RWH Systems Attachment
RWH Systems Attachment
RWH Systems Attachment
3. The Committee constituted by the MoJS, Gol visited selected RWH sites in 05
States i.e Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu and submitted its
report The committee found that deficiency do exist in implementation of RWH
system at certain places and due attention was not given to possibility of
contaminants breaching into the RWH system and eventually finding way into
groundwater, particularly where the harvested water is directly used for Artificial
Recharge (AR). From the report of the committee and their experience gained during
site visits, it is quite likely that similar situations may exist in other States too. In view
of this, a guideline on RWH system and SoP with Do's and Dont's as per Annexure-1
& Annexure-11 respectively are prepared and requested to strictly follow the
guidelines including Do's & Dent's while implementing the RWH systems in the
Sir/ Madam,
Yours sincerely,
Signed by Rajendra Kumar
Date: 31-03-2023 18:00:55
Reason: Approved
(Rajendra Kumar Sahu)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph: 011-23766907
Copy to:
• Choose the right recharge technique: RWH schemes should have Artificial
Recharge provisions depending upon local hydrogeological/ site-specific
conditions. In this regard, the BIS Standard - IS 15797:2008, for
implementation of Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting System may be referred
to. Section 7 provides designs of AR structuressuitable to different situations.
• Source Water: Only non-polluted rainwater from the roof tops and other
catchment areas has to be diverted to recharge structure through connection
of downpipe .
• RWH/ AR Sites at Safe Dlstaree: Depending upon groundwater flow
direction, RWH/AR sites should be located at safe distance from possible
contaminant source such as sewage drains/ landfill sites/ cesspool/ sewage
system having hydrogeological connectivity with the aquifer.
• Insulation from Possible Contaminant Source: There should be proper
arrangements in place to prevent sewage water or contaminated water from
paved area from mixing into run-off/ recharged water .
• Provision of Filters: There should be proper mechanism to let the water
pass through filter media before entering into recharge system in order to
minimize the possibility of aquifer material getting choked. Online filters (filters
fitted in pipelines carrying roof top water) can also be used to avoid minor
contaminants, if any, for diverting the rooftop rainwater to the recharge
• Provision for By-pass of First Flush: RWH system should be designed in a
way to allow by-pass first flush (first rainwater).
• Provision for pre-treatment of water: The Water should be pre-treated to
remove suspended solids, organic matter, and other contaminants before
recharge. This will help prevent clogging of the recharge structure and
protect the groundwater quality.
• Dual pipe system for utilization of harvested water: Dual pipe system
should be
installed for utilization of harvested water for non-potable purposes, i.e other
than drinking, cooking and bathing.
• Cluster-based RWH System: In the areas of only small households,
cluster-based RWH system should be promoted in place of individual
household scheme .
• Installation of Piezometers: Large-scale RWH system, such as those in
large residential and commercial complexes, should have piezometer(s)
installed at appropriate site(s) for periodic monitoring of water level and water
quality. These parameters are the most important and reliable indicators of
functioning status and
health of RWH system.
• Geotagging of RWH/ AR Sites: All RWH/ AR sites should be geo-tagged for
better visibility for monitoring purpose.
T-39/1/2021-GW Section-MOWR
7270991/2023/IO SEC-DOTCP 7
• It is better to avoid RWH/ AR in areas having shallow ground water levels
(say shallower than 5 metre below ground level (mbgl).
• Recharge should be avoided in areas where there is possibility of
contamination of
groundwater. RTRWH with AR in buildings such as hospital buildings may be
avoided. In such cases storage of rainwater for non-potable uses should be
encouraged .
• There should be no mixing of drain water with rooftop run off.
• Run-off from paved area having vehicular movement should not be diverted
towards RWH system.
• RWH/ AR sites should not be located in the vicinity ofpossible contaminant
source such as sewage drains/ landfill sites/ cesspool/ sewage system
having hydrogeological connectivity with the aquifer.
• Contaminated water should not be recharged as it can poll.Jte the
groundwater and make it unfit for human consumption.
• Domestic waste water should not be diverted directly to Recharge Pit,
particularly in areas where water levels are shallow .
• Recharge wells should not be constructed beyond water level. Direct
recharging below water level should not be done.
• Recharge structures should not be constructed in areas prone to flooding as
they can be damaged or washed away during heavy rains.
• Recharge should not be unplanned. Unplanned recharge can lead to
groundwater contamination, soil erosion, and other environmental problems.
C. Other Suggestions
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please find attached the letter dated 31.3.2023 on the issued mentioned in the subject.
Ground Water Section
Department of Water Resources, RD&GR
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Phone No: 011-23766907
4/3/23, 9:44 AM Email 27
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