Sap Fi Ap Frequently User Procedures PDF

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Business Process

Prepared by Eyad Badran &

Hussam Abo Elsoud

V 1.00
1. Accounts Payable Accounting .............................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Create a Vendor Master Record )Centrally) ........................................................................................ 3

1.2 Change Vendor Master Record )Centrally) ......................................................................................... 9

1.3 Display Vendor ................................................................................................................................... 10

1.4 Display Vendor Account Changes )Centrally) .................................................................................... 11

1.5 Block/Unlock of Vendor )Centrally) ................................................................................................... 13

1.6 Set Deletion Indicator for Vendor Master Record ............................................................................ 15

1.7 Posting a Vendor Invoice ................................................................................................................... 17

1.8 Post Vendor Credit Memo ................................................................................................................. 19

1.9 Park/Edit Credit Memo ....................................................................................................................... 19

1.10 Posting a Vendor Invoice ................................................................................................................... 20

1.11 Post Manual Outgoing payment ........................................................................................................ 24

1.12 Down Payment Request..................................................................................................................... 27

1.13 Posting A Vendor Down Payment...................................................................................................... 29

1.14 Process Vendor Down Payment Clearing .......................................................................................... 30

1.15 Reset Cleared Items............................................................................................................................ 32

1.16 Displaying Vendor Balances ............................................................................................................... 33

1.17 Displaying and Changing Customer Line Items ................................................................................. 35

1.18 Clear Vendor ....................................................................................................................................... 38

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 2

1. Accounts Payable Accounting

1.1 Create a Vendor Master Record )Centrally)

All vendor data is stored in the vendor master record and controls how transaction data
is posted to a vendor.

Vendor master data is used not only by the accounting department but also by the
material management department .When setting up the master records, there is the
option to create the accounting and material management sections separately, each in
its own application area, or together by creating the vendor master “centrally”.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
SAP Easy Access Accounting  Accounts Payable  Master Records  Create
Transaction code FK01

2. On screen “Create Vendor :Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as

3. specified in the below table:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

If using internal number assignment, the system
Vendor assigns a number when saving the master data.

Company code The company code ID 1020

A classifying feature within the vendor master Universal CS‟s account groups:
record which determines if the vendor account
number will be assigned internally or externally
Account group and which fields are proposed for input

Click on the Enter button.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 3

4. On screen “Create Vendor :Address Screen ”, enter information in the fields as
specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

Name Vendor or company name Enter selected vendor name
Short name which is used to set Enter search term such as abbreviated address
Search term
up a match code or initials
Street Street address
City City
Country Two digit country identifier
Other communication types can also be
Telephone Telephone number
Fax Fax number

5. Click on the Enter button.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 4

6. On screen “Create Vendor :Control”, enter information in the optional fields as
applicable in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

If the vendor is also a customer, use this field
Customer to link the two records together for line item
display and transaction processing
The authorization group allows extended
authorization protection for particular objects .
If the vendor belongs to a group, can assign a
group key here .If creating a match code using
this group key, group evaluation is possible.
The tax authority office responsible for the
Tax office Enter Tax authority office number.

Tax Number Enter Tax File Number.

Vat )Value added tax )registration number of
Registration Enter Sales Tax Record Number.
the customer, vendor , or company code
Assigned industry key used to identify industry
Industry key Enter as required

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 5

7. On screen “Create Vendor :Payment Transactions”, enter the vendor‟s banking
information if applicable

User Action &

Field Name Description
Country Bank country key
Bank Key Key under which bank data in the respective country is stored
Bank Account The number at the bank under which the account is managed
IBAN Entry is the number

It is an international unique, identification number for certain
bank accounts, it contains maximum of 34 alphanumeric
characters .It contains the country code bank key and account
Indicator as to whether account is a checking or savings
If several bank accounts exist in a customer or vendor master
record, you can assign different keys for these accounts

8. On screen “Create Vendor :Accounting Information Accounting”, enter

information in the fields as specified in the below table:

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 6

User Action &
Field Name Description
Reconciliation account which is updated parallel to the sub-ledger account for
account normal postings
This account number is only specified for branch accounts .All
postings, for which the account number of the branch is specified,
Head Office
are automatically posted to the head office account .The account
number of the branch affected is noted in the line items.
The authorization group allows extended authorization protection
for particular objects .The authorization groups are freely definable
This field determines how the allocation field is populated during
Sort key document entry .When displaying line items, the line items are
sorted initially by the allocation field.
In cash management, customers and vendors are allocated to
Cash mgmnt
planning groups according to their criteria major customers,
domestic...Etc .by means of an entry made in the master record.

