Employee Experience at The Intersection of People AND Technology

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The Infosys
Remember the moment of receiving the offer letter for the first job, the first day with the
project team, that first paycheck, that appreciation from the manager for job well done?
Chances are as one goes down the memory lane, one either smiles or frown or feels
proud or sad. At Infosys, we believe that the employees’ emotions in these and many more
moments during their professional journey at a company define employee experience.
At Infosys, we are steadfastly committed to creating a world-class employee experience
that enables employees to engage more meaningfully and productively. We truly
believe that an exceptional experience for employees inspires them to deliver an
outstanding client experience. We are constantly researching the sentiments of our
diversified workforce, proactively identifying touchpoints that creates negative or neutral
memories, reimagining employee experience using a combination of process busting
and automation. Here is the story of our employees experience transformation through

Employee experience –
a paradigm shift
For the longest time, employee experience Placing employees at the center
was a byproduct of processes and systems of all action
designed with compliance and control
in mind. Experience often fell short of To understand our employees better,
employee expectations. With the changing we began with classifying and modeling
composition of the workforce, the nature them into various personas. We grouped
of work, advances in technology, and them by geographies and then by
the advent of e-commerce grade user categories, such as new hires, trainees,
experience (UX) in personal lives, we tenured employees, employees at client
realized that to create an engaged, agile, locations, managers, etc. We realized early
collaborative workforce that is distributed that each persona would have a different
across the globe, we have to consider expectation at each touchpoint and event
employee experience as a key design in the organization.
criteria in all our people-related practices To understand the current employee
and processes. experience, we held a series of workshops
This realization led to a few significant with each employee segment. We divided
changes. First, it led to a shift in how their journey into a series of interactions
we created and reviewed our processes and identified key touchpoints or
and systems. We started by capturing moments that matter. We analyzed the
employee needs and expectations. good and bad memories and emotions
Second, we included employee associated with these moments that
experience as part of our employer brand matter. Infosys is one of the early
promise to ensure we stay committed to it. adopters in drawing out the journey map,
And third, we embarked on an ambitious identifying moments that matter, and
implementation plan to bring to life redefining employee experience.
employees’ expectations and our brand
promise for our employees.

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Sample journey map and moments that matter

At the end of this mammoth exercise, • Display of trust by the company and
we had a series of touchpoints and its processes makes employees feel
corresponding good or bad emotions. We valued.
also captured how good memories can • Agility is critical for employees as they
be further reinforced and bad memories want to spend less time on non-core
neutralized. processes. Simple, fast, integrated
processes and self-service platforms
that can free up their time are the
At Infosys, reimagining employee cornerstones of a great everyday
expereince involves being aware experience.
of every step of every employee’s • Flexibility to operate from anywhere
journey and crafting solutions for anytime adds convenience and
their moments that matter. establishes trust with employees.
• Recommendations, insights, and
nudges that aid decision-making
In our research with different employee
or enable problem-solving skills are
segments, we found that the common
appreciated by employees.
factors underpinning emotions around the
moments that matter were: These findings set the stage for redefining
• Culture imprint that is empathetic, our brand promise on experience to our
collaborative, and inclusive is employees.
appreciated by employees.

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Making employee experience an integral part of our employee
value proposition
Employee experience needs to be calibrated against the company’s strategic positioning
as an employer. We developed and articulated our employee value proposition (EVP)
with a vision to achieve synergy between what we wish to be differentiated for and our
employees’ expectations from the company.

Inspiring you to build Making sure your career never Navigating further,
what’s next stands still together
Driving higher purpose and Enabling employee to chart their Driving world class exprience
engagement own career path and culture
The key elements of our employee value proposition

A key element of our EVP was creating a world-class employee experience by reimagining
our workplace. This helped us to stay on the course and allowed a series of interventions.
In our employee experience transformation journey, here are a few examples of the unique
shifts we have embarked on leveraging technology.

