FOBs Circular

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In preparation of FOBS as on 01.04.2018, the following instructions are issued with

regard to assets part. These instructions are prepared basing on APMAVMM 2010.

Process for Preparation of Opening Balance Sheet (Assets part)

The following steps need to be followed for preparation of Opening Balance Sheet:
 Identification of Assets
 Classification and Coding of Assets
 Verification of Assets

 Valuation of Assets

Identification of Assets

As part of preparation of FOBS as on 01.04.2009 for 81 ULBs and FOBS as on 01.04.2014

for 29 newly constituted Nagar Panchayaths, RCA firms had compiled lists of all Assets
and Liabilities of the ULBs in the forms provided in Chapter 10 of APMAM. The ULB
functionaries can use these FOBS as a starting point to identify all the assets of the ULB
as on 01.04.2018. They have to do thorough identification of assets to ensure that not
even one asset, no matter how small it is, left out. The following records can be useful
in the process.

 Existing Asset registers

 Cash Books, Bill Registers, Grant Registers and Measurement Books
 Town Planning records
 Council Resolutions
 Tax records
 Rental records
 School records
 Vehicle records

In addition to the above, the functionaries are instructed to refer to any other records
available with them for identification of assets as well as physical identification.

Classification and Coding of Assets

All the Assets identified are to be classified and lists are to be compiled as per the
formats given in the Chapter 10 of APMAM (Form 1 to 14 except Form 9). Work in
Progress data will be captured from the Works module software (Form 9). Any Work in
Progress for which data is not available within the Works module needs to be
immediately input. Forms 1 to 15 are to be prepared concerned department as
mentioned in para no.5 of the above and from forms 16 to 29 are to be prepared by
Accounts Personnel and kept ready to enter in FOBs as on 01.04.2018. All the assets
have to be assigned with an asset code duly following the coding structure. This code
shall be shown against each individual asset in the asset forms in a separate column.
Asset Coding structure as follows:
Major Head Minor Head Detailed Head Ward Location Serial Number

Example: Coding System - Concrete Road

A Concrete Road should be coded as 410-30-01-076-009. The first 410 refers Fixed
Assets. Next ‘30’ refers to Roads & Bridges, the next ‘01’refers to the Concrete Road,
the next ‘076’ refers to ward number and finally `009' refers to the serial number of the
concrete road

Verification of Assets

This is prescribed to be carried out as current identification initiatives may either miss
out existing assets or take in assets which do not belong to the ULB. Hence verification
with records for ownership and control and physical inspection are stipulated.

Valuation of Assets

The purpose of valuation is not to determine the 'exact value' of an asset. It is to get a
reasonable estimate of the book value for the purpose of including in a statement
which reflects the 'true and fair' financial position of the ULB;

Cost Model is suggested for valuation of assets in ULBs.

The Cost Model requires that:

After recognition as an asset, an item of property, plant and equipment shall be carried
at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

Accounting Principles for Fixed Assets

Under the APMAM, principles for fixed asset accounting/valuation are:

All Fixed Assets shall be carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. The cost of fixed
assets shall include cost incurred/money spent in acquiring or installing or constructing
fixed asset and other incidental and indirect expenses incurred up to that date.

Any Fixed Asset, which has been acquired free of cost or in respect of which no
payment has been made, shall be recorded at nominal value of Rupee One.
All assets costing less than Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five thousands) would be expensed /
charged to Income & Expenditure Account in the year of purchase.
Interest on borrowings directly attributable to acquisition or construction of qualifying
fixed assets up to the date of commissioning of the assets shall be capitalized.

Recognition of Fixed Assets

The principle for determining capitalization is given below: The cost of an item shall be
recognized as a fixed asset if:
 the asset is held for producing or providing goods or services and is not held for
sale in the normal course of business;
 the future economic benefits or service potential associated are expected to
flow to the entity;
 The estimated useful life of the asset is beyond one year; and
 The cost / value is above the minimum threshold limit for recognition as fixed

In case an asset is being constructed and the construction takes time, the asset should
be recognized as specific fixed asset i.e. building etc. only when the construction is
complete. Until then, the amounts paid should be kept under 'Capital Work in Progress'.

