Enhancement of Voltage Profile by The Performance of PMSG-Based Wind Power Generator by Using The Fuzzy Logic Controller
Enhancement of Voltage Profile by The Performance of PMSG-Based Wind Power Generator by Using The Fuzzy Logic Controller
Enhancement of Voltage Profile by The Performance of PMSG-Based Wind Power Generator by Using The Fuzzy Logic Controller
2Assistant Professor, Gouthami Institute of technology & Management for women, Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh,
In this work full-scale permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG)-based wind turbine with dc-link
voltage control via the machine-side converter has the potential to provide inherent low-voltage ride-through
(LVRT) execution without any extra hardware components. However, several important performance aspects
related to this analogy are not addressed in this literature. LVRT control impacts chance of resonance, stability
operation, and fatigue in the PMSG-based full-scale system generation of wind power. The logical model,
considered the double-mass nature of the turbine/generator and typical LVRT essentials, is developed, validated,
and used to characterize wind generation system dynamic performance using generator practical characteristics
and LVRT control. To make better operation and reduce the fatigue under LVRT control, two solutions, found
as active damping control and dc-link voltage bandwidth retuning, are proposed, compared, and analyzed. The
elaborated nonlinear results of time-domain simulation declare the exactness of developed model and with
analytical results. By using the fuzzy controllers improves voltage profile with its characteristics.
Keywords : PMSG, LVRT, dc-link voltage, GSC
IJSRST1841090 | Received:20 Oct 2018| Accepted : 30 Oct 2018 | September-October -2018 [ 4 (10) : 402-408 ]
V. Priyanka et al. Int. J. S. Res. Sci. Technol. 2018 September-October-2018; 4(10) : 402-408
of slip rings and gearboxes, reduce the advantages of dc-link voltage. Alternatively, to utilize the generator
DFIGs and result in an increasing trend toward rotating mass for storing the excessive energy present
utilizing permanent-magnet synchronous generators a fault, switching Figure.(1).PMSG-based grid-
(PMSG) with dual converters of full-scale. By using connected wind power generator. Figure. (2)
double mass nature of PMSG based generator we Schematic view of the LVRT modeling approach.
easily estimate the LVRT requirements. Many more
advantages for the PMSG based wind power
generator are the excessive energy can be used to
during fault condition to clear the transients. Suppose
considering the soft type of direct drive PMSG shaft,
the scheme of LVRT can increase the fatigue and the
speed of aging of wind generator.
can be not the simple thing. The figure.2 represents This requirement means that for a slow recovery (e.g.,
the schematic view of the LVRT modelling approach. up to 900 ms),no active power can be injected into
the system, and even after that occurs, the active
A. Pre-Fault: power injection should be increased gradually to
The name for the pre-fault condition is normal respect the grid codes and converter rating.
condition. Some similarities in during fault condition
in the features. Always WSC controls the dc link C. After Fault Clearance:
voltage. If it is normal or fault condition WSC can “
regulate the dc-link. But the GSC performance in the
fault condition different dynamics and disturbances
imposed on the on the dc-link.
A. Successful LVRT Operation ago. In the literature, fatigue is associated with the
No active or passive damping mechanism for the notion of stress. When the stress is higher than a
conventional PMSG-based wind generator. The risk certain limit, the shaft material will go through the
of resonance can be discussed by the many authors i.e. plastic strain region. In this region, the shaft material
relatively about the generators especially discussed deforms irreversibly, and this no reversible
about the soft shaft dynamics. The problems are deformation cans be interpreted as fatigue.”
solved by the introduction of active damping. By
using an electromagnetic torque equation with On the other hand, this result also implies that under
positive derivative for the generator speed that at a certain stress limit, the shaft remains in the
(dTg/dωg=2Koptωg>0) it gives clarify about the stability. elastic stress region, and the machine experiences no
1) Problem Description: If the fault occurs in the faster aging. A machine in this condition has not yet
system automatically changes in the positive dTg/dωg reached its fatigue limit, which describes the
condition.fig.4 represents the during fault condition maximum stress that does not result in any fatigue.”
