How Much Money Do You Need
How Much Money Do You Need
How Much Money Do You Need
Countable and uncountable nouns
Recuerda que:
With countable
With uncountable
How many…? How much…?
A few/ few A little/ little
A number of A bit (of)
Several A great deal of
A large number of A large amount of
A great number of A large quantity of
A majority of
Countable and uncountable nouns
Recuerda que:
Countable and uncountable nouns
1. Much and Many 3. A lot of
They are used in negative and question forms. In affirmative statements, we use ‘a lot of’ instead of
much or many.
How much milk did you buy? Examples:
How many apples have you eaten? I've a lot of work this week.
There's not much meat in the fridge. There were a lot of people at the concert.
There weren't many guests at the party.
Countable and uncountable nouns
5. Few and little
‘Few’ and ‘little’ describe the quantity in a negative way:
Few people went to the concert. = The concert wasn’t as perfect as they want.
She had little money = almost no money.
I can’t buy that car. I have little money.
The party wasn’t fun. There were few guests.
6. No
We use ‘no’ instead of “not any” with uncountable or plural countable nouns in affirmative sentences.
There isn’t any water = There is no water.
There weren’t any boys = There were no boys.
Autor de la metodología: Francisco González Cifuentes
Supervisión académica: Mayra Teresa Hurtado Mendoza
Diseño y adaptación: Diana Paola Pérez Muñoz
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