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CHAPTER 6: INPUT AND OUTPUT  Gamepads are designed to be held by two

WHAT IS INPUT? hands and provide a wide array of inputs including

 Input is any data or instructions that motion, turning, stopping, and firing.
are used by a computer.  Dance Pads provide input for dance games.
 Input devices are hardware used to Users move (dance) on a pressure-sensitive mat
translate words, numbers, sounds images, and that provides input to the game.
gestures that people understand into a form that  Motion-sensing Devices control games by
system unit can process. These include keyboards user movements.
and pointing, scanning, image, capturing, and E.) STYLUS - is a penlike device typically used with
audio devices. tablets and mobile devices.
1. WHAT IS KEYBOARD? Stylus uses pressure to draw images on screen.
 Keyboards covert numbers, letters, and A stylus interacts with the computer through
special characters that people understand into handwriting recognition software that translate
electrical signals. These signals are sent to, and handwritten note into a form that systems unit can
processed by the system unit. process.
a.) TRADITIONAL KEYBOARDS - used on desktop  Scanning Devices move across text and
and larger computers. images top convert them into a form that the
Standard keyboards have 101 keys. Toggle keys system unit can process.
turn features on and off. Combination keys perform FIVE TYPES OF SCANNING DEVICES
actions when combinations of keys are held down. A.) OPTICAL SCANNER
Laptop Keyboards • Converts documents into machine-readable
b.) LAPTOP KEYBOARDS - used on laptop form.
computers smaller than traditional keyboard with • Do not recognize individual letters or images.
fewer keys. Typically does not have numeric keypad • They recognize light, dark and colored areas
or standard location for function and navigation keys. that make up individual letters or images.
c.) VIRTUAL KEYBOARD - primarily used on mobile • Scanned documents are saved in files that can
devices and tablets. Does not have a physical be further processed, displayed, printed, or store
keyboards. Keys displayed on screen and selected by for later use.
pressing a keys image. • It is a powerful tools for a wide variety of end
d.) THUMB KEYBOARD - used on smartphones and users, including graphics and advertising
other small mobile devices. Designed primarily for professionals who scan images and combine them
communicating via texting and connecting to the web. with text.
 Pointing is one of the most natural of all  Flatbed Scanner, a copy machine. Image is
human gestures. placed on a glass surface, and the scanner
 Pointing Devices provide an intuitive records the image.
interface with the system unit by accepting  Document Scanner similar to a flatbed
physical movements or gestures and converting scanner except that it can quickly scan multipage
them into machine-readable input. documents.
DIFFERENT TYPES OF POINTING DEVICES  Portable Scanner, typically a handled device
A.) MOUSE that slide across the image, making different
Mouse controls a pointer that is displayed on the contact.
monitor. The mouse pointer usually appears in the B.) CARD READERS - interpret encoded information
shape of an arrow. located on a variety of cards. The most common is the
Some mice have a wheel button that rotates to scroll magnetic card reader that reads information from a
through information on the monitor. thin magnetic strip on the back of a card.
i. Optical mouse is the most widely used. C.) BAR CODE READERS - (either handheld wand
ii. A cordless or wireless mouse uses radio waves readers or platform scanners) read bar code on
or infrared light waves. products. There are a variety of different code
Touch Pad including the UPC, Maxi Code, and QR codes.
B.) TOUCH PAD operates by touching or tapping a D.) RFID READERS - Read RFID (radio-frequency
surface. Widely used instead of a mouse with laptops identification) tags. These tags are widely used for
and some types of mobile devices. tracking lost pets, production, and inventory and for
C.) TOUCH SCREENS allow users to select actions recording prices and product descriptions.
by touching the screen with a finger or pen like device. 4. IMAGE CAPTURING DEVICES
MULTI-TOUCH SCREENS accept multiple- fingers  create or capture original images.
commands. i. DIGITAL CAMERAS
D.) GAME CONTROLLER - provide input to computer Digital Cameras record images digitally and show
games. Widely used controllers include joysticks, them on a memory card or in the camera’s memory
dance pads, gamepads, and motion sensing devices. Most digital cameras record video too.
 Joysticks control game actions by users Digital Photographs can be shared easily with others
varying the pressure, speed, and direction of a over the internet.
control stick.
c. High-Definition Television (HDTV) delivers a
much clearer and more detailed wide-screen picture
ii. WEBCAMS than regular television.