Pgridis reduced to zero, and the MPPT control doesn’t
followed the generator the dc link can be regulated IV. TIME –DOMAIN SIMULATION RESULTS
by the WSC, the generator exists the risk of
instability in the mechanical system.fig.8 represents Theoretical analysis can be verified from the previous
the three-phase fault at the generator terminals sections, by using the non linear typical model
before and during the fault the dominant poles Ontario, Canada-based system with the help of time
location. If the system is reasonably damped it is in domain simulation technique, are employed. DG2
normal (pre-fault) condition the system is during means, the second unit is modeled based on the
fault condition vulnerable to resonance. details. The system includes the droop and excitation
characteristics. The systems having low X/R
Remedy ratio(X/R=2) nothing but distribution systems are
During the fault condition stabilize the system and modeled as a lumped R-L parameters. Parallel R-L
the state can be controlled. A smaller bandwidth elements represent the loads for the system.
means that the controller is slower, and a wind
generator is not responding to changes rapidly. In The system studied under the disturbance of a three-
other words, now the dc-link should play the role of phase to ground fault happens at bus #4 at t=35sec in
a buffer that does not allow the generator to be most the cases. The worst case scenario can observe
exposed to fast changes. In this case, fault transients near the wind generator may the fault is severe. The
will be suppressed by the dc-link slow dynamics Matlab/Simulink can be used for study the simulation
instead of being directly imposed on the rotating results.
masses of the generator. This major role of the dc-
link in stabilizing the system under faults is in A. Shaft Stiffness:
contrast with the philosophy of LVRT in a PMSG- The Shaft Stiffness and weight ratio of the rotating
based wind generator, in which the rotating mass of masses are changed to know the analytical results.
the generator is preferred over the dc-link to store Scenario for slow recovery can shows here, the GSC
the excessive energy.” can be injected by the active power for the slow
B. Fatigue Analyses recovery scenario, represents the worst scenario. The
Researchers understood the importance of fatigue figure.5 shows the result. The overall changes in dc
analysis of power generators a relatively long time link voltage doesn’t impacted.30% over speed can be
experienced by the generator rotating mass unit, on the shaft torque and its derivative. By neglecting
because the speed of the turbine doesn’t exceed 1.18 the fluctuations, because of the transients associated
per unit. The results in the single mass model can with the fault and its clearance, are observed.
lead to misleading results.
C. Active Damping:
Figure.7 represents the generator characteristics for
the slow voltage recovery case when the active
damping is applied. Same for before onetime domain
simulations gives same theoretical findings. The
fluctuations are reduced by the active damping in the
generator rotating mass, for the dc-link voltage speed
increases with the cost of higher deviations. Figure.7 (b)
(b) represents that speed of wind is 12m/s, speed of
generator rotating can exceed 1.20 per unit. This is
near to the higher speed threshold of turbines. The
successful LVRT yields by the active damping
method and the mechanical stresses on the turbine
shaft reduce, as shown in the analysis.
D. Asymmetrical Fault:
Figure .8 represents a single –phase fault occur at the
generator terminals in the wind power generator.
Obviously, with a 1.20 p.u.it is a power converter (c)
thermal limit, the active power is injected to the Figure 5. Impact of doubly-mass model specifications
faulted phases by using the healthy phases. In this when a slow recovery occurs after fault: (a) DC-link
case the active power remains constant, the generator voltage. (b) Generator rotating speed. (c) Turbine
output is active power, Pwind but it has the second rotating speed.
order harmonic appears in the system. However,
these oscillations do not yield observable oscillations
Figure 7. Impact of the active damping when a slow
recovery happens after fault;
(a) DC-link voltage. (b) Generator rotating speed. (c)
Torque of shaft.