When The Moon Split (TEXT)
When The Moon Split (TEXT)
When The Moon Split (TEXT)
Compiled by
Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri
Publishers Note 13
Preface 16
Lineage 18
Foster Brothers 21
A grandfather's affection 25
Bahira's warning 25
HilfAl-Fudool 27
Choosing a profession 28
Marriage to Khadeejah At 28
Portents of Prophethood 31
A hiatus 34
Diversions 47
Propaganda 49
Persecution begins 62
Dar Al-Arqam 75
Migration to Abyssinia 75
Total boycott 99
Boycott ends 1 00
Expedition of Saweeq 1 60
In the ravine 1 70
An ap p ointment at Badr 1 82
Twenty days in Tabuk 274
Ghazawat 278
Head, neck and hair, limbs, build and stature, fragrance 318
Character 319
Conclusion 320
Publishers Note
The facts about the life of the Prophet $g have been collected
from the Qur'an, authentic Ahadith and other authoritative and
reliable sources so as to compile the book on factual basis
without any distortions. The translation and its editing has been
done by professional people having an experience of presenting
many books on the religious topics.
The name of the book has been chosen from the great miracle of
the splitting of the moon into half. Allah has described this
miracle in the Qur'an saying:
"The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft as
under." (54:1)
We hope that all the Muslims who read this book will find in
them a new zeal towards their religion and towards the
performance of those religious, moral and social duties which the
religion of truth Islam demands from them. The demand of Islam
is totally for the benefit of the mankind, individually as well as
collectively, not only for this world but also to be beneficial in
the life of the Hereafter.
I pray to Allah that this book may prove beneficial to all the
readers, and they get full benefits so as to achieve the successes
of this world and the world Hereafter.
Abdul-Malik Mujahid
General Manager
Muslims who study the Prophet's life, learn much more from it
than the story of one man's life. They discover how Allah prepared
the Prophet for his mission; how Allah revealed the Qur'an to the
Prophet; how the teachings of Islam fortified the hearts of early
Muslims; how a small band of faithful Muslims defeated Arabia's
fiercest warriors; and how the truth of Islam triumphed over
falsehood and its many devotees.
I pray to Allah that Muslims will benefit from this work, and that it
will be a source of blessings in both worlds.
Rendering * When the Moon Split' into English entailed more than a
simple translation of the text. It required the adaptation of a text with
its unique cultural framework to the standard narrative conventions
of another culture. At the same time, the translators were required to
adhere to the outline of standard Arabic biographies of the Prophet.
Those who have read other biographies of the Prophet, may find
' When the Moon split' unique in that it is a straightforward account
of the Prophet's life, based on what Muslim scholars and
historians regard as the most accurate and reliable sources. No
attempt has been made to "modernize" the Prophet by
emphasizing certain of his qualities that are currently fashionable,
nor by omitting or justifying anything that would be considered
"politically incorrect" by some contemporary readers.
Unfortunately, many Muslims have written about the Prophet's
life in English as apologists, hoping to appeal to a somewhat
skeptical audience. Professor Mubarakpuri wisely resists offering
such justifications and explanations. The Prophet, after all,
transcends time and culture. It is not necessary to recreate him
again and again for different audiences and different times because
his greatness is apparent in any context. The truth of his message
and mission will endure, and the following pages are a testimony
to this fact.
Jeddah 1998
The Prophet's mother was Amina, the daughter of Wahb bin Abdu
Munaf bin Zuhra bin Kilab. Kilab also appears as a paternal
ancestor of the Prophet. It is said that his real name was Urwa or
Hakim, but he was known as Kilab because of his passion for
hunting with dogs (called "Kilab" in Arabic).
'The Ka'bah was the first house of worship built for mankind. It was built by
Adam, and later rebuilt by the Prophets Ibraheem and Isma'eel.
Qusayy was entrusted with the standard and bow of the Quraysh.
No one but he had the right to fasten on the battle standard.
Gracious and wise, he was obeyed unhesitatingly by his tribesmen
who, under his leadership, settled in Makkah, and grew from a
scattered band of people into a homogeneous community.
Hashim was very well -respected and earned the title Sayyed
Bathaa (chief of Bathaa). He was called Hashim (one who mashes
something) because he used to mash pieces of bread in meat and
soup and distribute it for others to eat.
tribe Banu Adiy bin Najjar. He halted there for a few days and then
left for Syria. He passed away in Gaza, a famous city in Palestine.
At the time of his departure, Salma was pregnant. She gave birth to
a son whose hair had white streaks. She therefore named him
Shayba, which means "one with gray hair." None ofHashim's
relatives in Makkah knew about the birth of Shayba. Eight years
later, however, Muttalib found out about his dead brother's son
and decided to bring Shayba to Makkah. When he entered Makkah
with Shayba, the people thought the young boy was Muttalib's
slave and referred to Shayba as Abdul Muttalib, which means
'Muttalib's slave". Thus, Shayba became known as Abdul
Abdul Muttalib also had the honor of rediscovering the sacred well
of Zamzam. This well had gushed forth when the infant Isma'eel
kicked at the dry sand while his mother, Hajar (Hagar), searched
for water. The location of the well had been forgotten ever since
the tribe of Jurhum covered it when they were being exiled from
Makkah. One night Abdul Muttalib had a dream in which he was
shown where to dig the well. When he started digging next to the
Kabah, the water of Zamzam began to flow again.
Abraha reached the valley of Muhassir, between Muzdal if ah and
Mina, ready to invade Makkah. As he advanced with his elephant,
the beast that had terrified all of Makkah suddenly refused to
move. As for the sixty thousand soldiers, Allah, in defense of His
Sacred House of worship, sent flocks of birds to pelt the invaders
with stones. The soldiers were repulsed, and they lay felled by the
stones, their bodies resembling "mashed corn." Apart from the
miraculous intervention of Allah in defense of the Ka'bah, this
episode in Makkan history showed the strength of Abdul
Muttalib's character. He stood up to Abraha' s might in defense of
his own property, unshakable in his faith that Allah would protect
His sacred house, the Ka'bah.
became pregnant, but before she could give birth to their child,
Abdullah was sent by his father to Yathrib or Syria on business.
Tragically, he passed away in Yathrib on the return journey and
was buried in the house of Nabgha Dhabyani.
Muhammad is born
While Amina was pregnant, she had a dream that a light was emitted
from her lower body that illuminated the palaces of Syria. When she
went into labor, Shifa bint Amr, the mother of Abdul Rahman bin
Auf, served as midwife. Abdul Muttalib received the news of his
grandson's birth with joy. He took the newborn to the Ka 'bah and
invoked Allah's blessings and gave thanks.
Foster Brothers
Abu Salamah bin Abdul Asad Makhzoomi. Hence, these three men
became foster brothers because they were nursed at the same breast.
Abdul Muttalib was looking for one such Bedouin woman who
would serve as a wet nurse and take his grandson to the desert.
Some women from Banu Sa'd bin Bakr bin Hawazen came to
Makkah to offer their services to local families. Abdul Muttalib
asked each of them to take his grandson Muhammad 3S, but all of
them declined the offer when they were told the child's father was
dead. They felt the family of a fatherless child would not be able to
reward them handsomely.
Haleemah bint Abu Dhuwayb had also came to Makkah that day.
While all the other Bedouin women had found children to nurse,
she was not so fortunate. She saw Abdul Muttalib with an infant in
his arms and took pity on the child who had been rejected by the
other women. She and her husband took the infant Muhammad
back to the desert. Haleemah was happy she was not returning
Haleemah and her husband found their lives changed the moment
weaned, it was time for him to go back to his family for good.
When Haleemah took him back to his mother, she begged Amina
to let her keep the boy longer because he had brought her good
fortune. She pleaded he would grow stronger and healthier in the
desert, far away from the frequent epidemics that raged in Makkah.
Amina consented, and Haleemah returned home with Muhammad
$1, happy at her extended good fortune.
A grandfather's affection
After the death of Abdul Muttalib, his son Abu Talib took
Muhammad M under his care. Abu Talib and Abdullah, the
Prophet's father, were brothers, both born of the same mother. Abu
Talib was not a wealthy man, but Muhammad brought Allah's
blessings with him, and suddenly Abu Talib found that he could
support his family easily with a small sum of money.
Bahira's warning
Bahira explained:
"When he came this side of the pass, stones and trees bowed
in prostration. They do not prostrate for anyone other than a
Prophet. Moreover, I recognized him from the Seal of
Prophethood, which lies like an apple on the soft bone below
his shoulders. It is mentioned in our Scriptures."
Bahira then held a feast in honor of the caravan. Later he took Abu
Talib aside and pleaded with him not to take Muhammad |§ any
further. He urged him to send the boy back. He feared that the
Jews and Romans might recognize him as the Promised
Messenger, in which case, he felt, Muhammad's life would be
endangered. Abu Talib heeded the monk's warnings and,
concerned for his nephew's safety, sent Muhammad back to
month when fighting was prohibited and violated the sanctity of a
sacred month with bloodshed.
In the wake of the Battle of Fijar, later that month a covenant was
agreed upon among the five tribes of the Quraysh. It was known as
Hilf Al-Fudool and its signatories were Banu Hashim, Banu Abdul
Muttalib, Banu Asad, Banu Zahra and Banu Taym.
Muhammad was also present with his uncles during the institution
of the covenant, which he regarded as an honorable pact. Long
after Allah had made him a prophet, he was to declare:
Choosing a profession
Marriage to Khadeejah
Being open to the idea, he consulted his uncles, who sent his
As the walls of the Kabah had to be torn down before they could
be rebuilt, the Quraysh feared Allah would punish anyone who
raised his hand against the Sacred House. Waleed bin Mugheera
was the first to approach the Ka'bah. Declaring, "Allah will not
destroy reformers," he began to dismantle the walls of the Kabah.
When others saw that he had done so untouched by divine wrath,
they joined in the work. They demolished the Ka'bah down to the
original foundation laid by Ibraheem (Abraham).
Then the construction started with each tribe being allotted specific
duties. The nobles among them carried pieces of stone and piled
them up in one place. Muhammad M and his uncle Abbas were
among those carrying stones.
When the wall was completed up to the spot where the Black
Stone (Al-Hajr Al-Aswad) was located, a dispute arose. Each
chieftain claimed the honor of putting the Black Stone in place.
The crisis continued for four or five days, and bloodshed was
imminent. At that time Abu Umayya — the oldest among them —
found a solution to the problem. He suggested that the next man
who entered the gate of the Ka'bah should be given the authority
to settle the dispute. Everyone agreed to this suggestion, and it was
the will of Allah that the next man to enter the gate was
Muhammad $g.
The Black Stone rests about one and a half meters above the
ground, with the Ka'bah door about half a meter above the Black
Stone. The Quraysh did not lower the position of the door because
they did not want anyone to enter the Ka'bah without their
permission. They also doubled the height of the walls from nine to
eighteen cubits, added a roof (fifteen cubits in height), and six
pillars in two rows inside the Ka'bah to support it.
In keeping with his future role as Allah's Messenger, one who was
to outlaw all aspects of idolatry and polytheism, Muhammad
had an inherent hatred for the prevailing paganism of his time.
Thus, although he was an integral part of his society, Muhammad
never attended any of the important local festivals and fairs that
revolved around idol worship and drinking. He was also careful
not to eat the flesh of any animal slaughtered in the name of
someone other than Allah, and avoided touching or even coming
close to idols. He especially detested hearing oaths sworn upon the
pagans' two most famous idols, Lat and Uzza.
Portents of Prophethood
"I cannot read," Muhammad $1 replied. The angel then took hold
of him and pressed him until he could not endure it any longer.
The angel let him go and said once again, "Read!"
"I cannot read," Muhammad M replied. The angel took hold of him
a second time and pressed him until he could not endure it any
longer. After letting him go, the angel said, "Read!"
"I cannot read," Muhammad repeated. For a third time, the angel
took hold of him and pressed him until he could not endure it any
longer. The angel released him and said, "Read in the name of
your Lord, the Creator. He Who created man from a clot. Read!
And your Lord is the Most Bounteous."
The Prophet $g was terrified and his heart was pounding hard. He
returned home to Khadeejah and said, "Cover me! Cover me!"
Khadeejah covered him and helped him calm down. He related
what had happened in the cave, and said, "I fear that something has
happened to me."
Khadeejah then took the Prophet ^ to her cousin, the old and
' venerable Waraqa bin Naufal. He knew Hebrew and was familiar
with the Gospels, having left paganism for Christianity.
"What have you seen, my nephew?" asked the blind old man. The
Prophet gg told Waraqa what had happened in the cave. 'The angel
that was sent to you is the same angel that Allah sent to Musa. I
wish I were young and could live to see the day your own people
drive you out of this city."
A hiatus
The Prophet's second task was to obey the commands of Allah and
Khadeejah was the first person to believe her husband had been
chosen as Allah's Messenger and Prophet. As his wife, she knew
more than anyone else did that Muhammad $g was no ordinary
man: his sublime character and innate morality set him apart from
those he lived among. She had heard talk about Allah's final
prophet who was yet to appear. She had also heard about some of
the strange and miraculous events that others had witnessed
Abu Bakr 4& was also among the first people to become Muslim.
When the verses of Al-Muddaththir were revealed, the Prophet $g
went to Abu Bakr, who was a leading Makkan trader and a
prominent figure in his own right, and told him what had
happened. Two years younger than the Prophet, he was thoroughly
familiar with his friend's character and the reputation he enjoyed
in the community for truthfulness. Abu Bakr did not doubt
Muhammad's declaration of his prophethood, just as he did not
refuse his invitation to Islam. With his declaration of faith, he
became one of the first Muslims.
Ali bin Abu Talib 4& was only a child when the Prophet's
mission began, and some sources indicate that he was ten years
old when he became Muslim. He was living under the Prophet's
guardianship since his father, Abu Talib, was unable to provide
for all his children. Muhammad M was like a second father to the
boy, who believed without a doubt that his guardian was indeed a
prophet, and that he had brought the truth.
Among the first to accept the faith was also the Prophet's
freedman, Zayd bin Harith bin Sharahbeel Kalbi. Sold into slavery
in the pre-Islamic era, Zayd had refused to leave the Prophet M
when his relatives tried to buy his freedom. For a while he was
known as Zayd bin Muhammad, but following the prohibition of
giving adopted children the names of their foster parents, he was
referred to by his actual name as mentioned above.
Notwithstanding the change of name, Zayd's love for the Prophet
was deep and the bond between the two was enduring.
Life changed for the new Muslims who desired to reform the
religious practice of their families and friends. After his conversion,
Abu Bakr began to encourage others to abandon idol worship and
follow Allah's Messenger. A well-respected merchant, known for
his generosity and intelligence, Abu Bakr was the foremost authority
on Arab genealogy. His reputation and his character ensured that
people gravitated to him, and if he deemed a person was sincere in
finding the truth, he would talk to him about his new faith. Many
people were interested in what he told them about Islam, and they
went with him to the Prophet ^. Among those who became Muslim
in this way were Uthman bin Affan Umwi, Zubayr bin Awwam
Asadi, Abdul Rahman bin Auf Zuhri, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas Zuhri,
and Talha bin Ubaydullah Taymi.
These and others who embraced Islam in the early days of Islam
are called the "Earliest Believers." Scholars put their number at
130, but the exact time of their declaration of faith cannot be
determined. Such a list includes those Companions also who
embraced Islam after the Prophet began preaching his message
Despite the long gap between the first and second revelations,
subsequent revelations came in quick succession after Surah
Al-Muddaththir. The next Surah to be revealed was Surah Al-
The Prophet's audience let him have his say. His uncle Abu
Lahab was alone in saying, "Stop him before all Arabia unites
against him. If you hand him over to them then, you will be put
to disgrace. And if you try to save him, you will be killed."
The Prophet's other uncle, Abu Talib, said, "I swear by Allah
that we will protect him as long as we live." Abu Talib then told
his nephew, " You try to fulfill what you have been ordered to do.
By Allah, I shall always defend you, even though I prefer not to
abandon the religion of Abdul Muttalib."
During the same period Allah told the Prophet 38: "Announce
openly what you are commanded, and withdraw from the
idolaters." In compliance with Allah's order, he ascended the
heights of Mount Safa, a small rocky hill near the Ka'bah, and
cried out from the highest point: "Ya Sabahahl"
The people heard their names being called, and they rushed to
Mount Safa. Those who were unable to go themselves sent
someone on their behalf to see what had happened.
When they were all assembled, the Prophet M said: "If I told you
that horsemen were advancing to attack you from the valley on
the other side of this hill, would you believe me?"
of your gain and loss, nor can I be of any help in saving you
from Allah. O Banu Ka'b bin Lu'ayy, save yourselves from
Hell, for I am not the master of your gain and loss.
He said, "O people of Quraysh, the time of Hajj has come, and
people from all sides will come to you. They have all heard about
Muhammad, so agree upon what to say about him lest you
contradict one another."
The people said, "You say something and decide on a course for us."
"He is not mad," Waleed said. "We all know the signs of
madness. He does not behave erratically, nor is his speech
Waleed thought for a moment and said, "By God, his words are
sweet, fresh and attractive. His root is firm and his branches are
fruitful. Hence, whatever you claim about him will not be
believed. However, it is more convincing, in my opinion, if you
were to present him as a sorcerer. You should say that he has
brought a message by which he creates a rift between father and
son, brother and brother, husband and wife. Under his influence
family ties have been rent asunder, and every day families break
up because of him."
would caution every passer-by about the Prophet, with the result
that almost everyone formed an impression of the Prophet %
without having seen or heard him.
When the days of Hajj came, the Prophet rose to meet the
pilgrims in gatherings. He also called on them at their camps to
invite them to Islam. He would say: "O people! Say La ilaaha
illallah and you will attain success.'' Abu Lahab, meanwhile,
would walk behind the Prophet $s, belittling him. Thus, by the
time the pilgrims returned from Hajj that year, all of Arabia
knew of Muhammad ^ and his mission, either through his own
efforts or those of his detractors.
In other verses, the Prophet $g was told that Allah alone would
judge the evildoers and polytheists, and that they would soon
reap the fruit of their evil deeds. Consoling himself and his
followers, the Prophet $g said, "The messengers who came
before me have also been laughed at and condemned, but the
mockers found themselves surrounded on all sides by their
own disdain."
polytheists would make profane remarks about the Qur' an, the
One Who had revealed it and the one who brought it to the
people. Hence, Allah ordered the Prophet % to lower his voice
when reciting:
[v. jioi]
First, they claimed that the Qur'an was nothing but a bundle of
confused dreams which Muhammad had at night and then recited
during the day. Next, they claimed that he had concocted the
Qur'an line for line all by himself, while at other times they said
that a certain man composed the Qur'an for him, and Muhammad
then simply memorized and recited the verses.
On other occasions the pagans said that the Qur'an was all lies he
had fabricated with the help of others. They also asserted that the
Qur'an was a collection of folk tales and ancient stories which
Muhammad recited morning and evening. They even went so far
as to say that an evil jinn or demon taught the verses of the
Qur'an to Muhammad. Thereupon Allah said:
The pagans also spread the rumor that the Prophet suffered
from fits and seizures. These frenzied fits, the pagans claimed,
were the source of Muhammad's poetic inspiration! In reply to
this claim, Allah said:
"As for poets, only those who are astray follow them. They
ramble aimlessly about every subject, claiming to have
done things that they have not done." (26: 224-226)
discretion; and they boast about deeds they did not perform.
When we scrutinize th^ Prophet's character and those of his
followers, however, we find that they were upright;
Muhammad's teachings focused on calling people to worship
Allah, the one God; and that Muhammad M put his teachings into
action and lived by the precepts he taught his followers.
There were three tenets of the Prophet's teachings that the pagans
found unacceptable. In fact, these three concepts were the source
of much of the discord between them and the Muslims. The
notion of resurrection on the Day of Judgment, the idea of a
mortal prophet and the concept of the unity of Allah (Tawheed)
were, in their eyes, incredible and absurd.
our lives, then each person mentioned above would merely lie in
a grave for eternity.
He also says:
The Quraysh also rejected the idea that mortals could be inspired
by Allah. Allah contradicted this assumption in the following
'True, we are men like you, but Allah gives His blessings
to whomever He pleases." (14: 11)
The pagans would address certain saints saying, "O father! Answer
my request, and remove such and such hardship." The polytheists
believed that the dead people that they prayed to could not only
hear them, but could also answer their prayers with powers given
to them by Allah, or by interceding with Allah.
Allah engages in debate with the pagans through the verses of the
Qur'an. The pagans were asked how they could tell whether or
not a person had been chosen by Allah and actually possessed the
power of intercession. For example, how could one be sure that a
person who claimed to be "close" to Allah was telling the truth?
Essentially, there are only two ways to determine whether or not
such an individual was telling the truth: by possessing knowledge
of the unseen, or by having access to a divine book.
[t :oU^II]
"If you speak the truth, bring me a book revealed before
this one, or some traces of knowledge to support your
claim." (46:4)
[UA: f LuMl]
"Say: Do you have any proof that you can bring before us?
No, because you follow nothing but conjecture and your
words are only lies." (6:148)
The polytheists admitted that they did not have knowledge of the
unseen, nor could they produce a divinely inspired book.
Tradition and the wisdom of their ancestors were their sources of
[VS:J^JI] idj^^^j^^l^
Allah challenges those who still insist there are individuals with
special powers who can answer prayers. In verse after verse, Allah
emphasizes the futility of praying to any one other than Him:
"Do not insult those who worship false gods lest they
ignorantly insult Allah in return." (6:108)
Realizing the futility of verbal debates and disputes, the
polytheists considered using force against Islam to deter people
from the path of Allah. The notables and chieftains of each tribe
began to ill-treat the Muslims among them, and a delegation of
theirs approached Abu Talib. They demanded that he stop the
Prophet $S from preaching.
Persecution begins
Bilal bin Rabah 4& was the slave of Umayya bin Khalaf. Incensed at
his slave's assertion of spiritual independence, Umayya would hand
him over to the street urchins after tying a rope around his neck. As
they would drag him, Bilal would reiterate "One! One!" in reference
to the Oneness of God. Umayya would also bring Bilal out at noon
and throw him on his back on the burning sand or stone with a heavy
rock on his chest Then he would say to Bilal, "Now, by God, you
will lie here till you either die or deny Muhammad and worship Lat
and Uzza." Bilal endured the affliction, reaffirming his faith in Allah
by calling out, "One! One!"