Webcams are specialize digital video cameras that Using special viewing glasses, 3-D HDTV
capture images and send them to a computer that provides theater-quality three-dimensional viewing.
broadcast over the internet. d. Cathode-Ray Tubes (CRT) is the technology used
Webcams are built in many smartphones and tablets, in traditional computer monitors and televisions. The
while other attached to the computer monitor. image on a CRT display is created by firing electrons
5. AUDIO-INPUT DEVICES from the back of the tube to phosphors located
Audio-input Devices convert sounds into a form that towards the front of the display.
can be processed by the system units by far the most 2. E-BOOK READERS (ELECTRONIC BOOKS) are
widely used audio input devices is the microphone. traditional printed books in electronic format. E-book
Voice recognition systems use a microphone, a readers (e-readers) are dedicated mobile devices for
sound card and special software. This system allows storing and displaying e-books and other electronic
users to operate computers and other devices as well media including electronic newspapers and
as create documents using voice commands. magazines.
Example : voice-controlled dialing features on mobile TABLETS can display e-books and have a larger
phones, navigation on GPS devices & control of car display area but are heavier, more expensive, and
audio systems. more difficult to read in bright light.
Specializer portable voice record or Recorder are Two well-known e-book readers are Amazon’s
widely used by doctors, lawyers and other to record Kindle and Noble’s Nook Simple Touch.
dictation. Typically 6 inches displays and use e-ink technology.
Some systems are able to translate dictation from one E-ink produces images that reflects light like ordinary
language to another, such as from English to paper, making the display easy to read.
Japanese. 3. WHAT IS PRINTER?
Example: Apple’s iPhone Siri  Printer translate information processed by the
WHAT IS OUTPUT? system unit and present the information unit and
 Output is a processed data or information. present the information on paper. Printer output is
 Output is often referred to ask soft copy. often called hard copy.
 An output device is any piece of computer Basic Features Resolution measured in dpi (dots
hardware equipment which converts information per inch) Color capability - most common black ink
into human-readable form. selection is grayscale Speed Memory, and Duplex
 Some of the output devices are (both sides of paper) Printing.
Visual Display Units (VDU) i.e. Monitor, Printer, DIFFERENT TYPES OF PRINTERS
Graphic Output devices, Plotters, Speakers i. Inkjet printers spray ink high speed onto the
etc. surface of paper.
1. MONITORS Most widely used type of printer, reliable, quiet and
Monitor (display screens) are the most use output inexpensive.
device. Monitors is very in size, shape, and cost. The most costly aspect of into inkjet printers is
Almost all however, have some basic distinguishing replacing the ink cartridges.
features. ii. Laser printers user technology similar to
The most important characteristic of a monitor is its photocopying machine.
clarity which relates to the quality and sharpness of Two Categories
images.  Personal Laser Printers - less expensive and
It is function of several monitor features, including used by single user. Typically can print 15 to 17
resolution (Matrix or pixels or picture elements), Dot pages per minute.
pixel pitch, contrast ratios, size, (active display  Shared Laser Printers - typically support
area) and aspect ratio. color, are more expensive, are used (shared) by a
New monitors support gesture input. group of users. Typically can print over 50 pages
a. FLAT PANEL MONITORS (DISPLAYS) are the iii. 3-D Printers (additive manufacturing) create
most widely used monitor. objects or three-dimensional shapes by adding layers
- thinner, are more portable, and require less of material onto one another.
power to operate. Available for decades, however, recent price
- backlit, meaning a common source of light is reductions have increased their popularity.
dispersed over all the pixels on the screen. iv. Cloud Printers are printers connected to the
TWO BASIC TYPES internet that provide printing services to others on the
1. LCD (liquid crystal display) typically used for internet.
older monitors. Google Cloud Print is a cloud printing
2. LED (light emitting diode) slimmer and more service.
environmentally friendly. v. Thermal Printers use heat elements to produce
b. Digital or Interactive Whiteboards are specialized image on heat sensitive paper
devices with a large display connected to a computer vi. Plotters using data from graphics tablets and other
or projector. graphical input devices.
