08release Procedure For
08release Procedure For
08release Procedure For
5. Can you define a Release Strategy without a Release Group? If yes justify?
8. What is a Release Strategy? Can you define it without a release group? If yes
how do you do it?
A: Release strategy is a plan which defines the approval process for purchase
requisitions or external purchasing documents. The strategy specifies the release
codes necessary and the sequence in which releases have to be affected. The
assignment of release strategy to a requisition or a purchasing document is based
on the release conditions.
We can define release strategy without a release group in release procedure
without classification procedure only.
A: Release Group: Release group is the connection for class and release strategy.
Release Code: The release code is a two digit character ID allowing a person to
release a requisition or an external purchasing document.
10. Can you define a release procedure using classification for an external
purchasing document? If yes what are the steps involved?
A: No, it is not possible to have a release procedure without classification for a PO.
12. What are the differences between release procedure with classification and
release procedure without classification? When they are used?
A: Item Level Release: This implies that the requisitions are released Item by Item
basis. I.e. The release strategy is applied for each individual item and you have to
release item by item.
Header Level Release: This implies that the requisitions or external purchasing
documents are released in total. This is also termed as Overall Release.
Collective Release: You release all requisition items or complete requisitions that
are awaiting processing by your release code. This is the preferred method if you
frequently have to effect release.
17. Can we use two different classes for same group? Or any another way of
using two different classes?
A: You can not use two different classes for a same group.
You can use different classes for purchase requisition, for external documents and
for service entry sheet.
19. Can we receive material for an unreleased PO? Do not use GR without PO.
20. Where do you name class? What are the tabs available? Explain
A: In the “Edit Class” step of release procedure with classification you can name the
Tabs available in the class creation are:
Basic data: here you enter the description of the class and validity period
of the class.
Key words: It is used for finding class via match code. The description
entered in the basic data tab serves as the first key word.
Characteristic: Here the characteristics created for a release procedure are
all entered.
A: Communication structure CEKKO is the name of the structure which contains the
components or fields that can be defined as release characteristics.
23. What is release indicator and what it does in the system when used in release
strategy, how it will behave / communicate in the system?
24. At which level are PRs released? What does this depend on?
A: PRs are released at “Header level” and at “Item level”. This depends upon the
type of procedure used to release the PR. That is the release procedure with
classification is used to release PR at header level and release procedure without
classification is used to release PR at item level as well as header level.
A: Within the release sequence, you can define alternatives. This means that several
employees can effect release (signify approval) at a certain point in the sequence.
If just one of these employees has effected release, the next release status is
reached. The other employees thus need take no action.
27. What is determination of release strategy and what all need to be configured
for in determination release strategy?
A: In the same way as for purchase orders you can apply release strategy for
contracts / scheduling agreements.
29. How do we configure release strategy item by item for PR? Explain the steps
and transaction codes with the necessary fields and screens?
Release Indicators: Define release indicators and branch to the detail screen. Here
you define whether fixed purchase requisitions may be changed by Materials
Planning, for example, and whether an RFQ or a purchase order may be created
from the requisition.
Assign Release Indicators: Assign a release indicator in dependence on the status
of the release.
Example: You create a release strategy S1 consisting of two release codes 01 and
02. Release with 01 is a prerequisite for release with 02. If release has been
effected with 01, the requisition has been given the "all clear" for the issue of
You have created the release indicators B (blocked), 1 (cleared for issue of RFQs)
and 2 (cleared for RFQs and PO).
Now enter the following as assignment:
31. Is there any way to bypass the release strategy i.e., without releasing PO by
release can we process further?
A: Yes you can bypass the release strategy by making the goods receipt at MB01
with movement type 101 where PO is created automatically.
35. What are the four options regarding whether a new release strategy should
be applied when a purchasing document is changed after the release process?
A: The followings are the four options regarding whether a new release strategy
should be applied when a purchasing document is changed after the release
Can not be changed
Changeable, no new determination of strategy
Changeable, new release under new strategy
Changeable, new release under new strategy or with value change.