Employee Experience at The Intersection of People AND Technology
Employee Experience at The Intersection of People AND Technology
Employee Experience at The Intersection of People AND Technology
The Infosys
Remember the moment of receiving the offer letter for the first job, the first day with the
project team, that first paycheck, that appreciation from the manager for job well done?
Chances are as one goes down the memory lane, one either smiles or frown or feels
proud or sad. At Infosys, we believe that the employees’ emotions in these and many more
moments during their professional journey at a company define employee experience.
At Infosys, we are steadfastly committed to creating a world-class employee experience
that enables employees to engage more meaningfully and productively. We truly
believe that an exceptional experience for employees inspires them to deliver an
outstanding client experience. We are constantly researching the sentiments of our
diversified workforce, proactively identifying touchpoints that creates negative or neutral
memories, reimagining employee experience using a combination of process busting
and automation. Here is the story of our employees experience transformation through
Employee experience –
a paradigm shift
For the longest time, employee experience Placing employees at the center
was a byproduct of processes and systems of all action
designed with compliance and control
in mind. Experience often fell short of To understand our employees better,
employee expectations. With the changing we began with classifying and modeling
composition of the workforce, the nature them into various personas. We grouped
of work, advances in technology, and them by geographies and then by
the advent of e-commerce grade user categories, such as new hires, trainees,
experience (UX) in personal lives, we tenured employees, employees at client
realized that to create an engaged, agile, locations, managers, etc. We realized early
collaborative workforce that is distributed that each persona would have a different
across the globe, we have to consider expectation at each touchpoint and event
employee experience as a key design in the organization.
criteria in all our people-related practices To understand the current employee
and processes. experience, we held a series of workshops
This realization led to a few significant with each employee segment. We divided
changes. First, it led to a shift in how their journey into a series of interactions
we created and reviewed our processes and identified key touchpoints or
and systems. We started by capturing moments that matter. We analyzed the
employee needs and expectations. good and bad memories and emotions
Second, we included employee associated with these moments that
experience as part of our employer brand matter. Infosys is one of the early
promise to ensure we stay committed to it. adopters in drawing out the journey map,
And third, we embarked on an ambitious identifying moments that matter, and
implementation plan to bring to life redefining employee experience.
employees’ expectations and our brand
promise for our employees.
At the end of this mammoth exercise, • Display of trust by the company and
we had a series of touchpoints and its processes makes employees feel
corresponding good or bad emotions. We valued.
also captured how good memories can • Agility is critical for employees as they
be further reinforced and bad memories want to spend less time on non-core
neutralized. processes. Simple, fast, integrated
processes and self-service platforms
that can free up their time are the
At Infosys, reimagining employee cornerstones of a great everyday
expereince involves being aware experience.
of every step of every employee’s • Flexibility to operate from anywhere
journey and crafting solutions for anytime adds convenience and
their moments that matter. establishes trust with employees.
• Recommendations, insights, and
nudges that aid decision-making
In our research with different employee
or enable problem-solving skills are
segments, we found that the common
appreciated by employees.
factors underpinning emotions around the
moments that matter were: These findings set the stage for redefining
• Culture imprint that is empathetic, our brand promise on experience to our
collaborative, and inclusive is employees.
appreciated by employees.
Inspiring you to build Making sure your career never Navigating further,
what’s next stands still together
Driving higher purpose and Enabling employee to chart their Driving world class exprience
engagement own career path and culture
The key elements of our employee value proposition
A key element of our EVP was creating a world-class employee experience by reimagining
our workplace. This helped us to stay on the course and allowed a series of interventions.
In our employee experience transformation journey, here are a few examples of the unique
shifts we have embarked on leveraging technology.
Improving employee
experience through
Transformation of employee experience at 1. Simplified processes, eliminating
scale while retaining individual connect, in unnecessary approval steps and leading
a company with over 240,000 employees straight through processing.
spread across 46 countries, is only possible 2. Mobile-first, self-service platform
through technology. The seamless that will bring all HR services to
digital experience that we have become our employees’ fingertips anytime,
accustomed to in our personal lives has anywhere. This requires the platform
created an expectation for a similar work and services to be intuitive and
experience. If we want our employees contextual, aiding networking and
to develop a digital future for our clients, collaboration.
they need to experience the same in
3. Extreme automation of backend,
their work lives. Hence, the digitization
administrative activities that could free
of HR processes and practices became a
up HR personnel to concentrate on
critical lever to create a great workplace
enhancing employee experience and
forming strategic partnerships with
We sought to achieve the following business.
through digitization:
Custom Applications
• Leave System
• Timesheet
using Teams
and scheduling • Travel & Claims
meetings • Global Mobility
• Project Management
Cohort learning
Real-life examples,
Domain specific content
Scheduling &
Byte sized / live calendar
full sized content
Infosys live
collaboration platform
Best in-class content
(in-house, Partner, 3rd
Party External - Youtube)
1. 2.
Exploring Alternate Internal Marketplace
Networking and
Mentoring Platform
Skill Profile
Phil Fersht
CEO and Chief Analyst, HFS Research
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