4. AUDIO-OUTPUT DEVICES  Laptops do not allow correct positioning of
Audio-output devices translate audio information keyboard and screen; raise level of laptop and use
from the computer into sounds that people can external keyboard.
understand.  Tablets with virtual keyboards cause
The most widely used are speakers and headsets. improper alignment of user’s head; take frequent
 These devices connect either by cable to an breaks, move while working, use cover or stand,
audio jack on the system unit or by a wireless use external keyboard.
connection.  Smartphones require extensive use of
Bluetooth technology is widely used to connect thumbs; keep wrists straight and use other fingers.
wireless devices. CHAPTER 7: SECONDARY STORAGE
MULTI-FUNCTIONAL DEVICES Secondary storage devices are used to save,
 Multi-functional Devices (MFD) typically back up, and even transport files consisting of data or
combine the capabilities of a scanner, printer, fax, programs from one location, or computer to another.
and copy machine. At one time, almost all files contained only numbers
 MFD offer a cost and space advantage. and letters . The demands for saving those files were
 MFD are widely used in home and small easily met with low-capacity storage devices.
business offices. Secondary storage devices have always been
INTERNET TELEPHONES an indispensable element in any computer system.
Internet Telephones send and receive voice They have similarities to output and input devices.
communication over computer networks. Like output devices, secondary storage devices
Voice over IP (VoIP) is a set of standards or receive information from the system unit in form of
technologies for communications over the Internet. machine language of 0s and 1s. Like input devices,
Telephony (Internet Telephony) is a VoIP secondary storage devices send information to the
application. system unit for the processing.
Skype is a widely used VoIP service provider. It STORAGE - An essential feature of every computer
provides audio and video service that does not require is the ability to save, or store, information. Random-
any dedicated hardware. access memory (RAM) holds or stores data and
VIRTUAL REALITY HEADGEAR AND GLOVES programs that the CPU is presently processing and it
Virtual Reality (VR) creates 3-D simulated is sometimes referred as primary storage.
immersive experiences. Unfortunately, most RAM provides only
Virtual reality hardware includes training temporary or volatile storage. That is it losses all its
environments, such as in aviation, surgery, spaceship contents as soon as the computer is turned off. This
repair, or nuclear disaster cleanup. volatility results in a need for more permanent or
nonvolatile storage for data and programs.
WHAT IS ERGONOMICS? Secondary storage provides permanent or
 ERGONOMICS is the study of human factors nonvolatile storage. Using secondary storage
related to things people use. devices such as hard-disk drive, data and
 It is concerned with fitting the task to the user programs can be retained after the computer has
rather than forcing the user to contort to do the been shut off. This is accomplished by writing files to
task. and reading files from secondary storage devices.
 For computer users and manufacturers this Writing is the process of saving information to the
means designing input and output devices to secondary storage device. Reading is the process of
increase ease of use to avoid health risks. accessing information from secondary storage.
DISCOMFORT ASSOCIATED WITH HEAVY • Media are the Physical material that holds the
COMPUTERS data and programs.
 To avoid eyestrain and headache, take 15 • Capacity measures how much a particular
mins break every hour; keep everything you’re storage medium can hold.
focusing on at same distance; clean screen • Storage Devices are hardware that reads
periodically. data and programs from storage medium can hold.
 To avoid back and neck pain, use adjustable • Access speed measures the amount of time
equipment; chairs adjust for height, angle and required by the storage device to retrieve data and
back suppor; monitors at eye level or slightly programs.
below. Use footrest, if necessary, to reduce leg 1.) HARD DISKS - Hard disks save files by altering
fatigue. the magnetic charges of the disk’s surface to
 To avoid repetitive strain injury (RSI) and represent 1s and 0s. Hard disks retrieve data and
carpal tunnel syndrome, use ergonomically programs by reading these charges from the magnetic
correct keyboards; take frequent, short rest disk. It is use rigid metallic platters that are stacked
breaks; and gently massage hands. one on top of another. Hard disks store and organize
DESIGN OF PORTABLE COMPUTERS PRESENTS files using tracks, sectors and cylinders. Tracks are
ERGONOMIC CHALLENGES rings of concentric circles on the platter.
A cylinder runs through each track of a stack
of platters. Cylinders are necessary to differentiate
files stored on the same track and sector of different commercial music CD. Rea only means it cannot
platters. When a hard disks is formatted, tracks, be written on or erased by the user.
sectors, and cylinders are assigned. • Write once-CD-R, which stands for CD-
Head crash- occurs when a read/write head recordable, can be written to once. After that it
makes contact with the hard disk’s surface or with can be read many times but cannot be written on
particles on its surface. The disks surface is or erased. CD-R drives often are used to archive
scratched, and some or all of the data destroyed. data and to record music downloaded from the
• Internal Hard disks is located inside the • Rewritable-cd-rw stands for compact disc
system unit. These hard disks are able to store rewritable. Also known as erasable optical
and retrieve large quantities of information quickly. discs, these discs are very similar to CD-Rs
They are used to store programs and data files. except that the disc surface is not permanently
• External Hard Drives provide slower access altered when data is recorded.
