Intestate Disposition Chart
Intestate Disposition Chart
Intestate Disposition Chart
First, is there a relevant spouse? Req: (1) Valid marriage; (2) legal survival = SHARE
Children. Immediate offspring and legitimate adoptees of the decedent himself. [Exclues stepchildren] Issue. Offspring of children's blood.
Third, ancestors and collaterals Fourth, are any takers BARRED from succession?
Either via choice or wrongdoing, a person may be eliminated from the intestacy distribution.
Three Main Categories of Key: What happens to their share?
Ancestors/Collaterals. Take balance
from [spouse share] in this order, at Parental Disclaimer : For tax/debt Slayer Rules.
Spousal Abandon. Disinheiritance purposes, intestate may If, by preponderance of evidnc
exclusion of others. Abandon. UPC 2-101(b).
If surviving forego gift and pass to his [no conviction needed, but IS
Ancestors If a parent Decedent may heirs. dispositive if guilty], the
Parents. (Incld. adoptive surviving abandoned disinheir heir by Beats "ordinary creditors" if potential heir caused the
parents).FULL TAKER(S). spouse child, properly BEFORE bnkrptcy filing--> death of the decednet.
leaves due cannot executing a will does not fool CANNOT TAKE. [Minority
First Order to adultery that expresses medicaid/IRS.
Collaterals. take sometimes disinheirits slayer's
Half-Siblings: and EXCEPTION: this intent. issue]
Siblings and Majority refuses to
surv. issue If there is a IRS: Disclaimer Medicaid
treats as support C/L: Cmplt Note: Involuntary
thereof. reconcilliation w/n 9 mo. or Eligibility
full-blooded. other dispsnt to others manslaughter IS NOT A
Distribute via between taxable thwarted
spouse, was ONLY way 'slaying'
representation. the parent income. by a
and child IRS: Can force disclaimer, NONPROBATE assets and
Second [ ? ] Order recover Note: This
from the re: non disclaimer no free
Grandparents and their progeny. matters more for only regards "felonious and
estate. abandonment, to recover tax taxpayer
DIstribute via Parentellic OR partial intestacy. intentional killing"
Degree of Relationship System.
may take. bills. $$
Effect on DIsp. Treated as having predeceased. [Maj rule for slayer stat.] Constructive Trust.
Chart 2: Intestate First, determine spousal share based on the other survivors.
Distribution Second, determine how the balance is distributed to remainder. [Application of disinheritance/disclaimer, applicaiton of
representation system, application of hotchpotch/advancement reduction.]
Is succession What representation scheme applies? [Three key points: 1) Which [Reduction] Did any CHILDREN,
(2a) Descendants'
barred to generation is property divided at FIRST? 2) At that gen., how many shares recieve advancements?
any? do we make? 3) How are the "dropping shares" distributed? If so, reduce. [Note: Advancement
doctrine applies to more than just
REDUCTION: Hotchpotch
(1) Add value of advancement to
the distributive portion of the
(ii) Modern Per Stirpes. (MPS)
(2) Divide by the number of
Note: ONLY different from EPS IFF no child of
decednet survives.
(3) From advancee's portion,
Rule: When an entire intermediate generation
subtract the advancement value.
predeceases, the subsequent gnereation
recieves as if it were the direct children/first
gen. If the advancement exceeds the
share, does not have to
'replenish' simply gets
NOTHING from intestacy.
(2b) Ancestors and Is succession
COllateral Shares. barred to any?
(Laughing Heirs)
Parentelic System -> Estate divided into two halves,
(c) No parent, but at traced to nearest survivors on EACH side of family.
(a) Do both (b) Does if spouse, (d) No surviving
least one surviving [UPC 2-103, dead ends if no descendants of
parents ONE parent STOP siblings. Use
sibling/(issue?)? grandparents survive--don't go to GGP, ESCHEAT.
survive? survive? jurisdiction's
no no "Parentellic" or
Yes -> Balance bases
Yes -> They Yes -> Gets "Degree of
to siblings and/or
split the entire Relationship" Degree of Relationship System -> Court finds the
descendants by
entire estate. estate. System. NEAREST relation on table of
consanguinuity--regardless of parental/maternal.
Person gets ENTIRE ESTATE--if tie of people, they share
the estate b/w. [Half-siblings are FULL siblings here].
[Reduction] Take the Advancements out, if applicable.