9. On screen “Create Vendor :Payment Transactions Accounting”, enter information

in the optional fields as applicable:

User Action &

Field Name Description
Key for defining payment terms composed of cash discount
Payment Terms
percentages and payment periods
Indicator which means that incoming invoices and credit
Chk double inv
memos are checked for double entries at the time of entry.
different methods by which the vendor can be paid using the
Payment Methods
automatic payment program
Account number of the vendor for whom automatic payment
transactions are to be carried out .The account number is only
Alternative payee
needed if bank collections are not to be made directly via the
vendor who owes the payables.
Block key used to block an open item or an account for
payment transactions .The block key can be used as follows:
Payment Block During automatic payment transactions, the block key affects
open items if it is :Stored in the master record or Entered in the
House Bank Short key for a house bank

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 7

10. On screen “Create Vendor :Withholding Tax”, enter information in the optional
fields as applicable:

User Action &

Field Name Description
WH Tax Country You will but (eg)
With.t.type Withholding Tax at invoice (01 )or a payment (02)
W/tax code Withholding Tax Percentage (0.5 =01 .2.0 =02; 5.0 =03)
Liable You will sign this flag to calculate tax
Exemption Number Enter any number if the vendor is exempted
Exemption % Enter the percentage of the exemption
Exemption reason Enter exemption reason (01)
Exemption From Enter exemption date from
Exemption To Enter exemption date to

11. Press the save icon .

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 8

1.2 Change Vendor Master Record )Centrally)
Vendor master data is the data required conducting business relationships with your
vendors .It includes address data and terms of payment, for example .It also controls
how business transactions are posted to a vendor account and how the posted data is
1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Master Records 
SAP Easy Access
Maintain Centrally  Change
Transaction code FK02

2. On screen “Change Vendor :Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action &Values

Vendor enter the vendor‟s account number
Company code the company code ID of the vendor 1020

3. Select the appropriate combination of general data or company code data for
screens to change.
NOTE :The menu path Edit  Select all selects all the field groups listed under General
Data, Company Code Data and Purchasing Organization Data.
4. Click on the “Enter” button.
5. Use the left (F7( or right( F8( arrow buttons at the top left of the screen to navigate
between the different general and company code data screens.

6. Enter the necessary changes and press “Save” icon

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 9

1.3 Display Vendor
The display vendor )centrally )transaction allows the user to view the entire vendor
master record .This view includes general, company code, and purchasing data.
1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Master Records 
SAP Easy Access
Transaction code FK03

2. On screen “Display Vendor :Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

Vendor Vendor number 400000
Company code the company code ID of the vendor 1020

3. Select the appropriate combination of general data or company code data or

purchasing organization data processing options for screens to change.
4. Click on the “Enter” button.

5. Display all the data of the vendor master data then press “Back” to return to the
initial screen.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 10

1.4 Display Vendor Account Changes )Centrally)
All changes made to fields in the vendor master record can be viewed using this
transaction .It displays the old field entry; the new field entry, as well as the table and
field name .It also shows who made the change and the date the change was made .
Other information available includes deletions made to the master record.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Master Records 
SAP Easy Access
Maintain Centrally  Display Changes
Transaction code FK04

2. On screen “Vendor Account Changes :Initial Screen”, enter information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

Vendor Vendor number 400000
The smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-
contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of 1020
external reporting
 From change date Enter date
Period of
 Time Enter Time
 Changed by Enter User
Display only sensitive
Field  Sensitive flds .Only fields.
Selection  Comp .Code-specific fields only Display only company
code specific fields.
Click on the Enter button.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 11

3. On screen “Vendor Changes :Changed Fields”, view the field changes made to the
vendor master record:
 Overview :Overview displays changed fields in the vendor master record .If the user enters
the purchasing organization and/or the company code on the initial screen, all purchasing
and company code changes are visible .If not, only the general data changes can be viewed .

