Research On The Role of Design Aesthetics in Modern Design
Research On The Role of Design Aesthetics in Modern Design
Research On The Role of Design Aesthetics in Modern Design
IFID 2018
Abstract. The essence of design is "to create things according to the laws of beauty". The factor of beauty
is one of the most important criteria to evaluate the quality of design, and consumers will recognize those
products with perfect combination of technology and form. With the expansion of the consumer society and
the spread of the aesthetics of everyday life, the social status of design is increasingly prominent. Whether
or not the design can be accepted or recognized by consumers in the end, aesthetics is one of the most
important factors.
1 Design aesthetics
2.1 The form system of the design
Design aesthetics, as the name suggests, should be about
the aesthetics of design, or the discipline of exploring the This includes the connotation and extension of the
beauty of design. Design aesthetics is a window to know design, the form features, the aesthetic law and the trend
design and understand it from the perspective of of development, etc.
"The research object of design aesthetics includes all
fields of art design. From product to design process and 2.2 The designer
design method; from the use and consumption of things
This includes designer's knowledge structure, life
to obtaining a variety of value, especially the acquisition
experience, ideology, aesthetic pursuit and social ethics,
of aesthetic value; from design plan, conception to
design technology and manufacturing; from the practical
function of things to the design of cultural taste, artistic
form and style; from the form of creation to the thought 2.3 The impact and constrains
and ideal of the creation; from the existence of design
objects to the history of design art style and the research This means the impact and constraints of scientific and
of art history, it involves many aspects". [2] [3] technological level, material selection, market
"Design and Aes-thetics" may be more accurate than information and other factors on the design results
"Design Aesthetics" to accurately convey the during the design and production process.
"intersecting" characteristics of the combination of
"design" and "aesthetics". Design aesthetics is the 2.4 Local culture
product of interdisciplinary integration. The study of it
has been complicated since the theory of design itself Local culture includes the cultural background, national
remains to be perfected and the complexity of the tradition, popular trends and information feedback in the
aesthetics itself. [6] process of consumption of the designed product.
In this cross field, we can not only study the design
from the aesthetic point of view, but also develop the 2.5 The intersecting and connection
aesthetic research with the design as the object.
Therefore, the design aesthetics can be an integral part of The intersecting and connection between design and
the theory of "design" and a branch of applied aesthetics. other related disciplines, such as culture, philosophy, art,
sociology and psychology. In short, the common goal is
to build a harmonious relationship between man and
2 The design phenomena nature and society.
All the design phenomena in the field of traditional,
modern and even the contemporary art include many
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MATEC Web of Conferences 176, 02012 (2018)
IFID 2018
3 The characteristics of design about design aesthetics, we will lose the most basic
aesthetics premise and become a rootless wood.
Practicality is one of the most basic characteristics and 4.2 Technology and art
it determines its wide application in life. Some
Design is directly constrained by the development
ornaments in life can reflect more aesthetic feeling
level of modern science and technology. Factors
through the help of design aesthetics.
related to technology development, such as materials,
technology and information, would affect the artistic
3.2 Technology performance of design. Therefore, we must be good at
utilizing the advantages and characteristics of modern
It is mainly manifested in the fact that design
technology and the aesthetic features of modern
aesthetics has certain technical standards. Only when
materials. Although the artistic expression of the
it reaches a certain level can it be recognized and then
design is metaphysical and super technical, it is
be accepted and show its value. Especially in enriching
necessary to pay attention to the change of the
the value of aesthetic needs, it has gained better
realistic aesthetic concept and take the initiative to
development opportunities.
accept the influence of the social fashion and aesthetic
taste caused by the change of technology.
3.3 Aesthetic
As a member of the aesthetic system, aesthetics is also 4.3 Function and form
the foundation for its continuous development.