Finally, the torture ended when Abu Bakr ^ saw Bilal as he was
passing by. His wealth was now a tool with which to earn Allah's
pleasure, and he purchased Bilal and freed him.
Zinira i& — &\ was a Roman slave girl who embraced Islam.
When the pagans found out that she had become Muslim, they
tortured her until she went blind, and gloated that the wrath of
their gods Lat and Uzza had caused her to go blind. It was Allah
Who had blinded her, she told them, and if He so willed, He
could restore her eyesight. The next morning she awoke to find
her vision completely restored. Her tormentors, however, were
not convinced of the miracle and claimed this was nothing more
than Muhammad's sorcery.
A slave of Amr bin Mu'mil from Banu Adiy embraced Islam. Her
torturer was none other than Umar bin Khattab, who at that point
was still an unbeliever. Umar, famous for his strength, would beat
her until he was exhausted. He would then stop, informing her that
he was stopping not out of mercy, but out of fatigue. "Your Lord
will also treat you accordingly," retorted the slave girl.
Among the slaves who embraced Islam were also Nahdiya and
her daughter 4*. These two were the slaves of a woman of Banu
Abdul Dar. Mother and daughter suffered punishment on account
of their faith until Abu Bakr 4*> bought them from their mistress
and set them free, just as he had done with Bilal, Amir bin
Fuhayrah and Abu Faqih ^ &\ ^> Jm His use of his wealth in this
manner earned him reproof from his father, Abu Quhafa, who
told him, "I notice that you are freeing weak heads. Had you
freed strong men, they would stand you in good stead." In reply,
Abu Bakr said, "I seek but the pleasure of Allah." Through the
following verses that were revealed, Allah indicated that Abu
Bakr had succeeded in his undertaking:
[Y\-U:JJJl] i&J^JjO
"I warn you all of a fire blazing fiercely. None shall enter it
except the most wretched, those who deny and turn away.
However, the God-fearing will be saved from the fire,
those who spend their wealth in order to purify themselves,
who spend without seeking a reward in return. They seek
only the countenance of their Lord, the Most High. Verily,
soon they will be pleased." (92:14-21)
Not all the slaves who became Muslim were ransomed. Some
succumbed to their injuries, while others were forced to recant in
public although they remained believers at heart. Ammarbin
Yasir and his parents belonged to the Banu Makhzoom tribe, of
which Abu Jahl was a chieftain. Led by Abu Jahl, various people
from the tribe would take Ammar and his family to Abtah and
leave them in the scorching sun. The Prophet % saw their plight
and exhorted them to stand fast in faith, saying "Patience, O
family of Yasir, patience. Your destination is Paradise. O Allah!
Forgive the family of Yasir." And stand fast they did. Yasir,
Ammar's father, bore the torture until his death.
Abu Bakr and Talha bin Ubaydullah J»i were also harassed.
Naufal bin Khuwaylid, and, it is said, Uthman bin Ubaydullah,
trussed both of them with the same rope so that they could not pray
and practice their new faith. However, both Abu Bakr and Talha
were found praying, the rope having been mysteriously untied. Since
both of them had been fastened with the same rope, they came to be
called Qarayn, which means "joined together."
Abu Jahl, who is referred to several times in the Qur'an for his
implacable hatred of Islam and his arrogance, was one of the
prominent Makkans who had made it his mission to fight Islam
and its followers. His hate and ire grew every time he heard of
someone becoming Muslim. If the new Muslim held a high
position in society, Abu Jahl would rebuke him and threaten him
with the loss of property and honor. If someone from a lower
station accepted Islam, Abu Jahl would beat him severely and
incite others to do the same. As a general policy, the polytheists
persecuted any new Muslim, often to the point of death,
especially if the convert belonged to a weaker section of tribal
society. If, however, they saw a prominent person accept Islam,
they proceeded more cautiously, as only polytheists of the same
social status could challenge the convert.
They decided to hold talks with Abu Talib — talks in which they
would hint at what might befall Muhammad if he continued
opposing their religion.
Abu Talib answered them mildly and let them leave without an
altercation. Muhammad M, however, continued to proclaim himself
Allah's Prophet, and continued to call on all to embrace Islam.
The Quraysh challenge Abu Talib
Soon the Quraysh realized that Abu Talib was not going to ask
his nephew to stop his rebellious preaching. They could no
longer keep silent, and eventually they all came together to plan
their response to the situation.
Afterwards, they again met with Abu Talib, and this time their
words were not so honeyed. They warned him sternly, "O Abu
Talib, you are old and we hold you in high esteem. We asked you
to restrain your nephew, but you did nothing. By God, we cannot
tolerate this any longer — our fathers are denounced, we are
called ignorant, and our gods are insulted. Either you stop him, or
we will fight you both until one side perishes."
When the Prophet M heard what Abu Talib had to say, he replied:
"O my uncle, I swear by Allah, if they were to place the sun in
my right hand and the moon in my left and ask me to abandon
this mission, I would not turn from it until Allah made me
victorious or I perished therein."
The Quraysh saw that their threats and challenges had been
ignored. Muhammad H was still preaching a doctrine that
defamed their gods and the customs of their ancestors. They also
found that Abu Talib was not about to abandon his nephew in the
The Prophet $1 would remove it with a piece of wood and say, "O
Banu Abdu Munaf ! What kind of neighborhood is this?"
Abu Bakr 4* was amazed that Umm Jameel had not seen the
Prophet ^ sitting right beside him. "O Prophet! Did she fail to see
He said, "Yes, she could not see me because Allah seized her
One day Abu Jahl saw the Prophet performing his prayers and
began harassing and threatening him as he prayed. At last the
Prophet $g caught hold of a piece of cloth around Abu Jahl's neck
and, shaking him strongly, quoted these two verses from the
[rc-n:^uii] od&<^d$$
"By Lat and Uzza," Abu Jahl swore, "if I ever see him do so, I
shall trample his face and neck into the dust." The day came
when Abu Jahl saw the Prophet performing his prayers, so he
marched toward him with the intention of carrying out his threat.
Suddenly, onlookers saw him retreat before reaching the
defenseless Muhammad M, his arms clawing at the air.
Uqba bin Abi Mu'ayt was another who earned eternal disgrace
for his despicable treatment of the Prophet $g. Once the Prophet
was praying near the Kabah while Abu Jahl and his comrades
were sitting nearby. Meanwhile, Abu Jahl asked the others, "Is
there one who will bring the innards of a camel of Banu so-and-
so and place it on Muhammad's back while he is prostrating in
prayer?" Uqba, anxious to prove his daring, got up and returned
with the intestines of a slaughtered camel. He stayed to the side
until he saw the opportunity to catch the Prophet in
prostration. When the Prophet M bowed his head to the earth,
Uqba laid the camel intestines on the Prophet's neck and
Abu Jahl and his followers burst into laughter, but the Prophet g£
remained in prostration and did not raise his head. Someone
informed the Prophet's daughter, Fatimah, who then came
running to the Ka'bah. She removed the foul-smelling intestines
from her father's back, and he raised his head and prayed to
Allah: "O Allah! Seize the Quraysh!" When Abu Jahl and his
comrades heard Muhammad's prayer, they felt a very heavy
weight on their hearts because they believed that in Makkah, all
prayers were granted.
Sahmi. The Prophet did not take revenge even once during the
many years he lived in Makkah after he began his mission. He
was content with Allah's promise that He Himself would deal
with his opponents and detractors. In the end, Muhammad's
harshest enemies met with agonizing deaths.
Dar Al-Arqam
First, the Prophet M began using the house of Arqam bin Abi Al-
Arqam as a secret center for prayer, preaching, education and
training. Arqam's house was ideally located at the foot of Mount
Safa, only a short walk from the Ka'bah and its bustling crowds.
The pagans who lived in the area, therefore, did not take notice
of the many people who gathered in Arqam's house.
Migration to Abyssinia
The next step the Prophet $g took was aimed at preserving the
Muslim community from increasing belligerence. He had heard
much about the King of Abyssinia, who was known to be a just
Christian ruler, one who would allow no persecution in his land.
The Prophet M directed the Muslim community to migrate to
Abyssinia and to take shelter there.
bin Affan 4fe was the leader of the group, accompanied by his
wife, Ruqayyah, one of the Prophet's daughters. Their voluntary
exile marked the first instance of a family migrating for religious
reasons since the time of Ibraheem and Lut u^U (Lot).
When the Quraysh found out that a group of Muslims had fled,
they erupted in anger. They swiftly sent some men to bring them
back to teach them such a lesson that they would recant their
faith. However, the Quraysh reached the coast too late — the
Muslims had already made their way out to sea. Tired and
disappointed, the Quraysh returned to Makkah to begin plotting
their next move.
Suddenly the Prophet rose before the Quraysh and began reciting
the verses of Surah Al-Najm. The Quraysh kept silent. No one
there had ever heard such powerful words. They were
bewildered: Muhammad, their sworn enemy, was standing before
them reciting, and they were left powerless. No one could stand
to make him stop, and none could even ridicule him. The Prophet
% reached the closing verse and prostrated, putting his head to
the ground in worship of Allah, Lord of the universe:
"O King! Some foolish men from our city have taken
refuge in your majesty's country. They have abandoned our
religion, but rather than accepting your religion, they have
invented one of their own. Their families, knowing of their
delusions, have sent us to Your Majesty to bring them back
When they had made their plea to the King, the Abyssinian
bishops stood and urged him to grant their request. The King,
however, was a very fair judge. He said that he would allow both
parties to make their statements before making a decision. The
Muslim refugees were summoned to the King's court. Then the
King questioned them why they had entered an unknown religion
that had caused them to abandon their families and tribes.
Ja'far bin Abu Talib, the Prophet's cousin, rose on behalf of the
Muslims and said:
Then turning to the envoys of the Quraysh, the King said, "You
may go. By God, I shall never give them to you, nor will they be
The two envoys from the Quraysh now changed their tactics. The
next day they returned to the King's court and made another
attempt to convince the King to expel the Muslims from his
country. Amr tried to incite the King against the Muslims. "O
King! They assert a dreadful thing about Jesus which is too
shameful to be repeated before you."
"We say about him that which our Prophet % has taught us.
Jesus was a human being and Allah's Prophet. He was a
spirit and a word cast unto the blessed virgin Maryam."
"By God, Jesus, the son of Mary, does not exceed what
you have said by the length of this straw. Go and live in my
territory in peace and security. Those who ill-treat you will
be punished. I shall not give you any trouble even if I were
offered a mountain of gold in exchange."
The King then ordered that all the gifts brought by the envoys
from the Quraysh be returned. Having failed miserably, the two
envoys left for Arabia in great shame.
Talib was steadfast in his support for his nephew, no matter how
hard the Quraysh tried to manipulate him. With his uncle's
protection, the Prophet % continued with his mission. The
Quraysh tried everything to destroy Islam: persecution,
assassination, bribery, debate, and even compromise. Nothing
The defeat the pagans suffered at the Abyssinian court gave them
further cause to hate Islam. Naturally, they took out their
frustrations on the Muslims who still lived in Makkah.
Once Atiba bin Abi Lahab, who at this point was divorced from
the Prophet's daughter, Umm Kulthoom, came to the Prophet $g
and quoted a verse from Surah Al-Najm Only to say, "I disbelieve
in the one who revealed this verse." He reiterated that although the
Quraysh had prostrated along with the Prophet after a recitation
of this Surah, they clung to their disbelief in the divine source of
Muhammad's prophethood and of the revelations he received.
When they went to sleep that night, the other members of the
caravan let Atiba sleep in the middle. Despite this arrangement,
the lion passed by the camels and other men and pounced on
Atiba. It took his head in its jaws and killed him on the spot.
and waited for him to place his forehead on the ground. He then
placed his foot on the Prophet's neck and pressed down with all
his weight until the Prophet's eyes bulged.
The people then assured him, "By God, we will never abandon
you. Do whatever you like."
"I was going to carry out my promise," Abu Jahl explained, "but
a camel appeared before me. By God, I have never seen such a
skull, neck and teeth, and it was about to devour me."
The Prophet M later said that the vision Abu Jahi saw was actually
The Prophet's words weighed very heavily on those who had been
taunting him. They fell silent for a while, and then tried to calm
him down by speaking kind words to him.
The next day the same group of people assembled at the Kabah
and began talking about the Prophet $g. A few moments later the
Prophet appeared and they all rushed towards him in rabid
anger. Pulling on his clothes, they asked, "Are you the one who
orders us to stop worshipping the gods of our forefathers?"
The mob surrounded him on all sides, and some began pushing
and shoving him from side to side while others shouted out insults.
Uqba bin Abi Mu'ayt caught hold of a cloth hanging from around
his neck and began choking the Prophet Abu Bakr 4& heard the
commotion and ran to defend him. He seized Uqba by his
shoulders and pulled him off the Prophet sjg. Abu Bakr tore each
man away from the Prophet, crying: "Woe to you! Would you kill
a man simply because he says that Allah is his Lord?"
Now the mob turned on Abu Bakr 4*> and let the Prophet g£ go.
Abu Bakr paid a great price for rescuing the Prophet. The mob
beat him violently, and his face was so battered that his nose was
indistinguishable from his face. The people from Banu Taym
wrapped him up and took him to his house. They were sure that he
would not live to see the next day.
Abu Bakr 4& suffered more and more at the hands of the Makkan
pagans until he decided to migrate to Abyssinia. With this
intention, he left Makkah and headed for what had become a
place of refuge for Muslims. When he reached Bark Ghimad, he
happened to meet Malik bin Dughunna, the leader of Qara 1 and
Ahabish 2 . Malik asked him why he had left Makkah. When Abu
Bakr told him he was migrating to Abyssinia, Malik voiced his
"A man like you cannot be expelled. You help the
destitute, you keep good relations with your family, you
bear the burden of the helpless, you are hospitable with
guests, and you comfort those who suffer for the sake of
truth. I pledge to protect you. Come along with me and
pray to your Lord in your city."
Abu Bakr & was not only devout, but also tender-hearted. The
Qur'an, with its promise of reward and punishment, its
descriptions of Allah's creation, and its narratives about previous
prophets moved him to tears. As he recited its verses, Abu Bakr
would weep. Women and children would crowd around,
watching in amazement at this show of emotion over the Qur'an.
The men of Quraysh were not about to tolerate this display for
long and renewed their resolve to harass him.
Not all the Makkans, however, took such a harsh view of Islam.
Even the pillars of pagan society found their stony hearts
crumbling when in solitude they considered the Prophet's
message. They were no less impressed by his courage in standing
up to the Quraysh and his enduring patience.
Umar had heard the Prophet ^reciting verses of the Qur'an at the
Ka'bah, and some of the verses he overheard moved him. However,
his heart remained firmly opposed to Islam and the Prophet % His
opposition grew to the point that one day he picked up his sword and
decided to kill the Prophet Fortunately, Umar did not succeed in
carrying out his intention.
With his sword gripped in his hand and his mind made up, Umar
met Nu'aym bin Abdullah who asked him, "Where are you going?"
"How will you save yourself then from Banu Hashim and Banu
Umar was furious, and his attention was diverted from the
Prophet % to his own family. In a rage, he headed straight for his
sister's house. At that moment, Khabbab bin Aratt was at Umar's
sister's house teaching her and her husband Surah Ta Ha. When
they heard Umar outside the door, Khabbab hid himself, and
Fatimah, Umar's sister, quickly hid the sheets of paper upon
which the Qur'anic verses were written.
They could see that Umar was enraged and armed with a sword.
"Nothing, we were just talking."
Then in front of her brother, she declared her own faith, using the
same words every Muslim utters as solemn testimony about the
Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad M- She. said,
"I bear witness that none is worthy of worship other than Allah,
and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah."
His sister retorted, "You are unclean, and only the pure and clean
can touch it. Go wash yourself."
When Khabbab heard this, he came out of hiding and said, "O
Umar! Rejoice. I prayed that Allah would bless you. Thursday
night I heard the Prophet M praying to Allah, saying: O Allah,
strengthen Islam by Umar bin Khattab or Abu Jahl bin Hisham!"
urgently, "Umar! Will you not turn back from your path unless
Allah Almighty sends down on you such chastisement as He did
on Waleed bin Mugheera? O Allah! This is Umar bin Khattab. O
Allah! Bestow power and glory on Islam through this Umar bin
After the Prophet ended his supplication, Umar said, "I bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship other than Allah,
and that you are the Prophet of Allah."
Umar *&> was reputed among his tribesmen for his size and
temperament. Now that he was Muslim, he was determined to
announce his faith to the Prophet's foes. Who but Abu Jahl, the
Prophet's fiercest enemy, deserved to hear the news first?
Umar knocked on Abu Jahl's door. Abu Jahl came out and
greeted him, "Welcome! What brings you here?"
"I have come to tell you that I have embraced the religion of
Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad," Umar calmly stated.
Abu Jahl heard this thunderclap and said, "May God ruin you
and what you have brought!"
Umar afterwards went to Asi bin Hashim, who hurried back into
his house once he heard the news. Umar's next stop was at the
house of Jameel bin Mu'ammar Jami, who was noted for
spreading sensational news. When Umar told him that he had
embraced Islam, Jameel screamed," The son of Khattab has
turned faithless!"
The people heard Jfameel's cries, and they came running. They
turned on Umar 4& and began beating him, but he fought them
off and returned home. The pagans, however, were not prepared
to let Umar get away easily. They gathered and decided to put
him to death. A huge crowd of people moved toward his house to
carry out the verdict, but were met by Aas bin Wa'il Sahmi. He
belonged to the Banu Sahm, a clan that had close relations with
Umar's clan, Banu Adiy.
Once again the Makkan pagans decided it was time to hold talks
on the growing strength of Islam. The conversions of Hamzah
and Umar U^p &\ had changed things considerably, and the
Makkans realized their power base was fast collapsing.
Utbah continued:
hr:c.Ui] 4^1*\i£^&35^
"You worship our gods for one year," they explained, "and we
worship your God for one year. That way, if our religion is true,
you will have a share of the reward, and if your religion is true,
we will have a share."
Other verses were also revealed which made it clear that the
Prophet's role was not to bargain with the pagans, but to convey
the message just as it was revealed to him:
Once the Makkans understood that the Prophet M was sincere in
his beliefs and was not prepared to compromise, they were
determined to find out whether he was an actual prophet or just
imagined himself to be one.
The Surah tells the story of a few young boys who, upon being
persecuted by polytheists, sought refuge in a cave. Allah caused
them to go into a deep sleep for hundreds of years, and then
raised them up again as a sign of the coming day of resurrection.
The chapter also tells the story of Dhul Qarnain, the man who
roamed throughout the world. Finally, the last question was
answered in Surah Al-Israa:
'They ask you about the spirit. Say: The spirit is My Lord's
affair, and man has been given but little knowledge/'
They met with the Prophet to discuss this idea. The Prophet
was so eager to have the Makkan nobility embrace Islam that he
may have been on the verge of accepting their proposal. But
Allah ordered him to resist the temptation in the following verse:
[oY: f U;SH]
v "Send not away those who call on their Lord morning and
evening, seeking His Face. You are not accountable for
them, nor they for you. If you turn them away, you will be
among those who are unjust." (6:52)
The Prophet $g was thus forbidden to give the nobility among the
Quraysh any special consideration within the fold of Islam, thus
effectively ensuring the complete absence of a class system. This
meant that no Muslim could be superior to his brother in Islam
except through faith and good deeds.
The Prophet $g was also sent to his people to warn them that if
they continued rejecting the call to faith, Allah might at any time
punish them severely. He cautioned them but they waited and
watched. Nothing happened, so their inherent arrogance grew,
and they challenged the Prophet M to hasten Allah's punishment.
Allah replied to their request in the following three verses:
plotting to assassinate the Prophet $5. Abu Talib acted fast and
called on the members of Banu Hashim and Banu Al-Muttalib to
meet at the Ka'bah. He convinced them to pledge that they
would protect their clansman, Muhammad, but Abu Lahab,
another of the Prophet's uncles and self-proclaimed sworn
enemy, refused to take the pledge. He declared he was on the
side of the Quraysh.
Total boycott
Once all the people present had agreed with the points mentioned
above, Baghid bin Amir bin Hashim put this pact in writing and
the parchment was hung in the Ka'bah. When the deed was done,
Baghid's hand, or at least some of his fingers, were paralyzed.
Boycott ends
The next morning the four men waited for other members of the
Quraysh to assemble around the Ka'bah. Zuhayr finished
circumambulating the Ka'bah and then stood before the people.
"O people of Makkah," he began. "Shall we eat and drink while
Banu Hashim die of hunger, unable even to buy or sell? By God I
will not rest until this cruel and unjust decree is torn to pieces."
Abu Jahl was furious: "You are wrong! By God, it will not be torn."
Now it was Mut'im bin Adiy's turn. "Both of you are right.
There is no sin in opposing the decree. We seek our acquittal
from God regarding the document and whatever it contains."
Hisham bin Amr expressed his agreement with Mut'im.
At this point, Abu Talib saw his opportunity to step in. He had
come into the precincts of the Ka'bah to tell the Quraysh that the
Prophet % had received a revelation about the fate of the
iniquitous parchment. He stood up, and facing the Quraysh, he
told them that Allah had revealed to the Prophet gj£ that termites
had eaten the parchment inside the Ka'bah, The only thing that
remained of the document, Abu TaJib said, were the words "In
Your Name, O Allah." Abu Talib then challenged the Quraysh,
saying that if the Prophet's claim turned out to be false, he would
no longer stand between them and the Prophet $g. However, if the
Prophet had spoken the truth, the Quraysh should end the
boycott. The Quraysh accepted Abu Talib's challenge.
When Mut'im bin Adiy rose to retrieve the parchment, the assembly
'saw that it had been destroyed. Its only remaining words were
"BismikaAllahumma" (In Your Name, O Allah) and Allah's name.
Allah had given the Quraysh yet another sign, but once again
they refused to admit their error and accept Islam. Their only
concession was to end the boycott. The Prophet M and his
Companions came out of the mountain pass and were allowed to
live in Makkah once again.
Abu Talib, knowing that he would not live much longer, was
certainly interested in finding some way to ensure his nephew's
safety after his death. He heard the proposal from the Quraysh
and called his beloved nephew to his bedside. The Prophet M
listened and then turned to Abu Talib. "Uncle!" He said. "I ask
them only one thing. And if they accept this thing, the whole of
Arabia will be under their control, and the non-Arabs will pay
them tribute."