4. Click on the All Changes button to view additional change information.

5. On screen “Vendor Changes :Overview”, view the detailed field change

 All Changes :The All Changed view displays the changed field, when it was changed, as well
as the ‘old’ and ‘new’ value for the field.

6. Click on the Entries button to view additional change information.

7. On screen “Vendor Changes :Entries”, view the detailed entry change information:
 Entries :The Entries view displays the general views of the vendor master .By double
clicking on a view, the date and user who made the change is visible .

8. Click on the Deletions button to view additional change information.

9. On screen “Vendor Changes :Deletions”, view the detailed entry change

 Deletions :The Deletions view displays all deleted information from a vendor master record
such as bank details, partner function.

10. Click on the Field Names button to view additional change information.

11. On screen “Vendor Changes :Changed Fields”, view the detailed entry change
 Field Names :the Field Names view displays the table, field name, and field description for a
particular piece of changed data .

12. Display the account changes if there is any and after that press the “Back” icon

to go to the main menu.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 12

1.5 Block/Unlock of Vendor )Centrally)
You can block a vendor from posting, from order processing or from both .Blocking )and
unblocking )can be set in either Financial
Accounting or Materials Management .Within Accounts Payable, you can block a vendor
account from posting) .See BPP Block Vendor )Accounting .))You have to block a
vendor master record before you can mark it for deletion .You would also block a
vendor that you use only as an alternative payment recipient, so that nobody can post to
it by mistake .Only block an account if there are no more open items in the account .If
an account is blocked, you cannot clear any open items.

You can block a vendor from both posting and order processing simultaneously from
either Accounts Payable or Purchasing
You can cancel a vendor account block at any time .To do this, simply remove the
relevant indicator.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Master Records 
SAP Easy Access
Maintain Centrally  Block/Unblock
Transaction code XK05

2. On screen “Block /Unblock Vendor :Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as
specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action and Values

Vendor Vendor number 400000
Company Code Company Code 1020
Purchasing Organization Purchasing Organization identifier 1020

Click on the to continue.

3. On screen “Block /Unblock Vendor :Details Screen”, enter information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 13

Field Name Description User Action and Values
All Company Indicator specifying whether posting is allowed for this
codes vendor master record for all company codes.
Check the box if the vendor
Selected Indicates the vendor is blocked for posting in the master record is to be blocked
Co .Code specified company code . from posting for only specified
company code.
Check the box if the vendor
All Indicator specifying whether purchasing order
master record is to be blocked
Purchasing processing is blocked for this vendor master record for
from order processing for all
Organization all purchasing organizations.
purchasing organizations .
Block for
Reasons for blocking this vendor master record from Use the drop down menu for
purchasing order processing. predefined reasons.

4. Click on the “Save” Icon) Ctrl +S ) to save all the changes.

NOTE: A vendor account block may be cancelled at any time .To do this, simply remove the relevant
indicator/checks then click “Save” to save the changes.

5. Press the “Back” icon to go to the main menu.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 14

1.6 Set Deletion Indicator for Vendor Master Record
The organization of master data in your system is also an important part of marking
master records for deletion .You can set the deletion flag for all company codes or just
one specific company code.

You can reset a deletion flag at any time as long as the master record has not been
physically deleted from the system.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Master Records 
SAP Easy Access
Maintain Centrally  Set Deletion Indicator
Transaction code XK06

2. On the “Flag for Deletion Vendor :Initial Screen” screen, make the following

Field name Description User action & values

Vendor Vendor number 400000
Company Code Company Code 1020

Purch .Organization Purchasing Organization identifier 1020

3. Choose “Enter”.

4. On the “Flag for Deletion Vendor :Details” make the following entries as per your

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 15

User action &
Field name Description
Indicates that all data in this master record is to be
All Areas
Indicates that the company code data in this master
Selected Company Code 1020
record is to be deleted.
Indicates that all data in the master record will be
deleted for the specified purchasing organization .
Selected sales area 1020
Before the deletion is made, the system checks for
dependent data that would prevent the deletion.
This indicator specifies that the general data in the
General data
master record may not be deleted.

This indicator specifies that the company code-

Selected Company code specific data in the master record may not be deleted .
incl .General data If this indicator is set, the accompanying general data
cannot be deleted either.

