Draft Rules For

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File No.

CDMA014034/1/2018-K SEC-CDMA

Draft Rules on –
RULES, 2020
Background before Act Amendment:-

1. Government vide Act No.9 of 2020 have made the following amendments to
the Municipal Laws:-


(1) In Sec. 197 in sub-section (1), in clause (i), sub-clause (f) shall be
(2) In Sections 420 and 421, for the words: an advertisement or
advertisement or an advertising” wherever they occur, the words
“Display Device” shall be substituted.
(1) In Section 81, in sub-section (1), clause (b) shall be omitted
(2) In Section 115:-
(i) In the marginal heading, for the word “advertisements”, the
words “Display Devices” shall be substituted
(ii) For the word “advertisement” wherever it occurs, the words
“Display Device” shall be substituted
(iii) In sub-section (2), in clause (ii) for the word “tax”, the word “fee”
shall be substituted
(iv) For sub-section (3), the following shall be substituted, namely-
“(3) Subject to the provision of sub-section (2) in the case any
Display Device liable to the registration and permission fee, the
Commissioner shall grant permission for the period to which the
payment of the fee relates”
(3) In Sections 116 and 117, for the word “advertisement” wherever it
occurs, the words “Display Device” shall be substituted.
(4) In Section 118-
(i) In the marginal heading, for the word “advertisement”, the words
“Display Devices” shall be substituted
(ii) for the word “advertisement” wherever it occurs, the words
“Display Device” shall be substituted.
(5) For section 119, the following shall be substituted, namely-
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“119. Collection of fee on Display Devices: - The Commissioner may

form out the collection of registration fees and permission fees on
Display Devices, for any period not exceeding one year at a time on
such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Council”

2. Now, in pursuance of the above Act Amendments and in supersession of the

Rules issued in G.O.Ms. No.472 MA dated 24-7-1967, G.O.Ms No. 320 dated 17-5-
1993 and G.O.Ms No. 487 dated 20-9-2000, the following rules issued.

1. These rules may be called “ANDHRA PRADESH REGULATION AND
2. Definitions: -
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -
a. ‘Act’ means the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 (Act No.6 of 1965),
Municipal Corporation Act, 1955 (Amendment Act II of 1956), Andhra Pradesh
Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Act No.25 of 1994), Greater Visakhapatnam
Municipal Corporation Act, 1979 (Act No.19 of 1979), Vijayawada Municipal
Corporation Act, 1981 (Act No.23 of 1981);
b. ‘Board’ includes a case, frame or surface or any material whatsoever.
c. “Competent authority” means the Commissioner of the Municipality or
Municipal Corporation
d. ‘Displayer’ includes any agent or owner or principal on whose behalf the
device is displayed, the owner of any enterprise about which the device is
displayed or the Agency
e. ‘Display” means the display of any matter – commercial or non-commercial
either by visual, audio, print or electronic mode, which targets public view at
any given point of time, it includes any display of word, model, sign, sky-sign,
ply card, notice, device or representation, whether illuminated or not
f. ‘Display Device’ means any advertisement medium used to display an
outdoor advertisement shall be called as a Display Device.
g. ‘Government’ means the State Government;
h. ‘Month’ means a calendar month;
i. ‘Person’ Includes a Hindu undivided family, any company or association of
body of individuals whether incorporated or not;
j. ‘Schedule’ means the Schedule annexed to these rules;
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k. ‘Sign’ means any word, picture, model, device or other presentation, in the
nature of the display, announcement or direction, written, printed, prescribed,
embossed or painted; and
l. ‘Year’ means the financial year.


These rules are applicable to all the Urban Local Bodies of Andhra Pradesh
covered by the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 (Act No.6 of 1965),
Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Act No.25 of 1994) based on
Municipal Corporations Act, 1955, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation
Act, 1979 (Act No.19 of 1979), Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 (Act
No.23 of 1981).

a. Any department/section/wing of the government (all three tiers) willing to allow
their premises (land, building, horizontal and vertical space, assets, utilities,
and surface) for erecting Display Devices or structures and using such
Display Devices for display of Commercials and Non-Commercials,
awareness campaigns, publicity notifications would adhere to these rules and
any subsequent legislation adopted based on these rules
b. Any private entity, person, groups, trust, societies, political parties, and others
willing to allow their premises (land, building, horizontal and vertical space,
assets, utilities, and surface) for erecting Display DEVICES and structures
and using such Display Devices for display of Commercials and Non-
Commercials Messages, would adhere to these rules and any subsequent
legislation adopted based on these rules and
c. Any department/section/wing of the government (all three tiers) and/or any
private entity, person, groups, trust, societies, political parties, and others
willing to use any Display Device erected for the display of Commercials and
Non-Commercials Messages, notification, publicity notices, and information
would adhere to these rules and any subsequent legislation adopted based on
these rules

5. Purpose of issue of these rules:

a. The purpose of these rules is to provide for the management and regulation of
all those forms of display of Commercials and Non-Commercials Messages
using Display Devices, which fall under the jurisdiction of the Urban Local
b. The purpose of these rules is to support the assessment of all applications
which are made to the Urban Local Body for permission to proceed with
construction or erection of Display Devices for various forms of display of
Commercials and Non-Commercials Messages (including Audio and Video);
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c. The purpose of these rules is also to,

 assist ULBs in putting together by-laws or rules,
 assist ULBs in evaluating proposals for various forms of display of
Commercials and Non-Commercials Messages;
 provide people wishing to erect signs with sufficient information to enable
them to achieve a quality, result with a minimal adverse effect on adjacent
 assist in achieving a consistency and quality of display of commercial and
non-commercials Messages to benefit both road users and the industry; and
 assist the ULBs to regulate and control the safety of Display Devices/
Structures / Constructions.

6. Objectives of these rules:

a. Improve and protect public safety, road safety, environmental and physical
b. To set new standards about distances between Display Devices, sizes,
locations, and siting / physical orientation;
c. To treat each Display Device as a property / title and capturing all details of
each individual structure so that each Urban Local Body can create / develop
and maintain a credible individual ledger account of each Display device
within the Municipal jurisdiction – the point of recognition for control and
revenue management is each individual Display device;
d. Dissemination of all the approval standards and procedures to the public
through use of electronic media and ensure maximum transparency
e. To fix norms for permitting Display Devices keeping in view of public safety
and road safety;
f. To discourage visual clutter caused by Display Devices on the urban
g. To encourage display of Commercials and Non-Commercials Messages on
public land, building, horizontal and vertical space, assets, utilities, and
surface, and amenities within the central business district or areas of
commercial importance so as to improve revenue viability;
h. To penalize and remove the unauthorized Display Devices.
i. To ensure structural stability of the Display Devices.
j. To achieve full potential of revenue from display of commercial Messages and
enhance the income of the Urban Local Body;
k. Introduction of an efficient and reliable data management system through
extensive use of e-governance and geographical information system (GIS);
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7. Norms for permitting Display Devices:

The following norms may be followed for permitting Display Devices
a. Specific locations may be identified for erecting hoardings.
b. Display Devices may be permitted in areas earmarked for commercial and
industrial use
c. Specific locations prohibiting erection of Display Devices also may be
d. Display Devices should not be permitted if they obstruct traffic or public safety
e. Municipal sites may be identified for erection of Display Devices and the right
to use these properties may be auctioned.
f. Number of Display Devices to be allowed on private properties may be fixed
g. Safe distance from transmission/electric lines shall be maintained.
h. Display Devices shall not obstruct or block the view of the road sign.
i. Display Devices shall be fixed with vinyl or any other flexible material only and
no tin sheets are permissible.
j. Display Devices shall not contain flashing red, blue or amber point light
sources which, when viewed from the road, could give the appearance of an
emergency service or other warning lights.
k. Moving, rotating or variable message Display Devices shall not be allowed as
they will distract the motorists.
l. The Sign or sign boards shall be permitted as per the specifications
suggested in the National Building Code.