Abu Talib's illness worsened, and as the hour of his death drew
near, the Prophet % went to his side. He found Abu Jahl and
They continued talking to the dying man until the last words that were
heard from Abu Talib were: ". . .on the religion of Abdul Muttalib."
Still, the Prophet |g refused to give up on his uncle. "I will ask
Allah to forgive you until I am forbidden to do so." Soon after
that, however, the following verse was revealed:
"It is not fitting for the Prophet and the believers that they
should pray for forgiveness for pagans, even if they are kin,
after it is clear to them that they are companions of the
Fire." (9:113)
"How could you be of any service to Abu Talib, the one who
supported you and rebuked others for your sake?"
Two months and three days after the death of Abu Talib, the
Prophet's wife, Khadeejah, passed away. She was the Prophet's
trusted advisor and loyal companion, and was known by the title
"Mother of the believers."
Once Khadeejah came bearing food for the Prophet who was
in the midst of receiving a revelation from Jibreel SSSl. The angel
said: "O Prophet! Here is Khadeejah coming to you with a
vessel. Give her greetings from your Lord, and give her glad
tidings of a palace of pearls in Paradise in which there are only
peace and repose."
Long after her death, and despite his subsequent remarriages, the
Prophet M would often mention Khadeejah and pray for Allah's
mercy on her soul. Thinking of her, he would begin to weep.
Whenever he slaughtered a lamb, he would send her friends a
portion of the meat.
Once a man from the Quraysh threw dust on the Prophet's head.
One of the Prophet's daughters washed away the dirt, weeping
bitterly at her father's suffering. Trying to console her, the
Prophet M said, "Dear daughter! Do not cry, for Allah will
protect your father." Later he admitted that it was only after Abu
Talib's death that the insults of the Quraysh began to prick him.
Soon the Prophet M felt that it was time to take the message of
Islam to neighboring tribes. He made his way on foot to Ta'if,
about thirty miles east of Makkah, traveling with his former
slave, Zayd bin Haritha \+s> &\ .
The Prophet $5 left the chieftains and looked for others to talk
with about Islam. For the next few days he continued his search
to find anyone who would open his heart to Allah's word, but no
one was interested. Each chieftain he met proved arrogant and
unfriendly when he explained his mission and requested help.
Instead of accepting his call to Islam, they asked him to leave
Ta'if and return from whence he came. They even stirred up
children, slaves and the rabble against him. As the Prophet
made his way out of the township, a rag tag band ran after him,
abusing him and throwing stones at him until even his feet
dripped blood.
There the Prophet ^ sat down in the shade of a wall covered with
grapevines and prayed aloud to Allah in a supplication known as
Duaa Al-Mustad'afeen (the Prayer of the Oppressed):
humiliation before the people. You are the Most Merciful,
the Lord of the weak and my Lord too. To whom have you
entrusted me? To one who does not care for me? Or have
you appointed my enemy as master of my affairs? So long as
You are not angry with me, I care not. Your favor is
abundant for me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face, by
which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world
and the next is set right, lest Your anger or Your displeasure
descend upon me. I desire Your pleasure and satisfaction.
There is no power and no might except in You."
The sons of Rabi'a, who saw the Prophet $g taking refuge in their
orchard, were moved by the sight of a weary traveler with a long
road ahead of him, and sent their slave Addas to him with a
bunch of grapes. The Prophet ^ took the grapes, and only after
saying Bismillah (in the name of Allah) did he begin to eat.
Addas was surprised to hear the Prophet invoke Allah's name
before eating.
'The people around this area never utter such phrases," he told
the Prophet
The Prophet ^ asked Addas, "Where are you from, and what is
your religion?"
"Are you from the village of the pious man, Yunus bin Mati?"
the Prophet $g asked.
set in. At Qarn Al-Manazil, a cloud bearing the angel Jibreel &S»
appeared before the Prophet With him was another angel.
"Allah has sent to you the angel of the mountains," Jibreel said.
"He is at your command."
The angel of the mountains said, "O Muhammad, I am here to do
as you say. The choice is yours: I can crush the people of Ta'if
between two hills, if that is your wish."
The Prophet $g was praying the Fajr prayer when a band of jinn
(spirits, from which the English word "genie" is derived) heard
him reciting the Qur'an. They listened with great interest, and
when the Prophet M finished, they returned to their companions
and warned them of a great chastisement for those who
disbelieved in the Prophet's message. Although they did not
come in contact with the Prophet % directly, the jinn who had
listened to the Prophet M that morning embraced Islam. The
Prophet only became aware of what had happened when Allah
revealed the story in the Qur'an in two different chapters, Surah
Al-Ahqaf and Surah Al-Jinn.
A few days later, the Prophet % left Nakhlah and headed toward
Makkah. As he drew near Makkah, he began to make
preparations, for he did not want to enter Makkah defenseless as
he had done in Ta'if. He paused at Hira and sent a man to Akhtas
bin Shariq to ask for protection. Akhtas, however, apologized
The Makkan pagans had been shown many signs that confirmed
the truthfulness of Muhammad's claim to be a prophet, but they
ignored them all. Although they were not prepared to accept any
further signs, they demanded that Muhammad M show them clear
proof from Allah that he was indeed a messenger. Their intention
of course was simply to humiliate him before the people.
One day the pagans were assembled at the Ka'bah and sent for
the Prophet. The Prophet $g hurried to meet them, thinking that
they wished to discuss the possibility of entering Islam. He sat
down with them to hear the same demands they had made before:
"Muhammad, you tell us that the prophets had signs: Musa
[Moses] had a miraculous staff, Saleh had a camel, and Isa
[Jesus] resurrected the dead. The prophets of yore came with
clear signs. We want you to also show us something to confirm
that you are like them."
This verse makes it clear that Muhammad ^g, like all prophets,
had no power of his own to perform such miracles, but that Allah
determines when, where, and how His signs will be revealed.
The prophets were given such signs to prove that they were
messengers. Allah says:
As for the pagans who demanded to see a clear sign, Allah told
the prophet in the Qur'an:
At first, the pagans could not believe what they saw. The moon
had been split in two before their eyes. After the initial shock,
however, they determined that it was nothing but the sorcery of
the son of Abu Kabsha. "Maybe he has put a spell on us, so let's
wait until some travelers arrive in Makkah and ask them if they
also saw it." As soon as some travelers arrived in Makkah, the
Makkans asked them if they had seen the strange sight. The
travelers confirmed they too had seen the wondrous sight of the
cleft moon. Now there was no doubt about what they had
witnessed, but the Quraysh stubbornly clutched their disbelief.
The Prophet $g entered the mosque to find assembled there all the
previous prophets, whom he then led in prayer. Jibreel brought
two vessels to the Prophet, one filJed with wine, the other with
milk. The Prophet chose the second vessel. Jibreel commented
on the Prophet's choice:
The Prophet $g was then taken to the first level of heaven, which
was the first stage of his Ascension. Jibreel asked for the door to
be opened for the Prophet, and there stood Adam the first
man and prophet. Adam said, "Peace be upon you," to which the
Prophet responded, "And upon you be peace." Adam then
testified that Muhammad $i was the Prophet of Allah. Adam
looked to his right and smiled, and then looked to his left and
wept. The Prophet saw two groups of people on either side of
Adam, and the ones he smiled at were the believers, while the
ones that caused him to weep were unbelievers.
The fifth level of heaven was where the Prophet $g met Haroon
(Aaron), who, like all the previous prophets, exchanged greetings
and testified that Muhammad was Allah's Prophet.
Once again it was time for the Prophet ^ to take Allah's message
to the people outside Makkah. Tribes from all over Arabia would
journey to Ukaz, Mujanna and Dhul Majaz where three huge
fairs were held each year. The fair at Ukaz, a village between
Nakhlah and Ta'if, lasted the first twenty days of the month of
Dhul Qa'dah. Then the tribes would move to Mujanna and set up
markets there. Finally, during the first eight days of Dhul Hijjah,
markets were set up in Dhul Majaz, behind Jabal Rahmah on the
plain of Arafah. The people would perform the Hajj\ or
pilgrimage, rites following the last fair.
Haneefa, the tribe of Musaylimah Al-Kaddhab, or Musaylimah
the Liar (who was later to pose as a prophet himself), was
especially disrespectful to the Prophet M-
His heart now full of courage and faith, Abu Dhar went to the
Ka'bah to announce that he had embraced Islam. The Quraysh
responded by beating him, and only the intervention of Abbas
the Prophet's uncle, saved him from being killed. The next day
Abu Dhar repeated his announcement at the Ka'bah, and once
again Abbas had to rescue him from the Quraysh. Abu Dhar then
returned to his tribe, Banu Ghifar, and left them only when he
migrated to Madinah with other Muslims.
families from his tribe had accepted Islam, and they accompanied
him on the journey to Madinah.
Six pilgrims from Yathrib: These six men from the Khazraj
tribe of Yathrib were Asad bin Zurara, Auf bin Harith bin Rifaa
(Auf bin Ifra'a), Rafi bin Malik bin Ailan, Qatba bin Amir
Hudida, Uqba bin Amir bin Nabi, and Jabir bin Abdullah bin
Riqab. They had come along with other pilgrims from Yathrib to
Makkah in the eleventh year of the Prophet's mission. Yathrib
was also home to some Jewish tribes, and occasionally disputes
would flare up between the Arabs and Jews. The Jewish minority
v juld intimidate the Arabs by saying that soon a prophet would
sent to lead the Jews in battle. The Arabs, they claimed, would
be slaughtered like the people of Aad and Iram.
The men sitting with the Prophet recognized who he was. 'This
is the same prophet the Jews constantly threaten us with. Let us
pledge allegiance to him before they do." All six men accepted
Islam. "We left our people in such a plight," they said. "If Allah
unites us through you, you would be honored more than anyone
else among us." The six new Muslims promised that they would
invite their people to Islam upon returning to Yathrib, and that
they would meet the Prophet H again during the next pilgrimage.
The next year five of the six men from Yathrib returned to meet
the Prophet H during Hajj. They brought with them five converts
from their own tribe and two from the tribe of Aus. The names of
the five converts of the Khazraj tribe were Mu'adh bin Harith
(Mu'adh bin Ifra'a), Zakwan bin Abdul Qays, Ubada bin Samit,
Yazeed bin Thulba, and Abbas bin Ubada bin Fadhla. The two
men from the Aus tribe were Abul Haytham bin Al-Tayhan and
Uwaym bin Sa'eda.
Again, they met the Prophet M, in Mina, where he taught them
more about Islam and asked them to take an oath of allegiance.
This was known as the First Pledge of Aqabah. Specifically, it
was a pact between the men and Allah that they would not
associate any partners with Allah, commit theft, fornicate, kill
their children, vilify others, nor disobey the Prophet M when he
instructed them to do good. Whoever fulfilled this pledge would
receive his reward from Allah, and whoever violated any part of
it and was proven guilty would be punished in this world as an
atonement. If, however, someone broke the pledge and Allah hid
his sin from people, that person would be dealt with by Allah,
Who would either forgive or punish him.
When the men who took the pledge at Aqabah finished performing
Hajj, the Prophet sent Mus'ab bin Umayr along with them to teach
them the Qur'an. In Yathrib, Mus'ab stayed with Abu Umama
Asad bin Zurara. The two directed their efforts towards teaching
non-Muslims about Islam. One day as Umayr and Abu Umama sat
in an orchard, Sa'd bin Mu'adh, the chieftain of the Aus tribe,
spotted them. He said to his cousin, Usayd bin Hudhayr, "Go and
rebuke those two who have come to deceive our weak." Weapon
in hand, Usayd approached the two Muslims. Asad saw him and
warned Mus'ab, "Here comes a chieftain."
Mus'ab was not intimidated. "Why don't you sit and listen? If
you like what we say, accept it; if you dislike it, don't."
Usayd's ploy worked. Sa'd became angry and made his way to
Mus'ab and Asad. Mus'ab told him the same thing he had told
Usayd, and Sa'd agreed to listen. When Mus'ab finished
explaining the principles of Islam, Sa'd too became Muslim. His
love for the Prophet and his faith made him one of the more
distinguished Companions of the Prophet
His new faith surging in his heart, Sa'd returned to his people
and said, "O Banu Abdul Ash'hal! What do you know about me
as a man among you?"
They answered in one voice: "You are our chief and the wisest
man among us!"
Sa'd said, "Well, I wijl not talk to the families of those who do not
believe in Allah and his Prophet." As a result of this, every man
and women in the tribe became Muslim except for Usayram, who
became Muslim during the Battle of Uhud. He was martyred in the
battle before he had even performed one prostration as a Muslim.
Mus'ab bin Umayr returned to Makkah before the next Hajj. His
account of how Allah had guided the people of Yathrib to Islam
delighted the Prophet M immensely.
Baraa bin Marur ^ spoke for the Muslims of Yathrib: "We are
determined to offer our loyalty to the Prophet and sacrifice
ourselves for him, and we are willing to make a covenant to this
The Prophet £jg recited some Verses of the Qur' an and had the
men from Yathrib take the following oath:
"You all know what you are agreeing to," Abbas warned. "All of
you are pledging to go to war. So, what will you do if you lose all
your wealth and property, and all your leaders are killed? Will
you abandon the Prophet? If so, let him stay here in Makkah,
because if you forsake him it will be a disgrace in this world and
the next. However, if you stand by him even in the face of
destruction, you will find a reward in this world and the next."
The Yathrib Muslims listened to Abbas and then vowed that they
would support the Prophet $g no matter how great the risks
involved. Someone then asked the Prophet, 'Tell me, O Prophet!
What will we get in exchange for all this?"
Asad bin Zurara then, took the Prophet's hand in his and
addressed the gathering:
Some sources indicate that Asad bin Zurara was the first to take
the oath, while others name Abul Haytham bin Al-Tayhan and
Baraa bin Marur as the first. The two women present took the
oath without shaking hands.
Twelve chiefs
tribe were chosen along with three from the Aus tribe.
The nine Khazraj chiefs were Sa'd bin Ubada bin Daleem, Asad
bin Zurara bin Ads, Sa'd bin Rabi'a bin Amr, Abdullah bin
Rawaha bin Thulba, Rafi bin Malik bin Ajlan, Baraa bin Marur
bin Sakhar, Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram, Ubada bin Samit bin
Qays, and Mundhir bin Amr bin Khanis. The three chiefs from
the Aus tribe were Usayd bin Hudhayr bin Samak, Sa'd bin
Khathima bin Harith, and Rifaah bin Abdul Mundhir bin Zubayr
(other sources mention Abul Haytham bin Al-Tayhan as well).
The next morning the Quraysh, having heard a rumor about the
pledge at Aqabah, went to the Yathrib camp to protest against
what had happened. They resented their visitors' patronage of
someone they deemed to be an outcast, and voiced their
displeasure about any contact between the contingent from
Yathrib and the Prophet $g. The polytheists of Yathrib, who knew
nothing about the event, insisted nothing had taken place, while
the Muslims kept silent. The Quraysh reluctantly accepted the
polytheists' reassurances and returned home.
Later, however, the Quraysh found out that the rumor was in fact
true. Infuriated, they sent their horsemen to apprehend any who
took part in the pledge, and at Adhaker they captured Sa'd bin
Ubada and Mundhir bin Amr. While Mundhir bin Amr managed
Amir bin Rabi'a, his wife Layla bint Abi Hathma, and Abdullah
bin Umm Maktoom migrated after Abu Salamah. Getting away
proved difficult though, because they had to slip out of Makkah
past the watchful Quraysh. Umar bin Khattab, however, left
Makkah in full view of the Quraysh, and no one dared to try to
stop him. He also took twenty others with him.
The Quraysh were enraged that the Muslims had found a place in
the Arabian peninsula itself where they would be able to thrive.
They also feared that the Muslims would become strong enough
to control the northern trade routes and disrupt the pagans' trade.
Since the Makkans depended on the goods carried by caravans to
and from northern Arabia and Syria, their fear was not
unfounded. There was also the growing worry that the Prophet M
himself might escape any day to Yathrib, where his followers
awaited him, and that he would set up a new power base, an
eventuality which had to be avoided.
Shaikh Jaleel didn't like this idea. "Do you not see how sweet his
words are, and how he wins the hearts of people? If we exile
him, he will simply find another tribe and make them his
followers. With their help, he will attack your city and deal with
you as he pleases. Think of another plan."
Finally, Abu Jahl, himself a rival of Satan, put forth his idea. "I
have my own opinion," he began.
The youths outside did not see the Prophet ^ leave. He went
swiftly to Abu Bakr and together they traveled, not toward
The Quraysh began searching for the Prophet M and Abu Bakr
and announced that there was a reward of one hundred camels
for each fugitive brought back dead or alive.
When the Prophet ^ and Abu Bakr arrived at the cave on Mount
Thawr, Abu Bakr entered first to clear away anything that might
injure the Prophet He found a few holes and stuffed them with
pieces of cloth. The Prophet % then entered and went to sleep
with his head on Abu Bakr's lap. Suddenly, something stung
Abu Bakr's foot, but he did not even twitch, fearing he would
wake the Prophet. The pain was so intense that tears began to run
down his cheeks and onto the Prophet's face. The Prophet woke
up and saw that Abu Bakr 4& was in pain. He then applied his
spittle on the injury and the pain disappeared.
Abu Bakr's slave, Amir bin Fuhayra 4fe, would graze Abu Bakr's
goats near the cave so that both men could drink fresh milk.
Early the next morning Amir would drive the goats back to
Makkah along the same route that Abu Bakr's son took, to
obscure his footprints.
They journeyed all night and half of the next day. Then they
stopped, and the Prophet % rested in the shade beneath a rock.
Meanwhile, Abu Bakr found a herdsman who let him milk one of
his goats. When the Prophet g£ awoke, Abu Bakr gave him fresh
milk. Then they pushed ahead.
Perhaps it was the next day that the Prophet and Abu Bakr
passed by the tent of Umm Ma'bad on the outskirts of Qadid,
near Mashaal, about 130 km from Makkah. They asked her
The Prophet asked for permission to milk it, and when he did,
milk flowed from its udders. He filled a large bowl with milk and
first let her drink. After that, each of the travelers drank their fill.
When they had all finished, he milked the goat again and left the
bowl full of milk for the woman.
When the Prophet and his Companions left Qadid, a man by the
•name of Sur^qa bin Malik bin Ju'shum Madlaji spotted them. He
thought he would capture the fugitives and take them back to
Makkah to collect the reward. As he charged^ahead on his horse,
it suddenly stumbled and he fell to the ground. Being
The four travelers resumed their journey, and on the way, the
Prophet $5 soon met Burida bin Husayb Aslami along with
seventy or eighty families of his followers. They all embraced
Islam and prayed the evening prayer with the Prophet. Burida
migrated to Madinah after the Battle of Uhud.
The Prophet % also met Abu Tamim Aus bin Hajr Aslami at Arj.
At the time the Prophet and Abu Bakr were riding the same
camel because one of their camels had become weak. Abu
Tamim offered them a camel and sent along a slave named
Mas'ood bin Hanida who accompanied them all the way to
Arrival in Qubaa
The Muslims lifted their weapons and rushed to greet the Prophet
gg. There was a great tumult as everyone ran to the edge of the
desert to catch a glimpse of the travelers. The Prophet^ then
turned towards the right and came to Banu Amr bin Auf at Qubaa.
Many people vied with each other to give shelter to the Prophet
$g, but it was Abu Ayyub Ansari who hurried to lift the saddle
from the she-camel and took it to his home. The Prophet M
remarked humorously, "A man must follow his saddle," and
went along with Abu Ayyub. Asad bin Zurara took hold of the
halter, so he was allowed to take care of the animal.
Suhayb migrates
Muslims in Makkah
Not all the Muslims were able to win their freedom and migrate.
The Makkans rejoiced in the poorer Muslims' increased
vulnerability and tortured them even more to make them renounce
their faith. Waleed bin Waleed, Ayash bin Abi Rabi'a and Hisham
bin Aas 4$> were among this group of unfortunate Muslims. In
Madinah, the Prophet would pray for them and supplicate
against the unbelievers who had held them back. The Muslims
remained patient, however, and were finally rescued by their
brothers in faith and taken to Madinah.
Difficulties in Madinah
The mosque's walls were made of earth and unbaked bricks, its
roof was made from branches of date-trees, and tree trunks served
as columns. Sand and pebbles were spread on the floor.
The mosque had three doors and the Qiblah (a niche in the wall
where the leader of the prayer stands) was made to face in the
direction of Bait Al-Maqdis (Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem).
Two apartments were also built near the mosque for the Prophet's
two wives, Saudah bint Zam £ a and Aishah bint Abu Bakr, whom
the Prophet $g married soon after he arrived in Madinah. These
apartments were built of stone, mud, and date palms.
At last the Muslims had a house of worship all their own. They no
longer had to congregate surreptitiously as they had in Makkah at
Bait Al-Arqam. In Madinah, they began to perform all five prayers
in congregation in the Prophet's Mosque. The only problem was
that the people were unsure of when each prayer wou ld begin. The
Prophet asked his followers for suggestions on how to solve this
problem. Some suggested that a shell or conch should be blown.
Umar, ever direct, proposed that someone should be appointed to
call out loudly, "Prayer is about to begin!" The Prophet M liked
Umar's idea and put it into practice.
Later, however, Abdullah bin Zayd bin Abdu Rabb Al-Ansari had
a dream in which he heard a beautiful prayer call. He related his
dream to the Prophet fi, who realized that the dream was meant to
be fulfilled. He asked Abdullah to teach the words to Bilal bin
Rabah, who had a strong and beautiful voice. Bilal learned the
words and called out to the Muslims of Madinah:
The brotherhood that was born between the Ansar and Muhajireen
was no superficial bond based on sufferance of the Prophet's
instructions, but a deep sense of kinship that is difficult to imagine
today. The Ansar felt such a great responsibility for their Makkan
proteges that once they even went to the Prophet and offered to
give half of their precious date groves to the Muhajireen. When
the Prophet would not allow them to do so, they made a second
suggestion: "The Muhajireen can do some work in the groves and
receive a share from the profits as compensation." The Prophet
accepted this proposal.
Islamic community
"The Ansar and any other tribes who signed a treaty with
them were a distinct Ummah (nation)."
The covenant marked a turning point for Muslims. They were bound
to each other by a solemn undertaking and through the course of
later events, they would prove that the unity, brotherhood and
cooperation sown by the covenant had flowered and borne fruit.
you have provided refuge to the faithless. By God, if you were not
with Abu Safwan, you would not return home safe and sound."
