Thulo Neti Khola Bridge - Abutment Design: Fig: Abutment (All Dimensions in Metres)
Thulo Neti Khola Bridge - Abutment Design: Fig: Abutment (All Dimensions in Metres)
Thulo Neti Khola Bridge - Abutment Design: Fig: Abutment (All Dimensions in Metres)
1. Bridge data
Name of Bridge Thulo Nete Khola Bridge,Jhapa
Bridge Location google coordinates 26°43'48.46"N 87°59'19.79"E
Span of bridge 25 m
Type Of Bridge Reinforced Concrete
width of superstrcture 11 m
2. Material Data
Unit weight of materials
Concrete (ϒc) 25 KN/m3
macadam (ϒas) 22 KN/m3
water (ϒw) 10 KN/m3
soil (ϒs) 16.8 KN/m3
Submerged soil density(ϒ') 10 KN/m
Grade of Concrete
abutment stem.dirt wall,return wall M25
Abutment cap M25
Foundation M25
Grade of steel Fe500
Permissible stress in steel 240 N/mm
Geotechnical Data
Bearing capacity of soil 400 KN/m
angle of repose(φ) 30 degree 0.523598776 radian
Surcharge angle(β) 0 degree 0 radian
Angle of back of abutment(α) 90 degree 1.570796327 radian
angle of friction between soil and wall(δ) 16 degree 0.27925268 radian
Coefficient of friction 0.5
Parameters Stem,Return and Abutment
Dirt wall cap,Pedestal Foundation
Modulus of elasticity (Gpa) 29 29 29
Permissible direct compressive stress(Mpa) 6.25 6.25 6.25
Permissible flexural compressive stress(Mpa) 8.33 8.33 8.33
Permissible tensile stress(Mpa) 0.61 0.61 0.61
modular ratio(m) 10 10 10
neutral axis depth factor (n) 0.258 0.258 0.258
Lever arm factor (j) 0.914 0.914 0.914
Moment Factor (Q) 0.982 0.982 0.982 PART LEVEL
b4= 0.4 (m)
Deck 180.5
Dimension of abutment h7= 0.3
b1 1.2 h1 5.11 h5=
b2 0.3 h2 1 0.3 h4= 2.8
b3 0.4 h3 0.3 h6= b6= 1.9
b4 0.4 h4 2.8 0.3 0.3 0.66 Soffit 178
b5 0.3 h5 0.3 b5 0.3
b6 1.9 h6 0.3 h2= 1
h7 0.3 H. flood 176.5
h3= 0.3
C.G Calculation (from back bottom face of abutment) b3= 0.4
Coefficient of thermal expansion of Concrete 0.0000117 /C
Length of main girder 25000 mm IRC 21:2000,Clause No. 304.9.1
Area of elastomeric pads,assume 100000 mm2
Thickness of Elastomeric Bearing 75 mm
No of longitudinal Girder 2 Nos
Differential temperature in Celcius 30 Degree C
Shear Modulus of Elastomeric Bearing 1 N/mm2
Elongation of each Girder 8.775 mm
Longitudinal Force transmitted to abutment
(F=GAD/T) 11.7 KN
Force transmitted by Two bearings 23.4 KN
Force transmitted by Two bearings per m 2.13 KN/m
iii) Seismic Load
Sa/g 2.5
Z 0.36
I 1.2
R 3
Ah 0.18
Av 0.12
Horizontal Seismic force 5.22 KN
Verical Seimic force 3.48 KN
IV) Due to Earth pressure (per meter)
ka 0.3 kp 3.33
Active pressure due to surcharge load 53.89 KN acts @ 0.5h
Active pressure dur to back fill 200.06 KN acts @ 0.42h
Total 253.95 KN
Buoyancy Effect per m length of abutment
RL of HFL 176.5 m
Deck Level 180.5 m
Abutment top (cap bottom) level 176.7 m
abutment height 5.11 m
Submerged height of abutment during HFL 4.91 m
Area of stem @ base 1.5 m2
Area of stem @ HFL 1.21 m2
Volume of submerged part of abutment 6.65 m
Upward force due to buoyancy 66.5 KN
Summery of Loads and Moments
Loads vertical load(KN) Lateral load Lever arm(m) Moment(KNm)
i) abutment 252.84 -0.214 -54.108
ii) Superstructure DL( vertical ) 218.64 -0.090 -19.678
iii) Superstructure LL( Vetical) 101.41 -0.090 -9.127
iv) Braking force(Vertical) 2.69 -0.090 -0.242
v) Bearing force(longitudinal) 6.70 6.410 42.965
vi) Active earth pressure (surcharge) 53.89 4.455 240.080
vii) Active earth pressure (backfill) 200.06 3.742 748.665
viii) Seismic horizontal 5.22 6.410 33.460
ix) Seismic Vertical 3.48 -0.090 -0.313
Total 579.06 265.87 981.70
Load Combination Vertical laod(KN) Lateral load(KN)Moment(KNm) stress Remarks
Normal Load 575.58 260.6528727 948.556 100% non seismic
Normal + Earthquake Load 492.3 265.87 989.2 150% Seismic
The section is designed for non seismic case and checked for seismic case.
