Implementing E-Logging at Thames Water: Keywords
Implementing E-Logging at Thames Water: Keywords
Implementing E-Logging at Thames Water: Keywords
Standardizing shift logs, event logs and escalation processes across all shift patterns in Water Control
Electronic Logbook, Shift Handover, Compliance, Communication, Event Escalation, Reporting, ISO9001
This presentation will highlight how Thames Water is enhancing the Human Factors aspects of Operations
Management by digitizing previously manual operational business processes.
Thames Water was using inconsistent, time-consuming tools in its Operations Control Center and for its
shift handover process, including spreadsheets, paper forms, word processor documents and verbal
meetings, resulting in organizational risk and inefficiency. To solve this problem, Thames Water
commissioned an E-Logging (electronic logbook) project to provide greater visibility, retrievability and
auditability of Water Control information. A data repository for trend analysis was also required. Thames
Water wanted to standardize shift logs, event logs and escalation processes across all shift patterns in
Water Control. The company also wanted a solution with excellent reporting functionality that would
benefit stakeholders across Water Supply, with the aim of reports being available to support asset
investment decisions and event reviews.
Electronic Logging provides wider business benefits to Thames Water, such as:
• Contributing to company-wide Outcome Delivery Incentives (ODI) in Water Quality, Energy, etc.
• Meeting the Security and Emergency Measures Direction recommendations that water companies
have an electronic logging system
• Aiding demonstration to both the Environment Agency and the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI)
that requirements can be met as a control function
• Supporting the standards required to maintain their Quality Management accreditations such as
• Reducing the risk of compensation to external parties
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 2
Thames Water is a private utility company, enabled by the "Water Industry Act of 1991" and is the UK's
largest water and wastewater services company. Every day, Thames Water supplies approximately 2.6
billion liters (570 million imperial gallons) of tap water to 9 million customers across London and the
Thames Valley and removes and treats approximately 4.4 billion liters (970 million imperial gallons) of
sewage for 15 million customers, representing 27% of the UK population.
Regulatory Governance
Regulatory Governance of the various water authorities in the United Kingdom is divided amongst the
following agencies, each with their own mandates that support the Water Industry Act of 1991 and who
have the ability to levy fines and regulatory oversite on companies like Thames Water.
• The Environmental Agency (EA) - a non-departmental public body, established in 1995 and
sponsored by the United Kingdom government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs (DEFRA), with responsibilities relating to the protection and enhancement of
the environment in England
• Ofwat - Is the body responsible for economic regulation of the privatized water and sewerage industry
in England and Wales. Ofwat is primarily responsible for setting limits on the prices charged for water
and sewerage services
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 3
• Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) - is a section of DEFRA set up to regulate the public water
supply companies in England and Wales.
• SEMD - Security and Emergency Measures Direction - a statutory document produced under the
provisions of Section 208 of the Water Industry Act 1991. It places upon water companies the
requirement to keep under review and revise such plans as it considers necessary to ensure the
provisions of essential water supply and wastewater services at all times.
• ISO9001 Accreditation - While not regulatory in nature, the maintenance of ISO9001 Quality
Management accreditation is seen as a significant business objective for Thames Water and
achievement is complementary to meeting regulatory guidelines.
Any sustainable technology or business process improvement needs to be supported by a solid business
case and so even though the regulatory environment necessitated that Thames Water digitize these
Operations Logbook and Shift Handover business processes a study was conducted internally to
additionally measure the impact of their current business processes against internal metrics for future
evaluation of the success of the implementation of E-Logging.
Through a careful study of the Water Control Department it was identified that effective and efficient
logging of Operational Activities could be improved to facilitate better communication between the shifts
and to provide better visibility to asset failures.
Logging of Operational Activity - In one instance, a large storage reservoir was overfilled as the pumps
had been started by one System Operator who didn’t hand over to another and as a result a reservoir
overfilled leading to structural damage – if the reservoir had broken their banks this could have caused
severe flooding and potential injury and loss of life
Visibility of Asset Failure - Controllers and Management often only had anecdotal evidence of the number
of times that water supply was reduced to a point where their customers would be affected and it was
difficult to capture this information in a timely manner to influence system investment.