Improving employee
experience through
Transformation of employee experience at 1. Simplified processes, eliminating
scale while retaining individual connect, in unnecessary approval steps and leading
a company with over 240,000 employees straight through processing.
spread across 46 countries, is only possible 2. Mobile-first, self-service platform
through technology. The seamless that will bring all HR services to
digital experience that we have become our employees’ fingertips anytime,
accustomed to in our personal lives has anywhere. This requires the platform
created an expectation for a similar work and services to be intuitive and
experience. If we want our employees contextual, aiding networking and
to develop a digital future for our clients, collaboration.
they need to experience the same in
3. Extreme automation of backend,
their work lives. Hence, the digitization
administrative activities that could free
of HR processes and practices became a
up HR personnel to concentrate on
critical lever to create a great workplace
enhancing employee experience and
forming strategic partnerships with
We sought to achieve the following business.
through digitization:

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Our approach to digitize and recreate experiences for different ‘moments that matter’
followed the below model

What is the Conference Room V. Test

I. Empathize aspiration? III. Ideate Pilot(s) - Early Engage in a
Develop a deep Next gen vision Brainstorm potential transition phase continuous short cycle
understanding of solutions, select, and innovation process to
the problem develop solutions continually improve
IV. Prototype your design
II. Define
Design a prototype
Who? Generate ideas (or series of prototypes) Generate
the problem
Employees, to test all or part empathy
to be solved
line managers, of your solution gain feedback
BP HR, learn and improve ideas
HR service providers,
HR line of business
in markets

In 2019, we embarked on our Live

Enterprise journey using technology
solutions that help enterprises accelerate
their digital innovation journey and Connected
reimagine experiences for employees,
reimagine business processes, and
Innovative Observable
reimagine the ecosystem. We endeavored Live Enterprise
to create an organization that could feel, Characteristics
sense, and respond like any living organism.
The fundamental principles of this new
technology-led transformation were: Agile Sentient
• Retain and build on existing systems
investments. Alive
• Hyper-focus on enhancing employee
experience, and measuring it using
Characteristics of Live Enterprise
experience index.
• Optimize and standardize processes.
• Adopt platform-based transformation
approach. documentation and data updates before
their date of joining.
The Human Resources (HR) team of Infosys
also applied Live Enterprise technologies Prior to Infosys Launchpad, onboarding
to meet its digitization needs. was a paper-intensive process in the
company, requiring employees to bring in
Launchpad for the paperless multiple documents on the date of joining
onboarding experience with multiple wet signatures and often
involving long waiting hours for physical
They say the first impression is the last. document verification and submission.
We thus started at the beginning of Obviously, Day 1 was a blur of operational
an employee’s journey at Infosys and activities.
recreated the experience to have brand
ambassadors for life. We eliminated the need for physical
documents, allowed soft copies and digital
Launchpad is one of the first app-based acceptances. This set the stage for a digital
self‑service platforms created for new onboarding experience. The Launchpad
joiners. The platform is designed to app made the first day enriching by
connect and engage with candidates allowing meaningful engagement with
between the time they receive offer leaders and Business Partner HR. With all
of employment and till they join the operational processes taken care of prior
company. This mobile-based app provides to joining, employees were engaged
a guided flow that helps employees in a more meaningful and immersive
accept their offer, initiate their onboarding experience with managers, teams, and HR
process, and complete all the necessary from Day 1.

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remotely and increasingly relied on mobile
Launchpad app made uploading the phones. InfyMe is a self-service platform for
documents so easy. Team contacted our employees worldwide to conduct all
immedicatley when I requested call transactions and access company processes
back for my query regarding rejection and information anywhere, anytime.
of docuemnts. This entire process is
impressive Enriching the employee experience
on multiple fronts, InfyMe provides
services for leaves, travel requests, claim
Extremely smooth and easy. reimbursements, timesheets, and so
The launchpad app is perfectly on. It also offers chatbot for faster query
compatiable to record the documents resolution on policies, and processes,
even through mobile app and that’s allows goal setting and performance
what makes the overall experience evaluation, take employee satisfaction
convenient and really easy. It was surveys and many more. With its many
an amazing and really smooth integrations, it enables seamless workflow
onboarding experience and data integrity.

