CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes Chapter - 2 Acids, Bases and Salts
CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes Chapter - 2 Acids, Bases and Salts
CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes Chapter - 2 Acids, Bases and Salts
Class 10 Science
Revision Notes
Acids Bases
Sour in taste
Bitter in taste
Derived from Greek word' ACIDUS'
Changes blue litmus into red Changes red litmus into blue
S.No. Name of the Indicator Colour Change With Acid Colour Change with Base
Dilute Acid : A dilute acid contains a small amount of acid (lower concentration of
hydronium ions)and a large amount of water.
Concentrated Acid :A concentrated acid contains a large amount of acid (higher
concentration of hydronium ions)and a small amount of water.
Chemical Properties of Acids and Bases
Pop test : When a burning candle is brought near a test tube containing hydrogen gas
it burns with a ‘Pop’ sound. This test is conducted for examining the presence of
hydrogen gas.
Base + Metal Salt + Hydrogen
Lime water Test : On passing the evolved gas through lime water, we find that
lime water turns milky.
Reaction of acids and bases with each other to give salt and water are called
Neutralisation Reactions
Note : Non Metallic oxides are said to be acidic in nature because on reacting with a base
they produce salt and water.
Glowing of bulb indicates that there is a flow of electric current through the solution.
Acids or bases in a Water Solution
: Hydronium ion.
All bases do not dissolve in water. An alkali is a base that dissolves in water.Common alkalis
Note : All alkalis are bases but all bases are not alkalis.
Precaution must be taken while mixing acid or base with water. The acid must always
be added to water with constant stirring as it is a highly exothermic reaction.
When an acid or a base is mixed with water they become dilute. This results in the decrease
in the concentration of per unit volume in acids and bases respectively,i.e. no. of and
With the help of a universal indicator we can find the strength of an acid or base as it shows
different colours at different concentrations of hydrogen ions in a solution.
A scale for measuring hydrogen ion conc. in a solution called pH scale has been developed.
Variation of PH
Value pH Paper
1. KOH
2. NaOH
3. NaCl NaOH HCl
4. HCl
Note : NaCl and belong to the family of sodium salts as they have the same radicals.
Similarly NaCl and KCl belong to the family of chloride salts.
pH value is 7
Rock Salt is mined like coal, is brown coloured and crystalline is shape.
Preparation :
Sodium chloride is obtained by mining the deposits and brine solution is obtained by passing
water into the deposits. Hence the salts get dissolved then the solution is pumped out.
Evaporation of the sea water is one of the major processes used to obtain salt . The crystals
obtained usually consists of impurities such as calcium sulphate, sodium sulphate etc. Pure
crystals are obtained by dissolving the salts with little water and filtering the solution.
Common salt is an important raw material for many materials of daily use such as.
Sodium hydroxide
Washing Soda
Bleaching Power.
2. Used in our food as a preservative and provides flavour to food.
3. Used in industries
Sodium Hydroxide : NaOH, Common Name – caustic soda.
(1) for bleaching cotton and linen in textile industries,wood pulp in paper industry,
Preparation :
1. Used in baking/cooking
Washing Soda
manufacture of Borax.
`glass,soap and paper industries
cleansing agent for domestic purposes.
removing permanent hardness of water.
Water of Crytallization: fixed number of water molecules present in on formula unit of a salt.
Plaster of Paris
Acid-base indicators are dyes or mixtures of dyes which are used to indicate the presence of
acids and bases.