Below is an example of the work done to document the cost of conducting operations the old way to help
guide the specifications and configuration towards the goal of reducing or eliminating problems going
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 4
To solve this problem, Thames Water commissioned an E-Logging (electronic logbook) project to provide
greater visibility, retrievability and auditability of Water Control information. A data repository for trend
analysis was also required. Thames Water wanted to standardize shift logs, event logs and escalation
processes across all shift patterns in Water Control. The company also wanted a solution with excellent
reporting functionality that would benefit stakeholders across Water Supply, with the aim of reports
being available to support asset investment decisions and event wash-ups.
Key Stakeholders:
o For Water Control Operations Team- A system for shift and event logs to replace existing
spreadsheets and documents with one set of logs per Operations Desk (Console) with clear
and standardized processes for logging and escalation to support quicker resolution of
emerging risks.
o For Compliance Teams - A system that will make it easier to identify risks and spot
opportunities for further process improvements
o For Water Quality - Support standardized processes for logging and escalating water quality
events, to reduce the likelihood and severity of event impacts
o For Area Operations Managers - Provide reporting data to support asset investment
decisions, reduce the risk & severity of events and to support targeting planned work at
Water Treatment Works
o Event Learning Team - Facilitate the visibility of logs in a single location to aid in event
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 5
Implementation Schedule:
The project delivery philosophy was based on implementing as much of the out-of-the-box
software vendor's functionality as possible while still addressing the designated and approved
operational business processes. Only after the core application capabilities were known and
understood by Thames Water was system modification changes defined and implemented as part
of an IT project to fill the gap between base functions and project requirements. This approach led
to a significantly shortened schedule and the ability to achieve a quicker time to value.
o October 6, 2016 - Project Kickoff with Key Operations personnel to develop project
o October 20, 2016 - Begin self-directed training to provide base-level familiarization with the
software application
o November 11, 2016 - Begin Agile System Configuration
o January 9, 2017 - Begin configured system specific training
o January 25, 2017 – Begin System and User Acceptance Testing
Key requirements of implementing an E-Logging system at Thames Water was to facilitate a more
structured and repeatable event logging and escalation process to support the stated quality and
compliance goals of the company. The E-Logging system is therefore a tool to support the business
process and so as a key factor in the deployment of the tool was the development of clear
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 6
guidelines for event logging, escalation and communications which are then supported by the tool.
Training with the tool went hand-in-hand with training on enhanced business processes.
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
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Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 8
Technical Briefings
Another key aspect of the E-Logging project was the implementation of structured Technical
Briefing communications to designated parts of the operation and key stakeholder communities.
These Technical Briefings provide a mechanism for Water Control to deliver information regarding
upcoming modifications to the Water Control system or work processes with an ability to track
individual user acknowledgements.
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 9
The Shift Handover application within the E-Logging tool helps to facilitate a roll-up of
critical information from the DESK level to SENIOR SYSTEM OPERATOR level and then up to
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 10
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
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Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
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Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 13
It was recognized early on that in order to achieve the goals of a successful deployment of the E-
Logging system, a group of Ambassadors would act to facilitate the training and adoption
throughout the Water Control Group. These Ambassadors were chosen from the ranks Senior
System Operators. The Roles and Responsibilities of these Ambassadors are as follows:
o Act as the first point of contact on shift if my team has a query and redirect them if it is
required. e.g. A System Operator has a query on how to log an event on the desk. The
Ambassador will spend five minutes running through logging within the system and point to
the training materials for future reference.
o Understand and communicate the capabilities of E-Logging and the wider business
benefits of what we’re aiming to achieve. e.g. The Ambassador will pick up on comments like ‘it
would be easier to go back to spreadsheet logs.’ The Ambassador will remind teams of the
benefits and previous events which may have been avoided if E-Logging had existed at that point.
o Support E-Logging by driving compliance and celebrating success. e.g. The Ambassador will
identify success stories of reduced impact from water quality events through using the
escalation process and share these across Water Control.
o Think strategically about E-Logging and generate more ideas on how E-Logging can be
improved further. e.g. The Ambassador will use Team Hubs to collate ideas on how the E-
logging tool can be improved and feed these into the Business Lead.