The cost of a fixed asset includes:

a. purchase price, less trade discounts and rebates, if any;
b. import duties;
c. other taxes or levies which are non-refundable in nature;
d. transportation cost, if charged separately from the purchase price;
e. cost of inspection, if paid separately;
f. handling costs;
g. cost of site preparation;
h. installation cost, including cost of such permanent or temporary
structures that are considered necessary for installation;
i. professional fees for engineers or architects or inspectors, etc.; and
j. any other cost incurred to put the asset at its location and use.

Any expenditure that is made by the ULB on test runs or experimental production is to
be capitalized and added to the cost of the asset. For example, the oil and bitumen
necessary for the test run of an asphalt plant is to be added to the cost of the plant.

Cost of the asset should include all costs incurred to bring the asset to a working
condition. For example, if a large pump is to be installed at a water treatment plant, not
only the cost of pump but also the transportation cost, where charged separately,
should be included.

Self constructed assets

In cases where a ULB constructs the asset itself (school building, dispensary, shopping
complex etc.), the cost of construction of that building and other costs which are
directly attributable should be taken into consideration in arriving at the value of the
building. This means that all the material costs of construction, payments made to
various contractors, etc. should be included.

As per AS 10,administration and general overhead are excluded from cost of fixed asset
as they do not relate to specific fixed asset. However, if such expenses are related to
construction or acquisition of a particular fixed asset, then it should be capitalized.

Assets acquired under exchange

Sometimes, a ULB may acquire some fixed assets in exchange for some other fixed
assets. This can happen, for instance, when old office machinery is exchanged for a
newer model. Where the assets exchanged are similar, the net book value of the asset
(the office machinery) which is exchanged should be taken, and to it the extra amount
that is paid, if any, is added. If instead of an extra payment, a refund is involved, the
necessary adjustment will have to be made. In case of dissimilar assets, the assets
acquired should be recognized at their fair value.

In certain special cases, a ULB may acquire constructed floor area in a building for the
construction of which the ULB has given development rights to a developer. In such a
case, the constructed floor area will be recorded at the fair market value of the

Fair Market Value

As per AS 10, Fair Market Value is the price that would be agreed to in an open and
unrestricted market between knowledgeable and willing parties dealing at arm's length
who are fully informed and are not under any compulsion to transact.

Valuation principles
The identified assets of the ULB may have been gifted to it or purchased / constructed
by it over the years. The valuation process has to be carried out for assets as on a
particular date (for example on the last day of the previous financial year, say 31-3-18.
All references to valuation should be made with respect to this date. These valuation
principles follow historical cost method as many of the ULBs are already having the
information about old assets in the form of FOBS and do not need the method of
deflated CSC (Current Service Cost) except for missing/correction entries in the FOBS
The process of valuation shall be as follows:
If the asset was received as gift
Value at Rupee One and all particulars of the asset should be recorded in the prescribed
It is not necessary that there should be a document establishing the gift - mere
knowledge would suffice.

If the asset was purchased / constructed

Take the actual cost as per particulars of purchase

Determine depreciation till valuation date (on accumulated basis as per rates given in
the Depreciation rate chart)

Value at cost showing gross value, accumulated depreciation (provided from the date of
purchase/construction to the date of valuation) and net valuealong with all particulars
of the asset should be recorded in the prescribed forms.

If the asset has outlived its estimated useful life

Valued at Rupee One and all particulars of the asset should be recorded in the
prescribed forms. Useful life can be found in the Depreciation rate chart annexed.

