18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I: Mit Opencourseware
18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I: Mit Opencourseware
18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I: Mit Opencourseware
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Gradient and Divergence / Parallel Table
Gradient Divergence
v = grad u = �u div w = � · w = 0
�u �u �s �s
Potential u(x, y): v1 = , v2 = Stream function s(x, y): w1 = , w2 = −
�x �y �y �x
�v2 �v1 �w1 �w2
Test on v: − =0 Test on w: + =0
�x �y �x �y
Irrotational: zero vorticity Solenoidal: zero source
� circulation
� around loops: Zero
� flux through� loops:
v · t ds = v1 dx + v2 dy = 0 w · n ds = w1 dy − w2 dx = 0
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Equipotentials u(x, y) = constant Streamlines s(x, y) = constant
v is perpendicular to equipotentials w is tangent to streamlines
�� �� �
Green-Gauss Formula w · grad u dx dy = u(− div w) dx dy + u w · n ds