and are typically connected to a USB or b.) DIGITAL VERSATILE DISC (DVD)
Thunderbolt port on the system unit and are easily - DVD stands for digital versatile disc. This disc has
remove. Like an internal hard disk, external hard replaced CDs as the standard optical disc.
disks have a fixed amount of storage. They are • Read only-DVD-ROM stands for digital
particularly useful to protect or secure sensitive versatile disc-read-only memory. DVD-ROM
information. Other uses for external drives include drives are also known as DVD players.
backing up the contents of the internal hard disk • Write once- DVD+R and DVD-R- are two
and providing additional hard-disk capacity. competing write once formats. Both stand for DVD
Three ways to improve the performance of hard • Rewritable
disks: DVD+RW (DVD rewritable)
• Disk caching improves hard-disk performance DVD-RW (DVD rewritable)
by anticipating data needs. While cache memory DVD-RAM (DVD random-access memory)
improves processing by acting as a temporary c.) BLU-RAY DISC
high-speed holding area between memory and the Blu-ray Disc (BD)
CPU, disk caching improves processing by acting This is the next generation of optical disc is
as a temporary high-speed holding area between called hi def (high definition), with a far greater
a secondary storage device and the CPU. Disk capacity than DVDs. The name comes from the blue
caching requires a combination of hardware and colored laser that is used to read the disc.
software. Like CDs and DVDs. Blu-ray has 3 basic
• Redundant arrays of inexpensive disks types: read only, write one, and rewritable.
(RAID) improve performance by expanding Forma Typical Description
external storage, improving access speed, and t Capacity
providing reliable storage. The result is expanded CD 700MB Once the standard
storage capability, fast access speed, and high optical disc
reliability. DVD 4.7GB Current Standard
• File compression and file decompression Blu-ray 50 GB Hi-def format, large
increase storage capacity by reducing the amount capacity
of space required to store data and programs. File 3.) SOLID-STAGE STORAGE
compression is not limited to hard disk system. It is Solid state storage devices have no moving parts.
frequently used to compress files on DVDs, CDs, Solid state drives (SSDs) are designed to be
and flash drives as well. File compression also connected inside a personal computer system the
helps to speed up transmission of files from one same way an internal hard disk would be but contain
computer system to another. solid state memory instead of magnetic disk to store
2.) OPTICAL DISCS - Today’s optical discs can hold data.
over 128 gigabytes of data. In optical disc technology, Flash memory cards are small solid storage devices
a laser beam alters the surface of a plastic or metallic widely used in portable devices. Some of the cards
disc to represent data. Like hard disks, optical disc are used within devices such as laptops,
use tracks and sectors to organize and store files. The smartphones, and GPS navigation systems.
USB drives or flash drives are so compact that they
most widely used optical discs are CD, DVD, and Blu-
can be transported on a key ring. These drives
ray discs. conveniently connect directly to a computer’s USB
port to transfer files and can have capacities ranging
a.) COMPACT DISC (CD) from 1GB to 256 GB with a broad price range to
Compact disc, or, as it is better known, CD, match.
was the first widely available optical format for PC 4.) CLOUD STORAGE
users. Cloud storage it is also known as cloud computing,
THREE BASIC TYPES OF CD’s where the internet acts as a “cloud” of servers that
• Read only-CD-ROM, which stands for supply applications to clients as a service rather than
compact disc-read-only memory, is similar to a a product. These servers provide cloud storage, also
known as online storage.
Benefits of using: • Cable Modem- uses the same coaxial cable
•maintenance •Hardware updates •File security as your television.
•File sharing and collaboration •Access speed • Wireless Modem- also known as WWAN
CHAPTER 8: COMMUNICATIONS AND (wireless wide area network) modem. It provides a
NETWORKS very portable high speed connectivity from virtually
Computer communications- the process of sharing
data, programs, and information between two or more CONNECTION SERVICE
computers. 1. Digital subscriber line (DSL) service
• E-mail  provided by telephone companies using
• Texting existing telephone lines to provide high speed
• Videoconferencing connections.
• Electronic commerce 2. Cable service
Connectivity  provided by cable television companies using
 a concept related to using computer networks their existing television cables. It is faster than
to link people and resources. DSL.
The Wireless Revolution 3. Fiber- optic service (FiOS)
 allows individuals to stay connected with one  provided by Google and Verizon with speed
another from almost anywhere at anytime without faster than cable or DSl connections.
any physical connection. 4. Satellite connection services
Communication Systems  use satellites to provide wireless connections
 Electronic systems that transmit data from one and available almost anywhere using a satellite-
location to another. receiving disk.