If no information about historical cost found but year of purchase available

As many of the assets were identified in the lists by the RCA firms there would be no
need to go long back in history to find out the assets except in the cases of missing
entries and correction entries in FOBS. This kind of missing/correction entries can be
valued based on the cost records if available. If not available valuation can be done
based on the information from other departments such as Registration Dept. if year of
purchase/acquisition available. In such scenarios self constructed assets can be valued
using the Current Service Cost (CSC) method given in the AP Municipal Asset Valuation
Methodology Manual (APMAVMM 2010)

In case it is impossible to assess the year of purchase / construction or the asset is

unique in nature, not appearing in the standard list, its valuation will have to be done
on a case by case basis after taking into account the condition and obsolescence factor.
The ULBs may use specialist valuers to assess the value of such assets in such cases.

Case by Case determination

In case the cost as well as the year is not determinable, a case by case determination of
value has to be taken. However it should be remembered that the purpose is to
determine the Book Value rather than the Fair Market Value as on date. Hence, the
following order of process has to be followed:

Step1: Is the asset's useful life over? If so, value at Rupee One. Else go to Step 2.
Step2: If the asset is within its useful life, determine book value by reference to
other assets with same characteristics or properties. Assumptions can be
made in this case - the objective is to have a reasoned justification for the
Step 3: Use the rate of similar asset for calculating the value of this asset.

Accounting Principles for calculating Depreciation

The basic principles under APMAM with regard to depreciation are:
Depreciation shall be provided at the rates prescribed by the government. Depreciation
on all fixed assets is to be provided consistently on either Written Down Value (WDV) or
Straight Line Method (SLM). However Depreciation rates given in AP Municipal Asset
Valuation Methodology Manual (APMAVMM 2010) are based on Straight Line Method
only. Depreciation rate chart is annexed with these instructions. It can be found that
Lands have no depreciation hence shown at historical costs only.
Depreciation shall be provided at full rates for assets, which are purchased /
constructed before October 1 of an Accounting Year. Depreciation shall be provided at
half the rates for assets, which are purchased / constructed on or after October 1 of an
Accounting Year.
Depreciation shall be provided at full rates for assets, which are disposed on or after
October 1 of an Accounting Year. Depreciation shall be provided at half the rates for
assets, which are disposed before October 1 of an Accounting Year.
In the case of an intangible asset, the term 'amortization' is generally used instead of
depreciation. Both terms have the same meaning.

The period of amortization will depend on the asset. Accounting Standard 26 prescribes
for a rebuttable presumption of 10 years for the life of intangible assets. However, in
case of items like software where technological advances will result in a quicker
obsolescence, a time frame of 3 - 5 years is recommended.

Intangible assets below Rs.25,000/- can be expensed and need not be capitalized. The
higher limit (compared to tangible assets) is prescribed to avoid detailed recording and
amortization of minor items like software which generally cost below Rs.25,000/-.

Special Points

Ordinary Repairs and Maintenance

Since ordinary maintenance and repairs expenditures are regarded as operating costs,
they are to be charged directly to expense when incurred.

Extraordinary Repairs

Extraordinary repairs are repairs that: ... occur infrequently, involve relatively large
amounts of money, and tend to increase the economic usefulness of the asset in the
future because of either greater efficiency or longer life, or both. They are represented
by major overhauls, complete reconditioning, and major replacements and

Because expenditures for extraordinary repairs increase the future economic usefulness
of an asset, they benefit future periods and are therefore capital expenditures.

Replacements, Improvements and Additions

The accounting for replacement, improvement and addition - all three are substantially
the same. As per the APMAM, any addition to or improvement to the fixed asset that
results in increasing the utility or useful life of the asset shall be capitalized and included
in the cost of fixed asset.
The cost of existing assets that are replaced, together with their related accumulated
depreciation accounts, are required to be eliminated from the accounts.


Expenditures to rehabilitate buildings or equipment purchased in arundown condition

with the intention of using them should be capitalized. Normally the acquisition price of
a rundown asset is less than that of a comparable new asset, and the rehabilitation
expenditures benefit future periods. Such expenditures can therefore be capitalized.