Then the Muslims were allowed to fight any pagan tribe that
allied itself with the Quraysh, or any other pagan tribe that
oppressed Muslims.
Later, the Muslims were permitted to fight any Jewish tribe that
broke its covenant with the Muslims. In such a case, the covenant
was automatically nullified.
Now that Allah had enjoined Muslims to fight in self defense, the
Prophet molded the formerly oppressed, meek community into a
military organization that would fight to survive and would no
longer tolerate the depredations of every tribe that decided to prey
on them. Archery and horsemanship were held out as activities to
excel in. The Prophet gjg organized the Muslims into cavalry units
called Saraya. Sometimes he would accompany these squadrons,
and the expeditions he took part in were called Ghazawat.
The cavalry units undertook four main tasks. Primarily they were
to protect the outskirts of Madinah and to gather intelligence about
any suspicious activities.
Lastly, the units were entrusted with the task of spreading the
message of Islam throughout Arabia.
This was the first Sariyya in the history of Islam. The Muslims
rode beneath a white standard (the first ever used by Muslims)
borne by Abu Marthad bin Haseen Ghanwi *gb.
Then in Safar, 2 A.H., for the first time the Prophet # himself went
out to battle accompanied by seventy Muhajireen. They journeyed
to Abwa or Wadan, but once again they did not come across any
enemies. However, it was during this journey that the Prophet^
finalized a treaty of peace and cooperation with Amr bin Makhshi
al Dhamri.
A new Qiblah
It would have been simple for the Prophet M and his men to seize
the caravan by blockading all three escape routes. Success
depended on the element of surprise, however, and the Muslims
would have to appear only after the caravan pulled into Badr and
seal off all three routes before the Quraysh could react.
Accordingly, the Prophet % and his men left Madinah heading in
the opposite direction from Badr. Once the Prophet M was at a safe
distance away from Madinah, he changed routes and headed
directly for Badr.
The caravan that the Muslims hoped to seize was headed by Abu
Sufyan bin Harb. It consisted of forty men, one thousand camels
and goods worth about fifty thousand dinars. Abu Sufyan was
highly cautious, and he asked every person he met about the
movements of the Muslims. He was at a great distance from Badr
when he found out that a large band of Muslims had left Madinah.
Acting quickly, he turned the caravan westward and headed for the
coast, bypassing Badr altogether. Moreover, he sent a messenger
to Makkah requesting reinforcements.
'You and your Lord go and fight, and we will sit here.'(5:24)
"We will fight along with you on your left and on your right,
in front of you and behind you."
Miqdad 's words gladdened the Prophet H with their sincerity, for he
had worried the Ansar would fight in defense only if they were
attacked in Madinah. After all, the Second Pledge of Aqabah did not
call for the Ansar to fight alongside the Prophet $g outside the city.
The Prophet then asked the men if they all agreed. Sa'd bin
Mu'adh the chieftain of the Ansar, said:
"0 Prophet, I swear by the One Who has sent you with the
Truth, that if you plunge into the sea, we will also plunge in
with you, and not a single man among us will lag behind.
We will not hesitate if you dash against the enemies, for we
are firm in war and bold in the fray. Lead us, and may Allah
bless us and our mission!"
Resolutely the Prophet led his men onward to Badr, and they
arrived there the same night as the Quraysh. The Muslims set up
camp at Al-Udwat Al-Duniya, but Al-Hubab ibn Al-Mundhir
advised the Prophet gjg that they should move ahead and encamp at
the well nearest the enemy so that they could store water in
reservoirs. He also suggested that the rest of the wells be filled up
so that the Quraysh would have no water. The Prophet took
Hubab's brilliant advice and carried out his instructions. The
Muslims then made a small enclosure of palm branches in which
the Prophet would stay while directing his men during the battle.
A group of Ansar youths were put under the command of Sa'd bin
Mu'adh to act as lookouts.
After this, the Prophet H walked around Badr with his men, saying
'This is the spot where so and so will fall in battle tomorrow, God-
willing" He passed the night in prayer at the foot of a tree while a
gentle rain fell and lulled the men into a refreshing sleep. Allah
recounts His favor to the believers in the following verse:
The next morning (Friday, Ramadan 17, 2 A.H. ) the two armies
came face to face. "O Allah! Here come the Quraysh in their
vanity and arrogance," the Prophet $g supplicated. "They deny
You and call Your Prophet a liar. O Allah! Fulfill Your promise
to me! Help us, Allah!"
The Prophet ^ assembled his men and told them not to begin
fighting until he ordered them to do so. "Use arrows only when
they come close, and don't draw your swords unless they are very
near." Abu Bakr 4& then escorted the Prophet to the small
enclosure where the Prophet began to pray to his Lord:
Abu Jahl also prayed: "O God, destroy today the party that seeks
to break filial ties and believes in wrong-doing. O Allah! Help the
party today which is much loved by you."
The Quraysh's three best horsemen, Utbah bin Rabi'a, Shayba bin
Rabi'a, and Waleed bin Utbah, stepped forward and challenged the
Muslims to single combat. In response, three members of the
Ansar came forward, but the challengers were thirsty for the blood
of the Makkan exiles and said, "We want our cousins." The Ansar
withdrew, and Ubaydah bin Harith, Hamzah and Ali came
forward. Hamzah faced Shayba, Ali stood before Waleed, and
Ubaydah accepted Utbah's challenge. Hamzah and Ali both killed
their opponents with ease, but Ubaydah and Utbah had wounded
one another, and neither had the upper hand. AH and Hamzah ran
to Ubaydah's aid and killed his opponent, and then brought
Ubaydah,. who had lost his leg, back to their ranks. Later he died of
this injury at Safra'a on the way back to Madinah.
The Quraysh smarted at having lost three men before the battle had
even begun. They charged at the Muslims, who, encouraged by
their early success, faced the onslaught without flinching.
Proclaiming Allah's Oneness, the Muslims cried out: "Ahadl
Ahadr [One! One!]
The Prophet $g, who was given ^n insight into the supernatural allies
sent to him, turned to Abu Bakr and said, "Rejoice, O Abu Bakr,
Allah's help has come. This is Jibreel, moving ahead with his
horse's bridle in his hand. His garments are besmeared with dirt and
dust " Allah's help came in the form of one thousand angels.
The Prophet % then marched forward toward the fray, and at that
moment the following verse was revealed:
[\V:Jliftl] j&^^^&J^jh^^^}
"It was not you who threw, but Allah." (8:17)
The Prophet 3£ ordered his men to attack, crying out, "Rise!" The
Muslims, outnumbered three to one, were inspired when they saw
that the Prophet himself was present among them and ready to
fight. Supported by the invisible army of angels, the Muslims
swarmed over the Quraysh. The Quraysh fell one after another,
and soon they retreated in disarray. The Muslims followed in
pursuit, slaying some and capturing others.
Satan, who was also present in the guise of Suraqa bin Malik bin
Ju'shum, saw the army of angels, and escaped by plunging into the
Red Sea.
A young boy told Abdul Rahman bin Auf, "Show me Abu Jahl "
"I have been told that he vilifies the Prophet $g. By the One in
Whose hand my life lies, I shall kill him when I see him, or shall
be killed by him!"
Another young boy told Abdul Rahman the same thing. Suddenly,
Abdul Rahman spotted Abu Jahl on the battlefield and pointed him
out to the two young boys. They attacked him fiercely with their
swords, and Abu Jahl fell to the earth. After the battle, they both
presented themselves before the Prophet each claiming to have
killed Abu Jahl. He looked at their swords and proclaimed, "Both
of you have killed him."
The young boys were Mu'adh ibn Afra and Mu'adh ibn Amr. The
first is said to have been martyred in the same battle, but Mu'adh
ibn Amr remained alive till the Caliphate of Uthman The
Prophet g£ gave him Abu JahPs belongings.
Abdullah bin Mas'ood, who found Abu Jahl dying on the battlefield,
placed his leg on his old enemy's neck and caught hold of his beard
to behead him. "Hasn't Allah disgraced you, O enemy of Allah?"
Even as he lay dying Abu Jahl was unrepentant. "For what have I
been disgraced? Is there anybody above the man you have killed? I
only wish someone other than a farmer had killed me. Tell me,
who was victorious today?"
"O herdsman! You have mounted a very difficult place," Abu Jahl
responded. Abdullah then cut his head off and placed it before
the Prophet ^.
"Allah is the Greatest! All praise is due to Allah," the Prophet cried.
"He has proven His promise to be true, helped His servants, and
defeated the opposing army." Gazing at Abu Jahl's head before him,
the Prophet % said, "He was the Pharaoh of his nation."
Day of Distinction
With Abu Jahl's death the Quraysh were humbled. They scattered,
defeated by an army of men and angels, and thus ended the Battle
of Badr. It was fought not for territory, riches, or honor, but to
make belief in Allah victorious over unbelief. The Muslims fought
against their fathers, uncles, sons, brothers, cousins and friends.
Umar 4& killed his maternal uncle, Asi bin Hisham, while Abu
Bakr faced his son, Abdul Rahman, and the Prophet's M uncle
Abbas was captured. Utbah bin Rabi' a, who was one of the first
three to challenge the Muslims in a preliminary duel, fought
against his son, Abu Hudhayfah, one of the Prophet's closest
Companions. Blood ties were severed so that belief would prevail
over unbelief The day came to be called "Yaum Al-FurqarT (the
day tff distinction), because on this day the battle lines were drawn
not according to tribe, but according to belief in Allah.
On the pagan side, seventy men were slain and an equal number
taken captive. Most of the dead were tribal notables and chieftains.
In fact, the bodies of twenty-four pagan chieftains were thrown
into a foul-smelling well.
The Prophet M and his men stayed in Badr for three days. When he
was about to begin the journey back to Madinah, he stood over the
well and called out to each chieftain by name: "O son of so and so!
Do you wish you had obeyed Allah and His Messenger? I have
found that what my Lord promised me is true. Did you find your
lord's promise true?"
"O Prophet H," Umar 4*> asked. "How can you talk to bodies
which have no souls?"
'They hear me just as you do, but they cannot answer," the
Prophet explained.
The pagans who had escaped carried the news of their defeat back
to Makkah. The Makkans were crushed and disgraced. Unwilling
to give the Muslims still in Makkah a chance to see them grieve,
they prohibited mourning over their dead and captured.
The Prophet Ufa sent two messengers to announce the victory to the
people of Madinah. Abdullah bin Rawaha went to northern
Madinah, while Zayd bin Haritha went to southern Madinah. The
people of Madinah had been worried, especially because the Jews
had spread rumors that the mighty Quraysh had overpowered the
Muslims. When the Prophet's messengers arrived, the people
shouted "Alldhu Akbarl Allah is Most Great!" The Muslims were
jubilant. Allah had given them victory, and they were serene in their
belief that Allah would reward those Muslims who fell in battle .
Return to Madinah
Upon hearing the news of the great victory, many of the citizens
from Madinah traveled toward Badr in hopes of being the first to
congratulate the Prophet $5. They met the victorious Muslims in
Ruha, and accompanied them back to Madinah. The sight of the
The captives
When the Prophet M left for the Battle of Badr, his daughter,
Ruqayyah i^p i»i was ill. The Prophet % asked Uthman her
husband, to stay in Madinah to attend to his sick wife. He would get
the same reward, the Prophet % promised him, and an equal share of
the booty as those who fought at Badr. Usama bin Zayd was asked
to stay in Madinah for the same reason. Unfortunately, Ruqayyah
died before the Prophet returned. Usama bin Zayd said, "The news
of the victory came to us after we had already buried Ruqayyah."
The victory Allah granted the Muslims at Badr deeply grieved the
pagans. Revenge was uppermost on their minds, and to this end they
devised plans to inflict heavy losses on the Muslims. As events
show us, Allah, however, turned the tables on the Quraysh and
blessed the Muslims with further triumphs and even more prestige.
Just one week after the return from Badr, or after two and a half
or three months according to some sources, Banu Sulaym began
conscripting an army to invade Madinah. In a preemptive strike,
the Muslims raided their base and came back with booty. Then
Umayr bin Wahab Jumahi and Safwan bin Umayya decided to
assassinate the Prophet $5.
Umayr stole into Madinah, hoping to carry out his mission, but
was apprehended as soon as he entered Madinah. Allah had
revealed Umayr' s motives to the Prophet H, who in turn
disclosed Umayr's secret plan to him. Umayr repented and
embraced Islam.
Even though the victory at Badr was decisive, it did not spell a
reprieve for the Muslims. In fact, each tribe among the pagans and
the Jews took it upon itself to keep up the pressure by harassing
the Muslim state. The Jews of Banu Qaynuqa engaged in openly
hostile acts, and when the Prophet $g called on them to refrain,
they retorted derisively, "Do not delude yourself, Muhammad, just
because some naive fools and simpletons have entered your fold.
Should you ever fight against us, you will test our mettle as men of
valor." The Prophet responded with his customary patience,
which brought forth even more provocation from Banu Qaynuqa.
Banu Qaynuqa started a clash in the market place which resulted in
the death of a Muslim and a Jew. This time the Prophet $j& dealt
with them firmly. He ordered the Muslims to besiege the enemy. It
was Saturday, the middle of Shawwal, 2 A.H. After holding out a
fortnight, Banu Qaynuqa laid down their arms on the night of the
new moon of Dhul Qa'dah. The Prophet 3§ expelled them, driving
them away towards Adhrat in Syria, where most of them died
shortly afterwards.
Expedition of Saweeq
Meanwhile, Abu Sufyan was still smarting over the defeat at Badr.
He thirsted for another military encounter, one which he felt sure
would go their way, and swore he would not bathe until he had
fought with Muhammad ^ again. With an army of two hundred
men, he came to Madinah, seeking to acquit himself of his oath.
Intent on spreading destruction, they raided a settlement named
Arid, hacked and burned a number of precious date trees, and got
away after killing two of the Ansar.
The next thorn in the Muslims' side was Ka'b bin Ashraf, an
extremely wealthy Jewish poet whose enmity for the Muslims and
their Prophet $g was unrelenting. Ka'b would use his considerable
poetic talent to compose and recite derogatory verses against the
Prophet his Companions, and the honor of Muslim women,
while he eulogized their sworn enemies and incited them to fight
the Muslims. Immediately after the Battle of Badr, he traveled to
Makkah to stir up passions. To an already bloodthirsty and
enraged Quraysh, he orated at length, bidding them to extract
Ka'b was a skilled demagogue, and given the high esteem poetry
and poets had in Arab society, his words worked a spell on the
Quraysh. His call for revenge was welcome as was his assurance
that the Quraysh were on a higher spiritual plane than the
Muslims. He exhorted them to learn a lesson from what had
happened with Banu Qaynuqa.
The Quraysh were a willing audience, and they swore to act on
Ka'b's advice. Having wound up his propaganda campaign against
the Muslims, Ka'b returned tcf Madinah to continue his subversive
acts against the Muslim state. When the Prophet % heard about
Ka'b's return to Madinah, he said to his Companions, "Ka'b bin
Ashraf has offended Allah and His Messenger. Who will rid me of
Instantly, the others struck with their swords, but with no success.
Finally, Muhammad bin Muslimah used his axe to strike Ka'b's
abdomen. As the axe cleaved his body, Ka'b died screaming
horribly. The sound of the disturbance roused Ka'b's men, who lit
torches around the top of the fort, but they did not find the five men
who got away, having silenced their most vocal enemy at last.
Umayya and were not overly concerned at the risks involved since
the route went through Najd, far from Madinah and the menace of
the Muslims.
When the booty from the caravan was evaluated, its worth stood at
a hundred thousand dirhams. With this raid, the Muslims had
inflicted on the Quraysh an economic defeat as devastating as the
military one at Badr.
Now the Quraysh had two humiliating episodes to live down. Badr
and Qardah were bitter losses, and it was time to channel all their
anger and hatred into a military strike against the Muslims.
Preparations began at a furious pace as the Quraysh launched a
recruitment drive and admitted voluntary soldiers and anyone with
a personal grudge against the Muslims, especially those who had
lost fathers, sons or brothers at Badr.
The Prophet M had been expecting the enemy for a week. He had
already set up a patrol system around Madinah to ensure the city's
safety and had declared a state of emergency.
When the Makkan army arrived, the Prophet M sought the counsel
of his Companions regarding further defensive measures. His plan
was to remain in the city, with the men facing the enemy at the
entrance of lanes and alleys, and the women attacking from the
rooftops of their houses.
When the plan was outlined before the community, the Hypocrites
among them, those who had become Muslim as a matter of
convenience, were happy not to be out on the battlefield. Their
leader, Abdullah bin Ubayy, supported the plan, since he could
then sit safely at home without being accused of falling back from
the battle. Some of the young men, however, were eager to meet
the enemy in open combat, and pressed for a direct military
encounter. The Prophet H agreed to their demands, and
accordingly, he divided his army into three squads — one squad
consisted of the Muhajireen (migrants) with Mus'ab bin Umayr as
the standard bearer, another comprised the Aus tribe with Usayd
bin Hudair as the standard bearer, and the third unit consisted of
the Khazraj with Hubab bin Mundhir as the standard bearer.
After 'Asr prayer, the Prophet $g set out towards Mount Uhud and
inspected his troops at Shaykhayn. He decided to send back the
youths among them in his desire to keep them safe. However, he
later allowed Rafi bin Khadij to stay on, for he was a good archer
whose skills would prove useful. Up came Samura bin Jundab
"If you go ahead, we shall embrace you, and spread carpets;
if you retreat, we shall take offense and be estranged."
Fighting begins
When both armies drew near, the standard bearer of the pagans,
the most valiant man of the Quraysh, Talha bin Abi Talha Abdari,
came forward on his camel and issued a challenge. He was
answered by Zubayr bin Awwam Zubayr jumped on to Talha' s
camel, threw him down to the ground and slew him. "Alldhu
Akbarl" cried the Prophet and all his men echoed the cry.
After the first ritual encounter, the two armies set upon each other.
Khalid bin Waleed, who was then head of the pagan cavalry,
attempted three times to reach the rear. Each time he was pushed
back by the shower of arrows launched by the Muslim rearguards.
When Khalid bin Waleed saw the sudden vacuum created by the
disappearance of the Muslim rearguards, he decided it was time to
strike again. He and his men wiped out the ten archers guarding
the rear. They then went around the mountain and surprised the
Muslims from behind. Now that the Muslims were surrounded,
Khalid's cavalrymen raised a war cry and rushed back to retrieve
their lost honor.
Standing at the rear along with seven of the Ansar and two men
from the Muhajireen, the Prophet M clearly saw Khalid's
cavalrymen appear from behind the mountain, and he called out at
the top of his voice, "O servants of Allah, come to me!" The
pagans, who were positioned closer to him, heard him call out.
One of their squadrons followed his voice and charged his way in
a bid to finish him off before help could arrive. As the enemy
approached, the Prophet said: "Whoever protects me from them
deserves Paradise and will be my Companion in Paradise." A man
from the Ansar heard the Prophet's call for help and rushed to
shield him at the expense of his own life. The enemy surged
toward the Prophet 3£ and drew even closer. The Prophet repeated
his call, and another of his Companions advanced on the enemies
and made them retreat at the cost of his life. One by one, all seven
Ansar fell trying to save the Prophet.
When the seventh Ansari was slain, only two of the Muhajireen,
Talha bin Ubaydullah and Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas remained with the
Prophet $g. Now the pagans directed their main attack at the
Prophet $g. A rock flew at him, and he fell on his side. One of his
lower right teeth was broken, his lower lip was cut, and his helmet
was broken, exposing his head and forehead. As an enemy soldier
thrust his sword at the Prophet H, he caught his bone below the
eye, and two rings from the Prophet's helmet pierced his face.
Someone else struck the Prophet's shoulder with a blow so
powerful that it left him in severe pain for about a month. Luckily,
he escaped severe injury because of his double coat of mail.
Even as the Ansar and Muhajireen were risking their own lives to
keep the Prophet $g safe, he had incurred injury. Sa'dbinAbi
Waqqas unleashed a volley of arrows at the pagans, and the
Prophet M kept supplying him with more arrows from his own
quiver, saying encouragingly, "Keep shooting. May my mother
and father be sacrificed for you." There was Talha bin Ubaydullah
fighting against the whole band of enemies, as if he were the only
one on the field. By the end of the battle, he had 35 or 39 injuries.
Talha shielded the Prophet % from the enemies' arrows and
swords with his hands until his fingers bled profusely and were
palsied. As the arrows pierced his fingers, he gasped involuntarily.
The Prophet comforted him: "If you had said Bismillah, you would
have been lifted by the angels before the very eyes of the people."
first to come to his side was Abu Bakr 4*> along with Abu Ubaydah
bin Jarrah. Abu Bakr saw the helmet rings embedded in the
Prophet's face and tried to extract them, but it was Abu Ubaydah
who succeeded in pulling out the metal rings with his teeth, losing
two of them in the process. Then they advanced together to sustain
the severely wounded Talha bin Ubaydullah.
Friend and foe alike gravitated toward the Prophet $g, who quite
naturally was the focal point of the whole scene. Among the
Muslims Abu Dujana, Mus'ab bin Umayr, Umar bin Khattab and
Ali bin Abi Talib flanked the Prophet even as the pagan soldiers
continued to swarm around him, their attacks penetrating deeper
and deeper. The Muslims took all possible measures to beat them
back. Some of them were shooting arrows, others putting up
defenses, some fighting on fiercely while others resorted to
deflecting arrows with their hands.
The crisis receded only when Ka'b bin Malik caught a glimpse of
the Prophet making his way to join the besieged Muslims. Ka'b
recognized the Prophet's eyes although his face was covered with
the helmet. He cried loudly: "O Muslims, rejoice! Here is the
In the ravine
When the Muslims came out of the siege and holed themselves up
in the ravine, some individual skirmishes continued between the
Muslims and pagan soldiers. The pagans chose to engage in small
strikes rather than start another large-scale battle. They would
remain in the battlefield for short periods, men and women alike
hunting for their fallen Muslim enemies and mutilating them. Abu
Sufyan's wife, Hind bint Utbah, had thirsted for Hamzah's blood
since she had lost her kinsmen to Hamzah's sword. When she saw
Hamzah's body, in a gruesome act of vendetta she cut out his
belly, extracted his liver and chewed it, but as she could not
swallow it, she spat it out.
Ubayy bin Khalaf made another effort to kill the Prophet $g, but was
himself struck down. The Prophet used his lance to unhorse
Ubayy, who bellowed like a wounded ox as he rolled down from his
mount. He died at Sarf near Makkah trying to go back to his lines.