5. Press “Save” or )Ctrl +S )

6. Press the “Back” icon to go to the main menu.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 16

1.7 Posting a Vendor Invoice
SAP adds here's to the document principle, which means that each posting is stored in
the form of a document .Each document is composed of a document header and line
items .Each posting, or document, must have at least the following information :
document and posting dates, document type, company code, currency, posting keys,
account numbers, and amounts .In order to post a document, it must balance; the debits
must equal the credits .Required fields are validated during entry.

Note :Trade accounts payable source transactions primarily come from the Material
Management )MM )module .Purchases costs and variances are also generated and
assigned from the MM module .FI is used for recording vendor invoice information and
matching against the MM source.
1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 
SAP Easy Access
Transaction code FB60

2. On screen “Enter Vendor Invoice”, enter the information as specified in the fields in
the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

Vendor Vendor account number 400000
For all line items in vendor accounts which are updated to an
Use this field for items
alternative reconciliation account in the general
Sp .G/L such as down payment
Ledger, the special G/L indicator determines which account
is to be\Selected.
Invoice Date Date of the invoice
Posting Date Date the account balances are updated.
Reference information if desired .
Used as a search criterion.
Amount Invoice Amount 1000
Currency ID Designate the document currency
Checking this box will designate the
Calculate tax system to automatically calculate
taxes during simulation or posting

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 17

This field is derived from the
Key for defining payment terms Vendor‟s Master
Paymt terms composed of cash discount Data but may also be changed
Percentages and payment periods. in the Payment
tab of Vendor Invoice.
This field is derived from the
BaselineDt Baseline date for due date and payment term calculation. Baseline Date
field in the Payment tab .
Text pertaining to the entire document.
Header Text

3. Press “Enter”
4. For the Line Item, enter the information as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

G/L Account General ledger account number

Amount in Document
Enter the line item amount to be Posted to.
D/C Debit /Credit indicator
Tax code Tax
Cost ctr Cost Object
5. Press “Enter”

6. Click on the “Simulate” button or F9 to review vendor invoice entry.

7. If you wish to change any data, double click on the line item and make your changes.
8. To post the document, Click on the “Post” icon or “Ctrl +S”.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 18

1.8 Post Vendor Credit Memo
A vendor credit memo is the reversal of part or all of an invoice .When an invoice is
cancelled, the system automatically creates a credit memo .The credit memo posting is
similar to other standard document postings within the SAP R/3 system .Once posted,
the credit memo is applied against the vendor account balance, and subsequently
offsets future payments.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 
SAP Easy Access
Credit Memo
Transaction code FB65

2. Make same steps as Transaction “FB60” Post Vendor Invoice

If you enter the FI document number of the invoice in the Invoice Reference field, the
invoice payment data are automatically copied )baseline date for payment, terms of
payment .)This ensures that the invoice and the credit memo will be taken into
account for payment at the same time .Confirm the respective message with Enter.

1.9 Park/Edit Credit Memo

You can park credit memos before you post them .This is useful for example, if the data
you want to enter is incomplete, or the parking and posting functions are carried out by
different accounting clerks )dual control principle.)

3. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 
SAP Easy Access
Document Parking  Park/Edit Credit Memo
Transaction code FV65

4. Make same steps as Transaction “FB65” Post Vendor Credit Memo until step 2.

5. At the “Park Vendor Credit Memo :Company Code 1020” screen Press “Save

parked document”) Ctrl +S) to park the document.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 19

1.10 Posting a Vendor Invoice
Every document consists of a document header and two or more line items .The
document header contains information that is valid for the whole document, such as the
document date and the document number .It also includes controlling information such
as the document type.

The line items only contain information on the particular item in question, for instance an
account number and amount .Whether any additional information is present depends on
the business transaction involved.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 
SAP Easy Access
Invoice – General
Transaction code F-43

2. On the screen “Enter Vendor Invoice :Header Data”, enter the information in the
fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

Date of the document 01.07.2010
Type Document type KR
Company code of the first account 1020
Posting date of the document which will determine the period
Posting Date 30.07.2010
it posts to
Period 7
Currency that the amounts will be entered into the system
Currency/rate EGP
Reference Field allocated to any extra numeric or name identifiers .
Doc .Header Text that may be entered to apply to the entire document via
text the header

