M Pharm Sem II
M Pharm Sem II
M Pharm Sem II
M. Pharm. Semester – II
Structure for Second Semester of Master of Pharmacy Course
1. Research Methodology 07 - 80 20 -- --
Total 22 08
Gujarat Technological University
Master of Pharmacy
Semester – II
Research Methodology
(Common to all discipline)
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
1 Research-Meaning, purpose, Types, (Educational, Clinical, Experimental,
historical descriptive, Basic applied and Patent oriented Research) objective of
5 Documentation-
“How” of documentation
Techniques of documentation
Importance of documentation
Use of computer packages in documentation.
References Books:
References Books:
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
1. Validation of Pharmaceutical Processes, equipments/apparatus, basic
concept in analytical method development for dosage forms., Computer
System validation, ERP and SAP systems.
3. IND, NDA, ANDA , Concept of para I to IV, exclusivity: Content, format and
References Books:
The guidance documents shall be procured from the website of the respective
Gujarat Technological University
Master of Pharmacy
Semester – II
Specialization paper - III
Pharmacometrics and Methods of biological evaluation of drugs
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
Illustrative examples
Evaluation of the antiepileptic activity of drug using maximum electro convulsive shock
seizures (M. E. S.) and chemical induced convulsions methods.
1. Determination of the time required for induction and recovery from anesthesia for
various volatile general anesthetics.
2. Evaluation of the effect of pentobarbitone sodium and diazepam in mice.
3. Evaluation of the effect of various tranquilizers and sedatives on motor co-ordination
by rota rod test in mice.
4. Evaluation of the effects of drugs on spontaneous motor activity and to evaluate their
nature as CNS stimulants or depressants.
5. Evaluation of the antiparkinsonian activity of drugs by pheno-thiazine induced
6. Evaluation of the effect of psychotropic drugs on condition avoidance response.
7. Evaluation of the compulsive behavior (stereotypy) induced by apomorphine and its
modification by chlorpromazine in mice.
8. Evaluation of anxiolytic (antianxiety) effect of diazepam in mice using elevated plus-
maze apparatus.
9. Study the effect of caffeine in human volunteers.
10. Evaluation of the effect of cimetidine in drug induced gastric (peptic) and duodenal
ulcers and hyper secretion of gastric acid in rats.
11. Evaluation of the antisecretory and ulcer protective effect of cimetidine in pylorus-
ligated rats.
12. Evaluation of the analgesic potency of drug by thermal method.
13. Evaluation of analgesic effect of morphine in mice using hot plate method.
14. Evaluation of the analgesic effect of drugs by acetic acid induced writhing method in
15. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory property of indomethacin against carrageenan-
induced acute paw oedema in rats.
16. Evaluation of the effects of various drugs (diuretics) on the output of the urine in rats.
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
3. Synthon Approach:
Definition, terms and abbreviation, rules and guidelines used in synthesis of
following drugs.
Pyrimethamine, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Rosiglitazone, Cetirizine, Ciprofloxacin,
Captropil, and Losartan
References Books:
1. March Jerry– Advance Organic Chemistry - Reaction Mechanism and Strucutre,
McGraw-Hill International Book Company
2. F. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg – Advance Organic Chemistry Part – A & B, Plenum
3. Clayden Greeves and others – Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press.
4. Jie Jack Li - Name Reactions, Springer
5. Eliel – Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds
6. S. Warren - Designing Organic Synthesis, Wiley India Ltd.
7. P. T. Anastas and J. C. Warner – Green Chemistry theory and Practice, Oxford
University Press.
8. C. Oliver Kappe and others – Practical Microwave Synthesis for Organic Chemist,
Willey Interscience.
9. G. B. Sergeev – Nanochemistry, Elsevier publication\
Gujarat Technological University
Master of Pharmacy
Semester – II
Specialization paper - IV
Drug Design and Discovery
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
1. General Introduction to drug discovery concept/process and importance of
drug design approaches in drug discovery.
