Lesson Plan Creating Online Survey
Lesson Plan Creating Online Survey
Lesson Plan Creating Online Survey
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils are expected to achieve 90%
proficiency to:
A. Describe how to create an online survey form
B. Follow the steps in creating and disseminating an online survey
C. Appreciate the importance of creating and disseminating an online survey
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening prayer, greetings
2. Checking of attendance and/or assignment
3. Drill: Make a manual survey provide at least three questions.
4. Review: Give the Advantages and Disadvantages of an online survey
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation:
With the use of a video clip, I let the student watch it and observed how
to make a survey form on the computer and gadgets.
3. Word Enrichment:
Survey – examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so
as to construct a map, plan, or description.
Disseminate – spread (something, especially information) widely.
Conduct – the action or manner of managing an activity or organization.
4. Learning Experiences:
4.1 Discuss on how to Create Online Survey Form
Step1 Visit the survey monkey website. http://www.surveymonkey.com/
Step 2 Click “Sign-in” at the top of the page.
Step 3. Enter your Username and Password associated with your Survey
Step 4 Monkey account and click Sign In.
Step 5 Click the “+Create Survey” button at the top of the page.
Step 6 Enter a title for your survey and select a category. You can also
choose to Copy an existing survey or Use an expert survey template.
Step 7 Select a template to use for your survey and click Next.
Step 8 You will have the option to make edits to the default survey and
template on the left side of your survey.
Step 9 Click the “Collect Responses” tab at the top.
Step 10 Click the method you wish to use to distribute your survey. (The
first option has been used in the example.)
Step 11 Click “Next Step
Step 12 Copy the URL and paste it in your email newsletters, tweets, and
anywhere else that you can post a link for your users to click and access
the survey.
Step 13 Design the survey.
4.2 Discuss an effective online survey some tips and how to disseminate it.
C. Culminating Activities
1. Generalization
Students learn from Survey distribution tools allow to become easily
reach as a selected audience they want, ask a range of questions, can
analyze data in real-time and make quick, informed decisions. This will provide
varied opportunities to increase the reach of your questionnaire.
2. Assessment
Re-Arrangement of Element
Directions: Arrange the steps in creating an online survey. Start with letter.
1. Enter your Username and Password associated with your Survey
2. Visit the survey monkey website. http://www.surveymonkey.com/
3. Monkey account and click Sign In.
4. Click “Sign-in” at the top of the page.
5. Enter a title for your survey and select a category. You can also choose
to Copy an existing survey or Use an expert survey template.
6. Click the “+Create Survey” button at the top of the page.
7. Select a template to use for your survey and click Next.
8. You will have the option to make edits to the default survey and template
on the left side of your survey.
9. Click the method you wish to use to distribute your survey. (The first option
has been used in the example.)
10. Click the “Collect Responses” tab at the top.
11. Click “Next Step
12. Copy the URL and paste it in your email newsletters, tweets, and
anywhere else that you can post a link for your users to click and access
the survey.
13. Design the survey.
Key to Correction:
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. F
6. E
7. G
8. H
9. J
10. I
11. K
12. L
13. M
D. Assignment
Follow-up Assignment
1. Continue conduct online survey form and conclude more data and
Advance Assignment
2. Cite about Excel?
3. What is the basic part of excel?
________________________ ___________________________
Ma. Teresa A. Lopez Mrs. Mary Ann E. Mendoza
Student-teacher Cooperating Teacher