Launchpad played a crucial role in InfyMe brings the world of Infosys

onboarding our new hires, particularly in at the fingertips of our employees.
2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

InfyMe app for accessing Infosys

InfyMe app has made life so easy.
on the fingertips
Everything is avaialable on the run,
Infosys Intranet-based ecosystem, called no need to login to the laptop and
Sparsh, is one of the most comprehensive wait for lan connectivity. Checking
in the industry. With the focus on enabling daily attendance records, leave
a better experience and anywhere, anytime tracking, salary slips, apply work
access to company’s policies and processes, from home, perfronal info, finances,
we successfully transitioned a plethora tech support and what not.
of browser-based applications to a single
mobile-based app, called InfyMe, which
allows employees to search and access any
service or information on-the-go. This app is awesome! Half of the Infy
site is in our pockets now. No need
InfyMe made the world of Infosys to power on the laptop or every
accessible for all employees at their small thing. Great work by Infy.
fingertips, especially as they worked

Service Desk for

Ticket management

Custom Applications
• Leave System
• Timesheet
using Teams
and scheduling • Travel & Claims
meetings • Global Mobility
• Project Management

Custom Platform Services

• Telemetry
• Search
• Events
Features of InfyMe

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Always-on learning Lex, a learning transformation platform,
has been created to take care of our global
Training at the Infosys Global Education employees’ learning needs internally.
Center at Mysuru is an experience in
learning, dreaming, doing, and being. Lex currently has 1,000+ courses, accessed
Inaugurated in 2005 to train and mentor by an average of 15,000 employees per
professionals from all over the world, today day. The platform’s recommendation
it is the largest corporate training facility engine suggests the appropriate learning
in the world. It is home to our hallmark path and content to employees based on
Foundation Program for graduates, our their interests, skills, and job profile. On
internship programs for students, and Lex, managers can create their learning
to the Infosys Leadership Institute that path and goals while also sharing with
prepares C-suite leaders from within the their teams. It has enabled employees
organization to take charge. Therefore, to become mentors and upload their
it was only natural that when we started learning modules.
on our digitization journey, we wanted Today, Lex is our primary tool for
to create an equally rich and extravagant employee engagement and competency
digital learning ecosystem that would development, and it is convenient, fun,
make learning and sharing knowledge and rewarding.
among our employees easy.

Round the clock

Guidance (Asynchronous &

Dynamic content for Playgound

different roles

Cohort learning
Real-life examples,
Domain specific content

Scheduling &
Byte sized / live calendar
full sized content

Infosys live
collaboration platform
Best in-class content
(in-house, Partner, 3rd
Party External - Youtube)


Accessibility Content Engagement Telemetry

Anytime, Anywhere, Relevant, Real-life Social Collaboration, Linkage to HR Systems,
Any device online, and best in-class Playground, Gamification schedule, Badges, Personalization
Offline access to learning Collaboration platform
Make it Convenient Make it Relevant Make it Engaging Make it Matter

Key features of Lex

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We are making the career journey exciting
Lex is a very good platform for by enabling employees to select an
learning where you will find ‘n’ aspired role and the platform suggesting
number of topics. It helped me to learning paths to achieve that particular
understand on various topics and role’s desired competency. Compass then
complete courses on the same for nudges employees to take action on their
which I was rewarded through careers. To provide a seamless experience,
Compass for completing a particular Compass is on InfyMe and hence, easily
learning path. And the best thing is accessible to our entire workforce.
that I can access it through app which In line with our company strategy to
makes learning unrestricted so that I scale digital, we have also created a
can learn anytime and anywhere framework that helps quantify and track
an employee’s digital readiness. Digital
Quotient (DQ) is a single, simple metric
representing our people’s digital readiness.
Lex is my biggest companion for
It takes a data-driven approach to view
refreshing my knowledge and to
where our employees stand in their
reskill myself. The way the contents
digital journey based on the skills they
are designed makes it very interesting
possess, their expertise in those skills,
and interactive to learn, especially
their digital exposure in adjacent skill
with all the examples and quizzes.
areas, and their expertise in working on
That being said, Lex is playing a
actual digital projects. The framework
vital role in getting abreast to the
uses gamified approach to encourage
technology post to my maternity
our employees to traverse the digital skill
break. Happy learning!
continuum where they increase their score
by learning new digital skills, building
Navigating a career skill depth and breadth, venturing into
adjacent digital areas, applying the skills to
Digitization at Infosys is helping all our deliver high-quality digital solutions, and
employees navigate their careers. We have creating a disproportionate value for the
several interventions that provide uniform organization and the industry.
opportunities for our people.
We are making the adoption of this
Compass serves as a one-stop digital framework easy and exciting for our
platform for all career-related needs of employees by making the DQ score
our employees. It is also a key lever for easily available on InfyMe. Employees
reskilling. The platform empowers our can find personalized recommendations
workforce to keep pace with the latest to improve their DQ and grow into a
digital skills, build their expertise, and well-rounded professional specializing in
explore relevant career opportunities multiple areas.
through an internal marketplace.