Design lateral load 260.6528727 KN
design moment 948.556 KNm
clear cover 50 mm
effective depth required 982.82 mm
provided effective depth 1434 mm OK
Required area of tensile reinforcement 3015.48 mm
total area required in total length 33170.28 mm2
dia of bar provided 25 mm
No of bar required 68 Nos
Spacing 161 mm
Provided reinforcement
dia of bar provided 25 mm
number 92 Nos
spacing 120 mm
Area of reinforcement provided 45160.39 mm 25 dia. bars@120 mm c/c spacing AS1
OK 20 dia. bars@120 mm c/c spacing AS2
compression reinforcement is 50% of main
reinforcement 16689.71097 mm2
dia of bar provided 20 mm 16 dia. bars@160 mm c/c spacing AS3
No of bar required 54 Nos
Spacing 203 mm
Provided reinforcement 16mm dia bars at 1m c/c both
dia of bar provided 20 mm horizontally and vertically ( AS 4)
number 92 Nos
spacing 120 mm
Area of reinforcement provided 29112.09 mm2 OK
Shear force 260.6528727 KN
Shear force developed @ abutment base 0.174 N/mm2
100*As/bd 0.273 %
From chart of Permissible shear stree
Permissible shear stress 0.237 N/mm OK
Transverse Reinforcement
Nominal Reinfrcement on both sides 0.15% of area 10347.75 mm
each layer 5173.88 mm
Required transverse reinforcemet
dia 16 mm
Nos 26 Nos
Spacing 204 mm
Provided Reinforcement
dia 16 mm
Nos 32 Nos
Spacing 160 mm
Design of abutment Cap
Vertical reaction due to Dead load per bearing PDL 601.25 KN
Live load including Impact per bearing, PLL 557.755 KN
Total Vertical reaction per bearing 1159.005 KN
Cap thickness(assume) 1 m
Bearing size (assume)
Length 0.5 m
Breadth 0.5 m
Area of Bearing 0.25 m
Dispersed area @ base 2.25 m
Check for punching stress
Punching stress developded 0.193 N/mm Clause no 307.2.5.5 IRC 21-2000
Permissible Punching Stress 0.8 N/mm OK
Check for Bearing Stress Clause no 307.1 IRC 21-2000
Permissible Direct compressive in concrete,σco 6.25 N/mm
Allowable bearing Pressure,σcc 12.5 N/mm
Actual Compressive Stress 4.64 N/mm OK
Provide Min area of steel 0.8% mm2
Provide,dia mm 25
Number Nos 18
Spacing mm 117
Provide spacing mm 110
Total area hence provided 9906.73 mm OK
for stirrups along the cap, provide 18 nos of 16mm dia bars @ 160mm c/c.
As Per IRC 78:2000, Clause 710.10.4 the two layers of mesh reinforcement, one @ 20 mm from the top and the other at 100mm from top of the abutment
cap each consisting of 8mm φ bars @ 100mm c/c in the both directions, shall be provided directly under the bearings.
25dia@_110spacing AC1
Transverse Reinforcement: nominal reinforcement on top and bottom =0.15% of area 1680 mm each side
bar dia 12 mm
Number Required 8 Nos
Provide spacing 300 mm