8. Role of Urban Local Bodies in implementing the Rules:

Government of Andhra Pradesh would continue to allow Urban Local Bodies of
Andhra Pradesh to regulate, control, and manage the display of Commercials and
Non-Commercials Messages using Display Devices. For such regulation, control,
and management of the urban landscape in the context of Display Devices, the ULB
would levy and collect registration fee and permission fee.

All existing Display Devices shall comply with these rules on Display Devices within
a period of 90 days (ninety days) from the date the Government of Andhra Pradesh
notifies these rules.

Considering the various policy aims, explained in this Policy Guidelines on

Regulating Display Devices, the ULBs would have the specific role for implementing
this policy:
a. The Urban Local Body would be responsible to create the display zones within
the Urban Local Body; there would be various category of display zones as
discussed later;
b. The Urban Local Body would be responsible to select the various categories of
Display Device that it wants to allow within the city and further within the
specific display zones;
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c. The Urban Local Body through the elected body would adopt and approve the
tariffs for various Display Devices towards:
 Empanelment Fee for enrolment of the Displayer,
 Registration fee for registration of the Display Devises,
 Permission fee to display,
 Permission fee for renewal to display
 land/space/site charges in case of allotment of Municipal Land / space /
site or Building (with a condition of Annual escalation of 5% year to year
not exceeding three years of lease) and Name Transfer and Mutation
fee, Regularization fee, Renewal Fee, late fee etc.
d. The Urban Local Body through the Office of the Town Planning Section would
process the applications for:
i. Empanelment of Displayer - who would erect or use such Display Devices
of either on private space or public space
ii. Registration for Display Devices
 By using the public land and space belonging to the Urban Local Body
for erection of Display Devices – permanent structures;
 By using the public land and space belonging to the Urban Local Body
for erection of Display Devices – temporary structures;
 Any temporary display of Commercials and Non-Commercials
Messages or information matters;
iii. Permission for Display
iv. Mutation
v. Any renewal for empanelment of Displayer, registrations and permissions;
vi. Empanelment of Structural Engineer, having knowledge on Structural
e. The Urban Local body should follow the legal procedures and processes
attached with the display of Commercials and Non-Commercials Messages
using Display Devices;
f. The Urban Local body should specify areas, which would be barred from any
display of Commercials and Non-Commercials Messages, notifications,
banners, etc.;
g. The Urban Local body should keep a check on unauthorized and illegal Display
Devices and remove any unauthorized structures and displays – temporary
and/or permanent;
h. The Urban Local Body shall take punitive action against the violators by
imposing a fine and levy of penal charges, interest, or fees that are not paid
within the due date.
i. The Urban Local Body must assign a unique identity number to each
permanent and temporary Display Device as per the logic mentioned and
recommended in this policy – the Urban Local Body must ensure to affix such
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number to each permanent structure or Display Devices (either by a plate or

paint) and link the same to the GIS database and maps prepared for the
purpose; and
j. Must collect the revenue within the due date and ensure proper accounting of
the same;

9. Categorization of Display Devices:

a. Based on Size

Categorization of the Display DEVICES (DISPLAY DEVICES) by its size

would also be a crucial factor to ensure appropriate regulation and control of
the placement of Display DEVICES by the Urban Local Body. To ensure
proper management of display structures and ensuring revenue
enhancement, these rules recommends for size categorization of Display
DEVICES viz., a device used for any “display” as provided in these rules and
any subsequent legislation enacted based on this policy.
Sl. No Size Area
1 Large Area > 201Sqft
2 Medium Area from 51 to 200 Sq.ft
3 Small Area up to 50 Sq.ft
b. Based on Place of erection:
The Categorization of immovable Display Devices is broadly divided in to
three categories based on the place where the display device is erected and
are as follows:

Category type Display Devices covered Permitted Size

Display Devices situated at places adjacent to
Right of way of National Highways, Outer Ring Large/Medium/
Category – A
Roads passing through the town / city and major Small
commercial roads
Display Devices situated at places adjacent to
Right of way of State Highways, Inner Ring
Category – B Roads and Roads with 60 feet width and above Medium/Small
passing through the town/city and other
commercial roads not included in Category – A
Display devices situated at places adjacent to the
other roads/streets with in Municipal limits not
Category – C Small
covered under Category A and Category B of the

10. Types of Display Devices:-

i. Unipoles / Unistructures
ii. Hoardings – ground level and roof top
iii. On buses, taxis
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iv. Illuminated/Glow sign boards

v. On floating balloons
vi. Shops and establishment displaying Devices of any kind excluding name of
shop / establishment / products in general.
vii. Display Devices in the form of slide show and trailer films on screens in
Cinema Halls, Vehicles and other public places.
viii. Displays along with street furniture such as Bus shelters, Public Toilets,
Benches and Informative Kiosks, Hawing / Vending stalls.
ix. Temporary displays like Cloth Banner- printed or painted on cloths, Flex/Vinyl
Banner- printed, painted on a flexible substrate like Vinyl or similar material.

11. General Requirement for the Display Devices

The “owner” or “lease” considered as “Displayer for Display Devices” of a Display

