RT-PCR Two-Steps Protocol
RT-PCR Two-Steps Protocol
RT-PCR Two-Steps Protocol
Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a powerful method to detect and syn-
thesize cDNA copies of low-copy-number mRNAs. Two enzymes are used: reverse transcriptase to
produce single-stranded cDNA copies, which are then used as templates in an amplification reaction
catalyzed by a thermostable DNA polymerase. For this reason, the method is known as “two-step RT-
PCR.” This protocol describes the traditional method of RT-PCR in which the two synthetic reactions
are performed separately and sequentially.
It is essential that you consult the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets and your institution’s Environmental
Health and Safety Office for proper handling of equipment and hazardous materials used in this protocol.
Amplification buffer (10×) containing MgCl2 (as supplied with the thermostable DNA polymerase)
dNTP mix (all four dNTPs, 20 mM each; pH 8.0)
Ethidium bromide (optional; see Step 12)
Exogenous reference RNA (optional; see Step 6.iv)
Gel, agarose or polyacrylamide (see Step 12)
MgCl2 (50 mM)
Oligo(dT)12–18 (100 µg/mL, in TE; pH 8.0) (see Step 3 and Discussion section entitled “Primers for
First-Strand Synthesis”)
Oligonucleotide, gene-specific (20 pmol/µL, in H2O) (see Step 3 and Discussion section entitled
“Primers for First-Strand Synthesis”)
The gene-specific oligonucleotide should be complementary to a known sequence in the target mRNA.
From the Molecular Cloning collection, edited by Michael R. Green and Joseph Sambrook.
© 2019 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Cite this protocol as Cold Spring Harb Protoc; doi:10.1101/pdb.prot095190
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and antisense primers for amplification of the cDNA product. In this way, amplification products derived from
cDNA and contaminating genomic DNA can be easily distinguished.
Bases encoding restriction sites can be added to the 5′ termini of the sense and antisense primers used in PCR. This
addition greatly facilitates cloning of the amplified product.
Oligonucleotide primers synthesized on an automated DNA synthesizer can generally be used in standard
RT-PCR without further purification. However, amplification of low-abundance mRNAs is often more efficient
if the oligonucleotide primers are purified by chromatography on commercially available resins or by denaturing
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Use the following formula to calculate the molecular mass of the oligonucleotides:
where C is the number of C residues in the oligonucleotide, A is the number of A residues, T is the number of
T residues, and G is the number of G residues. The molecular mass of a 20-mer will be 6000 Da; 100 pmol of the
oligonucleotide will be equivalent to 0.6 µg.
Barrier tips (for automatic micropipettes)
Gel electrophoresis equipment (for polyacrylamide or agarose gels)
Ice bucket
Microcentrifuge tubes, 0.5 mL, thin-walled (optional; see Step 1)
Microtiter plates (optional; see Step 1)
Positive-displacement pipette
Thermal cycler
A number of programmable thermal cyclers marketed by different commercial companies (e.g., Mastercycler
[Eppendorf], PTC-100 [MJ Research]) are licensed by PerkinElmer for use in PCR. The choice among these
instruments depends on the investigator’s inclination, the available budget, and the range of uses to which the
machine will be put. Before purchasing a thermal cycler, we recommend soliciting as many opinions as possible
to discover the advantages and disadvantages of different machines.
Before beginning work, clean all devices with RNaseZap (or any RNase commercial decontaminant). Wear gloves
throughout experiments to prevent contamination with human RNases. Change gloves after touching common sur-
Fusion PfuUltra II,a Herculase II, Phusiona ++ +++ +++ ++/+++ +++ ++ nr nr
Blend PicoMaxx,a EasyA,a Platinum Taq High ++ + (+++, + ++/+++ ++ +++ ++/+++ +
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Hot start versions available.
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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
faces (doorknobs, handles of refrigerators, etc.). Use a set of automatic pipettors that are used solely for working with
RNA. Use barrier tips.
Two-Step RT-PCR
i. In the first negative control, include all of the components of the first-strand reaction, except
the RNA template.
ii. In the second negative control, include all of the components of the first-strand reaction,
except the reverse transcriptase.
iii. In the third negative control, include all of the components of the first-strand reaction,
except the primers.
These controls provide reassurance that the cDNA product is not the result of contamination or self-
priming by RNA. See Discussion.
iv. If possible, prepare positive controls containing varying amounts of an exogenous reference
RNA equipped with a set of primer annealing sites identical to those used in the authentic
target RNA (Wang et al. 1989).
