Xitsonga-English ZA. - 1docx
Xitsonga-English ZA. - 1docx
Xitsonga-English ZA. - 1docx
Khemikhala Chemical (n.) substance made by applying chemistry and that may be
Khemisi Pharmacy shop where medicine is sold as prescribed by a patient’s doctor
Khenefu Ya Poso Postal Address place where mail is to be delivered
Kherotsi Carrot orange-coloured vegetable that grows under the ground
Khesa Cursor position prompt on a computer screen
Khevhe Curve bend
Khida Swim to move through water using the arms and legs
Khidzimbela Overcast cloudy
Khilogiramu Kilogram unit of mass measurement (1 000 g)
Khilomitara Kilometre unit of length measurement (1 000 m)
Khireshe Crèche building where small children are cared for
Khireyifixi Crayfish tubular sea creature with an outer shell, five pairs of segmented
legs, the front pair sometimes with pincers, and a thick muscular
swimming tail to the rear
Khiroxete Crochet to weave yarn into a fabric using a needle
Khisa Kiss to touch with the lips
Khixi Kitchen room for preparing food
Khiya Lock (v.) to close with a lock
Khodi Ya Poso Postal Code code used in an address for a specific city or town
Khohlola Cough expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound
Kholidirinki Cool Drink sweet drink to be served cold
Kholwa Believe feel sure that (something) is true. accept the statement of
(someone) as true
Khoma Catch intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled,
or dropped)
Khoma Touch physical contact
Khombo Accident an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and
Khombo Trouble difficulty; disturbance; inconvenience
Khomela Excuse reason for not doing something or doing something unacceptable
Khomete Comet celestial body that travels in an ellipse around the sun, part of
which vapourises into a long luminous tail as it gets closer to the
Khomferense Conference a meeting to discuss and debate a topic
Khomisa Tingana Embarrass to make someone feel uncomfortable
Khomixini Commission body of people appointed to investigate something
Khomphasi Compass instrument that indicates direction, especially north
Khomphatimente Compartment a separate section of a structure or train
Khomphyuta Computer electronic device for storing and processing data
Khona Corner where two roads or walls or lines meet
Khongela Pray to thank or ask god for something
Khongotela Comfort state of feeling at ease
Khonsati Concert musical or other show on stage
Khoro Gate a hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedg
Khorwisa Convince Make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity
of something
Khorwisa Prove to show that something is true
Khotavuxika June sixth month of the year
Khothexini Quotation price given for a product or service
Khoto Court place where legal cases are heard and judged
Khoto Ya Vana Juvenile Court court for children
Khotsa Arrest detain; imprison; take into custody
Khotseka Bent curved, not straight
Khotso Prison building where criminals are locked up as punishment and to
rehabilitate them
Khoyini Coin round piece of metal used as money
Khubumeta Cover to pay the costs of something
Khubumetile Overcast cloudy
Khudzu Thumb first finger on the hand
Khuguka Stumble to almost fall
Khukhula Flood to overflow with water
Khuma Narrow not wide
Khumba Touch physical contact
Khumbula Miss to long for someone or something
Khume Ten the number 10
Khumekaye Nineteen number between eighteen and twenty; 19
Khumemune Fourteen number between thirteen and fifteen, 14
Khumenharhu Thirteen number between twelve and fourteen, represented by 13
Khumenkombo Seventeen number between sixteen and eighteen, represented by 17
Khumetsevu Sixteen number between fifteen and seventeen, represented by 16
Khunguluka Roll movement by a round object
Khuxini Cushion pillow
Khwadilaterali Quadrilateral shape with four straight sides and angles
Khwati Jungle area dense with tall trees and plants, and rich in animal life
Khwati Ra Timpfula Rainforest
Khwatsi Slow not fast
Khwaxa Rough not smooth
Khwiri Stomach body organ where food is digested
Kofi Coffee a hot drink made from the roasted and ground bean-like seeds of
tropical shrub. coffee seeds roasted and ground, or a powder
made from them
Koka Pull to move something towards oneself
Koka Moya Inhale to breathe in
Kokisi Cake sweet food made by baking dough, decorated with icing and
usually eaten on special occasions
Kokova Creep move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being heard
or noticed. move or progress very slowly and steadily
Koma Short not long
Komba Point (v.) to indicate something
Kombela Please (v.) to keep someone satisfied
Kombela Ask say something in order to obtain an answer or information
Kombela Ku Rivaleriwa Apologise to say you are sorry
Kombeta Prove to show that something is true
Kombisa Show to point out
Komiti Ya Ntlawa Club Committee management of a club
Kondlo Rat an animal which has a long tail and looks like a large mouse
Kondlo-A-Ndzi-Dyi Teenager young person aged about 13 to 17
Kongotlo Skeleton internal bones of a vertebrate animal
Kontiraka Contract formal agreement to do something
Kopa Copy to make another of the same
Kopunula Copy to make another of the same
Kota Afford to have enough money to buy something
Kotara Term part of an education year
Koteka Convenient easy to use
Koti Vulture large type of bird that feeds on the meat of dead animals
Koxa Charge to ask money for goods offered or services performed