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 20

3. For the First Line Item, enter the information as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

Key that will determine the type of account to be
Post Key 31
posted to and whether it is a debit or credit
Vendor account number to post the first line of the
Account 400000
invoice to
The G/L indicator determines how to handle special
Special G/L

4. On the Details “Enter Vendor Invoice :Add Vendor item” screen enter the
information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

The amount for the account entered on the
Amount Enter proper amount
previous screen
The amount serves, as a basis for the
automatically created postings for taxes on
Tax amount
sales/purchases and also as a base for the
advance return for tax on sales/purchases .
The system calculates the taxes
Calculate tax
automatically during simulation or posting .
Represents a tax category used by tax For tax-exempt or non-tax -able
Tax code
authorities for tax returns .The tax rate transactions, use tax codes with a

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 21

Field Name Description User Action & Values
calculation rules and further features are 0 percentage rate if the
stored in a table for each tax code . corresponding transactions are to
be displayed in the tax returns.

For line items, which are related to another

Invoice ref. line item this field contains the number of
that partner document .

Specifies why a document is blocked for

payment .
Pmnt block  Manual payment block
 Block due to differences
 Random payment block
Payment method with which this item is to
Pmnt method
be paid .
The assignment number is an additional in -
The assignment number is an
formation reference field in the line item .
additional information reference
field in the line item enabling the
Assignment no. layout rules for the assignment number field
system to display the account line
are defined in the Implementation Guide,
items sorted according to the
under Determine Standard Sorting for
content of this field.
Line Items.
Enter a description of the
Text Freeform data
For the Second Line Item, enter the information as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values Comments

Note: There are many other fields which are to be used according to configuration rules, account
dependencies, specific posting transactions, and company procedures.

5. Select the Enter icon to proceed to enter more lines by repeating step 4 until
the debits equal the credits .When satisfied with your entry, proceed as described

6. On the Details “Enter Vendor invoice :Add G/L account item” screen enter the information
in the fields as specified in the table below:

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 22

To check the document before it is posted, press “Display Document Overview” icon . This
enables you to display the document.

7. To Save the data, Select the POST icon )Ctrl +S ) .Use the F3 or the Back
icon to get back to the fast entry screen/overview screen.

8. A message displaying the document number of the transaction will appear in the
status line at the bottom of the screen.
 i.e .“Document number xxxxxxxxxx was posted to Company Code xxxx”

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 23

1.11 Post Manual Outgoing payment
This is a posting for those checks that are created manually )outside the SAP R/3
system, perhaps typed or hand-written .)A check will not be generated in R/3 but the
vendor and cash accounts will be updated appropriately.

A new payment method has to be configured for using this alternative.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 
SAP Easy Access
Outgoing Payment Post
Transaction code F-53

2. On the screen “Post Outgoing Payments :Header Data” enter information in the
fields as specified in the table below:

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 24

Field Name Description User Action and Values
Document Date Date of the document. Enter date desired on the check
Document Type Classifies the accounting document Will default to “KZ”
Must be the appropriate company
Company Code Organizational Unit
code for the vendor to be paid
Date that determines the period to
Posting Date Will default to current date
which the posting will occur
Currency that the transaction will post Default is the local currency for
under the company code
G/L cash/checking account to be
Account )Bank data) Enter the proper cash account
Amount The payment amount. Enter desired payment amount
Value Date Will default to current date
Account )Vendor) The vendor account number
Account Type Type of account Default is „K‟ for vendor
Reference Field used to enter user desired text
Descriptive text that applies to the
Document Header Text Enter any desired text
document header
Clearing Text Additional explanatory information Enter any desired text

Press “Process Open Items”

3. Press “Select All” open items and “Deactivate” them then choose
the required open item )Open invoice, Credit Memo, etc.)

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 25

4. Select open items to be paid.

 Select/deselect the appropriate items by double-clicking in the gross amount field for
the item )in some cases the system will default to all of the items being selected.)
 You can manually remove or change the applicable cash discount.
 If the difference between the amount entered on the initial screen and the total of the
items that you select doesn’t fall within the system defined tolerance, you must enter
the amount that appears under “Not Assigned” into the field “Difference Postings” .This
amount will be posted back into the vendor account.
 Once the amount under “Not Assigned” equals zero )or falls within your predetermined
tolerance level )you may post.