Devices - an individual, registered charitable organization, firm, partnership, or a
company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956/2013, political party,
department/section/wing of the government (all three tiers) – who applies for
registration of the Display Devices irrespective of the category or the specific display
point shall ensure adherence to these conditions set out hereunder.
The list covers all traders, shopkeepers, franchisees, business owners, business
houses, in whatever name called who uses the land, space – horizontal and vertical,
site, buildings, assets, utilities, or surface either owned or on lease and uses it for
erection, construction, or placement of a Display Devices and/or for display of
commercials and non-commercials thereon.
These rules assumes that all displayer responsible for the display of commercials
and non-commercials will rely upon self-regulatory controls within the industrial and
social norms to enforce minimum display standards. Notwithstanding this approach,
the Urban Local Body may take action to modify or remove any Display DEVICES
that contravene the Advertising Industry's Code of Ethics, or that otherwise causes a
traffic hazard, or send negative vibes among the citizens or the passersby, or the
tourists and visitors to the city.
Any “Displayer for Display Devices” must ensure that such device is designed with
the following criteria:-
a. The Display Devices shall not wholly or partially obscure any other Display
Devices previously installed
b. The Display Devices shall not constitute a danger to any person or property or
traffic safety;
c. The Display Devices shall not project outside the boundaries of the property
on which it is to be erected or displayed;
d. The Display Devices shall not be protruding on the road or Foot-paths.
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e. The Display Devices shall not result in the removal of, or damage to, any tree
in a public place without prior written authorization of the Urban Local Body;
f. The Display Devices shall not have a detrimental visual impact on property
within the radius as specified under the categorization of display zones;
g. The Display Devices shall not be outside the display zones allowed for
erection or placement of Display DEVICES;
h. If the Display Devices has been declared dangerous (partly or fully) or has
been issued with the notice under The Andhra Pradesh Municipal
Corporations Act, 1994 (Act. No. 25 of 1994), and The Andhra Pradesh Urban
Local Body Act, 1965 (Act No. 6 of 1965);
i. If it violates the building by-laws of the Urban Local Body;
j. An Display Devices may be considered a traffic hazard and shall not be
allowed, if it interferes with road safety or traffic efficiency at zones like:
i. high speed diverging, merging or weaving at an Intersection such as at a
"Y" intersection or large high-speed roundabouts;
ii. in the vicinity of Intersections where through lanes merge and where
vehicles are required to merge at higher speeds (e.g. where" trap lanes"
are created on the approaches to, or exit from, intersections and where a
divided motorway becomes a two-way road);
iii. Intersections or sections of road which, because of lane configuration or
geometry, may require an increased level of driver concentration (e.g.
five-way intersections, back to back horizontal curves);
iv. on the outside curve of a divided road where advertising is directed at
traffic on the opposite carriageway and the geometry, angle or other
factors make this undesirable;
v. sections of road displaying traffic signals, directional signage, regulatory
or advisory signage that (when considered singularly or in combination)
are believed to be significantly more different or complex than would
normally be expected (at these intersections, it would be expected that the
required reading and interpretation period of the traffic control device(s)
would be significantly longer);
k. The Display Devices shall not obstruct a fire escape or the means of access
to or egress from a fire escape; or comply with the minimum clearance with
regard to overhead power lines stipulated in any law;
l. In case of Display DEVICES placed on parts/portions of any building (private
or public), the following points need further consideration:
i. The structure shall not block the passage, entrance, or cause
inconvenience of access to any building (both entry & exit);, any
openings of the building such as door/window/verandah.
ii. The structure shall not block, conceal, or inconvenience the public view
of the front of any shop or establishment in a direct or indirect manner so
that the business behind is affected;
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iii. A Structural Engineer practicing in the field of structural engineering shall

certify permanent category of Display Devices structures positioned on
the wall or roof-top of the building;
iv. This certification confers compliance of the design with relevant Indian
Structural Design Standards, Codes of practice and conditions of these
Rules. The foundations shall be designed and checked for extreme wind
conditions, earthquake, soil bearing capacity etc.;
v. The Structural Engineer shall be accountable in case of any structural
disability of the Display Devices. Certified structural engineer should do
the annual audit of the structure and report should be submitted to
competent authority;
vi. The structural stability certificate shall be submitted at the time of
erecting the hoarding and also while renewing. The hoardings / unipoles
shall not be erected in the nalas, near places of worship, in close
proximity to HT / LT electrical wires, protruding roads or footpaths
vii. Must additionally follow any guidelines as under the National Building
Code of India;
viii. When erected on top of the building, the ground clearance should be at
least 11 feet. The top of the hoarding shall not be more than 25 feet from
the terrace level;
ix. No hoarding shall be erected on a building of height more than 21 mtrs.
m. For temporary Display Devices, the Urban Local Body and the displayer for
Display Devices shall adhere to the law concerning prevention of defacement
of property as provided in the municipal legislation or separate legislation, if
n. For Display Devices erected or constructed on land (irrespective of being
public, municipal, or private land), the following criteria needs consideration:
i. Apart from accommodating vehicular and pedestrian traffic, there shall
be road reserves or corridors for utility services such as power,
telecommunications, gas, storm water, water supply and sewerage. The
location of these services is known by other agencies with their own
legislative right to install these services within the road reserve;
ii. The owner or agent of the Display Devices or the licensee is
responsible to co-ordinate, inform and communicate to relevant
authorities before any excavation or fabrication on site work is to be
undertaken. Any liability, delay or accident that happens, is the
complete responsibility of the owner or agent of the Display Devices or
the licensee.
iii. The owner or agent of the Display Devices or the licensee are solely
responsible for ensuring that during erection, maintenance, alteration
and operation of an Display Devices, the device does not conflict with
services or other things within the road reserve.
iv. The Competent Authority may ask the owner or agent of the Display
Devices or the licensee to either replace or altogether remove any Display
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Devices to facilitate the work undertaken by utility services such as power,

telecommunications, gas, storm water, water supply and sewerage, or for
road widening;
v. When erected on ground, the ground clearance should be at least 08
feet and not greater than 60 feet. The top of the hoarding shall not be
greater than 70 feet from the ground surface;
vi. The minimum distance between two hoardings on the same side of the
road/alignment shall be maintained in such a way that the proposed
hoarding will not obstruct the view of existing permitted hoarding.
vii. If a new hoarding is proposed near an existing hoarding, then minimum
distance between the two hoardings shall be 5 metres. However, minimum
distance will have to be increased if esthetic considerations so require.
o. Urban Local Body shall consider discouraging the use of multiple angle
hoardings and encourage single pole or dual pole hoardings with dual or
multiple vision from sides, provided they pass the structural stability test;
p. Urban Local Body must discourage the use of flex materials, as after a high
wind storm, they tend to snap and create a nuisance on the street, the drains,
and often dangle unsafely, which may harm passerby and passing vehicles;
q. The design/erection of the hoarding shall be aesthetically designed and
strictly as per the structural plan approved by the enlisted Structural Engineer
of the Urban Local Body.
r. The use of energy used in lit Display Devices shall comply with the following
criteria additionally:
i. The electrical connections to Display Devices shall be in accordance with
relevant Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE);
ii. To promote conservation of energy, it is recommended to use alternate
renewable resources like Solar Power;
iii. No generators running on diesel/petrol/kerosene or any bio fuel, causing
noise, air or water pollution shall be used for illumination;
iv. Display DEVICES with illumination shall not contain flashing red, blue or
amber point light sources which, when viewed from the road, could give
the appearance of an emergency service or other special purpose vehicle
warning light’s;
v. Illumination of Display Devices is to be concealed so to be integral part of
vi. The average maintained luminance shall be reduced to 0.5 candelas or all
together shut, after 00:30 hours (00:30 AM) and sunrise by automatic
timing DEVICES; the Urban Local Body may make a list of Display
Devices that would adhere to these rules;
vii. Non-static illuminated Display Devices (flashing lights) are not permitted
within the boundaries of municipal roads;
viii. Moving, rotating or variable message Display Devices are not permitted
within the boundaries of main arterial roads as this may cause a
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statistically significant distractive influence on motorist’s response times to