A few more men of the Quraysh came headed by Abu Sufyan and
Khalid bin Waleed. They scaled the mountain at different points to
overtake the Muslims at several places. Umar, along with a band
of Muhajireen, fought them back and forced them to descend.
According to some sources Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas shot three of
their men dead with his arrows.
Abu Sufyan and Khalid bin Waleed decided after the last abortive
attempt to defeat the Muslims that it was time to return to Makkah.
They were satisfied at the damage they had wrought. Even though
they had lost twenty-two of their own, they had killed a great
number of Muslims. The Muslim body count stood at seventy.
Forty-one of the martyrs were from the Khazraj tribe, twenty-four
from the Aus, and four from the Muhajireen. A Jew was also killed.
At the Muslim camp, it was time to rest and take stock. When the
Prophet M finally sat down to rest, Ali fetched water for him to
drink from Mehra, a stream in Uhud. The water smelled so
unpleasant that the Prophet gjg couldn't drink it. However, he
washed his face with it and the rest he poured over his head. His
wound started bleeding again, and Fatimah burnt a piece of
matting and dressed her father's wounds with the ashes to stop the
bleeding. Muhammad bin Muslimah fetched fresh water that the
Prophet M drank gratefully. Because of his wounds, he prayed
Zuhr sitting, and his Companions adopted the same posture.
The Muslim men were joined by their women who tended to the
injured. Among them were Aishah, Umm Ayman, Umm Sulaym
and Umm Sulayt who fetched drinking water in leather flasks, and
served it to the wounded.
Both sides were in a mode of retreat. When the pagans were poised
to return to Makkah, Abu Sufyan appeared on Mount Uhud and
shouted: "Is Muhammad among you?" Nobody responded from
the Muslim side. Abu Sufyan then shouted: "Is Abu Bakr, the son
of Abu Qahafa among you?" Once more he was met with silence.
He shouted a third time: "Is Umar bin Khattab among you?" This
call also went unanswered because the Prophet had forbidden
the Muslims to make any reply.
The silence satisfied Abu Sufyan, who called out jubilantly, "We
have finally been relieved of those three". Hearing these words,
Umar 4&> impetuously roared: "O enemy of Allah, all whom you
named are alive, and Allah Almighty has more disgrace in store
for you."
Abu Sufyan then shouted, "We have Uzza while you have none".
The Prophet M bade his followers answer, "Allah is our Lord but
you have none."
Umar retorted, "The scores are certainly not even, for our dead
have gone to Paradise and yours to Hell" Taken aback at Umar's
conviction, Abu Sufyan conceded, "You people consider it so, and
if it is true we are losers."
Then Abu Sufyan called Umar closer and said, "Umar, I ask you in
the name of Allah if we have killed Muhammad."
Umar swore, "By Allah, this is not true, and he is listening to what
you say."
Abu Sufyan was convinced about the truth of Umar' s words and
complimented his enemy, "To me you are more truthful and
upright than Ibn Qam'a." With his parting words, he issued a
challenge, "We shall meet again at Badr next year." At this, the
Prophet M had a Companion affirm, "Yes, it is an appointment
between us."
After this exchange, Abu Sufyan went back, and the pagan troops
began leaving the area. They rode their camels and kept their
horses by their side to indicate the end of the battle and that they
were headed for Makkah. Their inexplicable decision to head back
was nothing but a sign of Allah's grace upon the Muslims, for
nothing stood between the pagans and Madinah. Had they pressed
on they would have found no opposition in the defenseless city,
and the course of history would have been entirely different.
with water dripping from it. The Prophet explained to his men,
"The angels are bathing him." Apparently, the newly married
Handhla had just consummated his marriage when the call for
Jihad was made. Without even stopping to bathe, he left his bride
and rushed into the battlefield. Handhla fought heroically and was
martyred, so the Prophet % explained that the angels were bathing
him to purify his body. Handhla was forever remembered as
"Ghaseel Al-Malaaika" (one bathed by the angels).
It was time to bury Hamzah as well. The dead hero had earned
Allah's pleasure, and that was more rewarding than the ostentation
of a grand burial. In fact, he was shrouded in a sheet so small that
when his head was covered, his feet were bared and when his feet
were covered, his head was exposed. Some rushes were then put
over his feet.
Back to Madinah
The martyrs had been buried and Allah's blessings invoked upon
them. Now it was time for the Prophet M to return to Madinah. On
the way, he stopped to give solace to some women whose relatives
had fallen in the field. His invocation of Allah's blessings upon
them comforted them immensely.
Many of the bereaved Muslims bore their losses with patience and
took comfort in knowing that their Prophet ^ was safe, although
they had lost their own loved ones in the bargain. The following
incident illustrates the priority the Muslims placed on the
Prophet's safety. A group of Muslims returning from the battle
encountered a woman from the tribe of Banu Dinar. Her husband,
brother and father had all been killed at Uhud. When she was told
of each of their deaths, she responded each time, "First tell me
about the Prophet." The people replied, "Thanks to Allah he is
safe." But the woman was not satisfied with the men's assurances
and asked to see for herself how the Prophet was. When the
people brought her to him, she said simply, "Now that you are
safe, every grief has vanished."
Back in Madinah the Muslims spent the night on high alert. After
all, they were still in a state of emergency. Exhausted and
wounded, they were also overcome by deep sorrow and remorse at
the actions of a few who had risked the life of the Prophet^
himself. They all insisted on guarding the Prophet. The Prophet,
on the other hand, felt that it was far more important to monitor the
retreating enemy's movements carefully. He wanted to be
prepared in case of a surprise attack on Madinah.
The very next morning, the Prophet M sent a crier to announce that
all those who had fought in the Battle of Uhud should prepare to
pursue the enemy. Every Muslim who had fought at Uhud the day
before followed the Prophet M out of Madinah regardless of
fatigue and injury. Thus they set out from Madinah and camped at
Hamra Al-Asad, eight miles away.
The pagans were camped at Rawha, thirty-six miles from
Madinah, holding a war council. Much recrimination was traded as
the troops berated their leaders. Why had they squandered the
advantage by not entering Madinah?
The ruse worked. The Makkan troops lost their bravado, and Abu
Sufyan confined his response to a similar scare campaign. He
decided to do some saber rattling of his own. He instructed a
caravan to scare the Muslims by saying that the Makkans were
ready for another round. Meanwhile, Abu Sufyan and his soldiers
hurried back to Makkah.
[wr: JT]
Khubayb had killed Harith bin Amir bin Naufal in the battle of
Badr, and now Harith's son laid claim to Khubayb's life. Khubayb
suffered in prison for some time and then he was carried to
Tanyeem to be slain. Before his execution he prayed two Rak'ahs.
He prayed for Allah's wrath to overtake his killers, and as he faced
his death he recited two couplets:
"I care not if I am slain a Muslim, and I care not which side
of mine is brutalized. This is for Allah, and if He so wills,
He will bless the flesh of every joint."
Khubayb was dead, and now Zayd bin Dathinna awaited death at
the hands of Safwan bin Umayya. Safwan was given the right to
slay Zayd in retribution for the death of his father, Umayya bin
Mahrath, at Badr. Some Muslim sources have attributed the
above quoted verbal encounter between Abu Sufyan and
Khubayb to Zayd bin Dathinna.
About the same period, the Muslims suffered another setback more
tragic than that at Raj'i. Abu Baraa Amir bin Malik, who was known
as "Mal'ab Al-lnsd" (one who plays with lances), sought an audience
with the Prophet ^, who then invited him to Islam. Abu Baraa neither
accepted nor rejected the Prophet's counsel. He chose instead to
volunteer his own opinion about the inclination of the people of Najd
toward Islam. He suggested that if the Prophet %s sent some of his
Companions to Najd the people there would enter Islam. He also
assured the Prophet $g that the Muslims would be under his protection.
Aamir then called out to the tribe of Banu Amir to attack the rest
of the Muslims, but they refused to break the pledge of protection
made by Abu Bara. Aamir then called upon Banu Sulaym and
some of its sub-tribes such as Ral, Dhakwan, Lehyan and Usayya,
who readily came to besiege the Companions and put all of them
to death save Ka'b bin Zayd and Amr bin Umayya. Ka'b bin Zayd
was wounded, and left for dead. Later he was rescued from the
scene of the carnage, and he recovered only to be martyred in the
Battle of the Trench.
Amr bin Umayya Damri had been grazing his camels along with
Mundhir bin Uqba when he saw the vultures hovering at Bir
Ma'una. Instantly he guessed the outcome of the Muslims' visit to
Aamir bin Tufayl. Mundhir rushed to the spot to rescue his brother
Muslims. He took on the enemy and fought until he was
overcome. As for Amr bin Umayya, he was taken captive but
proved to be more fortunate than the rest of his Muslim brothers.
When Aamir bin Tufayl was told that the prisoner belonged to the
Mudir tribe, he simply took off a lock of Amr's hair as a trophy
and freed him in fulfillment of a vow made by his mother.
Both the incidents at Bir Ma una and Raj'i deeply anguished the
Prophet He had sent two missions of peace, and both had ended
tragically in the same month. It is said that he received the news of
both the tragedies the same night. He found solace in prayer
(Qunoot\ supplicating for the martyred Muslims and calling down
Allah's punishment on their killers. For thirty days, each morning
after Fajr the Prophet M prayed against the murderers until at last
he received a revelation. Allah informed him that He had indeed
met His martyred slaves. He was pleased with them, and they had
been no less pleased with their Lord's treatment of them.
The Prophet $5 allowed the Jews to take all their belongings except
their arms. They carried with them whatever they could — even the
doors, windows, and beams of their houses.
"Allah drove out the faithless tribe of Jews from their homes
at the first gathering. You did not think that they would
leave, and they thought their fortresses would protect them
from Allah! But Allah approached them in a way they did
not expect and cast terror in their hearts. Their homes were
destroyed by their own hands as well as by the believers.
Reflect on this event, those of you who have eyes!" (59:2)
Abu Sufyan had left Uhud with the promise of another military
encounter the following year, and with the arrival of Sha'ban, 4
A.H., the Prophet M preempted his adversary in a march towards
Abu Sufyan also set out with an army of 2000 soldiers, including
50 cavalrymen, but from the start he appeared to be lacking fire.
Upon arriving at the venue he remarked to his men, "Battle is
suitable when there is freshness and greenery throughout so that
the animals can graze and we can also drink milk. But now as
there is drought everywhere, I am going back. You people should
follow me." Abu Sufyan 's entire army seemed to share his
sentiments and tamely marched back without meeting the enemy.
After the expedition against Banu Nadir and the meek departure of
the Quraysh from Badr, a year and a half went by without any
disturbances. It seemed that the Muslims were finally free to
spread their religion and bring about changes in their environment
and daily lives, but the idyll was soon to be disrupted.
The Prophet divided his men into units of ten with each unit
responsible for digging forty cubits. He himself participated in the
task of digging the trench and carrying loads of earth. It was a
massive undertaking, and the Muslims worked steadily. Their
morale soared as they relied on their faith in Allah and their
devotion to His Prophet $fe for moral sustenance. The Companions
sang praises of Allah and the Prophet joined in. When the Prophet
sang the Companions responded. They bore with quiet heroism the
rigorous hardships before them, particularly the biting coJd and
gnawing hunger. A handful of barley was procured and cooked in
rancid, foul smelling fat. Swallowing the food was a challenge in
On one occasion, Jabir bin Abdullah could not bear to see the
Prophet assailed by severe hunger. He slaughtered an ewe, and his
wife ground about 2 1/2 kilograms of barley. He then went to the
Prophet 3£ and discreetly invited him and a few of the Prophet's
Companions. The Prophet % accepted the invitation, but brought
everyone along — all one thousand of them. Everyone ate until he
was full, but the pot remained replete and the bread continued to
bake unchecked.
The soil the men encountered was rocky and obdurate. Jabir and
his group struck a particularly rocky patch that failed all their
efforts. The problem was brought to the notice of the Prophet
and as he struck it with his pick, it crumbled into a mound of pliant
Other obstacles became oracles with Allah's grace. Baraa and his
unit came across a large rock. The Prophet M knelt and said
Bismillah before he used his pick. A piece of the rock came loose
with a light emerging from it. The Prophet M said, "Alldhu Akbarl
The keys of Syria have been given to me, and right now I see its
red castle."
The Prophet then struck a second blow with his pick and
received tidings of the imminent victory over Persia; the last blow
signified the conquest of Yemen. In this way the entire rock was
demolished, with each blow bringing the Muslims hope.
But Allah Almighty kept the believers firm on that occasion. He says:
Finally, one day a party of the pagan cavalry comprising Amr bin
Abdu Wudd, Ikrama bin Abi Jahl, Dharar bin Khattab and a few
The rest of the polytheists darted back to their horses. They were
so disconcerted that Ikrama left his lance trying to flee, and Naufal
bin Abdullah fell into the trench and was put to death by the
Muslims. At the end of the skirmish, ten pagans and six Muslims
lay dead.
An arrow hit Sa'd bin Mu'adh and his jugular vein was severed,
but miraculously he survived his injury. He had prayed to Allah to
preserve his life only if the decisive battle against the Quraysh was
yet to be fought. His other supplication had been to stay alive to
see the destruction of Banu Quraydha, and as we shall see, his
prayer was answered.
After the Battle of Uhud, the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraydha had
entered into a pact with the Prophet gg. But in the midst of the battle
of the trench, Huyay bin Akhtab, the chieftain of Banu Nadir, met
Ka'b bin Asad, the chieftain of Banu Quraydha, and got him to
renege on the agreement. After some initial hesitation, Ka'b broke
the covenant and sided with the Quraysh and the pagans.
Zayd bin Haritha with another 300 men to protect the Muslim
women and children. Moreover, Sa'd bin Mu'adh and Sa'd bin
Ubada were sent behind them to investigate the matter.
dared not expect even a grain. Today, when Allah has given us
Islam and conferred honor upon us through you, are we expected
to give them our goods? By Allah, we shall offer them our swords
alone." The Prophet % found their argument reasonable and
dropped the idea of sending the offer.
At this point, when war seemed imminent, Nu'aym bin Mas 'ood
Ashaja'i came to the Prophet $g. He belonged to the Ghatfan tribe
and had strong ties with both the Quraysh and the Jews. He
confided, "O Messenger of Allah, I have embraced Islam and my
people are still unaware of my faith. What is your command?" The
Prophet $g said, "You are alone. What can you do? However, try to
split them if you can, for war is nothing but strategy."
After having sown the seeds of disquiet, Nu'aym left to meet with
the Quraysh. Then addressing all the chieftains collectively, he
began: "You know I am a great well-wisher of you all." They all
chorused their assent. Nu'aym continued: "Now I shall tell you
something, but you must keep it a secret."
Nu'aym said, 'The Jews regret the breach of trust they have
committed. They fear that you will go back, leaving them at
Muhammad's mercy. To appease Muhammad, they have offered
to hand you over to him as hostages. Stay alert and do not yield
anyone hostage if they should ask you to do so."
Then Nu'aym called on the Ghatfan with the same ploy. His
stratagem succeeded in creating mutual suspicion among the allies.
When Abu Sufyan sent a message to Banu Quraydha to launch a
joint attack the following day, he got a cold response. The
Quraydha answered, "It is Saturday, and we cannot fight.
Calamities have befallen us only because we broke the rules of the
Sabbath. Secondly, we refuse to fight along with you unless you
send us hostages. You might leave for your destinations and leave
us defenseless/'
At this the Quraysh and the Ghatfan said, "By God, Nu'aym was
right." The Quraysh then sent a message to the Quraydha
informing them that they would not send any hostages and insisted
on them setting out for battle. At this rejoinder Banu Quraydha
said, "Nu'aym spoke the truth." The alliance was thus shattered.
The enemy forces had assembled in Shawwal, 5 A.H., and for one
long month the Muslims had lived under the threat of a massive
attack on all fronts. It was in Dhul Qa'dah that the enemy coalition
finally dispersed. It had been their biggest ever attempt to capture
Madinah and annihilate the Muslims, but Allah had confounded
their machinations. With the failure of such hardy warriors as the
Quraysh and Banu Ghatfan, quite naturally the smaller enemy
tribes took heed. They did not dare take on the Muslims, and
Madinah was safe at last. The Prophet $| declared to his men:
"Now we shall attack them and they will not attack us. Our army
will march upon them from now on."
Battle of Banu Quraydha
arrived to lay siege. The Jews sent word to the Prophet that they
wished to consult with Abu Lababa, who was then sent there as
chief negotiator. Seeing him approach, the men rushed towards
him while their women and children began to weep bitterly. Their
tears and lamentations moved Abu Lubaba deeply. They said to
him, "Do you think it desirable that we submit to Muhammad?"
The wound Sa'd had received in the Battle of the Trench had left
him confined to Madinah. He was summoned to the Muslim camp,
and as he rode up, the Prophet $g said to the people, "Rise up to
help him." Obediently the people rose and advanced to help Sa 4 d.
They milled around him clamoring, "Sa'd, treat your allies kindly."
Sa'd did not reply. When the people grew insistent with their
pleas, he said, 'This is the time when Sa'd cares least about the
reproaches of those who reproach Allah Almighty."
When Sa'd dismounted, and he was told that Banu Quraydha had
declared their willingness to accept his verdict, he pronounced his
judgment — the men were to be killed, the women and children to
be taken captive, and the property to be divided among the Muslim
Along with them, Huyayy bin Akhtab, the chieftain of Banu Nadir
was also killed. He was one of those twenty chieftains of the Jews
who had orchestrated the alliance between the Quraysh and Banu
Ghatfan. He it was who had swayed Banu Quraydha to break their
p$ct with the Muslims, pledging them his support and saying he was
ready to share their fate. He remained with them during the siege and
their subsequent surrender, and was finally put to death with them.
1500 swords, 300 coats of mail, 2000 lances, 500 shields, and a
large number of goods, vessels, and livestock. The Prophet M then
kept one-fifth of the date palms and the captives, and he divided
the rest of the booty among the soldiers — the foot soldiers got one
part and the cavaliers received three parts of the whole — one
portion for the soldier and two for his horse.
The prisoners were sent to Najd and arms bought in lieu of them.
However, the Prophet chose Rayhana bint Zayd bin Amr bin
Khanafah for himself. It is said that he married her after setting her
free. She died after the Prophet's Farewell Hajj.
When the Muslims did away with Banu Quraydha, the prayer of
Sa'd bin Mu'adh, the righteous servant of Allah, was answered. He
lay in a tent by the Prophet's mosque so that the Prophet could
visit him and inquire after his health. One day a she-goat leaped on
him and caused his wound to bleed again. Sa'd succumbed to his
injury. It is said that angels lifted his coffin.
Abu Rafi was a wealthy Jewish merchant from Hijaz who had
settled in Khaybar. He was instrumental in organizing the coalition
against the Muslims. Once the threat of the coalition receded and
the Banu Quraydha were put to the sword, it was decided that Abu
Rafi was too dangerous to be left unchecked. Muslims from the
Aus tribe had killed Ka'b bin Ashraf and eliminated a major threat
against the Muslims. Their success had brought them acclaim from
the community. Now the Khazraj tribe wanted the assignment to
silence Abu Rafi, and five men from among them rose to carry out
the mission in Dhul Hijjah, 5 A.H.
"Who is out there?" Abu Rafi asked. Abdullah followed the voice
and struck Abu Rafi with his sword, managing to injure but not
kill him. Abu Rafi screamed in pain. Unfazed, Abdullah left the
room only to reenter pretending to be one of the household.
Disguising his voice, he came up and inquired, "Abu Rafi, what
was that noise?"
leg. His turban wound around his leg, he sat down in the shadows
by the gate waiting until cockcrow when a man intoned from atop
the wall of the fortress, "I announce the death of Abu Rafi, the
merchant of Hijaz."
"I expect good, for if you kill me, you will kill one whose blood
will be avenged. If you show me favor, you will show it to one
who is gracious; if you want property, you will be given as much
as you wish."
The Prophet M left him there. The following day the same question
was asked with the same answer being given. The third day at the
end of the same conversation the Prophet ^ ordered Thumama
•released. Thumama, it seems, had spent the three days in
contemplation of issues more profound than the matter of his
release, for upon being freed he bathed and asked to be admitted
into Islam. Later, he said to the Prophet "I swear to Allah, O
In Usfan, in the heart of the Hijaz, lived Banu Lihyan, the tribe that
had ambushed the seventy Muslims at Raj'i. The memory of that
tragic incident filled the Prophet H with the desire to punish Banu
Lihyan, but he was forced to deal with several emergencies that
demanded his attention, the Battle of the Trench was one among
them. Soon, however, the calm following the failed coalition gave
him the opportunity to claim retribution. With an army of two
hundred men and twenty cavaliers, he marched upon the
murderous Banu Lihyan in Rabi £ Al-Awwal, 6 A.H.
The party reached Batn Gharan, a valley between Amj and Usfan,
site of the massacre. There the Prophet prayed for the martyrs
and halted for two days. When Banu Lihyan heard of the march
against them, they took refuge in the hills and eluded capture, so
the Prophet |£ went on to Usfan with a squad of ten cavaliers in the
vanguard. They moved up to Karaa 5 Al-Ghamaim. After fourteen
days, the Muslim forces returned to Madinah.
cavaliers headed by Zayd bin Haritha to 'Is. The caravan was led
by Abul Aas, the husband of Zaynab, one of the Prophet's four
daughters. Husband and wife had been estranged for three years,
since Zaynab had migrated to Madinah with her father after her
husband refused to accept Islam. The Muslims rounded up the
entire caravan except for Abul Aas, who fled to Madinah and took
shelter with Zaynab. He asked her to intervene and to request her
father for the return of the caravan's cargo. The Prophet M granted
Zaynab' s request.
Abul Aas, known for his trading skills and his integrity, went back
to Makkah, returned the goods to their rightful owners, and then
embraced Islam. He then migrated to Madinah, where he was
reunited with Zaynab. Since the verse forbidding marriage
between unbelievers and Muslim women had not yet been
revealed, the marriage was kept intact.
The Prophet $g sent a number of cavalry units (Saraya) during this
period. They were significant in that they quelled enemy uprisings
and established peace and order in far off areas.