4 basic elements: 5. Cellular service providers
• Sending and receiving devices  includes Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. It
• Connection devices support voice and data transmission to wireless
• Data transmission specifications devices.
• Communication Channel • First - generation mobile telecommunications
COMMUNICATION CHANNELS (1G)- 1980s using analog radio signals
 essential element of every communication • Second - generation mobile
system telecommunications (2G)- 1990s using digital radio
 carry data from one computer to another signals
2 Categories of Communication Channels • Third- generation mobile telecommunications
1.) Physical Connections- use a solid medium to (3G)- 2000s beginning of Smartphones
connect sending and receiving devices. • Fourth - generation mobile telecommunications
• Twisted-pair cable (4G)- replace 3G using WiMax and LTE
• Coaxiable cable connections.
• Fiber- optic cable DATA TRANSMISSION
2) Wireless Connections Bandwidth
 do not use a solid substance to connect  a measurement of the width or capacity of the
sending and receiving devices. Rather, they move communication channel.
data through the air. 4 Categories
• Bluetooth • Voiceband or also known as low bandwidth
• Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) • Medium band
• Microwave • Broadband
• WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for • Baseband
Microwave Access) MOBILE INTERNET
• LTE (Long Term Evolution) Devices:
• Satellite 1. Smartphones
Modems (modulator- demodulator) 3. Laptops
 enables digital personal computers to 4. Mobile hotspot device
communicate across different media, including Data Plans - defines how much data you can
telephone wires, cable lines and radio waves. download using your 3G or 4G connection.
• Modulation- converting from digital to analog Overage Charges – if you exceed the monthly data
• Demodulation- converting from analog to limit, wireless providers will start overage fees.
digital • Wi-Fi access points
4 Types of Modems • Streaming music/ video
• Telephone Modem- used to connect a • Downloading
computer directly to a telephone line. • Monitor your data usage.
• DSL (digital subscriber line) Modem- uses PROTOCOLS
standard phone lines to create a high-speed  rules of exchanging data between computers.
connection directly to your phone company’s • http (hypertext transfer protocol)
offices. - a widely used protocol used for web traffic
• https (hypertext transfer protocol secure) 3. Wireless LAN
- used to protect the transfer of sensitive  uses radio frequencies to connect computers
information. and other devices.
• TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/ 4. Personal Area Network (PAN)
Internet protocol)  a type of wireless network that works within a
- identifying sending and receiving devices very small area. It connect cell phones to
- breaking information into small parts, or packets, headsets, keyboards to cell phones and so on.
for transmission across the Internet Example: bluetooth
Identification- every computer on the Internet has a
unique numeric address called an IP address (Internet 5. Metropolitan Area Networks
Protocol Address).  span distances up to 100 miles. These
• Domain Name Server (DNS)- converts text networks are frequently used as links between
based addresses to numeric IP addresses. office buildings that are located throughout a city.
Packetization- before the message is sent, it is 6. Wide Area Networks
reformatted or broken down into small parts  countrywide and world wide networks. It
NETWORKS provide access to regional service (MAN) and
 a communication system that connects two or typically span distances greater than 100 miles.
more computers so that they can exchange They use microwave relays and satellites to reach
information and share resources. users over long distances.
Terms of Computer Networks: NETWORK ARCHITECTURE
• Node- any device that is connected to a  describes how a network is arranged and how
network. It could be a computer, printer, or data resources coordinated and shared. It
storage device. encompasses a variety of different network
• Client- a node that requests and uses specifics, including network topologies and
resources available from other nodes. Typically, a strategies.
client is a user’s personal computer. Network topology- physical arrangement of the
• Server- a node that shares resources with network.
other nodes. Network Strategies- how information and resources
• Directory server- a specialized server that are shared
manages resources, such as user accounts, for an TOPOLOGIES
entire network. • Bus network- each device is connected to a
• Host- any computer system can be accessed common cable called a bus or backbone, and all
over a network. communications travel along the bus.
• Router- a node that forwards or routes data • Ring Network- each device is connected to
packets from one network to their destination in two other devices, forming a ring.
another network. • Star Network- each device is connected
• Switch- a central node that coordinates the directly to a central network switch.
flow of data by sending messages directly • Tree Network- each device is connected to a
between sender and receiver nodes. central node, either directly or through one or more
• Network interface cards (NIC)- these are devices.
expansion cards located within the system until • Mesh Network- the newest type and does not
that connect the computer to a network. use a specific physical layout (such as a star or a
Sometimes referred to as LAN adapter. tree).