Ku Ala Resistance ability to fight e.g. a disease
Ku Ba Assault (n.) physical attack on a person
Ku Ba Nhloko Mugged ambushed and robbed in the street
Ku Ba Riqingho Call to make a call by telephone or cellphone to someone
Ku Bola Ka N’Weti Lunar Eclipse darkening of the moon
Ku Buka Booking reservation of accommodation or tickets for a show or game
Ku Chayela U Ya Drive On continue driving
Ku Chuchisa Prosecute to argue the state’s case in criminal legal proceedings
Ku Cinca Change (n.) the process of becoming different
Ku Dlaya Vukati Divorce formal separation of a married couple
Ku Duma Thunderstorm storm with lightning and thunder
Ku Dya Ko Karhi Diet programme of deliberately eating differently or less, e.g. to lose
Ku Dyondza Learning (n.) schooling; education
Ku Dyondzisa Teaching presentation of a subject in a way that others can learn about the
Ku Ehleketela Suspect (n.) person thought to be guilty
Ku Endla Practical (n.) situation in which theory is put to practice
Ku Famba Motion movement
Ku Famba Hi Ku Olova Agile able to move quickly; nimble
Ku Famba Ka Netiweke Off-Line (in computers) not connected
Ku Fehlela Itch skin irritation
Ku Fika Arrival reaching a place or destination
Ku Fikelana Reception ability to connect with your cellphone to a signal
Ku Fuma Wealthy rich
Ku Godzombela Chronic going on for a long time
Ku Hambana Difference state of not being the same
Ku Hela Ka Vhiki Weekend Saturday and Sunday
Ku Hemba Lie (v.) to tell untruths
Ku Heta Matimba Blow (n.) a hit
Ku Hira Recruitment finding employees to fill positions
Ku Hirisa Golonyi Car Rental hiring of a car
Ku Hirisa Movha Car Rental hiring of a car
Ku Hisa To heat warmth
Ku Hisa Miri Fever high body temperature caused by illness
Ku Hlambela Hi Bodo Surfing riding waves while balancing on a surfboard
Ku Hlangana Meeting getting to know someone new
Ku Hlangana Nhloko Mental Illness disorder of the mind that causes abnormal behaviour or thinking
Ku Hlanganisa Addition something put with something else; adding numbers together
Ku Hlayisa Nawu Strict expecting rules to be followed
Ku Hleka Laughter sound of laughing
Ku Hlohlonya Itch skin irritation
Ku Hlongoriwa Etikweni Exile state of being forced to live outside your own country
Ku Hlula Triumph (v.) to win; to beat
Ku Hlwela Late not on time
Ku Humapheceni Retire to leave your job when reaching a certain age
Ku Humelela Triumph (n.) win
Ku Hundzuka Change money you receive after paying for something that costs less than
what you offered
Ku Kambela Quality Control checking the standard of a product or service
Ku Khapa Overflow (n.) fluid spilling over
Ku Khoma Mugged ambushed and robbed in the street
Ku Khorwisa Persuade to convince
Ku Khwanyala Wrinkle crease in the skin produced by age
Ku Koka Mahlo Attraction pulling force between people or magnets
Ku Komba Vuswikoti Potential unproven ability to achieve something
Ku Kombisa Ku Vilela Protest (v.) to object publicly
Ku Kota Such of the sort specified; so great or much
Ku Koteka Possible that can happen
Ku Ku Tivisa FYI for your information
Ku Kucetela Persuade to convince
Ku Kuma Xintshunxo Decode to solve a code; to turn one code into another
Ku Lahleka Loss something that is lost or missing
Ku Langutela N’Wana Pregnant expecting a baby
Ku Languteriwa Look (n.) act of watching
Ku Lava Require to need
Ku Lulamisa Update to bring up to date
Ku Lwa Fight battle; conflict
Ku Maketa Marketing advertising and finding a market for a product
Ku Miyela Quiet (n.) silence
Ku Na Dyambu Sunny of the weather when the sun is shining
Ku Navela Ku Dya Appetite the desire to eat
Ku Nga Ri Enawini Illegal against the law
Ku Nga Ri Sweswi Not Yet not now; to come later
Ku Nga Teki Tlhelo Neutral not taking sides; impartial
Ku Ni Mapapa Cloudy with clouds in the sky
Ku Ninginika Ka Misava Earthquake movement of the earth’s crust
Ku N’Wayisa Itch skin irritation
Ku Nyika Offer to present or make available
Ku Oloveriwa Emirini Agile able to move quickly; nimble
Ku Onhaka Destruction state of being destroyed or broken permanently
Ku Oxa Braai cooking on open coals using a grid; barbecue
Ku Paka Park (n.) an open-air garden space
Ku Pandza Ka Nhloko Headache pain in the head
Ku Pela Ka Dyambu Sunset when the sun goes down
Ku Penga Mental Illness disorder of the mind that causes abnormal behaviour or thinking
Ku Pfumela Swa Hava Superstition belief in the supernatural
Ku Pfuna Help (n.) assistance
Ku Pfuxeleta Recycling the reuse of discarded material
Ku Phomisa Dehydrate to lose too much water from one’s body
Ku Pima Nkoka Quality Control checking the standard of a product or service
Ku Pona Survive to stay alive
Ku Puluha Plough (n.) farming implement to turn over the soil
Ku Raha Kick (n.) the action of forcefully bringing one’s foot in contact with
Ku Rhula Peace opposite of war
Ku Rhurhumela Tremor shaking of the ground
Ku Rima Plough (n.) farming implement to turn over the soil
Ku Sawuta Immunity resistance to disease
Ku Sihalala Resistance ability to fight e.g. a disease
Ku Siviwa Himapapa Overcast cloudy
Ku Sola Prejudice bias
Ku Suka Departure action of leaving a place
Ku Susa Subtraction finding the difference between two numbers
Ku Thola Recruitment finding employees to fill positions
Ku Thumba Discovery something that was found or learnt, often for the first time
Ku Tiboha Ku Hundzisa Overcommit to give too much (of your time, etc.)