1. 2.
Exploring Alternate Internal Marketplace

Networking and
Mentoring Platform
Skill Profile

Features enabled in Compass Accessing Compass on InfyMe

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Frameworks and platforms
for better teamwork and
The soul of Infosys resides in its employees
and teams. Employee experience is
shaped by team interactions and manager
connect sessions that drive employee
engagement and motivate people
to do their job well and follow their
commitment to the organization.
In the new normal, we have re-examined Employee engagement model
ways to engage with our virtual teams,
create a shared vision and purpose, build
psychological safety and trust, and focus To ensure that the connect between
on individual development. We strongly managers and teams happen in a
believe that managers have a significant structured manner and all actions
influence on their teams and, therefore, are easily captured and then insights
we have equipped them with a playbook are drawn from them, we also have
to manage engagement with their the iEngage platform. It helps plan
virtual teams. We have formalized our engagement events, keeps track of the
engagement with the five Cs engagement minutes and actions, nudges actors to
model. We expect managers to connect close actions and provides an update
with teams in a formal and an informal to all. iEngage connects the dots across
set up, share project vision, conduct meetings and bubbles up the most
frequent check-ins on progress, and expressed concerns and sentiments.
understand career aspirations. Managers iEngage is one of the latest tools on
are expected to drive collaboration InfyMe that drives vertical engagement
through knowledge sharing sessions, between employees and business leaders.
encouraging participation in ideathon,
hackathon, and be a coach. Teams are
expected to celebrate team and individual
successes, milestones, value champions, AI Virtual
and appreciate each other for good deeds.
Managers are expected to build strong Live Streaming /
Virtual Events /
personal relationships, create a mutual Showrooms
trust culture, and be more considerate
and empathetic. Finally, managers are Meeting /
Project Lounges
expected to drive inclusive and diverse Knowledge /
thinking, encourage a healthy work Asset Store

lifestyle and drive the company values of

CLIFE (client value, leadership by example,
integrity and transparency, fairness, and
Rich Interactive
excellence). Engagement

To drive more collaboration, we have

invested in multiple collaboration tools
and engagement platforms.
Infosys Meridian enables a remote-first,
Collaboration Spaces
hyper-productive anywhere workplace and Integration to ISV
that helps enhance workforce productivity Video / Audio
and deepen stakeholder engagement.
With its event management platform and Features of Infosys Meridian
the ability to allow breakout sessions, it is
a platform for all employee engagement
events and is becoming a part of our
engagement DNA.

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Intelligent services for better
In our effort to deliver a better employee “Our focus is to use analytics
experience, we are incorporating artificial at two key levels. First, to
intelligence (AI), machine learning, and ensure that the right set of
natural language processing as core analytics is at the fingertips
elements of our digital transformation of managers and HR as they
strategy. AI-powered bots personalize make decisions in the flow
the HR service offerings across various of work. Second is to ensure
employee life cycle processes and different that key strategic and policy
employee personas. These bots maintain decisions are facilitated by
regular, proactive contact with each analytics and well thought
employee throughout the year to detect out scenario modelling. And
any issues that need escalation or remind to enable these, we need
employees to take specific actions. to ensure that all our data
and analytics are connected
We are making rapid advances in this area
and seamless.”
and expect our bots to have document
comprehension abilities to read large - Krish Shankar
tomes of HR policies and respond Executive Vice President and
intelligently to employees. Head, Human Resources, Infosys

appreciation, external event participation,

internal gigs performed, and so on. We
Reminds employees of pending actions and have many such embedded analytics built
nudges them to complete them on time - into our performance management and
complete evaluation of their team, approving
a travel request etc. bonus recommendation systems. We are
now working to embed data analytics
at all points to not only enable better
decision-making, but also to create a
delightful experience.

