TEST I. Read the following statements carefully. Identify what type of irony is presented.
__________________1. There are roaches infesting the office of a pest control service.
__________________2. Looking at her son’s room, Mom says, “Wow, you would win an award
for cleanliness!
__________________3. The audience knows that the killer is hiding in the closet, but the girl in
the movie does not.
__________________4. The reader knows that a storm is coming, but the children playing on
the playground do not.
__________________5. On the way to school, the school bus gets a flat tire and the bus driver
says, “Excellent! This day couldn’t start off better.
__________________6. A plumber spends all day working on leaky faucets and comes home to
find a pipe has burst in his home.
__________________7. I can’t wait to read the seven hundred page report.
__________________8. Tim’s parents are proud of the “A” he got on the test, but his classmates
know he cheated.
__________________9. A police officer caught harassing a lady.
__________________10. Awesome! Another bundle of school papers to work on.
__________________12. The police station gets robbed.
__________________13. The marriage counselor files for divorce.
__________________14. In Romeo and Juliet, the audience knows that Juliet is only asleep-not-
dead but Romeo does not, and he kills himself.
__________________15. The steak was tender as a leather.
TEST II. Read the passages carefully. Choose from the box on the left the correct discourse
markers to be use and box on the right for its classification. Use the blank for the discourse
markers and the close and open parenthesis for the classification, letters only.
Passage 1
Discourse Markers Classification
Prepared by:
Checked by:
TEST I. Fill in the blanks with a participle based on the underlined verb.
1. The tree fell.
Of a ____________ tree, everyone makes firewood.
2. The birds twittered.
The ______________ birds hopped from branch to branch.
3. The child forgot her doll.
The ____________ doll lay on the floor.
4. Please grind the meat.
The recipe calls for a _____________ meat.
5. Skim the cream.
Put aside the ______________ cream.
6. The vines climb to the top of the fence. The ____________ vine have tiny pink flowers.
7. A river divides the land. The ____________ line accounts for differences in dialect and
8. He towers far above his classmates. His _____________ heights makes him acceptable for the
basketball team.
9. The boy broke his leg when he fell in his bike. His ____________ leg made him stay home for
a week.
10. Please heat some water. Put the ___________ water in the hot-water bag.
11. He charms bewitch everybody. Her ______________ smile serves hell well in her public
relations job.
12. A light shone. The ___________ light seemed to beckon us.
13. The book interests us. You too, should read this _______________ book.
14. The old miser hid his wealth well, but his ______________ wealth did not do him any good.
15. People experience many things as they go through their life. The _____________ person
takes in stride his or her ups and downs.
TEST III. Read the following questions carefully and answer what is being ask.
1. Why did the speaker in the literary selection shoot at one of the zebras? (2 points)
2. How does the speaker feel about his action immediately after doing it? (2 points)
3. What did the speaker notice in the place where he had shot the zebra? (2 points)
4. What lesson did the speaker learned from the scene? (2 points)
2. What is the train compared to in the third line of the poem? What is the reason of the
comparison? (2 points)
3. Which sound of the train is compared to a song? Do you agree with the comparison? Explain.
(2 points)
4. What is the manifesto of the train? Why do you think the train calls it a manifesto? (2 points)
2. How does the speaker feel about his action immediately after doing it? (2 points)
3. Did the characters in the poem became friends again? How did they resolve their conflict? (2
Prepared by:
Checked by:
TEST II. A. Fill in the blanks with a participle based on the underlined verb.
1.The vines climb to the top of the fence. The ____________ vine have tiny pink flowers.
2. A river divides the land. The ____________ line accounts for differences in dialect and
3. He towers far above his classmates. His _____________ heights makes him acceptable for the
basketball team.
4. The boy broke his leg when he fell in his bike. His ____________ leg made him stay home for
a week.
5. Please heat some water. Put the ___________ water in the hot-water bag.
6. He charms bewitch everybody. Her ______________ smile serves hell well in her public
relations job.
7. A light shone. The ___________ light seemed to beckon us.
8. The book interests us. You too, should read this _______________ book.
9. The old miser hid his wealth well, but his ______________ wealth did not do him any good.
10. People experience many things as they go through their life. The _____________ person
takes in stride his or her ups and downs.
11. The tree fell.
Of a ____________ tree, everyone makes firewood.
12. The birds twittered.
The ______________ birds hopped from branch to branch.
13. The child forgot her doll.
The ____________ doll lay on the floor.
14. Please grind the meat.
The recipe calls for a _____________ meat.
15. Skim the cream.
Put aside the ______________ cream.
B. Shorten the following descriptions by using an –ing participle.
1. air that invigorates - __________________________
2. children that grow - ___________________________
3. a face that beams - ____________________________
4. a heart that forgives - __________________________
5. rain that refreshes - ____________________________
6. claws that grasp - ______________________________
7. road that winds -_______________________________
8. a smile that bewitches – __________________________
9. people who work - ______________________________
10. a doll that walks - ______________________________
11 a tree that ways - _______________________________
12. a parrot that talks - _____________________________
13. leaves that dance - _____________________________
14. a voice that trembles - __________________________
15. stars that twinkles - _____________________________
Prepared by:
Checked by:
TEST I. Read the following statements carefully. Write “S” if the words belong to /s/ sound and
“Z” if it is /z/ sound.
TEST II. Read the following words carefully. Write “a” or “an” before each expression.
TEST III. Enumerate the different Reference Materials and the pieces of information that can be
found on it.