Original Contributions: Characteristics of Demand Oxygen Delivery Systems: Maximum Output and Setting Recommendations
Original Contributions: Characteristics of Demand Oxygen Delivery Systems: Maximum Output and Setting Recommendations
Original Contributions: Characteristics of Demand Oxygen Delivery Systems: Maximum Output and Setting Recommendations
BACKGROUND: Demand oxygen delivery systems (DODS) allot oxygen by interrupting the oxy-
gen flow during exhalation, when it would mostly be wasted. Because DODS conserve oxygen by
various methods, there are important performance differences between DODS. We studied certain
performance factors that have not previously been carefully examined. METHODS: A bench model
was constructed to simulate a nose, airway, and alveolar chamber. A breathing simulator generated
4 respiratory patterns, at frequencies of 15, 20, 25, and 30 breaths/min. Eighteen models of DODS
were tested at 4 settings, each up to the maximum output, and compared to continuous-flow oxygen.
The variable of interest was the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) in the alveolar chamber, which
was measured for each condition. RESULTS: The DODS differed from continuous-flow oxygen,
delivering 0.5–2.1 times (mean ⴝ 1.13 times) the FIO2 increase at similar settings. During maximum
output the DODS showed a wide range of FIO2, from 0.27 to 0.46. There was a direct relationship
between volume output per pulse in the first 0.6 s of inhalation and the delivered FIO2. CONCLU-
SIONS: DODS settings were not equivalent to continuous-flow oxygen in a bench model assessment;
with equivalent settings the DODS tended to deliver greater FIO2 than did continuous-flow oxygen.
The maximum output capacity differed markedly among the DODS, and the user should know the
device’s capacity. A volume-referenced setting system for DODS should be adopted that would
allow more predictable oxygen prescription and delivery via DODS. Key words: oxygen, demand. [Respir
Care 2004;49(2):160 –165. © 2004 Daedalus Enterprises]
Introduction gas, at a relatively high flow that does not vary with changes
in respiratory frequency. Demand-type DODS generally de-
For over 4 decades, long-term oxygen therapy has been liver a smaller bolus of gas at the onset of inhalation and then
prescribed to treat chronic hypoxemia.1,2 Demand oxygen maintain a flow at or below the implied continuous-flow
delivery systems (DODS), which are designed to conserve setting for the remainder of inhalation. DODS are labeled
oxygen, have been available for more than 20 years3 but with seemingly arbitrary settings that imply equivalency to
have realized widespread use in only the past 7 years. continuous-flow oxygen (CFO) prescriptions.
DODS allot oxygen by interrupting flow during exhala-
tion, when the oxygen would mostly be wasted. DODs
extend the use-time and/or decrease the weight of portable SEE THE RELATED EDITORIAL ON PAGE 156
oxygen devices.
Pulse-type DODS deliver oxygen only early in inhalation. Given the reported performance differences between
Demand-type DODS provide oxygen flow throughout inha- DODS and CFO4 –7 we examined several factors to com-
lation.4 Pulse-type DODS generally deliver a fixed volume of pare DODS to each other and to CFO. We devised a
test-lung model system and designed a study to evaluate
the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) delivered under 16
Peter L Bliss BME and Robert W McCoy RRT BSM are affiliated with simulated conditions. We speculated that differences found
Valley Inspired Products LLC, Apple Valley, Minnesota. Alexander B in a controlled setting (without anatomic, physiologic, or
Adams RRT MPH FAARC is affiliated with the Department of Pulmo- other clinical variables) might account for clinical non-
nary/Critical Care Medicine, Regions Hospital, St Paul, Minnesota.
equivalence. Differences found might enable more knowl-
Correspondence: Peter L Bliss BME. E-mail: pbliss@tflow.net. edgeable setting of DODS to meet oxygenation goals and
Table 1. Demand Oxygen Delivery Systems Tested A comparison ratio of DODS-to-CFO performance was
calculated for each test condition. A ratio of 1 indicates
Model Manufacturer Type
equivalent FIO2 measurements with the DODS and CFO,
CR 50 Puritan Bennett Demand whereas a ratio of 2 would indicate that the DODS FIO2
Cypress 511 Chad Therapeutics Pulse was twice that of CFO.
