Guidelines For Floor Charges User Charges
Guidelines For Floor Charges User Charges
Guidelines For Floor Charges User Charges
G.O.Ms.No.196 Dated:23.11.2020.
Read the following:-
The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur.
All the Municipal Commissioners of ULBs in the State through the C&DMA,
AP, Guntur.
Copy to:
The PS to Additional Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister
The OSD to Hon'ble Minister for MA&UD Department
The PS to Secretary to Government, MA&UD Department
// Forwarded :: By Order //
Annexure continued…
ANNEXURE to G.O.Ms.No.196, MA&UD (J1) Dept., Dated 23/11/2020
The said Municipal Laws also stipulate that it is obligatory on the part
of the owner or occupier of the premises falling in areas served, to get
the premises connected to the sewerage system
Section 330 of A.P. Municipalities Act, 1965 and Section 586 of the
Municipal Corporations Act, 1955, provides the power to the Councils and
Corporations respectively to make byelaws not inconsistent with the
provisions of the Acts.
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4.2 Fixation of Self Sufficiency Rate based on the above tariff range:
The ULB shall arrive at the Self Sufficiency Rate, category wise,
within the Minimum and Maximum range as specified in para-4.1
above, by following the below steps:
Step No.1:
To arrive the category wise UGD connections that can be given
considering the existing sewerage network coverage (Domestic,
Commercial and Institutions) i.e. existing connections and balance
connections in the sewerage network that can be given (total
connections). Data shall be firmed up during actual calculations.
User Category (Total Connections
that can be given)
Existing Balance
Buildings/Flats up to
Buildings/Flats with
more than 375 Sft 13205 27656 40861
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Step No.2:
To arrive the O&M cost per annum considering the total
connections that can be given i.e. 75285 as arrived in the above
Item of the Expenditure Amount
Step No.3:
To arrive the category wise (Domestic, Commercial and
Institutions) revenue that can be realized per annum based on
existing monthly user charges from the total connections that can
be given (Number of total connections as arrived at Step No.1).
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Step No.4:
To calculate the basic user charges that can be fixed to each
category for achieving self-sufficiency (to meet 100% O&M cost arrived at
Step no.3), by adopting the floor rates prescribed at para 4.1.
(upto 2 seats)
ats with
more than 40861 60 294.2
375 Sft (upto
3 seats)
Commercial (upto 3
4714 150 84.85
Institutional (upto 10
9586 300 345.10
Total 75285 796.59
4.3 For Donation charges, it is suggested that the users can be broadly
categorized with the prescribed floor rates as given in the table below: (the
floor rates do not include other costs such as supervision charges, material,
road cutting etc which will be fixed by the ULB based on local requirement
during grounding of the connection):
Donations Proposed
Institutional Rs.20000/-
The users in all the categories are given concession for payment of
donations and other additional costs for grounding the connection on
installment basis. The donation charges can be collected in 8 half yearly
4.4 In case of ULBs with FSTPs, the following floor rates have to be notified
for adoption once the FSTPs are brought into operation
5. Transitional Provisions:
5.1 Fixation of tariff during the transitional period i.e., for the 1st
(a) When the existing rate is less than the self-sufficiency rate arrived
and –
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(b) W h e n t h e e x i s t i n g r a t e i s m o r e t h a n o r e q u a l t o t h e
self- sufficiency rate arrived, there shall not be any reduction in
the existing rate and the existing rate will be increased by a nominal
increase of 2%.
(a) When the existing rate (i.e., the rate fixed for the previous year) is
less than the self-sufficiency rate for the current year and –
(b) When the existing rate (i.e., the rate fixed for the previous year) is more
than or equal to the self-sufficiency rate for the current year, there
shall not be any reduction in the existing rate. The current year rate
shall be fixed at a nominal increase of 2%.
Upon receipt of the said proposal, the Committee shall study the proposals
of the Municipal Commissioners and recommend the proposed sewerage
tariff to be adop ted by the Muni ci pal Counci l s/Corporati ons.
After due consideration of the recommendations of the Committee, the
Municipal Councils/Corporations shall follow the procedure prescribed for
publication of Draft and Final Notifications of the Bye-laws and Tariff
in the ULBs for effecting the same from 01.04.2021.