• Network operating systems (NOS)- control STRATEGIES
and coordinate the activities of all computers and • Client/ server networks- use central servers
other devices on a network. to coordinate and supply services to other nodes
• Network administration- a computer on the network.
specialist responsible for efficient network • Peer- to Peer network- nodes have equal
operations and implementation of new networks. authority and can act as both clients and servers.
1. Local Area Networks (LANs) Internet Technologies
 networks with nodes that are in close physical • Intranet- a private network within an
proximity within the same building. organization that resembles the Internet. It use
 owned and operated by individual browsers, websites, and web pages.
organizations • Extanet- a private network that connects more
 link personal computers and share printers than one organization. It allow suppliers and other
and other resources limited access to their networks that increase
Network gateway- a device that allows one LAN to effienciency and reduce costs.
be linked to other LANs or to larger networks. NETWORK SECURITY
2. Home Networks • Firewall- consists if hardware and software
 allow different computers to share resources, that control access to a company's intranet and
including a common Internet connection that are other internal networks. Most use software or a
commonly used by individuals in their homes and special computer called proxy server.
• Intrusion deduction systems (IDS)- work Security program – spyware will run in the
with firewalls to protect an organization's network. background, invisible to the average user. Other
• Virtual private networks (VPN)- create a times, it disguises itself as useful software.
secure private connection between a remote user • One of the best defenses against spyware is to
and an organization's internal network. exercise caution when visiting new websites and
CHAPTER 9: PRIVACY, SECURITY AND ETHICS downloading software from unknown source.
PEOPLE - essential in information system • Another defense involves using a category of
Most significant concern in technology are: software known as ANTI SPYWARE OR SPY
1. Privacy - concerns the collection and use of data REMOVAL PROGRAMS – designed to detect and
about individuals. remove various types of privacy threats.
• Accuracy- responsibility of those who collect • Another aspect of Internet privacy.
data to ensure that data is correct. • It is the information that people voluntarily post
• Property - who owns the data. about themselves online.
• Access - responsibility of those who have data • Many people post intimate details of their lives
to control who is able to use that data. through social networking, blogging and photo –
2. Security and video – sharing sites.
3. Ethics • There are any number of cases of people who
Large Database - where in formation are store. have lost their jobs on the basis of posts on social
• Big dqtq - evergrowing volume of data. media websites.
• Information resellers/ information brokers - MAJOR LAWS ON PRIVACY
data gatherers. Gramm – Leach - Bliley Act protects personal
• Electronic Profile - detailed and personalized financial information, the Health Insurance
description of individuals. Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects
Issues that raises by profiles: medical records, and the Family Educational Rights
1. Collecting public but personality identifying and Privacy Act (FERPA) restricts disclosure of
information educational records.
2. Spreading information without personal consent SECURITY - Protecting individuals and organization
3. Spreading Inaccurate information from theft and danger. Specifically protecting
PRIVATE NETWORK information, hardware and software from unauthorized
• Employee-monitoring software - record use, as well as preventing or limiting the damage from
virtually everything you do on computer. intrusions, sabotage and natural disasters.
THE INTERNET AND THE WEB HACKERS – people who have gain unauthorized
Illusion of anonymity - thinking you are safe. access to our computer or other computers that
*When you browse the web, your browser store critical contain information about us.
information onto your hard disk, without you knowing CYBERCRIME
it. These information includes: • Cybercrime or computer crime – is any
1. History files - location or addresses of sites that criminal offense that involves a computer and a
you have recently visited. network.
2. Temporary Internet files - also known as browser • It can take various forms including the creation
cache, contain web page content and instructions for of malicious programs, denial of service attacks,
displaying this content. Internet scams, identity theft, cyber bulling, rogue
Cookies - small data files that are deposited on your Wi-Fi hotspots, and data manipulation.
hard disk from websites you have visited. Malicious Programs – A cracker is a computer
2 types: criminal who creates and distributes malicious
1. First- party cookie programs. These programs are called malware, which
2. Third-party Cookie is short for malicious software. Designed to damage
ANTISPYWARE or disrupt a computer system.