Disposal of Assets
When an asset is retired from service, it should be treated in accordance with the
procedures provided in the APMAM. In particular:

No depreciation should be charged after disposal / retirement of the asset;

In case the disposal happens before October 1, 50% of the depreciation should be
charged. If it is on or after October 1, full depreciation should be charged;

Maintenance of Gross Block and Accumulated Depreciation

The above processes are required to provide a Gross Block Value (Historical Cost) and
Accumulated Depreciation till date. It is important to maintain both these values;
merely using the Net Book Value i.e. Gross Block less depreciation will create problems
in charging annual depreciation using Straight Line Method.

Points on Valuation of Specific Assets

Freehold Land
All land ownership of which vests with the ULB should be included in the opening
balance sheet.

 Land acquired through purchase

The land will be recorded at the purchase pricepaid/payable and other incidental costs
such as registration charges incurred to bring the asset to its present location and
 Lands acquired through compulsory acquisition

The land will be recorded at thetotal compensation paid/ payable for the acquisition of
the land.
Compensation paid: It shall be valued at compensation actually paid.
No Compensation Paid: If the asset was acquired without paying any compensation,
then it shall be valued at Rupee One. However, any developmental work done should
be capitalized at cost.
Compensation in dispute: The amount paid will be recorded as the asset value. Any
extra amount that may be payable, if determinable, should be shown as contingent
liability. When any further amount is paid to the previous owner, it will be added to the
asset in the year of payment.

Vested government lands

Vested government lands are not those lands which areowned by the ULBs nor does
any economic benefit accrue to the ULB. The ownership of these lands vest with the
State / Central government and the ULB merely acts as a trustee for these lands. As per
Technical Guide issued by ICAI for ULBs, vested government land shall not be recorded
as asset as neither ownership nor economic benefit is with ULBs. The description of
such lands shall form a part of the notes to the balance sheet.

Land improvement

Original cost of any improvement to land, such as landdevelopment and land filling
should be capitalized as an improvement to the land.
Land acquired through government grants

If the ULB has purchased land fromgovernment grants, then the cost of the land will be
shown at gross value i.e. cost paid/ payable or as determined. The grant received
should be shown as Capital Reserve in the Balance Sheet.


The valuation of buildings shall be carried out as follows:

 Buildings purchased

The purchase cost of the building shall include the purchaseprice cost and incidental
costs such as registration charges and other costs incurred to bring the asset to its
present location and condition.

 Buildings constructed

If the building has been constructed, then the cost ofconstruction will be taken as the
 Grants received in respect of buildings
As per Technical Guide on Accounting for ULBs and AS 12 'Accounting for Grants' issued
by ICAI, government grants related to specific fixed assets should be presented in the
balance sheet by showing the grant as a deduction from the gross value of the assets
concerned in arriving at their book value.

Alternatively the building can be shown at gross value and the grant recognized as
deferred income. Further, the income should be recognized in the income and
expenditure account out of the deferred income account in the proportion of
depreciation charged on the buildings in view of the requirements of AS 12.

 Heritage Buildings

Heritage buildings are generally to be valued in the same manneras other buildings.
However, they are to be disclosed separately under the Head 'Heritage Assets' under
Other Assets. The purpose is to distinguish the assets for their historical, cultural and /
or religious significance and to recognize the restrictions on their use or sale.

Art and Historical items

ULBs should capitalize works of art, historical treasures, and similar assets at their
historical cost. These items can be classified under 'Heritage Assets' under 'Other
Assets'. Government should disclose information about their works of art and historical
collections. Capitalized collections or individual items that are exhaustible, such as
exhibits whose useful lives are diminished by display or educational or research
applications, should be depreciated over their estimated useful lives. Depreciation is
not required for collections or individual items that are inexhaustible.

