Gas Migration - Halliburton
Gas Migration - Halliburton
Gas Migration - Halliburton
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Gas Migration
During transition of a cement slurry (liquid state) to a set cement sheath (solid state), the system goes through a gel state. During gelation, the cement
column can lose the ability to transmit hydrostatic pressure effectively against formation pore pressure. Additives can be used to shorten transition time and
thus help the slurry system to quickly achieve static gel strength capable of resisting pressures that otherwise can cause an influx of formation fluids into the
gelled system with the potential of compromising barrier dependability prior to hard set.
•Transition Time Reducers – extend the time required for the slurry to achieve 100lbf/100ft2 by suppressing onset of gel strength.
•Pre-Set (Slurry) Expansion - provides pressure maintenance in slurry during reduction in the hydrostatic column
GasStop™ Cement
Performs effectively in wells with overpressured zones with the potential for fluid influx into the annulus through unset cement using specially tuned systems.
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