• The most dangerous type of privacy threat 3 MOST COMMON TYPES OF MALWARE:
comes in the form of spyware. VIRUSES – are programs that migrate through
Spyware -is used to describe a wide range of networks and operating systems, and most attach
programs that are designed to secretly record and themselves to different programs and databases.
report an individual’s activities on the Internet. Once activated, these destructive viruses can alter
Computer monitoring software – most invasive and and or delete files.
dangerous type of spyware. • Creating and knowingly spreading a virus is a
Keystroke logger – one type of computer monitoring very serious crime and a federal offense
software. Records every activity and keystroke made punishable under the Computer Fraud and
on your computer system, including credit card Abuse Act.
numbers, passwords and e-mail messages. • The best way to stay current is through
• Unfortunately, many spyware programs go services that keep track of viruses on a daily basis.
undetected, largely because users have no idea For example: Symantec, McAfee, and Microsoft
they are infected. all track the most serious virus threats.
Worms – programs that simply replicate themselves
over and over again. Once active in a network, the self
– replicating activity clogs computers and networks Identity Theft – the illegal assumptions of someone’s
until their operations are slowed or stopped. identity for the purposes of economic gain. One of the
• Unlike virus, it doesn’t alter or delete files. fastest – growing crimes in the country and can
However, a worm can carry a virus. Once a virus financially devastate its victim.
has been deposited by a worm onto an • To commit this crime, identity thieves look for
unsuspecting computer system, the virus will anything that can help them steal your identity,
either activate immediately or lie dormant until from your Social Security number and date of
some future time. birth, to account information and passwords.
• Viruses and Worms typically find their way into Internet Scams – a scam is a fraudulent or deceptive
personal computers through e-mail attachments act or operation designed to trick individuals into
and programs downloaded from the Internet . providing personal information or spending their time
Because viruses can be so damaging, computer and money for little or no return. Simply a scam using
users are advised to never open an e-mail the Internet.
attachment from an unknown source and to • A technique often employed by scammers is
exercise great care in accepting new programs phishing (fishing) - attempts to trick Internet
and data from any source. users into thinking a fake but official – looking
• Antivirus programs alert users when certain website or e-mail is legitimate.
kinds of viruses and worms enter their system. 2 of Type Description
the most widely used are Avast Free Antivirus
and Microsoft Security Essentials. Chain Classic chain letter instructing
Trojan horses – are programs that appear to be Letter recipient to send a nominal amount of
harmless; however, they contain malicious programs. money to each five people on a list.
They are not viruses. Like worms, however they can This is also known as a pyramid
be carriers of viruses. scheme.
• The most common types of Trojan horses
appear as free computer games and free screen Auction Merchandise is selected and payment
saver programs that can be downloaded from the Fraud is sent. Merchandise is never
Internet. delivered.
• One of the most dangerous types of Trojan Vacation “Free” vacation has been awarded.
horse claims to provide free antivirus programs. Prize Upon arrival at vacation destination
Zombies – are computer infected by a virus , worm or the accommodations are dreadful but
Trojan horse that allows them to be remotely can be upgraded for a free.
controlled for malicious purposes.
• A collected of zombie computers is known as a Advance Guaranteed low -rate loans available
botnet, or robot network. Free to almost anyone. After applicant
Botnet – harness the combined power of many loans provides personal loan – related
zombies for malicious activities like passwords information, the loan is granted
cracking or sending junk e – mail. They are hard to subject to payment of an “insurance
shut down even after they are detected. fee”
Denial of Service – DoS attack attempts to slow CYBER BULLYING
down or stop a computer system or network by • Use of the Internet, cell phones or other
flooding a computer or network with requests for devices to send or post content intended to hurt or
information and data. The targets of these attacks are embarrass another person.
usually Internet service providers (ISP s) and specific • It includes sending repeated unwanted e-mails
websites. to an individual who has stated that he or she
Rogue Wi- Fi Hotspots – free Wi-Fi networks are wants no further contact with the sender, ganging
available almost everywhere from libraries to fast – up on victims in electronic forums, posting false
food restaurants and coffee shops. Rogue Wi- Fi statements designed to injure the reputation of
hotspots imitate these free networks. These rogue another, maliciously disclosing personal data
networks operate close to the legitimate free hotspots about a person that could lead to harm to that
and typically provide stronger signals that many users person.
unsuspectingly connect to. Once connected, the rogue MEASURES TO PROTECT COMPUTER SECURITY
networks capture any and all information sent by the • Restricting access, encrypting
users to legitimate sites including user names and messages, anticipating disasters and preventing
passwords. data loss.