Value of land under Roads

Roads are generally built on property that is owned by the ULB. Hence, apart from the
road, the land under the road also needs to be valued and accounted.

Such land is to be kept under 'Land' and not included in 'Roads & Bridges'. The value of
such land should be taken at the historical cost i.e. if any amount is paid to acquire it
then at the compensation paid etc. If the amount cannot be ascertained, a nominal
value of Rupee One should be considered for the land under each road.

Pipe networks
Networks will normally have trunks, mains, and sub-mains. This is equally valid for
water supply as well as sewerage network.

Those parts of network which are relatively stand-alone should be considered separate
assets on their own. The criterion to be also used is that failure of the smaller network
is not critical to the continued operation of the larger one. While computing historical
costs, original costs of digging an earth work should be included.

Any major cost for improvement of network functioning (for instance, removal of
sediments and coating from mains or trunks) should be added to the book value.
Assets under Hire Purchase / Finance Lease
Hire Purchase / Finance Lease shall be treated as follows
The purchase price shall be capitalized as the cost of fixed assets
Hire Purchase (HP) installments shall be apportioned between the finance charge and
the reduction of the principal outstanding. The finance charge shall be allocated so as
to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability;

The total amount of interest portion out of the 'HP Payable' shall be accounted by
debiting to a control account under current assets. This amount will be adjusted on
accounting of finance charges

The depreciation policy for assets purchased under HP should be consistent with that
for owned assets.

Laboratory Equipment
If the useful life is over, generally 10 years, then value at Rupee One. If within
useful life, use recent purchase cost for similar assets and deflate using index.
Depreciate to arrive at current book value.

The year will be available by reference to registration document. If it is beyond
useful life, value at Rupee One. Otherwise determine rate of particular car in that
year from dealer / manufacturer. Value and depreciate accordingly.

Furniture, fixtures, fittings, electrical appliances

If the useful life is over - generally 10 years, then value at Rupee One. If within
useful life, use recent purchase cost for similar assets and deflate using index.
Depreciate to arrive at current book value.

Office & Other Equipment including Computer, peripherals etc.

If the useful life is over, generally 10 years, then value at Rupee One. If within
useful life, use recent purchase cost for similar assets and deflate using index.
Depreciate to arrive at current book value.

Intangible Assets
Intangible assets in ULBs will generally be in the nature of expenditure on software. The
ULB will assess the expenditure made in development or purchase of the intangible
asset in the last two years and capitalize it as fixed asset. In case the intangible asset
has been provided free of cost, on a sharing basis, it should not be shown in the balance
sheet. Expenditure below Rs.25,000/- should be charged to revenue and not

The process of valuation of intangible asset would be as follows:

If Purchased: The cost of an intangible asset comprises its purchase price, including any
import duties and other taxes (excluding recoverable amount from the taxing
authorities), and any directly attributable expenditure like professional fees for legal
services etc. on making the asset ready for its intended use. Any trade discounts and
rebates are deducted in arriving at the cost.

If Internally Generated: The cost of internally generated assetssuch as software should

be determined in line with AS 26 'Intangible Assets'. Where the asset meets the criteria
for recognition, its cost will comprise all expenditure that can be directly attributed or
allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to create the asset / software for its
intended use. Costs include (i) expenditure on materials and services used in developing
the asset, (ii) salaries, wages and other employment related costs of personnel directly
engaged in developing the asset, (iii) any expenditure that is directly attributable to
generating the asset. However, it excludes (i) selling, administrative and other general
overhead expenditure unless this expenditure can be directly attributed to making the
asset ready for use; (ii) clearly identified inefficiencies and initial operating losses and
(iii) expenditure on training the staff to operate the asset.

If Gifted/Donated: If the asset was acquired without paying any price and gifted to ULB
(or if it is donated): then it shall be valued at Rupee One.