Ku Tika Trouble difficulty; disturbance; inconvenience
Ku Tisola Regret (n.) something someone feels sorry about
Ku Titimela Cold (adj.) not hot
Ku Tlanga (Mitlangu) Field to handle the ball in the field in a sports game, e.g. cricket
Ku Tlhavela Vaccination injection to prevent disease
Ku Tlula Jump (n.) action of going from one position to another in one fast
Ku Tlula Nawu Misconduct behaviour against the rules
Ku Tlurisa Overload to load too much on a vehicle or pack animal
Ku Tluta Cruise trip by ship
Ku Tsakela Interest concern over; curiosity about
Ku Tsana Sadness condition of unhappiness; grief
Ku Tshika Ntirho Resign to give notice to leave your job
Ku Tshunxa Release to set free
Ku Tshwa Nhlonge Hi Sunburn painful red skin caused by being in the sun for too long
Ku Twa Hearing sense that uses the ears and internal hearing organs to register
Ku Va Na Have to possess
Ku Va Na Nkungwa Foggy misty and damp
Ku Va Ni Khwiri Pregnant expecting a baby
Ku Va Ni Vunwa Lie (v.) to tell untruths
Ku Va Ni Vusweti Indigent not having sufficient means to survive without help
Ku Vatla Carving the art of cutting patterns or pictures into a flat piece of wood or
making wooden sculptures
Ku Vava Pain feeling of intense, hurting discomfort
Ku Vaviseka Injury wound; damage
Ku Veka Mali Deposit an amount of money put into a bank account
Ku Velekiwa Birth being born
Ku Vona Eyesight ability to see
Ku Vonakala Light not dark
Ku Vonela Ehansi Prejudice preconceived opinion; bias
Ku Voninga Ka N’Weti Moonlight moon’s reflection of the sun’s light
Ku Vu Na Ndlala Hungry in need of food
Ku Vuyelerisa Recycling the reuse of discarded material
Ku Wa Fall o drop on the ground
Ku Xa Ka Dyambu Sunrise when the sun comes up
Ku Xanisa Assault (n.) physical attack on a person
Ku Xava Eka Inthanete Cybershopping buying on the internet
Ku Xavisela Vanhu Retail sales to the general public
Ku Xwa Absence state of not being present or there
Ku Ya Get To reach
Ku Ya Edzongeni Southwards in a southerly direction
Ku Ya Emahlweni Advance to move forward
Ku Ya En’Walungwini Northwards in a northerly direction
Ku Ya Evupeladyambu Westwards towards the west
Ku Ya Wisa Left (Hand) position opposite to right
Ku Yelana Similar like something else; with the same characteristics compared to
something else
Ku Yi Lwa Struggle long battle to achieve something
Ku Yingisela Attention focus
Ku Yiveriwa Mugged ambushed and robbed in the street
Kubola Ka N’Weti Eclipse moon blocking the light of the sun, or the earth casting a shadow
on the moon
Kufumela Warm not cold
Kukula Sweep clean (an area) by brushing away dirt or litter. move or remove by
Kule Far at, to or from a great distance in space
Kulu Big of considerable size, power, or extent
Kuma Get take; obtain
Kuma Ndzhaka Inherit receiving something from someone after his or her death
Kuma Rifa Inherit receiving something from someone after his or her death
Kumbetela Estimate to guess a figure
Kumbexana Probable for which a good possibility of happening exists
Kumbuka Recognise to identify something or someone seen before
Kumeka Available can be used; on offer
Kurisa Reared raised; grown
Kurisa Leswi Tsariweke Zoom to view in on closer detail
Kutsula Mali Make Withdrawal to withdraw money from the bank
Kwalala Pale without colour; not bright
Kwale There in, at, or to that place or position
Kwalomu Ka Almost nearly
Kwalomunyana Recent not long ago
Kwata Sad unhappy, full of grief; distressing, depressing; sorrowful
Kwata Angry feeling or showing anger; having a strong feeling against someone
who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hur
KwaZulu-Natali KwaZulu-Natal province on the east coast of South Africa
Kwembe Pumpkin a large, round vegetable with hard yellow or orange flesh
Kwihi Where