Design Procedure of A Push Pull Current-Fed DC-DC
Design Procedure of A Push Pull Current-Fed DC-DC
Design Procedure of A Push Pull Current-Fed DC-DC
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3 authors, including:
Sujit K. Biswas
Jadavpur University
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Abstract— Some of the major drawbacks of Voltage- transformer feeds its secondary when the push-
fed converter can be resolved by its Current-fed pull transformer operates in non-overlapping
counterpart with its certain practical advantages. The
recent increase in interest and use of current-fed mode. However, in the overlapping mode of
converters calls for establishing a systematic design operation, no energy is transferred through this
methodology. While some papers have provided useful transformer.
insights to these converters, elaborate design steps are If it can be ensured that the push-pull switches
not available in literature. This paper presents complete
design process of a push-pull current-fed converter.
(Q1 and Q2) are operating in the overlapping
mode, an inductor can be safely connected in
Index Terms — Current-fed Converter, DC-DC Converter, series with the input as shown in Figure 1. This
Push-pull Converter, Boost-derived Converter. topology can also be derived from boost
converter by inserting a transformer. Thus, this is
INTRODUCTION a boost-derived topology.
Voltage-fed isolated converter topologies have The very presence of series inductor at the input
some serious drawbacks. They invariably consist reduces turn-on and turn-off current transients,
of input capacitor to lower input voltage ripple & limits flux imbalance and restricts transformer
spikes and output low-pass filter to reduce output saturation by providing instantaneous high
voltage ripple. This low-pass filter consists of an impedance at the input. Further, there is no need
inductor in series with the secondary rectifier of filter capacitors at the input, making the
assembly, along with the shunt capacitor. For system compact and simple. There is no problem
multi-output converter there would be inductors arising from long lead lengths of the input supply
for each output. With increased number of as this will merely add to the input inductance.
outputs, size and cost of multiple inductors
becomes a serious concern, while the presence
of inductor at the output can make cross-
regulation poor. Voltage-fed converter requires
non-zero dead time between the turn-on of the
switch sets. During this dead time the secondary
diodes free-wheel to continue the inductor
current. This freewheeling current must be
nullified on the following turn-on. This can create
a low impedance path across the voltage source
due to diode turn-off time during this nullification
duration. The low impedance may lead to Figure 1 : Current-fed Push-Pull DC-DC
transformer saturation. Flux imbalance is a major converter
problem in voltage-fed converters. It can cause
serious damage if proper preventive steps are OPERATION
not taken. As stated earlier, the push-pull switches (Q1 and
Most of the problems of voltage-fed converters Q2) are operating in the overlapping mode, i.e.,
can be resolved or restricted by bringing the the duty cycle of each switch D, is greater than
output inductor to the primary. This series 0.5. As depicted in Figure 2, during interval [(D-
connected input inductor, provides an 1/2)T], (with T as the time period of one switching
instantaneous high impedance, thereby cycle), both Q1 and Q2 remain on. The flux in the
restricting sudden change in current. The transformer is cancelled by the simultaneous
inductor, as in Weinberg circuit, can be brought conduction of its two primary windings in mutually
in the form of a flyback transformer, feeding opposite directions. The transformer thus cannot
either the input or the output. This flyback sustain any voltage across its primary and will
Inductor Design
Considering an efficiency of η, the average input
current can be expressed as:
I i = η ×V0 (8)
Now, a low value of inductance may cause the
current to become discontinuous whereas a very
high value of inductance will compromise size
and weight constraints. Hence, putting a limit on
the allowable current ripple magnitude,
∆I = xI i (9)
where, 0.05 ≤ x ≤ 0.3 for optimal operation.
With output voltage Vo being constant and
n = Vct (which is already fixed), it implies that Vct
is constant.
Figure 2 : Voltage & Current waveforms for
the current-fed converter
V in = V ct × 2 1‐ D = 2t L ∆I (10) I i2
off I p ,rms = 12
3 + x 2 × 3 − 2D (21)
Rearranging (10),
This is maximum when D is minimum.