If Acquired though exchange: An intangible asset may be acquired in exchange or part

exchange for old intangible asset. Where the assets exchanged are similar, the net book
value of the asset which is exchanged should be taken, and to it the extra amount that
is paid, if any, is added. If instead of an extra payment, a refund is involved, the
necessary adjustment will have to be made. In case of dissimilar assets, the assets
acquired should be recognized at its fair value.

The residual value of an intangible asset in ULBs should be assumed to be zero. Hence,
the full cost should be 'amortized' over the estimated useful life of the asset.

Subsequent expenditure on intangible assets should be generally recognized as an

expense unless it increases the capacity or the life of asset.

(For more reference on valuation of Assets, go through APMAVMM 2010 )

Use of Historical Cost Method

Scenario I

A ULB determines from available documents that Play equipment in a Park was installed
at a cost of Rs.1, 50,000/- and started operation on 13-4-2013. The Historical Cost based
Valuation on 31-3-2017 would be as follows:
Historical Cost 1,50,000
Less: Acc. Depreciation 1,20,000*
Book Value on 31-3-2017 30,000
* Depreciation is calculated on the Original Cost for 4 years (2013-14 to 2016-
17) @ 20% p.a. of Historical Cost.

All the three values of Historical Cost, Accumulated Depreciation and Net Book Value
are to be shown in the prescribed forms.
Note: As per Depreciation policy, use of asset beyond six months in a year would lead to
full year's depreciation. Hence in this case, full year depreciation is charged for 2013-14.
Use less than 6 months in a year would lead to half year’s depreciation only.

Scenario II

If the operations were started on 05.04.2010, then it is evident that the asset has
outlived its useful life of 5 years if the valuation date is 31.03.2017 (7 years). In this
scenario the asset should be valued at Re 1/- only.

Scenario III

If the asset was gifted to the ULB by a philanthropist, then it should be valued at Re 1/-

Scenario IV

If a land was purchased on 05.06.2007 for Rs 5 lakhs with registration charges of Rs

50,000 and development cost by way of leveling and compound wall construction was
Rs 1,50,000. That land should be shown at Rs 7 lakhs on historical cost basis.
Name of the ULB ___________________

Name of the Fund ___________________

Was the
subject to
Specify Cost of
Give ent such If yes, specify the
Specify if Survey Area how land is acquiring Total Cost
Sr. Sr. No of the Type of the Zone/ Date of From whom Mode of reference of the land as filling, details of
leasehold/ Location No. of (acre / sq. being (Rs.)
no. Asset Asset Field acquisition acquired acquisition available title leveling improvement
freehold the land m.) currently (Rs.)
documents etc. after
used acquisitio
n? (Yes /
Date Cost (Rs.)

Form 2
Name of the ULB ___________________

Name of the Fund ___________________


Area of the In case of building

In case of
Survey No. land on acquired, specify
Total sq. building Cost of
Description of the land Number which estimated date of
Sl. Dimension of the Building feet constructed by acquisition /
of the Location where of building is completion of
No. (carpet ULB, specify the construction
Building building is Floors located construction along
area) date of (Rs.)
located (acre / sq. with date of
m.) acquisition
Length Breadth Height
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Was the building
subject to any Value of the Give
If yes, specify Amount of Specify how
improvement such building after reference
details of Total depreciation From building is Current
as renovation, considering Mode of of the
improvement Cost provided on whom being market value Remarks
extension or provision of acquisition available
(Rs.) the building acquired currently (Rs.)
otherwise after depreciation title
(Rs.) used
acquisition? (Rs.) documents
(Yes / No) Cost
17 19
14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25
(13+16) (17-18)

Buildings should be categorised into municipal offices, residential quarters, godowns, shopping centres, hospitals, auditoriums, schools, swimming pool,
temples, factory shed for water works and drainage system, library, slaughterhouse, market etc.
Form 3
Name of the ULB ___________________