2. Various targets for drug action and theory of drug action –agonist,
antagonism/ blockers and enzyme inhibition (IC50, EC50 concept)- an
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
1. Application of analytical methods to product obtained through genetic
engineering , Amino acid sequence analysis, Tryptic maping, ion exchange
amino acid analysis, isoelectric focusing etc.
7. Compendial testing
8. Automated analysis
References Books:
1. Harry G Brittain, Spectroscopy of Pharmaceutical Solids, Drugs and Pharm Sci. Series,
Vol. 160, Taylor and Francis, 2006 N.Y.
2. S. Ahuja, Modern Pharmaceutical Analysis
3. Lena Ohannesian and Anthony J. Streeter, Hand Book of Pharmaceutical Analysis,
Pharm Sci. series, Vol. 117, Maarcel Dekker Inc., N.Y
4. Peptide and Protein Drug Analysis, by Reid,(Marcel Dekker).
5. Classification of cosmetics raw materials and adjuncts IS 3958 of Indian Standards
Institution (BIS).
6. Cosmetic and toilet goods – methods of sampling IS 3958 of Indian Standards
Institution (BIS).
7. Methods of sampling and test for various cosmetics as laid down by Indian Standard
Institution (BIS).
8. Indian Pharmacopoeia,Vol. I and Vol. II - 1996.The Controller of Publications; New
Delhi, Govt. of India,
9. The International Pharmacopoeia Vol 1,2,3,4, 3rd Edition General methods of analysis
and quality specifications for pharmaceutical substances, excipients, dosage forms.
10. Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals – A compendium of guidelines and related materials Vol.1 and
Vol.2, WHO, (1999)
11. Basic tests for pharmaceutical substances – WHO (1988)
12. Basic tests for pharmaceutical dosage forms – WHO (1991)
13. Phytochemical Methods by J.B.Haroborne
14. Pharmacopoeal standards for Ayurvedic Formulation (Council of Research in Indian
Medicine & Homeopathy)
Gujarat Technological University
Master of Pharmacy
Semester – II
Specialization paper - IV
Regulatory Affairs and New Drug Application
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
1 Legislation to regulate the profession of pharmacy – The Pharmacy Act 1948.
3 Regulatory aspects of pharmaceutical and bulk drug manufacture and biotechnology derived
5 Aims, objects and salient features of following legislations governing Pharmaceutical Industry-
Pollution Control Act
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954
Industrial Development & Regulation Act 1951
Consumer Protection Act
6 Standard institutes & certification agencies like ISI, BSS, ASTM, SO, WHO, US-FDA, UK-MCA,
12 Study of compendia – Evolution, Study of parts of compendia like: Policies, General notices,
Monographs, Comparative picture of IP, USP, BP, EP&GP
1. Drugs and Cosmetics Laws by Krishnan Arora, Professional Book Publishers, New Delhi
2. Mittal B.M., A Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy, 9 th Ed., Vallabh Prakashan
3. Deshpande S.W., Drugs and Cosmetic Act.1940.
4. Gnarino Richard A, New Drug Approval Process, 3 rd Ed., Marcel Dekker Inc.
5. P. Warayan, Intellectual Property Laws, Eastern Law House.
6 Drug and Cosmetic Act 1940, Eastern Book company by Vijay Malic, 11th Ed. Patents for
Medicine, by N. B. Zareri, Indian Drug Manufacturers Association (IDMA)
7. Ira R. Bery, “Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Process”, Drugs and Pharm Sci.
Series, Vol. 144, Marcel Dekker Inc., N.Y.
8. The Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940 – Vijay Malik
9. Indian Pharmacopoeia, Vol. 1-3, 2007.The Indian Pharmacopoeia commission, Gahaziabad, Govt. of
10.The International Pharmacopoeia Vol 1,2,3,4,5 3rd Edition
11. Pollution Control Act,1974
12. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954
13. Industrial Development & Regulation Act 1951
14. Consumer Protection Act 1986
15.“WHO Expert Committee on specification on Pharmaceutical Preparation”34th report, Geneva,
World Health Organisation, 1996 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 863
16. Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals – A compendium of guidelines and related materials Vol.1 and
Vol.2, WHO, (1999)
17. A.C. Cartwright and Brian Mathews,”International Pharmaceutical Registration” Taylor and Francis
Ltd. UK, 2002
18. United State Pharmacopoeia (USP) 32,NF27, 2009
19. Industrial Health and Safety, Dr. A.M. Sarma, Himalaya Publication.
Gujarat Technological University
Master of Pharmacy
Semester – II
Specialization paper - III
Advanced Analytical Pharmacognosy
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
1. Standardization of herbal medicines, traditional and folklore remedies,/
preparation and their quality, safety and efficacy assessment and intended use
for acceptance by FDA.