EasyPulse Precision Medical Pulse In addition, for each device and setting, oxygen delivery
Escort Penox Technologies Pulse volume was measured by integrating the flow from the
EX2005 Sunrise Medical Pulse
TSI flow meter. Further, the oxygen delivered in the first
EX3000 Sunrise Medical Pulse
0.6 s of inhalation at 20 breaths/min was calculated to
Helios 300 Puritan Bennett Demand
ImPulse Elite* AirSep Pulse
allow interdevice performance comparison.
O2N Demand II Victor Medical Demand The coefficient of determination (r2, calculated with com-
O2Xpress Salter Labs Demand mercially available software [Excel, Microsoft, Redmond,
OPC-830 Western Medica Demand Washington]) was calculated to evaluate the strength of
OxyClip PC20 Puritan Bennett Demand the associations between the DODS setting number and/or
Oxymatic 401A Chad Therapeutics Pulse volume delivery and FIO2.
Oxymatic 411A Chad Therapeutics Pulse
Sequoia 302 Chad Therapeutics Pulse Results
Sequoia 311 Chad Therapeutics Pulse
Spirit 300 CAIRE Pulse
Figure 1 compares the DODS measurements to the CFO
Venture† Invacare Demand
measurements. There were differences in FIO2 between CFO
*Has 2 modes. The “A” mode cuts the oxygen dose at a given setting in half relative to the and the DODS models, and the DODS and CFO measure-
“B” mode. Both modes were tested. ments were infrequently equivalent. FIO2 delivery from
†Has several delivery modes. The factory setting of “variable” was used, in which the
delivery time is a variable that changes with breathing frequency. DODS ranged from 0.5 to 2.1 times that of the purportedly
equivalent CFO setting. Seventy-two percent of the mea-
surements were not equivalent (ie, ⬎ 10% different). On
realize oxygen savings. In addition, since all DODS de- average the FIO2 from the DODS were 1.13 ⫾ 0.34 times
liver a certain volume of oxygen per breath, we also ex- the CFO setting.
amined the volume output of each DODS, as an approach Figure 2 shows the maximum output of the DODS un-
to standardizing performance. Our goals, therefore, in- der the tested conditions. There was a wide range of per-
cluded an evaluation of the purported equivalence between formance among the devices. An intradevice comparison
settings, maximum output capacity, and the potential for a found a mean ⫾ SD FIO2 reduction of 0.053 ⫾ 0.027 when
more accurate “volume-referenced” setting system. respiratory frequency was increased from 15 to 30 breaths/
min. At a maximum setting the range of FIO2 at 15 breaths/
Methods min was 0.30 – 0.46, whereas at 30 breaths/min the FIO2
range was 0.27– 0.37.
The performance of 18 currently available DODS mod- Figure 3 shows the FIO2 range of performance for all
els (Table 1) and CFO were evaluated using a previously devices tested, at the various settings. Whereas FIO2 deliv-
described mechanical lung model.4 The test setup was con- ery increased with increasing settings, the range of values
structed to simulate a nose, conducting airways, and an between devices and conditions was wide at each setting:
alveolar chamber. The conducting airways and nose had a setting 1: 0.22– 0.26; setting 2: 0.24 – 0.29, setting 3: 0.27–
dead space of 150 mL. The apparatus was connected to a 0.38; setting 6: 0.31– 0.47 (r2 ⫽ 0.72). A more linear re-
spontaneous breathing simulator (Series 1100, Hans Ru- lationship than the setting-based system was realized when
dolph, Kansas City, Missouri) that produced 4 respiratory the FIO2 delivery was plotted against volume output by
patterns, at respiratory frequencies of 15, 20, 25 and 30 device type (Fig. 4), for both pulse-type (r2 ⫽ 0.76) and
breaths/min, tidal volume of 500 mL, and an inspiratory- demand-type (r2 ⫽ 0.84) DODS. Furthermore, in a com-
expiratory ratio of 1:2. Prior to the FIO2 testing, the gas parison of FIO2 delivery within the first 0.6 s of inhalation
flow profile output from the DODS models was measured the relationship was nearly direct (Figure 5) (r2 ⫽ 0.92),
by an electronic flow meter (Model 4040, TSI Inc, St Paul, with both pulse-type and demand-type DODS evaluated
Minnesota). FIO2 in the alveolar chamber was measured together.