Data Manipulation – Finding entry into someone’s Restricting access - security experts are constantly
computer network and leaving a prankster’s message devising ways to protect computer systems from
may seem like fun, which is why hackers do it. It is still access by unauthorized persons.
against the law. Sometimes security is a matter of putting guards on
• The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act makes company computer rooms and checking the
it a crime for unauthorized persons even to view – identification of everyone admitted.
let alone copy or damage – data using any Other times it is using biometric scanning devices
computer across state lines. such as fingerprint and iris (eye) scanners.
PASSWORDS HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) –
• These are secret words or phrases that we use most common protocol for website encryption; also, it
to gain access on something adds another protection level to http.
• Example: Social Media Accounts, devices HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) – most widely
such as cellphones and computers used Internet protocol
• Passwords usually include letters, numbers The URL that begins with “https” requires that the
and as well as special characters like symbols. browser and the connecting site encrypt all messages,
• Its strength depends on how easily it can be providing a safer and more secure transmission.
guess. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) - Encrypt
• Example: MahalQuoh_disinwebe19@ connections between company networks and remote
Dictionary Attack users such as workers connecting from home.
• It uses software to try thousands of common This connection creates a secure virtual connection to
words to attempt to gain unauthorized access to a a company LAN across the Internet.
user’s account Wireless Network Encryption (WPA2 – wireless
• This is why names and simple numeric Protected Access) - Restricts access to authorized
patterns make weak or poor passwords. users on wireless networks
How to make a strong password? • WPA2 is the most widely used wireless
• You should have at least eight (8) characters network encryption for home wireless networks
• There should be a combination of letters, and is typically established for a wireless network
numbers and symbols. through the network’s wireless router.
• Also, it is important not to reuse passwords for ANTICIPATING DISASTERS
different accounts because it may result to PHYSICAL SECURITY – is concerned with protecting
unauthorized access to higher-level security such hardware from possible human and natural disasters.
as bank accounts. DATA SECURITY – is concerned with protecting
Securities software and data from unauthorized tampering or
• As mentioned in the previous chapters, damage.
individuals and organizations use security such as: PREVENTING DATA LOSS
• Security Suites, and; • Equipment can always be replaced but
• Firewalls company data may be irreplaceable.
• To protect and control access to their • Ways of most companies to keep the software
computers and the flow of information. and data from being tampered:
Security Suites • Careful screening of job applicants
• It provide collection of utility programs • Guarding of passwords
designed to protect your privacy and security while • Auditing of data and programs from time to
you are on the web. time
• Example: Backups – often stored at an off-site locations to
Firewall protect data in case of theft, fire, flood, or other
• It acts as a security buffer between a devices.
corporation’s private network and all external • Students often use flash drives and cloud
networks, including the Internet. storage as discussed in Chapter 7 to backup
• All electronic communications coming into and homework and important papers
leaving the corporation must pass through the ETHICS
company’s firewall where it is evaluated. • The essential element that controls how
• Security is maintained by denying access to computers are used today is “ethics”.
unauthorized communications. • Standards of moral conduct.
ENCRYPTING DATA COMPUTER ETHICS – guidelines for the morally
• Whenever information is sent over a network acceptable use of computers in our society.
or stored on a computer system, the possibility of • Right to keep personal information, such as
unauthorized access exist. In this case, we need credit ratings and medical histories from getting
ENCRYPTION. into unauthorized people.
• ENCRYPTION – is the process of coding Two Important Issues in Computer Ethics where
information to make it unreadable except to those Average Users to have a Role to Play
who have a special piece of information known as COPYRIGHT AND DIGITAL RIGHTS
Some common uses for encryption include: Copyright – is a legal concept that gives content
E-mail Encryption - protects e-mail messages as it creators the right to control use and distribution of
moves across the Internet their work.
File Encryption - protects sensitive files by encrypting • Paintings, books, music, films, and even video
them before they are stored on a hard drive. games can be copyrighted.
Website Encryption - secures web transactions, Software Piracy – is the unauthorized copying and
especially financial transactions. Web pages that distribution of software
accept passwords or confidential information like a • To prevent copyrights violation, corporations
credit card number are often encrypted. often use digital rights management (DRM) which
encompasses various technologies that control
access to electronic media and files.
• DRM is used to:
• Control number of devices that can access a
given file,
• Limit the kinds of devices that can access a
Digital Millennium Copyright Act – makes it illegal
to deactivate or otherwise disable any antipiracy
technologies including DRM technologies.
• This act also establishes that copies of
commercial programs may not be legally sold or
given away.
• It is illegal to copy or download copyrights
protected music and videos from the Internet
without appropriate authorization.

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