Using a shared services model

Responds to employee queries. They are to drive digitization and
part of InfyMe, Lex and answers process employee experience
specific queries
At Infosys, we have sustained our focus
on process busting and digitization
We are also investing heavily in people through the HR Shared Services function.
analytics to transform the employee Over the years, the function has become
experience. robust and today manages most of the
Imagine a manager trying to approve operations from hire to retire. Managing
leave and getting information on the leave processes centrally ensures a uniform
schedule of other team members for the employee experience. It ensures that
same period to see leave conflicts. Or changes in processes and automation are
imagine a manager trying to recommend applied uniformly across the organization.
a promotion for an employee and getting It further frees up the rest of the HR to
deep insight on top performers in the design new policies and practices for
team based on parameters like client employees.

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The outcome
The journey that we have embarked upon All our applications and platforms were
in 2016‑2017 has started showing great widely used and helped connect people
results. and support their productivity during
the pandemic.
Employee satisfaction is at 85 percent on
the experience index. The high client satisfaction score this
year is a manifestation of the employee
The satisfaction score of new joiners
experience and engagement we are
on Launchpad is consistently above 95
creating internally.
Apart from these internal metrics, we have
The digital journey we had embarked on
also been recognized in external forums
has helped us sustain a great employee
for enhancing employee experience.
experience even during the pandemic.

2020 2019 2018

Infosys Lex wins Gold Medal in Infosys wins the Mercer-NDTV
Infosys ranks 5th in the HfS
Brandon Hall Excellence award Employer Excellence Award for
Top 10 Employee Experience Services
in the category Best Advance excellence in capability building
in Learning Management
Infosys wins ATD Excellence in
Practice Awards for its Compass, 2017
Skill Up-Step Up programs Infosys wins ATD Excellence in Infosys wins the Golden
Practice Awards for enabling Peacock HR Excellence Award
performance through iCount
Infosys wins SHRM India HR Excellence
Award for the Excellence in Leveraging
HR Technology category

Infosys is breakng the mold for Enabling operationally resilient

IT services firms delivering highly organizations
effective employee experience
capabilities in this work-from-
anywhere economy. Its Live Mukesh Dialani
Enterprise platform and data- IDC
rich Experience Configurator are
examples of knowledge solutions
that are empowering enterprises to
unleash their human potential.

Phil Fersht
CEO and Chief Analyst, HFS Research

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External Document © 2021 Infosys Limited
Big bets for the next
As we get ready for a new world of work will recreate the physical world in
beyond the pandemic, with the possibility terms of employees working together,
of hybrid remote working, we foresee celebrating and learning together.
shifts in the workforce that will affect the • Digitizing health and wellness initiative
employee experience: and integrating with wellness partners.
• New types of employees will enter the • Using more intelligent automation
workforce, including part-timers, gig tools to enhance productivity in terms
workers, and location-agnostic talent. of distributed project management,
• The need for seamless experience coworking, whiteboarding, testing, etc.
working from office and home will • Revisiting our performance
increase. management process to make it more
• More virtual collaboration spaces that aligned to the new ways of working
mimic the physical world will emerge. and engaging.
• Greater need to embed culture imprints As we stride ahead into the future that is
in all digital touchpoints will be still unfolding, we are preparing for it by
required. building a resilient, engaged workforce
To account for the above changes, we are and is always learning. We are curating
fine‑tuning our digitization plan in the experiences that amplify individual
following ways: potential and inspire our people to deliver
at the highest level and have an enjoyable
• Creating a collaboration workspace
experience in the process.
for our hybrid remote workforce that

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For more information, contact askus@infosys.com

© 2021 Infosys Limited, Bengaluru, India. All Rights Reserved. Infosys believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. Infosys
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