with an oxygen analyzer (Servomex, Sugar Land, Texas)
for each breathing pattern at 1, 2, 4, and 6 L/min settings Discussion
(as possible) for each DODS and CFO. With DODS that
do not have settings of 5 or 6, all 4 settings were tested In this controlled-setting comparison of DODS models and
from 1 to the maximum. CFO we found marked differences in FIO2. Previous studies
Fig. 1. Ratio of fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) increase with demand oxygen delivery systems (DODS) compared to continuous-flow
oxygen (CFO), at the same DODS numerical setting. The ratio was calculated by the equation (DODS FIO2 – 21%)/(CFO FIO2 – 21%). Nearly
equivalent oxygen delivery (ie, a ratio of 0.9 –1.1) occurred in only 28% of the assessments. DODS oxygen delivery was as much as 2.1 times
the CFO delivery, with an overall average of 1.13 times the CFO delivery.
comparing DODS models found performance differences be- spiratory frequency use and when using DODS models with
tween models.4 –7 In our previous study we proposed the ef- low volume dose per numerical setting. DODS tended to
fect of 3 factors (pooling, dilution, and timing4) to explain deliver higher FIO2 during high respiratory frequency use and
nonequivalence between devices, and we found that with when using DODS models with high volume dose per nu-
CFO, increasing the respiratory rate decreased FIO2, whereas merical setting. In either case, if the oxygen prescription is
with DODS, increasing the respiratory rate caused less or no based on blood oxygen saturation measured via pulse oxim-
decrease. In the present study we examined other character- etry (SpO2), the nonequivalence between devices is of lesser
istics of DODS, conducted a more detailed comparison of importance, since the setting is guided by SpO2. Prescriptions
purported equivalency between settings, studied the maxi- for a fixed-value setting for oxygen delivery do not allow for
mum output capabilities of devices, and evaluated volume- adjustments for the patient’s range of activities or changing
based settings. As previously discussed, there are several lim- pulmonary status. The number and extent of setting adjust-
itations of this bench study that suggest caution in extrapolating ments could be reduced if DODS performance characteristics
the findings to the clinical setting.4 were better known by the user. The nonequivalence we found
suggests that changing a patient to a different DODS (or to
Equivalency CFO) will require a complete reassessment of device settings
to achieve SpO2 goals.
The DODS settings were infrequently equivalent to CFO
in the present study. The reasons for DODS/CFO nonequiva- Maximum Output
lence have been previously discussed4 (pooling, dilu-
tion, timing) and the present study provides further ev- If properly titrated to achieve SpO2 goals, the amount of
idence of the extent of this problem. The DODS tended oxygen delivered at a given numerical setting should not
to deliver a lower FIO2 (than did CFO) during low re- be a concern to the patient. If a certain SpO2 value is the
Volume-Referenced Setting
Fig. 3. Fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) delivered by all devices tested, at each available setting. Dots represent measurements from
demand-type systems. Xs represent measurements from pulse-type systems. Among the systems tested there was a wide range of FIO2
output at each setting (r2 ⫽ 0.72), and that range widened as settings were increased.
Fig. 4. Fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) as a function of the volume output of the oxygen delivery device. Dots represent measurements
from demand-type systems. Xs represent measurements from pulse-type systems. The solid line represents the linear best fit for the
pulse-type devices. The dashed line represents the linear best fit for the demand-type devices. The relationship between volume output and
FIO2 is more direct (r2 ⫽ 0.76 for pulse-type and 0.84 for demand-type) with a volume-based system than with a setting-based system.
Fig. 5. Fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) delivered with a volume-based setting system, during the initial 0.6 s. Dots represent measurements
from demand-type systems. Xs represent measurements from pulse-type systems. When volume output during the first 0.6 s is plotted
against FIO2, the relationship is more direct (r2 ⫽ 0.92) than the volume-based system (see Fig. 4) or the setting-based system (see Fig. 3),
even with both pulse-type and demand-type models combined in the analysis.
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