external stimuli;
ix. The displayer/licensee or owner of the Display Devices is the power
consumer and shall make application for power connection shall obtain
electricity connection from the respective distribution company/displayer
for illuminated display at each site in his own name, for which Urban Local
Body would provide him necessary no objection certificate on his specific
x. The electricity distribution company shall not give the electricity connection
to the Display Devices without reviewing the permission order issued by
the Urban Local Body for the construction or erection or use of the Display
xi. Any charges for power connection and supply shall be incurred directly by
the licensee/displayer or owner of the Display Devices. A copy of the
electricity supplier's letter of acceptance/billing arrangement shall be
provided to the Competent Authority for record;
s. Negative Displays: No Displayer shall erect the maintain or display any
Display Devices or Advertisements related to Negative Display. The list of
negative displays through any commercial and non-commercial displays
would include:
I. Display of Nudity (irrespective of any gender);
II. Racial displays or displays propagating caste community or ethnic
III. Displays promoting drugs, alcohol, cigarette, or tobacco items (including
any surrogate displays of such items);
IV. Displays propagating exploitation of women or child;
V. Displays having sexual overtones;
VI. Displays depicting cruelty to animals;
VII. Displays depicting any nation or institution in poor light;
VIII. Displays casting aspersion on any brand or person;
IX. Displays banned by any law
X. Displays glorifying violence;
XI. Destructive Devices and explosives depicting items;
XII. Any psychedelic, laser or moving displays;
XIII. Displays of weapons and related items (such as firearms, firearm parts
and magazines, ammunition etc.);
XIV. Displays, which may be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening
or unlawfully harassing;
XV. Displays which may be obscene or contain pornography or contain an
"indecent representation of women" within the meaning of the Indecent
Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986;
XVI. Displays linked directly or indirectly to or include description of items,
goods or services that are prohibited under any applicable law for the time
being in force ,including but not limited to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
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1940, the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements)Act,

1954, the Indian Penal Code,1860; and
XVII. Any other items considered inappropriate by the Urban Local Body;
t. No Display Zones: The ULBs has to notify “No Display Zones” duly taking
into consideration of traffic flow and visual hazards to vehicle drivers.

u. Display Devices and Displays Exempted:The following Display DEVICES

and displays are exempted from registration and compliance with the
provisions of general criteria for Display DEVICES, concerning erection or
construction, but must comply with any other applicable rules in these rules:
I. Display DEVICES Displays which are permitted for administration under
certain legislations enacted by the Parliament like the Railways Act, 1989
that are not within the regulatory control of the Urban Local Body;
II. Display DEVICES Displays relating to the business of roadways, railway,
airways, or metro administration or public information and is exhibited
within any bus terminals, railway station, airport, or metro station; [any
Display DEVICES or display carrying the name of a product or service
other than that relates to the administration or public information would be
treated at par with other Display DEVICES and regulated accordingly
excepting those that are regulated separately by certain legislations
enacted by the Parliament]; and/or;
III. If such Display DEVICES and display is exhibited within the walls or
window of any building if the display relates to the reader, profession or
business carried on in that building and occupying less than 25% of the
area of the window, wall, or surface, where display is being
made.[anything more than the prescribed area, would be treated at par
with other Display DEVICES and regulated accordingly]; and/or
IV. If such Display DEVICES and the display on the same is for any invite to
any exhibition or to any sale or letting of such land or building or any
effects therein or to any entertainment or meeting to be held on or upon or
in the same and occupying less than 40% of the area of the window, wall,
or surface, where display is being made. [anything more than the
prescribed area, would be treated at par with other Display DEVICES and
regulated accordingly]; and/or
V. If it is a name plate announcing the name of owner/ or name of occupier of
building and/ or name of a building upon which such display is so fixed,
exhibited painted, pasted, retained or displayed and occupying less than
25% of the area of the window, wall, or surface, where display is being
made. [anything more than the prescribed area, would be treated at par
with other Display DEVICES and regulated accordingly]; and/or
VI. Displays in the case of buildings/property, where commercial activity like
provided by a doctor, chartered accountants, tax consultants, advocate,
architect, engineer etc. is running, as permitted by law, and display of the
services being offered, however, without referring to any brands or
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products or services is allowed up to maximum as permitted under the

respective law in force or occupying less than 25% of the area of the
window, wall, or surface, where displayed whichever is minimum [anything
more than the prescribed area, would be treated at par with other Display
DEVICES and regulated accordingly];
v. Identification of Display Device:
i. A unique identification number for every Registration of Display Devices
(both permanent and temporary) would be issued by the Urban Local Body.
The same should be displayed on the bottom right hand corner of each
Display Devices. In case of non-compliance, the Urban Local Body may
impose penalty, demolish, remove, or confiscate the Display Devices by
categorizing it as an unauthorized Display Devices.
ii. The unique ID number can be prepared by considering the State code,
Urban Local Body code, ward number, street number and categorization of
Display Devices as per Type and shape.
iii. The number so assigned would be captured in the computerized
application, where detail of every Display Devices would be available for
geo-tagging on the satellite images and ledger account of every Display
Devices captured.
iv. The logic and structure for giving unique identification number for
individual Display Devices has been given in the By-law for regulation of
Display Devices.:

12. Procedure for empanelment of Displayer, Registration of Display

Device, Permission to Erect, Renewal & Mutation
This section lays down the norms and procedures for regulation and
management of the Display Devices on one hand and the displays on the other
hand. The procedure for empanelment of Displayer, Registration of Display Device,
Permission to Erect, Renewal & Mutation would involve the following considerations
as below.
13. Empanelment of “Displayer for Display Devices”
Any individual, registered charitable organization, partnership firm, a company
incorporated under the Companies Act 1956/2013, an association of persons
(including any political party), Department/Section/Wing of the government (all three
tiers), and any other entity that the Urban Local Body would included can apply for
empanelment for “Displayer of Display Devices”. The list covers all traders,
shopkeepers, franchisees, business owners, business houses, in whatever name
called who uses the land, space – horizontal and vertical, site, buildings, assets,
utilities, or surface either owned or on lease and uses it for erection, construction, or
placement of an Display Devices and/or for display of commercials and non-
commercials thereon. The process for empanelment of “agency for Display Devices”
would have the following salient points.
a. The entire process of empanelment would be on-line using the online
Application for Display Devices and Display Management;
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b. The empanelment is mandatory for all entities who would be owning a Display
Devices – whether temporary or permanent;
c. The empanelment is not mandatory for entities who would be owning a
Display Devices that being exempted from adherence to these rules
d. The following information would require at the time of empanelment with each
Urban Local Body (a Displayer can have multiple empanelment across the
i. Name of the Applicant;
ii. Registered Address of the Applicant;
iii. Business/Local Address of the Applicant, if any;
iv. Telephone contact details (fixed line and mobile);
v. E-mail Address;
vi. Trade license details of the Registered Address;
vii. Trade license details of the local address, if available;
viii. Type of entity; [Select from the list of applicable entities];
ix. Details of Directors, Partners, Trustee Members, Principal Officer of the
Department/Section/Wing, and Proprietor (name, address, e-mail ID,
AADHAR details);
x. PAN issued by Central Board of Direct Taxes for the entity;
xi. GSTIN issued by Central Board of Excise and Customs for the entity;
e. After selection of all options, declare whether the applicant had been black-
listed or debarred by any department/section/wing of the government (all
three tiers) [applicable for applicants other than department/section/wing of
the government (all three tiers)];
f. Declare, whether any fees are due to the Urban Local Body;
g. The system displays the total empanelment fee under the head “Fees for
Displayer Empanelment”, with options of online payment using e-payment
gateways or generation and printing of the invoice for payment at designated
collection points or banks;
h. The Empanelment Certificate would be available online for download, after
receipt of payments and processing of the application (within 7 days from the
date of application], or it may be available from the office of the Urban Local
Body if such online downloads are not available for some reason;
i. The Urban Local Body may reject an' application of any person/entity for
empanelment as an “Displayer for DISPLAY DEVICES” if there is a reason to
believe that the particulars furnished by such person/entity are neither true nor
is eligible for reasons to be recorded in writing. In case of rejection, the full
amount paid towards “Fees for Displayer empanelment” shall be refunded to
the applicant within fifteen days from the date of rejection.
j. The applicant would be issued Empanelment Certificate;
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14. Procedure for Registration to erect New Display Devices / Regularization