Specify whether the Survey No. of land on

Dimension of the
Name of the road, road, street or lane is which the road, street Area Date of acquisition Cost of acquisition /
S. No. road, street or
street or lane earthen, tar or or lane has been (Sq. m.) / construction construction (Rs.)
concrete constructed

Length Width
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Was the road, If yes, specify the Value after
street or lane details of Amount of Give reference
Sr. considering the From whom Mode of
subject to any improvement Total Cost (Rs.) depreciation of the available Remarks
No. depreciation acquired acquisition
improvement? provided (Rs.) title documents
provision (Rs.)
(Yes/No) Date Cost (Rs.)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
(9+12) (13-14)

1. Prepare ward-wise, area-wise list of roads, streets, lanes and footpaths.
2. Improvement would mean conversion of the road from one type of construction to another type of construction, for instance, conversion of a tar road
into a cement concrete road or extension of the road, etc.
3. Specify the details of the footpaths annexed to the road, street or lane immediately below the details of the said road, street or lane.
Form 4
Name of the ULB ___________________


Description of Area of the land In case of property acquired, In case property is
No. of the Dimension of the
the bridge, on which specify the estimated date of constructed by the Cost of
S. land structure
culvert, flyover, Location structure is completion of construction ULB, specify the construction /
No. where
causeway or constructed along with date of acquisition date of acquisition (Rs.)
subway (acre / sq. m.) by the ULB construction
is located Length Breadth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Was the
subject to any If yes, specify the Value of the Give
Amount of
improvement, details of structure after From reference of
S. depreciation Mode of
such as improvement Total Cost (Rs.) considering whom the available Remarks
No. provided on the acquisition
extension or depreciation acquired title
structure (Rs.)
otherwise after provision (Rs.) documents
(Yes / No) Date Cost (Rs.)
14 16
11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20
(10+13) (14-15)

Note: The commercial establishment annexed to the structures, if any should be included in the Building Schedule
Form 5
Name of the ULB ___________________


In case of property
Name of the Area of the acquired, specify the
Description of the Survey No. Dimension of the In case property is
road/street land where estimated date of
S. drain, specifying of the land structure constructed by the ULB,
where the the drain is completion of
No. whether it is open or where drain specify the date of
drain is constructed construction along with
underground drain is located construction
located (acre / sq. m.) date of acquisition by
Length Breadth Height the ULB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Was the structure
subject to any If yes, specify Amount of Value of the
Cost of improvement the details of Total depreciation structure after From
S. Mode of of the
construction / such as extension improvement Cost provided on considering whom Remarks
No. acquisition available
acquisition (Rs.) or otherwise after (Rs.) the structure i depreciation acquired
acquisition? Cost (Rs.) provision (Rs.)
Date documents
(Yes/No) (Rs.)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
(11+14) (15-16)

1. The details of the drains should be collated ward-wise.
2. In column 2, in addition to specifying whether the drains are open or underground, also specify whether they are storm water drains or
sewerage drains or for other purpose.
Form 6
Name of the ULB ___________________


In case of
Area of the land
Name of the Survey No. of Dimension of the acquired, specify
where the In case property
road/street the land structure the estimated Cost of
Description of the distribution is constructed by
S. where the where date of acquisition /
water distribution system assets the ULB, specify
No. distribution distribution completion of construction
system assets are located the date of
assets are assets are construction (Rs.)
(acre / construction
located located along with date
Length Diameter Sq. m.)
of acquisition by
the ULB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Value of the
If yes, specify Amount of Give
Was the structure structure after
the details of Total depreciation reference of
subject to any considering From whom Mode of
Sr. No. improvement Cost provided on the the available Remarks
improvement after depreciation acquired acquisition
(Rs.) structure title
acquisition? (Yes/No) provision
(Rs.) documents
Cost (Rs.)
14 16
11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20
(10+13) (14-15)

1. In column 2, list down the water distribution asset details ward-wise.
2. Details of pipes, water storage tanks and transmission pipes etc. should be provided in this form.
Form 7
Name of the ULB _____________