With some foresight, it is often possible to generate an appropriate reference by cloning synthetic copies
of the sense and antisense primer-binding sites on either side of an exogenous DNA sequence. The
recombinant clone can then be transcribed in vitro into an RNA template that can serve as a positive
control in RT-PCR.
7. Inactivate the reverse transcriptase and denature the template–cDNA complexes by heating the
reaction for 5 min to 95˚C.
The reverse transcriptase should be inactivated to ensure efficient synthesis during the amplification phase of
RT-PCR (Sellner et al. 1992; Chumakov 1994). Sometimes, inactivation of reverse transcriptase by heat is
insufficient. It is then necessary to purify the first-strand cDNA by extraction with phenol:chloroform and
precipitation with ethanol before setting up the PCRs. Presumably, contaminants in the reverse transcriptase
enzyme lead to a decreased efficiency of the amplification reactions.
8. Adjust the reaction mixture such that it contains 20 pmol each of the sense and antisense
amplification primers.
The 20 pmol of antisense oligonucleotide primer in the amplification reaction includes any gene-specific
oligonucleotide used to prime the synthesis of the first-strand cDNA. The presence of excess oligonucleotide
primers can lead to amplification of undesirable (i.e., nontarget) sequences, whereas a dearth of primers
reduces the efficiency of amplification. It might be necessary to remove excess oligonucleotide and random
hexamer primers from the cDNA preparation and then to optimize the concentrations of the sense and
antisense primers in the amplification reaction.
9. To each reaction mixture, add sufficient 1× Amplification buffer to bring the volume of the
reaction mixture to 99 µL (i.e., 77 µL) and 1 µL (1–2 units) of thermostable DNA polymerase.
10. Place the tubes or the microtiter plate in the thermal cycler fitted with a heated lid.
11. Amplify the nucleic acids using the listed denaturation, annealing, and polymerization times and
Problem (Step 6): There is poor yield of first-strand cDNA. Degraded RNA is the cause.
Solution: Check the integrity and concentration of the mRNA preparation by denaturing agarose gel
electrophoresis. If the RNA is degraded, prepare a new batch.
Problem (Step 6): There is poor yield of first-strand cDNA. Inhibitors of reverse transcriptase, such as
sodium dodecyl sulfate or guanidinium salts, might be present in the RNA preparation.
Solution: Re-precipitate the RNA with ethanol.
Problem (Step 6): There is poor yield of first-strand cDNA. Spurious priming, which can occur when
the stoichiometry of the reverse transcription reaction is suboptimal, is present in the PCR.
Solution: Try one or more of the following.
• Check the size of the amplified products by agarose gel electrophoresis. Spurious priming generally
leads to the synthesis of shorter cDNAs, which migrate as a smear through agarose gels. If this is the
case, optimize the reverse transcriptase reaction by systematically varying the ratio of template to
primer, the concentration of Mg2+, and the annealing temperature.
• Try changing the primers (e.g., from oligo(dT) to random primers).
• Try raising the temperature of the reverse transcriptase reaction to 42˚C or higher.
Two-Step RT-PCR
Ribonuclease H (RNase H) catalyzes the endonucleolytic degradation of the RNA moiety of DNA–RNA
hybrids, generating oligoribonucleotides of varying chain lengths with 3′ -hydroxyl and 5′ -phosphate termini.
It was first recognized and isolated from calf thymus (Stein and Hausen 1969; Hausen and Stein 1970), but it
is now known to be present in a wide variety of mammalian tissues, yeasts, prokaryotes, and virus particles.
Many types of cells contain more than one RNase H.
In many retroviruses, RNase H is associated with the multifunctional enzyme reverse transcriptase and
performs important functions at several stages during the transcription of the viral genome into DNA. In
eubacteria, it is believed to be required for the removal of RNA primers from Okazaki fragments, for
processing of transcripts into primers used by DNA polymerase I to initiate DNA synthesis, and to remove
R-loops that provide sites for opportunistic initiation of unregulated DNA synthesis at the chromosomal
origin of replication in Escherichia coli. RNase H is presumed to perform similar functions in eukaryotic cells.
RNase H has been reported to increase markedly the inhibition of gene expression by antisense oligo-
deoxynucleotides. Hybrids between these oligonucleotides and specific sequences in mRNAs are sensitive
to degradation by the enzyme. RNase H is required for initiation of replication at the origin (ori) of colicin E1
(colE1)–type plasmids in vitro. The enzyme also seems to suppress initiation of DNA synthesis at sites other
than ori.
