D1 S1B - IKS For Human Culture - Civilisation Aug 17
D1 S1B - IKS For Human Culture - Civilisation Aug 17
D1 S1B - IKS For Human Culture - Civilisation Aug 17
Human Culture and Civilisation
Indian Knowledge System
India developed its knowledge system, tested it through practice,
verified and improved it over thousands of years
Human Effort has always been for
Living (surviving)
▪ Physical facility
Culture, Civilisation
Understanding or Assumptions
Over the ages, various cultures and civilisations have taken shape. At the core
of the civilisation is its culture; and the base of the culture is what has been
understood or assumed (without understanding) about the existential reality i.e.
truth, love and compassion.
Many cultures and civilisations over millennia have tried to evolve such
knowledge systems
Human conduct – behavior, work, participation Inhuman conduct – behavior, work, participation
(मानवीय आचरण – व्यवहार, कायय, व्यवस्था में भागीदारी) (अमानवीय आचरण – व्यवहार, कायय, व्य. में भागीदारी)
Aspirations in National Education Policy 2020
Education is fundamental for achieving
(See page 3)
Source: https://www.mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/NEP_Final_English.pdf p3
Holistic Education
Human education-sanskar (मानवीय शिक्षा-संस्कार)
For example: We want to live with fulfilment as a society. This part is common,
In this way,
1. It will help in understanding the underlying basic principles
2. It will help in connecting the basic principles through specific examples
3. It will help the student to see and appreciate various cultures, to see the
commonality amongst them
4. It will help to evaluate any specific example, system or culture, with a view to
fill the gaps, rather than to criticise or reject it. Further, we can also be
mutually enriching for other cultures.
An Important Point to keep in mind
It is important to have a universal formulation
It is likely that people think that their formulation, their culture, content,
practice etc. is superior and the others are not
AICTE Model Curriculum
In March 2017, AICTE decided to
update its Model Curriculum from
the 2018-19 academic year for all
technical education (engineering,
architecture etc.) across India:
▪ UHV is to be offered as an
essential 3-credit course
(UHV-II or H-102)
in 3rd/4th semester or earlier
Today, more than 10,000 colleges
under the AICTE umbrella are
preparing their teachers for this
huge task of National importance
Tangible efforts for Human Values in Technical Education
Induction Program Cell (IPC) at AICTE
SIP (UHV-I) and UHV-II in Model Curriculum
Approval Process Handbook 2020-21 (pp 164 and 310)
3-day FDP-SI throughout the year (for orientation)
8-day FDPs during the summer and winter break
(AICTE will bear the cost of boarding and lodging of participants)
Indian Knowledge System…
It is in this context that we may look into the Indian Knowledge System,
taking some specific examples, and try to see it in the perspective of
a holistic and humane system of knowledge
This approach may also help the participants, in the long run to
▪ Appreciate the knowledge systems developed by various cultures and
civilisations, including the Indian Knowledge System
▪ See the commonality amongst the knowledge systems developed by
various cultures and civilisations
We trust it will help in further refining your view about this AICTE effort
Best Wishes!