Survey Cost of
Cost of Value after from reference
No. of lamp posts Length Amount of Year of Mode
Name of Number cables and Total considering whom of the
S. road and of depreciation purchase/ of
the road/ of lamp laying Cost depreciation purchas available Remarks
No. where the erection cables provided erection/ acquis
location posts charges (Rs.) provision ed/acqui title
system is charges used (Rs.) laying ition
(Rs.) (Rs.) red document
installed (Rs.)
8 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15
(5+7) (8-9)

Note: Specify the details ward-wise

Form 8
Name of the ULB ___________________


Area of Was the
Descrip Date of Cost of reference
Survey No. the lake / pond If yes, specify

tion of acquisition acquisition Total of the

S. of the land lake / improved the details of From whom Mode of Remark
the / / Cost available
No. where it is pond after improvement acquired acquisition s
lake or constructio constructio (Rs.) title
located (acre / acquisition
pond n n (Rs.) document
sq. m.) ? (Yes / No)
Date Cost (Rs.) s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (7+10 12 13 14 15

In column 2, in addition to specifying the name and other relevant details of the lakes or ponds, also specify whether the lake or pond is used for potable
purpose or for commercial activity.
Form 9
Name of the ULB ___________________


Work Order Cost already Specify the source of

Name Estimated date of
S. No. and Year Location of Estimated cost of incurred on finance from which
of the completion of the Remarks
No. in which the Project the project (Rs.) the project project is being
project project
sanctioned (Rs.) funded
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Form 10
Name of the ULB ___________________


Descriptio Give
Value after
n of the Cost of Amount of reference Current
S. No. of considering Date of From
plant and Capacit Date of acquisition / depreciation Mode of of the market Rem
N Location shifts in depreciation commenceme whom
machinery y acquisition construction provided acquisition available value arks
o use provision nt of operation acquired
specifying (Rs.) (Rs.) title (Rs.)
the 'make' documents
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15

1. The details of the plant and machinery should be given Section-wise and location-wise.
2. In addition to the plant and machinery of a general nature, also specify the plant and machinery of the Water Works and Drainage Section.
3. Also specify the sub-station and transformers deployed for public lighting system within the ULB
4. Details of any improvements to the plant and machinery, which has resulted into increasing the capacity of the plant and machinery, should be mentioned
5. In Remarks column, indicate whether the ULB has the ownership right to the property or have only operating rights.
Form 11
Name of the ULB ___________________


Description Was the

of the vehicle Value of
vehicle subject to Amount of the vehicle
reference Current
specifying Cost of any If yes, specify Total depreciati after From
S. Date of Year of Registratio Engine Chassis Mode of of the market
whether it is acquisition improvement the details of Cost on considering whom Remarks
No. acquisition manufacture n details No. No. acquisition available value
LCV, HCV or (Rs.) such as body improvement (Rs.) provided depreciatio acquired
title (Rs.)
car, jeep etc. extension or any (Rs.) n provision
and its otherwise? (Rs.)
'make' (Yes/No)
8 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
(4+7) (8-9)

1. In column 2, in addition to the normal description of the vehicle, also specify whether any structure has been added to the same, for instance, building
of body for buses, ambulances, fire brigade, hearse van, etc.
2. In column 2, also specify the vehicle number.
Form 12
Name of the ULB ___________________


Description of the
Value after Give
asset specifying Cost of Amount of
Asset considering the reference of
S. whether it is table, Location / Date of acquisition / depreciation From whom Mode of
reference depreciation the available Remarks
No. chair, cupboard, Section acquisition construction provided acquired acquisition
number provision title
partition, safe vault, (Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs.) documents
cabinet, etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12

1. Prepare a separate list for each class of furniture and fixture, for instance, a separate list should be prepared for tables, chairs,
cupboards, partitions, safe vaults, etc.
2. Asset reference number denotes any numbering / marking given to each piece of asset.

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