fault).
(10 Marks)