Among the expeditions sent by the Prophet, the one against Banu
Al-Mustaliq in Sha'ban, 5 or 6 A.H., was a prominent event in
Islamic history. A branch of the Banu Khuzaa clan, which was on
friendly terms with the Muslims, Banu Al-Mustaliq had sided with
the Quraysh and were preparing for an attack on the Prophet
Baridah bin Khusayb was sent to gather intelligence and came
back to Madinah and confirmed the report. Once more it was time
for the Prophet M to leave Madinah in the hands of another, some
say it was Zayd bin Haritha and march out against the enemy.
While the Muslims were at the spring in Muraysi, a man from the
Ansar clashed with a Muhajir. The Ansari was beaten and called
the other Ansar to his rescue, while the Muhajir called out to the
Muhajireen. The people who came up polarized themselves
according to their place of origin — Makkah and Madinah. As the
calls "O Ansar\" "O Muhajireen' rang out, the Prophet M
recognized the ugly spirit of factionalism threatening the
brotherhood of the Muslims, and he intervened immediately.
U I am still among you," he said. "I hear calls from the Days of
Ignorance. Ignore them, for they are foul." Contritely, the two
groups dispersed and returned to the path of brotherhood and
Ironically, Abdullah's son, who bore the same name as his father,
was a true believer who was incensed at his father's machinations.
He rushed to Madinah ahead of the returning troops and stood
there barring his father's way. As he faced his father, he said:
The Prophet % told Abdullah to allow his father back into Madinah,
and a mortified Abdullah bin Ubayy brooded over how to destroy
the peace. What had begun as a simple disagreement between two
men at a spring had escalated into a rift dividing an entire
community and a father and his son, but this episode also showed
that the only kinship of consequence is through righteousness and
The journey back to Madinah was long, and after a halt, late one
night, the Prophet M decided to break camp. 'Aishah &\ ^> j9
who realized she had lost her necklace, had gone off to look for it
and returned to find the camp had moved on without her. Although
her empty howdah (riding enclosure) seemed very light, the men
who saddled it ascribed it to 'Aishah's diminutive frame. She, on
the other hand, fell asleep unafraid. Surely they would discover her
absence and would return for her, she thought.
She lay sleeping until she was discovered by Safwan bin Mu'attal
Salami a Companion of the Prophet. Safwan, who was a heavy
sleeper and a late riser, had been assigned to retrieve anything
inadvertently left behind by the troops. His job was to follow the
trail left by the marching troops. When he drew near, he
recognized Aishah, whom he had seen in the days before veiling
was enjoined upon Muslim women.
'Aishah, on the other hand, fell ill after her return to Madinah and
remained confined to bed for a month. Although Madinah was
buzzing with the scurrilous and false rumors of her clandestine
meeting with Safwan, she was unaware of what was being said. The
only hurt she felt was through an awareness that her husband was
uncharacteristically cold and distant with her. Where was the
tenderness he reserved for her? Why did he leave immediately after
inquiring about her health without even sitting by her side?
Moreover, he had nothing to say to her after exchanging greetings.
Following this consultation, the Prophet $jg ascended the pulpit and
declared that it was up to the people to seek redress from the one
whose evil had touched even their Prophet's household. His words
were taken to heart by the chieftain of the Aus tribe, who
pronounced the death sentence on Abdullah bin Ubayy for
beginning the scandal. Since Abdullah bin Ubayy belonged to the
Khazraj tribe, their chieftain took the sentence as an affront to the
entire tribe. More disunity and ill will were bred until the Prophet
intervened to heal the breach.
By then 'Aishah herself had recovered from her illness, and one
night she went to relieve herself accompanied by Umm Mistah. In
the darkness, Umm Mistah tripped over her sheet and then
proceeded to curse her son. 'Aishah rebuked her for her
imprecation, but the lady told 'Aishah she was justified in cursing
him. After all, wasn't he also parroting the same lies about
"What lies," asked 'Aishah? The whole story came rushing out,
and Aishah listened silently. When she returned it was to ask the
Prophet's permission to go to her parents' house. Once she got
there her parents sorrowfully confirmed that all of Madinah was
whispering about 'Aishah and Safwan. The tears would not stop.
Two nights and a day went by, and Aishah cried while her parents
watched and wept too.
After the second night had passed, the Prophet |g came to see
'Aishah. Struggling with his own emotions, he said, as befitting
the spiritual head of the community and her husband, '"Aishah! I
have come to know of this and that about you. If you are innocent,
Allah will bring your innocence to light. If you have sinned, then
repent and seek Allah's forgiveness, for He forgives those who
"By Allah, I know that the lie has been repeated so much so
that it has stuck to your hearts and you people have taken it
as true. Now if I say I am innocent — and Allah knows well
that I am innocent — you will not accept it as true. In case I
confess anything — and Allah knows very well that I am
quite innocent — you will take it as true. Thus, I, for myself
and for you, say what the father of Yusuf SSSl said:
With these words she turned her back on the Prophet % and lay
down. At that moment, Allah sent the Prophet $S a revelation.
When the state of inspiration ended, the Prophet^ was smiling.
He said, "O Aishah! Allah has declared you innocent!"
Aishah's reply was, "By Allah! I shall not get up to face him. I
shall praise Allah alone."
did they not assume the best about their own people and say,
This allegation is an obvious lie?' Why did they not bring
four witnesses to prove the accusation was true? Since they
did not produce any witnesses, they stand as liars before
Allah. And were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on
you in this world and in the Hereafter, you would have been
seized by a tremendous punishment for what you uttered.
You said something that you had no knowledge of and
considered it but a small thing, but to Allah it was a very
great matter. And when you heard the slanderous lie, why
did you not say, 'We should not talk about this. Glory be to
Allah! This is a most serious allegation!' Allah admonishes
you to never behave in such a way again if you are indeed
believers. And Allah makes His signs, lessons and
revelations clear for you, for He is All-Knowing, All-Wise."
Hassan bin Thabit, Mistah bin Athatha and Hamnah bint Jahsh, in
bearing the punishment, escaped punishment in the Hereafter and
were forgiven. However, Abdullah bin Ubayy, the leader of the
liars and his accomplices, got off unscathed, unrepentant. They
face a far more terrible punishment in the Hereafter.
the Arabs living around Madinah were also invited to join them on
the journey. They, however, were skeptical about going into the
stronghold of the Quraysh. They also doubted the Prophet and
his followers would ever return to Madinah if they did make it to
Makkah. They begged off saying the affairs of their property were
pressing, and asked the Prophet M to pray for them.
The Prophet set out from Madinah along with 1,400 Muhajireen
and Ansar on Monday, Dhul Qa'dah 1, 6 A.H. He took along
sacrificial animals. At Dhul Halifah, the animals were made to put
on collars and their humps were slit, a clear indication that they
were meant for sacrifice after performing Umrah. The Muslims
then donned Ihraam and entered the state of consecration.
The Prophet then resumed his journey and reached Usfan. At this
stage, the scout sent ahead by the Prophet came back with the
news that the Quraysh were encamped at Dhul Tawa, determined
to prevent the Muslims from performing Umrah, even if it meant
another war. They had dispatched Khalid bin Waleed to Qura Al-
Ghamim near Usfan to block off the route to Makkah, and had
called on the neighboring tribes for support.
Abu Bakr Siddeeq 4*> opined, "We have come to perform Umrah,
not to fight; hence we will fight only against those who stand in
our way." The Prophet Ufa agreed with Abu Bakr, and it was
decided to go on to Makkah.
stood guard, and then those who had stood guard would pray while
the others kept watch. This special form of prayer was termed
"Salaah Al-Khauf (The Prayer in Times of Fear), for it was meant
to be performed in times of danger.
"Qaswa has not refused, for such is not her nature. He Who
restrained the Elephant is keeping her back. I swear by the
One Who holds my life, that if the Quraysh propose
anything to me which is in keeping with the regard due to
Allah, and ask me to show kindness, I will certainly accede
to their request."
The Prophet M then chided the camel and she sprang up. He drove
ahead and then halted at Hudaybia.
Budayl bin Warqa went back and relayed the Prophet's message to
the Quraysh, who then sent Mikraz bin Hafs to parley with the
Prophet $5. He too was told the same thing. Then came Halees bin
Dcrama of Banu Kinana. When he appeared, the Prophet $g said to
his Companions, 'This man belongs to a tribe that holds sacrificial
They then sent Urwa bin Mas'ood Thaqafi to talk to the Prophet $5.
The Prophet H repeated what he had told Budayl. Urwa tried
another way to dissuade the Prophet from entering Makkah,
pointing out the precarious situation of the Prophet $g: "Have you
heard of any Arab who has harmed his own people? And if the
opposite comes to pass and you are defeated, I see sitting about
you scoundrels who will leave you in the lurch."
Abu Bakr 4& burst out furiously, "Go suck the genitals of your
idol, Lat! Shall we desert our Prophet?"
Urwah remained silent since this was the same Abu Bakr who had
done him numerous favors in the past. In the course of the talks
Urwah would gesticulate frequently and touch the Prophet's beard,
at which Mugheera bin Shu'ba would indignantly throw off
Urwah's hand with the hilt of his sword: "Keep your hand away
from the sacred beard of the Prophet $g."
Urwah countered, "O you ingrate! Isn't it for you that I am making
Mugheera bin Shu'ba was Urwah 's nephew and had killed some
people, seized their property, and then converted to Islam.
And from that day on, the pledge under the tree came to be called
"Bay 1 a Al-Ridwan" or the pledge of those who had earned
Allah's pleasure.
A treaty is concluded
decided not to court war and sent Suhayl bin Amr to make peace.
At the end of the prolonged talks, the following conditions were
agreed upon:
Firstly, the Prophet g£ would go back that year with the Muslims
without making Umrah. He was to come to Makkah the next year,
stay for three days, and he and his followers were not to carry any
weapons except swords in their sheaths.
The Prophet M then sent for Ali 4b and bade him write: In the
name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Suhayl protested, "I do not recognize the Most Gracious you name."
The peace treaty was still in the process of being drafted when Abu
Jandal, the Muslim son of Suhayl bin Amr, came on the scene,
struggling in fetters, for his father had demanded he be returned to
Makkah. The Prophet $g protested, "But the treaty is still being
drafted. It has not been finalized."
The Prophet said again, "Leave him for my sake." But Suhayl
arrogantly said, "I will not leave him even for your sake," and beat
his son mercilessly. Abu Jandal cried out, "Muslims! Shall I be
sent back to the pagans so that I am put to trial regarding my faith
once again?"
The Prophet % said to him, "Be patient and take your extradition
as a source of immense reward. Allah will bestow His blessings on
you and on other oppressed Muslims."
After the peace treaty was finalized, the Prophet said to his
Companions, "Get up and slaughter your animals." None of them
got up. The Prophet $g repeated his call thrice, but his words went
unheeded. He then went to Umm Salamah i* — ^ &\ ta5 — and
described to her the state of affairs. She advised the Prophet to
sacrifice his animal and get his head shaved without talking to
anybody. The Prophet % did so. Moreover, in order to enrage the
polytheists, the Prophet $g also slaughtered a camel of Abu Jahl
that had a silver ring in its nostril. This made the Companions take
note, and they sacrificed their animals and shaved their heads.
Cows and camels were also sacrificed on behalf of seven people.
The Muslims were apathetic and depressed about the treaty, which
As for the second clause, he satisfied his men by saying that any
Muslim who went to the Quraysh was being sent by Allah to live
and preach there, while anyone from the Quraysh who came to
them had come for shelter and would find it. He was right on this
point since several Muslims were still in Abyssinia, outside the
jurisdiction of the treaty, and any Muslim from Makkah could
simply flee there.
Umar then asked, "Are our slain not in Paradise and theirs in Hell?"
The Prophet affirmed it was so.
"Why then should we accept unjust terms and leave when the issue
has not been decided?" Umar asked, voicing what everyone
wanted to say.
Following this, the Prophet sent for Umar and recited the verse
before him. Umar remarked skeptically, "Is this a victory, O
Messenger of Allah?"
C* IjSLij j\J^\ |*.*a*> i^vl^i") *)tj o^/J o*A-^'* ^1 l&yQ* & jj-^
The clan of Banu Khuzaa sided with the Prophet in the wake of
the recent treaty and ultimately joined hands with the Muslims.
They had been allies of the Banu Hashim (the Prophet's clan) even
during the Age of Ignorance, while the Banu Bakr, their rivals,
went to the side of the Quraysh and ultimately became the cause of
the conquest of Makkah.
take others for lords besides Allah. But if they turn away,
then say: Bear witness that we are Muslims."
"If you reject this, then on you shall rest the sin of your
This letter was sent through Amr bin Umayya Damri. As-huma
received the letter and kissed it with his eyes. He then rose frorfi
his throne to embrace Islam under the tutelage of Ja'far bin Abi
Talib. In his reply to the Prophet % As-huma pledged allegiance
and confessed his faith. Later he finalized the marriage of Umm
Habeebah bint Abi Sufyan if* &\ to the Prophet and paid
four hundred dinars in dower on the Prophet's behalf. He then
sent Umm Habeebah back along with the emigrants of Abyssinia
in two boats under the escort of Amr bin Umayya Damri. The
Muslims from Abyssinia arrived in Madinah while the Prophet $g
was away in Khaybar.
The Prophet sent this letter through Hateeb bin Abi Baltah,
who held a discussion with Muqauqis, and won his esteem.
Muqauqis then put the letter in an ivory case, placed his seal on it
and preserved it. He wrote back to the Prophet saying he
believed a prophet was to appear, but he thought that he would
come from Syria. Although he did not embrace Islam, he
presented to the Prophet two maidens named Maria and
Sireen, who were of high status among the Copts. He also sent
some cloth and a donkey. The Prophet $g chose Mariya (who was
later to become the mother of his son, Ibraheem) and Duldul the
donkey for himself. He gave Sireen to Hassan bin Thabit
When the Prophet g£ heard how Chosroes had torn up his epistle,
he said, "Even so shall Allah destroy his kingdom." His words
rang true, for shortly thereafter the Persian forces tasted
ignominious defeat at the hands of the Romans. Following this,
Chosroes' son, Shervah, rose up in revolt, assassinated him and
seized the throne. Persia was racked by dissension and conflict
until the Muslim conquest during the Caliphate of Umarbin
Dihya bin Khalifa Kalbi, who was assigned to deliver the letter,
gave it to the ruler of Basra, who forwarded it to the Roman
emperor. Heraclius had come walking to Jerusalem from Hims in
Syria. His pilgrimage was an offering of thanks to God for the
Roman victory over the Persians. Upon receipt of the Prophet's
letter, he rushed a courier to bring forward any man familiar with
the Prophet $g. A caravan of the Quraysh headed by Abu Sufyan
was in the area and was summoned before Heraclius and his
courtiers. Heraclius inquired, "Who is closest to Muhammad in
terms of lineage?"
Heraclius called Abu Sufyan closer and seated the others behind
him. He then announced to the Quraysh, "I shall ask him [Abu
Sufyan] about him [the Prophet]. If he tells a lie, you should
refute it." Abu Sufyan thus felt obliged to tell the truth. The
conversation between Heraclius and Abu Sufyan ran thus:
Heraclius: Who are his followers? Are they the poor and the
weak, or are they nobles?
Abu Sufyan: Not yet. We are at present at peace with him. We
don't know what he will do in the future.
Heraclius asked for the letter again and he read it out. The
assembly erupted in surprise and alarm at the Prophet's message.
Heraclius dismissed Abu Sufyan and his men to bring the
situation under control. Outside, Abu Sufyan said to his men
with foreboding, "The affair of Abu Kabsha has grown so
powerful that even the king of Banu Asfar [the Romans] fears
him." Each day Abu Sufyan grew convinced that Islam would
prevail, until Allah favored him with Islam.
These details make it clear that by then Heraclius had seen the
truth of the Prophet's message, but his love for his throne
overpowered him, and he failed to embrace Islam. In Allah's
sight, Heraclius stands guilty on his own account and because of
his people who remained misguided.
The Prophet $g dispatched Zayd bin Haritha 4& at the head of five
hundred men. Zayd launched a sniper attack on the bandits,
killing them in large numbers and capturing a hundred women
and children. A thousand camels and five hundred goats were
seized as booty. Zayd bin Rifa'a Zajami, a chieftain of the Jazam
tribe, hurried to Madinah. Since he and some people of his tribe
had already embraced Islam, and he had helped Dihya when he
was under attack by the bandits, the Prophet $g returned the booty
and the prisoners.
The Prophet $g next sent a missive with Shuja' bin Wahb Asadi
to Damascus, where Heraclius' viceroy, Harith bin Abu
Shammar Ghassani, was ruler. Harith responded to the letter with
wrath. He flung it saying, "Who has the temerity to conquer my
land?" He prepared to wage war on the Muslims and told Shuja'
to notify the Prophet of an impending war. When Harith asked
his overlord, Heraclius, for permission to fight the Prophet #g,
pei*mission was denied. Retreating from his belligerent position,
Harith presented clothes and riches to Shuja' bin Wahb and saw
him off graciously.
'Next, the Prophet wrote to the ruler of Basra and invited him
to Islam. When his envoy, Harith bin Umayr Azdi arrived at
Muta in southern Jordan, he was beheaded by Sharahbeel bin
This letter was sent through Sulayt bin Amr Aamiri. Haudha
received him with respect and gave him gifts. He also wrote in reply:
When the Prophet received the letter, he remarked, "I shall not
give him even a piece of land if he asks for it. He will himself
meet his doom along with his possessions." Haudha died shortly
afterwards while the Prophet H was still engaged in the conquest
of Makkah.
It was only after the conquest of Makkah that the Prophet % sent
Amr bin Aas 4&> to the joint rulers of Oman, the two brothers,
Abd and Jayfar. All his previous letters to rulers, near and far,
had been sent immediately after the Treaty of Hudaybia. In this
letter, the Prophet $g informed the two brothers of his mission to
acquaint men with the truth of Islam and the dangers of disbelief.
He warned them that if they rejected Islam, they would pay in
this world and the next, for Islam would prevail.
Abd was the first one to meet with Amr, and they talked at great
"We call people to Allah, Who is One, Peerless, and we ask them
to abandon all other deities and to bear witness that Muhammad
is the servant and Messenger of Allah," Amr explained.
Abd posed another question, "What does your prophet enjoin?"
Amr said: "If your brother accepts Islam, then the Prophet M will
keep his kingdom intact. However, he will take some wealth by
way of collecting charity from the rich and distribute it to the
poor and needy."
Abd then took Amr bin As to his brother, Jayfar, who was also
given the letter. Jayfar asked Amr as to what the Quraysh had
"They all accepted Islam, and if you embrace Islam, you will be
safe, or else our cavalry will trample your land and wipe out its
During the ten years of peace that ensued with the Treaty of
Hudaybia, the Prophet % was freed of the constant hostility of the
Quraysh. However, his other source of worry, the Jewish tribes,
continued to plague him and the Muslims. They had reneged on
agreements and incited other tribes to form a confederacy against
the Muslims. All of Khaybar and the area north of it formed their
territory from where they launched campaigns against the
Muslims. Three days before the Prophet was about to lead an
expedition to Khaybar, a small clash called the Battle of Ghaba
took place. It was in the month of Muharram, 7 A.H.
The Prophet had sent his camels to graze in Ghaba, near Uhud.
With the herd were the Prophet's slave, Rabah, a herdsman, and
Salamah bin Akwa, who was riding Abu Talha's horse.
After one such incident, the thieves sat down at a narrow turning
of a mountain pass while Salamah sat on the peak. Four of them
spotted him and moved towards him. Salamah said to them, "Do
you know who I am? I am Salamah bin Akwa. I can easily catch
anybody running among you, but none of you can catch me." The
men went back.
Abdul Rahman with his lance. Seeing their leader fall, the rest of
the bandits took off with the Muslim cavalrymen in pursuit and
Salamah still chasing them on foot.
The Prophet said, "O son of Akwa, now that you have the upper
hand, show your enemies a little politeness. After all, now they
are in the territory of their hosts, Banu Ghatfan."
Conquest of Khaybar
The last night of the march saw the Prophet $5 and his troops
The two citadels in Shaq were Hisn Abi and Hisn Nizar, while
Katibah had three castles, namely Hisn Qamus, Hisn Wateeh and
Hisn Salalam. There were a number of other citadels and castles
in Khaybar, but they were smaller and not as well-fortified as
those mentioned above.
found his eyes were cured instantly, and he was then given the
Muslim standard. The Prophet instructed him to invite the enemy
to Islam. Only if they rejected the call to faith was Ali to fight.
In preparation for war, the Jews sent their women and children
off to the citadel of Shaq. They had decided on open combat the
same morning. Consequently, when Ali got there, he found them
ready for battle. Nevertheless in compliance with the Prophet's
instructions, he called on them to accept Islam. In response,
Marhab came out brandishing his sword, bragging about his
"All Khaybar knows I am Marhab, armed to the teeth, valiant and
experienced when war is aflame."
With one blow of his sword, Ali slew Marhab. Marhab's brother
issued a challenge that was met by Zubayr, who swiftly sent his
opponent to the same fate as Marhab. Genera] combat ensued,
and in the course of heavy fighting, several Jewish chieftains fell,
dismaying their men who then fled in consternation. The Muslim
soldiers gave chase and stormed the citadel. The Jews then fled
to an adjacent citadel called Hisn Sa'b, and set up fortifications.
Now the Jews, having lost two of their forts, took shelter in the
third citadel at Nataah called AJ-Zubayr and fortified it. The
Muslim forces besieged that too. On the fourth day of the siege, a
Jew constructed a number of drains to get drinking water through
The Muslims lost no time in cutting off the water supply. Finding
no alternative but to fight, the Jews rushed out of the citadel and
fell upon the waiting Muslims. They fought fiercely, but lost the
day and were driven towards Hisn Abi.
The Jews handed over two or three citadels to the Muslims, who
also got a hundred coats of mail, four hundred swords, a thousand
lances and five hundred Arabian bows. Moreover, they found some
Hebrew scriptures that they returned at the request of the Jews.
At the end of the Battle of Khaybar, Amr bin Umayya Damri, the
envoy of the Prophet ^ to the king of Abyssinia, returned with
the Muslim emigrants. A band of them marched towards
Khaybar, hoping to join in the war, while the rest of the returning
exiles went to Madinah. Among those who headed for the
battlefield were Ja'far bin Abi Talib and Abu Musa Ash'ari
u« — -s> &\ m By the time they got to Khaybar, it had already been
conquered, but the spoils of war were yet to be distributed. The
Prophet g£ kissed Ja'far's forehead in welcome and said, "By
Allah, I do not know which pleases me more — the conquest of
Khaybar or the arrival of Ja'far." Along with those who had
actually fought in the battles, Ja'far received a share of the booty
for attempting to participate in Jihad.
