PWM Speed Control of ACSingle Phase Induction Moto

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PWM Speed Control of ACSingle Phase Induction Motor Using MCUSeries

Combined With TRIACTechnology

Article  in  International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering · January 2011

DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2011.V3.434


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2 authors, including:

Riasat Khan
North South University


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International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011

PWM Speed Control of ACSingle Phase Induction Motor

Using MCUSeries Combined With TRIACTechnology
R.Khan and M.M.S. Riyadh

switching elements e.g. thyristors, MOSFET, solid state

Abstract—Single phase induction motor has been used relays, or transistors [5].
widely in discipline industry and household where a simple PWM is a commonly used technique for controlling
motor starter can't let vary speed in starting and also running power to inertial electrical devices, made practical by
with mechanical load. This paper introduces a method for modern electronic power switches [6]. The average value of
controlling the speed of an AC single phase induction motor. voltage and current fed to the load is controlled by turning
Combination of micro controller unit & TRIAC has been used.
A single phase induction motor adjustable speed control is the switch between supply and load on and off at a fast pace.
implemented with hardware setup and software program. The The longer the switch is on compared to the off periods, the
main feature used in PIC17C756 microcontroller to control higher the power supplied to the load is. Duty cycle
speed is pulse width modulation technique. Voltage drop describes the proportion of 'on' time to the regular interval
across two terminals of TRIAC MT1 and MT2 is controlled or 'period' of time; a low duty cycle corresponds to low
with its gate voltage. Gate is controlled by DIAC and its input power, because the power is off for most of the time [7].
is controlled by an R-C triggering circuit. In triggering circuit
variable resistor is used to vary TRIAC gate voltage through In this paper, the basic principles and operation of PWM
DIAC. DIAC gate voltage, TRIAC input voltage and output inverters for ACMC applications using Induction Motor
voltage are also simulated by “Electronic Workbench” controller devices has been outlined [8]. PIC17C756
software. One chip and re-programmable ROM avoids non- microcontroller, TRIAC and DIAC are used to control the
linearity and it can replace mechanical speed variation. Output
voltage and capacity of the system can also be varied. speed of the DC motor. The performance of the proposed
system in Electronic Workbench software has been
Index Terms—Pulse width modulation, micro controller unit, evaluated in terms of duty cycle, PWM and output voltage.
triode for alternating current, diode for alternating current,
silicon controlled rectifier, metal oxide semiconductor field
effect transistor.
In an induction motor, power is supplied to the rotor by
An induction or asynchronous motor is a type of AC means of electromagnetic induction. If a single phase
motor where power is supplied to the rotor by means of voltage is applied to the stator, current will start flowing.
electromagnetic induction, rather than by slip rings and This current produces a magnetic field BS, which will rotate
commutators as in slip-ring AC motors [1]. Single phase in a counter clock wise direction. Speed of the magnetic
induction motor is the most familiar of all electric motors & field’s rotation is given by (1),
they are similar to a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor.
It has a squirrel-cage rotor identical to a 3-phase motor and
a single phase winding on the stator [2]. nsync = (1)
There are several methods for controlling the speed of
DC motors. One simple method is to varying frequency and where f is the system frequency and P is the number of
voltage of the motor. Another method is controlling SCR for poles. This rotating magnetic field BS passes over the rotor
DC motors convert AC power to direct current, with bars and induces a voltage in them, which is given by (2)
adjustable voltage [3]. In PWM method, pulse width
modulation is used to regulate the current sent to the motor. eind = (v B). l (2)
Unlike SCR method which switch at line frequency,
PWM controls produce smoother current at higher where, vis the velocity of the rotor relative to the magnetic
switching frequencies, typically between 1 and 20 kHz [4]. field and lis the length of conductor.There will be rotor
At 20 kHz, the switching frequency is inaudible to current flow which would be lagging due to the fact that the
humans, thereby eliminating the hum which switching at rotor has an inductive element. The rotor current will
lower frequency produces. However, some motor produce a magnetic field at the rotor, BR. The interaction
controllers for radio controlled models make use of the between both magnetic field would produce torque
motor to produce audible sound, most commonly simple according to (3),
beeps. A PWM controller typically contains a large
reservoir capacitor and an H-bridge arrangement of τind = kBR BS (3)

Manuscript received October 3, 2011; revised December 12, 2011.