of already existing Display Devices
The enrolled “Displayer for Display Devices” can apply for Registration of the
New Display devices to be erected or Regularization of already existing Display
Device on a public land and/or public building not being municipal land or building or
not under the control of any entity in which the substantial ownership (more than fifty-
one percent) lies with the Urban Local Body duly paying the prescribed registration
fee. The process for Registration/ Regularization of the Display Devices would have
the following salient points
a. The process of registration would be on-line using the online Application for
Display Devices and Display Management;
b. The registration/ Regularization is mandatory for all display devices - whether
temporary or permanent.
c. Each Display device shall have a registration. A Displayer can have multiple
registration of Display Devices across the Urban Local Body.
d. The following information would require at the time of registration of the
I. Empanelment Number of the Displayer;
II. No Objection Certificate from the Landlord of the land/building over
which advertisement is proposed to be displayed
III. A joint Indemnity Bond-cum-Undertaking on Stamp paper of specified
value, by the premises owner/Society and the displayer in the
prescribed format to include the following:
 That the advertisement does not cause obstruction to the air, light
and ventilation of any neighboring building or premises.
 That they indemnify the urban local authority against any claim or
litigation by anybody adversely affected by the hoarding. They will
also undertake to indemnify urban local authority for any cost
incurred in case of third party litigation.
IV. Copy of key-plan of the location in the scale of 1:400 and Block Plan in
the scale of 1:4000 specified soft copy format (CAD Map) with a
location marker giving the latitude and longitude of the location of
display device is proposed.
V. Copy of geotagged photographs taken from a distance of 60 metres
from the proposed site with marking of the proposed hoarding thereon
VI. N.O.C. from the Traffic Department (Police), if the advertisement is to
be illuminated.
VII. In case an Display device is proposed upon a building, a certified true
copy of the Completion Certificate of the Building shall be submitted
along with the Application. In case where the building is under
construction the commencement certificate of the building shall be
submitted as a document
VIII. Certified True copy of the Ownership documents of the Plot on which
the Advertisement device is proposed
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IX. Structural Stability certificate for the Outdoor advertisement device, in

case of large and Medium format advertisements. Where the Outdoor
Advertisement device is proposed upon a building, then the structural
stability certificate of the building shall also be provided along with.
X. Any other document relevant for consideration for grant of permission
for the proposed advertisement device
XI. Business/Local Address of the Applicant, if any;
XII. Telephone contact details (fixed line and mobile);
XIII. E-mail Address;
e. The system displays the total registration fee under the head “Fees for
registration, with options of online payment using e-payment gateways or
generation and printing of the invoice for payment at designated collection
points or banks;
f. The registration Certificate would be available online for download, after
receipt of payments and processing & verification of the application (within
15 days from the date of application], or it may be available from the office
of the Urban Local Body if such online downloads are not available for some
g. The Urban Local Body may reject an' application of for Display devices if there
is a reason to believe that, if the Display Device does not meet the General
requirements mentioned in section-9 of these rules or particulars furnished by
are neither true nor is eligible for reasons to be recorded in writing. In case of
rejection, the full amount paid towards “Fees for Displayer registration” shall
be refunded to the applicant within fifteen days from the date of rejection.
h. The Displayer would be issued Registration Certificate for each Display
[Note: for erection, construction, placement, or regularization of the Display Devices
on a municipal land or building, or that under the control of any entity in which the
substantial ownership (more than fifty-one percent) lies with the Urban Local Body, it
would allot such land/space/site for erection, construction, placement, or licensing of
the Display Devices by a process of allotment through open auction, to registered
“agency for Display Devices” treated separately in these rules[

15. Procedure for Permission to display for commercials and non-

The enrolled “Displayer for Display Devices” after getting registration/regularization
of the Display devices would apply before the Urban Local Body for Permission to
Display for Commercials and non-commercials duly paying the prescribed
permission fee. The following would be the categories of permission procedures:

a. The process of getting permission to Display would be on-line using the online
Application for Display Devices and Display Management;
b. The “Permission to Display” is mandatory for all display devices - whether
temporary or permanent.
c. The following information would require at the time of registration of the
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I. Empanelment Number of the Displayer

II. Registration Certificate of the Display Device
III. Copy of Insurance Policy, with details of Insurance Coverage, in case
of any unforeseen incident occurs;
IV. Copy of Content to be Displayed
d. The system displays the total permission fee under the head “Fees for
permission, with options of online payment using e-payment gateways or
generation and printing of the invoice for payment at designated collection
points or banks;
e. The permission Certificate would be available online for download, after
receipt of payments and processing & verification of the application (within
7 days from the date of application], or it may be available from the office of
the Urban Local Body if such online downloads are not available for some
f. The Urban Local Body may reject an' application for permission to Display if
there is a reason to believe that, if the Display content does not meet the
General requirements mentioned in Rule-9 of these rules or particulars
furnished by are neither true nor is eligible for reasons to be recorded in
writing. In case of rejection, the full amount paid towards “Fees for
Permission” shall be refunded to the applicant within fifteen days from the
date of rejection.
g. The Displayer would be issued Permission to Display Certificate for each
Display Device

