Mrs WOOT Oet Letter
Mrs WOOT Oet Letter
Mrs WOOT Oet Letter
Dr Elizabeth Smith
Dear Dr Smith,
Re: Mrs Alice Woot, aged 59
Thank you for accepting Mrs Woot into your care for further assessment and management for her
breast lump. Her daughter, Ms Jenny, is worried that her mother might have breast cancer.
On 6.10.2018, Mrs Woot presented to the health clinic with a hard, fixed and painless lump in her
right breast. There is also evidence of progression in size, as well as a bloody discharge from the
nipple. Apart from the natural medication that she takes, she started to take medication for her
lump three months ago. In addition, she initially did not want to be seen by a doctor, as she is
anxious about the hospital procedures and treatments, like radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Consequently, she opted not to undergo a mammogram.
Additionally, she has moderate hypertension, for which she agreed to monitor her blood pressure
for the next three months. Other than that, she is physically fit and active.
In view of the above, it would be greatly appreciated if you could reassure Mrs Woot and discuss
with her about the treatment options appropriate for her condition. In order to lessen her anxiety,
interactions built on trust and empathy would be helpful. Lastly, please note that she agreed to be
seen only by female doctors.
Your sincerely,
Registered Nurse