X-ray crystallographic analysis shows that E. coli RNase H consists of two domains, one of which
contains an Mg2+-binding site enmeshed in β-strands—a fold previously recognized in DNase I. For
further information and references, see Crouch (1990), Wintersberger (1990), Hostomsky et al. (1993),
Jung and Lee (1995), Kanaya and Ikehara (1995), Rice et al. (1996), and Crooke (1998).
Solution: It is likely there was too little first-strand cDNA. To remedy the problem, try one or more of
the following.
• Increase the amount of cDNA in the amplification reaction.
• Optimize the PCR by varying the concentration of first-strand cDNA and primers, using a new
batch of dNTPs. If results are unsatisfactory, consider redesigning the primers.
• Treat the products of the first-strand reaction with 2 units of RNase H (see Box 2) for 20 min at
37˚C to remove the template RNA from the single-stranded DNA product.
Problem (Step 12): The size of the amplified product is larger or smaller than expected.
Solution: It is likely that there is contamination with genomic DNA. Perform two-step RT-PCR in the
presence and absence of reverse transcriptase. If necessary, treat the RNA preparation with DNase
I. If necessary, redesign the primers so that they anneal to genomic DNA sequences in different
exons; this greatly reduces the possibility of efficient amplification of contaminating genomic DNA.
portion of cDNA can be achieved in PCRs primed, for example, by sense and antisense oligonu-
cleotide primers corresponding to specific sequences in particular cDNAs. For maximum specif-
icity, the antisense primer should be located upstream of the oligonucleotide used to prime
cDNA synthesis.
Wherever possible, oligonucleotides that bind to sequences located in different exons of the
target RNA should be used as sense and antisense primers for amplification of the cDNA product.
In this way, amplification products derived from cDNA and contaminating genomic DNA can be
easily distinguished. However, transcripts of intronless genes cannot be differentiated unambig-
uously from contaminating genomic sequences. In these circumstances, treating the RNA prep-
aration with RNase-free DNase can be helpful (Grillo and Margolis 1990).
• Random hexanucleotides, which are capable of priming cDNA synthesis at many points along RNA
templates, generate fragmentary copies of the entire population of RNA molecules. They are useful
when the target RNA is extremely long or contains so much secondary structure that cDNA
synthesis cannot be efficiently primed by oligo(dT) or synthetic oligonucleotide(s) (Lee and
Caskey 1990). Because all mRNAs in the population can serve as templates, gene-specific ampli-
fication is achieved by using sense and antisense primers targeted to sequences in the cDNA.
Different methods of priming yield cDNA with different efficiencies (Lekanne Deprez et al. 2002;
Ståhlberg et al. 2004a,b). In most cases, investigators aim to generate a first strand of cDNA that is as
long as possible and contains a high proportion of molecules complementary to the target RNA.
Synthetic gene-specific oligonucleotides that bind to the 3′ -untranslated regions of the target mRNA
are therefore the primers of choice. Oligo(dT) is the next best option, and random hexamers, which
have no specificity and generate both long and short molecules of cDNA, are used when other
methods of priming disappoint.
Positive and negative controls should always be included when setting up RT-PCRs. Negative controls
are generated by omitting essential components of the RT stage of the RT-PCR. Positive controls,
however, are much trickier because they require standards that can be transcribed into cDNA and
amplified in parallel with the authentic target sequence. Ideally, these standards should consist of
known amounts of a synthetic RNA transcribed in vitro from a cloned, mutated segment of the target
DNA. The perfect standard would differ in sequence from the target RNA by only one or two bases
required to create one or more novel restriction site(s) in the amplified cDNA products. Both the
target RNA and the control should be able to be amplified with the same pair of primers (Becker-
André and Hahlbrock 1989; Wang et al. 1989; Gilliland et al. 1990; Siebert and Larrick 1992). After
amplification, the two PCR products are distinguished by digestion with restriction enzyme(s) and
agarose gel electrophoresis (for review, see Becker-André 1993).
Generating a perfect standard requires detailed planning and considerable labor. Most investiga-
tors therefore settle for internal standards that fall short of perfection: for example, a cloned segment
of cDNA that can be added in varying quantities to the RNA template, or, less desirably, a completely
unrelated, endogenous RNA species that can be amplified only with separate primers. Such imperfect
controls might be malodorous to purists, but they are certainly preferable to no controls at all. At least
they provide a means to measure the overall efficiency of reverse transcription and amplification and
provide some indication of the quality of the RNA preparation.
Two-Step RT-PCR
John Tooze, who first used it in an anonymous “News and Views” article in Nature. Much to the
annoyance of purists and the delight of Tooze, the name stuck and quickly became iconic.