5. When satisfied with your selections, post the payment by clicking the  Save icon.

6. Choose “Post” or )Ctrl-S) .

7. You can display the posted document by following this path :Document  Display.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 26

1.12 Down Payment Request
Down payment requests are noted items that do not affect the balance sheet .These
noted items are required to enable the system to post the down payments to your vendor
automatically using the payment program.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface )SAP GUI)
Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 
SAP Easy Access
Down Payment  Request
Transaction code F-47

2. On screen “Down Payment Request :Header Date” screen, enter information in

the fields in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comments

Payment date Enter the date on the down
Document Date
payment request
Doc .type Document Type Will default to “KA”
Company Code Company code ID 1020
Effective date of posting
Posting Date Will default to current date
in the ledgers.
Payment currency .Can
Currency/Rate be entered as a code or a
Account Vendor account number 200000
Indicator for a down Use a system
payment request with provided
Target Special
which the corresponding A indicator or
G/L Indicator
down payment is to be create your
posted later. own

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 27

Select the New Item button to proceed

3. On screen “Down Payment Request :Add Vendor Item”, enter information in the
fields as specified in the table below :

Field Name Description User Action and Values

Down payment amount Enter the requested down payment
Used as a baseline date for cash discount Enter appropriate date
Due On
/payment terms )if applicable)
May be required depending on the
Tax Code Enter an appropriate tax code
down payment account used

4. Review and Post the Down Payment

 Select the Document Overview icon to review your entry prior to posting.

 Post your down payment request by selecting the  Save icon, or use the
menu path Document  Post.

 The system will return a document number for your down payment
request.”Document 1700000007 was posted in company code 1020”

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 28

1.13 Posting A Vendor Down Payment
1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)

Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 

SAP Easy Access
Down Payment Down Payment

Transaction code F-48

2. On the screen “Post Vendor Down Payment :Header Data”, enter information
in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action & Values

Date original document was

Document Date

Doc .Type Document Type Will default to “KZ”

Company Code Company code ID 1020
Effective date of posting in the
Posting Date
Currency/Rate Payment currency EGP
Vendor Account Vendor account number Enter the vendor‟s account number
Indicator which identifies a
Special G/L Indicator
special G/L transaction
Bank Account Number Account to be credited
Amount of the total down

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 29

1.14 Process Vendor Down Payment Clearing
You can clear the down payment with the closing invoice by either:
 Transferring the down payment to the payables account and taking account of
this transfer when posting the payment, or
 Directly clearing the down payment with the invoice when the outgoing payment
is made
You can carry out both procedures manually or automatically using the accounts
payable payment program .
1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI :)
Accounting Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document Entry 
SAP Easy Access
Outgoing Payment Post +Print Forms
Transaction code F-54

2. On the “Clear Vendor Down Payment :Header Data” screen, enter information
in the fields specified in the table below:

Field Name Description User Action and Values

Document Date Document Entry Date Enter the proper date of the document
Document type that the transaction
Document Type Defaults to “KA”
will post as
Company Code Financial company code Enter desired company code
Posting Date Effective date Defaults to current date
Period Enter the fiscal period The proper period will default for the

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 30

Field Name Description User Action and Values
entered posting date
Enter desired currency if different than
Currency /rate Document Currency
the defaulting currency
Reference document number contains
Enter the reference document
Reference the document number for
Enter document header Utilize this field according to your
Doc .header text
explanations or notes company‟s established procedures
Vendor Account Enter the account number for Enter the proper vendor account
Number vendor number
Enter the number of the invoice the You may leave this field blank to select
Relevant Invoice
transaction belongs to from all down payments for this vendor
You may leave this field blank to select
Line Item Enter the relevant line item
an item from the screen that follows
You may leave this field blank or enter
Fiscal Year Enter the relevant Fiscal Year
the desired fiscal year
The assignment number is an
additional information reference
field in the line item.

Contains an explanatory text on the

Text line item.

3. Select the Process Down Payments button to proceed.

4. On the screen “Clear Vendor Down Payment :Choose Down Payments”,
choose the down payments to be cleared by clicking the checkbox to the left of
the item.

