Power Fit: The Executive Summary
Power Fit: The Executive Summary
Power Fit: The Executive Summary
Current competition in neighboring gyms focuses on offering a My gym will be properly equipped,
great variety of services but none of them is focused on making comfortable and stylish. It will be advertised
the most of it. Staff is not properly trained and this has a bad effect
on the services rendered to clients thus they are seldom
through social networks. Promotions will be
completely satisfied with such services. On the other hand, prices offered at different seasons, always keeping
at gyms are generally high, making clients dissatisfied because in mind a sales drive. And last but not least,
they think prices don’t meet the quality of the services offered. frequent customer cards will be issued to
promote demand of our services.
The following advantages will be offered in order to be
competitive in the beauty salons market.
- Affordable prices
- Availability of hours during the weekend
- An adequate number of machines
- Top trainers
- Top-of-the-line products
Based on the size of our market and our defined
market area, our sales projections for the first
year are $500,000 pesos. We project a growth
rate of 15% per year for the first three years.