Several types of RNA-dependent DNA polymerases are now used in vitro to catalyze the synthesis
of DNA complementary to an RNA template:
• Mesophilic enzymes encoded by avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) and the Moloney strain of murine
leukemia virus (Mo-MLV) both require an RNA or DNA template with an RNA or DNA primer
bearing a 3′ -hydroxyl group. Lacking an editing 3′ → 5′ exonuclease activity, both enzymes are
prone to error. The Km values for their dNTP substrates are very high (in the millimolar
range). To ensure complete transcription of template RNAs, it is essential to include a high
concentration of dNTPs in the reaction.
The enzyme encoded by AMV has a powerful RNase H activity that can digest the RNA moiety
of RNA–DNA hybrids and can cleave the template near the 3′ terminus of the growing DNA strand
if reverse transcriptase pauses during synthesis (Kotewicz et al. 1988). Thus, the high level of
RNase H activity associated with the avian reverse transcriptase tends to suppress the yield of
cDNA and restrict its length. (For further details, see Box 2.)
Mesophilic reverse transcriptases used to catalyze first-strand cDNA synthesis are easily blocked
by secondary structure in the RNA template. In addition, the RNase H activity of the enzymes is
thought somehow to interfere with the synthesis of full-length cDNA. Mo-MLV reverse transcrip-
tase is far better suited for RT-PCR than the avian enzyme because its RNase H activity is com-
paratively weak (Gerard et al. 1997). However, the Mo-MLV enzyme reaches maximum activity at
a lower temperature (37˚C) than the avian enzyme (42˚C), which could be a slight disadvantage if
the RNA template has a high degree of secondary structure. Variants of Mo-MLV reverse tran-
scriptase that lack RNase H activity are sold commercially (e.g., SuperScript, StrataScript). The
modified reverse transcriptases transcribe a greater proportion of the template molecules and
synthesize longer cDNA molecules than the wild-type enzyme (Gerard et al. 1988, 1997; Kotewicz
et al. 1988; Telesnitsky and Goff 1993). In addition, they are capable of cDNA synthesis at high
temperatures, which is an advantage when the template RNA is rucked into secondary structures.
Modified forms of reverse transcriptase with increased thermal stability (up to 60˚C) are com-
mercially available (e.g., SuperScript III, ThermoScript, AffinityScript) (Arezi and Hogrefe 2009).
These enzymes generate longer cDNAs than mesophilic reverse transcriptases and are now used
extensively in both one-step (see below) and two-step RT-PCR.
• Thermostable rTth DNA polymerase is encoded by the thermophilic eubacterium Thermus ther-
mophilus and shows reverse transcriptase activity in the presence of Mn2+ (Myers and Gelfand
1991). The chief advantage of using rTth polymerase in RT-PCR is that both phases of the reaction
(reverse transcription and amplification) are performed in the same reaction tube (i.e., one-step
RT-PCR) (Myers et al. 1994). However, Tth DNA polymerase cannot be used with oligo(dT) or
random hexamers as primers because the hybrids are unstable at temperatures at which reverse
transcription is performed (between 60˚C and 70˚C). Several manufacturers sell improved ver-
sions of thermostable DNA polymerases that are capable of efficiently copying RNA into cDNA.
These enzymes are used chiefly in one-step RT-PCR (see below).
For further information about the efficiencies of different reverse transcriptases in RT-PCR, see
Ståhlberg et al. (2004b).
One-Step RT-PCR
In one-step RT-PCR, all of the reagents and enzymes for the reverse-transcription and amplification
steps are assembled in the same tube. The two reactions are then performed sequentially without
further addition of reagents. In contrast, in the more traditional two-step method, cDNA synthesized
in a separate reaction is used as template in a conventional PCR. The first-strand DNA generated in the
reverse-transcription reaction can therefore be used in a number of different amplification reactions,
which can be an advantage. However, two-step PCR also has some deficiencies. For example, the
mesophilic reverse transcriptases conventionally used to catalyze first-strand cDNA synthesis are
easily blocked by secondary structure in the RNA template. In addition, the reverse transcription
and amplifications must be optimized separately. These problems can be avoided in one-step RT-PCR
because the coupled transcription and amplification reactions can both be catalyzed by thermostable
enzymes, which are highly active at elevated temperature. Consequently, priming of first-strand cDNA
synthesis is more specific, and the coupled transcription reaction is quicker and simpler to set up and
to optimize. Nevertheless, because the amplification reaction is performed with gene-specific primers,
separate one-step RT-PCRs must be set up for each pair of primers.