The resulting torque is counter clockwise. Since the rotor
The authors are with with Islamic University of Technology, induced torque is counter clockwise, the rotor accelerates in
Bangladesh (e-mail:; e-mail: that direction. In normal operation both the rotor and stator

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011

magnetic field BR and BS rotates at syynchronous sppeed,

m Iff the load in ann induction inccreases, its sliip increases, and
while the rotor itself turns at a slower speeed. the rotor
r speed fallls. Since the rotor speed iss slower, theree is
The voltage induced in a rotor of ann induction motor m no more
m relative motion betw ween the rotorr and the stator
deepends on the speed of rotoor relative to thhe magnetic fields.
fi mag gnetic fields. Greater
G relativve motion prod duces a strongger
Sllip speed,nslipp is as the diifference betw ween synchroonous rotorr voltage ER which in tuurn produces a larger rotor
sppeed and rotorr speed. curreent IR. With a larger rotor current, rotorr magnetic fieeld
BR also
a increasess. However thhe angle of th he rotor curreent
nslip =nsync nm (4)
and BR changes as a well. Since rotor slip is larger, the rotor
where, nm is mechanical shaft
w s speed of
o motor. Sllip is frequ uency rises, and rotor reaactance increeases. The rotor
reelative speed expressed onn a percentagge basis, which is curreent lags furthher behind thee rotor voltag ge, and the rotor
giiven by (5) mag gnetic field shiifts the currennt. Fig. 2 show ws the inductiion
operrating at a fairrly high load.. The increasee in BR tends to
s= ( % (5) increease the torqque, while inncrease in an ngle δ tends to
decrrease the torquue. The overalll induced torrque increasess to
= ( % supp ply the motor’s increased looad.
If the rotor tuurns at synchrronous speed, s = 0, while if the
rootor is stationnary, s = 1. All normal motor speedss fall
soomewhere betw ween those tw
wo limits.

A net magnetic field,, Bnet is produced p by the
magnetization current, IM. The maagnitude of the
magnetization current andd hence of Bnet is dirrectly
prroportional to the voltage E1. If E1 is connstant, then thhe net
magnetic field,, Bnet in the motor
m is consstant. In an actual
a Fig. 2. Magnnetic field in an innduction under heeavy loads
motor, E1 variies as the loaad changes, because
b the stator
immpedances cauuse varying voltage
v drops with varying load.
However, thesee drops in thee stator winddings are relattively IV. TORQUEE-SPEED CURV
smmall, so E1 is approximately
a y constant withh changes in load.
l Thhe induction motor
m torque--speed charactteristics curvee is
At no load, the
t rotor slip isi very small, and so the rellative showwn is Fig.3. The
T induced toorque of the motor m is zeroo at
motion betweeen the rotor anda the magnnetic field is very syncchronous speeed. The torquee-speed curvee is nearly lineear
smmall, and rotoor frequency is i very small.. This conditiion is betw
ween no load and
a full load. There is a maaximum possibble
shhown in Fig.1. Since the rootor motion is small, the vooltage torquue that cannoot be exceedeed. This torqu ue is pull-out or
ER induced in the rotor iss very small and the resuulting breaakdown torquee, is 2 to 3 timmes the rated full load torqque
cuurrent IRis smaall. Because thhe rotor frequency is very small,
s of thhe motor. Thhe starting torrque of the motor
m is slighhtly
thhe reactance ofo the rotor is nearly zero, and the maxiimum largeer than its fuull load torquue, so this motor
m will sttart
rootor current IR is almost in phase
p with the rotor voltagge ER. carryying any load that it can suppply at full po
Thhe rotor curreent thus produces a small magnetic
m field BR at
ann angle just slightly greaater than 9000 behind thee net
magnetic field,, Bnet. The innduces torque, which keepps the
rootor running iss given by (6)

τind = kBR Bnet (6)

Fig. 3. Inductioon Motor Torquee-Speed Characterristics Curve

Thhe torque on the motor foor a given sliip varies as the t

squaare of the appplied voltage. If the rotor of o the inductiion
moto or is driven faster than ssynchronous speed, then the t
Fig. 1. Magnetic
M field in an induction undder light loads direcction of the innduced torquee in the mach hine reverses. If
the motor
m is turninng backward rrelative to thee direction of the
Since the rottor magnetic field is very small, the indduced maggnetic fields, thhe induced torque will stop p the motor veery
toorque is also quite
q small. Itss magnitude iss given by (7) rapiddly and will try
t to rotate itt in the other direction. Sinnce
reveersing the direction of magnnetic field rotaation is simplyy a
τind = kBRBnet sin δ (7) mattter of switchhing any twoo stator phasses. The act of
switching two phaases in order tto stop the mo otor very rapiddly

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011

is called pluggiing. The poweer converted too mechanical form VIII. HAR
inn an induction motor is giveen by (8)
Pconv = τindωm (8)
where,ω e angular velocity of the mootor.
m is the

PWM Motorr Control

PWM is a method
m for biinary signals generation, which
haas two signal periods
p (high and low).Thee width, W off each
puulse varies beetween 0 and the period,T..A PWM signnal is
geenerated by using
u the timeer and the coomparator [9].. The
coontroller consstantly checkss for zero crossings through the
coomparator. If the conditionn is true the output
o pin wiill be
clleared and thee timer will start.
s The tim
mer counts upp to a
ceertain value. If
I it reaches a predefined value
v it is stoopped
annd reset for thhe next cyclee. The outputt pin will alsoo set.
Thhis cycle will
w repeat byy waiting foor the next zero IX. RESU

PIC17C756 Microcontrolller, MAC2233A TRIAC, MOC M
30011 TRIAC Driver,
D DIAC,, Transformerr, Rectifier Brridge,
LCCD Displayy, Rewritablee Cartridge Fuse, Indiicator
LiightResistor, Capacitor.