16. Procedure for Mutation

If the enrolled displayer willing to transfer the registration & permissions received for
setting up Display Devices and for display, to another enrolled displayer of the Urban
Local Body, the displayer would apply before the Urban Local Body for mutation of
the registration & permissions obtained duly paying the prescribed mutation fee. The
process for mutation would have the following salient points.
a. The process of mutation would be on-line using the online Application for
Display Devices and Display Management;
b. The following information would require at the time of registration of the
i. Empanelment Number of the Previous Displayer;
ii. Empanelment Number of the New Displayer;
iii. No Objection Certificate from the Landlord of the land/building over which
advertisement is proposed to be displayed
c. The system displays the total mutation fee under the head “Fees for
permission, with options of online payment using e-payment gateways or
generation and printing of the invoice for payment at designated collection
points or banks;
d. The mutation Certificate would be available online for download, after receipt
of payments and processing & verification of the application (within 7 days
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from the date of application], or it may be available from the office of the
Urban Local Body if such online downloads are not available for some reason;
e. The Urban Local Body may reject an' application of for permission to Display if
there is a reason to believe that, particulars furnished by are neither true nor
is eligible for reasons to be recorded in writing. In case of rejection, the full
amount paid towards “Fees for mutation” shall be refunded to the applicant
within fifteen days from the date of rejection.
f. The Displayer would be issued mutation Certificate.
17. Procedure for Renewal
a. Procedure for Renewal Registration of Display Device
Renewal of registration of the Display Device would take place upon application
unless specifically cancelled by the Urban Local Body or requested by the displayer
for cancellation after the stipulated time but within 15 days before expiry of the
registration subject to submission of structural stability certificate of the Display
device structure and if the said device is on, a building structural certificate of the
building, at time of renewal, from an empanelled structural engineer upon payment of
prescribed renewal fee. The renewal shall be approved on the following basis:-
a. Duly and timely payment of fee during the registration period
b. That, the Displayer has strictly followed the rules and regulations as laid by
the Urban Local Authority during the Registration period.
c. The structural stability certificate provided by the empanelled structural
engineer shall be based on the Non - Destructive tests carried out by him, as
per acceptable norms and practices, which should be specified in the
d. The displayer shall produce a copy of the No Objection Certificate (NOC) from
the Owner of the premises, where the display device is erected.
e. The process of renewal would be on-line using the online Application for
Display Devices and Display Management;
f. The system displays the total renewal fee under the head “Fees for
permission, with options of online payment using e-payment gateways or
generation and printing of the invoice for payment at designated collection
points or banks;
g. The renewal Certificate would be available online for download, after receipt
of payments and processing & verification of the application (within 7 days
from the date of application], or it may be available from the office of the
Urban Local Body if such online downloads are not available for some reason;
h. The Urban Local Body may reject an' application of for renewal if the
application does not meet the requirement mentioned above. In case of
rejection, the full amount paid towards “Fees for renewal” shall be refunded to
the applicant within fifteen days from the date of rejection.
i. The Displayer would be issued renewal Certificate.
b. Procedure for Renewal of Permission to Display
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For renewal of Permission to Display, the “Displayer for Display Devices”, shall apply
for renewal of the permission within 15 days before expiry period of permission in the
same process for applying for a fresh permission duly paying the prescribed fee for
renewal of Permission to Display. The renewal shall be approved subject to the
condition that, the Displayer has strictly followed the rules and regulations as laid by
the Urban Local Authority during the previous permission period.
a. The process of renewal would be on-line using the online Application for
Display Devices and Display Management;
b. The system displays the total renewal fee under the head “Fees for
permission, with options of online payment using e-payment gateways or
generation and printing of the invoice for payment at designated collection
points or banks;
c. The renewal of permission Certificate would be available online for download,
after receipt of payments and processing & verification of the application
(within 7 days from the date of application], or it may be available from the
office of the Urban Local Body if such online downloads are not available for
some reason;
d. The Urban Local Body may reject an' application of for renewal if the
application does not meet the requirement mentioned above. In case of
rejection, the full amount paid towards “Fees for renewal” shall be refunded to
the applicant within fifteen days from the date of rejection.
e. The Displayer would be issued renewal permission Certificate.

18. Procedure for Allotment of Land/Space/Site under Control of Urban

Local Body for DISPLAY DEVICES – Permanent Type
In the case of allotment for municipal land/space/site or building for erection,
construction, and placement of DISPLAY DEVICES, or that under the control of
the Urban Local Body or under the control of any entity in which the substantial
ownership (more than fifty-one percent) lies with the Urban Local Body where
there is none, then the Urban Local Body would allot such land/space/site or
building to the eligible “agency for DISPLAY DEVICES” through an open auction
of the site. The “agency for DISPLAY DEVICES” would be selected based on the
highest bid placed.

The entire process of allotment of the land/space/site or building for erection,

construction, and placement of DISPLAY DEVICES would be on-line using the
prescribed e-procurement or e-tender portal of the State Government. The online
Application for DISPLAY DEVICES and Display Management can also be linked
to the existing e-procurement or e-tender portal of the State Government.

The various steps for such allotment would involve:

a. Registered “Displayer for Display Devices” expresses their interest to
participate in the bid The Urban Local Body enters into a binding contract with
the selected “Displayer for Display Devices” based on a Design-Build-Operate-
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Transfer (DBOT) terms and conditions and allots the unique identification
number (UIN) of such Display Devices;
b. The “ Displayer for Display Devices” completes the erection, construction, or
placement of the for Display Devices within 90 days of the contract and tags
the unique identification number (UIN) of such Display Devices;
c. For all existing Display Devices as on the date of the adoption of these rules,
the Urban Local Body shall allow a 180 days transition period to adopt the new
d. In case The “ Displayer for Display Devices” decide not to manage the Display
Devices, then it shall transfer the rights to the Urban Local Body; the Urban
Local Body shall re-allot DISPLAY DEVICES to any “agency for Display
Devices” by a process of open-tender and the transferor pays the required
“name transfer and mutation fee” to the Urban Local Body;
e. The “ Displayer for Display Devices”, thereafter contracts out to any agency
willing to put up display on that particular Display Devices; these contracts
would be unique to the parties and Urban Local Body shall have no role,
provided all terms of their agreements are within the framework of these rules
and other laws in force; the Urban Local Body shall not control any price;

19. Empanelment of Displayer: The empanelment of the Displayer unless

cancelled by the Urban Local Body or requested by the displayer for
cancellation, the empanelment of displayer shall be for lifetime.
20. Registration of Display Device: The registration certificate of the Display
Device shall be for a period of 10 Years which can be renewed based on
the conditions specified in these rules.
21. Permission to Display – Permanent: The Permission to Display for
permanent devices shall be maximum period of one year or by the end of
financial year i.e, 31st March which can be renewed every year based on the
conditions specified in these rules.
22. Permission to Display – Temporary: The Permission to Display for
temporary devices shall be maximum period of 90 days for any forth coming
event including entertainment events, festivals, mela, trade fair, conferences,
road shows etc.; election campaign materials are also covered under
temporary display which can be renewed every quarter based on the
conditions specified in these rules
23. Vacancy Period: Vacancy arising due to non allotment of Agency by the
owner of the display device by more than one year, then no fee is to be levied
and collected on that display device for that particular period. If the vacancy
arises after allotting the agency will not come under this clause.
24. Tariff Structure:
The tariff structure for the Empanelment of Displayer, registration of Display Device
and Permission to Display will be as follows:-

a. Empanelment fee: Empanelment means registering of Agency in

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the respective ULB. It is onetime fee and varies from one ULB to other
ULB. The fee is to be fixed by the respective Municipal Councils.
b. Registration/Regularization fee: The Registration fee/ Regularization fee is
to be collected for each of the Display Device at the time of
registration/regularization of the existing device. It is also onetime fee. The
Minimum and Maximum fee to be collected is as follows:-
Registration/Regularization fee

S. First, Second,
Type of Display Device Size Corporations, Third grade
No. Selection & Special ULBs and Nagar
Grade ULBs (Rs.) Panchayats (Rs.)