Division of Khaybar
Although the terms of the surrender called for exile, which had been
conceded in place of death, many of the Jews were reluctant to leave
Khaybar. After obtaining immunity, they submitted a new proposal
before the Prophet $§. They implored, "O Muhammad, let us stay to
till this land, for we know more about it than you do. We will farm
the land for payment of half of its fruit and grain."
The Prophet % granted their request, and subsequently the Jews
Khaybar was a fertile area, replete with dates and grain, and its
conquest brought prosperity for the Muslims. Aishah 4* relates
that when Khaybar was conquered she rejoiced, "Now we shall
get dates to the fill." Upon returning from Khaybar, the poor
Muhajireen, who had finally attained economic self-sufficiency,
returned the date trees given to them by the Ansar to eke out
their living.
Now that peace prevailed and the threats of death and exile had
receded, the Jews launched a different kind of warfare. They
conspired to kill the Prophet $5. Through the wife of Sallam bin
Mishkam, they presented a roasted goat to the Prophet ft
Knowing that the Prophet relished the shoulder, she peppered
that portion liberally with poison. One morsel was enough to
warn the Prophet who quickly spat it out saying, "This is
killed as retribution.
Wadi Al-Qura
It was time to sue for peace, and the Jews asked to be given the
same status as the people of Khaybar. Their request was granted,
and yet another area came under Muslim protection.
The Prophet had barely subdued one set of enemies when the
news came that another conglomeration was massing arms
against him. The Bedouins of Banu Anmar, Tha'laba and
Maharib were preparing to strike and had to be quelled.
The face off with Banu Ghatfan ended abruptly when the enemy
suddenly took fright and scattered. The Prophet % then returned
to Madinah after this expedition ended satisfactorily without loss
of life. It came to be known as Dhat Al-Riqa in reference to the
rags (Riqa in Arabic) the Muslims tied around their sore and
bloody feet in the course of the long march. However, another
source states that the march got its name from the terrain, which
had the appearance of a patchwork of rags.
"Not at all," the Prophet replied, barely awake, but not at all
perturbed. The polytheist asked, "Who will save you from me
"Allah," the Prophet g& replied calmly. The sword fell from the
stranger's hand, and the Prophet seized it and posed the same
question to him, "Who will save you from me now?"
On the morning of the fourth day, the Prophet began the journey
back to Madinah. His first halting place was Sarf, nine miles from
Makkah. It was there that Maymoona ^ was sent out to
him as his bride. Allah had also decreed that Maymoona \+* &\
would later die at Sarf and be buried there, at the same place where
she had become the bride of the Prophet gjg.
then bade them farewell. The army pitched its tents at Ma £ an in
southern Jordan. There they found out that Heraclius was
stationed close by at Ma'ab with a hundred thousand forces, and
another hundred thousand Christians had joined his forces. The
news disconcerted the Muslims who were unsure of what to do.
For two nights, they sat conferring about the situation,
wondering whether to wade into the battlefield outnumbered or
to send for reinforcements. Then Abdullah bin Rawaha made this
impassioned speech to his brother Muslims.
Men, you evade that, by Allah, for which you came out —
martyrdom. We do not fight the enemy on the strength of
our power. We fight them with the religion we have been
granted by Allah. Come, we shall profit both ways. Either
we win or we court martyrdom.
The men pondered over this speech and said, "Ibn Rawaha
speaks the truth." Thus, they forged ahead and pitched their tents
at Muta, where they took up their positions and prepared to meet
the enemy.
Fierce fighting broke out in one of the most striking yet little
mentioned engagements in human history, when 3,000 soldiers
from the nascent Muslim state challenged the might of 200,000
heavyweights of the Roman empire. The Roman army lumbered
on, fighting the whole day but utterly failing to break a small but
formidable side. Their array of weaponry failed to give them the
edge because they lost their best fighters.
As the sun set, both armies went back to their respective camps.
The following morning Khalid bin Waleed changed the order
of his troops. He put the front-line soldiers behind while the rear
guard was brought forward. The soldiers on the left flank were
put to the right and those on the right were moved to the left. The
Romans were misled into thinking that fresh reinforcements had
arrived, and they were completely dismayed at this development.
This expedition was named after the stream and the tract of land
where the Muslim troops camped, and took place in Jamadi Al-
Akhir, 8 A.H.
As Amr and his men drew near Syria, they learned that the
Syrians were already massing a sizable army of their own. Amr
sent for reinforcements, and the Prophet H accordingly sent two
hundred prominent fighters headed by Ubaydah bin Jarrah, but
Amr bin Aas remained Commander-in-Chief and Imam.
The Banu Bakr and Banu Khuzaa had been feuding long before
the advent of Islam and were in the midst of a rare peaceful
interlude during the campaign of Hudaybia. With the mighty
Quraysh on their side, the Banu Bakr decided to capitalize on
their strength, and in Sha'ban, 8 A.H., they made a night raid on
Banu Khuzaa as they camped at a spring called Wateer. Banu
Bakr killed more than twenty men of Banu Khuzaa and drove the
rest into Makkah. Contravening all rules, they fought them even
inside the sacrosanct city with the support of the Quraysh, who
clandestinely helped them with men and materials.
She replied, "The fact is that it is the Prophet's bed, and you are
an unclean polytheist."
"By God," said Abu Sufyan, stung at his daughter's succinct and
unflattering description of him, "Evil has come over you since
Abu Sufyan then went to the Prophet M and talked to him about
ratifying the treaty but did not receive a reply. Then he went to
Abu Bakr 4* and asked him to speak on his behalf to the Prophet,
but Abu Bakr refused. He then approached Umar 4*>, who not
only rejected his offer, but also spoke to him rudely. Ali 4*>, when
approached, pleaded his inability to intervene. He suggested that
Abu Sufyan simply announce a general cessation of hostilities
and leave. Abu Sufyan proceeded accordingly and returned to
They went 4* off to find the woman, who denied having any such
letter with her. Only after the men threatened to search her
person did she draw the letter out from her tresses and hand it
over to them. The company took the letter and returned to the
Prophet who summoned Hatib. The Prophet said, "What's this,
At these words, Umar dissolved into tears saying, "Allah and His
Messenger know better."
Abu Sufyan dismissed his remark saying, "Banu Khuzaa are too
inferior to have such a fire and force."
Abu Sufyan responded, asking "Abul Fadl?"
"Yes," said Abbas.
Abbas said, "Look! The Prophet is here with his army. What
destruction awaits the Quraysh!"
Abbas said, "If any Muslim learns of your presence, you will
surely be killed. Here, ride on the back of my mule and I will
take you to the Prophet."
Thus Abu Sufyan sat behind Abbas and set out to see the Prophet
$g. Umar bin Khattab 4& saw him and said, "Is that you, Abu
Sufyan, enemy of Allah? Praise be to Allah that He gave you to
us without any agreement."
Abbas interjected, "I have given him shelter." He then caught the
Prophet's head and said, "None will whisper with the Prophet
tonight other than myself." Umar repeatedly asked for the
Prophet's consent to kill Abu Sufyan, but the Prophet $g was silent.
how kind and gentle and noble you are. I think that if there had
been another god besides Allah, he would have been of help to
me this day."
The Prophet M said again, "Woe to you Abu Sufyan! Is it not
time that you acknowledge me as Allah's Prophet and
The Prophet M said, "Very well then, anyone who enters Abu
Sufyan's house is safe, he who shuts his door upon himself is
safe, and he who enters the Sacred Mosque is safe."
That same morning the Prophet $j& left his camp for Makkah. He
instructed Abbas to take Abu Sufyan to a hill at the end of the
valley, where he could review the Muslim troops on the march.
Abbas obeyed the Prophet's instructions and took Abu Sufyan to
observe the Muslim army that surged like an ocean in front of him.
Then came the detachment of the Ansar with Sa'd bin Ubadah
holding the standard. Sa'd passed by Abu Sufyan and called out,
"Abu Sufyan, today is a day of conflict and bloodshed. Today
the Ka 'bah will be made lawful for us."
Saying this, the Prophet took the standard from Sa'd and gave it
to his son, Qays, for he was worried that in the euphoria of
victory Sa'd might unleash terror on the citizens of Makkah.
Abu Sufyan then added, "He who shuts his door upon himself
will also be safe, just as he who enters the Sacred Mosque will be
safe." At that, the people dispersed to take shelter in their houses
and in the Ka 'bah.
Makkah via Kada. Anyone among the Quraysh who resisted was
to be killed. The army was to proceed and meet up with the
Prophet at Mount Safa.
Khalid and his men passed the company and made short work of
the Makkan resistance. Twelve of the pagans were killed and the
rest took to their heels. Once he had dismissed this contingent,
no barriers remained in Khalid's way. He and his men charged
into Makkah, marching through the streets and by lanes without
any opposition. Two men who got separated from them were
killed. Finally, at Safa, Khalid and his men met up with the
Prophet M.
After the Prophet |g had circled the House of Allah, he sent for
Uthman bin Talha who held the keys of the Ka 'bah. He took the
keys from Uthman and had the doors opened. The idols inside
were removed and destroyed, and all the pictures rubbed out.
Following this the Prophet M entered the structure with Usama
bin Zayd and Bilal and shut the door. He then faced the front
wall and stood at a distance of three cubits thereof, and keeping
one pillar on his left, two on the right, and three at the rear,
offered two Rak'ah in prayer. He then went around the Sacred
Mosque praising and glorifying Allah.
The Prophet % then opened the door of the Ka 'bah. By then the
area around the Ka'bah was packed with the Quraysh, who
apprehensively awaited his next step. The Prophet stood at the
door of the Ka 'bah, holding its frame, while the Quraysh arrayed
themselves in front of him. To his old persecutors, humbled thus
before him, he spoke at length, as he explained several
injunctions of Islam and annulled all pagan practices. He then
"We hope for the best/' they replied. "You are a noble brother,
and son of a noble brother."
"Have no fear this day: go your way for you are all free."
Among the women who took the oath of allegiance that day was
Hind bin Utbah, wife of Abu Sufyan. She came veiled and in
disguise, as she feared for her life. What she had done to the dead
body of Hamzah had been unforgivable, and the fear of
retribution gnawed at her. After taking the oath, she said:
"O Messenger of Allah, there was no tent on the face of the
earth more detested by me than yours, but now your tent is
the dearest of all to me. "
Umar bin Khattab sat below the Prophet's seat, relaying the
Prophet's words to the people, and administering the oath of
allegiance on behalf of the Prophet.
Prayer of victory
When it was time for Zuhr prayer, the Prophet M asked Bilal 4&
to call the Adhan from the roof of the Ka 'bah as a proclamation
of the dominance of Islam. How pleasing to Muslim ears and
how loathsome to the polytheists it was to hear the declaration of
Allah's supremacy in His Sacred House.
One more false god remained, and the Prophet sent Sa'd bin
Zayd Ash'hali at the head of twenty cavaliers to destroy Manah,
the deity of the Kalb, Khuzaa, Ghassan, Aus and Khazraj tribes.
Sa'd broke the idol and demolished its temple, removing one
more loathed rival of Allah, the One the Eternal, of whom no
likeness can ever be made.
Battle of Hunayn
Durayd said, "By God, you are a shepherd! Who can block the
way of the deserter? Behold! If you win the battle, it is you alone
who will be the winners with your swords and spears; if you are
defeated, you will be disgraced in front of your families." Then
he advised Malik to send the non-combatants back home, but the
latter refused. He assembled the women, children and livestock
in Autas while he himself proceeded to the neighboring valley of
Hunayn with the troops, and lay in ambush.
On the way, the troops came across a big tree named DhatAl-
Anwat. It was a shrine to the pagan deity of war. From its branches,
the pagan Arabs suspended their weapons, offered sacrifices beneath
it and performed some rites of propitiation. Some people who had
not quite grasped the essence of Islam beseeched the Prophet
"Make us a Dhat Al-Anwat similar to theirs."
When evening set in, a cavalier brought the news that Banu
Hawazen had come out along with their women, children,
camels, and goats. The Prophet smiled and remarked, "Inshaa
Allah, all these will become the spoils of war for the Muslims."
Abu Sufyan bin Harith was holding the bridle of his mule, while
Abbas was holding the stirrup, trying to keep the Prophet from
advancing toward the enemy too swiftly.
The Prophet gjg then dismounted and prayed to Allah, seeking His
help. Then he instructed Abbas, who had a booming voice, to
call his Companions.
Abbas called out, "O comrades of the tree! [i.e. those who took
the pledge of Ridwan] Where are you?"
All those who heard the cry were compelled to turn, and they
called back: "Here we are!" Numbering about one hundred, they
rushed purposefully toward the resounding voice. Reinforced
thus, the Prophet $S bore down upon the enemy, and a new battle
between the two parties started.
A call was then given to the Ansar and then to Banu Al-Harith
bin Khazraj, and the Muslim squadrons returned to the valley
one after another. -Peace descended upon the Prophet % and the
believers, and an unseen army fought side by side with the
Muslims who began to fight with fresh resolve. The Prophet M
took a handful of dust and threw it at his enemies saying, "May
their faces be disfigured." At this the enemies' eyes were stung
by the dust, and from that moment on they became confused and
helpless. In disarray, they fled the battleground.
At the end of the fight, the Prophet M asked his men to pile all
the spoils of the battle in one spot. When everything was
gathered, the spoils amounted to 24,000 camels, 40,000 or more
goats, 160,000 dirhams worth of silver, and 6,000 women and
children. The Prophet ordered everything to be taken to Jerana,
and he appointed Ma'ud bin Amr Ghifari 4* to oversee the
The Prophet then had someone announce that any slave who
escaped from the city would be set free, a strategy designed to
weaken the enemy numbers. Twenty-three slaves responded to
this offer and fled. One of them scaled the wall and slid down the
wheel used for drawing water, so the Prophet dubbed him
"Abu Bakrah," which means "Father of the wheel" in Arabic.
The siege was long, continuing for twenty days, while others
estimate it lasted a month. Finally, the Prophet % consulted with
Naufal bin Muawiyah Deli. "The fox has rushed into its hole,"
Naufal said. "If you remain firm, you will capture it; but if you
leave it be, no harm will come to you." Heeding this bit of
practical wisdom, the Prophet |£ ordered his men to break camp.
Before they began the long journey back, some Muslims
beseeched the Prophet H to curse the enemy.
The Muslims stayed in Je'rana for more than ten days on their way
back from Ta'if. The Prophet M waited for the Hawazen to repent
and reclaim their property and families. Not one of them, however,
showed up. At last the Prophet $g took one-fifth of the booty and
distributed it among the Muslims of weaker faith in order to win
their hearts. He also gave large shares to those who had not
embraced Islam, hoping that Islam would become dear to them.
and one hundred camels. His two sons, Yazeed and Muawiya,
received the same amount. Safwan bin Umayya was given three
hundred camels. Hakim bin Hazaam, Harith bin Harith bin
Kaldah, Uyaynah bin Hisn, Aqra bin Habis, Abbas bin Mardas,
Alqama bin Alatha, Malik bin Auf, Ala bin Haritha, Harith bin
Hisham, Jubayr bin Mut'im, Suhayl bin Amr, Huyaitib bin
Abdul Uzza and others received one hundred camels each, while
many others were given forty or fifty camels each.
He (Ss) then cut a lock of hair from the hump of a camel and said:
"By Allah, I have kept nothing from the spoils for myself,
not even this hair. Deposit everything you took from the
enemy so that it can be divided, even a needle and thread.
Stealing will result in disgrace, infamy and fire for the
guilty on the Day of Resurrection."
Some of the Ansar were aghast that the Prophet was giving away
such a large portion of the spoils to the Quraysh while the Ansar
received nothing. The last in faith, the most reluctant in battle
had become the first in line for the fruits of victory. Someone
among the Ansar said in outrage, "How can the Quraysh get
everything when blood is still trickling from our swords?" The
chieftain of the Ansar, Sa'd bin Ubada 4k, told the Prophet % of
their sense of hurt and resentment.
After hearing the Prophet's words, the Ansar began to see things
in perspective. They wept until their beards were drenched. "We
are satisfied that the Prophet % is with us," they said.
The Muhajireen and Ansar said, "Whatever share has been given
to us we now give to the Prophet Three Bedouins, however,
refused to part with their shares. Their names were Aqra bin
Habis, Uyayna bin Hisn and Abbas bin Mardas. Seeing their
reluctance to return their captives, the Prophet urged them,
"The best thing to do is to return your captives, because whoever
does so will receive six times the number he relinquishes from
the very next booty Allah grants us."
Uyayna bin Hisn was the only one of the three to refuse the
Prophet's request. Even after returning the captives each person
was still left with either two camels or twenty goats. To each of
the released captives, the Prophet gifted a Coptic sheet.
heard from Hassan bin Thabit that they embraced Islam. The
Prophet then returned their captives and sent them home with
gifts for their people. In this way, one more obdurate enemy
melted before the sublime truth of Islam.
"If you live long enough, you will see a woman come from
Hirah by camel She will go around the Ka 'bah without
fear for her safety. She will not fear anyone except Allah.
In addition, you will conquer the Persian Emperor and take
his treasure. Furthermore, if you live long enough, you will
see a person come out with a handful of gold and silver
searching for a needy person to give it to, but he will find
Adi did live long enough to see each of the Prophet's prophecies
fulfilled as Islam took root in the peninsula and beyond, and the
Muslims grew in number and wealth.
The Muslims' successful face off with the Roman forces at Muta
had inspired many of the local tribes to seek independence. Their
temerity was borne out of the fact that 3,000 Muslims had chased
away a 200,000 strong Roman army. On the other hand, the
Romans reasoned that if the Muslims were defeated, the
rebellious tribes would be subdued permanently, and Arabia
would disintegrate into an insignificant collection of bickering
tribes that it had always been.
the Prophet M asked the Muslims to prepare for what seemed an.
impossible task in the midd le of the hot summer. At the time, the
dates had just ripened, and people rested beneath the shady trees,
seeking respite from the sun and exertion. The journey to Tabuk
promised to be grueling.
Umar gave half of his wealth, and Uthman bin Affan 4$>
donated ten thousand dinars, three hundred camels with saddles,
and fifty horses. (Other sources mention that he donated nine
hundred camels and one hundred horses.) The Prophet M
remarked: "Whatever Uthman does from this day onward, he
will suffer no harm."
Abdul Rahman bin Auf 4?> gave eight thousand dirhams worth of
silver. Abbas, Talha, Sa'd bin Ubada and Muhammad bin
Maslama also contributed much. Asim bin Adi gave thirteen
thousand and five hundred kilograms of dates. Those with less
wealth gave according to their abilities, and some could only
donate a kilogram or so of food. The Muslim women gave their
ornaments towards the cause.
Finally, the Muslims were ready to make the long journey across
the desert to Tabuk. The Prophet H put Muhammad bin Maslama
in charge of Madinah. Ali bin Abi Talib was left to look after the
women and children. Abu Bakr Siddeeq carried the biggest
standard of the army. Zubayr carried the flag of the Muhajireen,
Usayd bin Hudhayr carried the flag of the Aus, and Hubab bin
Mundhir carried the flag of the Khazraj.
With 30,000 men, the Prophet M set out for Tabuk on a
Thursday, in the month of Rajab, 9 A.H. There were so few
camels that eighteen men rode each one in turn. They also had so
little food that they had to eat leaves which made their lips swell.
In spite of the scarcity of camels, they were forced to slaughter
some of them so that they could drink water from their stomachs
and intestines.
took a sword and spear, and set out in search of the Prophet
Twenty days in Tabuk
When the Romans learned that the Muslims had crossed four
hundred kilometers of desert to challenge them, they lost courage
and elected not to face them in combat. Nevertheless, the Prophet
M camped in Tabuk for twenty days in order to intimidate the
Romans and their Christian Arab mercenaries by his sheer
Ukaydir is captured
The Prophet H sent Khalid bin Waleed 4& with 420 cavalrymen
to capture Ukaydir of Dumat Al-Jandal. The Prophet told
Khalid that he would find him hunting white antelopes. Khalid
set out on his mission, and when he came close enough to see
Ukaydir' s citadel, a white antelope suddenly appeared and began
to rub its horns against the citadel's gate. The animal caught
Ukaydir's attention, and he came out to hunt it, not knowing that
he would also be hunted. Khalid, who was lying in wait, captured
Ukaydir and brought him to the Prophet who spared his life in
return for two" thousand camels, eight hundred slaves, four
Return to Madinah
After spending twenty days in Tabuk, the Prophet $g and his men
began their journey back to Madinah. Up to now, the Prophet's
expedition against the Romans had proceeded without a hitch.
The Romans had represented a great threat to the Muslim
dominance of Arabia, but the Muslims had camped in their
dominion of Tabuk for twenty days in complete safety. They had
even made pacts with local tribes that helped consolidate their
hold on the peninsula. Things, however, were about to take an
unexpected turn.
return from Tabuk. He had been asked to do so when he was in
the midst of planning the Tabuk expedition.
The Prophet M then went to the mosque and prayed two Ra k l ah,
after which he sat in the mosque and received people. He had
been away from Madinah for fifty days, and everyone wanted to
welcome him home.
"And (Allah has forgiven) those three who did not join (the
Tabuk expedition. While they waited for Allah's decision),
the world closed in on them and they became dejected.
They then realized that refuge lies only with Allah, and
then He forgave them so that they would repent. Indeed,
Allah is Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful." (9:1 18)
given the Muslims refuge when they were weak and oppressed
by the Makkan pagans. Later, when he recognized that Islam was
a continuation of the teachings of Ibraheem, Musa and Isa, he
embraced Islam. Although he was not buried in Madinah, the
Prophet H offered funeral prayers for him when he received the
prolong wars rather than to bow to their enemies, even when the
wars were fought over trifles.
Abu Bakr 4& set out for Makkah with three hundred Muslims
from Madinah at the end of Dhul Qa'dah. He took twenty of the
Prophet's camels and five of his own for sacrifice. After Abu
Bakr left, the opening verses of Surah Al-Taubah were revealed.
These verses contained an important announcement for tribes
that had covenants with the Muslims. Any covenant that had not
been honored would be broken, and any tribe that did not have a
covenant with the Muslims would have a grace period of four
months. Covenants that had been honored would remain valid.