L ∆I = Vct × 2 1‐ D × D ‐ 2 T Here also, peak current magnitude, I i , pk = I i + ∆I
× 3D − 1 − 2D 2 (11) The rms current through half of the secondary
2f s center-tapped winding of transformer is equal to
Vct the rms current through a diode, which is given
From (11), ∆I = , from which,
max 16Lf s by :
Vct 1
L = 16×f (12) I s2,rms = 3 I i + ∆I 2 + I i − ∆I 2 + I i2 − ∆I 2 × 1 − D × n2
s × ∆I max
Input rms ripple current is given by : 1
= 3I i2 + ∆I 2 × 1 − D × n 2 (22)
1 3
I 2
= I i + ∆I 2
+ I i − ∆I 2
+ I i − ∆I
2 2
× 2D − 1
i ,rms 3 Again, with, ∆I = xI i ,
+ I i + ∆I 2
+ I i ‐ ∆I 2
+ I i2 ‐ ∆I 2 ×2 1‐D nI i
I s ,rms = 3+ x 2 × 1−D (23)
1 3
= 3I i + ∆I
2 2
3 Secondary peak current is given by :
With ∆I = xI i , I = I + ∆I × n (24)
s , pk i
I i ,rms = (3 + x 2 ) (14) The voltage induced at the center tap of
transformer primary is given by :
Here, primary peak current magnitude, N p Φm − −Φm 2N p Ac Bm 2N p Ac Bm f s
I i , pk = I i + ∆I = I i (1 + x) (15) Vct = 1−D Ts
1−D Ts
With L, Ii,rms, Ip,pk available, the inductor can be Similarly voltage induced at the secondary of
designed using standard methodologies. transformer is given by :
Maximum energy handled by the inductor, is : 2N s Ac Bm f s
Vo = (26)
E = 1 2 LI i2, pk (16) 1− D
Maximum current through switches is given by:
= 3I i2 + ∆I 2 × 1 − D × n 2 (31) I D ,max = I p , pk = I i + ∆I = I i × 1 + x (45)
The Average or output DC current is given by :
I i +∆I + I i −∆I Secondary diodes
Io = 2
× 2× 1 − D × n Peak reverse voltage across diodes is given by:
= 2 1 − D nI i (32) PIV = 2Vo (46)
The rms ripple current through capacitor is: The peak current through diodes is given by:
I d2,cap = I o2, rms − I o2 I D ,max = I s , pk = I i + ∆I × n = I i 1 + x × n (47)
For all the semiconductor components, an
= ⎡2 1 − D 2D − 1 × I i2 + 1 − D × ∆I 2 ⎤ × n 2
(33) appropriate Safety Factor (SF) should be used.
⎣⎢ 3 ⎦⎥
Hence, all the right hand side values in (44) to
Substituting, ∆I = xI i , the rms ripple current is (47) must be multiplied by SF.
given by :
I d ,cap = nI i 2 1−D 2D −1 + 1x 2 (34) CONTROLLER DESIGN
This current causes the pre-dominant ripple in In case of voltage-fed DC-DC converter, non-
the output voltage by virtue of the voltage drop zero dead-time must be provided between turn-
across the ESR of the capacitor. Hence, the ESR on of alternate switches. This is mandatory to
of the capacitor should be less than : prevent the occurrence of dead short across a
voltage source with low impedance.
ESR = ∆V/Id,cap (35)
However, in current-fed converters, overlapping
At the instant when capacitor starts discharging, of the on duration of its switches is necessary for
energy in the capacitor is : its operation. The instantaneous high impedance
E 1 = 0.5CV d2,max Joules (36) provided by the input inductor prevents current
overshoot during overlapped operation.
At the end of the discharge period, i.e. at
The PWM controller can be realized by using a
t o ff = D − 1
2 )T , energy stored in the suitable combination of standard integrated
capacitor is : circuits.
E 2 = 0.5CVd2,min Joules (37) Transfer Function
Thus, for constant output power Po, from (36) The transfer function of the converter power
and (37) : stage can be derived by using state space
average technique. The transfer function can be
2 2
E − E = 0.5C V
1 2
d ,max d ,min
= P D − T
(38) given as :
Rearranging, the Capacitance value is given by : v% s
T ps s = %
C =
Po 2 D − 1
(39) d s
V d2 ,m ax −V d2 ,min × f s iL L
− s + 1
Vo 2n 1−D Vo
Considering allowable output ripple voltage peak = × (48)
1−D LCo L
to peak as : s 2 + s + 1
4n 2 1− D 2 4 n 2 1− D 2 R
∆V p − p = y ×Vo (40)
In the above model, the ESR of the output
d ,max
= V + ∆V
o p −p
(41) capacitor is neglected while R is the load
V = V − ∆V (42)
d ,min o p −p From (48), it can be seen that like other boost
Hence, the Capacitance value is given by : derived converter this converter also exhibit a
P 2D − 1 right half plane zero (RHPZ) in small signal
C= o (43) model. This can be attributed to the presence of
4 y ×Vo2 × f s the input inductor, which is used to store energy
Semiconductor Selection first and then feed to the secondary at a later
instant, thereby producing a delay.