3. Marine Pharmacognosy
5. Regulatory and safety measures with herbal, Ayurvedic and other drugs of
traditional origin.
References Books:
References Books:
2 Cardiovascular
3 Gastrointestinal
4 Respiratory
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis.
6 Endocrine
The students are required to submit a minimum of two written assignments selected from
the topics given to them.
References Books:
1 Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. Roger Walker and Clive Edwards, Churchill
Livingstone publication
2 Text Book of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management. 7th Edition. Editors:
Eric T. Herfindal and Dick R. Gourley, Williams and Wilkins
3 Pathology & Therapeutics for Pharmacists. Russel. J. Greene and Normal F.
Harris. Chapman & Hall, London/ Glasgow/ Madras.
4 Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. Cartran, Kumar, Collins, W.B.Saunders. Latest
5 Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use or Drugs Eds. Brian S.Katcher, Lioyd Yee
Young, Marry Anne Koda-Kimble, Applied Therapeutics Inc. Spokane. Latest
6 Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic approach – Joseph T. Dipiro et al. Appleton &
7 Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine. Medical Toxicology (Ellen Horns)
8 Davidson’s Principle and Practice of Medicine, Eds. Christopher R. W., Edwards &
Ian A.D. Boucher ELBS with Chu0rchill Living stone. Edinburgh. Latest Edition.
9 Avery’s Drug Treatment, 4th End, 1997 Adis International Limited
10 Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature.
Gujarat Technological University
Master of Pharmacy
Semester – II
Specialization paper - IV
Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs
(Four hours per week, 6 credits)
The students are required to submit a minimum of two written assignments selected
from the topics given to them.
References Books:
1. Rick NG. Drugs From Discovery To Approval. John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2004
2. Allen Cato, Lynda Sutton Clinical Drug Trials and Tribulations Second Edition,
Revised and Expanded. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2002
3. Deborah Rosenbaum, Michelle Dresser. Clinical Research Coordinator Handbook
Second Edition Practical Clinical Trials Series GCP Tools and Techniques
Interpharm/CRC New York Washington, D.C.© 2002
4. Tamas Bartfai, Graham V. Lees. Drug Discovery from Bedside to Wall Street.
Elsevier Academic Press. London 2006
5. Ronald D. Mann, Elizabeth B. Andrews. Pharmacovigilance. John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
6. Shayne C. Gad. Drug Safety Evaluation. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication
7. Bert Spilker. Guide to Clinical Trials.
8. Sandy Weinberg. Guidebook For Drug Regulatory Submissions. A John Wiley &
Sons, inc.,2009
9. Duolao Wang and Ameet Bakhai Clinical Trials A Practical Guide to Design,
Analysis, and Reporting. Remedica 2006
10. Textbook of Clinical Trial edited by David Machin, Simon Day and Sylvan Green,
March 2005, John Wiley and Sons.
11. Principals of Clinical Research edited by Giovanna di Ignazio, Di Giovanna and
12. Clinical Data Management edited by R K Rondels, S A Varley, C F Webbs. Second
Edition, 2000, Wiley Publications.
13. Various Guidelines like:
ICH – GCP- International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical requirements
for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use. ICH Harmonised Tripartite
Guideline. Guideline for Good Clinical Practice. E6 1996.
ICMR Guideline – Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Subjects.
Indian GCP – Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. Good Clinical Practices
– Guidelines for Clinical Trials on Pharmacuetical Products in India. New Delhi:
Ministry of Health; 2001.
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