The Prophet gj£ sent Ali to Makkah to inform everyone of the new
verses. On the day of the sacrifice, Ali ^ recited the new verses
to the pilgrims. Abu Bakr ^ then sent a band of people to
announce that from the next year, polytheists would not be
allowed to perform Hajj, nor would anyone be allowed to
practice the perverted tradition of circumambulating the Ka 'bah
in the nude.
Most of the Arab tribes had watched the struggle between the
Quraysh and the Prophet M with great interest, believing as they
did that Allah would protect the Ka 'bah, and that the forces of
Evil would not be able to conquer those of Truth. The Arabs had
seen Allah repulse Abraha's army and his great elephant when
they tried to destroy the Ka 'bah. Now they witnessed Allah grant
victory to Muhammad, and they saw it as a sign that Islam was
the true religion.
With tribe after tribe embracing Islam, the Islamic state grew
until it stretched from the Red Sea to the Arabian Gulf, and from
southern Jordan to Yemen and Oman. The Prophet appointed
governors and judges in each area to ensure that Islamic law was
administered properly. He also sent knowledgeable teachers to
the far reaches of the Islamic state so that everyone learned how
to practice his religion correctly.
The people of Abdul Qays, who lived in eastern Arabia, were the
first to embrace Islam outside Madinah. Thus, the first Friday
prayers offered outside the Prophet's Mosque were in the
mosque of Abdul Qays, in the village of Jawathi, Bahrain.
Prophet g|. He first made the camels kneel down and collected all
of the goods from the saddlebags. He then took out clean clothes
and put them on. Only then did he approach the Prophet % and
greet him. The Prophet H praised Abdullah's behavior and
remarked: "You have two characteristics beloved by Allah and
His Messenger. You are both far-sighted and patient."
Even before the arrival of this delegation, the Prophet gjg had told
his Companions: "A caravan will appear before you. Its members
are the best among the people of the east, and they willingly
accepted Islam. They have exhausted their camels and their
provisions. O Allah, forgive Abdul Qays."
Since Hajj had not yet been made obligatory, the Prophet gg did
not order the people of Banu Abdul Qays to perform it. They were
also commanded to give one-fifth of any spoils obtained from war.
They were forbidden to drink intoxicating beverages and were
ordered to destroy the jars used for brewing such drinks.
The Prophet's message had spread so far that even the unlettered,
uncouth dwellers in the wilderness, such as the tribe Sa'd Bin
Bakr, had heard of the man called Muhammad and his message
from Allah, Lord of the worlds. Accordingly, their chief, Damam
Damam arrived in Madinah, his long hair in two braids, and after
making his came] kneel, he tethered it right at the mosque. Then
he turned to the people and asked, "Who among you is the son of
Abdul Muttalib?" When the people pointed out the Prophet H to
him, he approached and said, "O Muhammad, I shall ask you
something bluntly and you are not to be offended."
"I ask you in the name of the One Who created the sky, the earth
and these mountains, has He commissioned you as His
"I ask you in the name of the One Who commissioned you as His
Messenger, has Allah commanded this?"
"I ask you in the name of the One Who commissioned you as His
Messenger, has Allah commanded this?"
"Yes," the Prophet % said.
"Your envoy also says that fasting the month of Ramadan every
year is obligatory."
"I ask you in the name of the One Who commissioned you as His
Messenger, has Allah commanded this?"
"Your envoy says that Hajj is obligatory for everyone who can
afford it."
"I ask you in the name of the One Who commissioned you as His
Messenger, has Allah commanded this?"
Said Damam, "I swear by the One Who sent you with
righteousness, that I shall neither add to nor subtract from what
you have told me!"
In Safar, 9 A.H., twelve men of the tribe Banu Adhra came to the
A delegation from Bala also came to the Prophet in the same year.
They also embraced Islam and returned home after three days.
[w:oiy~Li] i^yi
Among the delegations that came was one from Tujib, a branch
of the Kinda tribe. They were Muslims, and brought with them
money left over from paying Zakaah so that it could be
distributed to other needy Muslims. The Prophet % expressed
happiness at seeing them and held them in high esteem.
Abu Bakr 4& looked at the delegation admiringly and said, "No
such Arab delegation has ever come to us."
When the boy came to the Prophet, he said: "O Prophet, I belong
to the same triBe which visited you a short while ago, and you
gave them all they needed. Now I ask you to give me what I
"Pray that Allah forgives me, shows me mercy, and puts riches
in my heart." The Prophet M prayed to Allah for the young boy,
who thus left Madinah more contented than all his tribesmen.
Later, during the period of apostasy when many Muslims
reverted to paganism, the boy not only remained firm in his faith,
but exhorted his people to remain good Muslims.
"There are three things," the Prophet ^ told the delegation from
Najraan, "that keep you from finding your way to Islam —
worshipping the crucifix, eating pork, and claiming that Allah has a
"Who then," the delegation challenged the Prophet, "is like Jesus, a
man born without a father?"
Zeal for their pagan faith had its place, but soon the people of
Ta'if realized the practical implications of holding out against
the rising tide of Islam. They began to consider the problems
they would face from the surrounding tribes that had embraced
Uthman bin Abi Al-As Thaqafi was the youngest member of the
delegation. He was usually left in the camp and spent this time
learning Qur'an from the Prophet and Abu Bakr. In his way he
memorized a large part of the Qur'an without informing the other
members of the delegation. To the surprise of the others, the
young Uthman was appointed chief of the group. The Prophet M
nominated him to lead the others in prayer because of his
knowledge and love of the faith and the Qur'an.
On the way back from Madinah, Amir broke journey at the home
of a woman belonging to his clan, the Banu Salul. There as he
lay sleeping, Allah caused him to become very ill. "I have a
tumor in my throat just like camels have," he said. "Am I to die
from a camel lump and that too in the house of a woman? Bring
me my horse!" His steed was brought to him, and he died even as
he sat on horseback.
The deaths of both Amir and Arbad were reported to the Prophet
M by their fellow tribesman, Moila bin Jabal of Banu Amr . He
had accompanied the two to Madinah, but unlike them he had
accepted Islam at the hands of the Prophet M and presented him
with his camel. At the time, Moila was twenty years old, and he
lived to be one hundred years, his eloquence earning him the
title, "the one with two tongues."
The Prophet M showed him the small date branch he had in his
hand and said, "I shall not give you even this date. You cannot
escape Allah's decree, and if you turn your back, Allah will
destroy you. By Allah, you are the one whom I saw in a vision.
This is Thabit bin Qays, and he will reply to you on my behalf."
After the Prophet $g returned from Tabuk, Malik bin Murrah called
upon him carrying letters from the kings of Hamir: Harith bin Abd
Kalal, Naeem bin Abd Kalal and Nu'man. He also bore letters from
the heads of Hamdaan. The rulers wrote to the Prophet % to inform
him that they all had embraced Islam. In reply, the Prophet M sent a
letter to them explaining their rights and duties, and defined their
responsibilities under the covenants they had entered.
Then the Prophet sent Mu'adh bin Jabal 4^ and others back
with the delegation to act as judges and military commanders in
upper Yemen. They were also responsible for overseeing the
collection of charity and Zakaah, as well as leading prayers.
Abu Musa Ash'ari was sent to the Yemeni coast, while Ma'ab
Zama was sent inland. The Prophet M instructed both of them to
make things easy for the people and not to create unnecessary
hardship. He also advised them to spread the good news of Islam
and to help everyone live in harmony. Mu'adh remained in
Yemen till the death of the Prophet M, while Abu Musa returned
to visit the Prophet during the Farewell Hajj.
Initially, Malik bin Namt was sent back to his homeland to help
those of his clan who embraced Islam, but later the Prophet M
sent Khalid bin Waleed to invite all the people of Hamdaan to
The people readily accepted Islam, and Khalid and his men set
about teaching the people of Banu Abdul Madan the basics of the
faith. Khalid then sent a message to the Prophet H informing him
of his success, and the Prophet responded by asking Khalid to
escort a delegation from the region to Madinah. The delegation
arrived in Madinah and met the Prophet who asked them
several questions.
"During the Days of Ignorance, how did you subdue those who
fought against you?"
In Ramadan, 10 A. H., the Prophet H sent Ali bin Abi Talib 4*> to
the Banu Mazhaj in Yemen to call them to Islam. Ali was not to
fight them unless they attacked first.
After the chieftains and notables of the tribes came forward and
took the oath of allegiance, they gave Ali a charity offering for
the poor and weak, saying, "Take from this the right of Allah."
Ali and his men returned north and met the Prophet M in Makkah
during the Farewell Hajj.
One day the Prophet said to Jareer, "Will you not give me
peace from Dhul Khalasa?" Understanding that the Prophet
wanted him to destroy the pagan temple, Jareer told the Prophet
% that he was not a good horseman. At this the Prophet struck
Jareer' s chest and said, "O Allah, keep Jareer firm on his horse.
Guide him and let him guide others."
Aswad Ansi was killed exactly one day before the Prophet $g
himself died. The Prophet, however, had already been informed
by revelation that Aswad would be killed, and he announced the
news accordingly. The letter bearing the good news was later
received by Abu Bakr Siddeeq
By the year 10 A.H., Islam had spread over the entire Arabian
peninsula. A great number of people capable of carrying the
message of Islam worldwide arose in the coming years. It was at
this point that Allah chose to show His Prophet the fruits of his
mission by calling him to make a farewell pilgrimage to Makkah.
The Prophet $g announced that he would perform Hajj, and a
large number of people flocked to Madinah to accompany him.
On Saturday, Dhul Qa'dah 26, the Prophet j£ left Madinah after
praying the noon prayer and a few hours later he reached Dhul
Hulayfah, where he prayed the afternoon prayer and spent the
night. The next morning, the Prophet j£ said, "Last night a
messenger from my Lord came to me and said, 'Perform prayer
in this blessed valley and tell the people that Umrah can be
performed during Hajj'" This was in reference to the common
belief that Umrah could not be performed during the time of
Then the Prophet H bathed before the noon prayer, and applied
musk on his head and body. After the prayer, he put on his
Ihraam and then raised his voice and began the pilgrim's chant:
"O people listen: I know not whether I shall meet you here
again after this year. Your blood, your property and your
honor are as sacred as this day, this month and this city.
Behold! I declare that all pagan customs and everything
The Prophet M raised his index finger towards the sky and then
pointed toward the people, "O Allah, be witness! O Allah, be
witness! O Allah, be witness!"
i% p jfr pa p ilSI
After the Prophet ended his address, Bilal made the prayer call
(Adhdn) and the final prayer call (Iqdmah), and the Prophet led
After sunset, the Prophet left for Muzdalifa and combined the
sunset and evening prayers. He did not shorten the sunset prayer,
but he did shorten the evening prayer. Furthermore, when the
Prophet % combined the noon and afternoon prayers as well as
the sunset and evening prayers, he did not perform any additional
voluntary prayers (Sunnah prayers) between them. Then he
rested until dawn. Once he had performed the dawn prayer, he
returned to Makkah to the Sacred Mosque. He faced the Qiblah
and repeated the Takbeer (Alldhu Akbar I Allah is Most Great),
the Tahleel (La ilaaha illalldh I There is no deity except Allah)
and Tawheed (the testimony of the Oneness of Allah) until light
began to appear in the horizon.
The Prophet % put on his ordinary clothes now that he was out of
Ihraam, applied musk, and then rode his camel to the Sacred
Mosque. There he circled the Ka 'bah seven times. After the noon
prayer, he went to the people of Banu Abdul Muttalib, who were
serving Zamzam water to the pilgrims. He said, "Banu Abdul
Muttalib, continue drawing water from the well. I would join you
in this task, but I fear people would try to take over your rightful
duty." They gave the Prophet some Zamzam water which he
proceeded to drink.
The Prophet £| returned to Mina and stayed there for the days of
Tashreeq (Dhul Hijjah 11, 12 and 13). Each day he stoned all
three Jamarahs after sunset, starting with the smallest one,
Jamrah Al-Sughrah, and then proceeding to the middle and large
Expedition to Palestine
Jibreel asked him to recite the Qur'an twice rather than once.
[r : sjulll]
"I will precede you, and I shall bear witness for you also.
By Allah, I see before me now Haudh Al-Kauthar [the well
of Kauthar in heaven]. I have been given the keys to the
treasures of the earth. I do not fear that you will revert to
polytheism after I am gone, but I fear you will be
consumed by the love of the world and vie against each
other for worldly things."
Late one night before the end of Safar, the Prophet M went to
the cemetery in Madinah, known as Baqi Gharqad, and prayed
for the dead there. "I shall meet you soon, God-willing," he
May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for turning their
prophets' graves into places of worship. You must not turn
my grave into an idol to be worshipped."
When Abu Bakr 4^ heard this, he burst into tears and said,
"May I be sacrificed for your sake along with my mother
and father." We were amazed by his behavior. "Look at
Abu Bakr," we said to each other. "The Prophet |g told us
about a slave of Allah who chose the next world when
given a choice between this world and the hereafter. Now
why is Abu Bakr reacting like this?" After a few days,
however, we understood that the slave the Prophet had
referred to was himself. We then realized that Abu Bakr *fe>
was superior to us in knowledge.
The Prophet's regard for Abu Bakr ^ increased with this incident.
He then asked for all doors opening into the Mosque to be closed,
except for the door of Abu Bakr's house.
The next day, Thursday, the Prophet's illness intensified and he said,
"Let me write something for you so that you will never go astray."
That same day, the Prophet ordered that all Jews, Christians and
polytheists be turned out from the Arabian peninsula. He also
stressed that delegations to Madinah were to be received with
honor exactly as he used to receive them. He stressed the
importance of prayer and the just treatment of slaves and
servants. In closing he said:
"I leave with you two things. As long as you hold them
tightly, you will never go astray: they are the Book of
Allah and my Sunnah"
On Sunday, the Prophet % set his slaves free, gave away his last
seven dinars in charity, and bequeathed his weapons to the
Muslim army. When night drew near, Aishah sent her
The people, when they saw the radiance of the Prophet's face,
were overtaken by such happiness that they almost interrupted
their prayers. The Prophet however, motioned with his hand
indicating that they should complete the prayer. He disappeared
behind the curtain.
Later that day (other sources indicate it was later that week), the
Prophet j£ called his daughter, Fatimah ^ ii He whispered
something to her, and she burst into tears. He then whispered to
her again, at which she smiled. Aishah i** it asked Fatimah
what the Prophet g£ had told her, but she said he had asked her to
keep it a secret. After the Prophet's death, Fatimah revealed that
her father had first told her he would not recover from his illness,
and this had made her cry. Then he told her that of his children,
she would be the next to join him, which had made her smile. He
also informed her that she would be made the Sayyidah (leader)
of the women of Paradise.
Fatimah was so distressed at her father's agony, she cried: "O the
pains of my dear father!" The Prophet replied, "After this day,
your father will suffer no pain."
That Monday morning, Abu Bakr 4& noticed that the Prophet's %
health seemed to be improving, and he returned home, optimistic
that the Prophet % would soon recover. When he reached home,
however, he heard that the Prophet had passed away. He
mounted his horse and galloped back to the Prophet's Mosque.
He entered without saying a word to anyone and walked into the
Prophet's house, where the Prophet M lay, a Yemenite sheet
covering his body. Abu Bakr uncovered the Prophet's face,
kissed him and wept. "May my mother and father be your
ransom," Abu Bakr said. "You have tasted the death that Allah
has decreed for you. There is no death after this one."
[Mi: jl^P
did. Abbas 4*> relates; when Abu Bakr read this verse to us, it
was as if Allah had never revealed it until that moment.
"By Allah, when I heard Abu Bakr reciting the verse, I was
taken aback and fell down as if I did not have any legs. It was at
that moment that I comprehended that the Prophet had died."
The most significant dispute that arose immediately after the death
of the Prophet was that of choosing the Prophet's successor. Ali
bin Abi Talib thought that he was within his rights to succeed the
Prophet because he had been close to the Prophet from the
beginning of his mission. Therefore, Ali, Zubayr and some people of
Banu Hashim assembled in Fatimah's house, while the Ansar met
elsewhere to choose an Amir (leader) from among themselves. The
rest of the Muhajireen, including Abu Bakr, Umar and Abu
Ubayda also joined the Ansar. They discussed and debated the
matter, unsure who would be chosen or how it should be done. The
Ansar wanted the Prophet's successor to come from among them,
but Abu Bakr made a significant observation:
"Yes, the Ansar deserve this honor, but the Arabs believe
the Quraysh to be unrivaled in the art of administration,
and no Arab will accept a ruler who is not from the
Quraysh. The Quraysh are superior to others in respect to
lineage and family."
Abu Bakr % then caught the hands of Umar and Abu Ubayda and
said, "I choose either of these two to be our Amir"'
"One Amir from among us, and one from among you," someone
from among the Ansar suggested. People began to raise their voices.
Suddenly, Umar asked Abu Bakr to extend his hand. When he did
so, Umar pledged his allegiance to him. One by one, everyone else
present followed Umar's lead and pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr,
Abbas and his two sons moved the Prophet's body from side to
side, Usama and Shaqran poured water, Ali washed the body,
and Aus helped prop the body up.
The Prophet's body was washed three times with water and berry
leaves. The water came from Ghars, Sa'd bin Khaythama's well
in Qubaa, which the Prophet % used to drink from. His body was
then shrouded in three white cotton Yemenite sheets.
Abu Talha dug the Prophet's grave on the spot where he had
died in Aishah's house. It was a Lahd type of grave with a niche
in the side. The Prophet's body lay on his cot beside the grave,
and his Companions came in groups of ten to pray the funeral
prayer individually, without an Imam to lead the prayer. First,
members of the Prophet's family prayed, followed by the
Muhajireen, the Ansar, and then the women and children.
The funeral prayers for the Prophet lasted all day Tuesday and most
of Wednesday. Late Wednesday night the Prophet $s was buried.
She was previously married to her cousin Sakran bin Amr. The
couple embraced Islam and migrated to Abyssinia. On their return to
Makkah, Sakran died. The Prophet % married Saudah in Shawwal,
one month after Khadeejah died. She died in Shawwal, 54 A.H.
She was married to Khunays bin Hadhafah, who died from a wound
incurred at the Battle ofBadr. The Prophet ^married her in Sha'ban,
3 A.H., after she came out of mourning. She died in Madinah in
Sha'ban, 45 A.H., at the age of 60, and was buried in Baqi.
She was the widow of Ubaydah bin Harith 4* who was martyred in
the Battle ofBadr. According to some others she was married to
Abdullah bin Jahsh 4» 9 who was martyred in the battle of Uhud. The
Prophet *k married her in 4 A.H. In the Days of Ignorance, she was
known as "Umm Al-MasaakeerT (Mother of the destitute) for her
compassion toward the poor. She died inRabi' Al-Akhir, 4 A.H.,
eight months after her marriage to the Prophet ^g. The Prophet led
her funeral prayer and buried her in Baqi.
7) Zaynab bint Jahsh bin Riqab if* &
She was the sister of Abbas' wife, Umm Al-Fadl Lababa Al-
Kubra bint Harith Hilaliya. The Prophet % married her in Dhul
Qa'dah, 7 A H. She came to the Prophet M as his bride at Sarf,
nine miles outside Makkah. She also died at Sarf in 38, 61 or 62
A.H. and was buried there. Her grave site is known even today.
The Prophet $g also had a maid named Mariya Qibtiya (Mary the
Copt), who was presented to him by Muqauqis. She bore the
Prophet M a son named Ibraheem. She died in 15 or 16 A.H. and
was buried in Baqi
1) Qasim
He was the eldest son of the Prophet ^t, and thus the Prophet was
called "Abul Qasim" (the father of Qasim). He died when he was
about two years old.
2) Zaynab
She was the eldest daughter of the Prophet She was born after
Qasim, and was married to Abul Aas bin Rabi'a, the son of her aunt
Hala bint Khuwaylid. Zaynab had a son named Ali and a daughter,
Umama, whom the Prophet M would place in his lap during prayer.
Zaynab died in the earlier part of 8 A.H., in Madinah.
3) Ruqayyah
She was married to Uthman bin Affan and gave birth to a son,
Abdullah, who died at the age of six when a rooster gouged his
eye. The Prophet M was at the Battle of Badr when Ruqayyah
passed away. She had already been buried when Zayd bin
Haritha reached Madinah with the news of victory at Badr.
4) Umm Kulthoom
After the death of Ruqayyah, the Prophet 4& returned from Badr
and gave Umm Kulthoom to Uthman bin Affan 4& in marriage.
She had no children, and died in 9 A.H. and was buried in Baqi.
5) Fatimah
The youngest daughter of the Prophet ^t, she was married to Ali
bin Abi Talib after the Battle of Badr. She gave birth to two
sons, Hasan and Husayn, and two daughters, Zaynab and Umm
Kulthoom. Fatimah it {S ^ ) died six months after the death of
All five of the children mentioned above were born before the
Prophet M was appointed Allah's messenger.
6) Abdullah
7) Ibraheem
If sweat appeared on his face, the beads glistened like pearls, and
the fragrance of his perspiration excelled the smell of musk.
The Prophet's cheeks were soft, his forehead wide, and his
eyebrows thin and arched. His eyes were wide, with black pupils,
while the whites were mixed with crimson. He had long thick
The bridge of the Prophet's nose was high and shiny. His mouth
was wide, and there were spaces between each of his teeth. His
teeth were bright, appearing like tiny hailstones when he smiled,
The Prophet's beard was black, thick and full, covering most of
his chest. A few gray hairs showed on his ear lobes and chin.
The Prophet had a large head on a long neck. His hair was
slightly curly, and he wore it parted in the middle. Sometimes he
kept his hair so long it touched both shoulders, while at other
times it fell just above or below his ear lobes. He had a few gray
hair above his forehead, but there were no more than twenty gray
hairs on his head and beard together.
The Prophet was of a medium build, being neither fat nor thin.
He had a straight body. Although he was not particularly tall, he
rose above most men in height.
The Prophet M usually seemed cheerful, and he liked to smile.
Even when others were rude to him, he was never harsh and
rude. He never raised his voice in the market place.
As we have seen over the course of the events in his life, the
Prophet $g was generous, brave, strong, and extraordinarily
patient. Never vulgar or obscene, his dislike of something was
apparent in his face. He never stared directly at anyone, nor did
I pray that Allah blesses this small work, and forgives me for
falling short of my lofty goal. And I pray that Allah blesses the
Prophet, his family, and his righteous Companions. May Allah
grant us a place under the Prophet's standard on the Day of
Judgment. Ameenl