Fig.4. Voltage vs sspeed at no-load


International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011

and if TRIAC MT T1-MT2 acrosss drop decreaases motor inpput

voltaage increases. When the m motor runs at no-load, ratted
RPMM reaches at 65V only. W When the moto or runs at loaad,
RPMM reaches at raated value graadually.Electro
onic Workbennch
ware has beenn used to evaluate the resullts. By hardwaare
impllementation and
a program tthe two appro oaches the samme
result. The propposed system m can avoid d non linearrity
blems on speedd control and mechanical sp peed variationn.


Fig. 5. Voltage vs speed at no-looad
M m
model can bee obtained froom the graph of
the motor
m speed response. Froom the matheematical moddel,
VEFORM using MATLAB improved mootor speed can n be obtained by
using controller package e.g. PID controlller, fuzzy loggic
conttroller, etc. Higher
H voltagge and poweer can also be
obtaained by usingg IGBT. Fullyy automatic PLC based speeed
conttroller also cann be designed for better reliiability.

[1] S. J. Chapman,, Electric Machiinery Fundamen ntals, McGraw-H Hill,
2005, pp. 381-3885.
[2] V. K. Mehta andd R. Mehta, Objecctive Electrical Technology,
T S.Chaand,
2007, pp. 637-6338.
[3] I. M. Gottlieb, Electric
E Motors and Control Tecchniques, McGraaw-
Hill, February 1,, 1994.
[4] I. M. Gottlieb, Practical
P Electricc Motor Handboo ok, Newnes, Octoober
8, 1997.
[5] F. B. Crocker annd M. Arendt, E Electric motors, their
t action, conttrol
and application,N New York, D. Vaan Nostrand Com mpany.
[6] B. P. Lathi,Moddern Digital andd Analog Comm munication Systeems,
Oxford University Press, 2007, ppp. 260-263.
[8] J. A. Houldswoorth and W.B. R Rosink, Introduction to PWM Speed
Control System forf Three Phase AC motors, Elecctronic Componeents
and ications, Voll.2, No.2, Februarry 1980.
[9] D.A.Grant, J.A.H Houldsworth, K.N N.Lower, “A neww high-quality PWWM
AC drive,” IEEE E Transactions, V Vol. IA-19, No 2, 1983.
[10] J.E.Gilliam, J.A.Houldsworth, L L.Hadley, “Variab ble Speed Inducttion
Motor with Inteegral Ultrasonic PWM Inverter,”” IEEE Conferennce,
APEC,pp. 92-96,1988.

R. Khan receivved B.Sc in Electtrical and Electroonic

Engineering froom Islamic Univeersity of Technoloogy
XI. CONCLUSIONSS (IUT) in 2010. He is student of o M.Sc Eng. In the
In this paperr, microcontrooller PIC17C7756 has been used institute of Reenewable Energy y of University of
Dhaka. Currently, He is workiing as a lecturerr in
foor PWM adjuustable speedd control. Thhe circuit caan be Electrical and EElectronic Engineeering department of
diivided in thhree moduless. The firstt module is the Green Universsity of Banglad desh. His reseaarch
traansformer andd rectifier. Att the end of thhis stage theree is a interests includde power systemss, power electronnics
and renewable eenergy.
reectified AC wave
w at 120 Hz at half of thhe original vooltage
peeak-peak. Thee next modulee is zero crosss detection ciircuit.
Too test this moodule MCU iss needed withh program runnning
[88]. The designnated output pin p of the MC CU is expectted to
haave a pulse at a 120 Hz. MOC M and TR RIAC are thee last M. M. S. Riyyadhreceived B.S Sc in Electrical and
modules.TRIAC C has three teerminals (MT1, MT2 and Gate).G Electronic Enggineering from Isslamic Universityy of
Itss voltage dropp across MT1 and MT2 caan be controlleed by Technology (IIUT) in 2010. Hee worked at Huaw wei
coontrolling its gate
g voltage. In the circuitt gate is contrrolled Technologies (BD) Ltd. as a BSS
B Engineer. Noow,
he is servingg as a Lecturerr in Electrical and a
byy DIAC. DIA AC input is controlled by an R-C trigggering Electronic Enngineering departtment of Universsity
ciircuit [9]. In trriggering circuuit there is a variable
v Resisttor to of Informationn Technology an nd Sciences (UIT TS).
vaary TRIAC gate g voltage trough DIAC C. As TRIA AC is His research interests includee power electronnics,
biomedical im
maging, LTE techn nology.
coonnected in series with Motor input so, if TRIAC MT1- M
MT2 across drrop increases Motor input voltage decrreases


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