Primary Switches The right half plane zero (RHPZ) is a serious
Maximum voltage across switches is given by: issue with these converters, as it limits the loop
bandwidth and can cause instability, if not dealt
properly. Thus, it is very important to locate the The Ferrite core selected is EE 42/21/15 which
position of the RHPZ and design the has :
compensation network. From (48), the angular Aw= 2.56×100mm2, Ap= 4.569×104mm4, Ac=
frequency of RHPZ is : 1.82×100mm2, lm= mean magnetic length=
2n 1− D V
ωz = i L
(49) Number of turns :
90.63×10−6 ×8.8
N= = 22
DESIGN EXAMPLE 1.82×100×10−6 ×0.2
With current density, J = 3A/mm2, conductor area
Design Specification
is ac = 8.01/3 = 2.67 mm2. Selected wire size is
Here a current-fed converter is designed with the SWG 14.
following specifications: Air gap length, lg = 1.22mm
Input Voltage Range, Vin = 42 to 55 V DC The actual air gap length needed will be higher
Output Voltage, Vo = 110 V DC due to Fringing effect.
Maximum output power, Po = 300 W
Transformer Design
Switching frequency, fs = 50 kHz
The maximum rms current of transformer half
Duty Ratios Determination
primary push-pull winding (for Dmin = 0.525) is :
Here, Vct ≃ 1.05×55 = 57.75 ≈ 58V 82
With V in ,min = 42V , maximum duty cycle of a I p .rms = 12
3 + 0.12 × 3 − 2 × 0.525 = 5.6 A
With V in ,min = 55V , minimum duty cycle of a switch Secondary peak current Is,pk = 8.8×0.527 = 4.64 A
is given by : Dmin = 1 − 0.474 = 0.525 Window area is calculated as :
1−0.525 4 4
Ap = 6 3
58 × 5.6 + 110 × 2.9 = 2.5 × 10 mm
Transformer turns ratio 0.4×3×10 ×0.2×50×10
Core selected is EE 42/21/15 with specification
n = Np =
= 0.527 mentioned earlier.
s o
Number of primary turns is :
Inductor Design 2×58× 1−0.525
2N p = ≈ 16
Considering 90% efficiency, maximum average 2×1.82×100×10−6 ×0.2×50×103
input current can be calculated as: Secondary turns is calculated :
2×110× 1−0.525
I i ,max = η ×V
= 7.94 ≈ 8A 2N s = ≈ 30
in ,min 0.9×42 2×1.82×100×10−6 ×0.2×50×103
Allowing 20% ripple in input current (i.e. x=0.1 for Primary conductor size is given by :
20% peak to peak ripple) maximum input current α p = 5.6 3 = 1.87mm 2 . Selected wire is SWG 16.
ripple magnitude is : Secondary conductor size is given by :
( ∆I ) = 0.1 × 8 = 0.8A
max α s = 2.9 3 = 0.97mm 2 . Selected wire is SWG 18.
So, minimum inductance required is given by :
58 Output Capacitor Selection
Lmin = = 90.63µH
16×50×103×0.8 With 3% allowable ripple in DC output voltage i.e.
Input ripple current rms is calculated as : y = 0.015, the output capacitor is calculated as :
300× 2×0.637−1
82 C= = 2.26µF
I i ,rms = 3
3 + 0.12 = 8.01A 4×0.015×1102×50×103
Primary peak current magnitude, Ii,pk = 8.8A The ripple current through the capacitor is :
Maximum energy that must be handled by the I d ,cap = 0.527 × 8 2 1 − 0.525
2 × 0.525 − 1 + × 0.12
inductor, E = 0.5×90.63×8.82 = 3.5 ×10-3 Joules 3
Thus, Area Product is given by : = 0.948 A
2×3.5×10−3 Thus maximum permissible ESR of capacitor is
Ap = = 2.9 × 104 mm4 0.03×110
0.4×1×3×106 ×0.2 given by: ESR = = 3.48Ω
Semiconductor Selection
Consider Safety Factor, SF = 2.
Primary Switches:
Maximum voltage across the switches is:
VDS,max = 2×58×2 = 232 V
Maximum current though the switches is:
ID,max = 8.8×2 = 17.6A
Secondary diodes:
Peak reverse voltage across diodes is given by:
PIV = 2×110×2 = 440V
The peak current through diodes is given by:
ID,max = 8.8×0.527×2 = 9.27 A
Based on the designed values, MATLAB
simulation was carried out for the converter
system. The waveforms matched the
theoretically predicted curve shapes, except for
the starting transients.
In the simulation model the switches were
considered ideal, and transformer was Figure 4 : MATLAB simulation result for (a)
considered to have zero leakage inductance and output voltage, (b) current of diode D1 and (c)
zero winding resistance. output current at the common cathode of the
The source voltage was varied randomly diodes
between the limits specified in the design.
The simulation results are shown in Figure 3 & 4. LEAKAGE ENERGY RECOVERY BY CLAMP
One of the drawbacks of current fed topology is
the generation of high voltage spikes across the
switches due to the energy stored in transformer
leakage inductance. Usually snubber/clamp
circuits are used to protect the switches, thereby
dissipating the stored energy. Alternatively, an
energy recovery clamp can be used to recover
this stored energy as depicted in Figure 5. This
clamp should start to feed the energy back to the
source when the voltage across the switches
crosses a predetermined threshold.