Function refers to the basic functions, technologies,
Because of aesthetics, design aesthetics has become
ideas and other material factors related to products.
more popular
Unlike pure art, design first pays attention to practical
utilitarianism, which is also a constituent element of
3.4 Innovation design beauty. At the same time, we should also
Design aesthetics is not stagnant, but developing in emphasize the aesthetic factors such as modelling,
continuous innovation. Through the integration of colour and decoration, which is the spiritual
innovative ideas and elements, it can show better requirement of modern products and products related
aesthetic experience and proper value. needs. The practical utilitarian and aesthetic forms are
equally important, the material connotation of design
will be greatly affected if function is ignored. Similarly,
3.5 Times
ignoring form equals to ignoring people's spiritual
Any aesthetics cannot escape the category of the times. need for design.
The design aesthetics also changes with the
development of the times. It adapts to the demand of 4.4 Subjective and objective
the design aesthetics in the new era through the
changes. If we throw away the times and then talk
MATEC Web of Conferences 176, 02012 (2018)
IFID 2018
Pure art creation is free; it belongs to subjective market, the beauty of design and production, the
activity and it is the individual emotional expression beauty of design and form rule, etc.
behaviour of an artist. Although design also needs
freedom of creation and subjective performance, they 5.2.3 Design aesthetic concepts
are limited. It must conform to objective requirements.
Design must regard the acceptance of consumers and Design aesthetic concepts includes the historical
the public as the first priority. Design is a more formation, evolution, modern form and future
objective activity that combines the designers with the development trend of design aesthetics.
public. [1] [5]
5.2.4 Design aesthetic taste
5 Research scopes of design aesthetics Design aesthetic taste mainly includes the social
aesthetic interest, the individual aesthetic interest, the
5.1 The fundamental problems of design individuality and common characteristics of the
aesthetics beauty of design.
MATEC Web of Conferences 176, 02012 (2018)
IFID 2018
The beauty of modern design is a new and unique One of the fundamental characteristics of traditional
beauty created by the development of modern society artistic beauty or natural beauty is non-utilitarian and
and the practice of modern design. Some non-practical. In design, the experience of beauty of
characteristics of the beauty of modern design are all design products is based on the good functions of
determined by the combination of science and art, products, it must be closely integrated with
rationality and intuition, material and spirit, the practicality. This is the fundamental difference
comprehensiveness and uniqueness of philosophy and between designing products and works of art. [4]
life. These characteristics include artificiality, practical
nature, technology, innovativeness, functionality, life, 7 The relationship between design
sensory and mental integration, humanism and
aesthetics and modern design
humanity beauty, etc. The aesthetic sense of the spirit
and culture of the design is also an important part of The relationship between design aesthetics and
the beauty of the design. The beauty of the design can modern design is dialectical. There has been a lot of
be only the pleasure of the shape, the texture and the discussion in the academic world. In a simple way,
colour to the senses. It can also be a metaphor, the design aesthetics and the formation and development
symbol of the identity of the cultural symbol and the of design are synchronous and interacted. For one
confirmation of the self. [4] thing, technology led industrial civilization gave birth
to modern design after the industrial revolution,
6.2 Features of the beauty of modern design which resulted in the emerging discipline of design
aesthetics and the basic theoretical structure of it. For
The birth of modern design is to beautify people's lives another thing, the research of design aesthetics in the
by beautifying the industrial products produced in field of aesthetics and theory also guides the
batches. It can be said that the core of modern design development of modern design. It also analyses the
concept is to beautify life and pursue beauty. However, problems arising from the development of modern
due to the technology and practicality of design, the design, and puts forward reasonable solutions and
aesthetics of design product is inseparable from ways. As an inevitable product of the design of art
innovation, convenience and practicality. Through theory and aesthetic development in modern society,
these innovations and practicality, design is to the position of design aesthetics has not been
transform and beautify people's lives, satisfy people's questioned in the design and art world.
emotional needs and needs for comfortableness and In today's era, technology is everywhere. Design is
convenience. That is to say the beauty of design is the indispensable to life; technology and design are
beauty of practice, the beauty of life and the beauty of inseparable. Whether it is the beauty of the handicraft
human nature. design or the rational beauty of modern industrial
technology, it shows the indispensable position of
6.3 Problems to be solved in modern design design aesthetics in the design and industrial
aesthetics production.
MATEC Web of Conferences 176, 02012 (2018)
IFID 2018
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