The reverse transcriptases and thermostable DNA polymerases used in one-step RT-PCR can be
purchased separately from many manufacturers, and the reaction mixtures can then be assembled
from scratch and optimized for use with particular template RNAs. However, one-step RT-PCR is one
of the few procedures for which it makes more sense to buy a kit. In most laboratories, the method will
be used only a few times for a specific project. Purchasing a 50-reaction kit will certainly be the less
expensive option in time, and probably in dollars.
Kits for one-step RT-PCR are available from several manufacturers. The enzymes supplied in these
kits are different, and there are no published reports of head-to-head comparison of their efficiency
and ease of use with a range of templates. As usual, the best way forward in this situation is to ask the
company representatives for the names of people who have bought kits and then to find out
their opinions.
The Ung/dUT system can be used to control contamination of PCRs with DNA, a particularly
important issue in diagnostic and forensic laboratories (see Box 3). However, the Ung/dUT system
should not be used with one-step RT-PCR unless rTth DNA polymerase is used both for reverse
transcription and DNA amplification (e.g., in the TaqMan Real-Time EZ RT-PCR Kit).
The deoxyuridine triphosphatase (dut) gene of E. coli encodes dUTPase, a zinc-containing tetrameric pyro-
phosphatase (Mr = 64,000) (Shlomai and Kornberg 1978; Lundberg et al. 1983). In dut mutants, the cell’s
ability to convert dUTP to dUMP is impaired. This decrease results in a 25- to 30-fold increase in the
intracellular pool of dUTP. The elevated ratio of dUTP:dTTP leads to an increase in the frequency of
misincorporation of dUTP at a random subset of the sites normally occupied by thymine.
The dut − mutants of E. coli used in the Kunkel method all contain a trace of dUTPase activity (Konrad and
Lehman 1975; Hochhauser and Weiss 1978), perhaps because a complete lack of the enzyme is lethal (el-
Hajj et al. 1988). Viable dut − mutants show increased rates of recombination and spontaneous mutation,
which result from the temporary strand breaks and gaps in DNA caused by excision of the uracil residues by
uracil-DNA glycosylase, encoded by the ung gene.
Uracil residues incorporated into DNA in E. coli are normally removed by the small monomeric enzyme
uracil-DNA glycosylase (deduced Mr = 25,664), which cleaves the N-glycosydic bond between the base
and the deoxyribose phosphate backbone, generating an apyrimidinic site (Lindahl 1974; for review, see
Lindahl 1982; Tomilin and Aprelikova 1989). The phosphodiester backbone at these sites is cleaved by
endonucleases (exonuclease III or endonuclease IV) (for review, see Lloyd and Linn 1993) and then repaired
by DNA polymerase I and ligase. Cells deficient in uracil-DNA glycosylase cannot cleave the N-glycosydic
bond and display increased rates of spontaneous mutation that are biased toward G:C → A:T transitions
(Duncan and Miller 1980; Duncan and Weiss 1982).
The ung gene of E. coli has been cloned (Duncan and Chambers 1984), as have highly conserved ung
genes from many other organisms including yeast, humans, and herpesviruses (see Olsen et al. 1991; Lloyd
and Linn 1993). These genes probably evolved to remove mutagenic deaminated cytosine residues from
Two-Step RT-PCR
Avoiding Trouble
• In preliminary experiments, perform the reverse-transcription step at a range of different tem-
peratures. Choose the minimum temperature that generates an acceptable yield of the desired
product. Higher temperatures should be avoided to suppress metal ion-catalyzed hydrolysis of
RNA (Brown 1974).
• Once an appropriate temperature has been selected, set up another series of pilot experiments, this
time varying the concentration of Mg2+.
• If synthesis of nonspecific PCR products is a problem, add a cosolvent such as betaine, dimethyl
sulfoxide, or a commercial product such as Perfect Match polymerase enhancer (Agilent).
• To minimize the chances of amplifying segments of DNA that might contaminate the RNA
preparation, consider using the Ung/dUT system (Longo et al. 1990; Park and Lee 2003) (see
Box 3). However, bear in mind that some DNA polymerases that display 3′ -exonuclease activity
(e.g., Pfu, Deep Vent) are inhibited by dUTP (Barnes 1994; Cheng et al. 1994; Lasken et al. 1996).
• In general, make sure that all the appropriate negative controls (no RNA, no reverse transcriptase, no
thermostable DNA polymerase) and positive controls (positive RNA control, if available) were
Tables 1 and 2 were provided by Holly Hogrefe and Michael Borns, Agilent Technologies.
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