5. After the item)s )is selected, access the menu path Document  Simulate to
review the accounting document.
6. On the screen “Clear Vendor Down Payment :Display Overview”, review the
highlighted accounting document for missing or incorrect information .To edit,
double click on the line item.
7. Once the document is reviewed, post the document by clicking on the  Save

NOTES :The system will return a document number for the cleared vendor down

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 31

1.15 Reset Cleared Items
You can reset clearing procedures for individual documents .When resetting clearing
postings, the clearing data is removed from the line items )and the reversal data, where
it existed, is removed from the document header .)The document changes are logged
and can be displayed in the change documents .Payment history and credit limit will be
corrected, when needed, after resetting cleared items in Accounts Receivable .This
process will be utilized for opening misapplied payments and for reversing and reissuing
credit refunds .

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface )SAP GUI:)
Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Document 
SAP Easy Access
Reset Cleared Items

Transaction code FBRA

2. On the “Reset Cleared Items”” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in
the table below:

Field name Description User action &values

Enter in the 10-digit system-
Number of the document with which the
assigned number .This is the
Clearing document line item was cleared.
clearing document or the payment
number, or offset number.
Four-character identifier of the company
Company code Enter in the company code.
Defines a period, 12 months as a rule,
Enter year that the cleared item was
Fiscal year for which the company is to create its
inventory and balance sheet.

3. Once the document is reviewed, post the document by clicking on the  Save icon.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 32

1.16 Displaying Vendor Balances
Displaying customer account balances.
The customer account contains items.
1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface )SAP GUI)
Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Payables Account 
SAP Easy Access
Display Balances
Transaction code FK10N
2. On the “Vendor Balance Display “screen, ”, enter information in the fields as
specified in the table below:

Field name Description User action & values

Vendor The vendor account number <400000>
Company Code Financial company code 1020
The fiscal year which contains the
Fiscal Year recurring document that, is to be 2010

Choose “Execute” or Press) F8) .

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 33

 The balances for every period in the year are displayed .If you need more details
of the totals double click on the required period to see its details.

To show the single document entries of a period, select the balance field of the
period you want to display by double-clicking .To show all the documents of the year,
select the total balance field by double-clicking.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 34

1.17 Displaying and Changing Customer Line Items
Displaying and changing line items in a Vendor account.

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface )SAP GUI)

Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Account 

SAP Easy Access
Display/Change Line Items
Transaction code FBL1N

2. On the “Vendor Line Item Display” screen, enter information in the fields as
specified in the table below:

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 35

Field name Description User action & values
Vendor account <400000>
Company Code <1020>
Status Set “All Items” Radio button
Type Check indicator of “Normal Items”

3. Choose “Execute” icon or Press )F8) .

4. If you choose “All Items”, the system displays all the account items .You can also
choose to display only “Open items” or “Cleared items”.

Proceed as follows to change the document:

1. Select the line item you want to change by clicking the box at the start of the row.

2. Choose “Change Document” .

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 36

3. On the “Change Document :Line Item xxx” screen, make the required changes to
the line item .Note that you cannot change all of the fields .For example, you cannot
change additional account assignments or the amount.

4. Save your entries .

The line items of an account are displayed .You can now make changes to the
document line items.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 37

1.18 Clear Vendor
This function differs from posting with a clearing transaction or posting with a
payment in the following ways:
 You do not need to enter a document header
 You can only clear open items from one account

You can use this function to clear debits and credits that balance to zero )for
example, invoices and payments that you have already entered.)

1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface )SAP GUI)
SAP Easy Access Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Payable  Account  Clear
Transaction code F-44

2. On screen “Clear Vendor :Header Data” Screen, enter information in the fields as
specified in the below table:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comments

Account Vendor Account Number 400000
Company Code Enter the company code 1020
Clearing Date
Open item - Normal OI
selection - Special G/L indicator

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 38

Select process open items to activate the necessary open items to clear.

3. On screen “Clear Vendor :Process Open Items” Screen, specify which open items
to select.

4. To Display the open items for processing, double-click on the line item .Use the
green arrow to go back to the process open items screen

5. Process the open items by choosing and then activating the necessary open items .
To Select an open item, place the cursor on the line item and click the Select item
icon .


The Not Assigned amount shows the difference between the amount to be cleared
and the net total of the active open items selected for clearing so far .

6. Select the “Save” icon to save the changes.

7. Select Yellow up Pointing Arrow or Shift F3 to return to the Main Accounts

Payable Menu.

Account Payables Business Process Procedures Page 39

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