Sample of DLL Elements of Communication
Sample of DLL Elements of Communication
Sample of DLL Elements of Communication
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Pages 04 -05 04-05 04-05
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
A. Activity (Group Presentation) (Group Presentation) Group Presentation)
1. Teacher groups the students with four to 1. Teacher groups the students with four to 1) Teacher groups the students with four to five
five members. five members. members.
2. Teacher instructs the students to create 2. Teacher instructs the students to create 2) Teacher instructs the students to create a
a two minute group presentation that a two minute group presentation that two minute group presentation that reflects
reflects their understanding of what reflects their understanding of what their understanding of what communication
communication is about. communication is about. is about.
3. Students should be creative with their 3. Students should be creative with their 3) Students should be creative with their
presentation. presentation. presentation.
4. They have five minutes to prepare. 4. They have five minutes to prepare 4) They have five minutes to prepare.
B. Analysis 1. After the presentation, let the students 1. After the presentation, let the students 1) After the presentation, let the students share
share their experiences while they are share their experiences while they are their experiences while they are discussing
discussing with their group members discussing with their group members with their group members and as they
and as they present their outputs. and as they present their outputs. present their outputs.
2. Ask: Which groups effectively 2. Ask: Which groups effectively 2) Ask: Which groups effectively
communicated their message?Give communicated their message?Give communicated their message?Give reasons
reasons why the presentation is effective. reasons why the presentation is effective. why the presentation is effective.
3. Ask: Is effective communication 3. Ask: Is effective communication 3) Ask: Is effective communication effective?
effective? Why? Why not? effective? Why? Why not? Why? Why not?
Communication is a process of sharing and Communication is a process of sharing and Communication is a process of sharing and
conveying messages and information from conveying messages and information from conveying messages and information from
one person to another. one person to another. one person to another.
Elements of Communication Elements of Communication Elements of Communication
Speaker The source of message Speaker The source of message Speaker The source of message
Message The information, ideas or Message The information, ideas or Message The information, ideas or
thoughts conveyed by the thoughts conveyed by the thoughts conveyed by the
speaker into words and speaker into words and speaker into words and
actions. actions. actions.
Encoding The process of converting Encoding The process of converting Encoding The process of converting
the message into words and the message into words and the message into words and
actions. actions. actions.
Channel The means or medium in Channel The means or medium in Channel The means or medium in
which the encoded message which the encoded message which the encoded message
is conveyed. is conveyed. is conveyed.
Decoding The process of interpreting Decoding The process of interpreting Decoding The process of interpreting
the encoded message. the encoded message. the encoded message.
Receiver The recipient of the Receiver The recipient of the Receiver The recipient of the
message. message. message.
Feedback The reactions, responses, or Feedback The reactions, responses, or Feedback The reactions, responses, or
information provided by information provided by information provided by
the receiver. the receiver. the receiver.
Context The environment where the Context The environment where the Context The environment where the
communication take place. communication take place. communication take place.
Barrier The factors that affect the Barrier The factors that affect the Barrier The factors that affect the
communication process. communication process. communication process.
D. Application 1. After the discussion, teacher 1. After the discussion, teacher presents
1. After the discussion, teacher presents presents situations and let students situations and let students identify the
situations and let students identify the identify the elements of elements of communication.
elements of communication. communication.
E. Evaluation (Five Minutes Group Presentation) (Five Minutes Group Presentation) (Five Minutes Group Presentation)
1. Teacher instructs students to group 5. Teacher instructs students to group 9. Teacher instructs students to group themselves
themselves into five. themselves into five. into five.
2. Students think of a situation where the 6. Students think of a situation where the 10. Students think of a situation where the
elements of communication are present then elements of communication are present then elements of communication are present then this
this should be acted in the class. this should be acted in the class. should be acted in the class.
3. After which, each group should identify 7. After which, each group should identify 11. After which, each group should identify and
and discuss the nine elements of and discuss the nine elements of discuss the nine elements of communication in
communication in their presentation. communication in their presentation. their presentation.
4. They have 3 minutes preparation. 8. They have 3 minutes preparation. 12. They have 3 minutes preparation.
F. Assignment
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional None None None
activities for remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?