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 14
o Communicate when future phases of E-Logging have gone live. e.g. Technical briefings have
now been made available on E-Logging. The Ambassador will remind teams when arriving on
shift that this functionality is now available and communicate how it impacts the team.
o Support the onboarding of new team members. e.g. A new starter in Water Control joins. As
part of their induction, the Ambassador will run through E-Logging and what it’s aiming to
achieve. The Ambassador will ensure new starters have passed the proficiency test.
Many teams across Water Supply have benefitted from E-Logging and the improved business processes
which are being aligned to making best use of the tool. In particular, anyone who carries out shift or
event logs are benefitting from quicker, smarter processes and users find it quicker and clearer than the
older processes (spreadsheets, paper, word processing documents, etc.), providing enhanced visibility to
returning shift workers.
• Since Go-Live in February 2017 there have been over 21,000 logs entered into the system.
• Thames Water has extended the functionality of the system to additionally manage tasks that in
the past were not executed consistently, examples include:
o Solo Escalation - people working alone in the field must report back every so often. If
they don't a form is required to be filled out stating whether contact with the person was
made and where they are (previously an email)
o Extension of Working Hours - If someone is working in the field longer than the shift time
a checklist needs to be completed to make sure it is safe for them to continue doing so,
(previously an email)
o Sample Failure Investigation - If a water sample comes back with a failed result then they
complete a form with details of the sample failure (previously an email)
o Risk Assessments - for asset failures and events Risk Assessments can be completed at
different times (previously a Work Document)
o Alternative Waters - If they must provide alternative water supply to an area (bottled
water, tankers etc.) they complete forms with the details of the supply.
The E-Logging tool has added to the good work achieved through the company's iHub, acting as the tool
to escalate emerging risks identified on the schematic and through alarms in SCADA. The E-Logging tool
forms an important piece of the Thames Water Systems Operations Vision, allowing the company to
move further towards being a business in control.
The E-logging tool contributes to a company-wide Outcome Delivery Incentives (ODI) in Water Quality,
Energy, etc.
• Meeting the Security and Emergency Measures Direction Recommendations that water companies
have an electronic logging system
• Aiding demonstration to both the Environment Agency (EA) and the Drinking Water Inspectorate
(DWI) that requirements can be met as a control function
• Supporting the standards required to maintain their Quality Management accreditations such as
• Reducing the risk of compensation to external parties
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –
Dollar, Tyler, Westwood 15
And finally, the successful implementation of the E-Logging tool for events and shift-to-shift
communications has provided a digitization platform that will allow for enhancing other peripheral
business processes and integration with other Thames Water systems of record. The additional
operational processes being considered include:
• Electronic Permit to Work
• Electronic Work Authorization for Contractors
ODI ………. Outcome Delivery Incentives (Thames Water terminology)
UK…………. United Kingdom
DWI………. Drinking Water Inspectorate (UK Government Agency, department of DEFRA)
EA…………. Environmental Agency (non-departmental public body)
DEFRA…... Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK Government Agency)
Ofwat……. Water Services Regulatory Authority (Non-ministerial government department)
SEMD.…… Security and Emergency Measures Direction
CCA…..……Civil Contingencies Act (Act of Parliament)
OCM….…. Operations Customer Manager (Thames Water Operations Position)
SSO………. Senior Systems Operator (Thames Water Operations Position)
SSN………. Senior Network Operator (Thames Water Operations Position)
iHUB…….. Third Party application used by Thames Water for conditional awareness
Anthony Tyler is System Operation Compliance Manager for Thames Water Utilities, Ltd.
Presented at the 2018 ISA Water / Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium
Aug 7-9, 2018 – Bethesda, Maryland, USA –