Large 10,000 5,000

Medium 5,000 2,500

01. Unipoles/Unistructures

Small 2,500 1,500

Large 20,000 10,000

Hoardings – Ground level and roof Medium 10,000 5,000

Small 5,000 2,500

On Buses, Taxis (Moveable

1,000 500
03. Display Devises)

Large 5,000 2,500

Medium 2,500 1,250

04. Glow Sign Boards
Small 1,500 650

On Floating Balloons 1,000 500


Shops and establishment displaying Large 1,200 600

devices of any kind excluding name
Medium 600 3001
06. of shop/ establishment/ products in
Small 300 150

Large 2,000 1,000

Display Devices in the form of
07. slide show and trailer films on
Medium 1,000 500
screens of cinema halls
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Small 500 250

Large 6,000 3,000

Displays along with street furniture
such as Bus Shelters, Public Toilets,
Benches, Informative Kiosks, Medium 3,000 1,500
Hawing and vending stalls
Small 1,500 750

Temporary displays like Cloth

Banner- printed or painted on
cloths, Flex/Vinyl Banner- printed, 1,000 500
painted on a flexible substrate like
Vinyl or similar material.

c. Permission fee: The Permission fee for permission to display is to be

collected every year. The Minimum and Maximum fee to be collected is as
Category type Minimum fee
Category – A 100 percent more than the minimum rate of fee prescribed below
Category – B 50 percent more than the minimum rate of fee prescribed below
Category – C The rate of fee shall be fixed as prescribed in the table below

Maximum rate of fee per Sq.m

(or) part thereof per year
rate of fee
First, Second,
per Sq.m
S. Category of Corporations, Third grade
Sub-Category (or) part
No. Display Device Selection & ULBs and
thereof per
Special Grade Nagar
ULBs (Rs.) Panchayats
Category -A 1,600 3,200 2,400
01. Category -B 1,200 2,400 1,800
Category -C 800 1,600 1,200
Hoardings – Category -A 2,000 4,000 3,000
02. Ground level and Category -B 1,500 3,0002 2,250
roof top Category -C 1,000 2,000 1,500
On Buses, Taxis
03. (Moveable Display - 300 600 450
Category -A 400 800 600
04. Glow Sign Boards Category -B 300 600 450
Category -C 200 400 300
On Floating Category -A 1,000 2,000 1,500
Balloons Category -B 750 1,500 1,125
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Category -C 500 1,000 750

Shops and Category -A 200 400 300
establishment Category -B 150 300 225
displaying devices
of any kind
06. excluding name of
shop/ Category -C 100 200 150
products in
Display Devices in
07. the form of slide Per Slide 2,000 4,000 3,000
Displays along Category -A 1,600 3,200 2,400
with street Category -B 1,200 2,400 1,800
furniture such as
Bus Shelters,
08. Public Toilets,
Benches, Category -C 800 1,600 1,200
Informative Kiosks,
Hawing and
vending stalls

d. Mutation fee: The Mutation fee shall be 20% of the normal registration fee as
detailed above

e. Renewal fee: The renewal fee shall be the equal to normal registration and
permission fee as prescribed in the policy.

f. Late Fees
Applicable for displayer when found by the Urban Local Body to have delayed any
payment liability beyond the prescribed due date. Late Fine would be equivalent to
the rates that the Urban Local Body levies for other cause or 5% of the dues.
g. Revision of Fees Method
The fees as prescribed above would be reviewed every three years and the State
Government and the Urban Local Body would revise the fee according to the cost
inflation index that Reserve Bank of India or the Central Board of Direct Taxes

25. Regularization of existing structures

a. As the old regime of advertisement taxation and advertisement revenue had

been amended vide the Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment)
Act, 2016), by the enactment of The Goods and Services Tax (Compensation
to States) Act, 2017 (Union Act No 15 of 2017), and by the introduction of
Section 173 of The Andhra Pradesh Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act
No. 16 of 2017), there arises a need for a quick migration to a revised regime
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to regulate, control and manage the display of commercials and non-

commercials using Display Devices.
b. This policy proposes for a period of 90 days for regularization of the existing
structures since the date of adoption and notification of this policy guideline. In
case the existing agency fails to regularize/conform with policy guidelines, the
Display DEVICES within a time-period of 90 days or any extended period if
allowed, then the Urban Local Body may decide to demolish the existing
Display Devices.
26. Special provisions for display on Display Devices
This rule narrates some provisions of special importance concerning some of the
Display Devices.
i) Special provisions for Display Devices on Bus Shelters
Display Devices are allowed at bus stops provided that they are fully integrated into
the overall design of the bus shelter. This is to ensure a visually neat and tidy
streetscape and to maintain unobstructed and safe pedestrian movement. DISPLAY
DEVICES at the bus stops will be allowed subject to the following conditions like:
a. Display Devices have to be part of the structure and cannot be suspended or
be an addition to the primary structure;
b. In case of illuminated panels, internally-illuminated advertising panels will be
c. Other general provisions as set out by this policy will be applicable to Display
Devices at bus stops;
ii) Special provisions for Display Devices on flyover and bridges
Display on bridges will be subject to the following restrictions, apart from the general
provisions as applicable to other Display Devices:
a. The ground clearance of the Display Devices shall be atleast equal to the
ground clearance of the bridge;
b. The maximum height of the Display Devices shall not exceed the height of the
parapet of the bridge.
c. The length of the Display Devices shall not exceed 60ft;
d. Display Devices on the pillars supporting the bridge are allowed subject to the
condition that the total length of the Display Devices panel on the pillars, shall
not exceed the diameter of the pillar at the midsection by 2 ft;
e. The clearance between the advertisement panel and surface area of the pillar
shall not be greater than 1 ft;
iii) Special norms for floating balloons as Display Devices
Permission for illuminated or non-illuminated floating balloons as DISPLAY
DEVICES can be granted subject to compliance of conditions mentioned below:
a. The “agency for DISPLAY DEVICES” shall place the balloon DISPLAY
DEVICES in such a manner that it does not interfere with or obstruct other
DISPLAY DEVICES. The “agency for DISPLAY DEVICES” shall make
necessary arrangements for monitoring the movement of the balloon during
its display;
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b. The “agency for DISPLAY DEVICES” shall produce a “No Objection

Certificate” (NOC) from the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India,
and shall observe all their rules and regulations;
c. The “agency for DISPLAY DEVICES” shall be liable to pay damages for any
accident or any injury which may be caused to any property or person by
reason of keeping the said balloon or the material, gas or any device used in
respect thereof or by reason of the fall or otherwise of the said balloon or any
part thereof due to storm, faulty operation, negligence, accident or any other
cause whatsoever.
iv) Special norms for Wall-Paintings
Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this policy, the Urban Local Body shall not
allow any walls – private, public building, boundary walls, natural rocks, etc., for
display of commercials. Such walls shall only be used for “Wall Paintings –
Aesthetics”, as defined. The Urban Local Body may engage the existing wall painting
artists, school or college students, other professionals on a nominal fee and provide
them with the necessary colours and items for painting all city walls aesthetically.
v) Special Norms for display of Social Message, Government Awareness
The “agency for Display Devices” would use some of the Display Devices available
for display of commercials to display such social messages and display of
government awareness programs as detailed above. In addition, any
department/Section/wing of the Government (all tiers) may reserve some DISPLAY
DEVICES at specific places to display such social messages and display of
government awareness programs.
vi) Special Norms for Erection of Display Devices on Building
Notwithstanding, any of the provisions of this policy, the “agency for Display Devices”
would not erect, construct, and place any Display Devices and use that Display
Devices for any display, which are in the Large format in any private or public
building. Only medium and small format Display Devices would be allowed on such
27. Tax and Statutory Provisions:
The ULBs have to pay GST on collections proposed under these rules subject to
certain exemptions. ULBs are to be followed the relevant statutory provisions
applicable on it from time to time.
In addition to that any collections for Renting of Immovable Property for
display devices in Municipal Properties will also come under GST and this tax is to
be paid on Reverse Charge Basis if the service recipient is a registered dealer under
GST. If not the ULB to pay such tax on Forward Charge Basis for unregistered
service recipients

28. Miscellaneous Matters

a. Maintenance and Inspection
Maintenance: All Display Devices / structures for which a permission is required,
together with all their supports, braces, guys and anchors shall be kept in good
condition, both structurally and aesthetically, and when not galvanized or constructed
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of approved corrosion resistive non-combustible materials, shall be painted when

necessary to prevent corrosion.
Housekeeping: It shall be the duty and responsibility of the “agency for Display
Devices” of every DISPLAY DEVICES to maintain the immediate premises occupied
by the Display Devices, in a clean, sanitary and healthy condition.
Inspection: Every Display Devices for which permission has been issued and every
existing Display Devices for which permission is required shall be inspected by the
Town Planning Officer or any designated official of the concerned Urban Local Body
at least twice in every calendar year. The inspection report shall be recorded in the
presence of the owner/agency.
b. Unsafe and Unlawful Display Devices
When any Display Devices / structure becomes insecure, or in danger of falling, or
otherwise unsafe, in violation of any of the provisions, the owner thereof, or the
person or agency maintaining the same, shall upon written notice of the Competent
authority, forthwith in the case of immediate danger and in any case within not more
than three days, make such Display Devices / structure confirm to the provisions of
this part or shall remove it. If within three days, if the order is not complied with, the
Commissioner may remove such advertisement at the expense of the owner/agency.
c. Survey of Display Devices
The Urban Local Body shall conduct a regular survey (may be twice in 1 year) on all
existing Display Devices in the municipal limits and verification made as to whether
permission has been obtained and the erection, construction, and the placement of
the Display Devices is as per the permission granted. In addition, the survey may
also cover whether there are any revenue leakages from the Display Devices and
the display on the Display Devices. In respect of Display Devices unlawfully installed,
erected or maintained or where permission has not been obtained, action shall be
taken to issue a notice to the party/ Display Devices agency with a penalty @ 50% of
total display fee within two weeks from the date of service of notice. In respect of
Display Devices where permission has not been obtained and where permission
cannot be granted as per the Policy or other legislative framework, action shall be
taken to issue a notice to the party to remove the Display Devices within a specified
time failing which, Display Devices shall be removed departmentally and the cost of
removal shall be collected from the concerned party. Survey must cross-check with
the existing data and if required, Urban Local Body must diligently carry out the
necessary updation.
d. Serving of Notices
Any notice that is required to, or may, be served, delivered or given in terms of, or for
the purposes of, implementation framework, must be served in any of the following
a. by sending a copy of the notice by registered or under postal certificate to the
last-known address of the person concerned/Owner, and, unless the contrary
is proved, it is deemed that service was effected on the seventh day following
the day on which the document was posted;
b. by faxing a copy of the notice to the person, if the person has inwriting
furnished a fax number to the Government Authority or an authorised official;
File No.CDMA014034/1/2018-K SEC-CDMA

c. by forwarding the notice through e-mail on the registered e mail id; and by
handing over a copy of the notice to any of the authorized representative;
e. Appeals
a. Any grievance, in relation to this policy needs to be addressed to the
Competent Authority, within 30 days from the receipt of orders or cause of
action as the case may be. The Competent Authority for sufficient cause, at
his discretion may condone any delay of filing for up to 30 days
b. If the applicant simultaneously seeks redressal in a court of law for the same
cause of action, the appeal to Competent Authority shall stand automatically
f. Insurance and Indemnity
The Owner or agency of the Display Devise shall be liable to buy insurance against
public liability.
Display Devises Owner or the agency of the Display Devises shall be required to
indemnify the Competent Authority for the designated Display Devises and activities
against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, losses, damages and
expenses which may be brought against, or made upon the Competent Authority
which arise as a result of the installation or existence of a Display Devises.
The Display Devises Owner or agency shall always be responsible for any injury or
damage caused or suffered by any person or property arising out of or relating to the
Display of Advertisement and the consequential claim shall be borne by the
Advertiser who will also indemnify and safeguard the Competent Authority in respect
of any such claim or claims
g. Withdrawal and Amendment of Approvals
Urban Local Body may withdraw an approval granted or amend any condition or
impose a further condition in respect of such approval if, in the opinion of the Urban
Local Body, the Display Devices concerned:
a. Is or has, as a result of a change to the nature of the environment or the
amenity of the neighborhood, streetscape or Urban Design existing at the time
of such approval, become detrimental to the area in which it is located by
reason of its size, intensity of illumination, quality of design, workmanship,
material or its existence;
b. Constitutes, or has become, a danger to any person or property;
c. Is obscuring a critical and aesthetically important natural feature, architectural
feature or visual line of civic, architectural, historical or heritage significance;
d. Is or has become prohibited in terms of this policy or any other law;
e. If any Display Devices or the part thereof falls either through an accident or
any other cause;
f. If any addition is made except for the purpose of making it secure under the
direction of the Urban Local Body;
g. If any change is made in the Display Devices or part thereof;
h. If the building or structure or property upon or over which the Display Devises
is erected demolished or destroyed and
i. Any other site/location specific reason as may be decided by the Urban Local
Body in public interest, safety, aesthetics etc.
File No.CDMA014034/1/2018-K SEC-CDMA

Prior to taking any such decision, Urban Local Body shall in writing notify the
Registered entity of its proposed decision or may take suitable action that he or she
may within seven days (7) days of the date of the notice make written
representations concerning the proposed decision. Urban Local Body shall give
reasons in writing.
In case of partial or complete withdrawal of permission by the Urban Local Body,
Registered entity shall have to remove or amend the Display Devices within 7 days
at his own risk and cost and refund of the balance amount of license fee shall be
given to the registered entity within 30 days of such withdrawal.

Commissioner & Director

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